View Full Version : WoW RPG Community?

2011-10-15, 01:51 PM
Since the end of White Wolf's World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, I have been desperately seeking a community that has been updating the setting. Though I could certainly do a great deal of it myself, I want to know if someone has already done the work for me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The Glyphstone
2011-10-15, 02:46 PM
White Wolf did a WoW RPG? I was aware of the WoW d20 books, but didn't know of another one.

2011-10-15, 04:22 PM
One and the same. They were published by White Wolf, which is one reason why I think they were of pretty good quality.

2011-10-18, 05:42 PM
No one? In hope that some one will magically appear with some tidbit of info, I have had some luck.

- Here (http://elton-atlantis.blogspot.com/2009/08/new-pc-race-worgen.html) is a statted worgen race.
- I had found a statted draenei race some time ago. It might be on my home computer, but I can't find it with a cursory googling.

Aaaand that's about all I could find thus far. Cataclysm and Wrath of the Lich King introduced dozens of monsters, NPC's and other things that would save other GM's a lot of legwork if we could find something. Or maybe gather the GitP community to help craft some content. Eh? Ehhhh?

2011-10-18, 08:06 PM
I played a WoW RPG game once. It went pretty badly, considering I'm into heavy-roleplaying and everyone else... wasn't. The setting and the system have a lot of potential, but AFAIK, the Tier system remains mostly unchanged (even if some of core's batch of abusable spells have been removed) since melee still doesn't get (enough) nice things.

But I suppose emphasising the roleplaying aspects over the mechanics would help gloss over that.

2011-10-19, 12:48 AM
Tier system?

And melee not getting enough options has always been a complaint of mine with d20 in general. Pathfinder has done something to fix it, but I figured I will take what I can get, as converting an entire (entrenched) setting to Pathfinder can get messy.

2011-10-19, 01:03 AM
I played a WoW RPG game once. It went pretty badly, considering I'm into heavy-roleplaying and everyone else... wasn't. The setting and the system have a lot of potential, but AFAIK, the Tier system remains mostly unchanged (even if some of core's batch of abusable spells have been removed) since melee still doesn't get (enough) nice things.

But I suppose emphasising the roleplaying aspects over the mechanics would help gloss over that.

I feel your pain, there. I had a pretty similar experience. I agree with the potential for the setting. I'm pretty fond of just about everything in it prior to WoW's expansions.

Tier system?

Tier system. (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=1002.0)

And melee not getting enough options has always been a complaint of mine with d20 in general. Pathfinder Tome of Battle has done something to fix it, but I figured I will take what I can get, as converting an entire (entrenched) setting to Pathfinder can get messy.

Fixed that for you. :smallamused:

2011-10-19, 09:35 AM
Oh right, that tier system. I figured I missed something in a rulebook somewhere.

And I had instantly thought of the ToB, but to me those classes simply don't fit in and didn't need mentioning. :smalltongue:

2011-10-19, 09:45 AM
My friend has the books and we looked for a game here on the forums but no DM showed interest, if any of you guys would be up for it we could start a new recruitment thread? Looks liek a fun system but havent had a chance to play it yet :smallannoyed:

2011-10-19, 09:46 AM
And I had instantly thought of the ToB, but to me those classes simply don't fit in and didn't need mentioning. :smalltongue:

You think so? Crusader is practically a Ret Paladin right from the get-go. And hey, if nothing else, just change the fluff. Devoted Spirit is how the Knights of the Silver Hand use The Light. Shadow Hand is something some Rogues pick up to do their supernatural abilities. Just don't use Reshar and the Temple of the Nine Swords for fluff and I figure you're golden.

No game that wants to make melee more fun has any excuse not to include ToB except their lack of creativity, IMHO.

And to actually respond to your OP, I'm unaware of any community or anything that has created more things for the Warcraft D20 ruleset. And while I may take passing interest in such a project, I would probably let it lie. Getting my players to play in the Warcraft setting at all was like pulling teeth. From a rabid badger.


My friend has the books and we looked for a game here on the forums but no DM showed interest, if any of you guys would be up for it we could start a new recruitment thread? Looks liek a fun system but havent had a chance to play it yet :smallannoyed:

I'm totally game. However, between building a 3.5 Dragon Age conversion and DMing RHOD IRL, I would have no time to DM it. Which makes me sad, because I have so many ideas for that setting.

2011-10-19, 10:00 AM
I'm totally game. However, between building a 3.5 Dragon Age conversion and DMing RHOD IRL, I would have no time to DM it. Which makes me sad, because I have so many ideas for that setting.

Funnily enough I decided to start playing DA:O again, have you got a thread about the conversion? Id like to have a look and might have some ideas to boot!

If you happen to find the time to DM the game feel free to PM btw :smallsmile:

2011-10-19, 10:29 AM
I would actually play such a game, if only for the opportunity to kill all the notable NPCs in wow using the power of D&D...it could be a pretty cool campaign, all things considered.

2011-10-19, 10:30 AM
Funnily enough I decided to start playing DA:O again, have you got a thread about the conversion? Id like to have a look and might have some ideas to boot!

If you happen to find the time to DM the game feel free to PM btw :smallsmile:

There's no thread yet. I intend to get it looking more complete before I post it up.

