View Full Version : There is only...Dew(Private game. D20 Star Wars)

2011-10-13, 11:46 PM


2011-10-14, 12:57 AM

2011-10-14, 01:54 AM
Arno Trix:
You are a Zeltron and as such you love to party. Times have been kind to you in this war. People are jumpy and always looking for a little bit of protection. You've fought droids before but not on a grand scale for the actual war is fought by the clones. Good for them...more time for you to spend your wealth.

On one particular night you really only remember a haze. Drinking, women, spice, etc. you were having the time of your life. When you woke up it was on an uncomfortable cot in a stone room. Upon further discovery you find to your dismay that you're on the mining planet of Kessle which is bad news. No way off that rock except to serve your five years and be on your merry way. You soon find the mines are dangerous and you must be on constant alert if you are to stay alive. Then about 3 years later as if things could not be worse you hear a ship dock upstairs and then soon later the sound of blaster fire as a firefight broke out. The sound of metal clanking on metal as a mass of creatures moved down the mining tunnels let you know exactly who this was. Meet your new masters.

Bonuses: You work on the hands on mining. It is hard work but it makes you stronger and heartier. These mines are also dangerous so you have become pretty quick on your feet to avoid getting seriously hurt or killed. Take a permanent +2 to strength, dexterity, and con.

You also have gotten better at seeing danger before it happens. If it is not already then take spot as a class skill and also a bonus of +2 to all spot checks. (this comes into play after you've placed your skill points so the cost on ranks only goes down if you try and place them in it in the future.)

Drawbacks: The mines are loud and all the years inside of them are hard on your ears. Take a -2 to all listen checks.

You love the company of a good woman with a capital L. However this is bad because when an attractive woman (specified by me) lies to you then you really aren't thinking with the right head anymore. Take a -4 to those sense motive checks.

Ten Loop:
There really isn't much to say about you except that you love what you do and few people do it better. So great was your conviction to repairing things with supreme skill that you are one of the few people who willingly came to Kessle. It was a dangerous place and the machinery even more so but it let you practice parts of your craft that no one even had the chance to before. Because of you the machines move like clockwork on regularly greased gears and pumps that rarely break down cutting down on accidents drastically though it was still a dangerous place.

About 3 years later, while you are working on one of the laser drills, you hear a ship dock upstairs and then soon later the sound of blaster fire as a firefight broke out. The sound of metal clanking on metal as a mass of creatures moved down the mining tunnels let you know exactly who this was. Meet your new masters.

Bonuses: You have learned so much since you came here though not really in an intelligence aspect more in an execution. The methods you are using are actually rather basic but you've learned to apply them in ways no one has ever thought of before. Take a +3 to wisdom and a +4 to all repair checks.

You've gotten very good at both spotting danger and reacting to it quickly since this skill was necessary for survival in the mines. Take a +2 to dex.And if it is not all ready take spot as a class skill and a +2 to all spot checks. (this comes into play after you've placed your skill points so the cost on ranks only goes down if you try and place them in it in the future.)

Your eyes are sensitive to light and give you low light vision which helps you in the mines. However on all things that you must pass a fort save to avoid a blinding effect you take a -4.

Drawbacks: The mines are loud and the years in them has not been good for your ears. Take a -2 to all listen checks.

Hooth Thaani:
You were always told that you were special for as long as you can remember. You never understood why at a young age since you were still such a young girl at the Jedi academy. However, once you started getting older it became very apparent that they were correct. You blasted through your studies with ease and demonstrated a mastery of the force that was unmatched by your peers. The ancient blood of your species apparently ran thick in your blood because in battle you are relentless and when you need to be ferocious.

You faced the trials sooner than any in you class did and sooner than almost anyone had ever seen before. This made your Master very proud, an old man named Cuan Relk who had always treated you kindly. Not only was this one so glorious in battle but also she was so peaceful in nature. The perfect embodiment of what a Jedi should be some said. Soon after you became a Jedi knight the counsel gave you your first mission. You were to take a group of clones and go and check on the mining station of Kessel. The spice mined there was used in many hospitals to calm patients with severe mental problems which they had seen an increase of ever since the war started due to massive ptsd.

As you are preparing to leave you old master runs up to you. "Hooth wait." As he get's to you you raise a brow wondering what he wants. He was always a rigorous master pushing you to your limits so when he embraced you it of course set you back. He then said to you resting both hands on your shoulders "Be safe. Trust your instincts and may the force be with you.

Bonuses: You were always wiser than you age made you appear. Not only that but you were also stronger faster and smarter. Take a +2 to Strength, Dexerity, intelligence, and wisdom.

At one point you were beaten by a person simply because he got a lucky hit to your arm with his training saber and stunned it. You trained like a madwoman after that to make sure that would never happen again. You eventually got as good with your left hand as you are with your right. Take the bonus feat: Ambidexterity.

Drawbacks: You are afraid of spiders and aren't particularly fond of fish. You must make a will save when you are faced with large arachnids or fish to stop you from panicking.

You can't help yourself from helping a person in need which all Jedi share. However, this can lead to you getting in trouble.

2011-10-14, 01:59 AM
The Jedi star fighter comes out of orbit within view of the mining facility. The cluster of black holes near this place certainly made things difficult but thanks to your R2 unit things were not that bad.

You undock from the hyperspace ring as an assault ship carrying 15 clones not counting the 2 pilots comes out of hyperspace close to you. They would await your order on this mission since you were the one leading it. You hear a familiar beeping noise and looking down at the translator you see written on the screen "Should i open a channel to the station for you?"

What do you do?

2011-10-14, 12:24 PM
Hooth answers with a "Yes, please do, I am eager to get on with this mission," as she starts to get ready to land. This was her first solo mission and she was eager, yet also a little anxious, not knowing what was to come. She refused to think that any feeling of dread was useful or valid in this situation.
'I'm just nervous because this is the first time I've tackled a mission on my own before,' she thought as she waited for a response.

2011-10-15, 01:03 PM
There is a delay as the R2 unit fires up the communication software needed. The lights begin to blink indicating a channel has been opened and the holopad glowed a dim blue color which indicates the same. However, no one picked up.

A long time passed or maybe that was just the stress making it seem like a long time. Then a woman stumbled into view quickly. Her holographic image showed that she was a human female and you recognize her almost instantly from your mission briefing. Her name is Dolea Primin, the head of the medical research team on Kessel. She speaks quickly as if in some hurry "Hello sorry about the delay this is Dolea Primin head of the research team here. May i ask who i'm speaking to?"

Sense motive: (roll 1d20+3) 12

If 20
You suddenly get the gut feeling that something is wrong here. Something about her demeanor isn't trustworthy and you just know that something is wrong.

If failed
Ah finally the head of the research team at least that shows that a big disaster didn't happen here. Turns out this is shaping out to be a routine mission after all.

2011-10-15, 03:02 PM
"I am Hooth Thaani, the Jedi sent to find out why there was a loss of communication from this planet. May I ask what took such a long time for you to answer?" Hooth said then thought 'It is best to question, even if things are normal, to see if I can help them in any way, while I am here.'

"Also I request landing permissions for two ships," she continued smoothly.

2011-10-15, 04:31 PM
The woman's eye's widened slightly and she said with a twinge of anxiety in her voice "A Jedi?" This wasn't unusual due to the Jedi's reputation in this day and age. Many people feared the order in this day and age especially when they showed up with a republic assault ship on their front step.

In response to her question the woman answered calmly and evenly "This is a busy mining station and we are short staffed. I was running some tests on some of the newer veins of spice we've hit. As for the loss of communication I'm afraid one of our drill blew up and took out our long range communication's system. I'm happy help has finally arrived so that we can get it back up and running."


Hooth sense motive: [roll0]
Dolea Bluff: [roll1]

She is lying about everything. Something else is going on here and whatever it is this person is willing to lie to a Jedi with a battalion of clone troopers on her doorstep. Somehow you know that calling her on this bluff might not be the best choice.

Well that certainly does make sense. Thankfully the Jedi counsel has equiped you to help in case they were having technical issues. This shouldn't take too long at all. (You believe her completely)

She quickly moved her hands and the hangar bay door opened. She said simply "Of course. The ones who fund my research are always welcome here. I will meet you in the hangar bay." With that she closed communication.

What do you do?

2011-10-15, 04:55 PM
Hooth was surprised by the woman's abruptness but shrugged it off as stress on her part.
'I mean she IS the head of the research team here, right? So it stands to reason that she is undergoing quite a lot of stress here at the moment, and with such an important job it is probably amplified.'

She sent a message to the assault ship to ready themselves to land and follow her down. They would meet on the ground. She told them to watch for anything that looked dangerous so the ship would not be damaged by flying rubble or mountainous regions or whatever was thrown their way, since she didn't know what to expect, having never been on a spice mine planet before.

With that she started her decent, watching to see how the other one was doing, knowing full well that the pilot had quite a lot of training for his job, but also not wanting any of them to be hurt accidentally, she would avoid that if possible, and she believed that from what Dolea had told her she had nothing to worry about, however, it is always good to be cautious in a dangerous area, such as this, for much can go wrong.

2011-10-15, 05:28 PM
You and the assault ship land with ease in the space provided in the hangar bay. It is a spacious hangar bay with no other ship inside of it. Not surprising in the least due to the nature of Kessel's operation and the difficulty to get there just for a visit. The hangar had a total of three exits that one could see. Two doors on either side each leading to different parts of the mines. The third was a large blast door that sat atop a small set of stairs.

As you exit your ship 15 clone troopers exit the assault ship.The troopers are clad in their normal shell white armor and holding their standard issue blaster rifles. They approach you a few of them giving you a nod of acknowledgment followed by a "Captain." The clones were battle hardened and ready for orders. They would follow her and protect her unless otherwise instructed.

After a few minutes the blast door opened and Dolea appeared in view. She gestured for them to follow her. "Come come into my office so we can discuss the problem." She then disappeared inside of the door into a large spacious conference room furnished well with a large screen projecting various mining equipment. She took a seat at the chair behind the administrator desk and gestured for you to take a seat on one of the chairs or couches.

2011-10-15, 05:59 PM
Hooth started to follow her as she walked out the door, motioning for the troopers to follow her. She told 3 of them to position themselves outside the door and 3 inside the door, 5 were to wait in the hanger to watch the ship, including the pilot. The others were to stay close, flanking her.

She sat where directed and asked "So what problems are you experiencing and how can we be of help?" She hoped this wouldn't take too long and was ready to help with whatever was needed. She hoped to meet some of the workers here and see if they had anything that absolutely had to happen so this sort of thing would not happen again.

She smiled at Dolea and waited for an answer.

2011-10-15, 08:34 PM
The blast doors close slowly behind you and as they meet a locking mechanism is heard making sure that they were safe. Dolea said with a shrug "Standard procedure. You can understand."

The room has two large steel doors, one on the left and the other on the right. The desk she sat at was quite large, about 5 meters tall and 6 meter's wide it made her look like quite the authority. It all seemed rather extravagant for a simple mining administrator.

Instead of answering your question she simply cupped her head into her hands and shook her head "I am so sorry...i had no choice." Before there was even chance to wonder what she meant that question was asked. Quick as a flash a bulky metal wheel rolled out from behind her desk on either side and quickly unfolded themselves. Everyone knew what they were the second they saw them and knew just how bad this was. The Droideka's shield generator kicked on with a feint hum. The heavy blaster cannons trained themselves on the surprised group.

As if this wasn't bad enough both doors on either side slowly opened and super battle droids began to march into the room in single file. Before there was a chance to think 2 of them were all ready in the room and many more behind them. The clones were quick on their feet and quickly began to take aim on the rapidly increasing amount of hostiles however neither group had opened fire yet.

Intelligence check DC 5: (1d20+1)[15]
The droids haven't fired yet. Meaning that their masters don't want us dead yet.

2011-10-16, 04:54 AM
Hooth was startled. She had never even considered something could be wrong. Not after Nolea was so reassuring about the situation here. However it would do no good to panic.
"So, Nolea, whose prisoners are we supposed to be?" she said disgustedly.
"Don't fire unless fired upon, we don't want to waist our lives just yet," she told the clones with her. They hadn't been fired upon and she would rather not be massacred right here and right now. Fighting at this point would be a poor choice, especially since they had a very low chance for victory, if any at all, and dying would be a waste.

2011-10-16, 02:35 PM
Dolea said nothing just simply hanging her head as more and more droids filed into the room. Until they were completely surrounded. One of the super battle droid's voices rang out in it's deep mechanical tone "Lay down your weapons."

At this point it was obvious that not doing what you were told would certainly end in all of your deaths. The clones however did not listen and instead waited for their captain's order. Loyal to the end these troopers would fight to their last breath if she asked it of them.

Listen Check DC 16: [roll0]
You hear through the blast door one of the clones yell "We're under attack! Take cover. Followed by the sound of heavy cannon fire that were followed by two explosions.
Knowledge firearms DC 15: [roll1]
Heavy grade auto defense turret. Probably set in the hangar bay for unwelcome guests.

2011-10-16, 09:18 PM
Hooth was resolute. She would not waste any more lives that the clones behind the blast doors. She swallowed hard at the thought of those lives being lost.

"Do as they say, this is not a time for bravery ending in death. We must meet with our 'captors' and find out why we are being taken hostage, along with the rest of this planet apparently," she sent a pointed look at Dolea, and then put her hands upon her head, she hadn't drawn her saber and droids didn't have the reasoning capacity to know if she had her saber or not.

She sent one last scathing look at Dolea and turned towards the droid that had spoken. "Well we are harmless to you now, take us to wherever we are going so we can be used as a bargaining chip or whatever your master wants of us."

