View Full Version : What settings do you play in?

Morph Bark
2011-10-13, 01:38 PM
I'm currently trying to expand my human race remake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196532) and then thought I'd expand by going for various settings, homebrew and official. Then I figured it would be best to first figure out which settings actually see play a lot. Also, I'm kind of curious, especially since I often see stuff of the "Eberron vs Forgotten Realms" variety, me being mostly pro-Eberron (but loving the Underdark).

Do you play mostly in Faerun, Eberron, Dark Sun or Dragonlance? Do you play in a homebrew setting (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=57)?

Or do you just switch it up so often it hardly matters? :smalltongue:

2011-10-13, 01:54 PM
We used to play Grayhawk twice, and Faerun nearly every time. I once DMed a Eberron Campaign that took place till... level 6 from 1 on. Now we will probably start one in Eberron with Pathfinder rules.

Faerun and Eberron are both in my eyes different.
While Eberron is more Fantasy-Steampunk, Faerun is truly High Fantasy. I like both.

Hope that helps for your wicked experiments!

2011-10-13, 01:55 PM
Homebrew all the way. Mostly because I don't want to take the time to become super-familiar with a published setting, preferring to screw with my own as I go.

2011-10-13, 01:56 PM
We play Planescape. Sigil-focused, to be more precise.

2011-10-13, 02:07 PM

2011-10-13, 02:18 PM
Switch it up. A lot. Planescape, Dark Sun, Ravenloft as favorites. Occasional Faerun, Eberron & Grey Hawk. Lots of homebrew settings.

2011-10-13, 02:26 PM
I make my own worlds. I don't like playing in established worlds. But I borrow somethings from Eberron & Faerun

2011-10-13, 03:16 PM
Planescape or Homebrew. I used to play a few Eberron PbPs that actually lasted long enough to be worth mentioning. All other settings: never tried, but read a few.

Keld Denar
2011-10-13, 03:25 PM
I grew up with Living Greyhawk, so that is the setting that I'm most familiar with. Greyhawk is the setting that I'm currently running for my girlfriend and her parents.

That said, I do LOVE me some Eberron. The hodgepodge of everything and anything all thrown together that WORKS, it was a setting developed with adventure hooks lurking around every corner and inside of every building. If have trouble setting something in Eberron, you honestly aren't trying hard enough. Dragonmarks are a little lame (IMO), but the concept of Dragonmarked Houses, with "guild" intrigue, nations with nationality intrigue (Kaius III is really a good leader, just...not...[Good]), and then you have pure wild cards like the Demon Wastes and Xen'Drik. So much good stuff there.

2011-10-13, 03:35 PM
Currently playing in the Kingdoms of Kalamar setting. It's very human focussed, but I like the setting a lot. Established kingdoms and pantheon are very well layed out. Maybe a bit low magic (especially arcane), but that may also be just the Campaigns we run.

Kol Korran
2011-10-13, 04:11 PM
i moslty play in either Eberron (which i love) or homebrewed settings. i tried FR but didn't like it much- gods were a BORE, and all those high level characters prancing around. way too much high magic for me (Enerron has techno- magic, which is quite different, and proper "D&D adventure" magic of high levels is nearly nonexistent)

would LOVE to try planescape. no one here knows much about it other than Torment. seems like an awesome setting!

i'm working on a homebrew setting, a piraty thing with lots of isles of different races, where the humans are actually a sort of colonial Empire who tries to usurp the isles) might be interested in your work!

2011-10-13, 04:16 PM
A lot Forgotten Realms in the past, but since its faults were becomming more and more apparent, homebrew is comming along very nicely.

2011-10-13, 04:31 PM
I rarely play in an established setting, but there are things I like about each of them.

Faerun has great geography, and from all the video games, I know the areas and their feel pretty well. Too much high-level magic and characters, though, sometimes a low-lvl party can feel lost, and that's mostly what I play.

I love the adventure focus and low-lvl focus of Eberron, but I never got into the setting. A little too "weird," I'd need to play in it in order to make more of a judgement. Also less magic, which I find to be a major balancer in DnD- high magic (or otherwise "wealthy") settings lead to player abuse much earlier.

I'm gonna be honest, I never really understood the planes. The planar maps never really clicked in my head like a terrestrial map, and even outer space makes more sense to me. That said, Planescape seems like the setting for it. Were I to run a Planes campaign (usually higher level), I would run Planescape.

Greyhawk and Ravenloft always reminded me of gloomy sessions of ADnD in my friend's basement. We had fun, but the settings were so gloomy and brooding. Cool for darker material, but less "adventure-y" than something like Eberron.

