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2011-10-10, 01:06 AM
The Sage


HD: d6
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (all), Listen, Perform, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device
Skill Points: 6 + Int per level (4x at 1st)


1st|+0|+0|+0|+2|Archetype, Encyclopedic Knowledge

2nd|+1|+0|+0|+3|Lesser Archetype Power

3rd|+2|+1|+1|+3|Find the Flaw

4th|+3|+1|+1|+4|Moderate Archetype Power

5th|+3|+1|+1|+4|Mind Over Matter

6th|+4|+2|+2|+5|Greater Archetype Power, Pure Genius[/table]

Proficiencies: The sage is proficient with light armor and bucklers. He is proficient with simple weapons and one martial weapon of his choice.

Archetype: At 1st level, the sage chooses an archetype from the list below. He gains the advantages and abilities of the archetype at the appropriate levels, as indicated in the list. Once made, this choice is final.

Encyclopedic Knowledge: At 1st level, the sage gains the bardic lore ability as if he were a bard of his class level. He also gains the ability to take ten on all Knowledge checks even if stressed or endangered.

Lesser Archetype Power: At 2nd level, the sage gains the appropriate power for his archetype.

Find the Flaw: At 3rd level, when a sage successfully identifies a creature using a knowledge skill, he may ignore an amount of any damage reduction it possesses equal to one-fifth of his total skill check.

Moderate Archetype Power: At 4th level, the sage gains the appropriate power for his archetype.

Mind Over Matter: At 5th level, the sage gains his Intelligence modifier as a bonus to two of the following abilities of his choice: attack rolls, damage rolls, armor class, Fortitude saves, Reflex saves, Will saves, Strength-related ability and skill checks, or Dexterity-related ability and skill checks.

Greater Archetype Power: At 6th level, the sage gains the appropriate power for his archetype.

Pure Genius: At 6th level, three times per day, the sage may treat the result of any skill roll as a natural twenty. He may announce the use of this ability after the result of the skill roll is rolled.



Lesser Archetype Power: A caller gains the ability to bind vestiges as if he were a binder of his own level, though he uses his Intelligence modifier instead of his Charisma modifier on binding checks.
Moderate Archetype Power: The DC of all vestige abilities used by the caller gains a +2 bonus, and the delay between their use (if applicable) is reduced to four rounds.
Greater Archetype Power: A caller may bind two vestiges at once.


Lesser Archetype Power: A didact gains the ability to use utterances as a truenamer of his level. He gains Truespeak as a class skill and immediately receives maximum ranks in the skill, up to five. He also learns his own personal truename. His utterances are as normal with two caveats: the CR, HD, or caster level of an affected creature, PC, or item is not multipled by two as normal to determine its Truespeak DC, and the DC to save against any truenaming effect is affected by his Intelligence, not his Charisma.
Moderate Archetype Power: A didact may now ignore the law of resistance using utterances. In addition, a didact may assign a second target with his utterances - though he only makes one Truespeak check, each creature is not affected unless it is a successful check (meaning that depending on the CR of the creatures in question, he might succeed at affecting neither, only the one with a lower CR, or both).
Greater Archetype Power: A didact may now ignore the law of sequence using utterances, and learns one 1st-level utterance from the Lexicon of the Evolved Map.


Lesser Archetype Power: An occultist gains the eldritch blast and invocation abilities of a warlock of his level.
Moderate Archetype Power: Three times per day, as a standard action, an occultist may summon an aberration with HD equal to half his level or less to aid him, as if by way of a summon monster spell. The creature remains for one round per class level.
Greater Archetype Power: If an occultist is the target of a hostile mind-affecting spell or effect, the source of the spell or effect is targeted with the same spell, if applicable, as if the occultist himself was the originating source. If the original spell required specific input, such as a Suggestion spell, that input may be changed by the occultist in question.


Lesser Archetype Power: A polyglot gains the ability to cast any Power Word spell with a spell level equal to or lesser than half his level at will as a full round action a number of times per day equal to his Intelligence modifier. His caster level is equal to his own level.
Moderate Archetype Power: A polyglot may speak any language, as if permanently affected by a tongues spell, even secret languages such as druidic. He also becomes immune to any hostile language-dependent effect.
Greater Archetype Power: A polyglot may cast one of his Power Word spells as a swift action, though he is limited to one casting per round.


Lesser Archetype Power: The bonus a tactician provides for aiding another or receives for being aided by another increases to +4.
Moderate Archetype Power: The bonus received by a tactician's Find the Flaw ability may be applied to all allies within 30 feet of him. Any spellcasting allies he has also gain that same number as a bonus to any caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.
Greater Archetype Power: A tactician gains a single bonus feat. He may share the benefits of this bonus feat with all allies within 30 feet. Every twenty-four hours, he may select a different feat for which he qualifies.

2011-10-10, 01:32 AM
I know there is no actual information on the class other than the table but i think its amazing for one simple fact.

You have artwork form Tony DiTerlizzi. Not only does that take me back to the good old D&D days, but alos IMO allows me to rmember the better artists that made D&D visually appelaing to me.