2011-10-16, 11:00 PM
The clones grudgingly set their weapons on the ground and follow suit by putting their hands on the back of their heads.You hear a voice come from one of the doorways. The voice is raspy and chalk full of anger and arrogance. It had a slightly computerized ring to it much like a super battle droid would have. "You need not move to meet your new owner, Jedi scum." The lines of droids parted to reveal a figure, that to everyone in the room's dread, did not need introduction.

His metal body was like a metal skeleton holding his organs in place. He walked hunched over with a cloak over his body. Every now and then he would release a long raspy cough out of his metal face. His eyes were the only think noticeably real about him and in them burned years of anger and contempt for the figure in front of him. The metal claws on his feet scraped on the deck plating as he walked toward you...General Grievous.

He walks toward Hooth his face inches from her, his burning eyes never leaving her's. "And the order was all your weapons on the ground." His mechanical arm reached into her robe and snatched her weapon before she could do anything to stop him. He lifted the lightsaber up to his face and looked at it closely "New lightsaber. Doesn't even smell like blood yet. A shame to lose such a caliber so i guess I'll have to add it to my collection." He chuckled in what might be seen as merriment though his emotionless face didn't show it.

"What wondrously good time you Jedi have. We just got a message from my lord that he is sending one of his associates here to check on our progress. I'm sure that a servant of the dark lord will be happy to meet you when he gets here." He waved off any questions or comments she might have obviously not interested in anything she might have to say.

Turning his head he looked at Dolea "Very good my pet, you have done well. Unfortunately your services are no longer required." At that as if on cue one of the super battle droids raised it's arm and opened fire at her. The blaster shots tore through her and her lifeless body slumped in the chair, a small pool of blood pooling under the desk. The General headed back to the entrance in which he came and said "Take the Jedi and throw her with the others. If she resists, shoot her." At that four super battle droids walk forward. two seize you by the arms and begin to drag you toward the door opposite that the general is walking. The other two walk behind obviously then to make sure you didn't cause trouble.

As you are being dragged out of the opposite door the general stops and you hear his voice say "Oh and Captain. Dispose of these dogs. I have no use for them." Then walks out of the room. You are dragged outside of the room the droids realign back into position. The door slides shut in front of your eyes as you are being dragged down the dark tunnel. However, you still hear the sound of blaster fire in the room you were just in, it was obvious what had just happened.

The droids take you to a turbolift. The turbolift starts to go down further and further into the mines. You aren't sure how long it went but it was obviously quite a distance down. When the door opens you see a carved out tunnel aligned with dim lights. They take you down this tunnel until they come to a blast door guarded by two super battle doids. As you approach one of them hits a control panel next to it and the door slowly opens. You are then roughly shoved into the room and the door shut behind you.

The room is full of men (Yes JUST men Josh) in tattered clothing with gaunt faces and hallow eyes. They seemed overworked and tired beyond all compare. Though out of all of it they seemed to be relatively healthy, the droids must want they able to work. There is roughly 20 of them of all species some you know and other you do not.

Ten loop and Arno
The droids have been here for a little less than a year you guess. There is never a time you are not watched except when you are in this area which used to be a radiation bunker until the droids began using it to hold you. As such the walls are thick steel and almost impossible to blast through. Even if you did you know that there is practically a droid army out there in the main facility of the mine. The hours are longer and harder now that they've taken over and life seems to have gotten more miserable. Your tools are taken from you whenever you come to this area but are given back to you every day at work. Whenever you are working you have an armed escort. However now a Jedi was hear which was apparent by her robes. Perhaps your luck is finally changing.

2011-10-16, 11:15 PM
seeing the Jedi walk in he feels like he may as well find some amusement in this situation. he walks up to the Jedi and says in tones dripping with sarcasm and just a touch of self loathing "Greetings my name is Arno Trix. soldier turned Spice miner, and also head of the Kessel spice miners greeting committee. Please tell me your name why it is that you've come to this lovely vacation destination and your previous occupation. All this information will be probably forgotten because it doesn't matter. and the only thing that anyone will really remember is that your the only female here." in playful secretive tone "watch out for that one. he can be a little naughty." gesturing to a Sluiss off in the corner. then in tones more serious. He continues saying "sorry not much to do here as you can tell the party scene is kind of well sorry... I've been here for longer than I can remember. The way I got here. I don't exactly remember except that I was at the party of the century and then woke up here. If you believe it this isn't the weirdest place I've ever woken up the day after a big party. The weirdest was in the village of Wookies tied upside down and necked to a tree. Don't know how I got there Wookies didn't know either. Anyway pleasantries aside got a plan by chance?"

2011-10-16, 11:58 PM
While normally most of his concentration was to his meditation, it appeared there was something special in store for today. Not only was there more ruckus above. Just as he tried to go back to work, he heard the resonant sound of the turbolift descending and he abandoned his thoughts entirely just to see who was coming.

His wait paid off by a woman coming and joining them down here, while women are normally common sights, he hadn't seen many lately and so it was a new site. He didn't feel like welcoming her, but of course the zeltron was the first to introduce himself. It was almost guaranteed it was going to be him. He only half listened to what he was saying but a finger jabbed in his direction meaning something was head about him. With a sigh of contempt he moved himself over crossing his arms over his chest

"So, what are you saying about me now? Oh, and greeting. I am Ten."

He said it as if it didn't change anything since it fact it didn't matter what his name was. Currently, all he was dressed in was a very tattered engineer outfit that offered no protection other than that of his dignity. Well, whatever was left of it anyways. He didn't have much to say, more curious to what the zeltron said than anything.

You can tell he just isn't that interested in the woman even if her robes hint at a jedi. Lately the work has been getting to him so he has been acting more sarcastic than usual.

2011-10-17, 12:20 AM
"nothing thats not true. figured that if i gestured at you that you would come over to poke your nose in... or tail. i was just talking to this wonderful Jedi to see if she has any plans for getting off the god forsaken rock and figured that you may want to chime in."

2011-10-17, 11:25 AM
Her eyes brimmed with tears as they decended in the turbo lift, why couldn't she have saved them? She swore she would. As they reached the bottom and she saw all the men, looking hopeless and like they hadn't seen light in years, she swallowed them. She couldn't save her troops but she'd be damned if she couldn't save at least a couple of these people. She was surprised that there were no women here. Surely they would want to breed "slaves"?

When a man came up to her and introduced himself in a very sarcastic tone she was almost annoyed because he was obviously a pervert. Then another man came up to them. The one... Arno?... had pointed at. He introduced himself respectfully and she nodded at him in return.

"I am Hooth Thaani, Jedi Knight, recently captured thanks to a very cowardly woman whom is now dead thanks to General Greivous. Perhaps you know her? Dolea Primin?
As for a way out, you know this place better than me, what would you suggest? Are there any places not inhabited by droids? I would like to get as many of you off this rock as possible, and the only way to do this, without my lightsaber, is going around the droids. Hopefully to a place where I can access a ship."

"Also," she said looking at Arno "if you keep hands to yourself then you may keep them attached and you won't have to eat them."

2011-10-17, 01:29 PM
As you are speaking a Man sitting in the crowd suddenly looks up at the mention of the woman's name. Standing to his feet quickly he rushes over to the Jedi. He spoke timidly and apprehensively, obviously nervous around the Jedi. "Excuse me miss. That there woman you spoke of. She be me wife...You say she's dead?" Tears are now pooling in the corners of this man's eyes.

He then got a much more worried look on his face. "You say that General Grievous killed her? But...he needed her. That was why she was separated from us because he needed her. She didn't want to go but he said if she didn't that he would kill me..." He paused for a long moment "Did he say why he killed her?"

Arno and Ten
You know the woman that she speaks of to be head of the medical team that ran experiments on the spice here. When the droids took over she and the others of the team were taken,obviously they were needed more than then the miners for they were treated better.
Intelligence check DC 10
Ten: [roll0]
Arno: [roll1]

If she wasn't needed anymore then maybe you won't be for much longer either.
You also know that this man was in fact her husband and if not for him she would have taken death rather than help the separatists.

2011-10-17, 01:53 PM
"Yes, she was killed, directly after luring me onto this rock without so much as a hint of what was going on here. He told her that she was of no further use to him. She didn't scream or beg for mercy. A brave death I guess. What is your name sir? I assume your last name is Primin because that was hers, but I could be mistaken."
Hooth was shaken a bit by the emotions his voice radiated and thought that perhaps she had been to harsh, even if she had caused the deaths of her entire squad.
They were clones, born and bred to be soldiers, however they were life, and life is precious to her, no matter whose. The woman was born and lived normally in comparison to them, but the clones were her responsibility and she had failed. The woman, Dolea, had been treatened with the death of her husband, and while Hooth had never felt an inkling of that, she could understand what a bond such as that would do to a person if broken due to murder that one could not prevent.
"I appologize for being callous about her. I was and still am upset that she caused the deaths of my entire squad, but your emotional loss is much more apparent and signifigant."

2011-10-17, 02:08 PM
The man got indignant at this and puffed out his chest slightly "Well you be the bloody Jedi aye? Thought you were supposed to be able to win in any situation. Maybe my wife thought you were an actual Jedi instead of just a child." With that the man turned on a heel and walked back to where he was sitting and sunk back into his seat. Obviously he didn't want to talk.

Arno and Ten
You know his name to be Gerik. Though people around here call him Grr for his temper that he just displayed. All in all a good man but certainly a short fuse on him.

2011-10-17, 02:54 PM
he seems a little annoyed at Hooth's tone and threat to make him eat his hands if he didn't keep them to him self. "well i would say that went well. It would be advised to not making Grr any more pissed then he already is. and just because I'm a Zeltron doesn't mean i will try to get with anything. i have standers."

in a tone that was almost like an after thought he continues "and i may have a little plan to get out of here. it will require a map of the place, lots of flares, about 15 or more ,preferably the more, pounds of high explosives, and a good dose of luck... can you control energy spiders by chance Jedi? If you cant then we will need a little more luck."

This is a plan that you have heard before. It involves lots of people running down tunnels with energy spiders chasing them then getting the spiders to attack the droids, then in the confusion slipping down a side tunnel to safety. this is a plan that could very well end in everyone dieing a death at the claws of an energy spider. but for some reason Arno still thinks its a good plan.

2011-10-17, 04:49 PM
Ten listened staying somewhat off to the side thinking. For the better part of the conversation he was unaware of what had been going on entirely. It was to his understanding that what was going on now was obviously, not the best. If the more important researchers were being shot down, it couldn't mean well for him. Let alone everyone else.

However, as Grr walked away and Arno automatically brought up his plan he couldn't help but cough.

"Luck is just the beginning. It has no finish! The droids are under attack, oh well. We have to deal with Grievous eventually in your plan unless he's just perfectly fine with an escape attempt. I don't think he'll have a lot of difficulty with a few spiders. We need a ship and...a pilot to get off with. Furthermore, I would be better used in a control room. I'm an engineer not a battalion leader."

He doesn't sound angry or indignant while talking. He is perfectly calm and speaking in a matter of fact way, of course. His slurr for speaking with a serpentine tongue always fit in when speaking basic, but it wouldn't be impossible to understand him.

2011-10-17, 05:07 PM
"i thought that you could fly. you know everything else about ships so you can at least put it on auto pilot. i could do that. and as for a ship I don't think a Jedi just swims through space to get here so she's got to have a ship. as for the general... well i figure thats what the Jedi is for." turns to Hooth "You can deal with Grievous cant you? If not then we need a new plan..."

2011-10-17, 05:31 PM
Arno and Ten
No matter the plan the one thing remains consistent. You need information and you need supplies. There is only one person to go to in the mines for both of those things, Heyc Nomar.

He was the owner of the general store in the mines before the droids came. Always the class A suckup Heyc was dismayed to see that didn't work with their new masters. You don't know much about him other than he is the only one here by choice and wouldn't leave even if given the chance. He has carved himself a little niche and always seems to have supplies even when there aren't any and knows information no one else does. If you treat him well and pay him good for his merchandise he can be a valuable asset. However, he is not to be trusted.

2011-10-17, 06:19 PM
Ten rubbed at his scalp with some distaste as everything seems to be going in one direction. Of course this would be difficult since he had to deal with that slime-ball, but he could probably put on his game face and at least get some information. He was sure everyone would have some information, but that Heyc Nomar would have the most. Giving a resigned sigh he said simply,

"We need to visit a special someone who will probably be able to help. Able, yes. Willing.....I doubt it. You two game or no?"

Ten seems to be the most logical one here, and for the most part seems to be friendly towards Arno and actually does look like he knows his way around a ship. Even so, he looks like he might not be the best if it came to open conflict.

2011-10-17, 06:34 PM
"If your talking about going to Heyc Nomar then your goin to need my help. you don't really know how to persuade people to do things that they may not do normally. and well I'm a Zeltron. we are kind of experts on the subject."

2011-10-18, 02:20 PM
"I'm game... I apollogize for my behavior. I came here with 15 clones. Now... none of them are left... I couldn't save them... but perhaps if I can help get as many of you off this rock I will be rid of my guilt, and the cloud of failure over my head." Hooth said then turned to Arno.
"I was wrong to assume you were a pervert but please understand that it is against the Jedi Code to 'Party', or do almost any of the things your race is known for. Please understand, I am not trying to be unresonable. I just do not wish to go to the dark side, and that is where I would be headed. I thank you much for your willingness to work with me after I was so rude to you."
She then looked around at the other people and said "Now who are we gonna talk to?"

