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2011-10-13, 05:30 PM
this is for players who want too annoy their GM because he is stupid, or was mean, ETC., whatever the reason, this is where too look on how too annoy your GM, so please put any down that you can think of.

mine is: have your character name his weapons, like a dagger Mr. pointy and sharp, and a crossbow Mr. quiet, and list them on your character sheet as that, so if your GM looks over it, you will probably annoy him.

Kol Korran
2011-10-13, 05:44 PM
(sigh :smallsigh:) that would most likely get the DM to either:
1) retaliate somehow (which is not fun)
2) get you kicked off the group somehow (which is no fun)
3) decide he's not DMing anymore (which may be or not be fun, depending on the people involved).

Instead of acting childishly, why not:
1) try to talk to the DM, understand the problem that annoyed you, try to solve it. or...
2) if the DM is still annoying you and not listening- find another DM.

don't get into an "Iggy war" it helps NOTHING. :smallannoyed:

or do as you will, you're your own person. but as a DM who does spend some time and effort for the group's entertainment (and yes, i know i am probably not the type of DM you're referring to. but still...) this bugs me a bit.


2011-10-13, 05:45 PM
I have to ask, do you want "Funny" annoyed? or "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY TABLE" annoyed?

because if you want to go funny yet annoying you can always go for something quirky... like naming your bard Mark the Well Endowed or something like that.

If you want to go the other way, try to paly Pun Pun.

the former may get your DM a bit annoyed but won't be irritating, the latter might get you killed by a DMG. Death by DMG

2011-10-13, 06:16 PM
the former may get your DM a bit annoyed but won't be irritating, the latter might get you killed by a DMG. Death by DMG
Inserted rectally.
In all seriousness, going out intentionally to "irritate" someone who is taking the time and effort to run a game for you and others is just immature and, even if done for the reasons given, very passive aggressive.
If your DM is doing something that you feel is stupid or annoys you, by golly and gumption, tell them!
Doing irritating little things that can potentially ruin the game for them and others is not the mature way to do things.
If you still think this is a good idea, you really need to stop and take a good long look at who yourself.

2011-10-13, 06:51 PM
I have to ask, do you want "Funny" annoyed? or "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY TABLE" annoyed?

because if you want to go funny yet annoying you can always go for something quirky... like naming your bard Mark the Well Endowed or something like that.

If you want to go the other way, try to paly Pun Pun.

the former may get your DM a bit annoyed but won't be irritating, the latter might get you killed by a DMG. Death by DMG

funny annoyed

2011-10-13, 06:54 PM
Funny annoyed then?

Good choice. Let me link you here. Laughed HARD


2011-10-13, 07:28 PM
Or this. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207015 but please chose carefully, some of that will result in death by rulebook.

2011-10-13, 07:32 PM
Suicide your character 5 minutes after starting the game.

2011-10-13, 08:29 PM
When the big bad is introducing himself, talk back to him, break his monologue into bits. Mine went something like this, not word for word, but ya know:

BBEG: (unseen by us) Hehehe, hello there.
Me: 'ello?
BBEG: Welcome to my home
Me: It's dark. What's your name?
BBEG Doesn't matter, you'll all be dead soon.
Me: Nah, don't like that. I'm gonna call you Sancho.

DM: I'm trying to run a game here.
Me: k, by the way I'm not chaotic anymore.

2011-10-13, 08:54 PM
Just being a PC will annoy a DM because even without knowledge of the plot, you will derail it, without knowledge of the adventure you will break it, & without knowledge of the path you were supposed to take you will traipse into a moonlit glade at night & get ganked by a half dragon ogre magi.

2011-10-13, 09:45 PM
Has mixing up "to" and "too" not been working for you then?

2011-10-13, 10:05 PM
Kill/walk away from the NPC you know the DM has four pages of backstory for.:smallwink:

2011-10-14, 02:11 PM
Along the same lines:

Take a random NPC (is there a melon vender anywhere around) and then try to find out as much about him as possible. You need his full name, where he was born, if he has a large family, how are the crops coming in this season?

Offer him large amounts of coin, hang out with him. Try to get him to come adventuring with you. If that doesn't work, try to find out where he lives and where he'll be next so you can visit him more often.

Make Melon Vender your new best friend.

Paseo H
2011-10-14, 11:28 PM
The topic creator is wrong because two wrongs don't make a right, not because the DM is automatically entitled to extra deference.

2011-10-14, 11:54 PM
Leave the damn game without a word. You'll not trump this, but it will put one in the ******* bin. Try at your peril.

2011-10-17, 12:36 PM
Along the same lines:

Take a random NPC (is there a melon vender anywhere around) and then try to find out as much about him as possible. You need his full name, where he was born, if he has a large family, how are the crops coming in this season?

Offer him large amounts of coin, hang out with him. Try to get him to come adventuring with you. If that doesn't work, try to find out where he lives and where he'll be next so you can visit him more often.

Make Melon Vender your new best friend.

When a PC deliberately tries to make the game grind to halt and ruin everyone else's fun (as in the example above) it's time to take them aside and try to resolve it like adults. If that fails, kick their petty immature behinds out and "rocks fall, stupid guy dies" their character.

Paseo H
2011-10-17, 02:11 PM
In what scenario is the player allowed to overcome the DM and reap victory, without giving the DM satisfaction or acknowledging his unworthy leadership?

Irish Musician
2011-10-17, 02:33 PM
First, it is always fun to have some fun annoyance between the players and the DM. It is part of the fun of playing a campaign with people. However, when it stops being fun and starts being malicious, that is when everyone needs to stop the session, have a talk, get things resolved, then start again.

