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2011-10-11, 12:31 PM
Today was to be a great day of celebration of Reidi Artom's first successful colonization, exactly 200 years ago. Individuals of all species turned out to share in the glorious role Cularin has begun to play in the galaxy, to celebrate how far the planet's lush natural resources have brought the system in a mere two centuries.

The streets were flooded with revelers, all flocking to the square at the center of town, shouting, dancing, laughing -- and then, it appeared. A smiling visage, hanging above the central square of Gadrin, rotating slowly in the late-morning sky. The porcine face of Velin Wir, Metatheran Cartel representative to Cularin. Without introduction, he spoke.

"Good people, to enhance your celebration I bring grand tidings." The crowd grew silent. What little Cartel presence you'd had, often seemed too much. Velin Wir's face was known to all, and trusted by almost none. Something about the too-broad smile, combined with the too-narrow eyes. "The Metatheran Cartel has decided that the Cularin system is worthy of heavier investment. In addition to our small office, we intend to provide you with a full-fledged Cartel trading and distribution center, to truly help make Cularin an integral part of the galaxy at large." And with another too-broad smile, the holoprojection flickered, and faded.

The celebration continued, but more subdued. Some revelers, already well past inebriation, continued as loudly as before, but many found Velin Wir's message disturbing. Small groups began to break off from the main body of the party, concerned persons looking for somewhere at least marginally more quiet...

Down Comforter
2011-10-11, 04:48 PM
Myr stands grinning on the side of the street, juggling a trio of apples to the delight of a crowd of small children, who mistake his blindfold as a tell-tale mark of his juggling skill. He tosses a fourth apple into the air in an attempt to distract the children from looming face above the street.

2011-10-11, 05:14 PM
Ryles listens carefully as Velin speaks,then says to his Droid: ''worthy of heavier investment''? Ha!Let's get moving Plank.this is ridiculous.''

2011-10-11, 06:03 PM
Caster was finishing up his deal with a client, and thus removing the last of his goods from his ship, netting him just enough to cover his expenses.
"Like I needed more competition from his "investments". I'm already having a hard enough time as it is."

2011-10-11, 08:11 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var snorts derisively as the projection fades, while rubbing his chin in contemplation. "Unless some of those investments come my way I could care less!", he spits.

Rubbing his chin with a clawed hand he wonders if he should check out one of the cantinas in search of work.

2011-10-12, 02:09 AM
Kley nodded in understanding and appreciation after the message from the Metatheran Cartel concluded. He liked the fact that these guys knew what they wanted and took it. He liked it even more knowing how so unsure everybody in the area thought of the company and yet nobody did anything about it.

He was currently running late to the meeting he had scheduled today. The people he was suppose to meet with were a small, yet integral, part of the announcement that everyone had just listened to. That was the kind of pull he needed.

He had decided to take the long way around to his destination to avoid the group of commoners. He's not sure at this point, but he may or may not be lost.

2011-10-12, 03:01 PM
It wasn't long before he crossed paths with, what he assumed, to be a battle hardened thief or criminal. He recognized the intelligent manner in which he walked, but nevertheless he backed himself up against the nearest wall and started scanning the area for some sort of authority figure in case something should happen with this guy. With nothing notable other than the drunks swaying past, he readied himself to grab his pistol if the Kerkoiden got too close.

He watched quietly as the Kerkoiden briskly walked past, either not noticing him or not caring.

Having, in his mind, just escaped what could have been a very devastating end... he looked on and imagined what else was out there waiting for him. The group of scum lurking around each corner. He figured he could take out a small group if he really needed to, but in a place like this full of poor people wishing each night to suddenly be rich... it could all end with one drunk person realizing how much he was worth.

Coming up with a brilliant plan, he turned out and quickly walked back the other direction until he came within steps of the Kerkoiden he encountered earlier.

Excuse me. Sir. You. The Kerkoiden.

The Kerkoiden stopped and turned around to face Kley. Kley took the brief second to look him up and down sizing him up.

Yes, you'll do nicely. I believe I may be in need of your services Kerkoiden. As you can see, this is no area that an upstanding citizen such as myself should be navigating alone. You look like you can handle yourself and I'm in need of a protective escort. I'm going to immediately need your services and I'm in a bit of a hurry so if you don't mind I need to get going.

2011-10-12, 03:51 PM
Jek Walker: Law Officer

Jek was working the crowd control by walking in and among the celebrating revelers. Jek had so far had to haul half a dozen truly inebriation revelers off to the edge of the celebration where a waiting speeder truck would take then to the station to sleep it off in the drunk tank. After all this was celebration and he didn't want it to turn into a riot.

2011-10-12, 04:32 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var paced the streets for sometime, having to push past drunken revelers who got in his path. He then heard a voice call out to him.

Spinning on his heels he takes a look at the well dressed human before him. The man has a smirk etched on his face and a professional looking haircut, not unlike the nobles Var's family interacted with. Var hated nobility with a passion despite being brought up in a wealthy home.

As Var listens to the man's self-important arrogant speech he has half a mind to knock him out. However such rash decisions would have him hunted by the law, so he tries to remain calm, a difficult feat for the Kerkoiden.

Once the man finishes speak Var immediately calms down.

"Your lucky you happened upon me, good sir. I've seen several people getting violent with wealthy individuals like yourself today. As a skilled mercenary and brilliant tactician, you've made an intelligent decision to inquire about my services, and I'd be glad to protect you from the danger of this riffraff. However before anything can be done about me protecting your personage, we need to iron out the details of payment for my payment.", the Kerkoiden smiles.

2011-10-12, 05:16 PM
Keeping his usual uninterested demeanor, he stared at the Kerkoiden replaying what he had just said in his head. He was very well spoken, yet nothing about him looked like he would be. The Kerkoiden that he had come across were usually very civilized, almost to his level, but he knows about their animal-like lineage and won't forget to keep that in mind with dealing with them. This was no ordinary brute he was expecting him to be, this one was obviously very intelligent like he said. He concludes to himself that anyone who's remotely smart wouldn't look so dangerous as to attract trouble.