And I doubt I'll have the time to DM anytime soon, but I'll certainly remember you if fate deals me a winning hand. :smallsmile:

The Glyphstone
2011-10-19, 12:15 PM
I would actually play such a game, if only for the opportunity to kill all the notable NPCs in wow using the power of D&D...it could be a pretty cool campaign, all things considered.

Except Thrall, because he's awesome. All the rest can go though.:smallcool:

2011-10-19, 12:57 PM
I would actually play such a game, if only for the opportunity to kill all the notable NPCs in wow using the power of D&D...it could be a pretty cool campaign, all things considered.

Except Thrall, because he's awesome. All the rest can go though.:smallcool:

Killing Garrosh would be downright therapeutic. :smallamused:

Though, last I checked Elune, she was about CR 94. Godspeed, sir, because I don't think I'd want to bother putting something together to challenge that.

The Glyphstone
2011-10-19, 01:25 PM
Killing Garrosh would be downright therapeutic. :smallamused:

Though, last I checked Elune, she was about CR 94. Godspeed, sir, because I don't think I'd want to bother putting something together to challenge that.

I don't think he was counting the gods/Ancients there. More like the various faction leaders

Though now I'm curious what CR C'thun is, and if 40 Lvl20 PC's could defeat it. :)

2011-10-19, 01:58 PM
And melee not getting enough options has always been a complaint of mine with d20 in general. Pathfinder has done something to fix it, but I figured I will take what I can get, as converting an entire (entrenched) setting to Pathfinder can get messy.

Pathfinder's solutions are like putting a bandaid on a slit throat. It's only technically an improvement. I think you mean ToB.

I feel your pain, there. I had a pretty similar experience. I agree with the potential for the setting. I'm pretty fond of just about everything in it prior to WoW's expansions.


My friend has the books and we looked for a game here on the forums but no DM showed interest, if any of you guys would be up for it we could start a new recruitment thread? Looks liek a fun system but havent had a chance to play it yet :smallannoyed:

I would be up for it as a player. Fortunately, I'm not allowed to DM anymore. :smalltongue:

You think so? Crusader is practically a Ret Paladin right from the get-go. And hey, if nothing else, just change the fluff. Devoted Spirit is how the Knights of the Silver Hand use The Light. Shadow Hand is something some Rogues pick up to do their supernatural abilities. Just don't use Reshar and the Temple of the Nine Swords for fluff and I figure you're golden.

No game that wants to make melee more fun has any excuse not to include ToB except their lack of creativity, IMHO.

Aye aye.

I'm totally game. However, between building a 3.5 Dragon Age conversion and DMing RHOD IRL, I would have no time to DM it. Which makes me sad, because I have so many ideas for that setting.

If you're doing this on the forums, I'd be up for it as well. Or even using the Green Ronin system.

The Glyphstone
2011-10-19, 02:48 PM
Pathfinder's solutions are like putting a bandaid on a slit throat. It's only technically an improvement. I think you mean ToB.

That's not really fair - it's an improvement like a wooden peg leg is an improvement on an amputated stump...bad is still better than awful. ToB is the fancy-dancy prosthetic leg integrated into your nervous system that also has a rocket thruster built in.

That's kinda off topic though, so I'll leave it alone.

2011-10-19, 03:41 PM
That's not really fair - it's an improvement like a wooden peg leg is an improvement on an amputated stump...bad is still better than awful. ToB is the fancy-dancy prosthetic leg integrated into your nervous system that also has a rocket thruster built in.

That's kinda off topic though, so I'll leave it alone.

All right, I'll take that point and give credit where it's due.

Pathfinder, you may have a cookie. But just one.

The Glyphstone
2011-10-19, 03:52 PM
So long as they release at least a half-dozen archetypes for the cookie in Ultimate Baking.:smallbiggrin:

Keld Denar
2011-10-19, 04:00 PM
I'm still waiting for Complete Companion to be released...tons of fun for familiars, animal companions, special mounts, and cohorts!

2011-10-19, 08:17 PM
I don't think he was counting the gods/Ancients there. More like the various faction leaders

Though now I'm curious what CR C'thun is, and if 40 Lvl20 PC's could defeat it. :)

Are even ONE of those level 20s a Wizard? :smalltongue:

I would be up for it as a player. Fortunately, I'm not allowed to DM anymore. :smalltongue:

If I ever have time to DM, I'd love to run one. I'm totally up for one as a player, though! :smallbiggrin:

If you're doing this on the forums, I'd be up for it as well. Or even using the Green Ronin system.

I'm putting it together on my own. A friend of mine asked me to, because he wants to run a Dragon Age game over Skype set in Fereldan during the Orlesian occupation. While he's a great guy, he's a bit flaky with stuff like this, and has no eye for balance in 3.5, so I took the mantle of statting everything up. Though he said he wants to convert the monsters, which is good, given that I'll be a player.

Once it's complete, or close to it, I'll put it up for critique/fine-tuning and if people like it, they can take off with it.

2011-10-20, 07:38 AM
I don't think he was counting the gods/Ancients there. More like the various faction leaders

Though now I'm curious what CR C'thun is, and if 40 Lvl20 PC's could defeat it. :)

Everything. EVERYTHING.

I feel like with proper abuse of optimization, it's got to be possible.