2011-10-13, 04:41 PM
My current group mainly plays in forgotten realms but i have had several greyhawk groups. I don't play pathfinder, modern, or ravenloft. I just don't like them. I have heard of dark sun but do not knwo much about it and have never cared enough to learn more. I like eberron a lot and have had a handful of games in that world.

Occasionally , my current group does Generic (basically a game where the worlds name just never comes up), cross-worlds (like our current game where the mage guild the party belongs to has a artifact gate that can break planar boundaries and teleport the group anywhere), Or homebrew (fully designed worlds built from the ground up by the GM, with professional maps).

If your worried about learning all the fluff from a world then i recommend eberron. It is a fun setting. very imaginative. And it takes about a day to learn the fluff behind the world.

2011-10-13, 04:43 PM
All over the place.Currently though, I'm running an Iron Kingdoms game.

2011-10-13, 04:47 PM
I'm gonna be honest, I never really understood the planes. The planar maps never really clicked in my head like a terrestrial map, and even outer space makes more sense to me. That said, Planescape seems like the setting for it. Were I to run a Planes campaign (usually higher level), I would run Planescape.

That's because you can't really map the planes. They are infinite, and just sorta touch at the edges, sometimes. The Great Wheel isn't a map, it's more of a model, showing which planes are similar, and more often connected. Think of it as a Bohr model of an atom. Not even close to what an atom "looks" like, but useful for basic explanations.
Added to that that the planes constantly change, in time and space. Travelling from any place to any other place in the outlands takes the same amount of time, no matter how far apart they are. Entire towns and countries sometimes change places, even planes. Sometimes, a portal drops you off in the past, or the future. You never know.

2011-10-13, 04:49 PM
Ptolus, Golarion, or a homebrew setting that has what I need it to have in it.

Safety Sword
2011-10-13, 05:06 PM
Forgotten Realms (before all the Spell Plague stupidity), mostly when I play. Now that our entire group is familiar it's also the easiest to DM in.

I DM'd Dragonlance for a long time, but that was a while ago now (plus, 3E source book was kind of... sucky). I miss that campaign... it felt eipc.

2011-10-13, 05:33 PM
While I prefer anything not FR, the people I know IRL are all FR fans, so I've ended up playing in FR or FR-like settings more often than not.

So FR then FR-lite homebrew then homebrew.

Safety Sword
2011-10-13, 05:37 PM
While I prefer anything not FR, the people I know IRL are all FR fans, so I've ended up playing in FR or FR-like settings more often than not.

I truly do feel your pain, Brother Coidzor :smallamused:

Morph Bark
2011-10-13, 05:50 PM
I only just noticed the broken link in my first post. >_< Fixed now!

I've played in Greyhawk and homebrew settings and Eberron. I've also pondered trying out Hourglass of Zihaja or downdating Nentir Vale to 3.5.

2011-10-13, 06:00 PM
The only non-homebrew setting I've run is Eberron. The rest of the time it's something of my own creation. I've played in greyhawk and wasn't impressed but when someone else is running I don't complain (at least not loudly).

Laura Eternata
2011-10-13, 06:12 PM
I tend to use homebrew settings mostly due to lazy players. They'd honestly prefer to hear me rattle on for an hour about the political situation of their home city than crack open a dreaded book and actually read.

Personally, I prefer the stranger settings. Planescape, Spelljammer, Ghostwalk, to a lesser extent Dark Sun and Ravenloft... Pretty much anything that's not standard high fantasy (Eberron is close enough to high fantasy for me to dislike it. Throwing in a few airships does not a new setting make.)

Demon of Death
2011-10-13, 06:25 PM
Eberron and Dragonlance are the two that I've played in for DnD.

N. Jolly
2011-10-13, 08:12 PM
I'm kind of sad at the lack of Golarion love. I really enjoy the setting and think it has something for everyone, but that's just me.

Although Eberron still is my first campaign setting that I fell in love with, Planescape being a close second.

2011-10-13, 08:26 PM
I've been playing in:

- Pre-Sellplague Forgotten Realms (current)
- Star Wars SAGA (current)
- M&M Freedom City (recently)
- Golarion (recently)
- Dresden Files: Los Angeles (a while ago)
- Planescape (a while ago; wish I could get the group interested in it)

2011-10-13, 08:37 PM
Currently playing in the Kingdoms of Kalamar setting. It's very human focussed, but I like the setting a lot. Established kingdoms and pantheon are very well layed out. Maybe a bit low magic (especially arcane), but that may also be just the Campaigns we run.

I've been running into Kingdoms of Kalamar material lately actually and it's gotten me a bit curious about it.

