View Full Version : AVB - Speed

2011-10-09, 07:12 PM
Kremti or DM ONLY. All others will be fed to the dogs. Live.

Inside is a noisy, busy room of odd odors and strange sights. Apparently, the sitting room is also a storage room for alchemical products. The one you were speaking to appears to be an angel of sorts, at least in part. However, it seems to have been fashioned from brass fittings and chemical solutions.

"I am Michrael, alchemical cherub and guildmaster of Mystique of Alchemie. We have some forms for you to sign first, and then there's the matter of getting the council to approve you."

2011-10-10, 08:26 AM
The warforged nods, "Let us get started then. How does the approval process work?"

Helper has a rank in K: Planes... Check 16 taking 10 on the check. Can it tell what kind of angel Michrael is?


2011-10-10, 10:13 PM
read the OP of the recruitment thread carefully. We do not allow taking 10 on knowledge checks. Please roll it.

"Well, first is an informal interview, then a showing of prowess, then comes the appeal before the voting council, who will then vote for you."

2011-10-10, 11:17 PM
"Simple enough", the warforged nods, "Papers to sign, first?"

Sorry, here's the roll
Knowledge: the Planes

Not a big deal, but I can't find the knowledge roll rule on the OP of the recruitment thread...am I missing something?


2011-10-11, 12:40 AM
not sure where Riz put it, but he promised that he put it up there. It's in a spoiler.

"Yep, then you and I can continue the informal interview."

You are given about ten sheets of paper to read through, fill out information on, and sign.

2011-10-11, 09:58 AM
"I do not have a legal name. Is my creation rune OK to use in place of signature? That's what I have been using whenever there's a need for a signature.", Speed's Helper pops its helmet off of the armor, which is hollow inside. The headless armor turns the helmet upside down revealing its hollow inside. You notice a strange rune of unknown origin, inscribed in some dark red ink, blood parhaps with its outline faintly glowing in blue and pulsating rhythmically, as if it is the heart that holds the empty armor peices together, pumping life power throughout.

Well, you might want to bug Riz to put that ruling in there because I don't see it anywhere...


2011-10-12, 01:25 AM
"That will suffice. So long as a divination could determine it as uniquely yours."

2011-10-12, 08:58 AM
Speed's Helper rummage through his backpack and juggles a dozen tools. There's no pen.

"Excuse me sir, I appear to forgotten a pen. May I borrow one?"

It starts to read the papers carefully.

So, is there anything funny/odd/interesting about the paperwork Helper is about to sign? Like selling its soul and stuff like that? :smallbiggrin:


2011-10-12, 10:58 PM
a profession: barrister or simple wisdom check is used to try and uncover hidden clauses. Nothing jumps out at you as being obviously off.

"Of course." He rummages through a small satchel on his waist and pulls out an inkwell and pen. "Here you are."

2011-10-13, 06:53 AM
Speed's Helper, unlike his creator Speed, is actually speedy. It signs the papers accurately and quickly.

"Ready for the next step.", it hands the stack of papers to Michrael.

So, what was the result of the knowledge:the planes roll? It's inside the spoiler with the post starting "Simple enough"


2011-10-16, 05:05 PM
Michrael seems to be an Astral Deva that has been modified through an alchemical process, most of his flesh replaced with alchemical substances and mechanical parts. You're not sure how and you're not sure what it all did to him. Whatever the technique was, it is definitely rare, complicated, and dangerous for the patient.

"Very good." He scans through the papers before handing them to a clerk. "We'll get those filed away and examined properly later. For now, let's start off with an important question: Where did you come from? Answer it any way you see fit. Keep in mind that this is an informal setting, but that the answers will help me decide if you should be brought into the brotherhood."

2011-10-17, 10:15 AM
Speed's Helper ponders for a few seconds.

"My current creator resides in the outskirts of the city. That is also where I resides now. He found me in the junkyard nearby, and gave me this body. I was without this body in the junkyard for long time. In fact, long enough that I no longer remember what happened to me before then. My creation rune deteriorated while I was left outside in the elements. I no longer remember my original creator. I can only assume they resided nearby, but no longer needed my assistance, perhaps left this mortal realm already. I can only conclude that I was created around here, although it is but a conjecture on my part."


