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View Full Version : Way to improve Changeling's Minor Change Shape (without cabinet trickster.)

2011-10-12, 06:06 PM
Are there any ways to improve the Changeling race(from RoE, 3.5)'s Minor Change Shape ability without taking five levels in Cabinet Trickster? I was hoping for something a little faster.. :P
If you need it out of context..
My character is a level 6 changeling with four levels in Hexblade (this pathfinder revision- https://docs.google.com/View?id=dgsxfnsp_6hc8d69gj) and two in Warshaper. I'm trying to focus my character off of shapeshifting and natural attacks. I'm going to take a couple levels in cross-blooded Sorcerer (serpentine bloodline and abyssal bloodline) for the extra natural attacks. I need some help with my character, because this is my first time playing Pathfinder and I don't really know what I'm doing most of the time. :p
Anyone have any help?