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2011-10-17, 04:41 PM
Adventure I: Into The Shadowhaunt

Two days ago in the small town of Riverdown, two young boys disappeared from their beds in the dead of night. The father of the two boys, Quinn Stasi, reported their disappearance immediately but the local constable was already swamped with other duties. Since there was no proof of foul play, the constable was not willing to sacrifice manpower on a wild goose chase for two boys who probably ran away from home as a prank.

Still, Quinn did not give up despite this problem. As a skilled silversmith he turned to the church of Pelor for help offering to do commissions for them in exchange. Through the divination of their clergy, including Sunedrea, they were able to determine some information...

Several clerics of Pelor stood in white robes around a magic circle in the center of the temple. This was a small temple with few rooms and none big enough to house a reasonable sized magic circle. As such the casting of the ritual was hardly private. A few townspeople had gathered a distance away to gaze at the chanting in morbid curiosity while the rest barely paid it any mind and simply prayed at one of the smaller shrines along the walls. Still all of them gave the clergy a wide birth. Whether it was out of respect for the casters or because they were a little unnerved by Sunedrea's guardian remained to be seen. The only local who stood within reach was the man paying for the ritual, Quinn.

Soon the ritual reached its zenith and a spectral hand floated within the empty space. One of the clerics prompted Quinn to begin with a gesture. In moments, the man asked the spectral hand several very specific questions, each one designed to eliminate a dozen more that could have been asked. Everyone in the room knew that the Hand of Fate Ritual could easily be confused or inaccurate if the wrong questions were asked. With positive and negative gestures from the spectral hand, it became clear that Quinn's boys were still alive but not anywhere inside the town anymore. With his time running short, the desperate father pulled out a map of the Nether Vale region and asked the hand to point to the location of his children on the map. Just before the ritual ended, the hand pointed to a spot several miles northwest of town.

The man stared at the map and noticed that the spot was unmarked, "No...please! Cast the spell again! I need more information than just some spot in the middle of nowhere! My children are at stake here!" Before Quinn could continue on his fear-induced rant, Sunedrea stepped forward from her fellow clergy. She stared at the point on the map and after a moment spoke her mind, "I...don't think that is necessary. That spot...I think I know where it is." A swell of hope rose in Quinn's heart as he focused his eyes directly on the tiefling woman, "Please, tell me!"

Sunedrea took a breath and began, "That spot looks to be about where the Shadowhaunt Mausoleum stands. I remember reading about it during my time at a temple along the Dawn's Way. It is said that the mausoleum is the last resting place for a line of local warlords known as the Kaius Dynasty. They brought peace to this region for several decades before the only son of their latest heir died. His father was soon driven to depression before taking his own life. Its the only structure in that area so reason states it should be the best place to start the search." The silversmith blinked a bit in surprise, "Why is it that I haven't heard of this place till now?" Sunedrea shook her head a little, "A lot of people have forgotten about it. If there wasn't a map in the books I studied, I doubt I would've remembered it either."

The concerned father gave a small nod as he turned to leave. However, Sunedrea gently grasped his shoulder before he could do so, "You shouldn't go. I know that you are concerned about your children but you don't know the way. You would get lost or killed wandering the wilds by yourself. I studied the map well enough that I can find my way so I ask that you trust me and my ally with this task." The young tiefling hazard a smile at the man and although he looked like he wanted to reject the help, the father relented, "I...but...very well. In addition to my donations for the ritual...I will personally pay you 50 gold to investigate the mausoleum and another 50 for bringing each of my two boys back alive." Sunedrea nodded slowly when he talked about payment, "I do not personally need the gold but I would prefer if Kel'valis remained well equipped to handle whatever trouble may come our way. Please give your payment to him once we have returned...hopefully with your boys alive and well."

She turned to the drow nearby and spoke plainly, "Do you need anything before we head out? It will take a good portion of the day just to travel to our destination."

2011-10-18, 04:13 AM
Kel'valis nods.

Yes mistress. Your servant needs a description of the...

target. sometimes he forgets not to talk like a killer. But to calm down the smith Kel'valis changes the word he was about to say.

...boys, and to know where they have been last seen. There might be more behind this, and i want to search for their traces. Also i will need something to make them trust your servant, as dark men with a hood and a tiefling mistress might frighten them. I might bring them fear.

