View Full Version : Hijacking an Archmage in Pathfinder

2011-10-12, 11:08 PM
So long story short, wizards rule the world in large megacities & one of these Magister Lords just looked into the void & the void happened to look back (violently)

Does anyone know of any aberation or weird illithid type monster that can hijack a person? I want the archmage to become the meatsuit of an evil otherworldly being that is looking to invade the material plane. Can anyone in the playground help me? I was thinking of Hellboy & how Rasputin was the vessel for an Elder God.

2011-10-12, 11:21 PM
if ure looking for an aberration type creature that would fit the bill, Tsochar could probably work rather well. Not to mention if hes a mage it keeps the spells he prepared that day

2011-10-12, 11:45 PM
Intellect Devourer with lots of class levels and templates?

Oh, and a ring of regeneration on the archmage to keep the meatsuit fresh/alive. Bonus: If the PC's can force the ID out with out completely killing the archmage, the Archmage's brain will eventually regenerate back.

If they yoink the ring off though, the archmage dies.

2011-10-13, 12:34 AM
Well I was thinking Neothelid, but it has no way of inhabiting it's host. None of the aberrations in Bestiary 1 or 2 that I read could mindjack a host.
Tsochar come really close, but they cannot regain lost spells. I was going to make the wizard a BBEG, that doesn't workout so well when the party is just beating up an old man...

2011-10-13, 12:44 AM
So long story short, wizards rule the world in large megacities & one of these Magister Lords just looked into the void & the void happened to look back (violently)

Does anyone know of any aberation or weird illithid type monster that can hijack a person? I want the archmage to become the meatsuit of an evil otherworldly being that is looking to invade the material plane. Can anyone in the playground help me? I was thinking of Hellboy & how Rasputin was the vessel for an Elder God.

You're more than likely going to have to dip outside Pathfinder (Since 3.5 is indeed compatible with a little bit of work, considering there are no archmages in Pathfinder) or just homebrew some crazy Elder Evil (Also called Great Old Ones in Pathfinder) that took over the archmage's body.

2011-10-13, 12:58 AM
Well I was thinking Neothelid, but it has no way of inhabiting it's host. None of the aberrations in Bestiary 1 or 2 that I read could mindjack a host.
Tsochar come really close, but they cannot regain lost spells. I was going to make the wizard a BBEG, that doesn't workout so well when the party is just beating up an old man...

Welll, ID's are aberrations. Though I just realized with the regeneration trick you have to houserule in that reducing the HP enough to kill the target, if they didn't have regeneration, suffices for the ability to control the body. Then they keep munching on the slowly regeneration brain.

2011-10-13, 01:18 AM
If you're willing to port in 3.5 material, does the voidmind template do anything for you?

2011-10-13, 01:22 AM
Welll, ID's are aberrations. Though I just realized with the regeneration trick you have to houserule in that reducing the HP enough to kill the target, if they didn't have regeneration, suffices for the ability to control the body. Then they keep munching on the slowly regeneration brain.

I really like the Int Devourers (dog sized brains that eat someones mind by jumping in their mouth, what's not to like?) but they suffer the same no spellcasting limitation as the tsochar brainworms. As well as killing the host & running around for only a week or so. : ( I really don't trust myself to homebrew, but it may be the only way...

2011-10-13, 01:32 AM
If you're willing to port in 3.5 material, does the voidmind template do anything for you?

Very nice, very nice. I believe I will use this. Thank you for helping me. Thanks to everyone who helped me. (Sorry about the double post)

2011-10-13, 01:35 AM
In one of the Pathfinder Adventure Path modules (Serpent's Skull, Pt. 4: Vaults of Madness), there's a variant intellect devourer who, instead of just munching on brains, actually removes said brain and puts them into a special machine that keeps the body alive and allows the ID to control multiple bodies remotely. The ID who came up with it naturally got booted from his group for being a pseudo-magical/scientific heretic.

Not sure if this is your thing, just tossing out ideas. Do you actually intend your players to fight the crazy extra-dimensional horror?

2011-10-13, 01:52 AM
In one of the Pathfinder Adventure Path modules (Serpent's Skull, Pt. 4: Vaults of Madness), there's a variant intellect devourer who, instead of just munching on brains, actually removes said brain and puts them into a special machine that keeps the body alive and allows the ID to control multiple bodies remotely. The ID who came up with it naturally got booted from his group for being a pseudo-magical/scientific heretic.

Not sure if this is your thing, just tossing out ideas. Do you actually intend your players to fight the crazy extra-dimensional horror?

After they earn level 1 to 20ish? Yes.

The whole story arc will begin & end the the Magister Lord. He blows up his megacity to try & kill the thing crawling inside his skull just before it takes him. Sadly he (& the hijacker) lives. The megacity that he blows up is the city the character's will start in. They will escape with a huge group of refugees & have to deal with Magister Lords & Sorcerer Kings & Emperor Magus (all high level arcane casters in charge of their own megacities) fighting & going to the brink of war (because noone knows what exploded the city) So they will have plenty of things to do to get to high levels.

Once they are within a few levels of the archmage that has been mindraped, he will reveal himself & come at the head of an invading army of aberrations. They will rally the mages together & lead the defense of the realm, kill the archmage, learn what happened & then kill the puppet master behind it all.
(then maybe they will retire)

2011-10-13, 06:46 PM
and as a note, if the host body is wearing a ring of regeneration, it wouldn't rot, so the body remains useful :)