View Full Version : Tricks, Traps and Tribulations (encounter help)

2011-10-12, 05:04 AM
So Im an upcoming session I plan on throwing a wide variety of tricks and traps at the party with the goal of bleeding them slowly.

The set-up:
The group will be out in the wilderness with instructions to collect a rare breed of goat and bring 5-10 back with them (being paid on a per-goat basis). The goats themselves are quite small and passive whose only function is a burden for party to bring safely back to civilisation. Depending on how the encounters go they may or may not get abandoned (probably not though, what PC has ever passed up some gold)
They need to travel through a heavy forest with plenty of rivers and into a hilly region, where the goats are, and then back again.
The catch being the goats are owned by Kobolds who dont take kindly to the PC's stealing their animals (the PC's wont know beforehand they belong to the Kobolds).
While the trip to and acquisition of the goats will go relatively easy (kobolds generally avoiding them until they cause some trouble) the trip back will be fraught with hazards aka a Tuckers Kobolds Style encounter

The group:

Goliath Barbarian (lvl2)
Goblin(air) Swordsage (lvl2)
Elf Scout (lvl2)
Elf Wizard(enchanter) (lvl2)
Human Mystic Ranger (lvl1)
each person has roughly 500-,1000gp unspent that I will fully encourage at least some of which being spent on some healing items

The Tricks Traps and Tribulations:
While the group is being chased by hordes of Kobolds, I dont plan on having them their as anything other than a driving force to keep the PC's moving or a function of a trap. At no point will I drop more than a half dozen kobolds (roughly) on them. Occasionally 1 might have a single caster level, probably a sorcerer and using spells that will complicate but not annihilate. As the encounters will be played out over several days I plan on making sure they get very little rest, generally by having a night time encounters

The traps I have are:

Pitfall trap - While recovering a few kobolds attack, maybe throw some oil on the person stuck in the pit and attempt to light it (only if I know it wont kill them)
Poison Dart trap - A handful of kobolds are in the trees with blowguns firing (weak) poison darts. The poison will not do Con damage as that would be too mean.
Tripwire - cause swinging log/blade/boulder trap for a small amount of damage (d6 ish)
Net snares - While some are dangling in the air, kobolds attack (surprise surprise)
Rope Bridge - Rope is greased, maybe kobolds try to shake/cut the rope as well.
Night Raid - Kobolds herd a Wild boar(s), or similar, into the groups camp during the night. Wrecking any chance of sleep. I am quite conscious of the effect this would have on the Wizard so I may hold this one back until they are a day or 2 from safety

What I need:
Moar traps, more tricks and more tribulations.
Any ideas for simple traps that will cause a small amount of damage, maybe a little stat damage (though not to con), or maybe cause a condition to be applied or hamper them in some small way. Hopefully no one trap should result in a TPK (or near TPK) but should bring them close by the time they reach safety. I will be watching things closely to make sure I dont do some overkill and cause some PC deaths. Now that said if PC's deaths happen then they happen, but thats not the goal.

If I do this right I want them to hate and fear every Kobold they see for the rest of the campaign