2011-10-17, 09:23 PM
"Literal. Interesting."

"Why choose the path of an alchemist?"

2011-10-18, 09:23 AM
This time, it answers immediately.

"My current master's speciality. That is why he created me. To assist him."


2011-10-18, 05:54 PM
"Then why not petition him to make yourself his apprentice?"

2011-10-19, 09:12 AM
"Indeed, he was my master. I worked under him past several years. He finally proclaimed that I am his equal, thus I am to be upgraded to his 'business partner', and no longer his apprentice.", Speed's Helper pauses slightly before saying the words 'business partner'.

"My master, or rather, business partner Speed, is rather unskilled, or unconcerned with the business aspect of the endeaver, and I took my own initiative, as his", he pauses again slightly, "business partner, I came here to apply for the licence to open a spot in a market, and perhaps, explore more formulae."


2011-10-20, 08:11 AM
"Ah, this then is a much different scenario than I thought it was. You then simply should go to our lab in the back and cook up some examples of your skill for the hearing. Assuming you're actually competent, it should be a cakewalk for you to have sufficient to get our attention."

2011-10-20, 08:55 AM
The helmet nods slightly, "Then I am ready"


2011-10-20, 09:10 AM
"Go to the back and craft whatever you will."

2011-10-20, 09:15 AM
The trio of constructs wonders over to the back. Speed's Helper starts looking around exactly what there is in the lab, and his Homonculus, Mini-Helper, assists in searching. Tools and ingredients.


2011-10-20, 05:52 PM
He finds the alchemist's lab well-stocked with anything he could need, and all the tools he could use.

+4 bonus to your checks with this setup.

2011-10-21, 11:36 AM
Speed's Helper looks around and find some fine grained sand. It takes a jug nearby, and scoop a big jug full of sand, and brings it over to the workbench, and set it down. Dog stands by the Warforged silently, and the Mini Helper flies over to the shelf full of rocks, grabs some crystals, glowing slightly from a faint energy of some kind.

The minature version of the warforged with sings flies back to where the warforged is, and sets the crystals by the jug. The warforged grabs a chisel of some kind, and picks up one of the crystal with its hand, and examines carefully. He brings it up into the light, and changes the angles a few times. It then places the chisel very carefully, and gives a swift whack with a hammer onto the butt of the chisel, cracking it into two, very cleanly.

Helper repeats the process a few times, to turn all of the crystals into a small, pea-sized crystal fragments. Then mixes the crystals into the sand, pour the whole mixture into a large soup pot, and bring it over a fire. The warforged put the pot on top of the fire, and throws some shiny fragments into the fire, some kind of metals, perhaps. The fire ignites into roaring size, turning the put slightly red, and the sand-crystal mixture inside starts to glow faintly, of the same color of the original crystals.

After 20 minutes of cooking the sand over the fire, Helper finally takes the pot off the fire, and pours it back into the jug. Then the warforged nods to the homonculus, and the mini version intently and closely look over the sand. Slowly, sand starts to flow out of the jug without anyone touching, as if it is imbued with the will of its own, flow onto the desk, and slowly shapes into a jug, resembling the jug that's sitting right next to, and the sand just flew out of.
Craft: Alchemy at +17, and taking 10 to make it result of 27. Creating Shapesand (See Sandstorm p102 for details, requires DC25 Craft Alchemy check)

2011-10-21, 05:30 PM
... that's great. Be sure to use the crafting rules in the phb as modified in the OP of the recruitment thread.

2011-10-21, 07:09 PM
Oops, I just re-read the rule, and I think '20 minutes' is a weeeeee bit of an 'story liberty'....they'll be cooking that thing for 4 weeks. Good thing Helper is a warforged and doesn't require sleep...


2011-10-21, 11:22 PM
remember that in AVB, mundane crafting is gold per day, not silver per week.

2011-10-22, 01:51 PM
Oops, I miscalculated it...it is 100 (gp) /25 /27 * 7 = 1.037 day. So he'll be spending whole day, and a wee bit more (Even though warforged doesn't need sleep, the rule doesn't really cover 'what if someone worked non-stop 24 hours' situation. So it'll probably take him something like 1 whole day, plus 30 minutes or so

2011-10-22, 01:53 PM

btw, wanna post something IC that I can respond to? part of AVB is that the players drive the action, not the dm.