He was standing here for the whole ritual, and he knows how much common people tend to fear a drow. Especially a drow who is carefully examining them with every of his looks.

Kel'valis is not large or looking especially strong. But his eyes are intimidating, eyes that can seem hot and cold within a blink. And there are shadows on his dark face and under his hood however he turns his head. Shadows that are not produced by light. Or is this just his skin?

He looks more like someone to hunt them then someone to save them.

But obviously he obeys his mistress.

2011-10-19, 08:33 PM
At the mention of a description and a way to ease the boys tension, Quinn steps forward towards the pair, "I...believe I can help with that. Its in my best interest to help anyway I can. First, my two boys are named Darras and Bryon. Ten and seven summers respectively. I always say they got their brown hair from me and their blue eyes from their mother, gods rest her soul." He continued with his basic description of the two boys point out things that would be useful for identifying them such as the dove-shaped birthmark just behind Darras right ear or the specific knowledge only a father would know, like Bryon's love for the color green. After going on long enough for you to get a solid idea, he reached into a pack on his back. Quinn had used the pack to carry some of his donations to church of Pelor for the ritual but that wasn't the only thing in his possession. The middle aged man pulled out a folded up, dark green handwoven blanket. Although it was a little faded from age, it was still fairly firm. The man commented briefly, "This blanket was Bryon's, he always carried it around with him. Darras often teased him about giving it up one day. Sara, my wife, made this. If he sees this, he'll know you were sent by me and hopefully Darras will trust you enough too. I...wish you both luck." Although he was loathe to part with the blanket for sentimental reasons, he knew it would go a long way towards bringing his children back.

Sunedrea for her part nodded a thanks for Quinn's support and focused more on the task at hand. She was a bit more insightful than most and pondered over anything that could possibly help with the search, "The main problem is that the boys disappeared late at night. Most of the shops are closed and a good portion of the townfolk asleep. Only those who have reason to be out at night would even have a chance at spotting something. The tavern crowd are the main option that comes to mind outside the town guards but most are honestly so drunk by then that I think Avandra herself is the only reason they manage to remember the way to their homes. Still, there might be someone who saw something." She certainly wasn't against more investigation around town.

((Digging deeper for a witness will require a streetwise check. Sunedrea rolled already and failed it so its up to the drow to pick up the slack if he can. :smallwink:))

2011-10-20, 02:26 AM
Kel'valis tries to investigate more and searches for the drunken lot that has been in the tavern the night when the boys disappeared.

He also searches for tracks of them near the town that might lead in the direction his mistress has mentioned.

Streetwise: [roll0]
Perception, find tracks [roll1]

2011-10-20, 04:13 AM
Over the course of the next hour, Sunedrea accompanies you as you seek out those who tended to stay up late drinking. Thankfully, most of them had recovered enough from their hangovers that they were capable of speaking without clutching their heads. The majority of them said some variation of the same thing, "Sorry, haven't seen anything." or "I was so drunk I could've met the Lord of Fallscrest and not remember it." The search almost seemed pointless. However, on an off-chance for info, you spoke with one of the serving girls who worked at the tavern. She didn't see the boys either that night but she did remember seeing Kepler, a local beggar with a reputation for lying to earn pity gold, skulking around that night.

Although the tiefling hadn't thought about him at all at first, she had to admit he would fall under the umbrella of those active at night, "Assuming we can get a straight answer from him, he would be the most likely to have seen something. If he wasn't begging or lying outright, he was always digging around in everyone's trash searching for things to pawn off. I remember he once tried to sell me a replacement horn figuring a stag horn with a 'light solvent for sensitive skin' would do the trick...still not sure where he found that." Clearly the beggar wasn't Sunedrea's favorite person to deal with but she couldn't deny that he was the best lead they had.

Although Kelper didn't have a home, the ragged human tended to live in a set of bushes near the edge of town. As soon as you approach, he starts up with his usual cheerful opening, "Welcome friends! Spare a little coin for the needy, especially on this sad day. Tis the anniversary of my poor mum's death. Died of a fierce plague, tragic that." Sunedrea leveled her eyes at the dark haired, shaggy man and deadpaned, "...the constable proved that your mother was alive and well in Fallscrest three months ago. She kicked you out for your lifestyle." Kelper nervously laughed a bit as he was caught in his lie, "Ah, ha...told ya that one, did I?"