2011-10-18, 02:43 PM
The party heads toward the back of the bunker into one of the corners of the small room. Sitting in that corner was a human man of average build with shifty intelligent eyes. He wore a tattered leather trench coat wrapped loosely around his body. As you approach he cracks a small smile and shifts to a more upright position. At his side is a small leather bag that you are sure is where he keeps any items he might have hidden away.

He cracks a sly smile and spreads his arms in a friendly gesture to them "Ah Ten and Arno. What can good old Heyc do for you and your new Jedi friend on this day?"

Spot check DC 15:

You notice the tell tale bulge of a concealed blaster in his trench coat. It seems that his reputation is correct, he does get supplies when there doesn't seem to be any.

2011-10-18, 02:55 PM
Moving over Ten crosses his arms and looks him over. Business man as always he supposed. he gave a solid nod at him to answer his question, before speaking in a friendly tone.

"Hey Heyc, we're trying to head off the mines of Kessel, but we are gonna need some supplies to do so, think you got anything to help us along those lines?"

He was sure Heyc had the supplies, the only problem was getting those supplies really.

2011-10-18, 02:59 PM
displaying his usual need to rush things and jump in head first he blirts in rapid fire "Hello Heyc. We would like to get a map of the mines and surrounding area, as well as any info you may have about secret tunnels of the sort that may lead to the bay where our Jedi friend has her ships parked, and lastly we would like some blasters, Vibro-axs, a surgery kit, tool kit, a lightsaber if you got one, and a few flares. oww and some armors." in a diplomatic tone "and please for gods sake tell us if you have these things."

diplomacy check to make him tell the truth and not lie then a scene motive check to make sure. diplomacy [roll0] scene motive [roll1]

2011-10-18, 03:19 PM
He looks at the two men with a blank expression then suddenly cracked a smile and chuckled. "Ah Arno your ignorance of the way people think always puts a smile on my face. Of course I'll help my two golden boys here and their cute little friend." Giving Hooth a playful wink.

"However, i've been able to get very little since the droids have come so in the manner of weaponry i'm in short supply." He reached back and opened his leather bag. "Now let's see what i have.

He reached into his bag and he pulled out of the following:

2 medpacks
1 glowrod
A used security kit
4 prison style knives
A blaster pistol

He rubbed the scruff on his chin with a smile as he watched you look at the supplies. Taking out one last thing it was a rolled sheet of parchment that he did not set down nor did he unroll "And this is my special item that i think you'll want most of all. This is a complete map of the mining shafts that i have hand drawn myself. Now of course you realize i can't just give this stuff away."

2011-10-18, 04:52 PM
"What is it you desire in payment then?" Hooth questioned. She doubted seriously that credits would do anything here, so he must have had something he wanted from them for barter. His flirting almost caused her to roll her eyes but she kept herself in check, she did not want their only source of weaponry here gone and if she didn't bite her tongue it would be.

2011-10-18, 05:09 PM
"Do you have any idea what going on outside this room right now? They are starting t kill the researchers, and they are the only people they have given any inclination of needing. now what do you think will happen to us once the researchers are all dead? my bet is on them starting on us. i would say that now is the time to get off this rock and we are your best shots at doin that. who else do you know that would risk their life to help you get off this rock in one piece? who else can fly you out of here?"

this is my diplomacy check to make him think that we are his only hope to live and to make him think he must give us his help. [roll0]

I would ask that you all pitch in with convening him so i can get a +4 on my diplomacy check. so he will give us stuff or at least at a discount.

2011-10-18, 05:18 PM
I assist with diplomacy check adding +1 to "Arno's" roll

2011-10-18, 07:59 PM
Ten scratched at this chin as Arno made yet another brash comment. Honestly, it surprised him he had survived this long honestly, but in attempt to at least help him out so as not to make him decide now to give them NOTHING, he pitched in (for a +2 assist of course :D).

"Now, as far as getting you off, that might not be your chief concern if I'm right, but if possible we would appreciate any help you could spare, and if possible we could find something for you to trade if need be."

This at least would present the option of a trade. So not saying they would only be interested if it was free.

Int check DC: 1Ten doesn't think very highly of you

2011-10-19, 01:00 PM
The man scratched his chin and listened to the men ramble on and on and after everyone was silent he began to chuckle lightly "Dear Arno look who you're talking to. I am the center of information in this place don't you think that i know exactly what has been happening? Now i have no intention of leaving this place for there is nothing there in the outside world for me."

He thought silently to himself for a moment drumming his fingers against each other in thought. "My resources are limited so i must be harsh with you in this trade however..." He held up the map "Should you decide to buy this i will show you the best route out of here. And i will also share with you my knowledge of what is happening here for free. However the subject of payment still stands. Credits i can work with though i do prefer trade. Do you have anything to trade for my merchandise?"

2011-10-19, 01:24 PM
He didn't have much, mostly nothing at all. The information would prove to be valuable but not as valuable as the map, and to be honest. He wanted that security kit as well. He would find that the most useful to him out of all the other supplies after the map. Then a medkit would be his next choice of equipment. Next of course would have to be a weapon and while there was a blaster pistol. There was only one and there would probably be a fit over who got it. So the shivs would be a better and safer bet. Still, something had to be traded and he couldn't yet call on anything of his he could trade.

Looking to the side he gazed to his party expectantly as if to fill in the gap.

2011-10-19, 01:33 PM
"What would you accept for the map, two knives, the security tool, and the blaster? I can tried my serves in making an elixir that only Zeltrons know how to make if you would want that." he seemed willing to make the elixir but not very happy about the prospect.

2011-10-19, 10:40 PM
He chuckled lightly and shook his head "No i'm afraid that requires materials that neither of us has available at this time. You'll have to come up with some other manner of payment. Lay what you have out and we can strike up a deal."

2011-10-19, 10:46 PM
Arno looks down at him self with a look of amusement. "OK. But only because you asked nicely." He then strips off his suet and offers it to Heyc with a smile. "I would offer more but I am not giving up my underwear and boots." He chuckles knowing full well that Hooth will not like this at all and finding it so very amusing.

HoothHe gets a very great deal of pleasure out of messing with you by taking off his pants because of your code even thought he has no intention of doing any thing with you.

2011-10-19, 10:51 PM
Ten sighs and doesn't pay any attention to Arno.

"If you didn't get the hint, it's not the clothes he's trading, it's his dignity. Again."

He looked over towards Hooth giving her the look asking if she has anything to trade. He liked his dignity and planned to keep it for a while longer.

2011-10-19, 11:00 PM
To your utmost surprise Heyc takes your clothes and tucks them behind him with a sleek smile. "Why sure i'll take those. Hmm let's see what's that worth...Oh i know some extra information." He paused for a long moment then said as he leaned back and put his hands behind his head "The mines are cold and windy. You might want to locate clothes."

At first it might seem like a joke but he makes no effort to give Arno his clothes back. Obviously he wasn't in the joking mood...or perhaps he was but your pain was his pleasure.

Without clothes you will take a neg to all weather checks and diplomacy checks that i deem would be made worse by you being half naked. Smooth move smart one.
Intelligence Check DC 2:
That was a bad idea.


2011-10-19, 11:06 PM
Arno doesn't seen surprised at all and maybe just a little amused even happy about not having paints."Hmm thats good advise. I'm half tempted to offer my underwear to see what you would offer for that. But the female to male ratio is a little off for me to go around completely nude." he gets a absent minded look on his face and says "Hmmm i wounder..." He wanders off and starts to talk to another slave not too far away that seemed the easiest target for what he had planed

DMi would like to make a intimidate roll to get this man to give me his pants and or shirt. (1d20+4)[24]

2011-10-20, 03:02 PM
"You want to give to give us the map." Hooth said with a slight wave of her hand. That was the most useful thing there to them.

[roll0] she tries to affect his mind into giving it to them

2011-10-20, 03:09 PM
Dm notes:
Will save: [roll0]

2011-10-20, 03:18 PM
The man's eyes glaze over slightly for a mere moment before he shakes it off. He says in a slightly stuttering voice "I..I..You know you guys really need this map and I'm not going to use it. You can have it." He extends his arm forward and hands Hooth the map with a smile. He appears to have a very dazed and confused look on his face.

Take 6 vitality points of damage

These men have worked with you side by side for years and know that while you are strong you are not exactly tough ****. Though your pose and words are certainly intimidating the man looks you up and down before saying with a snort "Get out of here Arno. You know we need our clothes for the wind in the tunnels." It appears these men aren't going to be reasoned or intimidated out of their clothes...sad day.

Working on the map. I'll work double time to get it done.

2011-10-20, 03:29 PM
"well thank you for your time." Arno says with a smile to the man he tried to force into giving up his pants.
Arno walks back to Heyc then looks at Hooth. Walks over to Hooth "can i see that pouch thing. i want to see if i can get my self a blaster and you two some shivs."

Hootharno seems to not have noticed the fact that you just got the map for nothing scene he was preoccupied. all he seems to know is that you got the map not how.

2011-10-20, 04:00 PM
"It's your own fault you lost your clothes, not mine. I don't see why I should have to pay for your sarcasm and stupidity. I am keeping my utility belt." She glared at Arno for a second then put on a rather cute smile and looked at Heyc. It was time to change tactics.
She pulled out the Aqua breather, and Comlink and said "Will you take these for 3 of the knives and the security set?" She was trying to affect his mind again with this. "And I can give you 400 credits for the glowrod and medpacks?" And again.

[roll0] for the knives and security set
[roll1] for the glowrod and medpacks

2011-10-20, 04:03 PM
Dm notes:
Will saves: 1. (1d20+2)[18] 2. (1d20+2)[20]

2011-10-20, 04:07 PM
He blinked slightly and shook his head "No. Let's try 400 credits for the glowrod. And if you throw in the comlink and aqua breather you can have either two knives or one and the security kit. I like you guys so that's my best offer i can give you."

2011-10-20, 04:14 PM
And the haggling was on.
"Aqua breather, and Comlink plus 500 credits and 2 food capsules for 3 skivs and the security kit." Hooth said, starting to get into this.

2011-10-20, 04:21 PM
The man thought for a little then said with a nod "Deal." Handing you the items you just traded for and taking the items you offered him. "Is there anything else you would like to trade for?"

Add 3 knives, a security kit, and kessel map to your inventory. Remove two days worth of food capsules, an aqua breather, a comlink, and 500 credits.

2011-10-20, 04:27 PM
whispers to Hooth "get the blaster. please. i barley know how to use a knife but i've been using blasters sense i was a kid and that was 50 years ago."
he seems to be telling the truth about the blaster thing. and seems about desperate to get his hands on a blaster. he seems willing to beg if need be.

2011-10-20, 04:35 PM
"No, that is it, thank you though." Hooth said with a smile.

She turned towards the two men and handed them each a skiv. She then turned towards Ten. "You know how to use the Security Kit? You're an engineer right?" She then handed him the tool kit and the security kit.
Then she turned to Arno. "I don't know what your good at, but unless it's healing people that is all you get at the moment."

Hooth seems to respect you. You don't run in head first, you don't make an ass of yourself, and you know an honest paying job as an Engineer.
Hooth seems to not be particularly fond of your brashness. She seems to take insult on the fact that you asked for the contents of her belt and thought she'd just hand it all over.
(OOC: How's that for the daughter of the Barter Queen?) Hooth just got a ton of useful stuff with little effort

2011-10-20, 04:41 PM
arno seems to be ashamed of his actions. witch for one of his race takes a lot for this to happen. "sorry. and yes i do know how to perform some field first aid. it was covered in my training as a soldier." he hangs his head and mumbles thanks for the knife.

2011-10-20, 04:51 PM
She looked Arno up and down for a moment, then sighed.
"Alright," she said, "here's the deal, you get the glowrod and medpack I have as soon as you get something to hold them with. Like clothes or a bag of some sort. That way it is fair. Ok?"

You might want to try to get a bag, since getting clothes off of someone wouldn't work for you.

2011-10-20, 05:04 PM
he meekly nods his head and walks over to another slave and asks him if he may have a bag that he may let him have.
DMidk if this is a roll or not but i think it would fall under diplomacy to make the guy feel sorry for me and give me a bag. [roll0]

2011-10-20, 05:23 PM
Having been paying attention he noticed the sudden glazed look come over Heyc, but didn't speak up as he handed over the map. It wasn't against his morals to have a jedi help them escape as it was perfectly reasonable. As long as she didn't try using it on him.

Even as they started bartering he stood back watching. Despite his having been here before, he never keyed himself as a great negotiator so he let the woman do it seeing she was obviously more experienced. He only gave a casual glance and a wave at Arno as he rejoined them near Heyc. When he looked back he was being presented with a security kit and a tool kit as well as a shiv. Smiling he gave a half bow, but by smiling he let out his serpentine tongue that flicked into the air.

"My thanksss.. Yesss I am an engineer and these will be mossst ussseful" ((;D Slurr time!))

He moves over to Hooth and asks for the map, he doesn't plan to keep it he just wants to give it a glance to get a feel of what they are facing.


2011-10-20, 05:43 PM
The miner nods and gives a friendly smile "Sure thing i don't need it anyway." He hands Arno a burlap sack tattered and used.

Heyc waits for a moment as she distributes the items and then says "Well if you are done purchasing supplies it is time for me to uphold the second half of my agreement." Taking the map he gently unrolls it to reveal a hand drawn diagram of the mines.

As seen here:

He points to the room labeled extraction room "Now this room is of course where we operate the machines to extract the glitterstim to make spice. That place is swarming with battle droids so i would avoid that area. We have our old quarters back up here but again you risk battle droids." trailing his finger up to the Miner's quarters. He trailed it back down to the elevator "Now this way i wouldn't even try. It's suicide for sure and there is no point to going back to that way. A little birdie told me that the droids destroyed our Jedi's ships long ago. Pitched the debris and the dead clones into the Maw cluster to make it look like pilot error."