2011-10-20, 07:55 AM
You think so? Crusader is practically a Ret Paladin right from the get-go. And hey, if nothing else, just change the fluff. Devoted Spirit is how the Knights of the Silver Hand use The Light. Shadow Hand is something some Rogues pick up to do their supernatural abilities. Just don't use Reshar and the Temple of the Nine Swords for fluff and I figure you're golden.

No game that wants to make melee more fun has any excuse not to include ToB except their lack of creativity, IMHO.

Oh don't get me wrong -- I heart ToB so much. But in all my experiences in playing ToB characters, as well as reading up on other's experiences, I try to stray away from that book. The fluff and system make me smile, but the inherent imbalance tends to make characters that far outshine others.

That said, I would certainly consider the Crusader (which to me sounds more like a protection paladin, and an awesome one at that) as a Paladin replacement (or option), and maybe look into the rest for further inspiration. Though Glyphstone's analogy is exactly how I view ToB at this juncture. :smalltongue:

I would love to play/host a WoW game on these boards, though I haven't GMed anything on here before. I would at least like to play a d20 game on here to get a feel for what its like before GMing one.

2011-10-20, 10:50 AM
Oh don't get me wrong -- I heart ToB so much. But in all my experiences in playing ToB characters, as well as reading up on other's experiences, I try to stray away from that book. The fluff and system make me smile, but the inherent imbalance tends to make characters that far outshine others.

Whoa whoa whoa! Are we talking about the same Tome of Battle? If you're talking about them overshadowing the Fighter, Paladin or Monk (the Expert does that, too), then you're darn skippy, amigo. But when compared to Druids, Wizards and Clerics? Hahaha. No.

That said, I would certainly consider the Crusader (which to me sounds more like a protection paladin, and an awesome one at that) as a Paladin replacement (or option), and maybe look into the rest for further inspiration.

Warblade also works for an Orc Blademaster. Attacks that hit multiple targets? Hello Bladestorm!

Though Glyphstone's analogy is exactly how I view ToB at this juncture. :smalltongue:

Well, I assume you're used to a sword n' board Fighter, Healer Cleric, Blaster Wizard, and Rogue parties, then?

I would love to play/host a WoW game on these boards, though I haven't GMed anything on here before. I would at least like to play a d20 game on here to get a feel for what its like before GMing one.

Well, check out recruitment. There's usually a game or two of 3.5 looking for people at any one time. That said, I've only seen a Warcraft thread maybe twice.

2011-10-20, 12:31 PM
Without getting too offtopic... Yeah, I meant primarily other melee oriented classes that don't utilize any ToB content. Primary casters will continue to dominate, ToB or no.

I haven't used the casters in the WoW RPG now that I think about it... and the ones introduced in More Magic & Mayhem seem pretty crazy awesome. Anyone know how they match up? Im slowly building up what I imagine to be good guidelines for a campaign.

2011-10-20, 12:47 PM
I have almost all of the later Sword and Sorcerory WoW RPG books on pdf. It is a good setting, though I really don't much care of what Blizzard did from Gates onward with the MMO.

Actually, if some time was put into it, converting the classes/setting from 3.5 to 3.P will actually be good, sense Pathfinder does fix quite a bit of the issues.

Just wondering, when did White Wolf unleash their version of the WoW RPG?

2011-10-20, 01:12 PM
I actually like how WoW d20 did "Paragon" classes. It actually makes them, well, usable. I mean, Tauren class, Troll Class, even the Orc Class all work well. Unlike the UA ones, the WoW ones advance casting and give cool abilities. Better at least than the Orc Paragon in UA.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-20, 01:12 PM
Without getting too offtopic... Yeah, I meant primarily other melee oriented classes that don't utilize any ToB content. Primary casters will continue to dominate, ToB or no.

Except ToB characters actually do their jobs. Sudden Leap + Leaping Dragon Stance on a level 5 character with max ranks in jump and 18 strength gets you 30 feet in the air on a 10, enough to take out the flying monsters, since most of them use Flyby Attack and have no reliable ranged attack (not even manticore), except for the Beholder, which is a Gygaxian monster that should only be used as a boss fight, and the dragons with line breath weapons, which are also "boss fight only" territory.

Swordsages can get 100 feet into the air at level 13 and still have a standard action, although you typically want a Ring of Feather Fall for that tactic.

Crusaders can tank. O rly? Ya rly. They can take out a backup ranged weapon if they need to, but their main advantage is to be able to take all those hits and prevent their enemies from getting to their allies. They're tougher and stronger than the fighter, barbarian, and paladin, and are team players with White Raven and Devoted Spirit. Raptoran and dragonborn both get flight to solve any problem with that.

Primary casters' main advantage over other characters is flight, whether Fly, Air Walk, or Dire Hawk Wild Shape. ToB does make a difference, so it's not "eh, it's not gonna matter whether ToB is included or not". Plus, this isn't a matter of non-casters being able to fight casters, this is about non-casters being able to fight a level-appropriate encounter without caster buffs.

Sorry for off-topicness.

2011-10-20, 01:15 PM
I actually like how WoW d20 did "Paragon" classes. It actually makes them, well, usable. I mean, Tauren class, Troll Class, even the Orc Class all work well. Unlike the UA ones, the WoW ones advance casting and give cool abilities. Better at least than the Orc Paragon in UA.