2011-10-24, 09:22 AM
*crack* *whoosh*

The copied jag holds momentarily, but after a few seconds, it disintegrates into the pile of sand it originally was. Speed's Helper asks the Mini Helper to will the sand pile back to the jug again. The warforged then pours it back to the pot and bring it back to the fire. It mutters to the homunculus, "Needs to be blended more"

For the next 24 hours, the trio keeps back and forth from the fire to the table repeatedly, clock-like. More cooking the sand-crystal mixture, then attempt to shape it. Each time, the Shapesand holds its shape a little bit longer. 5 seconds, then 7 seconds, then 10 seconds. Each time, Helper throws different type of powder into the fire, changing the size and color of the fire with the unknown substance it adds to the fire to cook. Without taking any break for sustenance or sleep, the warforged and identically shaped homunculus tirelessly and silently work on the Shapesand, and the quadruped homunculus simply follows the Warforged around.

Next day, after more than 50 trials of going back and forth, the shapesand finally stabilizes completely. Holding its shape indefinitely. After watching it for 10 minutes as a copied jug, Speed's Helper steps out of the lab and informs the clerk that it is done to be examined.


2011-10-25, 12:50 AM
"Excellent. If you'll affix your mark to this note, it will be attached to the container for your finished product and brought to your competency hearing. Have a pleasant day!"

2011-10-25, 08:55 AM
"Am I free to go until the hearing, and when will that be?", the warforged asks while squibbling his signature-rune.


2011-10-25, 01:04 PM
"Hearing will be day after tomorrow."

2011-10-25, 03:14 PM
"Thank you. I shall return in 2 days, then.", the warforged nods towards the clerk, and the trio leave the premise.
2 days free then! Thanks! Will see if there's anything else Helper can do in that 2 days...

2011-10-25, 11:20 PM
anything more you cook up for them can only help the interview.

2011-10-26, 03:04 PM
The warforged-shaped homonculus tugs the said warforged. "Hm, you think we should make more to impress them?", the warforged mumbles, and goes back to the lab again.

Speed's Helper sits down, and it starts collecting all the tools. Alembic. Aludel. Cupellation. Retort. It then takes a pouch out of its sack, and sprinkles sparkling powder, while the mini-homonculus pours some liquid onto them. After a moment, the tools starts moving by themselves and arrange themselves in order, as if an invisible Alchemist are using them.
Casting Unseen Crafter (Level 2 Artificer infusion, Races of Eberron), 4 times. Ordering them to create Sunrod, Tanglefoot Bag, Thunderstone and Smokestick. Taking 10 on all of them, resulting check at 25 on all of them.
Helper itself sets up another worktable and sits there, and start working with weak, diluted acid. Soon, noxious fumes fills the room, but the warforged and the pair of homunculi do not appear to be bothered by the powerful smelling fume. They keep working on wee hours of the day.
Speed's Helper craft himself crafts Acidic Fire from Eberron Campaign Setting. Taking 10, resulting Check 27. They will just work on it whole day (everything should be made in less than 4 hours pretty much...)

2011-10-26, 08:46 PM
You cook up a whole storm of items to show them. Impressive.

You still have a whole day before the hearing.

if it takes less than 8 hours for you to craft an item, it won't take up your whole time.