He paused for a moment and trailed his finger back toward the extraction chamber "Now few people know this but we didn't always extract glitterstim from the crust here. You see the source of the glitterstim comes from the weds of the energy spiders that call this place home. Before they found out that the decayed spider webs had left enough energy in the crust to mine that instead, people used to have to collect the webs near their habitat."

Arno and Ten
You've seen these spiders on occasion when a brave one happens to venture out and snatch a miner before retreating back into those tunnels. The idea of going into them willingly to harvest web was not a pleasant thought.

He trailed his finger along the path away from the extraction chamber "This is your ticket home. A direct path to the old elevator, long out of commission I'm afraid but I'm sure you'll find a way to climb out of it. Now if for some reason that exit is unavailable you'll have to take the emergency one through the spider's habitat...Now these things generally don't attack but sometimes they've been known to. The light usually scares them away but some of the braver ones flock to it...but rarely."

He pointed to the tool shed and miner's quarters "Now these treasure troves are something i have been unable to sink my teeth into. My men are unwillingly to go down there to loot and from what i can tell no one has been down there since we moved the operation up here for safety issues. Not even the last miner's who owned those chambers were able to get their stuff or their lives away from them...unfortunately there was a gas leak and none left that area and none have touched it since though the gas leak has long since been fixed."

He sighed and lay back "There you go that's all I've got. However there is one thing I'd like to say. I have no idea what the Separatists are doing here. Why bring a droid army and General Grevious himself to a spice mine? I have been able to find no answers. However, you might have more luck than me if you are curious enough. Now the only thing left to do is find a way to get past dumb and dumber out there guarding the door." He looked at Ten and said "I've seen you work. You're a good techy. There is a power console on the other side of that door and we have a control panel on our side of the blast door. It's locked so you'll have to hack it though. If you overload that power console it will kill those clankers easily. Now get out of here and good luck."

Quest update:

(Main quest)Escape the mines: Heyc has given you a map and supplies in order to escape the mines and get off this wretched planet.

(Side quest: optional)Why Kessel?: Find out why the droids are here in the first place and what exactly they needed the researchers for.

2011-10-20, 06:33 PM
Though it probably was a little grim as for their survival. It was an easy decision between forcefully leaving and facing them in open ground, or having them open the door and spray fire from the only exit. It would be much easier to kill them here.

He listened carefully to his advice and as such, began to move towards the control panel as soon as he named that there were 2 of the machines outside. Hopefully he could take them out without doing too much damage to their weapons. But as that didn't seem likely he wasn't going to go out of his way and risk failure. Taking out the security tool he waited for the rest of the party to ready themselves.

"What he says is true. I am a bit of a techy and can honestly hack this door now that I have the right equipment, I think it would be best to prepare to attack the 2 outside just in case i don't kill them and only open the door. Tell me when you are ready."

WHile he had the security kit ready. He hadn't at all started. He didn't feel like rushing anything and could wait for the rest of his team.

2011-10-20, 07:09 PM
Arno gets into place next to the door on the right side readying the shiv in a back grip for more power in his right hand. in the left he held the empty sack.
there is a hard gleam to his eyes as his training came back to him. he prepares him self mentally for what was to come witch was possibly tackling and stabbing a battle droid with a shiv.
he turns to the other slaves and asks "you guys want to come or stay here." there is a very hard emotionless edge to his voice that was the mark of his military service.

2011-10-20, 08:15 PM
Hooth quickly pulled out the med kit and glow rod and handed them to Arno. "We had a deal. Here," she said, then got into position on the other side of the door. Her skiv in her right hand, she prepared for battle.
"Lets do this!" she said with a grin on her face.

2011-10-20, 08:19 PM
Arno takes the stuff then places it in a neat pile on the ground next to him "the sack gos over the droids head blinding it then gets stabbed. that's the way to ambush droids with a shiv." once more it was delivered in that cold emotionless voice that was from his life as a soldier.

2011-10-20, 09:13 PM
"Alright. Going through."

At that moment he began his work on the panel immediately. The security tool was his primary use and his objective was to at least open the door but hopefully to kill the two on the other side.

Computer Use [roll0]

2011-10-21, 01:35 PM
Your fingers fly gracefully over the control panel with a mastery that you had almost forgotten you had. Numbers and code roll over your eyes like liquid through a stream. You don't just break the security systems you completely dominate them and gain full access to all it's functions. Overloading the power console on the other side is but a few button presses away.

However that is not the only commands available here. You have also gained control over the security cameras and wait what is this...You dig a little deeper and realize you have access to the communications system. Of course since this is a radiation chamber...they would give security a way to call for help. However on further examination it appears it is currently in use by another.

Knowledge Engineering check DC 15: [roll0]
Using the communication system would not be the best option.You remember working on scanning systems before and studying them. Not only would someone easily see someone using this system but they would know from where in seconds. However listening in on a call left almost no prints and someone had to go in looking for them just to see that someone had seen them.

2011-10-21, 08:31 PM
Having a mental break he decides that he was quite curious as to what they were saying and quickly patched into the conversation to listen in, not opening the door or overloading the panel on the other side. Information could prove to be invaluable So he quickly patched in and played it out.

2011-10-21, 11:38 PM
Suddenly after a patch of static the speakers in the panel began to play the conversation in mid sentence. You hear the raspy voice with a mechanical echo speaking. Everyone knew that voice and it caused the chamber to grow dead silent as they listened to the voice of General Grievous "...will be no issue. We have all of the witnesses locked away under armed guard. Not only do they have no idea what is going on here but they wouldn't have the opportunity to tell anyone if they did."

In response you hear another voice. One unfamiliar and yet something about it makes your skin crawl and the hairs on the back of people's necks raise. The voice was deep and calm with a certain arrogant but intelligent tone to it. However his voice practically reeked with death and carnage. One could almost smell blood when they heard his voice as if his breath were leaking through the communications system. "You have disappointed us my dear General. This whole situation has only proven to us that you have problems with even the simplest of missions."

This was obviously a very powerful man to speak to the general in this way and yet with such a calm tone. He continued "The plan was to get in, use the scientists to develop the virus, and get out quick enough to make the death of everyone look like a simple pirate raid. However you take your dear sweet time to the point that the Jedi counsel sent a Jedi and a clone battalion to your doorstep to check on you. Now they have a missing Jedi to worry about. Do you have any idea what would happen if the Jedi started an investigation on what we were doing here? As soon as that story hit the news we can kiss our allies goodbye i can tell you that much."

Grievous answered back though there was only a hint of irritation in his voice.
Intelligence Check DC 15
Arno [roll0]
Ten [roll1]
Hooth [roll2]

You can also detect fear in the General's voice which is not a good sign.

"The gene was harder isolate than we expected and even harder to mask into a chemical that is undetectable in the spice. So yes we were set back quite a bit however we are producing it at a very fast rate. We have begun our first shipments already. As for our other problem, we have pitched the ships into the Maw Cluster along with the clones that she came with. If the Jedi come to investigate they will find a hyperspace signature leading into the cluster and knock it off as pilot error. Wouldn't be the first time it's happened. I've taken care of it and if it makes you feel better i kept the Jedi female alive for you to question when you get here."

There is an amused almost humming sound that comes through. A sound of satisfaction that made even the heartiest of men uncomfortable. Then the man chimed in again "Yes that does make me feel a little better. Though i do look forward to seeing your progress for myself. I will be there soon and you better be as far along as you claim General." The man said that final word as if he was chewing it up thoroughly before spitting it out. "Deceiving me would be quite....unpleasant." No one doubted the truth of that last statement.

The General said with a slightly stammering tone "A..aye sir. I look forward to your arrival." With that the transmission ended and the coms became quiet again only to reveal the dead quietness of the room they were in.

The miners were quite for a long while then one man could be heard saying "By God almighty. What manner of demon have the separatists allied with themselves? They will bring the very army of the damned to our doorstep..." That certainly didn't help matters but it did break the silence. The men went back to talking only it was hushed whispers of a very skittish nature. Heyc sat in the corner though now he looked much more pale and less confident than he had before.

2011-10-21, 11:54 PM
That conversation seemed to break the calm void that arno had placed him self in. breaking this calm trance had only happened once before in his life. and what happened after was what started his downward spiral that ended with him sitting on kessle. he turned to Heyc in a voice that had fear in it but also a tone more serious then anyone had ever heard from him before he said "so Heyc you dont want to leave and you dont want to give us a blaster and you still have my pants. well I would say that you are making very good choices right now. so if you will excuse us we are going to leave you to die with that thing because you have been so helpful we are going to accept your wish to stay and leave with out you. if you want to change your mind about any of your previous stances now would be the time to change them." to Ten he says "Get that ****ing door open now. we are leaving." to the slaves "anyone that wants to come with us keep up and if you have anything that you can use to defend your self get ready to use it. and for the love of god stay out of our way."

DM idk if i should roll an intimidation or a diplomacy roll for this or not. but here they both are just in case. diplomacy [roll0] Intimidation [roll1]

2011-10-22, 12:28 AM
Arno barely had the time to react to the end of the conversation before the Sluiss' fingers flew across the panel, obviously feeling the gravity of their situation. It would be now he would check the security cameras instead of opening the door. This is the best way to plan the way out as far as he can tell.

He was hoping he could be the only one to see it so not everyone would get the idea.

2011-10-22, 04:18 PM
Ten begins to flip through the security cameras obviously not taking orders from Anon. The camera pictures appear on a small screen on the control panel though Ten's body is blocking the view and you are unable to see what he is seeing.

You flip through the security cameras which appear on a small screen on the control panel. You find several pictures labeled "Extraction room" which were of course the main working area you are familiar with. Nothing new in those just the battle droids that were always there watching things and waiting for the crew to come on duty. After watching the cameras in the hall you realize the supers outside the doors are the only ones in the hall. There is a straight shot to the tunnel which has no cameras.

The cameras upstairs are all destroyed and only give you static except for in the landing bay which was empty. It appears Heyc was telling the truth. Then the cameras flicked to the cargo bay. In it was a group of battle droids loading up a federation cargo ship with boxes. With them is a medical droid who appears to be scanning each of the boxes for something before they are loaded. The ship has just finished loading almost as soon as you flick to this screen. However, there is another clunky cargo ship sitting in the cargo bay...your ticket out. Again Heyc appears to have been telling the truth. Which makes what was going on currently with Heyc a little more distressing.

Heyc's face goes from a pale to a slight red color as Anon speaks to him like he is a fool. He stood up to his full height and at the same time 4 other miners stood up with him. He pulled out the hidden blaster pistol he had in his belt and held it limply at his side. "You know I'm tempted to shoot you down right here and now for speaking to me like I'm a fool. In fact if i wasn't so sure that anyone who goes down that tunnel will die a very painful death i would do so right now. So me and my men will be in one of the many hiding places only i know of listening to the spider's take their lunch break." He chuckled lightly and then said with a fierce glint in his eye "But if you say one more word to me...and i mean one more. I am willing to miss out on that opportunity because I'll shoot you dead right here."


He doesn't appear to be joking. Perhaps trying to push harder to get stuff wasn't the best plan. It only appears to have made him angry.These men simply don't find you frightening. Maybe once you get out of here and face people that don't know you it will improve for you.

2011-10-22, 05:10 PM
Ten smiled to himself as the videos played across his screen before finally closing out and going back to the controls so he can force the panel on the other side to explode. To take out the droids on the other side, of course he kept up the panel to see the result on the other side of the door.

"Get ready to go Arno and whoever else is coming......be safe Heyc."

Hopefully he could calm down Heyc a little so Arno doesn't get a hole in him, or a few in fact. He wasn't really doing much other than telling everyone to get ready since he was pretty much everyone's ticket out of this room right now.

2011-10-22, 06:43 PM
Arno slips back into his calm state as he watches Heyc pull out the blaster and threaten to kill him. He doesnt seem overly worried about Heyc he just ignores him and looks at Ten with a look that quite clearly said open the ****ing door. Turning to Hooth he says in tones completely serious "so we just run for it or do you want to be more stealth and search kind of deal?"

2011-10-22, 10:03 PM
"We need to get out as swiftly, yet silently as possible, so I suggest we run for it once these droids have been destroyed, but we also need to be as silent as possible, to avoid detection on our way out of here. If we can sneak aboard a ship of some sort, and being they said something about shipping, it'll probably be freighters, then take it over, because they most likely won't use simple droids to transfer cargo, they'll use anything but, simply to not appear to be on the separatist's side.

Then we hitch a ride to wherever they are going, get weapons, hop on another ship headed for Coraescant and from there I get the councils help. This is big and we need to get a public announcement out and get as much of those deceased spices destroyed.

And by the way Arno, that was a damned pig ignorant thing to tell everyone, and goading Heyc out of stuff is one of the dumbest moves I think I have ever seen. Even in the major planets, trying to get someone to part with a weapon in a time of crisis is one of the dumbest things you can do, because they aren't gonna give up THEIR safety for anyone else's, except maybe their child's, even then though, that is a slim chance in this day and age.

Get over it. You aren't getting that particular blaster, however, see if you can hawk one off of one of the droids we kill, with Ten's help of course, since you don't know your way around mechanics as well as he does."