That is true. Not to mention the fact that the various humanoid monsters had racial classes so you can play a member of said race at level 1.

It helps when the dm wants to go Gestalt, since while you have to take th racial levels, you can take a class level as well.

2011-10-20, 01:25 PM
Except ToB characters actually do their jobs. Sudden Leap + Leaping Dragon Stance on a level 5 character with max ranks in jump and 18 strength gets you 30 feet in the air on a 10, enough to take out the flying monsters, since most of them use Flyby Attack and have no reliable ranged attack (not even manticore), except for the Beholder, which is a Gygaxian monster that should only be used as a boss fight, and the dragons with line breath weapons, which are also "boss fight only" territory.

Swordsages can get 100 feet into the air at level 13 and still have a standard action, although you typically want a Ring of Feather Fall for that tactic.

Crusaders can tank. O rly? Ya rly. They can take out a backup ranged weapon if they need to, but their main advantage is to be able to take all those hits and prevent their enemies from getting to their allies. They're tougher and stronger than the fighter, barbarian, and paladin, and are team players with White Raven and Devoted Spirit. Raptoran and dragonborn both get flight to solve any problem with that.

Primary casters' main advantage over other characters is flight, whether Fly, Air Walk, or Dire Hawk Wild Shape. ToB does make a difference, so it's not "eh, it's not gonna matter whether ToB is included or not". Plus, this isn't a matter of melee being able to fight casters, this is about melee being able to fight a level-appropriate encounter without caster buffs.

Sorry for off-topicness.

ToB imo doesn't give enough new classes. Yes, they introduced 3 classes, but all three are just Core Class Remixes (Paladin, Monk, and Paladin respectively). I wish they had made more unique classes, like Aragorn-Themed characters, Sword Saints, and even a more classy "Sublime Thief." And even the Disciplines are kind of bland. So you can run really fast and leave a trail of fire behind you? 90% of all mid level monsters are immune to fire. And even with some of the better homebrew Disciplines, none of them fill the niche that says, "Casters aren't the only ones who can do cool things." I feel that melee characters should be able to cool things, like wuxia "I run up a wall and do a triple backflip then stab a guy in the back."

As stated above, I'd like to appologize for derailing the thread a little bit

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-20, 01:55 PM
ToB imo doesn't give enough new classes. Yes, they introduced 3 classes, but all three are just Core Class Remixes (Paladin, Monk, and Paladin respectively). I wish they had made more unique classes, like Aragorn-Themed characters, Sword Saints, and even a more classy "Sublime Thief." And even the Disciplines are kind of bland. So you can run really fast and leave a trail of fire behind you? 90% of all mid level monsters are immune to fire. And even with some of the better homebrew Disciplines, none of them fill the niche that says, "Casters aren't the only ones who can do cool things." I feel that melee characters should be able to cool things, like wuxia "I run up a wall and do a triple backflip then stab a guy in the back."

As stated above, I'd like to appologize for derailing the thread a little bit

Wait, so a warblade with a sword and Able Learner (for survival) can't be Aragorn? Does Aragorn even make very many survival checks? A swordsage with a focus on skills can't be a thief (although they don't get open lock)? What's the difference between crusaders and Sword Saints?

Also, running up a wall is a refluffed jump, triple backflip is a tumble check, stabbing the guy in the back is a standard action attack or strike, maybe with a bonus from the DM for style points (or just Sapphire Nightmare Blade). A maneuver for running up a wall would be kind of limited. And Desert Wind is about as bad as Stone Dragon, except for the X Blade line and Burning Brand, plus maybe the 1st level stance since swordsages get two of those.

I know strict DMs won't allow that, but most people tend to dislike the guys that think that a barbarian/cleric of Kord (for turning so you can fuel devotion feats) must've been raised in the wild by a tribe and then taught by clerics of Kord somewhere else, instead of just a worshipper of Kord that's good at fighting.

2011-10-20, 03:17 PM
Wait, so a warblade with a sword and Able Learner (for survival) can't be Aragorn? Does Aragorn even make very many survival checks? A swordsage with a focus on skills can't be a thief (although they don't get open lock)? What's the difference between crusaders and Sword Saints?

Also, running up a wall is a refluffed jump, triple backflip is a tumble check, stabbing the guy in the back is a standard action attack or strike, maybe with a bonus from the DM for style points (or just Sapphire Nightmare Blade). A maneuver for running up a wall would be kind of limited. And Desert Wind is about as bad as Stone Dragon, except for the X Blade line and Burning Brand, plus maybe the 1st level stance since swordsages get two of those.

I know strict DMs won't allow that, but most people tend to dislike the guys that think that a barbarian/cleric of Kord (for turning so you can fuel devotion feats) must've been raised in the wild by a tribe and then taught by clerics of Kord somewhere else, instead of just a worshipper of Kord that's good at fighting.

In comparison to Tome of Magic, ToB is unimaginative. Sadly, it just reinforces the "Big Dumb Meat Shield" stereotype. That just gets old fast

2011-10-22, 08:46 AM
No one? In hope that some one will magically appear with some tidbit of info, I have had some luck.

- Here (http://elton-atlantis.blogspot.com/2009/08/new-pc-race-worgen.html) is a statted worgen race.
- I had found a statted draenei race some time ago. It might be on my home computer, but I can't find it with a cursory googling.