((Streetwise check was a pass and you are rather positive Kelper saw something. The Perception check though low can still pass if you manage to get beggar to talk))

2011-10-20, 06:28 AM
A man should not talk bad about his mother, or talking about things that might happen to her. Not even if said man is lying. I know a place down in the earth, so warm and dark that cold hearts and eyes that see only the blackest things are needed to survive. There in the dark dwell horrors you can not imagine. But I can show them to you, if you like. I can show you all of them, slowly and without letting you fade away to fast...

Kel'valis lowers his hood and watches the beggar.

But maybe I will not have time for this. I am searching two boys that disappeared. Maybe I should ask you about them instead.

Intimidate [roll0]

If the beggar is intimidated Kel'valis asks him about the lost boys

2011-10-20, 07:14 AM
Kepler the beggar swallows hard as he feels the affect of the drow's gaze. A stronger man, in a better position might have stood up to Kel'valis...but the ragged beggar wasn't even close to that. He opened his mouth to speak and it looked like he was actually taking the time to choose his words instead of just blurting out some lie, "...I-I did hear something about that...two nights ago I was just leavin the back side of the tavern...thought they might've tossed out a half-full bottle...no luck there...and doing more...collecting...but I passed by the smith place...the one's whose kids went gone. Saw three blokes leaving town to the northwest, I did. Hid in a garbage pile since I thought it was the guard come to chase me off again."

He shuffled a little in place as he struggled to remember exactly what he saw, "First two were real big...bigger than you. Lots of muscles. Might not even have been human. They were carrying a sack each. Something was movin around in those bags, I could see it...least it was till they gave the bags a punch or two to quiet them down.

They were being led by someone else. Slender like you but by Pelor's light that guy had eyes as scary as yours...no offense intended! It was dark out and I couldn't be sure but I think he was one of you fey folk. They marched out of here and I haven't seen 'em since, I swear on my cowardly hide!"

Sunedrea wasn't completely happy with the threat but it was subtle enough that she let it slide without issue. In any event, it suggested foul play was involved instead of merely a pair of lost boys. The tiefling priestess decided to add in her own question, "If you saw all this why didn't you report it? Those boys could be in real danger!" At this the beggar replied back gainning a little bit of the nerve he lost in the interrogation, "I did report it! Well...I did try to report it! Lousy stinking guards, just because I thought it was funny to send them on a wild goose chase once, they haven't let it go since. I can't get a word in edge wise before the constable is kickin me out on my rear!"

The tiefling woman briefly massaged her brow as she tried to get rid of the headache forming, "...Because you always tell lies, the one time you are speaking the truth, you are ignored. Considering the source, it'd take far too long to try to convince the guards of the truth. We need to get on this trail now." Even if the source of the information could easily be questioned, you know from your previous glances around the area that while you couldn't find any trace of the boys tracks, you do recall barely seeing a set of odd prints that would match Kepler's testimony. All roads were indeed heading Northwest in the direction of the Shadowhaunt Mausoleum.

2011-10-21, 01:57 AM
And so Kel'valis and his mistress travel toward the mausoleum, following the tracks and staying hidden as much as possible. Most of the time the slim drow scouts ahead and leaves Sunedrea behind to not endanger her, or risk being spotted.

[roll0] stealth
[roll1] perception

2011-10-21, 04:08 AM
Thanks to your careful scouting the journey is uneventful. Your travels takes you a few miles northwest of Riverdown along the King's Road before suddenly turning off when the road continues west. The tiefling priestess remained fairly quiet for the majority of the trip. However, once she seemed certain there was no one else around besides the two of you, she spoke once more, "Kel'valis, there was one more thing about the Shadowhaunt I didn't mention in front of Quinn. He is already worried enough about his children...adding to that worry wouldn't do him any justice. There are rumors about this place. It could be simple superstition but...I will mention it anyway. The rumor goes that the last son of the Kaius Dynasty, so distraught over the end of his line, vowed to protect the final resting place and haunts it to this day. Hopefully, this is merely a tale and nothing comes of it." With the last bit of information out of the way, she let her drow ally continue his work. The tracks combined with Sunedrea's directions eventually lead you to the Shadowhaunt Mausoleum.

