View Full Version : fight scene simulation

2011-10-14, 02:40 AM
Perry stands in the middle of a 40x40 arena, facing down against a creature. He wears his armour glamoured as a black gi, and stands with his arms spread wide, his polearm balanced in his palms and his shield floating around him.

The land is flat, and the Construct begins.

2011-10-14, 02:42 AM
The creature prepares to attack.


2011-10-14, 02:42 AM
Perry prepares for combat.

Initiative - [roll0] [roll1] take better of the two.

2011-10-14, 02:44 AM
Perry gets the first action and runs up to the creature, popping Blur and Anarchic Grace, and going into combat expertise 5 and a 50% and 20% miss chance. He also pops his whirling frenzy - AC is 36.

He spins into a roundhouse kick, his battlefoot swinging about as he kicks at the monster's head.

Attack [roll0] vs flatfooted
Dmg [roll1]

2011-10-14, 02:48 AM
Despite his speed, Perry's strength fails to affect the creature through its chain and matted hair.

Flying into a rage, it attempts to crush Perry with its club and bites at his throat.



2011-10-14, 02:50 AM
Perry chuckles and begins his frenzied whirl of attack after attack, removing his combat expertise and dropping his AC to 31. He pops his bracers and goes to town.

Attack 1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Attack 2 (BAB) [roll2] dmg [roll3]
Attack 3 (ITWF) [roll4] dmg [roll5]
Attack 4 (TWF) [roll6] dmg [roll7]
Attack 5 (Rage) [roll8] dmg [roll9]
Attack 6 (Bracer) [roll10] dmg [roll11]
Attack 7 (Snap Kick) [roll12] dmg [roll13]

He spins with such speed and grace as to be a blur of movement. When his flurry is done, he lands in a low, wide stance, ready to receive his opponent's counterattack.

2011-10-14, 02:53 AM
It dies.

The scene resets.

Perry finds himself facing off against a similar looking creature sans club. Its eyes glow a nasty purple-blue.

Roll initiative.

2011-10-14, 02:54 AM
Perry's abilities reset, and he readies for battle.

[roll0] [roll1]

2011-10-14, 02:56 AM
Perry enters the same way - anarchic grace and blur up, rage up, combat ex 5 up, but against this one, he begins to babble strangely -- the creature isn't aware, but it cannot cast spells within 10 feet of him (it won't know until it tries, and then its spell fails, and it won't know the range).

AC is 36, 50% miss and 20% miss stacked.

He kicks at the creature's head with his battlefoot. [roll0] dmg [roll1].

2011-10-14, 03:39 AM
The creature almost smiles as Perry's kick goes wild. It then lets out a blood curdling scream of rage that Perry feels more in his soul than his ears.

Make a save vs Fear, if you fail, you remain shaken until its rage ends.

Great, glowing blue-purple claws extend from the tips of its fingers, and it comes flying at Perry all claws, teeth, and every other body part in one vicious flurry of attacks.

[roll1] [roll2]

[roll4] [roll5]

[roll7] [roll8]

[roll10] [roll11]

Unarmed Strike
[roll13] [roll14]

[roll16] [roll17]

[roll19] [roll20]

2011-10-14, 03:42 AM
Perry saves twice against fear.

[roll0] [roll1] if needed.

2011-10-14, 03:46 AM
The goliath is wounded and sneers, popping displacement as well, adding a second 50% miss chance to the situation. He flurries into the beast with a set of his own murderous moves.

Atk 1 [roll0] Dmg [roll1]
Atk 2 [roll2] Dmg [roll3]
Atk 3 [roll4] Dmg [roll5]
Atk 4 [roll6] Dmg [roll7]
Atk 5 [roll8] Dmg [roll9]
Atk 6 [roll10] Dmg [roll11]
Atk 7 [roll12] Dmg [roll13]

2011-10-14, 03:48 AM
slam [roll0] dmg [roll1]

crit conf [roll2] dmg [roll3]

2011-10-14, 04:05 AM
So, Perry has taken 33 damage.
The rat beast has taken 83, because, yes, it has damage reduction 4/-

It continues to scream in fury and directs it at Perry.

[roll0] [roll1]

[roll3] [roll4]

[roll6] [roll7]

[roll9] [roll10]

Unarmed Strike
[roll12] [roll13]

[roll15] [roll16]

[roll18] [roll19]

2011-10-14, 04:07 AM
Forgot about the 3rd miss chance:

2011-10-14, 04:08 AM
Perry blurs and dodges like Agent Smith, laughing as he ducks beneath and around all the attacks as if they were coming in slow motion.

"Dodge this." His feet become a blur of pain.