2011-10-27, 01:34 PM
The warforged looks at the mini-homunculus, and mutters, "More?" If you don't know any better, you'd say you picked up a hint of surprise in its voice. The warforged sprinkles more powder onto the Alembic and Retort, and animated tools start to dance in their wondrous creation process.
Blowing 2 level 3 infusion slots to create two more Unseen Crafters, crafting Flash Pellet and Quickspark from Complete Adventurer
Then the hollow armor sits on a bench. The helmet slumps slightly, as if the whole body shut down onto a sleep mode. The glows of the hollow-eyes dims slightly as well. Dog scuttles up to Speed's Helper, crawls up on the legs and lies on the lap, and it also becomes still, except, its head up, ears up, looking straight at the door, alert. The mini-Helper flies over, and then sits on the Dog. It also keeps its head up. Not quite still, with every noise, the head turns, watching the lab silently.
Resting for 8 hours for the day, to re-fill the Infusions that was used.
The Sun rises, and the helmet of the automaton rises also as the sunlight hits its face directly and reveals it's empty inside. The glow of the eyes are back, and the pair of homunculi jumps up to follow the master. The warforged again infuses the Alchemical Utensils with magic, making them dance with the strange brews and concoctions, and he himself start working with an ore at the fire.
For the rest of the day 2, Speed's Helper works on Quick Silver, and 6 Unseen Crafters (4 level 2 slots, and 2 level 3 slots) creates Quickflame, Quickfrost, Antitoxin Capsule, Ironman Capsule, Leap Capsule, and Stability Capsule, all of them from Complete Adventurer.
After hours of churning out as many materials as possible, finally, Mini-Speed gives a nod of approval, and the trio informs the clerk they are all set...
Helper is pretty much spent now! Only level 1 infusions left for the rest of the day! By the way, all the craft was done taking 10...

2011-10-27, 06:23 PM
Your hearing is in an hour, if there's anything else you'd like to do.

2011-10-28, 09:33 AM
"One hour. Does not sound like there is much time to do much else. We shall remain here in this building. Is it permissible to roam around the rest of the premise?", the warforged asks the clerk.


2011-10-29, 06:22 PM
"Of course. Just be careful to not be late."

2011-10-31, 09:45 AM
The trio start to wonder around the building, looking at all the alchemical solutions and machines. The warforged stops and inspects anything he hasn't seen before, paying particular attention to things that are more mechanical in nature.
So, how large is the place? I take it there are other beings here (other than the clerk). Is the clerk human/outsider/etcs "looking" anyways? Suppose 1 hour is not long enough to get into interesting...."trouble", so Helper is just going to browse. Oh, any chance if he spots some kind of "price sheet" or store or something for cheaper-alchemical-ingredients or some such? Discount ingredients for guildies or some such would be lovely...

2011-10-31, 05:04 PM
You suspect that you could spend hours wandering the large three story building. In the time you have, you meet about a dozen colleagues, two automatons which were guarding a door and refused to answer questions, and a supply closet where you'll be able to purchase ingredients at 10% market price once you are a full member.

2011-11-01, 08:50 AM
The Warforged starts bothering the automatons, and tries to figure the inner-workings of them with the little time he's got until the hearing...
If you need Knowledge: Arcana or something:
Arcana is +6, Spellcraft is +13, UMD is +18, and Alchemy is +15...

2011-11-01, 01:44 PM
They appear to be shield guardians, and whoever made them has likely set them to protect something.

You realize that you'll need to hurry to the hearing if you're going to make it on time.

2011-11-01, 01:51 PM
Speed's Helper scuttles back to the clerk and asks where the hearing will be held...


2011-11-01, 01:55 PM
"in the council room..."

2011-11-01, 01:58 PM
"Thank you."

The trio runs off to the Council room.


2011-11-01, 02:00 PM
You arrive exactly on time, your pile of alchemical goods on a table in the center of the room. "Let the candidate step forth."

2011-11-01, 03:12 PM
Speed's Helper, followed and flanked by two of his homunculi, walks slowly and calmly this time. Slight squeek of his armor-joints are heard as he walks. He observes the Council in silence.


2011-11-01, 10:15 PM
"Speak your name."

2011-11-02, 10:52 AM
"This is my identifier." Speed's Helper pops his helmet off, flips around and shows inside, glowing rune, the same one he 'signed' onto the paperworks. "Others call me Speed's Helper, however. It appears to somewhat uniquely identify me within my known circle."
Does Helper see any of them?

2011-11-02, 01:09 PM
yes, but other than being all human, there's nothing specific about any of them.

"Can proof be found of this one's skill?"

your crafted items are brought out one by one and set on the table in front of you.

"Explain what you have made."

2011-11-02, 03:18 PM
"This,", the warforged picks up the jug full of sand, "is sand imbued with a trace amount of psychic energy. I have heard it referred as Shapesand. It reacts to one's mind, and whoever makes the strongest connection to it can control its shape in any way they'd like." The homunculus that looks like a mini-version of the warforged sits in front of the jug as Speed's helper puts it down on the table, and after a minute or so, the sand starts to flow out of the jug, and copies the shape of the jug exactly. Then after another minute or so, the jug collapses and shapes itself into a hammer. Then after another minute or so, it turns into a little statue of the mini-warforged-homunculus.