He couldn't help to chuckle to himself at the notion of credits though. He's not surprised the Kerk would be begging for his credits.

Very well Kerkoiden. The very, very small amount of credits I have I'm willing to depart with. I will give you 250 credits now and 250 when I'm finished with you. Now come.

He starts off in his original direction for a couple steps before stopping. He turns around to face the Kerk who hasn't moved.

I do have some rules I suppose you should know about. I will eventually be meeting with some colleagues later and I'll need you to keep your distance, it's nothing personal... but you know how it is.

He has a slightly disgusted look as he sizes him up again.

And in the meantime, I'll need to know your name in case I need to inform the authorities of any wrongdoing on your part.

2011-10-12, 05:38 PM
Caster was standing nearby in this whole exchange.

He laughs. Loudly.

"Thanks, I needed that. But seriously you're worse than my older brother. And he is the most stuck-up person I'd met until today."

He holds out his hand as though he'd politely greeted Kley instead of insulting him.

His clothes mark him as being modestly rich, or at least well off, despite the slight shabbyness.

2011-10-12, 06:04 PM
Jek Walker: Law Officer

While making his way though the crowd Jek catches site of a Kerkoiden and two well dressed humans, in ether conversation or worst confrontation and based on the Kerkoiden reputation as a spices the later was more likely Jek starts in that direction to investigate.

2011-10-12, 06:27 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Five-hundred credits for watching this spoiled brat. He's particularly snobbish, and a real pain to deal with but beggars can't be choosers. The thought of asking for his families aid crosses his mind but Var quickly perishes the thought as he would be forced back into a lifestyle he hated. No, he would have to work for this noble.

As he looks up he sees the man has already begun to walk off before noticing Var wasn't following. He then mentions that he will be meeting associates and doesn't want Var to close.

"Yes, I'm well aware. The wealthy have no desire to have their bodyguards in sight. I recall treating my guardians in a similar manner."

The noble then inquires to Var's name.

"My name is Var Pheen and who might you be?"

It is then another man who also appears to have come from a privileged upbringing steps forward and insults his meal ticket. The kerkoiden sidles forward, analyzing the situation while trying to muffle his laughter.

2011-10-12, 06:31 PM
Noticing the law officer approaching, Kleys body language changes from nervous to relived.

Good day officer.

He looks at the Kerk and Noble-like human who had just approached, and faces the officer with a smug look.

Yes, you can be of service right now. I'm wondering if there's anything you can tell me about these two individuals. I'm not from this area and I want to be careful of the people I surround myself with. As you can see, I've employed this guy...

He points to the kerk without looking at him.

and I was approached by your city guide...

He points to the other human without looking at him.

who is being more insulting than helpful at the moment.

2011-10-12, 06:40 PM
Noticing the law officer approaching, Kleys body language changes from nervous to relived.

Good day officer.

He looks at the Kerk and Noble-like human who had just approached, and faces the officer with a smug look.

Yes, you can be of service right now. I'm wondering if there's anything you can tell me about these two individuals. I'm not from this area and I want to be careful of the people I surround myself with. As you can see, I've employed this guy...

He points to the kerk without looking at him.

and I was approached by your city guide...

He points to the other human without looking at him.

who is being more insulting than helpful at the moment.

Caster grins "So your not old money, or influencial then, Or perhaps by some stroke of fortune we haven't met, Let me introduce myself. Caster Antilles. Son of Senator Baille Antilles. And I'm not the city guide. I'm a merchant pilot."

he turns to Jek "G'day Sir. How's Officer Kringly? Is he still working customs at the spaceport? I didn't see him today."

2011-10-12, 06:59 PM
His eyes quickly open wide and show a look of surprise. He interrupts their conversation by talking louder than the two of them.

Ahhh, you're one of the Antilles boys.

He had definitely heard of the Antilles family, even meeting the father and eldest of the brothers on a few occasions. His opinion of the guy immediately changed after hear of his family.

Your father is a good guy. You're in good company today Caster. I'm Dawson. Kley Dawson.

He looks to the Kerk and says in a patronizing way, This person is ok to be around, be sure not to hurt him. You're doing great and earning every credit so far.

He turns back around.

So what brings you to Cularin?

2011-10-12, 07:15 PM
Caster "I just recently sold about 40 tons of luxury goods. Wines, and foodstuff mostly."

He immediately takes on a more.. Aristocratic air. "Everyone has to have a hobby you know."

And then grins. The affected sophistication vanishing as fast as it came.

"In honesty I'm here this long because dad asked me to stay for a while. Take a break and relax, enjoy the festivities."

2011-10-12, 07:42 PM
Jek Walker: Law Officer

In no more then a few spoken word Jek opinion of Dawson was that of an arrogant osik.

and instead replays to Caster with a smile, Officer Kringly took a week off and took the his wife and kids camping.

Down Comforter
2011-10-12, 08:27 PM
Myr wanders over to the group of well dressed men and the... toothy creature. Munching on an apple, he leans on a nearby wall, as inconspicuous as such a large man can be. He's clearly not eavesdropping, who could do such a thing?

2011-10-13, 09:25 AM
Standing in a street, everyone can see that there's a medium-sized cantina that's open; a few people disturbed by the announcement heading inside to drink and listen to the mediocre music within.

2011-10-13, 04:04 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var looks over towards the Cantina while scanning the crowd. The Kerkoiden then shifts forward to his employer.

"I hate to interrupt your conversation, sir but I believe it would be prudent to move indoors. With these large crowds and us being out in the open makes you a sitting duck."

The Kerkoiden then turns around and points a clawed finger towards the nearby Cantina.