2011-10-10, 01:43 AM
I know there is no actual information on the class other than the table but i think its amazing for one simple fact.

You have artwork form Tony DiTerlizzi. Not only does that take me back to the good old D&D days, but alos IMO allows me to rmember the better artists that made D&D visually appelaing to me.

In my mind, there's no better poster child for the "magnificently smart bastard" class than Rowan Darkwood.

2011-10-10, 02:49 PM
WOW this class is powerful! It may be too powerful; I'm not sure. I'd need to look at your other classes side by side for comparison. I'm a little worried that Linguist might be too strong, but I don't know what 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level Power Word spells there are. I know Power Word Pain (1st level?) is really, really ridiculously powerful.

2011-10-10, 03:38 PM
Occultist and Polyglot both need to turn down the heat a little.

Otherwise, I like it.

2011-10-10, 05:26 PM
That's what I was worried about. I'll see what can be done.

2011-10-10, 06:14 PM
The Occultist looks better, although the Great Archetype abilities raises some interesting questions about what happens if you cast charm person or suggestion on yourself.

I'm still having a hard time judging the Polyglot. What low-level Power Word spells other than Power Word Pain exist, and where can I find them?

2011-10-10, 09:51 PM
Ahh, I love them. From a balance standpoint I don't know how they'll fare, haven't read your other casting classes in full, but I like how they all look.

2011-10-11, 12:56 AM
The Occultist looks better, although the Great Archetype abilities raises some interesting questions about what happens if you cast charm person or suggestion on yourself.

I'm still having a hard time judging the Polyglot. What low-level Power Word spells other than Power Word Pain exist, and where can I find them?

First point: nothing would happen, because A.) your own spells wouldn't be considered hostile and B.) a 6th level occultist would have no spellcasting ability.

Second point: A polyglot could cast Power Word Fatigue, Power Word Pain, Power Word Sicken, Power Word Weaken, Power Word Deafen, and Power Word Maladroit. All are from Races of the Dragon (something I did not realize at the time). Considering I'd like to skew core if at all possible, I'll consider an viable alternative.

2011-10-11, 04:20 AM
First point: nothing would happen, because A.) your own spells wouldn't be considered hostile and B.) a 6th level occultist would have no spellcasting ability.

Sorry, I phrased that awkwardly. If an enemy caster uses a Charm or Suggestion spell on you, the Greater archetype ability causes them to be affected as well. What happens then? Who has Charmed who?

2011-10-11, 04:24 AM
Sorry, I phrased that awkwardly. If an enemy caster uses a Charm or Suggestion spell on you, the Greater archetype ability causes them to be affected as well. What happens then? Who has Charmed who?

I... suppose... hrm. In the case of the Suggestion, the caster would have to follow his own suggestion, and in case of Charm... the caster would really like himself.

2011-10-11, 07:46 AM
That would lead to hilarity and I see no reason to change it. A smart caster might even work it out and use suggestions that they would want to follow anyway just to overcome this.

In any case I love the bard/warlock feel of this and would happily play an Occultist. You would have a hard time convincing me to play a tactician but it would make a great DMNPC that goes along for quests with you.

2011-10-11, 05:52 PM
That would lead to hilarity and I see no reason to change it. A smart caster might even work it out and use suggestions that they would want to follow anyway just to overcome this.

In any case I love the bard/warlock feel of this and would happily play an Occultist. You would have a hard time convincing me to play a tactician but it would make a great DMNPC that goes along for quests with you.

Hilarity it may be, but there's definitely a nonsensical problem there. I'll make the necessary changes.

And perhaps the tactician needs a boost - he's not quite as interesting as the other two, in my mind.

2011-10-19, 03:15 PM
Clarification question: At 5th level onward, does the Sage gain his Int as a bonus to two [modifiers for attributes] of his choosing, or does he get Int as a replacement of the original modifiers?

2011-10-19, 03:29 PM
I casting three level 3 spells per day THAT powerful? I don't know the power word spells, but the caster classes get many more spells than that.

On another note, how many 3 HD or less aberrations are there? Seems like a limited selection of weak summons to be capped at 3/day, but I may be missing some ridiculously overpowered low level creature.

2011-10-19, 03:50 PM
I casting three level 3 spells per day THAT powerful? I don't know the power word spells, but the caster classes get many more spells than that.

Perhaps if 6th level is considered Epic? (Thus E6). I've never played this ruleset, but it looks wicked fun ^_^. Nerveskitter / Shock and Awe is already just a ridiculously powerful combo, since...opponents don't get to save =P

2011-10-19, 05:31 PM
Clarification question: At 5th level onward, does the Sage gain his Int as a bonus to two [modifiers for attributes] of his choosing, or does he get Int as a replacement of the original modifiers?

In addition. Will clarify.

2012-01-19, 08:21 AM
Truenaming that doesn't suck! YEAAAAAAAAYYYYYY! (Imagine Kermit the Frog doing his introduction yell, and that was literally what went through my head when I read that.)