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2011-10-15, 04:05 PM
A searing flash of pain bounces through you head as you slowly awaken. Around you the ground seems burned. You clothes are in threads and the rest of your belongings are missing.

And then you remembered.... You were just living your life as it was when suddenly, the world exploded in a fountain of colors and sensations. It quickly turned black as your brain must have shut down to protect itself.

Taking a couple of deep breaths makes the pain dull a bit. Laying on the ground around you are several others, none of them familiar. Then, you hear a scream, a shout of anger as a bewildered man comes charging out of the bushes, swinging a sword above his head....

Battle thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12033925#post12033925)

2011-10-24, 04:09 PM
The barbarian is dead. He has crudely fashioned leather armor, a longsword which is of good quality, but poorly kept and a sack on his back. In the sack you find 10 pieces (that would translate to 10 gp) worth of dried meat, nuts and roots (preservable food), some strings used for trapping, a flask of water and some flint.

The clearing you are in is over 500 feet in diameter and surrounded on all sides by thick decideous forest. The only landmarks would be the blackened patches were you appeared, close to the side of the clearing.

600 xp each!

2011-10-24, 05:06 PM
Truffaldino spends the first day gathering firewood. [roll0] If I remember correctly, I divide the result by fourteen. 1.5 units would be how much firewood?

He also finds himself a nice club.

They don't have a gp price, so I figure I just spend a few minutes finding a branch I like. Hi-tech, I know.

2011-10-24, 05:45 PM
"yes a corpse! I have a ritual that requires it, please leave it intact..."

first day spent carfuly striping the body of all flesh with the said flint...
this need a check?

2011-10-25, 02:51 AM
After carefully deliberating about his motives with Abesukh, Shabert uses the sword for the first half an hour to find and cut thick and long branches to make two potent javelins or spears, also on the lookout for sharp rocks.

If you need any roll for this:
Gathering +6
Spot +2

2011-10-25, 04:16 AM
Abesukh spends his day gathering herbs. Also I can cast create water (2 gallons) and purify food and water once each, I'll cast the first as soon as we have something to contain it in.


2011-10-25, 04:19 AM
Herbs: [roll0]

2011-10-25, 04:16 PM
Will update on the gathering after all have posted. 1.5 units is 1.5 gp worth of materials. So if you want to craft eg. a spear, like Shabert is doing, you can craft anything with a price of up to 4.5 gp with it. Since crafting requires 1/3 of the price in materials. I do allow gatherers to pass on the stuff directly to the crafters to speed up the process, so with this, Shabert could try and make 2 spears, using up 1.3 gp of materials IF he makes the crafting check.

2011-10-25, 04:47 PM
During the day, Cog sprinted around the surrounding landscape, scouting out the territory. Around midday, he stopped to gather up some torch supplies and then continued to scout. When he got back to camp, he began to make torches. At dusk, he began work on simple shelters (lean-tos, basically).

2 Hours of scouting: [roll0]
4 Hours of wood gathering: [roll1]
2 Hours of scouting: [roll2]
4 Hours of torch crafting: [roll3]
12 Hours of shelter building: Wood Gathering: [roll4]+4=15 :smallredface:, Building: [roll5]

2011-10-25, 04:53 PM
Alright, here it is:


2011-10-26, 11:41 PM
I will spend the rest of the day building a shelter with the wood I can cut off with the sword.

I will build a wigwam: a dome-shaped wooden structure covered with grass, leaves, and bark, rushes, etc.
I will arrange the structure to be made around three reinforced (pyramidal)sides, so that it is possible to untie and reuse those if moving.

Once I'm done, I will go hunting/fishing/collecting fruits for an hour. I will bring twenty more good branches back.
Then, at dusk, and until going to sleep, I will work on making more spears until light comes out.

