View Full Version : Can't stop lucubrating

2011-10-14, 01:33 AM
I'm trying to see how much I can do with mordenkainen's lucubration (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/magesLucubration.htm).

Suppose I am playing a dragonblooded wizard 5/incantatrix 10, and have the feats Arcane Thesis (mordenkainen's lucubration), Practical Metamagic (Repeat Spell), Repeat Spell, and Sanctum Spell. I am not in my sanctum. I prepare two copies of repeat sanctum mordenkainen's lucubration when readying my daily spells. Thanks to Sanctum Spell, these are effectively 5th-level spells occupying 6th-level slots.

Round 1: I cast some spell of 5th level or lower.
Round 2: I cast repeat sanctum mordenkainen's lucubration to recover the expended spell.
Round 3: The first lucubration repeats, but we don't really care. I cast repeat sanctum mordenkainen's lucubration to recover the expended repeat sanctum mordenkainen's lucubration.
Round 4: the second lucubration repeats and recovers itself. I have now recovered all of the spells that I cast.
Does this work?

2011-10-14, 01:44 AM
Whatever the case, I'm kinda dizzy now.

2011-10-14, 01:45 AM
Looks legit to me, but a few things:

You don't need Practical Metamagic. Repeat Spell is a +3 metamagic, Incantatrix 10 reduces it to +2. A Repeat Sanctum Lucubration with Arcane Thesis gets reduced by two levels, back to is original level of 6th.

Why doesn't the first Lucubration just recover itself in Round 3? I don't see any reason to cast the second Lucubration.

You can recover any spell of 5th level or lower that was cast in the last 24 hours. That means you can spend an encounter spamming 5th level and lower spells, then afterward spam Repeat Sanctum Lucubrations, each one recovering one of those spells and itself. Do this between every encounter and your 5th level and lower spell slots become X/encounter instead of X/day.

You can even skip Incantatrix and do this with Metamagic School Focus instead. You can have three such spells prepared at any given time, but if the same Lucubration is cast and recovered it does not exceed this limit. You could accomplish this trick at 12th level (or 11th, if you can somehow gain Arcane Thesis at 11th level).

2011-10-14, 01:52 AM
I was operating under the assumption that when the lucubration repeated, you could not change the targeting parameters for the second instance of the spell. Thus if you cast fireball, lucubration and lucubration, the first lucubration searches for and refreshes up to two copies of fireball, while the second lucubration searches for and refreshes up to two copies of lucubration. But maybe I'm thinking of Twin Spell, and Repeat is less restrictive?

Good catch on not needing PM. We've had a nerf on Arcane Thesis for so long that I'd forgotten how it actually reads.

2011-10-14, 02:00 AM
Range: Personal
Target: You

That's the only restriction on Repeat Spell, as long as this is fulfilled you can designate any specifics of the spell itself as though it were cast a separate time. A Repeat Summon Monster can summon a different monster each time, though the second must appear at the same location as the first did. A Repeat Ruby Ray of Reversal can first spring a trap on a door, and then unlock that same door. A Repeat Lucubration can recover itself on its repeat casting.

Andion Isurand
2011-10-14, 02:08 AM
Here's a spell worth looking at. Great for shadowcraft mages using shadow miracles to twin the effect of this spell while ignoring the material component line... only need a shriveled shrunken preserved immature nugget of a red dragon egg to satisfy the target line.

spell is from here http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20030226a

Theller's Argauneau
Level: Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Touch
Target: One red dragon egg
Duration: Instantaneous or 1 hour/level (see text)
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No (object)

You drain the life energy from a red dragon egg and absorb it into yourself, which may be used for several purposes.

Healing: Heal 5d6 points of damage as if a cure spell were cast on you. This has an instantaneous duration.

Ability Boost: +2 enhancement bonus to Strength, Constitution, and Charisma, lasting 1 hour per caster level.

Refresh Spell: Regain one cast spell or used spell slot of any level you can cast, similar to a pearl of power except that bards, sorcerers, and similar casters can also benefit from it. This has an instantaneous duration.

A dragon egg is treated as an object, not a creature, and it does not get a saving throw against the spell unless it is in the possession of a creature (and therefore uses the normal saving throw rules for objects in the possession of a creature). If you are not a creature of the type "dragon," you must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 14) when you cast this spell; failure means you gain no benefit from the spell, take 3d6 points of damage, and are nauseated for 1 round from the sudden influx of incompatible life energy.

Material Component: A red dragon egg containing a living red dragon embryo, worth 2,000 gp.

2011-10-14, 02:10 AM
Most excellent. Now, lucubration states, "The recalled spell is stored in your mind as through prepared in the normal fashion." Suppose the recovered spell has certain riders attached to it that were applied after its preparaton but before it was cast, such as a free Empower or Maximize attached via red wizard circle magic. Would these riders be restored because they were part of the spell before it was cast, or would they be lost because they were applied after the spell was prepared?

2011-10-14, 02:54 AM
I'm pretty sure it recovers the spell as it was initially prepared, not including anything that was tacked on afterward. Circle Magic benefits would probably not stick with it, but anything that was decided upon when preparing it originally, such as metamagic feats via normal methods and modifications to those such as Metamagic School Focus, would remain in place.

2011-10-14, 03:39 AM
Looks legit to me, but a few things:

You don't need Practical Metamagic. Repeat Spell is a +3 metamagic, Incantatrix 10 reduces it to +2. A Repeat Sanctum Lucubration with Arcane Thesis gets reduced by two levels, back to is original level of 6th.

Why doesn't the first Lucubration just recover itself in Round 3? I don't see any reason to cast the second Lucubration.

You can recover any spell of 5th level or lower that was cast in the last 24 hours. That means you can spend an encounter spamming 5th level and lower spells, then afterward spam Repeat Sanctum Lucubrations, each one recovering one of those spells and itself. Do this between every encounter and your 5th level and lower spell slots become X/encounter instead of X/day.

You can even skip Incantatrix and do this with Metamagic School Focus instead. You can have three such spells prepared at any given time, but if the same Lucubration is cast and recovered it does not exceed this limit. You could accomplish this trick at 12th level (or 11th, if you can somehow gain Arcane Thesis at 11th level).

You need it to be 5th to target additional lubrications with this. So...add on invisible spell, and you're good. It's not like that's a bad metamagic to know anyway.