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2011-10-10, 08:43 PM
Totem Chanter

"We are music, I've just figured out what that means." ~Glara, Totem Chanter

The totem chanter embodies the primal music of nature. Like the bard, she can inspire through performance, and like the totemist, she can shape natural forces into soulmelds granting her bestial powers. For the totem chanter these abilities feed upon each other, incarnum lending itself not only to enhancing the totem chanter, but also inspiring those around her. While the totem chanter forsakes further bardic spellcasting, her soulmelding offers a powerful alternative.

Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Skills: Perform 8 ranks, Survival 8 ranks
Feat: Cobalt Inspiration* (see new feat below)
Special: Ability to bind soulmelds to totem chakra, bardic music class feature

Hit Die: d6

1st|+0|+0|+2|+2| Totem chant, bardic Knowledge, animal companion|-

2nd|+1|+0|+3|+3|Primal Inspiration|+1 level of existing meldshaping class

3rd|+2|+1|+3|+3|Share Soulmeld| +1 level of existing meldshaping class

4th|+3|+1|+4|+4|Primal Inspiration| +1 level of existing meldshaping class

5th|+3|+1|+4|+4|Share Soulmeld (improved)|+1 level of existing meldshaping class

6th|+4|+2|+5|+5|Primal Inspiration|+1 level of existing meldshaping class

7th|+5|+2|+5|+5|Modulation| +1 level of existing meldshaping class

8th|+6|+2|+6|+6|Primal Inspiration|+1 level of existing meldshaping class

9th|+6|+3|+6|+6|| +1 level of existing meldshaping class

10th|+7|+3|+7|+7| Soul Chord|+1 level of existing meldshaping class [/table]
Class skills (6+Int Modifier per level): Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Listen, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Magic Device

Armor and Weapon Proficiencies: You gain no new proficiencies with weapons, armor, or shields.

Meldshaping: At each totem chanter level except 1st you increase your meldshaper level, the number of soulmelds you can shape, the number of chakra binds you can create, and your essentia pool as if you had gained a level in the meldshaping class to which you belonged prior to gaining the totem chanter level. If you had more than one meldshaping class before becoming a totem chanter, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining your essentia pool, meldshaper level, and the number of soulmelds and chakra binds available.

Each level that advances your meldshaping also progresses the chakras you have open to binding at the same rate as the meldshaping class to which you add it. If you later take levels in that class this benefit is retained and you progress by adding your total levels in that class + meldshaper levels from totem chanter that were applied to it for purposes of opening new chakras. For instance, a Bard 2/Totemist 4 is able to bind to the crown, feet, and hands chakras at Totem Chanter level 2. If she continues as a totem chanter, the arms, brow, and shoulders chakras will be open to her at totem chanter level 7. If at that point she returns to the totemist class, the throat and waist chakras will be open to her after five levels of totemist.

Totem Chant (Su): You can enhance the power of your inspire courage by channeling the rhythm of life that runs through all creatures. The essentia capacity of your Cobalt Inspiration feat increases by 1.

Furthermore, as long as a soulmeld occupies your totem chakra, you gain a number of extra essentia points equal to one-half your totem chanter level (minimum 1) while your inspire courage is active. At your option, you can invest some or all of this extra essentia into your Cobalt Inspiration feat as a free action. (This option is an exception to the normal rule that essentia can be invested in an incarnum feat only once every 24 hours.) You must make this decision when you begin your inspire courage, and you cannot shift any essentia away from Cobalt Inspiration while your inspire courage is active. You can invest any remaining extra essentia in other feats, soulmelds, or class abilities as normal. When your inspire courage ends, you lose this extra essentia, and all your essentia investments return to what they were initially.

Bardic Knowledge (Ex): At 1st level, you add your totem chanter levels to your bardic knowledge checks, so your bardic knowledge checks have a bonus equal to your bard level + your totem chanter level + your Int modifier.

Animal Companion (Ex): At 1st level, your strong connection to nature allows you to gain an animal companion. This ability functions as the druid ability of the same name, except your level for determining the advancement of your companion and what companions are available to you is equal to twice your totem chanter level.

Primal Inspiration (Ex): The incarnum infusing your inspire courage can create additional effects. At 2nd level, you learn your first primal inspiration, chosen from the list below. At 4th, 6th, and 8th level you learn another primal inspiration from the list.

While your inspire courage effect is active it can be modified by any one primal inspiration you know. This choice must be made when you start the effect and continues as long as your inspire courage does.