2011-10-23, 12:20 AM
In a tone that was ice cold completely devoid of all emotion or humanity the voice of a soldier that has seen more and killed and been scared by it Arno says "Four things jedi to keep in mind in situations like this.
one people will fallow us no matter what we say to get out so its best to lay ground rules first.
second if you got a weapon you use it.
three if you have an extra weapon you arm the man next to you, more fire equels better chance of survivle.
and four you arm the ones better capable to fight then you first either by training of physical power the better trained the person with the weapon the better chance everyone has to live.
I have seen more fighting then you ever will jedi. I have killed men with my bare hands. I've watched as a thermal detonator killed half my squad and i was splatered with their blood. so really the reason that i am here on kessle was becasue i was hopeing that is i drank enough and did enough drugs that it would kill me instead i ended up on this ball of rock.
Now we understand each other. i'm a soldier. i fight. i kill. thats what i do. i signed up to help people and i just kill them all. this is my chance to make a difference. if i can help these people maybe it will silence some of the goasts." through out the entire thing his voice never was raised and retaned that cold emotionless edge to it.

2011-10-23, 06:45 PM
Ten really didn't care what Arno's back story was and frankly, he had something far more important to do as he finally set off the panel and opened the door, however, he at least let Arno finish his typical soldier story that held little more than he already knew. Double-checking the security cam he opened the doors.

If the droids were standing then he would attempt to tackle one, if they weren't he would signal the exit and stay in a close knit group with Arno and Hooth and head for the tunnels armed with the knowledge that he gained from the cameras.

2011-10-24, 12:23 AM
Hooth rolled her eyes at the typical "war hero pity party" tale-of-his-life and said "Let's just follow Ten, being that he most likely knows what we are up against. It is logical to assume that he has tapped into more than just the communications, so he knows more of what is out there.
I am not going to waste my time arguing with someone who doesn't have a filter on their mouth. Let's just get this over with and save the tale of woe for later ok? I'd rather not die here. Please though, don't pull some stupid move and die a 'hero's death'.
No matter how much of an ass you are, and no matter what you have done in the past, here you are an innocent, and the killing of innocents in any situation is wrong and I have to do my best to prevent that."
She turned away from him and waited for the door to open, and prepared to attack.

2011-10-24, 02:44 AM
This was the moment of truth. As the door begins the slow process of unlocking a hiss is heard as it depressurizes the room. However, the sound of the explosion of the power station still could be heard as a dull thud outside. The smell of fried electronics filled the room shortly afterwards.

Listen Check DC 15
Arno: [roll0]
Hooth: [roll1]
Ten: [roll2]

You hear the sound of two smaller explosions afterwards.

On your screen you see the power station blow in a wondrous display of sparks and arching lightning that slammed into the chest of the super battle droids. The droids shake violently until the fronts of their chests blew out which threw them to the ground.

Knowledge Engineering Check DC 15

It appears that their power cells couldn't handle the extra charge you gave them and simply blew out. Damn you do good work.

When the door opens you all see two super battle droids laying on the ground with their chests blown out and a smoking power station. Almost immediately the alarms start to go off. Appears there is no time to be quiet and you begin to sprint toward the tunnel indicated on your map. Prisoners are running everywhere, some are running to the back elevator while others are headed toward their old rooms. However one person does appear to be sticking with you. A large wookie wearing nothing but the fur on his back.

Anon and Ten
You know this to be Tuthuk who was one of the heavy machine operators. Strong as can be with that typical wookie temper, there were a few times he made the guards back down from a confrontation with him.

As you reach the two tunnels that are across from each other you turn right into the tunnel away from the extraction room. However behind you you hear a normal droid yell "Hey stop those prisoners. Blast them." You hear the sound of 5 blasters being fired behind you.

Dm notes:

(Anon)Droid 1: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
(Ten)Droid 2: [roll6] Damage: [roll7]
(Hooth)Droid 3: [roll8] Damage: [roll9]
(Tuthuk)Droid 4: [roll10] Damage: [roll11]
(Tuthuk)Droid 5: [roll12] Damage: [roll13]

2011-10-24, 03:25 AM
The blaster shots harmlessly fire into the ground behind you and into the walls before they even get to you. However there is the smell of burning fur that fills the air as one grazes your wookie friend's fur in a tuff of smoke.

You continue down the tunnel a ways until you are confident the droids are not perusing you before you stop. The lighting has long since been gone from you though some from the lights behind you in the tunnel cast a dim lighting on everything making it tolerable for now.

What do you do?

2011-10-24, 09:42 AM
everyone general note the reason i didnt have the bag filled was because if ten failed it would be good to shove over the head of a droid to blind it then stab it. and before i run out there i take the half sec to scoop up the glowrod and medkit that i had set down.
"I suggest that we slow down a little so we dont run right head first into a spider." Once again his voice had that same edge to it from before.
DMgeneral back ground note. for my reputation i was once the kind of guy that would prefer to talk you into doing what he wants but if you didnt or worst you crossed him he would kill you or have you killed in a horrific manner with no emotion what so ever. he was a man that people feared and respected. but had remarkably few enemies. the few that he had where either killed, vanished, or he turned into "friends". and did what ever was necessary to not make him mad at them. but that was about 6 years ago. counting the time on kessle (the party lasted for two years.)

2011-10-24, 02:28 PM
Hooth was surprised. There WAS a brain under all that ego. "I agree, let's slow down, as to not be caught off guard, but we also need to be quick and get outta here as fast as possible."
She looked at the wookie addition to the party. "Anything you're good at doing?" she asked him in his native tongue.

2011-10-24, 04:12 PM
Arno mumbles something in his native language. a language that no zeltron would ever teach a non-zeltron one that no non-zeltron would ever learn and live if zeltrons had a say in it. it is impossible to discern what it could mean from just the tone of it then he says in common "Hes a wookie. That's plenty useful in and of its self. and can we keep the chit chat for after we are safely out of an area where a giant spider or dordica can pop around the corner and try to eat our faces off? Please?" the cold emotionless edge to his voice is gone replaced by his normal happy go lucky self mixed with a little bit of annoyed at the jedi not taking the fact that they could all die any second seriously and keep quiet so as to not bring all of kessle down on their heads.

2011-10-24, 06:47 PM
He looked to check on the wookie and see where it's burn was. Still though his concentration was in this tunnel and he was plotting out to find the tool shed as quickly as possible. They could probably find something of value in there, hopefully the controls for the entrance still worked so they could get in or they would have to attempt to force their way inside.

"Hey you 3, first we should try to get into the old miner's quarters if possible. The tunnels can wait unless you want to rush in unprepared. I HIGHLY doubt the droids will follow us into this section of the mines. They were aiming to kill and going here is supposed to be a death sentence. So we're safe for now. To save time I would normally suggest splitting up, but due to circumstances, let's stick together and search the miner's quarters."

He himself was already headed for them moving as silently and sneakily as he could manage just to be on the safe side, besides. His voice was never above a whisper around here anyways.

Move Silently: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2011-10-25, 01:11 AM
Hooth attempts to speak the Wookie language but it only comes out as a gargled mess that makes the Tuthuk visibly cringe. He raised a paw and said a succession of roars and growls in Sheriwook. Into common they translated to "Please don't do that. I understand common but i just can't speak it. And yes i am good for things." He waited and said "I agree with Ten on this one. This is a danger zone and the droids will not follow us here. What we're doing is supposed to be suicide...but i can't stand it in these mines anymore. Also we should try and get lighting if you have any. The spiders shy from it and I'd rather see them then not." He then walked to the head of the party. The huge Wookie stood 2.4 meters tall (about 7' 10'') and was bulging with muscle under his thick fur.

Now that you had time to stop and take a breath you realize how windy and cold it is in the tunnels. Because of the toxic atmosphere the mines had to be heavily ventilated which caused a cold wind to wash over you.

Dang this sucks! Now you're wishing that you hadn't made that joke to Heyc because you are freezing your manhood off out here.
Fortitude save DC 15

You manage to shove off the cold and press on. Take more than a little wind to knock out this soldier!

This icy cold wind cuts you to the core making your muscles and joints hurt and slower to move. Take a 2 dex damage until you can warm up.

2011-10-25, 11:21 AM
As Arno starts to turn blue because of the cold wind he starts mumbling about something in zeltron. once more its impossible to tell exactly what it is but he seems to say Heyc a lot.
he then continuing to mumble under his breath as he pulls the glow-rod out and turns it on. he stammers slightly because of the cold saying "hay Tuthuk catch" then lobs the glow-rod to him.
"can we move a little faster?" he asks everyone as he moves closer to the wookie to use him as a wind break. rubbing his arms to help warm them. he looks at the jedi with a look that said dont say it. dont you dare say it.

2011-10-25, 11:41 PM
Hooth just snickers at Arno. She had said her piece. Now she got to laugh at his stupidity. She was not happy that she had totally garbled the language enough to make him cringe, but, oh well, as long as he understood her.
"Lets go then, if we can get something useful that would be astounding. Like a Blaster! Oh that would be just lovely! Perhaps two! One for our Wookie friend and one for Ten! Ohh and a vibroblade for me, maybe!" Her voice was thick with sarcasm just dripping, all directed at Arno. "Oh and maybe a spear for Arno."
She smirked at him playfully. Now that he was getting rewarded for being an ass, he might decide to be nicer. She stuck her tongue out at him and then smiled. She turned away then, proud of herself in a childish way.

2011-10-26, 12:16 AM
Hooth's little plan to make fun of Arno and make him feel bad seemed to back fire on her as he says "A spear! really! i love spears! i havent used one in ages! aww the memories. spears are great!" he was positively wiggling with glee at the idea. after a short time this jubilant look faded and he gave Hooth a withering stare. one that should have seared the flesh off her bones and melted the wall behind her reducing the place that she stood to a smoldering heap.

In a voice full of scorn he says "I really do like spears. but i dont like that tone of yours. i can out shoot you any day. i know more about fighting then a jedi fresh out of the academy. how do i know this you may ask. because no true experienced jedi would fall into this mess like you. no jedi would get her entire team killed and ****ed up so spectacularly as you have unless the jedi order is now training childish fools! yes i made a mistake i will live with it. its not going to slow me down. its just going to piss me off!"

it would appear as if you poked a little too much.
at the end of that he was yelling at the top of his lungs and was starting to turn red. well more red... the bad color of red the zeltron aren't meant to be...ya... he looked about ready to kill something.

then he seemed to get a hold of him self. and calms down with what looked to be a great force of will. and says in tones that still reflected his anger and shame that you seemed to keep throwing in his face. "I'm sorry I said those things. that was a low blow. It was uncalled for... i'm sorry jedi. you have every right to be angry with me. ha i wouldnt blame you is you killed me where i stand. can we stop with the poking at each other and concentrate on getting out of here then have our little fight to the death shall we." be the end his voice reflected more sadness, shame and self-pity then anger. but it would be unwise to continue to prod him at this time. he seemed a little frayed.

Tenin all the years that you have known Arno he has always had a relatively level head. yes he was impulsive but he never lost his temper. you have never seen him this angry before. and you knew that it would be a very very bad idea to continue to poke fun at him at this time.

2011-10-26, 01:02 AM
Tuthuk suddenly twirled on his heel and glared at both of them. His huge muscular chest rose and fell and his fists curled into balls. His voice was low but it only made it sound more like a growl as he said in his native tongue "Now you two listen to me." raising a massive paw and pointing at Hooth and Anon "You two are worse than children! Fighting when we're trying to escape here with our lives. Now i hear anything like that again from either of you and i swear i will tear out your throats and leave you here for the spiders to eat!"

Arno and Hooth
Intimidate check DC 19 (Arno) 21(Hooth)

Pass Arno
Oh **** that's not good... Even though you're all ready chilled to the bone you feel ice travel up your spine as you take a step back from the huge Wookie. You remember what he did to a few of the guards who had made him angry and have no desire to join them. You decide silence is probably the best bet here.

Pass Hooth
You are just about to respond to the rude Zeltron when your blood suddenly turns to ice as the Wookie seemed to grow 10 feet. You have no doubt that not only he could kill you but that he would kill you if you didn't stop what you are doing. Silence suddenly becomes a very good idea and you bite your tongue.

Fail to intimidate
He does not look happy but he's only one person. He's probably just stressed from the escape and besides Wookies are slow and dim you could easily kick his ass in a fight.

He then lit up the glow rod and lit up the next ten meters of the tunnel. If the angry Wookie wasn't frightening enough then the sight certainly was. As the light washed over the area you see the shining of eyes followed by multiple hisses. Giant creatures with eight legs and huge thoraxes scurried away from the light and down the tunnel obviously caught off guard.

2011-10-26, 01:20 AM
Arno forever the man with a lot of false bravado. still knowing that the wookie could kill him without much trouble. and felling almost about to wet himself. stands tall and stares at the wookies back and glares hate at the spiders. the watchful observer would see that he was in fact terrified of the wookie and the not backing down thing was just a lot of soldier training and a big helping of false bravado. Arno had no intention of confronting the wookie.
but he still didnt like hooth at that moment. and if she was stupid enough to keep it up would laugh as the wookie ripped her apart. or if the wookie didnt kill her would kill her him self.
he knew that he was being irrational and probably deserved it but he was furious that this little girl was being so disrespectful. to him she was a little girl he was old enough to have sired her father. and he was treating her with the great respect and difference at least for his race. and was furious that she would treat him with such score and disrespect.

2011-10-26, 04:02 AM
Still ignoring their fight completely, which in itself was a feat based on how obnoxious they were, it had nothing on the feeling of when he lite up the glowrod and spiders skitted away from them....that's not good for the bones. Shaking that off he felt like he wanted to hug the wookie for dissolving the situation. he wouldn't because the wookie's version of the hug would crush him. Continuing on his merry-ish way. He continued on towards the damn miner's quarters and inspected the bloody door.

