View Full Version : Paladin and bandits

2011-10-12, 02:15 PM
the party is

paladin lg
rogue cg
chaos mage cg
cleric ng
barbarian cn

we had this argument with the party.the barbarian had tried to kill before 3 times npc while they are surrendered and paladin had stopped him and had some conflict between them.

now in the road we encountered 4 bandits that said to give toll to pass them.the weapons of the bandits is not ready and we had discussions with the bandits.the bandits said that we must give them money and no one can pass and didn't show any hostile actions.before any other action barbarian raged and the other players rolled initiative (none of the bandits rolled initiative) and the barbarian killed in rage the 2 without hesitation while again say none of the bandits draw a weapon and after that paladin leaves the party.

we are playing an adventure like saving the world.is right that with the paladin to go away?
the other players what must do in that action cause none draw a weapon and they were very low levels the bandits.the characters are mid level.

or should they have waited the bandits actions and after act?

i am the dm of this campaign and i play the paladin.

2011-10-12, 02:21 PM
The paladin wouldn't have to leave; he could stay and have a long talk with the barbarian about right and wrong, with the help of the other (all Good, I notice) party members. Redeeming a powerful warrior and saving the world is more important than personal quibbles. If the paladin already left, he might come back after talking it over with his church or praying for guidance.

2011-10-12, 02:28 PM
In addition to an in-game talk, if it's something you're unhappy with, be sure to have an out-of-game talk with the barbarian's player.
If you're uninterested in bringing the paladin back, he could always form up with another group (NPC) and continue the same quest, maybe even encountering the PC party along the way.

2011-10-12, 03:06 PM
the party is

paladin lg
rogue cg
chaos mage cg
cleric ng
barbarian cn

we had this argument with the party.

Do tell:

the barbarian had tried to kill before 3 times npc while they are surrendered and paladin had stopped him and had some conflict between them.

Why did the Barb want to kill NPCs?

now in the road we encountered 4 bandits that said to give toll to pass them. the weapons of the bandits is not ready and we had discussions with the bandits. the bandits said that we must give them money and no one can pass and didn't show any hostile actions.

Extorting someone for money is hostile action.

before any other action barbarian raged and the other players rolled initiative (none of the bandits rolled initiative) and the barbarian killed in rage the 2 without hesitation while again say none of the bandits draw a weapon and after that paladin leaves the party.

Why? Did the pally say why?

we are playing an adventure like saving the world. is right that with the paladin to go away?
the other players what must do in that action cause none draw a weapon and they were very low levels the bandits.the characters are mid level.

or should they have waited the bandits actions and after act?

i am the dm of this campaign and i play the paladin.

Depends on DM. They determine whether acts are fall worthy. If you weren't the DM: Maybe the Paladin didn't know if this was.

But since you were: I'm confused. What were you thinking?
You haven't yet told us the Paladins thought process.

Tanuki Tales
2011-10-12, 03:11 PM
Am I the only one to notice that the Paladin in question is a DMPC?

Edit: Because the impression I get from the other posts is that the Paladin is a different player.

2011-10-12, 03:47 PM
yes the paladin is DMPC.

the paladin in the previous sessions had talked with the barbarian and didn't have any effect.but i think to kill without first the others have any chance to draw a weapon or talk any further is a little evil act cause didn't provoked any action to them.

the bandits didn't said "give us money or i will kill you".the bandits are neutral and they didn't had intention to draw weapons cause they observed that the players are high levels for them.

and the paladin believe that act was very extreme as long as she believes that all the humans have one chance to take the path of good.

2011-10-12, 03:54 PM
yes the paladin is DMPC.

Then the Paladin should be killed at the earliest opportunity. The DM should not be driving the PC group dynamic from within, because doing so steals the spot light from them and prevents them from doing things that the DMPC doesn't like, as this example clearly illustrates.

2011-10-12, 03:55 PM
I would say that the paladin actually had an obligation to at least capture if not kill the bandits. Think about it, sure they don't represent a threat to the PCs but what if it was farmer joe and his family that bumped into them. Farmer joe being a commoner doesn't have any money and being bandits they running a extortion scheme are rather likely to just attack him over it.

Killer Angel
2011-10-12, 03:57 PM
yes the paladin is DMPC.

Then let the paladin leave the group. Problem solved.

2011-10-12, 03:58 PM
the bandits didn't said "give us money or i will kill you".the bandits are neutral and they didn't had intention to draw weapons cause they observed that the players are high levels for them.

If they were that observant then they really should have just walked away and not bothered the PCs. Two bandits really have no chance against five well-armed travelers regardless of their level. Plus they had no idea that the group weren't psychotic murderers. It was your metagaming that lead directly to their deaths in the first place.

As for the paladin, he is perfectly free to leave the group if there are some unsolveable personality conflicts (just as any other character would do). If he doesn't want to abandon the quest along with the group, he can form his own NPC party to show up at inopportune moments down the road.

2011-10-12, 05:12 PM
yes the paladin is DMPC.

the paladin in the previous sessions had talked with the barbarian and didn't have any effect.but i think to kill without first the others have any chance to draw a weapon or talk any further is a little evil act cause didn't provoked any action to them.

the bandits didn't said "give us money or i will kill you".the bandits are neutral and they didn't had intention to draw weapons cause they observed that the players are high levels for them.

and the paladin believe that act was very extreme as long as she believes that all the humans have one chance to take the path of good.
All the humans? I'm confused here. Is the paladin motivated by pacifistic ideals or by racism?

The bandits are neutral? So they don't actually harm innocents? What would the bandits have done had the group simply attempted to move past them, ignoring their demands and implied threats?

What would the bandits have done had a group of defenseless-looking peasants attempted to move past them, ignoring their demands and threats-whether-explicit-or-implied?

Note that while (you may have gathered from my questions :smalltongue:) my sympathies are likely with the barbarian for attacking the bandits, attempting to kill enemies who have surrendered is quite a different matter.