Each primal inspiration has a corresponding soul chord boost that is active only if your inspire courage has been modified by that primal inspiration and only while soul chord is active.

Primal Inspirations:
Nature’s Cure
Your inspire courage channels incarnum to slowly mend the wounds of those it effects. While your inspire courage is active, it provides fast healing to allies equal to the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat. Soul Chord Boost: Any healing effect on your allies (including fast healing from primal healing) has twice the effect it normally would.

Uncertainty of the Wild
Wisps of incarnum swirl around your enemies, distracting them. While your inspire courage is active, all enemies within 60 feet of you take a penalty to ranged and melee attacks equal to the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat. Soul Chord Boost: Enemies affected can only make one melee or ranged attack per round (including attacks of opportunity).

Borrowed Genius
Incarnum is channeled into the minds of your allies, increasing their focus when casting spells. While your inspire courage is active, it provides allies a bonus to concentration checks to cast spells equal to the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat and a bonus to the difficulty class of any spell they cast equal to ½ that amount (minimum 1). Soul Chord Boost: Allies have a chance to retain any spell they cast (as though they hadn’t cast it at all) equal to 10% x essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat.

Incarnum Shield
A thin veil of incarnum swirls around your allies, deflecting some of the damage they would normally suffer. While your inspire courage is active, it provides allies DR X/-, where X is equal to the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat. Soul Chord Boost: A protective shield of incarnum around each of your allies prevents the next 10 x essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat points of damage they would receive from any source.

Fog of Souls
Incarnum clouds the minds of enemy spellcasters, disrupting their focus. While your inspire courage is active, any enemies within 60 feet of you have a chance to fail when casting spells. The failure chance is 5% x the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat. Soul Chord Boost: the failure chance is 10% x the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat and any caster disrupted by this effect is dazed for one round.

Primal Boost
The raw incarnum channeled by your performance is enough to infuse your allies with boosted essentia. While your inspire courage is active, it provides bonus essentia points to your allies equal to the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat. Unlike other primal inspirations, you gain no benefit from primal boost, or its soul chord boost. Soul Chord Boost: The essentia capacity of all your allies’ essentia receptacles is increase by 2.

Primal Sprint
Incarnum infuses your allies’ bodies, pushing them to new levels of speed. While your inspire courage is active, it provides a speed bonus to all types of movement for allies equal to 5 feet x the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration and grants allies use of the spring attack feat (even if they don't qualify for it). Soul Chord Boost: Allies affected gain the effect of a Freedom of Movement spell.

Elemental Havoc
Incarnum manifested as elemental spirits makes your enemies more vulnerable to attacks. While your inspire courage is active, enemies within 60 feet of you take extra damage from elemental attacks. This extra damage is equal to 10% x essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat. Soul Chord Boost: Elemental damage taken by enemies is repeated the next round (including the extra damage from this effect). Repeated elemental damage takes place even if the enemies moves out of range of this effect.

Share Soulmeld: At 3rd level your bond with your animal companion is strong enough that your use of incarnum also affects it. You gain the Share Soulmeld feat. At 5th level your animal companion no longer has to be within 5 feet of you to benefit from this feat.

Modulation: You haven't forgotten that variation can be the key to an inspiring performance. At 7th level, once per round while your inspire courage is active, you can change which of your known primal inspirations is affecting it. Modifying your inspire courage in this way is a free action, but the decision to do so must be made at the beginning of your turn. Modulation cannot be used while Soul Chord is active. Activating modulation uses one of the totem chanter's daily uses of bardic music.

Soul Chord (Su): You see clearly now how music can channel the power of souls. At 10th level you can expend a use of bardic music once per day as a free action to play a resonating chord that pushes your allies (and yourself) to new levels. For 5 rounds you and your allies treat all essentia receptacles as full (this is an exception to the normal rule that essentia can be invested in an incarnum feat only once every 24 hours). The duration of Soul Chord cannot be extended in any way. Soul Chord must be activated while you are already using inspire courage and in confers extra benefits based on the primal inspiration used with that performance. Requires 18 ranks in a perform skill.

-First off, I obviously took the framework from totem rager and reworked it for this class. As far as the specifics...