The hilly landscape and occasional scattering of trees made it obvious how someone could walk by this area several times and not notice the one story granite building sitting atop an overgrown hill. Shaded by the towering Barrier Peaks, the mausoleum looks down on a steep valley cut in two by a fast moving river, swollen by the spring thaw. A series of lonely gravestones dot the landscape between the river and the structure itself. A massive iron door marks the entrance into the masoleum.

The tracks you picked up in Riverdown have only grown easier to follow, especially away from the main road. You can even infer quite a bit more about your intended quarry. Judging by the size, the two 'big folk' are likely humanoid, perhaps orc or hobgoblin, and would certainly be as muscular as described. The last set was much lighter. There was no question it belonged to an elf. Whether it was eladrin, natural elf, or even a drow though was still up for speculation. Still, you imagine if the later were true, you'd be having a much harder time with the tracks and would have run into some trap by now. It seems the fey hasn't traveled nearly as much as the two lackeys. Still, all three tracks lead all the way to doors and assuredly head inside.

2011-10-24, 01:22 AM
Kel'valis carefully examines the mausoleum and searches for a second entrance before he returns to Sunedrea.

I will sneak ahead my mistress, and find those human childlings. If you trust your servant you should not come near any fighting until i call you. This is not appropriate for my mistress.

Bluff: , Kel'valis is lying: drow mistresses do fight. He is just trying to protect Sunedrea. Maybe there is more good in him than he wants to show.

Perception: [roll]1d20+5 search outside the mausoleum

Stealth: 1d20+12 and in it goes. ^^

Edit: fixed typo

2011-10-24, 01:31 AM
Perception: [roll0] search outside the mausoleum

Stealth: [roll1] and in it goes. ^^

Don't know what's wrong with my rolls

2011-10-24, 04:12 AM
It is very difficult to spot much of anything amist the overgrown high grass surrounding the central structure. However, you are at least fairly certain there are no other exits along the stone walls. Sunedrea archs a curious brow at the comment but nods in agreement, "I'll wait for your word then." With that, she remains vigilant outside the building while you quietly enter.

Beyond the doors is a simple, grey, rectangular room, illuminated by sconces filled with everburning flame. Trios of stone sarcophagi line the walls to the the left and to the right, each adorned with the effigy of some long dead warlord. In a niche above each sarcophagi is a small statue of either Pelor or Bahamut. At the room's center stands a ten foot tall marble obelisk baring inscriptions on each side.

Although you see absolutely no sign of your quarry and are alone for the moment, the dusty floor shows that the tracks lead directly to the obelisk. The heavy footfalls of the larger thugs and lighter one of the elf circle around to the back of the obelisk before vanishing without any further trace.

Area Map:

2011-10-27, 04:43 PM
You barely have a few moments to observe your surroundings when an ethereal figure phases out of the obelisk in the center of the chamber. The ragged looking ghost wears a battle-worn and dented suit of chainmail with a greyish-white, hooded robe over-top it. Beneath the hood, you can make out a palish skin tone and a set of glowing white eyes stare directly back at you. Apparently, the rumors that your mistress heard were indeed the truth.

Despite its ghostly visage, the specter in front of you does not make any hostile actions. It floats from one corner of the room to the next, never taking its eyes off you. One would think the ghost was trying to read your very soul from the way it was staring. After a moment of pure observation, the spirit speaks in a deep and raspy tone, "Interloper...beware. If you trespass, you shall not realize the wisdom of my words...From entry sinister, the way becomes clear when sun follows sire!" Although it is hard for you to be certain, you almost suspect the ghost just gave you a riddle. Regardless, the specter settles into one corner of the room and remains there, ever watchful of your move.

Area Map

2011-11-04, 09:09 AM
Kel'valis thinks about the riddle.

The way becomes clear points out a secret door or something like this. Sun might mean Pelor and hint to the statuettes. So that every Pelor statuette is followed by...sire? He does not know who the sire might be, but there are only the bahamut statuettes other than pelors. And the phrase "from entry" might mean that you should start at the begin of the room.

But other than this conclusion he does not find out what the words of the ghost means.

Kel'valis checks the niches and figures out how the statuettes are placed at the moment and if it works to place alternating one of each after another beginning at the statuette left of the entry with a statuette of pelor and following the wall in a circle.

If this does not work, and nothing explodes he would try it the other way arround starting at the niche on the right side.

Dodge, dodge, dodge the inevitable explosion...