"This is a rod that lights up when struck." The warforged picks up the iron rod, and whack the tip of it against the corner of the table, and it shines bright light. "We sell them as 'Sunrod' in our shop." It then holds up a bag that jiggles like a jello. "This bag contains a very sticky goo, and when it hits something, the bag bursts open and the sticky goo goes all over the place. It's too messy for demonstration, so you'll have to try it out somewhere outside yourself.", Speed's Helper gently set the bag down onto the table.

"This stone makes a very, very loud sound. In fact, I was told it's deafening. You might want to plug your ears first.", Speed's Helper waits until everyone holds their ears, then throws the rock onto the floor, making very loud noise. It, however, does not appear to affect the trio. "It reminds me of the thunder, I think. And this makes thick smoke.", the warforged brings a piece of stick by the window, and light it up, letting a thick, bellowing smoke, out of the window to outside.

"This is a little experiment of my master, Speed.", Helper holds up a vial, swirling with red and green fluids. "It is a combined essence of both fire, and acid. The potency of each has been weakened, but there's been times when the combination proved particularly useful. And these," the warforged picks up 3 of the 8 capsules, "these three capsules contain essence of Fire, Ice, and Lightning. You can do this.", it draws his morningstar from his belt, and insert one of the capsule into a little chamber on the handle, and when the switch is flicked, the liquid sprays the ball and chain of the morningstar, engulfing the weapon in fire for 5 seconds or so, and it goes away.

"This one coats a weapon with liquefied form of silver. We had some werewolf hunters purchase a few of these regularly. And these four, you can pop them in your mouth and bite into it very quickly. Antitoxin, Strengthening, Long or High Jumping, and Stabilizing.", the Mechanical Alchemist picks up smaller capsules one by one to show the Council.

The warforged picks up the last tiny object, looks maybe a cuff, or marble or something. "This one does something similar to the stone that makes thundering sound. Instead of making a loud noise, this one makes extremely bright light for a short amount of time, blinding. You might want to cover your eyes this time.", Speed's Helper waits until people holds their hands over their eyes, and throws the tiny object onto the floor, creating a flash of light.

"These, in fact, will be many of the products we would like to carry at our booth at the Market when we acquire license."


2011-11-02, 03:52 PM
You hear murmurs in the crowd. "All this in two days?" "Not the best sales pitch." "Interesting fellow." "creative bloke"

The leader of the council quiets the crowd. "I believe we have seen all the evidence we need. How does the council vote? Shall this one join us in brotherhood?"

"What of the speech?"

"Very well. Speed, please tell us why you should join us and what you can bring to this guild."

2011-11-02, 03:53 PM
You hear murmurs in the crowd. "All this in two days?" "Not the best sales pitch." "Interesting fellow." "creative bloke"

The leader of the council quiets the crowd. "I believe we have seen all the evidence we need. How does the council vote? Shall this one join us in brotherhood?"

"What of the speech?"

"Very well. Speed, please tell us why you should join us and what you can bring to this guild."

2011-11-03, 08:56 AM
Speed's Helper leaned its helmet-head to the side slightly. "I should join because, well, I was told we need a permit to open a booth in the marketplace. As for what I can bring to this guild..." He pause for a second, "I can help. My current mast", it stummers slightly, "Speed, my business partner repaired me to help him with the business. That is my purpose. I can help the guild, the guild can help his business, or, rather, our business with the permit."


2011-11-03, 10:42 PM
"Do any voice a reason that the candidate should not join us?"

"Yes, I do. He's not a candidate, he's an automaton. Do we pay our chairs for letting us sit on them or give our tools memberships?"

The speaker is the council member on the far left.

2011-11-04, 08:57 AM
Speed's Helper turn to left and look at the speaker.

"Hm. Has there been any chair that asked to be paid, or any tool asked for membership before? If there has been, what was the precidence in their case?"


2011-11-05, 12:41 AM
He does not directly answer you, but he addresses the council. "This thing admits to being but a tool that can speak. If we wish to use it, we should not give it a membership any more than the chair I sit in deserves one. Perhaps negotiate a contract with its owner to use it, but memberships are for people."