-Requirements: Lower BAB than Rager as it isn’t built on a full BAB class. Skills changed to reflect bard base. Feat requirement is the same, as is the need to have a specific class ability.
-Crunch Stuff:

Lower HD than totem rager reflects the weaker nature of a bard background than barbarian.
BAB same
Ref and Will high saves fits with part bard better than Fort and Ref.
More skill points and more class skills reflecting bardic slant

-Totem Chant: Extra essentia works the same as totem rage. Only big difference is that unlike cobalt rage, cobalt inspiration is a feat that benefits the whole party.
-Bardic Knowledge: Why not…
-Thrill of the Song: Stolen from Seeker of the Song (Complete Arcane) to fill in slots where barbarian abilities were enhanced by totem rager. Alternative would be to add new types of music at these levels. Thoughts?
-Chakra Binds: Added a totally new mechanic here. Meldshaper levels effectively add to base class levels for purposes of opening chakra binds. Honestly I think this makes a lot more sense than the mechanics used for most PrCs in MoI. Meldshaping is a system as a whole and it doesn't make a lot of sense (which a few exceptions) to separate opening chakras from the rest of the system for any given meldshaping class. As written in MoI it forces silly decisions on players - take 4 levels of totemist and miss out on any open chakras (other than totem) for another 4 levels, or take the 5th level and obviate an important feature of the PrC?
-Extended Song: Works pretty much the same as the rage extension from totem rager.
-Primal Inspirations: Recent Addition. Removed Thrill of the Song and Extended Song in favor of this mechanic. Those others were okish, but really just filling up lines so it looked like the PrC got something cool. This new mechanic is super cool. Powerful too - to the point I'm not sure its balanced (both generally and in terms of the different inspirations compared to one another). The Soul Chord Boosts are VERY good, but keep in mind they open up at character level 17 - when those pesky full casters ascend to god-hood.
-Soul Chord: Could have stuck with the enhanced totem chakra bind from totem rager, but since a bard is all about enhancing friendlies, I came up with a new capstone altogether. It’s powerful. Really powerful. That said 1) it won’t be in play till at least 16th level and 2) Only 5 rounds once per day. For a group of incarnum users this is nova level stuff. Also potential abuses with feats (midnight metamagic?), but good luck getting your totem chanter to "waste" this capstone during daily prep just so the incarnum based persistent spell junkies can get their fix (plus it's so deep in a non-spellcasting prc that self-based abuse is unlikely). An alternative I thought of was to have Soul Chord allow all allies to treat every soulmeld they have shaped as being bound (to any of its chakras) for the same duration, even binding them over items if applicable. Already bound soulmelds would be unaffected. This is much more of a versatility increase than a total power boost as each player’s essentia pool would be unaffected.


*New Feat
Cobalt Inspiration
You can channel incarnum to enhance your inspire courage ability. When you do so, any instrument used during the performance (or your mouth if singing) gives off a blue glow.
Prerequisites: Con 13, inspire courage class feature
Benefit: Once per day you can invest essentia into this feat. While your inspire courage is active, the bonus it confers is increase by 1 for each point of essentia invested. Once the amount of essentia is chosen, it cannot be altered and remains invested for 24 hours. If an exception modifies the essentia invested in this feat, the benefit of inspire courage is adjusted appropriately, even if it is already active. Each meldshaper level you gain grants you an addition use of inspire courage each day. You gain 1 point of essentia.
Special: This feat replaces the class-based progression inspire courage would normally gain past its initial +1 bonus. Inspire courage may still benefit from other sources that increase its effectiveness.

-Referenced Initiate of Milil (Champions of Valor 31) and Song of the White Raven (Tome of Battle 32) when writing this feat. This feat does not mirror them, but has similarities.
-As an essentia receptacle, offers up to a +4 bonus to inspire courage. Initially may seem strictly better than inspire courage’s normal progression, but remember it requires a feat. Replace this with Song of the Heart for a normal bard for comparison. Plus it requires investment of much coveted essentia.
-The “special” section was added after some mental wargaming to prevent standard bards with an essentia pool from using this to effectively double their inspire courage with one feat.

2011-10-10, 08:44 PM
Really appreciate any feedback, especially about the capstone and the new feat, which are the parts I struggled with most.

First time poster here, so don't bite too hard. :)

2011-10-10, 09:23 PM
I like it; the capstone is pretty damn nice, especially since you count as an ally...