"At least there I'll be able to keep an eye on whose coming and going."

Var then falls silent wondering if the arrogant noble will take his advice.

2011-10-13, 04:54 PM
Caster looks about to the officer "Good to hear. He always was nice about it, not like some who tear the whole ship apart looking for contraband and then don't give an inch of help putting it back., and then turns back to Kley and the mercenary, "A decent enough idea...So how long have you been in-system Kley? I just arrived this morning."

Down Comforter
2011-10-13, 05:53 PM
Myr sidles up to the Kerkoiden and offers him an apple from somewhere inside his large sleeves. In not quite a whisper he says to the burly fellow, "Ah, nobles, am I right? and grins.

2011-10-13, 06:38 PM
Ryles enters in a Cantina to relax a bit after hearing the stupid speech of the Cartel scum.he takes a drink and sits in a chair,while Plank stand in alert position beside him.then he notices when a small and unusual group enters the place. a Kerkoiden with wich appears to be two well dressed men and a officer? he had to check what this was all about.he moves with the droid in a table near them,trying to hear something that could be valuable.''keep your optical sensors open Plank.let's see what this group has to offer to us.'' he says to the droid.

2011-10-13, 07:40 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var is caught off guard as a tall imposing figure approaches him. He looks up and studies the new arrival for some time, wondering why his eyes are covered but does not feel comfortable asking about the matter. Finally he takes notice of the man's outstretched hand holding out an apple.

Var would normally abstain from taking food from a stranger but it had been sometime since he had eaten. Carefully he takes the apple bringing it up to his nose. Unable to detect anything odd the Kerkoiden takes a large bite. He savors the taste for some time before swallowing.

"Thank you, stranger. Your gift is most appreciated. Two of these individuals are indeed nobility and the other seems to be a lawman. Who might you be?"

Var is thankful for the snack but is still wary of the stranger so he keeps an eye on him as he takes another bite from the apple.

Down Comforter
2011-10-13, 09:58 PM
"You can always tell... the noses coated in frost from being so high up." Myr Grins even wider.

"But I forget myself!," he thrusts out a hand. "Thresh. Myr Thresh. Just got in from Almas and hoped to poke around. You seem like an interesting enough bunch"

2011-10-13, 10:47 PM
What Var said to him made sense. No matter what kind of group he was surrounded by, he was a minority comapared to everyone else out there. With his eyes wide with danger he attempts to speak to Var with a quiet voice that isn't so quiet.

Leave the beggar Kerkoiden, we deserve to be indoors away from the general public. Let's go inside and figure out exactly where we are.

He ignored the somewhat raggedy man and turned toward Caster.

I've actually just arrived today as well. Come. Let's go into this quaint cantina.

He points at the nearby cantina and speaks toward the officer.

You're also welcome as well to join us officer. The more the merrier.

He offers a forced smile and walks into the cantina without a moments hesitation.

Down Comforter
2011-10-13, 11:48 PM
Myr pauses. "Did I just get called a beggar?"

2011-10-14, 10:25 AM
On most days, Vanster Enan's Sop House is one of the liveliest, loudest cantinas in Gadrin, if not on all of Cularin. It's just a block away from the river, on the route supply wagons have to take to haul the raw supplies from the river to the docking bays, so you get all kinds in here. Ithorians, Rodians, Wookiees -- always humans, of course -- and then things that most folk never take the time to identify. Enan's is best known for raucous music and huge tumblers of imported beverages, but today the music is strangely subdued, and most of the drinking is being done by individuals who seem to have a lot on their mind.

You wandered into the cantina looking for somewhere away from the crowds and now, standing in the doorway glancing around, it looks like you've found it. As have several others.

2011-10-14, 11:55 AM
Myr pauses. "Did I just get called a beggar?"

I do believe so, don't mind him to much he's a Rich conceited di'kut, did you say you just got in from Almas, are you a Jedi from the academy. oh, and by the way I'm officer Jek Walker at your service.

2011-10-14, 12:43 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

The Kerkoiden grins at the stranger's comment as he takes another bite from the apple.

"It would seem so, but pay him no mind. My name is Var Pheel by the way."

The Kerkoiden then follows his employer over to the Cantina. As he steps in Var nonchalantly scans the crowd looking for anyone that's paying the group to much attention.

Perception Roll:

Down Comforter
2011-10-14, 02:02 PM
((My dice rolls in the previous post aren't working for some reason, so I tried to delete it and here is the post again))

Myr finishes off his apple and levitates it into a nearby trash bin...

Use the Force check

...and accidentally embeds the apple into the nearby wall.

He coughs and follows the Kerkoiden into the dark cantina, sensing his surroundings as he does so.

Another Use the Force check and perception check (ignoring cover and light conditions)

UtF [roll1]
Perception [roll2]

He turns to the officer, "Call me Myr. Or Thresh. Or both. I'm not picky. I have been studying at the academy for some time now, I've been allowed some time to myself so I decided to visit the city.

2011-10-14, 02:19 PM
Much to his relief, there wasn't the usual amount of rowdiness people have been known to exhibit while drinking. He didn't think they had any reason to be so glum about... especially with all of the celebration.

He strides through the cantina zig-zagging through the various groups trying to make his way to the bar yelling trying to cheer everyone up.

This is a time to celebrate. Instead of celebrating a glorious colonization anniversary... but we're also celebrating the Metatheran Cartel! What a great day indeed.

He gets to the bar and loudly pounds on the tabletop summoning an annoyed barkeeper.

I'm with a very high ranking officer and the son of a senator... we'd all like a sample of your finest drinks. Thank you.

Persuasion Check

2011-10-14, 05:33 PM
Jek follows the others into the cantina and look around. and then cringes at the way mister Dawson is acting, and Jek thinks to himself, Dawson is probably his own worst enemy, and if someone doesn't try to shot him at least once it must be and off day.

