View Full Version : Deathless Template and "Living"?

2011-10-16, 02:57 AM
Hey everyone,

Me and my GM had a discussion last night. My character uses the Deathless template from Exalted deeds. He's an archer cleric who utilizes the wizard's polymorph to turn me into a treant.

My GM then raised the point that polymorph requires a living target to work. Therefor we had a small discussion about whether or not I'm a living target or not. I'm immune to all death effects, yet I'm not an undead either as Command Undead and such spells does not effect me. I also do not recieve extra damage from spells like Sunburst.

I see arguments from both sides. Does anyone of you know, if Deathless characters are considered "Living" targets?


Morph Bark
2011-10-16, 04:46 AM
You don't have a Constitution score. Ergo, you are not living.

Constructs aren't living either but they aren't dead or undead, yanno?

2011-10-16, 06:10 AM
My take is simple, if you were on the astral plane you could polymorph your character, however, because of how the template operates, you're insubstantial and on the material plane in your manifestation and thus you can't be polymorphed.