2011-11-17, 09:29 AM
The spirit watched silently as you arranged the statues. The first attempt seemed to do nothing but when you re-arranged the statues of Pelor and Bahamut the other way around, you heard a barely audible clicking sound. The back side of the central obelisk emits a grinding sound as it opens inward revealing a set of stone steps descending down into a secret chamber underneath the tomb. While its obvious that anyone near the door on either side heard it open, you surmise that it was impossible to open the passageway quietly. Still, if you were careful, you might still catch a listener unawares. Knowing danger is near and reacting to danger were two different things.

As for the spirit, it sinks down through the floor and vanishes from your sight. Although you can't be certain, its outward glare towards you seemed to lessen a bit.

Past the stairs, the walls in this large stone chamber are adorned with carvings of what must be members of the Kaius family worshiping Pelor and Bahamut. Along the walls are chunks of rubble that look like they once formed more sarcophagi. Bones litter the stone floor. Two more intact sarcophagi have been moved to form a barricade in front of the two corridors that lead out of the room. A sputtering lantern sits atop each of these barricades casting an eerie orange light over the crypt. The rancid lantern oil smells strongly of dead fish.

Despite the loud sliding door, you still have a chance to sneak in if you so desire. You can roll a stealth check if you want to but I'll definitely ask for a perception and an initiative roll now.

Also please choose a starting square, A5 or A6.


2011-11-18, 02:07 AM
Kel'valis sneaks into the chamber, silently and with his weapon drawn. He listens to the sounds in the chamber and beyond the sarcophagi, staying at the right side of the entry to gain cover from any oponent within the right corridor from his view.

Starting at A5

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

2011-11-18, 03:46 PM
Peering into the dimly-lit chamber, the drow spotted two of his quarry almost immediately. The two hobgoblins were crouched down behind the two sarcophagi at the end of the room. From the looks of things they were pulling out longbows in preparation for your arrival. While the second one was still busy with his weapon, the first raised his head high enough to spot you. Considering that your eyes locked on each other, any element of surprise for either party was completely lost. He immediately began shouting in goblin towards his partner. Although you couldn't make out what he was saying, its fairly obvious that it was a warning about your entrance.

Before the rush of battle began, you also took note of one large oddity. The smell of lantern oil was rather strong...far too strong for the two lanterns in front of the hobgoblins. Furthermore, there is no visible source of oil anywhere on the floor...merely scattered bones that were likely stored in the sarcophagi before the hobgoblins and their leader moved in.

The first hobgoblin readied his longbow and attempted to pierce you with his arrow. Seeing that you are alone, the second hobgoblin grew arrogant and attempted to shoot you as well even with the walls of the crypt providing cover. Both of the hobgoblins prove themselves to be poor shots but that doesn't stop them from reaching for more arrows. Neither foe seemed eager to leave their hiding spots and were content to just launch arrows.

Battle Status

Area Map

Initiative List
Hobgoblin 1: 15
Hobgoblin 2: 10
Kel'valis: 7

Enemy Actions
Hobgoblin 1
Minor Action: Draw Longbow
Standard Action: Basic Ranged Attack on Kel'valis
Attack Roll vs AC: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Hobgoblin 2
Minor Action: Draw Longbow
Standard Action: Basic Ranged Attack on Kel'valis
Condition: -5 penalty for superior cover
Attack Roll vs AC: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2011-11-19, 11:27 AM
Kel'valis moves forward, using the right wall as cover from the right hobgolin. He attacks the hobgoblin in the southern corridor with a spell of dark magic.

Where does this strange smell comes from? The bones on the floor suggests that something different is now in the graves of those people. Is this where the smell comes from?

Kel'valis strength is to watch and wait for his chance. With a word of power he inflames his shadow, wrapping it around his body to protect himself from the attacks.

Move Action to g3 at the wall
Standard action executioner's noose on the hobgoblin in the southern corridor [roll0] vs fort
minor action black flame form and shroud on the attacked hobgoblin
Forgot the damage roll. Do I need it?

2011-11-19, 01:55 PM
The first hobgoblin barely fails to block your assault and is rather quickly pulled by an unseen force towards the top of the sarcophagus. The copper skinned humanoid flailed about wildly as he struck the wall next to him and fell backwards on the ground. Apparently, he would rather collapse on the ground than stand on the sarcophagus. With all the information you've acquired, his reaction makes it plain as day that the objects have been booby trapped in some manner. Furthermore, the strong smell could be explained if there was a good amount of oil in them. The lanterns on top of the resting tombs were likely the last key to the trap.