Aaaand that's about all I could find thus far. Cataclysm and Wrath of the Lich King introduced dozens of monsters, NPC's and other things that would save other GM's a lot of legwork if we could find something. Or maybe gather the GitP community to help craft some content. Eh? Ehhhh?

Hi there.

I'm the guy that wrote that up. I just recently updated the race to Pathfinder, and I added the missing Paragon Class for the Worgen. Just so you know. :)

Man, it was a bugger to get on these forums to tell you this. Rich Berlew, you have way too many safe guards to registering on your own forum. :) So, where to begin . . .

2011-10-22, 09:09 AM
Who wants to play in a World of Warcraft Roleplaying Game?

2011-10-22, 09:17 AM
Astonishing. This far into the thread, and nobody's made a "WoW RPG equals 4th Ed" crack yet. :smallamused:

2011-10-22, 09:18 AM
Who wants to play in a World of Warcraft Roleplaying Game?

I'd be up for it.

2011-10-22, 09:40 AM
Astonishing. This far into the thread, and nobody's made a "WoW RPG equals 4th Ed" crack yet. :smallamused:

Well, it doesn't in game mechanics. But in basic conceptuals, they are both very similar. The big difference is the Computer is given all the parameters, and the players run in those parameters. The computer becomes your gamemaster. In 4e you still need a GM.

Plus, in 4e you still can be creative. However, the perception is that they are both dumbed down. However, they do play similarly at first glance and if you are lazy, the lines between both can be blurred. It takes a lot of work to keep them separate.

2011-10-22, 12:15 PM
Who wants to play in a World of Warcraft Roleplaying Game?

By the sounds of it we'll stick to 3.5 era instead of 4th. Which is great by me.

However, the next question stands: 3.5 WotC or 3.P (Pathfinder). I would recommend Pathfinder and adapt the classes to that. Plus, it gives us a way to test some of the more esoteric stuff that WoW has that could be good for Pathfinder.

2011-10-22, 12:22 PM
Who wants to play in a World of Warcraft Roleplaying Game?

Two Words: I'm In

2011-10-22, 01:44 PM
EltonJ, would you GM? Because if so... Heck yeah. And good work on the worgen!

2011-10-22, 02:34 PM
Another few big questions, in addition to the Edition Question, is which side(s) as well as timeline.

Personally, while I like it being Horde, I could definetely be giving it a worthwhile thought if it was a combination party of Horde and Alliance, given he huge number of threats currently out there. (Though I do say, hell no to a Cataclysm-type setting. At least, not the one surrently being used by Blizzard.)

The Glyphstone
2011-10-22, 02:44 PM
Twilight cultist party FTW!:smallcool:

2011-10-22, 08:46 PM
EltonJ, would you GM? Because if so... Heck yeah. And good work on the worgen!

I'm one of the best GMs in general. Not Thee Best, but one of the best. Although my campaigns tend to be short lived (never last beyond one year). However, there does seem to be some interest.

How many of you use OpenRPG? Here are what I have:

1. WoW RPG.
2. Pathfinder
3. Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide
4. Orcs of Golarion
5. Elves of Golarion
6. More Magic and Mayhem (which is my favorite book, imho).
7. Horde Player's Guide
8. Alliance Player's Guide.
9. Lands of Conflict.

I can do either Alliance or Horde; or neutral.

Game details:
The game will take place on the Continent of Azeroth. Don't worry, you will find my Azeroth BIGGER than it is in the Computer Game. My Azeroth is exactly the size of Earth. So there are other (undiscovered) continents on the other side of the Globe. Lordereon and Stormwind is about the size of Europe and Africa. Kalimdor is about the size of the Eastern United States, Canada, and South America.

Northrend is about the size of Antarctica, except that Howling Fjord and the Tundra sit further south and have the climate of New Foundland and Southern Alaska respectively. Directly North is the Northern Hole that leads to lands that the Lich King didn't know about.

There is a hole in the South Pole as well. The Maelstrom, however, is a gateway to the Elemental Plane of Earth.

Lordereon: which includes the Plaguelands, Tirisfal Falls, and Silverpine Forest is about the size of France. Strommgarde in the Arathi Highlands, is roughly the size of Germany. Quel'thalas is about the size of England (meaning, from the Coasts of Dover to the remains of Hadrian's Wall). And Gilneas is about the size of Scotland. The Hinterlands is about the size of Spain.

And using France as a guideline, I think you can guess how big the others are.

Races allowed:
Alliance ---
* Human (Stormwind, Strommegarde, and Gilnean)

* High Elves (Stormwind and the Hinterlands) -- use Pathfinder Elf statistics with Elven Magic trait. High Elves get access to the High Elf paragon class.
* Dwarves (Ironforge, Wildhammer, and Dark Iron). Ironforge Dwarves may choose the Hardy, Craftsman, or Lorekeeper traits. Wildhammer Dwarves may choose the Hardy, Stonesinger, or Rockstepper traits. Dark Iron dwarves may choose the Ancient Enmity (with Ironforge), Deep Warrior, or Stubborn traits.
* Night Elves (Darnassus) -- Night Elves may choose the Elven Magic (for the Highborne), Lightbringer (Priests of Elune), or Woodcraft (regular Night Elf) traits.
* Draenei -- Can't find stats for these. :( The closest would be Tiefling stats, except that they have a healer trait. Wait, there are some good statistics here: http://thevigilones.wikidot.com/draenei-stats

Draenei traits would be Lightbringer (elf), Hardy (Dwarf), and Heart of the Streets (Human).

