View Full Version : WolfFang Strike(better than I thought?)

2011-10-16, 12:52 PM
So I've always dismissed Wolf Fang Strike as a maneuver that let's TWFer's attack with both weapons without using a full-attack. I was recently reading through it and now it looks like that's only one of it's functions and the other is effectively giving you TWF for one turn as it gives the same penalty to hit as TWF and makes no mention of this being in addition to normal TWF penalties or the action being generaly treated as a TWF attack. This also makes me wonder if the "off hand attack" (note:the words off hand attack do not appear in the maneuver) might get the attacker's full strengh bonus to damage instead of half.

So I'm just curious if other people interpreted it this way or might agree after giving it another read.

If so it seems like it could be very useful against low AC high hp enemies or as a flailing last effort at low hp.

2011-10-16, 01:25 PM
There is no need for interpretation. The rules are clear on this one.

Two weapon fighting is an attack option. Only when you use this attack option all its effect takes place. This includes the main hand / off hand distinction, the attack penalty, the 0.5 str bonus on damage on your off hand attacks, etc.

If you dont use the Two Weapon Fighting attack option, nothing of the above applies. If you have a BaB of +6 or more you can attack just fine with two different weapons, without any additional penalty and with normal str bonus on damage to all attacks.

The same is true for using Wolf Fang Strike.

But the main draw of Walf Fang Strike is the fact that it cost you a standart action instead of a full round action. This difference VERY important.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-16, 01:31 PM
It gives you two attacks, at a -2 penalty, with two different weapons, as a standard action. The rules are clear. There is no other use.

2011-10-16, 02:10 PM
But the main draw of Walf Fang Strike is the fact that it cost you a standart action instead of a full round action. This difference VERY important.

There's another quirk to it: the Wolf Fang Strike penalties don't care about the size or handedness of your weapons, so you could use it to TWF with two non-light weapons and still get only a -2/-2 penalty.

2011-10-17, 12:23 AM
Sorry y'all. I was thinking of something far cooler. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqBCZ85PrC8)