One problem with Cobalt Inspiration, though, is the following:
1. Take Cobalt Inspiration.
2. Take Dragonfire Inspiration.
3. Take 4 levels of Incandescent Champion.
4. 1/day, enhance your Cobalt Inspiration feat by adding 1+your Charisma modifier to its limit.
5. Inspire Courage doesn't have a maximum time it can be sustained, and the bonus it grants matches the bonus determined at the beginning of the effect, so...

Assuming you pump Charisma (not hard to imagine, right?) you can get to around a +10 modifier.

I hope you like your +15 Inspire Courage... Which, depending on your reading, might be DOUBLED by Words of Creation.

A +30 for those lucky souls...

So yeah, it is all very potent if you know what you are doing, but it is great work.

Especially for someone's first time.

2011-10-10, 10:06 PM
Thanks Amechra, great feedback!

As for dragonfire inspiration, that alone doesn't seem to be much of a problem on its own.

Incarnum Overload seems to be the real violator here, but what to do about it? It almost seems like it would take a clause specifically excluding that abuse since a general "you can't boost the capacity of this feat" clause would run counter to the way "Totem Chant" works (since it automatically gives a +1 capacity).

2011-10-11, 12:57 AM
I never said get rid of that "abuse".

Really, if it something that situational, you should be aware of it, but shouldn't worry about it TOO much.

2011-10-11, 09:00 AM
Well currently bards have enough tools to boost inspire courage that dragonfire inspiration can be very effective. Providing a way to boost it to where every party member is getting +30d6 on every attack is just over the top though. Especially since there's no duration other than how long the performance last.

Of course part of the problem lies in words of creation, which many DMs only apply to "base" inspire courage boost. This seems to prevent some of the problem, but I'm still wondering if a modification is in order.

2011-10-11, 11:30 AM
Updated the wording of the Cobalt Inspiration feat.

As Amechra pointed out, the real "problem" is that inspire courage confers a benefit determined at the time it's started, but which lasts as long as the performance does. This invites "exploitation" via temporarily boosting the essentia in Cobalt Inspiration just long enough to start the effect and gaining the benefit throughout, regardless of how much essentia stays in the feat.

To fix this I just added a clause stating that if the essentia invested in Cobalt Inspiration somehow changes, the benefit of inspire courage likewise changes, even if it's already active when the change takes place.

An interesting side effect is that this still allows combos like incarnum overload, but greatly limits their use. The dragonfire inspiration bard outlined by Amechra could still coordinate a highly effective attack sequence using incarnum overload + cobalt inspiration (especially with multiattackers in the party), but it would be a true nova effect, which seems more appropriate to me.

2011-10-11, 07:08 PM
I do love me some incarnum. In terms of balance, I'm not really sure how things work out (I've never been all that great with simple number crunching), but I definitely love that capstone ability. Awesome.

One thing that bothers me are the dead levels. I always balk at dead levels, but especially level 6, since it doesn't even increase the meldshaping. Sure, BAB and all of the saves increase by 1, but the dead level still bothers me.

2011-10-11, 07:33 PM
One thing that bothers me are the dead levels. I always balk at dead levels, but especially level 6, since it doesn't even increase the meldshaping. Sure, BAB and all of the saves increase by 1, but the dead level still bothers me.

I actually agree. Even in the original totem rager I don't think it would be out of line to give that level meldshaping advancement. I thought seriously about adding it to the totem chanter, but was afraid it would look like I was basing it around an official PrC but juicing it up where I saw fit.

2011-10-12, 08:20 PM
Was rethinking this and a new idea came to mind. It occurs to me that in mostly copying the totem rager, I was assuming that class didn't need fixing. On further examination, I'm not so sure.

The biggest problem I see with it as a meldshaping PrC is the progression of chakras available. The most basic binds - crown, feet, hands - aren't opened till lvl 4 of this PrC. This sets up a serious disincentive for a player to take more than 2 levels of totemist before entering this PrC. Thinking of meldshaping as a character defining mechanic (in some ways similar to the way spells are integral to casters), this doesn't make much sense to me. Sure, if the player wants to maximize meldshaping they can go something like Barb 2/Totemist 4, but then we get to the problem I'm talking about.

Such a character would have to make a choice - take one more level of Totemist to get access to crown, feet, and hands chakra binds, or go directly into the PrC and wait another 4 levels. The first option is undesirable because it obviates one of the features of the PrC and effectively gives no chakra binding abilities till lvl 9 (character lvl 15). The second option is undersirable because it results in a meldshaper who doesn't learn any chakra binds (other than totem) until character level 10. Of course all of this applies to my totem chanter above, which is the point.