((Continue the campaign. Or I will end you. I should not have to post the same thing 3 times just to get it to work. Silence. :smallsigh: ))

2011-10-26, 11:37 AM
Hooth started to nod when she caught sight of the spiders. Her eyes widened, she took a step back, and went sheet white. She was terrified of them. She couldn't help it, she was aracniphobic. And those were BIG arachnids!!!!!

Will save to not freak out due to fear. [roll0]

2011-10-26, 09:33 PM
You begin to panic but your calm mind pushes back that fear and you begin to take deep even breathes. These were just spiders, no different than any other enemy. (off note: You are a Jedi so please start acting like it. You're acting like yourself and that just isn't acceptable. Jedi do not behave like children.)

The party continues down the tunnel finding that the tunnels are carved quite smoothly and are about two meters wide. Tuthuk takes the lead among you bravely with the glowrod clutched firmly in his hand. Occasionally some of the creatures come into view but only to scurry out of the way of the bright light and the incoming intruders. Spider webs covered the walls and Tuthuk often had to sweep them out of the way to move on. You are nearing the miner's quarters when one of the shadows doesn't move.

In front of you is a very large energy spider hunched over something and just beyond it about 10 yards you can see the door to the miner's quarters. Tuthuk walks within 10 meters of the monster before it swirls around and hisses dangerously at him. This one doesn't appear to care about the light or the party. It's 8 legs curl and it gets lower to the ground as if preparing to rush them.

Spot check dc 15
Arno: [roll0]
Hooth: [roll1]
Ten: [roll2]
Tuthuk: [roll3]

Pass: You see a crumpled battle droid beneath the spider. Apparently that must be what it was snacking on. Perhaps they devour the energy?

Initiative (all)
(This will decide the posting order from here on. Npcs i will post for)
Arno: [roll4]
Ten: [roll5]
Tuthuk: [roll7]
Spider: [roll8]

2011-10-26, 09:42 PM
Tuthuk drops the glow rod to the ground though he leaves it on so the lighting remains the same. Before it ever had a chance to hit the ground he charged forward bravely at the spider letting out a mighty roar. He reached it in a matter of seconds and swung his mighty fists at it.

Charge gives a +2 to attack.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-10-26, 09:45 PM
The spider quickly ducks under the blow fierce as it was and a loud whooshing is heard as the heavy fist hits nothing but air. Tuthuk obviously looks surprised that he had missed...as if that didn't happen often.

2011-10-28, 06:49 PM
Hooth's eyes go steely. This is battle. This is what she is good at. She runs foreward without a second thought and stabs at an eye. She puts much of her strength behind the attack, the skiv swinging straight down towards the spider.


Damage: [roll1]

2011-10-29, 03:35 PM
Arno darts forward and stabs the spider then swivels back and to the side to place the wookie between him and the spider. this isn't him being an ass ,well maybe just a little, just his training kicking in. hes used to blasters and the a wookie makes for good cover. spider has to go past wookie to get to him. if it trys the wookie hits it in the face. if it gets past the wookie Arno stabs it again then slips behind the wookie again. and we do this over and over till something dies. simple.

DM [roll0] [roll1] i like this way much better it will speed up combat.

2011-11-01, 03:23 PM
Taking a shot at it he stabs at the spider before hopping back 5ft immediately following his jab. Nothing special. Just a quick jab is all.


2011-11-01, 03:45 PM
Dm notes:
Spider attacks:

Tuthuk: [roll0] Damage:[roll1]
Anon: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

2011-11-01, 04:04 PM
As Tuthuk's arm flails over the spider's head it is followed by Hooth's knife coming down onto it's head but tinking off the exoskeleton. The spider lunges forward angrily and snaps at Tuthuk's arm. It's fangs don't quite pierce the fur though lucky for him. With spider like reflexes it takes a snap at Hooth as well but she is able to weave out of the way of the powerful jaws.

Arno quickly joins the party followed closely by Ten. Arno stabs first and hits it with his knife but it again appears to do nothing. The same follows suite for Ten though his made the spider hiss angrily at all of them.

Dm notes:
Spider : 28/14
Tuthuk: 31/15
Arno: 45/13
Hooth: 55/13
Ten: 50/14

2011-11-01, 04:12 PM
Tuthuk was not happy about missing and the spider biting him which was apparent from his mighty roar that he let out. His eyes glazed over and he swung furiously at it with a straight powerful punch. Many know the tempers that Wookies have and commonly refer to this as a wookie rage.

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

Dm notes:
Spider attack rolls and damage for this turn:

Attack 1: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]

2011-11-01, 04:14 PM
Critical chance check Tuthuk

2011-11-01, 04:30 PM
The fist slams down on the spider's head with a sickening crunch as it's entire body slams onto the ground. His fist continues through the exoskeleton deep into it's head which splattered on the ground with what sounded like someone hitting a piece of raw meat with a hammer. However, Tuthuk kept at it and jumped onto it's dead body hitting it and biting at it's exoskeleton savagely.

A few seconds later he stopped and stood on top of the very dead spider breathing heavily as the rage left him. He bend over and set his hands on his belt legs breathing heavily trying to catch his breath. Looking back at the rest of the party he hops down saying in his rough language "It's been a long time since i've got to fight like that."

2011-11-01, 04:37 PM
ARNO!!!!! gos over and pokes the spider several times then nods "yup its very much a dead spider. but i seem to be having trouble finding its head... i wanted to use its poison to poison my knife."
DM search to find its head and poison glands. and i dont know the check to poison my blade with the spider poison. or what the spider poison does just fyi

2011-11-01, 04:52 PM
Hooth looks at Arno, her head leaning to the side a bit. That would actually be helpful... if they could puncture the flesh of one of these creatures... she doesn't say as much... knowing that if she opens her mouth and says something to Arno it's going to sound snide, so instead she settles for thanking the massive Wookie.
"That was both frightening and awe-inspiring. You killed it with very little help. You are certainly impressive." she smiled at him, then looked at what Arno was doing and decided to help him.
"Here let me help you with this. Good idea by the way."

Add a +2 to Arno's search and +2 to the poison adding thing for his and then a roll for me to put poison on mine please, I'm assisting him.

2011-11-01, 07:07 PM
Hooth and Arno
You both search through the slush that was the spider's head and are able to locate the fangs and such. However you are disappointed to find that there are no poison glands at all. Apparently these spider's do not rely on poison to kill their prey.

Tuthuk goes back and picks up the glowrod and holds it out in front of him. The eyes of the spider's shining back at the edge of the light. There is now a dead energy spider in front of you and a crumpled up battle droid. The miner's quarters are up ahead and beyond that the tool shed. According to the map also up here to the left was the spider's nests. Straight ahead is your way out of here and you don't appear to have any pursuers. What do you do?

It has been about an hour since you tapped into the force. You feel a little more rested. (regain 7 vitality)

2011-11-01, 08:50 PM
Arno picks up the fangs of the spider and puts them in the bag with a smile. he then checks the battle droid for any thing useful such as a blaster, power pack, grease, anything that maybe construed as useful.
DMthis includes any piece of it that the spider didnt try to eat. like an intact arm or leg. you will know why i'm collecting them eventually.

2011-11-01, 11:58 PM
Now that he just watched the wookie maim the bejesus out of the spider he feels practically at home here. What a nice thing a wookie is. Ten strolls well slides. Over to the droid Arno was apparently trying to salvage and sighs at his eagerness*"Arno, did you forget AGAIN that I'm the engineer? Please. Hand it over and I'll see what I can do for you bud."

He honestly wasn't sure why Arno was trying to salvage an obviously busted droid. Ten was aiming for the blaster, some plates on the legs, wires, and hopefully fuel cells or other tools battle droids carry.

Search: 24

2011-11-02, 09:43 AM
Arno gets the look of a small child when you tell them no you cant play with that. then tugs at one of the droids arms then dejectedly lifts the droid and hands it to Ten. "I get the blaster if there's one that still works." he says wiping the childish look from his face.

2011-11-02, 11:07 AM
Hooth tries to keep herself from snickering as she watches Arno and Ten. Slightly disappointed that she couldn't get venom from the spider, she wonders why.
"Hey Ten, what kind of spiders are these? As far as I know, most spiders have at least some form of venom, but these don't. Do you know why?"

2011-11-02, 12:44 PM
Arno watches Ten but answers Hooth's question with a distracted air as he closely watches Ten to make sure he doesn't take any blasters "energy spiders. they can drain the life out of you with a bite. And they feed off of energy. i just thought that they would inject their victim with something to make them stop wiggling wile they feed of their life force. but apparently they just hold them down and eat them alive. which makes me sad." he then mumbles something about stupid spiders fallowed by something in his language then kicks the spider.
Continuing to watch Ten of signs of a working blaster or anything useful he takes out the fangs of the spider and starts playing around with them. he even go so far as putting them to his mouth like fangs and saying something about feeding on something its hard to tell what he is talking about with fangs shoved onto his face but part of it seemed to be directed at Hooth or maybe at Hooth's sex. its hard to tell. but knowing Arno its probably sexual in nature some how and sense he has already stated he has no interest in the jedi in that manner he is probably making a generalization about females in general. after all he is a zeltron.

2011-11-02, 01:00 PM
Hooth rolled her eyes at Arno's childishness but said nothing... she was staring to get used to him acting like a fool... which was sad.
She tarted watching Ten as he went through the droid's parts.

2011-11-03, 02:54 AM
As soon as Ten fiddles with the droid a little a blaster rifle falls out of it's hands onto the ground. It seems to be in rather good condition at first glance. Probably best to get a better look at it. Ten's expert hands search the droid all over for 2 minutes straight.

Well this is certainly a treasure trove you have found here. The droid is completely dead so it's brain is completely dead and yet there are so many useful parts in it that were relatively undamaged by the spider. Raw materials, a power cell, remote receiver, and a vocabulator. The integrated comlink does appear to be destroyed though as do many of the circuits.

Tuthuk looks around anxiously waiting for everyone to finish up what there are doing. His eyes remain on the shadows of the creatures in the distance at the edge of the light. Opening his mouth he let's out a mighty roar that echoes down the cave toward the spiders.

Intimidate: [roll0] (he couldn't not pass)

You hear the scurrying of feet and the shadows disappear from view. Tuthuk looks back at you with a very satisfied look on his face and let's out a "Ruk Ruk" sound that can be understood as him chuckling.

2011-11-03, 04:40 AM
Ten smiled visibly at the practical gold mine this droid was. First off he picked up the loose parts and equipment placing them in his pockets for dispersion later. Sadly, he didn't have all the tools he desired yet so he called out to Arno offering a trade holding out the blaster rifle to him. As he started to hold it out Tuthuk's roar sent shivers down his spine and he almost dropped it, but he kept his composure...sort of and held it to Arno.

"Take this and the droid with us. I can't do much with it here since I don't really feel safe enough to begin work on it and would like more tools. Carry him if you would please and I'll make sure that you get a share of what I'm making with him. Wait..."

Ten thought for a moment and got a better idea going over to Tuthuk

"Hey, can I get you to carry this droid for me? It'd slow me down or get damaged more so would you mind lugging it for me big guy?"

2011-11-03, 12:29 PM
Arno takes the blaster with a bow after its in his hands he falls to his knees with the baster rifle raised up as if it was the holy grail. he seemed quite happy that he had a blaster.
After hes done with his impromptu warship of the rifle he inspects it to make sure that it works. checks to make sure it has power and that the power is getting to the proper places.
After his quick inspection is over his stuffs the blaster rifle in the bag with a sigh. he mumbles something about spiders, energy and feeding. then kicks the spider at his feet again. he gathers up the fangs he dropped when he fell into blaster worship and puts them in the bag with the blaster.
"so shall we get off this rock?"

DM repair check 1d20+2 search check 1d20+2 spot check 1d20+5 all of this to make sure that the blaster rifle works and wont blow up in my face.

2011-11-03, 05:56 PM
Tuthuk looks down at Ten then nods and walks over to the droid. He scoops up the droid and throws it over his shoulder like it weighed as much as a throw pillow. "Might i ask what you have planned for this droid?"

You find nothing at all wrong with the blaster. It is in perfect condition and the energy cell seems to be charged. Spider must not have chewed on it too much

Holding out the light source with his other hand he began to walk toward the tool storage area assuming that's where they were wanting to go. The party makes it's way down the tunnel toward the tool storage center. To do such you pass by the abandoned miner's quarters and that the door was wide open. From a passing glance you see old webs laying around everywhere but otherwise it's almost completely in tact.

You get to the tool room to find the door shut tight. The control pannel that would have once opened the door is completely ripped off and nowhere to be seen.

Spot Check DC 15
Arno: [roll0]
Hooth: [roll1]
Ten: [roll2]
Tuthuk: [roll3]

You look around and you happen to notice an odd lump in one of the many bunches on web on the walls of the cave. The lump is on the ground under the web. About 6 feet long and 3 feet wide.

2011-11-03, 06:30 PM
Forgot to say. Gain 482 experience each.

2011-11-03, 08:07 PM
Arno pulls the blaster out and going over the the lump on the ground pokes it several times with the barrel of the blaster ready to shoot if it does anything he doesn't like.

reactive post ALL
If it moves he jumps back and shoots till it stops twitching.

If it doesn't move he calls over the rest of the group and moves the webs off it to see what it is.

2011-11-03, 10:26 PM
He grins as Tuthuk carries the droid and simply explains in basic what he planned to do.

"Thanks bud, I am going to improve our weapons to do a bit more damage. Try making something I can throw for damage instead of getting up close and getting in your way. That and get a few spare parts for later repairs I might need to make. Bolts, joints, wires, the usual."