Atk 1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Atk 2 (BAB > +6) [roll2] dmg [roll3]
Atk 3 TWF [roll4] dmg [roll5]
Atk 4 ITWF [roll6] dmg [roll7]
Atk 5 rage [roll8] dmg [roll9]
Atk 6 bracer [roll10] dmg [roll11]
Atk 7 snap kick [roll12] dmg [roll13]
Slam [roll14] dmg [roll15]

2011-10-14, 04:16 AM
It is definitely bruised, bloody, and broken, and it certainly appears as though it should be long dead. However, it somehow manages to continue fighting at full strength, fueled by its violent hatred.

[roll0] [roll1]

[roll3] [roll4]

[roll6] [roll7]

[roll9] [roll10]

Unarmed Strike
[roll12] [roll13]

[roll15] [roll16]

[roll18] [roll19]

2011-10-14, 04:20 AM
Perry only would have been hit by one, which he blinks out of the way of. He then flurries again to drop this thing so far into the negatives it'll never see the light of day.

1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
2 [roll2] dmg [roll3]
twf [roll4] dmg [roll5]
itwf [roll6] dmg [roll7]
rage [roll8] dmg [roll9]
bracer [roll10] dmg [roll11]
snapkick [roll12] dmg [roll13]
slam [roll14] dmg [roll15]

2011-10-14, 04:25 AM
The monster is at -120HP. It's probably dead. Perry unplugs from the Matrix and goes back to Aldhaven.

2011-10-14, 04:26 AM
The creature finally succumbs to the battering its body has taken, falling lifeless to the ground.

The room resets, and Perry again finds himself standing 20ft away from the same creature. A sound behind him causes him to glance over his should, spotting two of the first rat creature he fought, each 20ft away at an angle, arranged in a Y formation around him.

Roll initiative.


2011-10-14, 04:28 AM
Perry raises an eyebrow and readies himself for a cowboy beatdown.

Initiative better of two [roll0] [roll1]

2011-10-14, 04:31 AM
The creature with the club to he left charges in, power attacking for 2, screaming at Perry in a fury.

[roll0] [roll1]

2011-10-14, 04:32 AM
Perry blinks out of the way, getting behind the creature so as to block the line of charge for the more powerful creature (ie: standard action move, no pounce for you).

He then pops all his **** and blows up the creature in front of him. He's got serious miss chances up.

[roll0] dmg [roll1]
[roll2] dmg [roll3]
[roll4] dmg [roll5]
[roll6] dmg [roll7]
[roll8] dmg [roll9]
[roll10] dmg [roll11]
[roll12] dmg [roll13]
[roll14] dmg [roll15]

2011-10-14, 06:52 PM
That creature drops to the ground, dead.

The other one with a club charges.

[roll0] [roll1]

The big, nasty brute also charges, ended up adjacent to the dead one and flanking with the live one.

[roll3] [roll4]

[roll6] [roll7]

[roll9] [roll10]

[roll12] [roll13]

Unarmed Strike
[roll15] [roll16]

[roll18] [roll19]

[roll21] [roll22]

2011-10-14, 06:54 PM
Also, save vs Fear.

2011-10-14, 07:00 PM
Perry will fail the save vs fear because he cannot beat a 44. He dodges all of the creature's attacks.

The detective goes bonkers on the big one.

[roll0] dmg [roll1]
[roll2] dmg [roll3]
[roll4] dmg [roll5]
[roll6] dmg [roll7]
[roll8] dmg [roll9]
[roll10] dmg [roll11]
[roll12] dmg [roll13]
Slam [roll14] dmg [roll15]

2011-10-14, 07:01 PM
Crit confirm [roll0] dmg [roll1]

Perry delivers 167 damage to the stronger of the two creatures after DR, assuming AC of 22 due to charging.

2011-10-14, 07:04 PM
BTW: They provoke AOOs as they come. Perry has reach.

AOO 1 and 2 vs small one (perry has Two-Weapon AOO feat):
[roll0] dmg [roll1]
[roll2] dmg [roll3]

AOO 1 and 2 vs big one
[roll4] dmg [roll5]
[roll6] dmg [roll7]

2011-10-18, 02:03 AM
The battlefield suddenly resets, leaving Perry momentarily disoriented.

He is again facing off against a single opponent, the blue-eyed rat monster... only it appears to be nearly twice as large, towering over him.


2011-10-18, 02:04 AM
Perry smirks. "At last, a worthy opponent..."

He strikes a Passive Way stance and prepares for combat.

[roll0] [roll1] initiative best of two.

2011-10-18, 02:06 AM
Perry wins initiative and pops all his cooldowns, tumbling in (auto-succeed due to high ranks) and going to combat expertise 5 with defensive fighting. AC is 40. 3 miss chances up.