Jek come up beside the Kerkoiden and say, i don't know Var but i think your going to have your work cut out for yourself to keep him from safe the way he acts.

Perception [roll0]

2011-10-14, 05:36 PM
The patrons of the bar kind of turn their heads at Antilles as he mentions celebrating the Cartel's increased activity. They kind of grumble under their breathes and a human woman who had been looking at him somewhat interested turns her attention elsewhere.

A member of a group of Sullustans in matching jumpsuits curses him out slightly as you've taken his spot at the bar after he comes back from using the refresher.

The annoyed Ithorian bartender looks slightly down on you, his large hammerhead giving him a few inches of height. "Six credits for Selvernan wine, then?" he asks, noting afterwards it's the most expensive human drink that he has.

A Wookiee and a Trandoshan shrug slightly at the distraction and then get on with their arm-wrestling competition, as do two Rodians with their sabacc game.

2011-10-14, 05:50 PM
He rolls his eyes at the notions of paying credits.

Very well Barkeep. I can't ever remember paying for a sample of anything... but you look like you could use it.

He scans across the room determining the cleanliness of the place.

Perception check
1d20+4 messed up the roll

He pays the Barkeep 18 credits and grabs the drinks to then give to Caster and Jek.

2011-10-14, 05:52 PM
Perception check


2011-10-14, 05:57 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var sighs heavily as his employer begins praising the actions of the Metatheran Cartel which upsets most of the establishments patrons.

"Yeah, I wager he will be trouble, unfortunately my credit situation leaves me little choice. Perhaps once I'm finished here you could get me some work in law enforcement or point me to your bounty office.", Var says with a chuckle.

2011-10-14, 06:01 PM
You don't see anything overtly unclean, but it's certainly not the classiest place that you've been in.

Down Comforter
2011-10-14, 06:09 PM
Myr hums softly under his breath, "♪♫We're gonnnnna get shooott♫♪"

"Oh, and barkeep. Corellian Ale if you will"

2011-10-14, 09:05 PM
The Sullustans in matching jumpsuits seem a bit odd to Kley. He watches them.

Gather Information check


2011-10-14, 09:12 PM
You have to give the bartender a tip of about 10 credits before he tells you that they're the crew of a supply ship that came in about a day ago and that they've been unloading some type of electronics equipment.

EDIT: 4 credits for the ale.

2011-10-14, 09:31 PM
Ahhh, I see. Working for the Metatherin Cartel no doubt.

While the others are chatting away with each other, Kley confidently approaches the group of Sullustans with his drink in hand. He interrupts whatever conversation they were having with his introduction.

Good day gentleman. I'm sure you've had a tough time since being here and I'd like to be your rose in a world of black.

He gives them his Selvernan Wine.

I've heard about why you're hear and I'd like for you to pass on a message to your boss for me. I'm with the son of a senator and a very high ranked law officer... I think it'd be in your bosses best interest if you guys were to put together a little introduction for me. I want you to tell me where I can find him.

Persuasion check


He brushes off what he imagines to be dirt that have came off other people and straightens his posture.

I'm Kley Dawson and I'll soon be a very important figure on Coruscant.

Down Comforter
2011-10-14, 11:31 PM
Myr sips his ale and nods to Var, "You have a heck of a job ahead of you."

2011-10-14, 11:51 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var begins grinding his teeth as he watches Kley speaking to a group of Sullustans. Massaging his temple as he approaches the bar, Var silently utters a string of curses.

"Bartender, could you please bring me the strongest drink you've got? I'll be needing it.", he groans.

He momentarily focuses his attention on Myr. "Believe me, If I wasn't so desperate for credits I would've never taken this detail. However, if I'd known what kind of trouble this guy was going to be I would have refused outright even if he'd offered me a million credits."

Var then returns his gaze to Kley and the situation with the Sullustans, hoping he won't have to crack some skulls.

2011-10-15, 11:30 AM
If they are too far from me to hear them without a check,i and Plank will try to eavesdrop the conversation between the bartender and Kley about the Sullustans.



i don't know why,but Plank's roll didn't work.i'll roll again in a new post.

2011-10-15, 11:36 AM

2011-10-15, 08:20 PM
If they are too far from me to hear them without a check,i and Plank will try to eavesdrop the conversation between the bartender and Kley about the Sullustans.



i don't know why,but Plank's roll didn't work.i'll roll again in a new post.

You're close enough to not need to roll.

2011-10-17, 09:14 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

While waiting for his drink Var takes a seat still keeping an eye on the situation with the Sullustans.

2011-10-18, 11:46 AM
Jek lets out frustrated sigh at Dawson antics, deciding that it wold be safer to gather some more info. Jek Takes a short and discrete as is possible Q&A walk around the bar at the same time keeping a look for any thing suspicious.

Gather Information [roll0]

Perception [roll1]

2011-10-18, 08:09 PM
Myr sips his ale and nods to Var, "You have a heck of a job ahead of you."

"Yes, he seems to have very little in the way of danger sense... Though I suppose it would be bad form to leave a freind of my dads to get himself shot wouldn't it?"

Caster shakes his head.

2011-10-20, 07:35 AM
Jek is unable to see anything unusual until...

You've been busy getting a feel for the establishment and for the individuals who you've found yourself seated with for a while now, trying to guess just how much the ill-timed announcement is going to affect the celebration. From the sound of things, though, life is picking up on the streets, as you hear shouting and whistles and laughter.

The sounds get louder as the door slides open and a young man rushes into the room. He has dirty blonde hair and his clothes are a patchwork mess, and he stops just inside the doorway, eyes darting back and forth as he scans the bar.

"Cularin is in danger!" He's wheezing, but the words still come out clearly. "We have to do something!" And the door, which has just begun to slide shut behind him, slides open again and several individuals dressed in security uniforms rush in and grab the young man by the wrists.