Of course simply moving chakra binds up the table for the current totem rager (or chanter) doesn't solve the problem as it may result in a composite character with chakra binding progression faster than a pure soulmelder. To solve this I think I'm going to adjust the entry requirments for my totem chanter so that the PrC is designed for later entry, but has a different progression for chakras available. By doing so it would create an an incentive for those using the PrC to at least gain 5 levels of totemist for the least chakras (perhaps even make this a requirement?), while still providing meaningful (and logical) progression through the PrC.


2011-10-12, 09:52 PM
You do not, however, gain any of the other abilities of that class, such as new tiers of chakra binds.

Each level that advances your meldshaping also progresses the chakras you have open to binding at the same rate as the meldshaping class to which you add it.

You are inconsistent in the rules for Meldshaping. I like the second approach better; theurges should be less good at a particular thing than a focused person and the required multiclassing makes that happen. 9/10 meldshaping after losing 2 levels to bard is probably workable.

Extended Song: At 5th level the duration of your inspire courage increases by a number of rounds equal to the points of essentia you invest in your Cobalt Inspiration feat. This extension happens after any other effects that modify the duration of your inspire courage.
Inspire Courage already lasts as long as you are performing and five rounds after. Extending that further is not very helpful.

It's kind of bland. I would like to see more uses for bardic music; maybe an Inspire Incarnum ability which gives essentia to allies. Some new soulmelds, maybe a hands or arm bind that throws sonic damage on claw attacks. Something else too... whatevs. You don't have to fret as much as usual about dead levels because you offer meldshaping progression, but it could still do with more.

All in all though, a good effort. I'd play it.

2011-10-12, 10:26 PM
Thanks for the feedback!

You are inconsistent in the rules for Meldshaping. I like the second approach better; theurges should be less good at a particular thing than a focused person and the required multiclassing makes that happen. 9/10 meldshaping after losing 2 levels to bard is probably workable.

That's an editing mistake. Originally I had tiers of chakra binds opened in the "special" column, like most soulmelding classes. Later I changed that based on the problem I pointed out in my last post, but forgot to delete a line. Thanks for pointing this out.

Inspire Courage already lasts as long as you are performing and five rounds after. Extending that further is not very helpful.

Though for a bard with different types of songs they like to play, isn't this useful? Say strike up a dragonfire inspiration for one round then stop the performance and start a regular inspire courage. Without this or the lingering song feat you would only get 6 rounds out of the first one. Either way, will reconsider it.

It's kind of bland. I would like to see more uses for bardic music; maybe an Inspire Incarnum ability which gives essentia to allies. Some new soulmelds, maybe a hands or arm bind that throws sonic damage on claw attacks. Something else too... whatevs. You don't have to fret as much as usual about dead levels because you offer meldshaping progression, but it could still do with more.

Duly noted. Perhaps I was lazy filling special abilities with the Thrill of the Song and Extended Song features. Will revisit this and welcome any suggestions regarding incarnum type music abilities.

2011-10-13, 07:42 PM
Pretty big update that massively changed the mechanics of this class. Got rid of some of the superfluous benefits and added a whole new mechanic.

Primal Inspiration (Ex): At third level, the incarnum infusing your inspire courage can create additional effects. You learn your first primal inspiration, chosen from the list below. At 5th, 7th, and 9th level you learn another primal inspiration from the list.

While your inspire courage effect is active it can be modified by any one primal inspiration you know. This choice must be made when you start the effect and continues as long as your inspire courage does. At 10th level, you gain the ability to modify your inspire courage with any two primal inspirations you know.

Each primal inspiration has a corresponding soul chord boost that is active only if your inspire courage has been modified by that primal inspiration and only while soul chord is active.

Primal Inspirations:
Nature’s Cure
Your inspire courage channels incarnum to slowly mend the wounds of those it effects. While your inspire courage is active, it provides fast healing to allies equal to the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat (minimum 1). Soul Chord Boost: Any healing effect on your allies (including fast healing from primal healing) has twice the effect it normally would.

Uncertainty of the Wild
Wisps of incarnum swirl around your enemies, distracting them. While your inspire courage is active, all enemies within 30 feet of you take a penalty to ranged and melee attacks equal to the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat (minimum 1). Soul Chord Boost: Enemies affected can only make one melee or ranged attack per round (including attacks of opportunity).

