View Full Version : Full-attack Whirlwind

The Overlord
2011-10-13, 11:16 PM
Is there anyway to get a full-attack vs EVERY creature in your reach ?

Such has a whirlwind attack that would allow your full-attack.
Please quote the books needed.

2011-10-13, 11:35 PM
Personman has a thread about abusing action economy that you might want to check...

It's not a full attacking whirlwind but here's an idea:
Travel devotion (CChamp) for extra move action on a full round.
Whirlwind attack.
Belt of Battle (MiC) for second full round action.

or, even farther from your goal:
Buff your to-hit so you always hit (good luck).
Leap attack/shocktrooper for enough damage to drop an enemy, any enemy.
Cleave/Great Cleave/Supreme Cleave for obvious reasons.
Luck feats to ensure a reroll on a natural 1.
It's nowhere close to making a whirlwind at everyone in your reach, but you'll be hitting everyone possible so long as you keep cleaving. With oddly spaced enemies, it is possible to accidentally work yourself into a corner and find yourself with lots of enemies nearby, but none close enough for you to cleave into.
So I recommend a 'smoking' weapon.

2011-10-13, 11:35 PM
A Warhulk (Miniatures Handbook) can do this, but at the cost of BAB - you need to find some way of working in a Skillfull weapon, a Divine Power effect, or the like, or else you'll only ever have a maximum BAB of 10.

2011-10-13, 11:38 PM
A Warhulk (Miniatures Handbook) can do this, but at the cost of BAB - you need to find some way of working in a Skillfull weapon, a Divine Power effect, or the like, or else you'll only ever have a maximum BAB of 10.
Ooh! Good point!.
Need a high strength, and what, large size? I recommend halfminotaur.
Skillful is Complete arcane (gives you Cleric Bab).