2011-10-20, 11:51 AM
Jek moves forward and say, Wait!I'm Officer Jek Walker, what has this man done? And what dose he mean about Cularin is in danger.

2011-10-20, 11:58 AM
Startled after the sudden burst of activity, Kley forgets the Sullustans and takes a few cautionary steps backwards. He readies his hands near his concealed weapon.

Normally, he wouldn't pay much attention to the lower class trying to get all of the attention as he can. But if there was danger on Cularin, and he was on Cularin, then he was bound to be in danger.

He yells out to the security officers as they're struggling with the young man.

Now what's the meaning of this?

Getting more panicked.

What danger? What danger!

Down Comforter
2011-10-20, 01:55 PM
Myr sits up a bit straighter as the men come in. Sensing the possibility for trouble, he uses telepathy to send a calm feeling to the struggling young man.

UtF Roll
[roll0] vs. Will if he is unwilling.

2011-10-20, 02:45 PM
Upon getting closer, Jek can see that the men restraining the young man are wearing the uniforms of security guards employed by House Hirskaala, a minor trading house in the city. He also knows that in Gedrin, industrial security guards hold equal weight with the local law enforcement. More so even, when internal security matters are involved.

"This is a matter of security of House Hirskaala," one of the men says to the you as you begin to react to what has happened. "We have the situation well in hand," He turns to Jek. "Thanks for the offer, though, officer."

The man being restrained begins to calm down as Myr begins to send soothing thoughts into his mind. The guards take that as a sign that he's firmly in their control.

Down Comforter
2011-10-20, 06:09 PM
Myr leans over to the Var and mutters, "Do we really allow House guards to haul off someone like this? I'm new to all this."

2011-10-20, 08:45 PM
I don't care if it is a matter of security for House Hirskaala, My duty is to the people of Cularin and if Cularin is in danger i want to know what that danger is!

2011-10-21, 01:17 AM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var takes his eyes off of the Sullustans and gives a cautionary glance towards the situation with the security officers.

2011-10-21, 06:11 AM
Hearing all the confusion,Ryles leaves from his seat. - ''Excuse me,but i'm with Officer Jek here. if Cularin is in danger,and I'm in Cularin,i have the right to know what kind of danger exists. this man does not seem crazy to me.he must be telling the truth.''

2011-10-21, 11:08 AM
One of the many guards that entered the cantina chasing after the man heads towards you all and slowly extracts a piece of flimsi from his belt. "We have a warrant for this man's arrest for acts of industrial espionage," he says, showing it to you. The warrant has everything in order and is signed by Nim'Ri, the head of security for the house. [b]"If you want, you can stop by his office if you have any questions.

Meanwhile, the guards restraining the young man begin to take him out the door.

2011-10-21, 12:47 PM
Relieved, Kley returns to his straightened posture and takes his hands away from his gun's area. He begins to speak to the guards as he walks towards them.

Good form gentlemen. The less scoundrels and saboteurs we have the safer our communities. But as you can see...

He points to the group whom accompanied him to the bar.

I'm with the son of a senator, a very prominent figure on YOUR planet as a matter of fact. So you can understand why this "danger on Cularin" business may not sit well with any of us. If you could let this guilty man say what his claim of danger is, we can let your guys finish up whatever they have to do without any interference from the local law enforcement AND, more importantly, any political interference. What do you say?

He flashes them a coy smile.



2011-10-21, 05:08 PM
Caster finally joins Kley, "Besides if he's harmless we can all have a nice laugh at the crazy guy."

2011-10-21, 05:33 PM
Jek looks over the warrant and nods, Yes everything appears to be in order, I'd still like to hear what this man means about Cularin being in danger, if you can't do that here I'd like to accompany you back to see your boss.

Perception [roll0]
Persuasion [roll1]

2011-10-21, 08:52 PM
"We have other business to attend to after this," the 'leader' of the group says. Seven other of the guards head somewhat closer to him as the ones restraining the man are now fully out of the door.

"He's been saying that about danger to Cularin ever since we began to chase him, I think he's trying to cause a ruckus and get away in it."

The written warrant looks absolutely authentic, as do their uniforms.

2011-10-22, 01:39 PM
I'm still going to join on your way to drop him off at your head quarter, and you may be right about him but i rather be on the safe side and hear him out. Also why dose it look like your men are closing in on us when the suspect is in custody and going out the door. Jek make to follow the House Hirskaala security out the door.

Perception [roll0]
Persuasion [roll1]
Gather Information [roll2]
Knowledge (bureaucracy) [roll3]

2011-10-22, 02:20 PM
Seeing this as an opportunity for galactic press coverage to boost his name in the public presence, Kley slides his way to the middle of the group and puts his elbow on Jeks shoulder in a relaxed position.

This man is correct. I also want to meet your superior. I demand an escort to your headquarters.

He looks back at Var, claps his hands together twice, and waves his arm signalling to follow.

Come Var, we're going to get to the bottom of this danger nonsense.

2011-10-22, 02:44 PM
Caster smiles and walks towards the door, "Well if we're following them let's hurry up and go."

He heads out going after the restraining pair and their prisoner.

2011-10-22, 06:51 PM
I guess i and my droid will scort this man to the office with the rest of the group,just to make sure everthing is in order here.also i would like to know what he has to say.keep moving then men. - Ryles says,maybe he can get some profit from all this.credits are never enough.

2011-10-23, 10:42 AM
A few more of the guards break off their watches to restrain you all, bringing the total now to 12 guards attempting to hold you all back.

2011-10-23, 11:04 AM
What?? have you all gone crazy??? what's the reason for this restraining? - Ryles says while he moves away from the guards,Plank beside him.

2011-10-23, 11:57 AM
Let me pass, as a member of the Law office you have no right to detain me or prevent me from accompanying you to your headquarters, as this incident involves both are office.