* Worgen. The Worgen of Gilneas is found over at my blog -- http://elton-atlantis.blogspot.com/2011/10/worgen-pathfinderized.html . Their racial traits are the same as the humans. They can gain the Worgen paragon class I noted there.

* Gnomes. As pathfinder, Azeroth gnomes may choose all Gnomish traits.


* Orcs -- As in Pathfinder, but Orc culture follows WoW. Traits are found in Orcs of Golarion.

* Blood Elves -- As in Pathfinder, but they get both the Elven Magic and Eternal Grudge (against both the Burning Legion and the conceited Night Elves) traits. They gain access to the Blood Elf Paragon Class located here: http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/4/29/1030581/blood%20elves.pdf .

* Jungle Trolls -- Use the stats in WoW for pathfinder stats with these changes. +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intellect, no Favored Class. There are no racial traits. They gain access to the Troll paragon class.

* Tauren -- As WoW but with these changes: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence; no favored class. Racial Traits are the same as the Night Elves.

* The Forsaken: As WoW but with these changes: +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, 0 Constitution. The Forsaken are a race of Undead, and the only Race that receives two penalties and one strength to their stats. No favored class. Racial Traits are the same as humans, since they are mostly human.

* Goblins: Goblins of the Steamwheedle Cartel are always NEUTRAL, the Goblins of the Kazan cartel are always Horde. Same as WoW but no favored Class.


Quick and Dirty Classes

Arcanist -- Arcanists are Wizards. Most Wizards in Azeroth specialize as Inscribers (from More Magic and Mayhem), Mages (Evocation), as Warlocks (Conjuration), and Necromancers (Necromancy). All three are restricted to a number of spells that are unique to them: Mages get exclusive access to Arcane Missiles, while Warlocks get exclusive access to Immolate. Some exclusive spells are shared. Mages summon elementals, Warlocks summon demons, and Necromancers have skeletons as pets.

Mages get access to the Mage list in WoW and More Magic and Mayhem.
Warlocks get access to the Warlock list in WoW and More Magic and Mayhem.
Necromancers get access to the Necromancer list in WoW RPG and More Magic and Mayhem.

Arcanas come every 4 levels.

Barbarian -- Use regular Barbarian class.

Healer -- Healers are separated into Clerics and Druids, while Clerics are split into Priests and Shaemen.
**Druid -- use the Druid class with the druid spells in WoW.
**Priest -- Use Cleric. The following domains are available:
***Ancients of the Night Elves: Animal (Feather or Fur), Healing (Restoration), War (Blood)
***Faith of the Holy Light: Healing (Resurrection), Protection (Defense or Purity), War (Tactics)
***The Way of Shadow: Darkness (Night), Trickery (Deception), War (Blood)
***Cult of the Burning Legion: Death (Murder), Destruction (Catastrophe), Evil (Demon), War (Blood)
***Sect of Dragons: Elements (Wind, Metal, Ash, Oceans), Healing (Restoration or Resurrection), War (Tactics)
***Twilight's Hammer: Destruction (Catastrophe), Madness (Insanity), Void (Dark Tapestry)

**Shaman -- Shamans use the Cleric class with the Shaman spell list added from the WoW RPG and More Magic & Mayhem. They gain access to the Repose (Ancestors) and Elements (all elemental Subdomains) domains.

Inspirations come every 4 levels. Choose inspirations appropriate to your class.

Hunters come straight out of the WoW RPG.

Paladins use the Paladin class out of Pathfinder, but they use the WoW spell list and Paladin spell profession from the WoW RPG.

Rogues -- no change.

Scout -- use the Gunslinger class from Pathfinder.

Tinker -- use the Tinker class from the WoW RPG.

Warrior -- use the Fighter class from the Pathfinder RPG in every way.


Quick and Dirty Professions.

Gathering Professions:
** Herbalism: Associated skills -> Knowledge (Herbs), Survival (for herb cutting)

** Mining: Associated skills -> Knowledge (ores), Profession (Miner)

** Skinning: Associated skills -> Survival (for skinning and tanning).

Production Professions:
** Alchemy: use the Alchemist class with the list in More Magic and Mayhem, and the Alchemy feats. 5th level Alchemists gain the Journeyman feat, then gain the Expert at 10th, and Master at 15th.

** Blacksmithing: Associated skills --> Knowledge (smithing) and Profession (Blacksmith) skills. Related Craft skills -- Craft (Weapons), Craft (Armor), Craft (General Goods)

** Enchanting: Enchanters use the Enchanter Prestige Class in More Magic and Mayhem.

** Engineering: Tinker class. Tinkers may gain Craft (Gnomish Inventions) or Craft (Goblin Devices).

** Inscription: handled by the Inscriber and Runemaster classes in More Magic and Mayhem.

** Jewelcrafting: Associated skills --> Craft (Jewelry), Knowledge (gems), and Profession (Jewelcrafter).

** Leatherworking: Associated skills --> Craft (Leather Goods), Profession (Furrier).

** Tailoring: Associated skills --> Craft (sewing), Craft (weaving), Craft (knitting), Profession (Tailor).

Secondary Professions:
** Archaeology: Archaeology classes are formally taught by Professor Belloque (Blood Elf) in Orgrimmar, and Professor Henry "Storm" Jones (Human) in Stormwind. Dr. Jones hails from Earth.