2011-11-07, 03:06 PM
Speed's Helper looks over the rest of the Council and looks at their face, "Yet, your guildmaster appears to be partially a construct. Is he only partially the guildmaster?"

"Does it matter if you give a tool membership, if the said tool performs all the duties of the membership, and contributes to further the mission of the guild? Speaking of which...", the warforged tips his head slightly again. "What is the mission of this guild?"


2011-11-07, 11:04 PM
At this point, the guildmaster stands up from the crowd, not having been present on the council.

"Jacob, I do find it interesting you would say that. What are you, then, if you are being lead by nothing more than a tool? Does that mean you are but the medium I work on?"

The head of the council calls for a vote, and everyone on the council except Jacob votes in favor. He abstains.

2011-11-08, 11:31 AM
Speed's Helper bows towards the Council, and then towards the crowd. "What is next?"
Didn't realize there was a crowd...so how many in the Council, and how many in the crowd (roughly)?

2011-11-08, 11:49 AM
Speed's Helper bows towards the Council, and then towards the crowd. "What is next?"
Didn't realize there was a crowd...so how many in the Council, and how many in the crowd (roughly)?

2011-11-09, 06:58 PM
9 in the council, and about 30 in the crowd.

"Well, we celebrate. Your licensing will be finalized tomorrow."

2011-11-10, 09:46 AM
"Celebrate?", Speed's Helper hesitates, and it appears he is not fully understanding the situation.

His mini-homunculus, however, starts dancing and jumping, albeit silently. Somehow it finds a little tiny party hat to wear, and party whistle to blow. Not sure where it got them. Dog remains silent, but appears to have sit down and relaxed, no longer on guard. Looks like these two are ready for celebration, at least.
So, was there any indication that the crowd (except the Guildmaster, of course) was complete outside people? Or it's pretty much look like these are non-council Guild members? Are they all mostly humans?

Also, did Helper pick up any names of the council (Other than Jacob), especially the head of council? Are they all mysterious and non-descriptive in the "Silent, Shadow Council" type, or just regular folks?

At the moment, I'm ready to let the action move onto the next stage (I'm guessing there's some kind of party-mingle thing is happening, but Speed's Helper will definitely be following the protocol...which it (or I) don't fully know the process :P)

2011-11-11, 11:27 PM
the rest of the crowd is non-council guild members. 90% are human, the rest are humanoids of some fashion, besides the guildmaster.

The crowd of guildmasters escort you to the central labroom, which is quickly converted into an impromptu party chamber. Seemingly, your initiation is an excuse for eveeryone to drink themselves drunk.

2011-11-14, 11:34 AM
Speed's Helper joins the celebration, rather awkward and stiff, but it attempts its best not to spoil the fun. Mini-Helper tags on Helper's armor-sleeve, and the warforged walks over to the bar. It speaks to bartender, and starts coating right hand with oil, and left hand with some sort of sparkling crystal. The warforged speaks, "Fire", and its right hand burst into a flame, then it speaks, "Ice", and the drink it is holding in left hand is instantly chilled and frosting.
Using 2 level 1 Infusion, infusing right and left hand with "Weapon Augmentation, Personal". Right Hand becomes "Flaming" Weapon, and left hand becomes, "Frost" weapon.
Speed's Helper then starts helping the bartender, alternating lighting drinks on fire, and chilling drinks, as the bartender asks, and let the drinks and good time flow...
Is the Guildmaster here at all? And how about Council Members...especially the apparent Chairman?

2011-12-03, 01:21 AM
the guildmaster is absent, but all the board members are here, especially the chairman.

btw, I'm gonna have to drop you from my roster, but if you want to continue playing, I'll get you hooked up with a new dm.

He thanks you for the help and you watch the meatbags get more and more inebriated.

2011-12-03, 02:12 PM
The warforged watches the festivity as a bartender's assistant, and as the Council Members come for more drinks, he makes a quick nods to each of them, including Jacob.
Ya, I understand. I'm enjoying this game, so when you guys find some more room, let me know. I read the tight GM situation so I understand if this doesn't get picked up immediately. Thanks for running this!