Borrowed Genius
Incarnum is channeled into the minds of your allies, increasing their focus when casting spells. While your inspire courage is active, it provides allies a bonus to concentration checks to cast spells equal to the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat and a bonus to the difficulty class of any spell they cast equal to ½ that amount (minimum 1). Soul Chord Boost: Allies have a chance to retain any spell they cast (as though they hadn’t cast it at all) equal to 10% x essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat.

Incarnum Shield
A thin veil of incarnum swirls around your allies, deflecting some of the damage they would normally suffer. While your inspire courage is active, it provides allies DR X/-, where X is equal to the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat (minimum 1). Soul Chord Boost: A protective shield of incarnum around each of your allies prevents the next 10 x essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat points of damage they would receive from any source.

Fog of Souls
Incarnum clouds the minds of enemy spellcasters, disrupting their focus. While your inspire courage is active, any enemies within range of the effect have a chance to fail when casting spells. The failure chance is 5% x the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat. Soul Chord Boost: the failure chance is 10% x the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat and any caster disrupted by this effect is dazed for one round.

Primal Boost
The raw incarnum channeled by your performance is enough to infuse your allies with boosted essentia. While your inspire courage is active, it provides bonus essentia points to your allies equal to the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat. Unlike other primal inspirations, you gain no benefit from primal boost, or its soul chord boost. Soul Chord Boost: The essentia capacity of all your allies’ essentia receptacles is increase by 2.

Primal Sprint
Incarnum infuses your allies’ bodies, pushing them to new levels of speed. While your inspire courage is active, it provides a speed bonus to all types of movement for allies equal to 5 feet x the essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration. Soul Chord Boost: Allies affected gain the effect of a Freedom of Movement spell.

Elemental Havoc
Incarnum manifested as elemental spirits makes your enemies more vulnerable to attacks. While your inspire courage is active, enemies in range take extra damage from elemental attacks. This extra damage is equal to 10% x essentia invested in your Cobalt Inspiration feat. Soul Chord Boost: Elemental damage taken by enemies is repeated the next round (including the extra damage from this effect).

This is a big change that has added a whole new dimension to the PrC. To be honest, I'm not sure how well balanced each Primal Inspiration is. Pretty please to all the PEACHers out there. :)

2011-10-14, 06:51 PM
Now we're talking. These are some interesting, useful, and distinct abilities. It is kind of painful that Primal Inspirations are a standard action to activate unless your Inspire Courage is modified somehow; I would consider an ability that lets the Totem Chanter inspire as a swift action, possibly with some sort of cost like tying up essentia in that ability.

Nature's Cure is probably free out of combat healing, assuming 4ish combats a day, but that's not a big deal.

Uncertainty of the Wild is nice, and the Soul Chord effect is brutal. I'm not sure it is too powerful, but I suspect every Totem Chanter will want this effect.

Borrowed Genius can boost DC's by 3 at most. It can also give a 60% chance of keeping a spell at high levels. That is quite potent but, again, I'm not sure it is too strong.

Incarnum Shield is more useful, like all DR is, against lots of little attacks but it is also worth taking.

Fog of Souls needs a range, Inspire Courage works on everyone who can hear you but that seems too harsh a range for a nice debuff like this. I would consider somewhere between 30' and 60'.

Primal Boost is nice for parties that all use essentia, but even then I suspect they might prefer one of the other abilities. It is an effect that should exist in some form, and letting them shape or bind an extra soulmeld is a lot of paperwork, so I would leave this as is.

Primal Sprint is cute, but I could live without it. That's ok, some options will be better than others. In a very mobile party (Shot On the Run, flying carpets, etc) this could be nice. The impromptu and party-wide freedom of movement could come in handy.

Elemental Havoc is pretty brutal. What is the range? Again, I would put it somewhere between 30' and 60' inclusive.

I like it. It sort of has dead levels, but I wouldn't pack much more combat power in there. Possibly bonuses to skills or other utility features. Or don't worry about it, meldshaping means the levels aren't really dead.

2011-10-14, 11:01 PM
Now we're talking. These are some interesting, useful, and distinct abilities. It is kind of painful that Primal Inspirations are a standard action to activate unless your Inspire Courage is modified somehow; I would consider an ability that lets the Totem Chanter inspire as a swift action, possibly with some sort of cost like tying up essentia in that ability.

Thanks. As far as the swift action, coming up with a way to do that might be counterintuitive anyway. Most of the time your swift action each round will be used to cast inspirational boost (that is if they took more than one level of bard, which is likely for skills and such).