Associated skills: Perception, Knowledge (Ancient Night Elf History), (Ancient Draenei History), (Ancient Dwarven History), (Ancient Troll History), (Ancient Human History), Profession (Archaeologist), Knowledge (Prehistory), Knowledge (Natural Prehistory), Profession (Paleontologist).

** Cooking: Associated skills --> Craft (meals), Craft (gourmet meals), Profession (Cook), Profession (Gormet Chef)

** First Aid: Associated skills --> Heal

** Fishing: Associated Skills --> Survival.


I guess by now you know that the game system is pathfinder?

Okay, tell me what side you want to be on, and I'll count the votes. Majority rules in this case.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-22, 08:59 PM
Pathfinder (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/).

I don't have the WoW RPG and have never played WoW (I might, if I get a new computer. I'm on my iPad and my family's current computer doesn't have much memory), so I think I'll just play whatever's the same as in PF and try to sort out the cultures on the WoW wiki, if I have enough creativity to come up with a character.

I have no idea what OpenRPG is besides the confusing homepage I just found.

And... there's an archaeologist from Earth?

2011-10-22, 09:29 PM
Thrall's Horde or Neutral. Not a big fan of the Alliance.

2011-10-22, 09:33 PM
Thrall's Horde or Neutral. Not a big fan of the Alliance.

I'm with you, but with an asterix:

Could I play an Alliance-traitor?

The Glyphstone
2011-10-22, 09:34 PM
No Pandaren?:smallbiggrin:

2011-10-22, 09:50 PM
I'm thinking about playing a High Elf Paladin. Affiliation might be Alliance or Neutral. I'll ask a friend if he wants to join. He's in a Pathfinder game and he likes the system, so he might be interested in joining backgrounds with me.

As an aside, I'm really digging the sensical and realistic takes on Azeroth's geography.

This, however:

Dr. Jones hails from Earth.

Raises a question. What's the game tone going to be like? Serious with a dash of silly every so often, or all silly all the time?

2011-10-22, 09:51 PM
So Playing an Undead Barbarian

2011-10-22, 10:02 PM
Raises a question. What's the game tone going to be like? Serious with a dash of silly every so often, or all silly all the time?

Oh the entire game has jokes about Popular culture. Harrison Jones is a mixture of Indiana Jones and Harrison Ford, for instance. They wanted Archaeology to be popular, so why not borrow from Popular Culture? :p

Jones is dedicated more to Archaeology than to anything else in the game, he'll work with both Horde and Alliance PCs. Belloque is just . . . there for decoration in the computer game.

Actually, Bran Bronzebeard taught Dr. Jones and Dr. Belloque the ins and outs of Archaeology. They are his star pupils, but they are also rivals.

2011-10-22, 10:05 PM
Oh, forgot, WoW Goblin clerics are Mammonists (the Goblins worship money and profit). Their domains are: Madness, Trickery, and Travel.

2011-10-22, 10:07 PM
Oh the entire game has jokes about Popular culture. Harrison Jones is a mixture of Indiana Jones and Harrison Ford, for instance. They wanted Archaeology to be popular, so why not borrow from Popular Culture? :p

Jones is dedicated more to Archaeology than to anything else in the game, he'll work with both Horde and Alliance PCs. Belloque is just . . . there for decoration in the computer game.

Actually, Bran Bronzebeard taught Dr. Jones and Dr. Belloque the ins and outs of Archaeology. They are his star pupils, but they are also rivals.

Yeah, I knew all that. I'm pretty familiar with WoW lore. That wasn't what I was asking at all, hah, I was using that tidbit as a jumping start for the question that followed. I was asking about the tone of the game, whether such references and moments of levity were going to be occasional or if the tone of the entire game was going to be lighthearted and silly. I should've probably phrased my question better. :smallwink:

2011-10-22, 10:09 PM
I'm thinking about playing a High Elf Paladin. Affiliation might be Alliance or Neutral. I'll ask a friend if he wants to join. He's in a Pathfinder game and he likes the system, so he might be interested in joining backgrounds with me.

As an aside, I'm really digging the sensical and realistic takes on Azeroth's geography.

This, however:

Raises a question. What's the game tone going to be like? Serious with a dash of silly every so often, or all silly all the time?

Blood Elf Paladin wouldn't be too far of a stretch, if you want.

It just depends on who we are facing.

I'm willing to go Gelki (Centaur) Shaman or something divine.

2011-10-22, 10:11 PM
Blood Elf Paladin wouldn't be too far of a stretch, if you want.

It just depends on who we are facing.

I'm willing to go Gelki (Centaur) Shaman or something divine.

Actually, the stretch between blood elf and high elf is enormous. I can't really stand blood elves at all. If I played one, I'd have to play one that goes against pretty much everything the race stands for. :smalltongue:

EDIT: A centaur could be interesting, especially a shaman. Would be interesting to see the difference in ideologies and philosophies when it comes to roleplaying.