If you continue to attempt to detain me I have no chose then to see you as a renegade element that needs to be taken down. Jek moves his hand to rest on his weapon.

Initiative [roll0]

Persuasion [roll1]
Force point [roll2] to aid Persuasion

2011-10-23, 12:39 PM
Noticing Jek and the man with the droid becoming agitated, Kleys eyes open wide as he's realizing what's starting to happen. He throws his hands in the air and begins to side step away from the group.

I'm a visitor on your planet this evening, I have absolutely no association with these people. I'm here on political business and I don't want any trouble.



He keeps backing up until he's against a wall behind the group of approaching guards.

Down Comforter
2011-10-23, 07:35 PM
Myr sighs and stands, holding up his hands, "There is no need for any violence here. We would be glad to take contact information for your superior, officer. Myr glares at Jek. "I would expect better than threats from a law officer. We don't need to invite any violence here."

2011-10-25, 07:02 PM
"Finally, a voice of reason," the officer that's been the primary voice of the group says, darting his eyes suspiciously between Myr and Jek, wanting to see what the situation would end up being. His subordinates lead the man fully out of the cantina and into a House Hirskaala-marked speeder van.

2011-10-25, 08:05 PM
Caster grins, "Yes a voice of reason would be most helpful, however yours hasn't been it so far. YOU haven't made one reasonable suggestion so far. And if that speeder leaves... Let's just say while it won't get violent it will get... Unpleasant. Since you seem unwilling to let us talk with him why not tell us what he is talking about."


2011-10-26, 09:48 AM
I agree with him officer. you started all this.are you hiding something? because your last attitude made me think so.if you let this man you are holding talk,then i'll know you don't have anything to hide.what do you say?

Persuasion check

Down Comforter
2011-10-26, 02:49 PM
Myr sighs and sits back down at the bar, ignoring the whole confrontation. I'm going to need a lot stronger drink than ale with this bunch...

2011-10-26, 09:12 PM
The "lead" security officer gives an exasperated sigh as Caster and Ryles continue their hindrance. "That's it, I'm done,"[/color] he says with a slight amount of agitation in his voice. [b]"They're not paying me enough to deal with these locals..."

He motions for the others to follow him and he heads out the door. The man is now placed in the speeder van and the door is closed. The security officers, if unhampered, get in that van and others in the area nearby.

2011-10-27, 05:03 AM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var turns back to the bar once the security officers depart wondering when the drink he ordered would arrive.

2011-10-28, 03:03 PM
"Sorry," the bartender says in his stereo voice. "Got a little distracted by that," he says as he places Var's drink on the bar. He grabs a bottle of Ithorian brandy and pours a small shot before placing it on the counter before Myr. "On the house," he says. "I was about to shout, too."

2011-10-29, 11:06 AM
Kley, beginning to relax, dusts off what could only be imaginary dust, and straightens his clothes out.

Nothing like a power struggle to get the blood boiling right?

He pats Jek on the back as he passes him by and approaches the bartender.

Do those lousy dressing men mess with you lot quite a bit? What do you know about these guys exactly?

2011-10-29, 02:07 PM
"House Hirskaala is somewhat median trading concern on the planet. Primarily intra-system."

2011-10-29, 04:43 PM
He lets out an audible, Hmph. and slaps the table. he turns around towards the unwinding group.

It doesn't sound like the most influential of businesses... nevertheless, I'm a sucker for these "feel good", "little man vs. big business" type of stories. With all of our pull...

He points to Jek and Caster.

...we could get my name going around in the news creating buzz, and we might even be able to figure out what kind of danger that lout was screaming over.

He raises his hands in the air in a friendly expressive way.

This is going to turn out great. Think of what we'd be able to uncover with all the recognition that comes with it.

Var will be coming with us of course, he should be alright keeping the beggars off us. You in the robes and you with the droid... you guys can come along if you stay a good distance behind me, I want these people to take me seriously when I meet them.

He claps his hands together and starts out the door.

Let's go! If we finish this up quick we can all start working on our quotes.

2011-10-29, 07:49 PM
It take Jek several minutes to calm his temper, even as he calms himself he forces his hand away from his weapon, Once he's calm a enough he walks over to the bar takes the drink that Kley bought him and downs it in a single shot.

Jek turns around and says, yes lets go and find out what going on.

2011-10-29, 08:52 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var sighs heavily as he listens to Kley ramble on. He downs the shot in a single gulp wishing for more.

Need something stronger if I'm going to be able to deal with that insufferable nuisance.

The Kerkoiden grumbles under his breath as he follows his employer out of the Cantina. As he steps out he takes another bite of his apple.

Down Comforter
2011-10-30, 01:58 AM
Myr tries to imitate the others and downs his shot. His lack of experience in such matters ends with him following the others in the midst of a coughing fit and with the realization that walls probably shouldn't swim like that.

He grins and exits the cantina, "I really need to take more vacations."

2011-10-30, 12:15 PM
Yes,i'll go with you guys for now,though i don't know how much of your insolence i can tolerate. - Ryles says to Kley.but i guess we will discover that along the way. besides this,i need some credits after all,and this could be my chance to get them.Let's go Plank. Ryles follow the others after finishing his drink.

2011-11-01, 10:07 AM
As you all step out of the cantina you can see that the speeders have pulled away, save for one more coming down the road. It is a small two-seater and bears the symbol of House Hirskaala on its doors.

""Excuse me sirs," he says as he sees you walk out. He then asks if you've seen a man that looks remarkably similar to the one you just saw pulled out of the cantina by the men.

2011-11-01, 11:34 AM
Caster sighs. "I knew this would happen. Yes he was just dragged away by your uppity, close-mouthed, goons."

2011-11-01, 05:00 PM
Why do you ask officer? there's anything i could help you with?