Nature's Cure is probably free out of combat healing, assuming 4ish combats a day, but that's not a big deal.

I actually thought about this and almost added a "no out of combat use" clause. Then I decided to leave it as is and let any DM using it decide if they want to prohibit that. Personally I don't see healing everyone up between combat as a big deal, since by the level you get this a smart party will stock a few lesser vigor wands anyway. Even in combat it would be a fairly effective tool, possibly making its versatility enough to make it an early choice for totem chanters.

Uncertainty of the Wild is nice, and the Soul Chord effect is brutal. I'm not sure it is too powerful, but I suspect every Totem Chanter will want this effect.

You're probably right. Could have included an AC buff for allies, but I figure this one would always be taken instead. And yes, the soul chord power makes for very good battlefield control at high levels.

Borrowed Genius can boost DC's by 3 at most. It can also give a 60% chance of keeping a spell at high levels. That is quite potent but, again, I'm not sure it is too strong.

This one was tricky, because spellcasters are already powerhouses. +3 DC is actually a big deal, especially given what it can mean to fail against a caster. And them retaining spells means "making the rich richer" in some ways. Also if psionics are in use and the DM is treating psionics the same as magic, this could be problematic given the "nova" abilities they can pull off.

Incarnum Shield is more useful, like all DR is, against lots of little attacks but it is also worth taking.

Yep, my thoughts exactly. Great for taking on lots of mobs or enemies with multiple but weak attacks, but not so good against casters or few but hard hitting enemies. One thing I struggled with was balancing this against the healing inspiration...I would say in a fairly large majority of cases this one outstrips the healing one, especially since virtually every enemy at the level you get these will have multiple attacks. Healing 3 points per round, or taking 3 less dmg from all physical attacks? Usually gonna be a no brainer. Dunno if that means the healing one needs a buff, or if this one should be changed to 1/2 the essentia invested in Cobalt Inspiration.

Fog of Souls needs a range, Inspire Courage works on everyone who can hear you but that seems too harsh a range for a nice debuff like this. I would consider somewhere between 30' and 60'.


Primal Boost is nice for parties that all use essentia, but even then I suspect they might prefer one of the other abilities. It is an effect that should exist in some form, and letting them shape or bind an extra soulmeld is a lot of paperwork, so I would leave this as is.

I'll do some thinking on this one, because I'm also not sure it stacks up, even for an all Incarnum party. When I think of what each character could use those essential points for, I'm not sure many options stack up to the other inspirations. I do really think some sort of Incarnum related inspiration should be included though, so I'm gonna give this one another look.

Primal Sprint is cute, but I could live without it. That's ok, some options will be better than others. In a very mobile party (Shot On the Run, flying carpets, etc) this could be nice. The impromptu and party-wide freedom of movement could come in handy.

Ya I realize this one sort of lags behind. I guess for parties to whom travel time is important, this could be another one useful outside combat.

Elemental Havoc is pretty brutal. What is the range? Again, I would put it somewhere between 30' and 60' inclusive.

Once again, noted on the range issue. And ya this one could be very effective, especially for dragonfire inspiration bards.

I like it. It sort of has dead levels, but I wouldn't pack much more combat power in there. Possibly bonuses to skills or other utility features. Or don't worry about it, meldshaping means the levels aren't really dead.

Ya I realize that while the inspirations are a cool new mechanic, it's still just one option every two levels that ultimately boils down to modifications of the same effect. With the meldshaping progression and the fact that you don't have to wait till say lvl 11 to enter, I was worried about adding other abilities. Also keep in mind the special column looks a little bare compared to other Incarnum based prcs partly because the chakras open to the totem chanter aren't listed there - they've been made a part of meldshaper progression.

Anyway, thanks again for the feedback!

2011-10-19, 07:31 PM
Significant updates to this PrC:

Gains an animal companion at level 1 (acts like druid ability, but level equal to 2x totem chanter level)
Gains Share Soulmeld feat at level 3 (and a perk to it at level 5)
Gains "Modulation" at level 7, allowing the totem chanter to burn a use of bardic music to modify which primal inspiration is active. Initially he gained the ability to have two primal inspirations active at once (at 10th level), but I removed that ability in favor of this one. Two active at once was more powerful than I liked, but being able to switch from one to another in a pinch is a good solution that offers versatility in my opinion.