2011-10-22, 10:15 PM
Actually, the stretch between blood elf and high elf is enormous. I can't really stand blood elves at all. If I played one, I'd have to play one that goes against pretty much everything the race stands for. :smalltongue:

It goes both ways, I guess. Even though I haven't worked on the setting in almost two years, on of the future problems that I was setting up for the WOW Universe I was working on had it where both Blood Elves and High Elves were having a problem trying to decide how far they should rely on either demonic energy or the Sunwell due to WC3. This created a situation where bothsides wanted the other to come over to thiers, but weren't too keen about giving up their own views and such.

2011-10-22, 10:25 PM
It goes both ways, I guess. Even though I haven't worked on the setting in almost two years, on of the future problems that I was setting up for the WOW Universe I was working on had it where both Blood Elves and High Elves were having a problem trying to decide how far they should rely on either demonic energy or the Sunwell due to WC3. This created a situation where bothsides wanted the other to come over to thiers, but weren't too keen about giving up their own views and such.

I think they revived that in WoTLK when they unveiled Dalaran (where most High Elves are currently at) and how both races are at each other's throats due to having opposite views on the same issues and judging each other harshly after the events that decimated their race. It's an interesting conflict, but I'm siding squarely with the high elves on this one. The blood elves come off as arrogant, desperate junkies whose sanity is only a thin veil to hide an unstable, egomaniac mind. But, of course, that's just my opinion. I'm sure there are tons of people who disagree. :smalltongue:

2011-10-22, 10:31 PM
I think that the conflict is Ideological, since the Blood Elf race has been redeemed. It really sucks.

It's also ironic that there are like a million Blood Elves in real life. . . . :smallamused::xykon:

2011-10-22, 10:33 PM
I think they revived that in WoTLK when they unveiled Dalaran (where most High Elves are currently at) and how both races are at each other's throats due to having opposite views on the same issues and judging each other harshly after the events that decimated their race. It's an interesting conflict, but I'm siding squarely with the high elves on this one. The blood elves come off as arrogant, desperate junkies whose sanity is only a thin veil to hide an unstable, egomaniac mind. But, of course, that's just my opinion. I'm sure there are tons of people who disagree. :smalltongue:

It's a view on what did the people do to survive. When you were more concern about trying to live one more day until a better substitute comes along. Not too mention, who were in charge at the time. The fallen Prince had to make a Devil's Bargain in order to save as many people as possible.

Again, it's a view on how do you help your people to survive long enough to get another generation while at the same time get them powerful enough to get them back into the fight.

2011-10-22, 10:33 PM
Missed this discussion, but just as a heads-up, here's a couple of sites where people've tried to keep it alive. On the first one I statted up a worgen + racial class + extended prestige class, tons of variants (another thing I loved about the line), three versions of draenei...well, if there's something missing I'd like to know, and I'll probably make it. (I also have a ton of prestige classes not yet posted because I'm "working" on a project to cover more of the MMO. If anyone wants to help...) I think we even had someone give a PF-style treatment for the races? At least a 4e version.

But yeah, here's a couple of sites:
"Unofficial" main forum (it's pretty dead these days). (http://wowrpg.11.forumer.com/)

And some British people. (www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewforum.php?f=58)

It's a view on what did the people do to survive. When you were more concern about trying to live one more day until a better substitute comes along. Not too mention, who were in charge at the time. The fallen Prince had to make a Devil's Bargain in order to save as many people as possible.

Again, it's a view on how do you help your people to survive long enough to get another generation while at the same time get them powerful enough to get them back into the fight.

And 'cause I want to respond to this, I find it pretty interesting that the high elves did, after all, survive despite not doing what their brethren did. Even the high elf rangers near Quel'thalas, who were cut off from much help from their allies, managed to survive the arcane withdrawals. With the Sunwell restored it is ideological, but honestly the blood elves have probably done too much against the Alliance now to go back.

And I'd be up for a PBP game if you want more players.

2011-10-22, 10:36 PM
It's a view on what did the people do to survive. When you were more concern about trying to live one more day until a better substitute comes along. Not too mention, who were in charge at the time. The fallen Prince had to make a Devil's Bargain in order to save as many people as possible.

Again, it's a view on how do you help your people to survive long enough to get another generation while at the same time get them powerful enough to get them back into the fight.

Um. Yes, that's exactly what I meant when I said "judging each other harshly after the events that decimated their race." And "opposite views on the same issues." :smalltongue:

2011-10-22, 10:48 PM
EltonJ, would you GM? Because if so... Heck yeah. And good work on the worgen!

Forgot to say thank you on this. Mind you, though, it's unofficial and all that *censored*. Only Chris Mentzer would have a say if I captured it correctly.

2011-10-23, 02:07 PM
Like I said before. Definately interested. Add one Tauren Druid to the party (Sub-Optimal, but hilarious)

2011-10-23, 03:33 PM
Since the majority are interested in a Neutral Campaign, we are going to do an Argent Crusade game. However, I think I'll handle this in an easy way. Start out normal before all bad breaks loose. :)

PM me with a write up on your character backgrounds and links to your characters. If there is more than 5, I'll have to split the group.

2011-10-24, 02:00 PM
eWhat, no other private messages? do I have to wait longer? :nale: