View Full Version : Swarm List help: Needs more Swarm!

2011-10-14, 12:17 PM
Original Post
As the title says, I've been trying to find any and all swarms printed in 3.0/5 material for a BBEG I'm using for a future game using a combination of Master of Flies [Savage Species] and a homebrewed version of the Swarmshifter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9915101&postcount=36).

Interestingly enough, this thread started out as a help request to find as many Swarms for a villain idea I had. Now I am turning it into a kind of 'Compendium' or list of the collection of swarms found by myself and others that contribute as a way to help others find them.

I'm sure I missed something somewhere since I don't have all the books in print or in pdf. Any help in completing the list would be appreciated. [Homebrew might be nice to throw in as well.]

List of Swarms [that I found thus far...]

-Bat Swarm [pg237]: CR 2
-Centipede Swarm [pg238]: CR 4
-Hellwasp Swarm [pg238]: CR 8
-Locust Swarm [pg239]: CR 3
-Rat Swarm [pg239]: CR 2
-Spider Swarm [pg239]: CR 1

-Brood Keeper larva [pg12]: CR 12
-cinder swarm [pg29]: CR 13
-dread blossom swarm [pg45]: CR 6
-ephemeral swarm [pg50]: CR 5
-needletooth swarm [pg109]: CR 6
-shimmerling swarm [pg152]: CR 8
-shredstrom [pg153]: CR 8
-swamp strider swarm [pg171]: CR 5

-Mageripper swarm [pg98]: CR 6
-Tomb spider broodswarm [pg164]: CR 2

-Rylkspawn swarm [pg 138]: CR 4

-Scarab Swarm, Death [pg184]: CR 7
-Scorpion Swarm [pg185]: CR 5

[Libris Mortis]
-Bloodmote Cloud [pg88]: CR 6
-Bone Rat Swarm [pg88]: CR 3
-Corpse Rat Swarm [pg92]: CR 4

-Hoard Scarab swarm [pg167]: CR 5

-Pest Swarm [pg136]: CR 5

-Jellyfish Swarm [pg161]: CR 5
-Leech Swarm [pg162]: CR 1
-Piranha Swarm [pg162]: CR 4

-Rot Grub Swarm [pg106]: CR 6

[Fiend Folio]
-Bloodbloater ooze [pg16]: CR 1
-Abyssal Ants [pg166]: CR 16
-Plague Ants [167]: CR 5
-Lesser Cranium Rats [pg167]: CR 2
-Average Cranium Rats [pg168]: CR 5
-Greater Cranium Rats [pg169]: CR 11
-Bloodfiend Locusts [pg170]: CR 8
-Rapture Locusts [pg170]: CR 6
-Scarab beetle [pg171]: CR 10
-Viper [pg172]: CR 3
-Wasp [pg172]: CR 2

[Book of Exalted Deeds]
-Apocalypse Frog swarm [pg188]: CR 4
-Bronze Locust Swarm [pg188]: CR 17
-Deathraven Swarm [pg189]: CR 20
-Sunfly Swarm [pg190]: CR 10

[Planar Handbook]
-Air Elementite Swarm [pg114]: CR 4
-Earth Elementite Swarm [pg115]: CR 4
-Fire Elementite Swarm [pg116]: CR 4
-Water Elementite Swarm [pg116]: CR 4

[Tome of Magic]
-Murder of Crows [pg87]: CR 2

[Lords of Madness]
-Silithar [pg168]: CR 7

[Epic Handbook]
-Ruin Swarm (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/ruinSwarm.htm) [pg213]: CR 23
[note: The book states its an ooze, but the d20srd says its a swarm?]

[Lost Empires of Faerun]
-Crawling Claw [pg163]: CR 2

-Mob [pg59]: CR 8/+2 if base creature is CR 7 or higher

2011-10-14, 02:50 PM
Go here:

I don't know the CR you're looking for, which books you have, or the setting, so I just looked up "Swarm" and sent you what I've got.

Monster Finder is a great tool for 3.5 DMs and I use it for all my campaigns. If you mess around with it a bit, it will tell you the monster name, CR, size category, what setting it's likely to be in, book and page number where the monster can be found, and show you a picture of it, in most cases.

Good luck!

2011-10-17, 09:48 AM
Go here:

I don't know the CR you're looking for, which books you have, or the setting, so I just looked up "Swarm" and sent you what I've got.

Monster Finder is a great tool for 3.5 DMs and I use it for all my campaigns. If you mess around with it a bit, it will tell you the monster name, CR, size category, what setting it's likely to be in, book and page number where the monster can be found, and show you a picture of it, in most cases.

Good luck!

Ah! Thank you for the contribute! From the looks of it, there are a few swarms I found that aren't on that particular list [that I could see after some experimentation.] But I'm happy for the help in any case.

The CR was planned to scale with the Players as they adventure since the BBEG was going to be a 'multiple encountered encounter' through out their career. When it comes to books I would like to say that I have all of them, but then I always find one or two that I don't have, so its probably safe to assume if I don't have it I could probably find a way to get the info. Setting was homebrewed to include a little [if not more] of everything.

New Swarm found/added!
[Lost Empires of Faerun]
-Crawling Claw [pg163]: CR 2

Maybe I should make this into some kind of Compendium of swarms for others to use? If I do then I guess I'll have to include some of the more interesting bits like what swarms can do and such....

2011-10-17, 10:16 AM
Heck, just having it all listed in one easy link, plus the fact I've added a new website to my list of handy links for DM's is pretty cool for me.

I've always wanted to throw a few more swarms into my campaigns, as they represent a fairly unique challenge.

2011-10-17, 10:40 AM
I recall the rules for mobs in either phb2 or dmg2. Human swarm, anyone?

2011-10-17, 10:51 AM
I recall the rules for mobs in either phb2 or dmg2. Human swarm, anyone?

Oh yes, Mobs from DMG2. Not 'technically' a Swarm, but treated as a 'template' that give Small, Medium, or Large sized creatures gathered in a group swarm-like abilities.

-Mob [pg59]: CR 8/+2 if base creature is CR 7 or higher

2011-10-17, 01:02 PM
Nice list. Thanks.

That Leech Swarm from Stormwrack is REALLY, REALLY under cr'ed. You've got the number right, but WoTC really screwed it up. A first level party stands little chance against them. Even a 4th level party could be significantly impaired before they knew what hit them.

2011-10-17, 01:13 PM
I'm glad I was able to help.