He...was saddened about the tool shed being closed up and while he had planned for this, he had also planned for the panel to be where ti was supposed to. Not who knows where. However spotting the lump in the webs he thought about sending Arno, to find Arno over poking it.

"Oi Arno, unless it bites first. Don't shoot it. It might be useful!"

he could tell by the way he was holding the blaster ready. He looked like he was about to spray and pray if it even twitched a little. And he didn't want something possibly important to get filled with smoldering holes.

2011-11-03, 10:51 PM
Arno looks over at Ten and shrugs. "ok fare nuff. but if it starts running for you i'll remember what you said and not shoot till it bites." he says this with a smile on his face and its obvious that if it did start running it wouldn't get far before he opened up on it. "why don't you just fix the droid? the spider did enough damage that it would be easy to reprogram sense you don't need to worry about it waking up. that is if it can be fixed. but its not getting the blaster back." From the death grip he had on the blaster no one was going to get it unless they pried it from his dead fingers and even that maybe a challenge.

2011-11-04, 11:59 AM
Hooth looked at the lump suspiciously and tried to see if she could feel anything odd coming off of it.

use force sense to feel for something alive. [roll0]

2011-11-05, 02:04 AM
Tuthuk carries the droid along with him and nods. "I have experience making primitive weapons for my people. Perhaps i can help in this matter since it looks like we can get some good scrap off this droid." he said with a mixture of growls and grunts. He stopped at the door and frowned when he saw that the control panel was gone. As everyone went the other way he set the droid down and followed them to see what they were looking at.

As Arno pokes it there is no movement whatsoever but there is a slight crunching sound as a little of the glitterstim crumbles away. It's obviously been here a while for the webbing to have solidified like that.

Empathy check (for lack of a better skill. Close enough)

Pass (Dc 1)
You sense nothing at all. Whatever is in there isn't alive in the least. (take 2 vitality damage)

Tuthuk watches for a while then lets out a series of grunts that you know to translate out to be "Coward." then walks over to the lump and rips the solidified glitterstim open with a puff of dust. There laying in front of you is a dead body.

The body is nothing but bones and a shredded miner's outfit.Even though he is completely decomposed he certainly doesn't smell like it though. He smells like Tuthuk if he were to rub himself all over with bantha feces and wear dead fish around his neck. As if the wookie didn't smell bad enough as it is.

Spot DC 10
Arno: [roll1]
Hooth: [roll2]
Ten: [roll3]
Tuthuk: [roll4]

Pass: What is that he is clenching in his arms?

2011-11-05, 12:43 PM
Arno looks at his blaster then looks at the wookie with a confused look. but he just shrugs the insult off. he then uses the barrel of his gun to shove one of the mans arms off the thing that he was holding then the other reveling what it was in his hands.

as explanation for using the gun he says "If i touch it i will small like it. I dont want to smell like ass. Ha Ten how about you pick it up?"

2011-11-05, 04:16 PM
Smiling at Arno's remark , well it wasn't really the remark it was just the fact he would get to hold onto something first for once, he reached over and tried to dislodge it from the man's death grip, whatever it would be he would make sure it came out in one piece. It had to have been something sturdy not to have decomposed, and since Ten was now holding his breath as he leaned in..he couldn't smell what it was.

2011-11-05, 08:46 PM
Ten leans over and grips the thing that the man has in his arms. However, the body fought just as much as it would have if he was still alive.

Ten Strength check DC 10

A cracking sound is heard and the arms snap off the body with a loud snap. Ten quickly pulls the arms off of it and now all can see that it is in fact the control panel that was ripped from the wall.....now how do we get it back on?

Ten grunts and struggles but the skeleton's death grip proves too much for the engineer

2011-11-05, 08:55 PM
Arno watches the entire thing with a big ass smile on his face. "Good job Ten for a second there i thought you where going to need some help. But your going to have to stay at least 5 feet away till we can decontaminate you. who knows what that thing had that you now have from grunting its arm off." he then erupts in a deep belly laugh.

Ten/DMbluff check. to try to convenience ten that the body was infected with something. [roll0]

2011-11-05, 10:43 PM
Sense Motive [roll0] Pass Ten waves off your comment not seeming to mind that you lied to him or told him that he was infected with something. Apparently he isn't too worried about dead things. Fail Ten waves off your comment not seeming to care too much that he might be infected with something. He'll disinfect himself later. Right now he needs to get this panel back on. However, in the back of his mind he contemplates what could've been on him now.

Ten strolls over, slides over to the empty space and looks both the panel and the socket over.

DM(Pointless for anyone else to read)
Roll something for that if necessary. If not, beth, tell me what's up.

2011-11-05, 11:57 PM
This isn't good. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with the panel other than it being old and a bit dented. You could easily fit this back where it belongs except for one thing...you don't even have close to the right equipment. You might be able to jimmy rid a few wires in a pinch but this is intricate stuff. Unless you get the proper equipment then you'll have to figure out another way to open the door.

Tuthuk watches for a while looking at the engineer and then back at the dead body. "Spiders must have got him...why would he rip off the control panel? There has to be some great stuff in there...why didn't he just take it for himself?"

Quest update

Side quest(optional) "Find out what is going on here and find a way to get into the tool room"

2011-11-06, 01:23 AM
Ten began to think on what to do next. Obviously leaving the control panel here is not ideal. He doesn't want to let it get damaged so he carries it himself. Still.....Tuthuk might be hindered by the droid. And maybe they can find some clues at the miner's quarters. He knows he doesn't have the tools, but maybe something there will help.

"Alright guys, I think we should head back to the Old Miner's Quarters. yah the door was wide open and it would be hairy if it came to a fight, but I can't fix this here with the tools I have. Tuthuk. I think you can leave the droid chassis here so it doesn't get in the way and will lighten our load. I will carry this panel for now since I don't feel like leaving it here. I suggest we go back to the Mining Quarters we passed by and check them out. If I absolutely cannot find a way to fix the panel, we are going to have to take it down or find another way in. Who's game?"

He didn't picture it as a speech, but it might have been if it managed to inspire them. He just kept his tone as calm and collected as he could. His only problem was his serpentine tongue that made his s's drawn out, but was fine otherwise. He waited expectantly holding the panel securely in a way he could consider dignified.

2011-11-06, 12:48 PM
"sounds good captain obvious." followed by a sarcastic salute.

2011-11-07, 01:33 AM
"Wait a minute guys... I wanna see if that was all he had on him... maybe there was something valuable on him..." She then went over to the skeleton and started searching him.

Taking 20 on this search to be sure everything has been grabbed

2011-11-07, 02:46 PM
You rummage through the rather smelly corpse and his tattered rags and find nothing in particular until you flip the body over and see a little square object laying on the ground. You reach over and pick it up. You soon realize it is a datapad and flip it on eagerly. To your satisfaction the screen flickers to life in your hands

Hooth rummages around the body and soon holds up a datapad which surprisingly appears to still work.

You recognize this datapad to be the same type you and the other Engineers on the station use. Appears this guy either was an engineer or stole the datapad from one.

Should anyone look through the datapad
Just a bunch of reports on the status of the machinery and how to improve efficiency. Really rather boring stuff really. However, as you start getting to more current entries they start to get interesting.

Entry 1
Chief Engineer's log: An idea
I was working on the ventilation's system today when all of a sudden an idea hit me like lightning! The spider's are cave dwelling creatures and we have found they hate sound since their since of sound is so advanced. Maybe i can find a way to use that to make mining easier without having to hurt these amazing creatures.

Entry 2
Chief Engineer's log: Testing
I decided to test my theory today and snuck out toward the nests. I had Jeran with me just in things got bad. I kept my distance so they didn't seem bothered by me. I pulled out a simple frequency amplifier that i made yesterday and began to play notes. They seemed perplexed by the sound but no measurable reactions to the sound until i played a sub harmonic alpha G. The spiders then began to shriek in pain and fall back. However it faded quickly and their pain turned to hostility as they began to charge me! Out of desperation i played a fluctuating E beta series and the commotion stopped. They just froze there like they were in a trance and almost seemed to being swaying along with the notes. If i can find a way to utilize this then our problems with these creatures will be done.

The logs go on for a bit about the technical details and multiple failures until Entry 15

Entry 15
Chief Engineer's log: I've done it!
I finally finished my machine! I tested it the other day and found that it worked perfectly. I'll announce it to the other miner's tonight and we can begin using it tomorrow.

Entry 16
Chief Engineer's Log: N/A
Not much time to waste. Damn that Jeran and his crew. I'll never let my machine be used like that! I'll stop him no matter what. Even if i die trying.

That is the final log. It appears that our friend did die trying.

2011-11-07, 03:03 PM
"please tell me that thing has something useful on it. if it doesnt it would be a shame that we now have two people that smell like ass that i have to avoid. after all who knows what that thing could have." the last part was said with a gesture at the corps.

DM/Hooth Kruse you know what this is lol. bluff check to make hooth think that the corps has some strange sickness that she may now have from pawing at it. [roll0]

2011-11-07, 04:41 PM
Ten crossed his arms after watching over Hooth's shoulder to read the data-pad obviously quite interested. In fact he was so deep in thought. he didn't even think about the smell. it was completely ignored as he thought about it. it had to be in the tool-shed because he was obviously trying to keep people out of there and that's why he removed the panel of course. This machine sounded like a gold mine if they had to go through the nests. They could practically dance through if they so pleased by what he was reading.

He glanced casually over to Arno as he started to speak before looking back to Hooth. And gives a resolute sigh.

"Don't believe him, he already tried that on me. The bacteria wouldn't be dangerous unless you decided that corpse would make a nice afternoon snack. Which I don't recommend."((if it calls for a bluff after this. Hooth gets +2))

2011-11-07, 05:03 PM
"either way you two are staying away from me. mostly because of the smell. deceases that may or may not be spread by poking a corps that smells like ass besides the point. you two smell worse then a bantha's ass after it ate its own ass and shat it back out." he makes a face the showed quite well what he though of your smell.

2011-11-08, 02:00 AM
]"Actually it's not us you smell because for the stench to be ingrained that far into or clothing we would've had to have been around for more than a few minutes. I only touched, or was within its vicinity for the few seconds it took for me to wrench the panel from it's grasp."

Ten slides away from the body enough that he can't smell it at all but lingers as if he was going to just head to the mining quarters on his own.

"Besides, first we get you in a shower. Then we'll worry about the lesser stenches such as people who smell like they hug corpses on a daily basis agreed?"

((IRL: *has this face*ClickHere (http://www.vgcats.com/comicwallpapers/doos-1280x800.jpg)))

2011-11-08, 12:24 PM
Tuthuk curled his lip in distaste at the Zeltron and said with a series of grunts and growls "The female is more of a male than you. She's actually being useful in getting us all out of here. You are sitting in the back annoying everyone with jokes only you find funny. If you don't have anything useful to say while we try and get out of here and keep your mouth shut or you will find my claws in your throat."

You are still intimidated by the very large wookie. Perhaps a more serious attitude is needed until we get out of here? You don't doubt that Tuthuk would follow through with his promise.

Tuthuk goes over to the corpse and takes a shred of the dead miner's destroyed uniform. Tying it to the glowrod he then hung it around his neck like a medallion. He moved to follow Ten.

2011-11-08, 01:28 PM
Arno's games were getting old. Maybe he was a germaphob but she wasn't. Why would she get ill? She only touched the corpse for a minute, and it wasn't like she was going to stick her fingers in her mouth. And if anyone stunk it was Arno. She had showered right before she left, because she didn't know how long it would be before her next one. So she was pretty darn sure SHE was clean.
Hooth was a little smug about being recognized as more useful than Arno. Though she wasn't sure whether to take the "more male" comment as an insult or praise, she was sure that she was doing something right. She smirked as she followed Ten, but said nothing to Arno.
She turned to Ten, "Do you think this thing could hack into the main system? To find useful files or data I mean? More importantly would you be able to do it without tripping any security walls in the system?"
She kept walking as she spoke, keeping pace with him. She held out the datapad to him.

2011-11-08, 02:11 PM
Even though he was scared of the wookie he still looks at his blaster with a confused look and looks at the wookie as he walks away. he begins to mumble under his breath again in Zelnton. this time you can tell that what ever he is saying is not nice but cant tell what it is exactly he is saying. he seems to have turned a little more serious. he slips the blaster back into the bag as he fallows the others back to the miners quarters. the entire way there he stays a couple of feet back from the others and continues the mumblings.

hoothyou still have to roll a sense motive check to not think its true. but you get a +2 from tom and kruse says you get a +10 so thats a +12 i rolled a 19. sense your bonus doesnt beat my roll you have to roll to see if you win or think your infected.

2011-11-08, 03:02 PM
Hooth Sense motive:

(I'm just noting how much of a waste of time this is Josh)

He's just trying to be funny again. What an idiot.

You believe that he honestly thinks that there MIGHT have been something in the body. What an idiot (Wonderful wording on your bluff Josh)

Either way this entire thing accomplished nothing. Congrats.

2011-11-08, 10:54 PM
Ten smiled as Arno began to follow but he waved him up front with him for two reasons. One, because he didn't like the sound of his friend getting his throat torn out was fun. 2, 4 eyes up front were better than 2 as he led them to the miner's quarters they had passed before.

"Hey Arno, you got better eyes than me. Want to check up front of me? Appreciate the help if you wouldn't mind. Just keep in mind, let me take care of the technical stuff, you just make sure I don't get shot or eaten. With your fancy talking or with your shooting or stabbing. Alright bud?"