Kingdoms of Kalamar and Birthright, really...

Though I'd love to see a good take on unifying Planejammer for 3.X.

...Ok, so I just remembered, right now I'm playing inside of FR inside of Planescape. So I'm not sure what that counts as or how FR gets altered by this.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-10-13, 09:07 PM
The longest running campaign (around 6 months) I played in was in a homebrew setting and the second longest was in Eberron (which was love at first sight)

Now since I am only playing Anima Beyond Fantasy we are playing in Gaia :smallwink:..though maybe The Wake might count as a different setting... not sure really.

2011-10-13, 09:26 PM
...Ok, so I just remembered, right now I'm playing inside of FR inside of Planescape. So I'm not sure what that counts as or how FR gets altered by this.
As in, you're playing FR with the Planescape cosmology?

It'd be more or less the same as AD&D.

2011-10-13, 09:44 PM
As in, you're playing FR with the Planescape cosmology?

It'd be more or less the same as AD&D.

Like Planescape's AD&D incarnation or how FR was in AD&D?

I think it's both. Only I'm not sure how far Mystra's Weave permeates things, considering there's other material planes acknowledged to exist, and with planescape in play, it seems unlikely that she'd be there on all of them...

2011-10-13, 09:49 PM
I mostly play in homebrew settings, and rarely the same one twice. I do usually assume a Planescape-esque cosmology for my homebrew worlds if only because its tone meshes so well with the games I run, but rarely do I run a campaign that actually focuses on planar travel.

When I do play a published setting, it's usually FR, since that's probably the closest thing we get to generic high fantasy in 3.5 while still being very fleshed-out. I like Dragonlance, but it seems like most players are (justifiably) turned off by the fact that it's mostly third-party and the plot baggage that comes with it.

I've played in Eberron a couple times, but I refuse to run it. It's just too high magic for me to justify to myself that it wouldn't just become an all-out Tippy-verse. Yeah, I know that's possible in any setting, but lower-magic settings at least try to provide a good amount of handwavium. Also, my group enjoys exploring religious themes, and there's only so much you can do with Eberron's "everyone's damned" cosmology.

2011-10-14, 07:50 AM
I mostly homebrew every world I play and I have two real nice ones (Maggi and Império do Dragão - that would be something like "the dragon empire" - a oriental world).

But right now I'm playing a really famous setting (in Brazil) called Tormenta. It's funny and inteligent. My players love it!

2011-10-14, 08:19 AM
I play in two different groups (both 3.5e). In the one where i am the DM, we use pre-spellplague Forgotten Realms as we love the high fantasy feeling, while in the other one we use a cool setting homebrewed by our DM.

2011-10-14, 09:25 AM
Like Planescape's AD&D incarnation or how FR was in AD&D?

I think it's both. Only I'm not sure how far Mystra's Weave permeates things, considering there's other material planes acknowledged to exist, and with planescape in play, it seems unlikely that she'd be there on all of them...

I'm not too familiar with the Realms,but from how I remember the few mentions in Planescape:
In AD&D, the Realms didn't have their own cosmology. The tree is a 3rd edition invention. The overdeity of the realms made up a lot of new rules for the gods and mortals there, but those only counted for that crystal sphere. The wall of the faithless, that everyone needs a god, that one god controls all magic. That kind of thing. The weave wasn't there, in that form, outside of the realms, out on the planes.

2011-10-14, 09:41 AM
Like Planescape's AD&D incarnation or how FR was in AD&D?
They're basically the same thing. FR's whole Great Tree cosmology didn't exist until 3rd edition.

Only I'm not sure how far Mystra's Weave permeates things, considering there's other material planes acknowledged to exist, and with planescape in play, it seems unlikely that she'd be there on all of them...
The Weave only exists in Realmspace (i.e. the crystal sphere itself) and in Dweomerheart (which was her private realm in Nirvana, then Elysium later on after she moved it). That's it. It doesn't exist in the realms of other deities, it doesn't exist out on the planes, it doesn't exist in Sigil, it doesn't exist... well, you get the idea. Mystra can carry it with her (since she is the Weave), but even by going to a different plane, she doesn't just suddenly turn that plane into a Weave-reliant one while she's there.

I don't even think the Weave extended everywhere in the Great Tree cosmology - it was still limited to Dweomerheart and the material plane.

2011-10-14, 09:51 AM
I DM in a homebrew settings in a campaign that's been running for years. In a month's time though, the PCs will embark on a planar journey and we will switch to Planescape-focused adventuring. I have read 2 or 3 manuals but still have a lot to go yet :(