2011-11-01, 05:30 PM
Caster gives a weary smile.

"Ah but do you want to know what's going to happen? Either we've just delivered him to someone else, and let them drive off with the only witness to their wrongdoing, or he's here to arrest us for espionage. Because we were curious.

2011-11-01, 05:55 PM
The man looks at you all in confusion. "Dragged away?" he asks, his voice filled with a slight amount of concern. "By us? No one authorized his arrest, especially not us," he adds.

2011-11-01, 09:35 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var stands dumbstruck for several minutes before being able to collect himself.

"What!? Ask anyone in the Cantina and they'll tell you a large group of armed officers from house whatever dragged this poor fella off. I believe they even had an authentic arrest warrant with seals and everything, right guys?", Var says as he turns to his traveling companions.

"I'm sure we all realize we've been duped but I'm unsure what can be done at this point. Those imposters are long gone and I don't think they were kind enough to give us their forwarding address."

2011-11-02, 09:53 AM
Var is right sir.those mens seemed authentic to all of us. why are you chasing him? what he did?

2011-11-02, 09:50 PM
"He claimed that he had information that would 'sink' the Cartel and stated that he'd talk to me around the area. He works for us and didn't show up for the meeting. What exactly happened?"

He pauses and rethinks for just a second. "No," he says after his brief contemplation. "I'd like you to come and speak with my boss, Nim'Ri. He must know what went on here."

2011-11-03, 01:45 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var shrugs his shoulders. "It's up to the others but it's not like we have anything better to do."

The Kerkoiden takes a final bite from his apple before discarding it on the ground.

Down Comforter
2011-11-03, 02:53 PM
Myr sighs and leans against the wall, "I'm just along for the ride. This is far more convoluted than the academy."

2011-11-03, 04:54 PM
Of course officer. but i must warn you that i'm without a vehicle at the moment.if you can provide transport for us,i'll be grateful.

2011-11-04, 07:02 PM
"Of course," the officer states.

The offices of House Hirskaala are located several blocks from the Sop House, near the center of Gadrin within sight of the monument to Reidi Artom. Hirskaala is one of the numerous trading concerns that have established themselves on Cularin in the last year or two, and the numbers seem to be growing exponentially. It was inevitable that the Cartel, who had always maintained a presence here, would catch on eventually, but you had to hope it would take a little longer than it apparently did.

A thick metal wall surrounds the House Hirskaala compound, and two Human guards stand beside the enormous set of double-blast doors that serve as a gate. They wear insignias identical to those worn by the guards who took the young man from the Sop House.

Down Comforter
2011-11-05, 02:22 PM
Myr whistles as the size of the fortifications, "Your House really is ready for anything, isn't it?"

2011-11-06, 12:26 PM
The officer driving you through the gates laughs slightly at Myr's comment. "You can thank the Trade Federation for that," he says, looking at the B1 in the van with the others with a slight shrug. "This used to be a depot for them before the Cartel drove them off. We bought the property at a pretty good price and set up shop here for ourselves."

2011-11-07, 06:10 PM
Caster whistles, "I always did enjoy TF tech. The company can be a real peice of work sometimes... but you have to admit that what they make has style."

2011-11-08, 09:59 AM
The Cartel drove them off? And the Trade Federation did not punish them for this? unlikely. - Ryles asks,wondering why a powerful organization as TF would allow the Cartel take this depot.

2011-11-08, 10:49 AM
The van stops in front of a secondary entrance to the building as Ryles asks his question. The guard driving the van opens the doors for you and ushers you in before answering. "The Trade Federation had its hands full at the time, mainly due to the Naboo situation. The Cartel struck when the iron was hot, so to speak. Not to mention that they mainly contracted pirates to harass the local upstarts."

Down Comforter
2011-11-08, 01:52 PM
Myr frowns, "So clearly the Cartel deals operates with less than legal means. How can they get away with that?"

2011-11-08, 02:39 PM
The officer looks slightly embarrassed. "The Trade Federation did, I meant." he states. "I misspoke."

OOC: Blame me on that one.

2011-11-08, 07:38 PM
Caster shrugs "Anyway, who are we meeting with? I can't say I've had the opportunity to do business with Hirskaala.

2011-11-11, 08:59 PM
"Nim'Ri," the guard says as he ushers you to a door. "Our head of security."

The door slides open and a yellow-skinned, reptilian individual stands to greet you. His eyes flick back and forth from one of you to the next as you enter the room.

With the flick of his wrist, the Trandoshan dismisses his guards. "Please, sit. I understand we have business to discuss."

Down Comforter
2011-11-12, 02:36 PM
Myr slinks over to the most comfortable looking chair and plops down.

2011-11-13, 06:39 AM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var declines the offer of a seat choosing to lean on the nearest wall.

"Now then, let's get down to business. A group of impersonators with credentials and uniforms kidnapped a man claiming to have knowledge of some trouble on Cularin from a nearby Cantina. Two things immediately stick out. First whoever these posers are have help from a source in your office. Two they have the help of an experienced forger. Whatever the case we need to find that man in a hurry", he says in Dosh.

2011-11-13, 09:45 AM
"I can certainly explain the uniforms," Nim'Ri says. "Just a few minutes ago, I received a comm from Sorentiin Laundry saying that several uniforms used by my security force were stolen, along with uniforms from another shipping firm. They told me this because I had just heard of another incident: an entire cargohold world of goods was taken away by men wearing stolen uniforms."

He opens his desk and pulls out a stack of flimsi. He shows them to you, revealing the very same warrant that had been shown to you by the kidnappers. "As for warrants, I must say that I'm a bit lazy and rubber stamp a form letter for the basic industrial security things and hand them out to my employees. Foolish, yes..."

2011-11-13, 01:13 PM
Where the goods should be sent before they stole it? do you have any idea who those mens could be or why they had choosen to use the disguise of your guards instead of anything else?