Attack [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

2011-10-18, 02:12 AM
Perry misses. The enraged creature full attacks him.

Save vs Fear.

[roll1] [roll2]

[roll4] [roll5]

Unarmed Strike
[roll7] [roll8]

[roll10] [roll11]

[roll13] [roll14]

[roll16] [roll17]

[roll19] [roll20]

If either of the claws hits:

If grappled, Rake
[roll24] [roll25]

[roll27] [roll28]

2011-10-18, 02:15 AM
Perry chuckles and time seems to slow as he unleashes hell on the rat-thing. His feet a blur of roundhouse kicks, he ends his flurry with a jumping crane-kick to the head of the creature. AC is 33.

Atk 1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Iterative [roll2] dmg [roll3]
TWF [roll4] dmg [roll5]
ITWF [roll6] dmg [roll7]
Rage [roll8] dmg [roll9]
Bracer [roll10] dmg [roll11]
Snap Kick [roll12] dmg [roll13]

His swift action is to activate Freedom of Movement on his vest, making him immune to grapples.

2011-10-18, 02:20 AM
Mindarmor up

Save vs. fear [roll0] if fail [roll1]

2011-10-18, 02:27 AM
Perry attacks despite the monster's stuff messing up when copying from the spreadsheet.

Three of his attacks hit, dealing 86 damage.

The beast attacks him again, with correct rolls this time... unless the forum messes up.

[roll0] [roll1]

[roll3] [roll4]

Unarmed Strike
[roll6] [roll7]

[roll9] [roll10]

[roll12] [roll13]

[roll15] [roll16]

[roll18] [roll19]

2011-10-18, 02:32 AM
Perry's body seems to split and blur as he dodges and blocks all of the attacks. His 'suit and tie' glamour still perfectly crisp, he continues his flurry.

Atk 1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Iterative [roll2] dmg [roll3]
TWF [roll4] dmg [roll5]
ITWF [roll6] dmg [roll7]
Bracer [roll8] dmg [roll9]
Rage [roll10] dmg [roll11]
Snap Kick [roll12] dmg [roll13]

2011-10-18, 02:35 AM
Only two of his attacks connect. 48 damage.

[roll0] [roll1]

[roll3] [roll4]

Unarmed Strike
[roll6] [roll7]

[roll9] [roll10]

[roll12] [roll13]

[roll15] [roll16]

[roll18] [roll19]

If either of the claws hits:

[roll23] [roll24]

[roll26] [roll27]

2011-10-18, 02:38 AM
Perry rolls his eyes, blinks out of the way of the two attacks and comes down in a bicycle kick.

Atk 1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
Iterative [roll2] dmg [roll3]
TWF [roll4] dmg [roll5]
ITWF [roll6] dmg [roll7]
Bracer [roll8] dmg [roll9]
Rage [roll10] dmg [roll11]
Snap Kick [roll12] dmg [roll13]

2011-10-18, 02:42 AM
As you move through its threatened square to charge it, it takes its AoO.

[roll0] [roll1]

If hit: [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]

1It gets hit for 119 damage.

Its eye flash brightly, and it spontaneously heals for [roll7] as a free action.

1It then attacks.

[roll8] [roll9]

[roll11] [roll12]

Unarmed Strike
[roll14] [roll15]

[roll17] [roll18]

[roll20] [roll21]

[roll23] [roll24]

[roll26] [roll27]

If either of the claws hits:

[roll31] [roll32]

[roll34] [roll35]

2011-10-18, 02:45 AM
Perry blinks out of the way of the first, then gets caught by the second hit for 33 damage. He sneers and flurries again, roaring his defiance.

Atk 1 [roll0] dmg [roll1]
It [roll2] dmg [roll3]
TWF [roll4] dmg [roll5]
ITWF [roll6] dmg [roll7]
Rage [roll8] dmg [roll9]
Snap [roll10] dmg [roll11]

Triggers his vest.

2011-10-18, 02:49 AM
Perry misses.

The creature attacks.

[roll0] [roll1]

[roll3] [roll4]

Unarmed Strike
[roll6] [roll7]

[roll9] [roll10]

[roll12] [roll13]

[roll15] [roll16]

[roll18] [roll19]

If either of the claws hits:

[roll23] [roll24]

[roll26] [roll27]

2011-10-18, 02:50 AM
Perry explodes. Planswalker was right - it takes the finest of DM cheese to kill Detective diCarto.

2011-10-18, 02:50 AM
6 hits later, Perry is completely torn to shreds, and then those shreds are torn to shreds, and so forth.