Charisma for you to take the front even if you don't want to:[roll0]

2011-11-08, 11:12 PM
"Ya ya. but one of you guys should do the talkin for a wile. every time i open my mouth i get told to shut it or get it shut for me. so i will shut it." after he said that he looked at the wookie with equal parts fear, loathing, and anger then he the clams up as tight as a muscle. marching up to the front he sets a pretty good pace. little faster then was comfortable, but it was keep up or have him march off with out you guys. as he walked he moved about in an effort to warm him self and using a mental trick he learned in the military for ignoring the cold when out on patrol.

DMdoes this count as a re-roll for the elements. if so here it is. [roll0]

2011-11-14, 03:12 PM
Hooth followed Ten closly still wondering if he could make good use of the datapad and kinda miffed that she was ignored. However she put the datapad on her utility belt as she walked.
As they went along she kept an eye out for any spiders that wanted a piece of them again.
Continuous take 20 on spot to look for spiders

2011-11-25, 03:54 PM
Dm note to Hooth:
Taking 20 on a spot requires continues concentration on a single point for 2 minutes straight. Otherwise you can take 10 or roll. In this situation you cannot take 20.

The party backtracks along the tunnel and the spiders do not bother you anymore. Maybe Tuthuk's roar was more effective than you thought it was. You make your way to the miner's quarters and turn the corner to it. The light bathes the hall in light and it isn't hard to make out what is seen. There were surprisingly few spider webs in this area which made it even easier to see about three skeletons laying in the middle of the open hall. There are four chambers on either side of the hallway. All the doors but one are wide open though they and the control panels for them seem perfectly in tact. The one that was not open was the 3rd door on the left and in front of it sat a skeleton staring off into space. Unlike the others who were huddled on the ground this one sat as if it was lounging peacefully. What do you do?

2011-11-25, 04:56 PM
If the corps don't smell like hell I will search them. After I will look in all the rooms that are open to see what's in them if I see anything of note I will investigate once my search is over I will stand to the right of the unopened door ready to do a little room clearing action.

2011-11-27, 07:15 PM
Ten searches the room not immediately sensing danger. He is more concerned with finding tools then the position of the skeletons so at first he does not notice fully. The observation hangs at the back of his mind. It isn't that he doesn't trust Arno to find anything, it's just that he wants to look as well. The more eyes the better. He wasn't going to force Hooth to do anything, she seemed capable enough herself....and he didn't think he could force Tuthuk to do anything.


2011-11-28, 04:54 PM
Hooth looks down the hall with an odd thought coursing through her mind. 'Why would those skeletons be in the exact middle of this hall? Why would that skeleton look like it was "relaxing"? If they had died violent deaths wouldn't they have weapons or be in some other position rather than relaxing? Wouldn't there be blood? Maybe a gas leak or something like that? or a sound that put them to sleep or relaxed them into death?'
She voiced the thought to the others.

2011-11-28, 06:49 PM
Hearing the thoughts voiced by hooth there is a great very visible effort by arno to keep a straight face. but will its arno he failed. he looks at hooth with a look of great amusement then starts chuckling this quickly desecrates into a deep belly laugh in no time at all hes hunched over gasping for air laughing so hard that he is actually crying from it. you all think that hes about to fall over and start rolling on the ground when he starts to get hold of him self. after a couple on min hes calm once more... sort of there is still a big ass grin on his face and he chuckles a couple of times every now and then. "relaxed them to death." he mutters then barks a quick laugh.

obvious the days of arno not taking anything serious is coming to a middle.

2011-12-01, 07:22 PM
Arno appears to be the only one who finds this funny. You hear Tuthuk groan slightly before saying in his native tongue "The Jedi is right. These people are just sitting there...No sign of pain or fear. We had villagers that the slavers had gassed before but...none died like this." Tuthuk followed the party around and cast light wherever they needed it.

Arno and Ten split. Arno goes forward to inspect the bodies while Ten goes to the right into the open room.

There truly isn't much to find except that it appears true that whatever killed these people was not a violent death. They are covered in rags that are turn and rotting away from the ivory white bones. Then your foot strikes something that wasn't really hidden but just looked like a piece of garbage. You reach down and pick it up to find that it is a very old, very rusted, very useless syringe.

As you make it to the last skeleton (the one sitting on the door.) You see the same next to him and a datapad

You go through the room and don't find anything unusual. A metal cup and bowl sit rusting on the table. You see also the same thing you would see in your room. A supply container sits in the corner. You hit the button on the top and a hissing is heard as it unseals. Inside you find some nutritional supplements good enough for a day. Feeling around the inside of the crate you notice an odd groove in it. You feel around it until a secret compartment gives way and you pull out a box that is about 1 foot by 1 foot. Opening it you find an intricate handle and attached to it a wicked curved blade. A serrated blade stuck out the front of it and technology seemed to course through this weapon. As you pull it out of the box you notice a second blade exactly like the first. It looks like a throwing weapon but you have never seen its equal nor could you use anything as complex as this without extreme training. (See Rodian Throwing Razor in arms and equipment guide).

2011-12-01, 11:24 PM
Smiling at his fortune, Ten first wraps the treasure in managable cloth before sticking it in his pocket to use later. He was very interested in these and while he knew he wasn't yet trained in them and an engineer usually didn't need them. it wouldn't hurt to have these and get used to them. If he ever needed to fight. Now he would have something useful to use.

After he has done this he takes up the supplements and rejoins the group so he can investigate the door while calmly asking what everyone else had found.(asks after everyone is done searching and has reacted.))

2011-12-02, 12:56 AM
arno says "well found a data pad for you to sift through ten..." with that he hands ten the data pad. "and i think i figured out what relaxed them to death." holding up the syringe "looks like they killed them selves. used a neurotoxin would be my guess." he gets a look on his face like he was about to make another jab at hooth about the relaxation thing but then appears to think better of it. "what ever they used it looks like it took them down with out much pain. i guess you could say they where relaxed to death... what about you ten what was in the rooms?"

2011-12-02, 09:50 PM
Hooth was smug that she was right. However she contained herself and analyzed these people's condition. Why would they kill themselves? What would warrant that? And multiple people in one place doing the same thing? Did they know something they were not intended to? This could be very bad... Very bad indeed...

2011-12-02, 10:50 PM
Arno just shook his head at hooth's smug look. She obviously didn't know when he was being condescending. "You do realise that most poisons are very painful. You just cant move and then your heart stops. So not so relaxed... now what's behind door number 3." He moves to the door to breach it with his blaster at the ready and waits for the rest to stack up.

2011-12-04, 08:41 PM
Deciding to end the argument he sighs and opens up the datapad that was handed to him to see what information it contained. After of course, removing the dust that had accumulated on it's surface.

"Arno, you seem to be leaving out the option of neurotoxins. Simply shut off the brain."

2011-12-05, 11:10 PM
"that's what I just said. and a neurotoxin doesn't shut the brain down it tends to act against the heart and lungs much like a paralytic." he seems to know about a lot about poisons but how it is that a simple solder could know that kind of thing is unknown.

Ten refer to the post that was posted three or so posts ago and you will find my reference to the neurotoxin...

2011-12-09, 08:10 PM
Ten sighs and shakes his head at the mention of neurotoxins just affecting the heart and lungs and he shot a glance to Arno again.

"Referring to Cardiovascular toxins. Sure I suppose there may be neurotoxins that work on the heart and lungs, but there are toxins that only effect the brain. Not all of them cause pain Arno."

He was trying to search the datapad he did not want to have to concentrate on two things at once.

((Potassium Chloride....fun stuff))

2012-01-09, 03:46 PM
Datapad logs:
Jeran Vitra

The datapad appears to be nothing more than a log of how much spice they were mining and a casualty report every now and again. However the final log does contain something very interesting.

Log 7: No title has been entered

damn that engineer. he rigged this ****ing door with a pass phrase. we tried to guess it but after our third strike the room got flooded with some kind or poison. my heart felt like it was on fire...and of course our cheap ass bosses don't give us any antidote kits. the spice dulls the pain so i can type this. at this point i know i'm a goner but i want that damn engineer to pay. if you're reading this then listen. you have to disable the poison traps before you try to open this door. from what i saw they were carefully hidden in each corner of the room...that's all i know. there was also a noise it soundedlikeifsofmfejdkfjktgjh.

Good information to have. How do you proceed?

Tuthuk does little more than watch the door behind you. Must be nice to have someone watching your back for you.

2012-01-09, 08:00 PM
Tiring of the conversation about poison with an engineer Arno gos and searches the next room to the right of the one that ten searched.

2012-01-11, 05:57 PM
As Ten continued to read, it went from the boring and dull to some information he was glad to have read. His expression went from one of passive reading to one of quite serious concern. Well, they had almost met that same fate since Ten had it in his mind to open the door first. That was now crossed off the list and he put the data-pad away to use as his own from now on. Furthermore he called on the group to tell them exactly what he had read. However, not in a quoting way. Then he decided to give some suggestions.

"Alright guys. If you would then, try to find these poison traps so we can open the door. Well, I can open the door. If you don't mind I'd rather you wait outside while I did so just in case the poison still goes off or worse. For now though, we should search this room thoroughly top to bottom."


2012-01-11, 07:58 PM
Anro just looked at Ten the man that "knows" his poison or at least thinks he does and says "or we could search the rest of the rooms and find things that will help us farther on. you know before something causes the doors to lock us in and try to kill us and non of us can get back out and we all join the people on the floor but with no spice to make us feel better or your poking at the poison traps causes them to go off... we will have plenty of time to kill our selves with poison traps later." by the end his voice said in no uncertain terms exactly what he thought of your strategic plans thats to say that they could use just a little work.

fyi all this is said wile he is digging around in the other room

dm ok i didnt put my search check on my last post but i am searching the room and i would like to just take the max on it.

everyone yes i'm going to do it diplomacy check!! to make you all see the obvious logic in doing it in the order that i say. that is search the rooms then play with deadly traps...[roll0]

2012-01-12, 12:37 PM
Ten comes to the conclusion that Arno very much likes his plan to play with the deadly poison traps and lets him search the other room. It was pretty solid. Never touch the traps, and nothing goes wrong. Though he seemed to forget about the strange sound the others heard. Still, he would wait for Arno to finish and if anyone else wanted to continue with Arno that would be fine.

He wouldn't make a habit to try fiddling with the traps which to be truthful might not have poison left in them, of course it was not worth risking of course. So he more or less avoided getting very close to the room corners and instead searched furtively everywhere else. Arno would be the first to mess with the poison now. Ten could wait, he had the patience.

"Take your time Arno, the traps aren't going anywhere and neither is or medkit or engineer. Tell me if you find anything useful that the dying spice miners didn't manage to find."

2012-01-18, 01:50 PM
Hooth turned towards Ten and says, "Is there anything I can do that would be helpful? Like search for the traps without touching them? Or would they be set off by motion? I ask you because you seem to know what you are talking about. You, as an engineer probably know more about this than I do."
As she said this she eyed Arno out of the corner of her eye, this was a new low for him, trying to outsmart someone with a degree when he wasn't nearly as well trained in this line of work. She knew from speaking with different people that any engineer would have to have chemical knowledge, probably even more when it came down to it, from working in a spice mine. Arno might be good at killing, but so far his abilities did not impress her like the Masters at the Temple. So far his abilities reminded her of the younglings of 8 to 10 years.

2012-01-18, 03:20 PM

Don't have my notes with me so i'm just going to give you this basic room.

You look around the room for a whole ten minutes before you are satisfied you have found everything there is to find. You find 1 day of rations in the form of nutrient supplements and a uniform.


If a 1
Damn it's a females outfit. This will never fit.
If a 2
What luck! This is just your size.

Tuthuk looks over his shoulder at the members of the party. "Do we have any idea what the passphrase could be?" he says in his normal series of grunts and growls. "In any case we should hurry. There seems to be some things stirring out there."

2012-01-18, 03:39 PM
Arno walks out of the room hands the food to booth and drops the uniform on the ground having no use for it. "Don't touch the traps till we have at least a couple of people out of harms way. And we have searched the rooms." With that he walks into the next room. On the way there he mumbles something about people that are not trained to know about toxins like ENGENDERS THAT ARE TRAINED TO FIX ROBOTS trying to teach him about stuff that they covered in basic training as he walks through the door he asks him self if he could maybe fit into that uniform. After all he could cut it to give it extra room easily nuff. It would look stupid but its better then freasing hisball off.
Dm search check 1d20+2

2012-01-19, 01:10 AM
He gives a worried look Tuthuk's way and fingered the throwing blades in his pocket wishing he knew how to use them to be of use. Still, he felt they had a bit of time left. He began searching through the old data-pad from the engineer for clues to the pass-code as he checked out the console to see if it would give him any clues either. He wasn't going to try entering the passcode at all so as to keep the traps from triggering. Furthermore, i something did come in the room could be a choke point, the downside is they couldn't run if it came to needing to do so. Which was a definite problem. For now, he would let Arno have his way and search the room. He already found a woman's outfit that he comically thought Tuthuk could help him wear if he wanted it bad enough, but kept thoughts such as those to himself.

2012-01-19, 11:54 AM
Arno calls from the room and says "you know if some of you helped me this would go a lot quicker." He says this as if it should be obvious
Dm ok lets try this again this is the search check. Maybe it will roll for me this time. If it don't can you roll it for me. 1d20+2

2012-01-23, 03:45 PM
Hooth nodded at Ten and started looking through the open rooms trying her best not to trigger anything.
Search: [roll0]

2012-01-23, 06:40 PM
DM Ok once more this time with feeling! search check [roll0]

2012-01-26, 05:41 PM

Spot Check For Around the room and Outside

2012-01-26, 05:42 PM
Retry on Search.