Finding: [roll0]
Cutting: [roll1]
Building: [roll2]
Hunting (search): [roll3]
Weapon crafting: [roll4]
Weapon crafting #2 (if required): [roll5]


A typical wigwam has a curved surface which can hold up against the worst weather. Young green tree saplings...of just about any type of wood, about ten to fifteen feet long were cut down. These tree saplings were then bent by stretching the wood. While these saplings were being bent, a circle was drawn on the ground. The diameter of the circle varied from ten to sixteen feet. The bent saplings were then placed over the drawn circle, using the tallest saplings in the middle and the shorter ones on the outside. The saplings formed arches all in one direction on the circle. The next set of saplings was used to wrap around the wigwam to give the shelter support. When the two sets of saplings were finally tied together, the sides and roof were placed on it. The sides of the wigwam were usually bark stripped from trees. [...] (For stronger, bigger, and better waterproof versions of it,) It takes approximately three days to erect a sturdy dwelling of this type.

2011-10-28, 04:35 PM
Truffaldino starts with collecting some good crafting wood (1,5 gp worth). In the mean time, he takes enough rotten wood for a nice fire. One of them can easily serve as a club.

Bob spends the day, defleshing the barbarian. Quite a gruesome spectacle for those not used to it.

Abesukh gathers magical herbs and comes back with a nice bundle. (1 gp)

Cog finds some building materials (0.9 gp) and does some scouting. Finding out there is nothing but forest for a couple of hours in each direction.

Shabert also gathers materials to create a movable shelter (1.6 gp).

300 xp each

2011-11-01, 09:34 AM
Truffaldino spends a day of foraging.

As he can move up to half his speed while foraging, he will travel 12 miles to go six miles south and back.

2011-11-01, 09:47 AM
Cog climbs a tree to get a survey of the surroundings, then spends the rest of the day attempting to make a shovel (2gp) and then a pick (3gp).

Craft (Tools):[roll2] Sorry, multiply this by 1.5 to get 31.5
Craft (Tools):[roll3]

2011-11-01, 11:17 AM

Shabert spends his following day to make the actual structure off the material he collected the day before. He also takes care of keeping an eye on the food and builds a dedicated compartment to keep it cool and covered inside the tent (digged one foot square deep once Cog has his shovel done).

Tent (tipi)
Craft: [roll0]

2011-11-08, 05:40 PM
Abesukh spends another day gathering herbs. Also I'll cast create water 2x.


2011-11-10, 11:45 PM
bob also gathers mistical herbs.

2011-11-12, 05:23 PM
Truffeldino finds some more food for the day. His travels bring him not much new. He does come across a small rocky outcrop, about 300 ft in diameter and 150 ft high.

Cog climbs a tree.... or at least tries to. He fails twice, not getting half way. (DC 15, if you succeed first and then fail, you get 2d6 falling damage) He then spends time working on a shovel and a pick. (31,5*DC10 = 315 cp worth of work done). He finishes the shovel and gets some work done on the pick, using up 1 gp worth of materials.

In the mean time, Shabert works on the tipi, getting the finished shovel as soon as it's ready. (11*DC10 = 110 cp worth of work) He does just over 10% of the work that needs to be done for it.

Abesukh takes care of the water supply, and gathers magical herbs. After just an hour he finds a batch of rare mushrooms, that have interesting properties. (1,8 gp worth)

Bob follows him close after, but Abesukh already brought back most of the herbs. (0,9 gp worth)

300 xp each! (100 from collecting, 200 from crafting)

2011-11-12, 05:48 PM
Cog again begins the day with an attempt to survey the surroundings. He climbs a nearby tree. Afterwards, he spends the day finishing his pick.

DC 15 climb:[roll0]
DC 15 climb:[roll1]

Craft:[roll2]*1.5 = 19

2011-11-16, 06:06 AM
Priest Habab feels he's adjusting to live in the wild and hopes he can put his newfound experiences to good use.

He spends another day picking herbs and creating water.

Herbs: [roll0]
Water: 7x create water = 28 gallons of water

It also says I'm a crystal gather, but I was wondering, what exactly is crystal?

2011-11-16, 11:17 AM
Truffaldino will spend the day gathering fibrous plants you can make rope out of. [roll0]

2011-11-24, 01:17 AM
bob starts looking for some other source of magical regents.

2011-12-28, 02:03 AM
wander wander wander...

2012-02-25, 10:09 PM

Shabert spends a second day to make his dreams of having a shelter for everyone come true, hopeful that this time he will be better able to remember and figure out how to make that structure's architecture he had known to do at his monastery.

Tent (tipi)
Craft: [roll0]