Now, when I am a DM and a player is being overly annoying with their character, there are usually consequences that go along with them having too much fun at my expense. I don't get angry, but the armor they are looking for isn't in town. Or the skill check they try for is just too high. My favorite is when they try to be quiet, but end of falling into a suit of armor, or something of the like, and waking up the entire castle/household and the guards all run to them at once.

See as a player you can piss the DM off, but that isn't a smart road to take because the DM has SO MUCH more power and ways to make you suffer and hate life, that generall, it isn't worth getting on their bad side. Just stick with harmless jokes and pranks here and there and keep it fun, because everyone is there to have fun, not have a hissy fit.:smallbiggrin:

2011-10-17, 02:52 PM
When a PC deliberately tries to make the game grind to halt and ruin everyone else's fun (as in the example above) it's time to take them aside and try to resolve it like adults. If that fails, kick their petty immature behinds out and "rocks fall, stupid guy dies" their character.

I prefer ironic justice.

If they don't agree make them wholly aware that they're out of the game.

Then come back and say that said PC went and saw the melon vendor and never returned. Make a quest out of it. Turns out the melon vendor was a Dexter style killer or a plant by mindflayers to lure away delicious looking people.

2011-10-17, 03:04 PM
I prefer ironic justice.

If they don't agree make them wholly aware that they're out of the game.

Then come back and say that said PC went and saw the melon vendor and never returned. Make a quest out of it. Turns out the melon vendor was a Dexter style killer or a plant by mindflayers to lure away delicious looking people.

I prefer not playing with immature jerks, personally. :smallwink:

The Reverend
2011-10-18, 05:31 AM
Get every player to role up orc barbarians, declare waaaaaaargh on his game. That's one the best games I ever played.

big teej
2011-10-18, 09:21 AM
Get every player to role up orc barbarians, declare waaaaaaargh on his game. That's one the best games I ever played.

wierd... :smallconfused: I have told one of my DMs I plan on doing EXACTLY that.....

he approved of the idea.

oh well. :elan:

2011-10-18, 09:25 AM
Most annoying thing to a DM: Show little to no interest in the game.

Our DM regular puts up with a lot of crap, but when in the middle of a climatic fight one of the players yawned and says loudly "Is the dragon dead yet?" he lost it.

2011-10-18, 12:16 PM
when faced with an annoying DM, trolling actually is the answer. Now this may seem like a bold statement, but I ofcourse refer to the art of trolling, combined with the art of subtelty.

This means you slightly undermine the DM's story, without actually ruïning it.

for isntance, Random NPC's suggestion works, even adding to the comedic value of the encounter.

other stuff is focourse the minor infractions in the threads previously mentioned. (like stealing characterconcepts from other fantasy sources etc.).

Bottom line is: as long as you can annoy the DM while adding to the joy of playing, players and while contributing to the story instead of ruïning it, trolling is quite acceptible and actually encouraged. I have always found the chaotic alignments best for these roles.

2011-10-19, 11:11 PM
I agree that deliberately annoying the DM is immature and childish, but let's face it, people are going to do it anyhow. So my suggestion is that instead of doing it by in-game actions, which wil spoil things for other players, do it by out-of-game things.

Some concrete suggestions:

When he takes a restroom break, refresh his soft drink. With a large amount of salt.

Right before the session starts, apply Ben-Gay, Icy-Hot, or some similar ointment to the seat of his chair. About 10 minutes into the session, the fun will start!

"Accidentally" spill your drink in his lap. Note that if your DM rarely, if ever, takes a restroom break during game sessions, this can be used to set up the salted drink suggestion above.

Have some of your, uhm, shadier friends steal his car during the session, take it to a chop shop, and then mail it back to him piece-by-piece over the next several weeks.


(Obviously, these suggestions not offered in seriousness)

2011-10-20, 10:25 PM
Just use the following phrase every time you interact with an NPC:

"What's his/her name?"

Most GMs aren't very good at coming up with dozens of names a session.

2011-10-22, 05:28 AM
In all seriousness, going out intentionally to "irritate" someone who is taking the time and effort to run a game for you and others is just immature and, even if done for the reasons given, very passive aggressive.

It's not passive aggressive. To be passive aggressive, one has to consistently not do something, and in not doing something make things difficult. Going and doing something isn't passive aggressive. It can be aggressive, and it is being an obnoxious bother, but there is nothing passive about it.

2011-12-20, 10:06 PM
In my group, we all know each other way too long, so no one gets upset when we annoy each other. What I like to do to my current DM is to use skill checks on mundane objects, like an Arcana check on the table, or in Insight check on the fireplace to see if it is real or just an optical illusion. Then he tried to do the same thing, when I was DMing. It just so happened that the chair he used an Arcana check on was a magical chair that trapped those who sat on it. Only problem is, he sat on it first. :smallamused:
But as I said, we do those things because we enjoy annoying each other, not because of some argument.

2011-12-21, 12:40 AM
Take a random NPC (is there a melon vender anywhere around) and then try to find out as much about him as possible. You need his full name, where he was born, if he has a large family, how are the crops coming in this season?
When I was playing a very stupid barbarian, a running joke in the campaign was that anytime metagame me was aware what I was supposed to do, I had to do a roll to figure out if the barbarian was smart enough to follow through. Once, I realized we were supposed to discover that the town we'd arrived in had a shortage of ore to start the next adventure. Being the guy buying weapons, I was obviously the best man for the job. . . except this barbarian was extremely stupid. One bad roll later and he was asking the vendor about literally everything I could think of but why weapons were so expensive. It didn't annoy the DM at all, since he was getting a kick out of it, too.