2011-11-13, 08:11 PM
Caster thinks for a moment. "Who would have these Warrants normally?"

2011-11-14, 06:55 PM
"They wore the uniforms of the trading company hit. Apparently also from the same laundry service. As to the warrants, I provide them to everyone in my service. It's quite possible that one of them was stolen.

Any more questions?"

Down Comforter
2011-11-16, 06:07 PM
Myr frowns, "I've got one. What is your plan to rescue the man that was kidnapped as a result of lackluster security?"

2011-11-17, 06:25 PM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

"I agree with Myr. It's not like we have any leads to go on our adversary has been quite flawless in the planning and execution of their operation."

2011-11-18, 06:47 AM
Caster sighs "It's not like it was actually all that hard for them though. That speeder they left in, Do any of you remember what sort it was?"

2011-11-18, 10:23 PM
"To be honest, I don't think that it would be wise for Hirskaala itself to conduct the investigation," Nim'Ri states, scratching at a scale. "If we were to do it, it may put Darin at risk. I was hoping that, as somewhat of a neutral party, that you would be able to get information that we cannot."

The Trandoshan looks to Pheel. "There is the laundry service to consider," he says. "Two separate crimes commited with uniforms stolen from their inventory. It's something that should be looked into.

Darin also mentioned something about the Metatharen Cartel; that they had more than business on their minds and that he had information that would 'sink' the Cartel. That's what he told me in a communication last night."

2011-11-19, 11:33 AM
Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var shrugs his shoulders. "I guess we could check out the laundry service. Do you mind if we borrow one of your speeders, Chief?"

2011-11-19, 04:25 PM
''I suppose that there will be payment for our help.''
Ryles says while he look to the others.

2011-11-22, 01:54 PM
"I'm afraid that I can't let you take one of our marked speeders. As a 'third party' it might be best for you to take an unmarked vehicle. We have a few available as company cars. Check with our motor pool to see if there's one available.

As for payment... 500 credits each sound appealing? For Darin's safe return?"

Down Comforter
2011-11-22, 02:53 PM
Myr straightens up in his seat, "The payment and vehicle sound alright to me." he tilts his head towards the rest of the group. "Does it work for you all?"

2011-11-22, 03:03 PM
OOC: hayabusa some of the other participants have posted in a while you might want to send out PM's to see if they will still be involved in the game.

Var Pheel - Kerkoiden Soldier

Var crosses his arms and tries to keep himself from jumping around hysterically at the thought of the reward.

"The reward sounds fine to me. Of course we have to deal with the fact that Darin could already be dead. So we will need to get started right away and show a sense of urgency in completing this task."

2011-11-23, 09:01 AM
"I'm afraid that I can't let you take one of our marked speeders. As a 'third party' it might be best for you to take an unmarked vehicle. We have a few available as company cars. Check with our motor pool to see if there's one available.

As for payment... 500 credits each sound appealing? For Darin's safe return?"

''Fair enough.since the payment matter is settled,i think we can begin to work now.'' - Ryles then look to the others - ''Do you guys think its better for us to make groups and split up to go searching? i think this could speed up the investigation.''

2011-11-23, 04:27 PM
Caster shrugs, "Sounds good to me. I'm driving."

2011-11-27, 12:51 PM
The group gets in their borrowed vehicles and travels the short distance to Sorentiin Laundry Services from the compound of House Hirskaala. The building is a small one nestled into the larger confines of a shopping plaza. There is currently only one speeder parked nearby

Down Comforter
2011-11-30, 07:07 PM
Myr steps out of the speeder and looks back at the others, grinning, "I have no idea what I'm doing, so how about I take the lead."

2011-12-02, 12:25 PM
Myr takes the lead and enters the laundry, where the only two sentients there are two older-looking Sullustans. The male one slowly looks up at the group with tired eyes. "Can I help you?" he says. "Or are you here to pull your clothes out and go somewhere else, too?

Down Comforter
2011-12-03, 06:18 PM
Myr scans the surroundings through the force and then approaches the pair, hoping the rest of the group follows him.

UtF: Sense Surroundings

"We're looking for information on some people who came into this laundromat and stole some House Hirskaala uniforms from this laundromat. Is there anything you can tell us?"

2011-12-05, 02:23 PM
Peering into the Force, Myr is unable to come up with anything particular. The female Sullustan, though, may have something of relevance to say.

[b]"We got here this morning to see that several of our corporate uniforms had been stolen. Several from House Hirskaala's security uniform and a few from Renna's Transport Service. We don't have any real security save for locks. Who'd want to steal dirty clothes, we thought..."[/color]

Down Comforter
2011-12-06, 12:49 AM
Do you have any surveillance? Anything we could use to track down who stole the clothing. It's rather important.

2011-12-12, 12:54 PM
The male Sullustan looks up at Myr uncomfortably. "We couldn't afford to keep it..." he says with shame. "We keep the camera's rolling, but we had to sell the processing unit to buy a new washer three years ago after the old one conked out."

2011-12-13, 06:02 PM
''You fool! now that you sold the only thing that could help us in tracking the thiefs, we have nothing to follow. don't you have not even the records?'' - Ryles says,angry with the whole situation.

Down Comforter
2011-12-14, 06:13 AM
Myr pats the nearest Sullustan on the shoulder encouragingly, "Surely you have something that could help us. I'm afraid it's quite important."

2011-12-15, 11:54 AM
The Sullustan sort of shrinks back in fear as Ryles yells at him, but is slightly reassured by Myr's gesture. "They stole the uniforms for three companies," he states, moving to get his logbook. He turns a few pages before getting to the missing inventory that he had just compiled in the previous hour.

"House Hirskaala security, the warehouse staff of Cularin's Best Trading and Renna's Transport Service. Those are the ones that were stolen. At least that I've been able to see so far..."