The first hobgoblin staggered to his feet and attempted to fire another volley at you. As he finished unloading his latest round, he called out in common, "What's the matter, twig drow? Afraid to come here and face my sword?" He pointed at the longsword hanging from his waist but made no move to draw it. He was making a rather poor attempt to goad you into stepping forward. Meanwhile, his buddy attempted to shoot at you from around the corner.

Battle Notes
As I said, you hit but he's got enough hp that I'm confident you can't one shot him. Feel free to roll damage in the OOC thread or here if you want. Also go ahead and include damage rolls in your future posts. Finally, G3 is a wall so you can't actually move there, so I'm placing you at G4.

Furthermore, since the hobgoblin was being pulled into a hazard, he got a save throw. Combined with 25 on perception, I figure Kel'valis is bright enough to know that oil + lit lamp = inferno. A simple trap but it can be dangerous. Standing (or being pulled) onto it seems to be a bad idea.


Enemy Actions
Hobgoblin 1
Move Action: Stand Up
Standard Action: Basic Ranged Attack on Kel'valis
Attack Roll vs AC: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]. Reduced by 5 to 1 damage
Free Action: Taunt the Drow...which will likely bite him the rear. :smallamused:

Hobgoblin 2
Standard Action: Basic Ranged Attack on Kel'valis
Conditions: -2 on the attack roll for partial cover
Attack Roll vs AC: [roll2]
Damage Roll: [roll3] Critical Hit:12 damage. Reduced by 5 to 7 damage

2011-11-20, 07:25 PM
Kel'valis creates a cloud of darkness arround the drow in the right corridor and tries to overcome the sarcophag with an acrobatic roll over it. This fight is dangerous, one of the hobgoblins has hit him hard, and he hadn't have time to sneak them. If this attack would not be successfull he might have to call sunedrea to help him.

With fast strikes he attacks the hobgoblin

Minor Action: Cloud of darkness on J3
Move action: Acrobatics to climb/roll over the sarcophag: 1d20+10 and move to I3
Free action: Assassin's shroud
Standard attack: Storm of shadows [roll0] vs AC [roll1]
Invoke shroud [roll2] extra damage
Action point: Storm of shadows [roll3] vs AC [roll4]

2011-11-21, 01:38 PM
Everything went dark for the second hobgoblin as he struggled to search for his foe. He could hear his buddy shout a warning in goblin but it was too little, too late. The humanoid brute let out a cry in pain as blood ran freely from his wounds. He barely had time to dodge the second assault before it could have ended him completely. Half driven by rage, the fang-toothed grunt took a risky gamble. He attempted to leap back over the sarcophagus exposing himself for to another attack. He was trusting that his own body could withstand another blow. If he could manage that, he could deal with the intruder easily...or so he thought...

Meanwhile, the first hobgoblin snarled a bit in anger, "Quit hiding and let us kill you!" He fired another round into the darkness, trying to guess where the drow was hiding. However, the futility of that effort was known to all.

Battle Notes
Cloud of Darkness is a close burst 1 ability. It centers around your current location. However, since hobgoblin 2 is wielding a bow, he can't oa without drawing one right back. He's stupid but not that stupid. So just a minor change since you needed that bonus to hit, you moved first then used your power. Everything else resolves as is.

Enemy Actions

Hobgoblin 1
Standard Action: Ranged Basic Attack on square I3 since that was the last place he saw the drow.
Conditions: -5 penalty for total concealment, -5 penalty for superior cover from the wall.
Attack Roll VS AC [roll0]
Unlikely Damage Roll: [roll1]

Hobgoblin 2
Move Action: Attempts to climb over the sarcophagus and reach the other side safely. He provokes an opportunity attack from Kel'valis that may interrupt the rest of his actions.

Athletic Check for the jump: [roll2]

If he fails the jump
Hobgoblin 2 falls into the trap and triggers it all by his dumb self.
Trap attack roll on the hobgoblin reflex: [roll3]
Trap damage: [roll4] fire damage

The jump was successful

If he makes the jump and lives through the oa
Standard Action: Attempts to push the sarcophagus over towards Kel'valis and activate the oil and fire trap.
Strength Check to succeed: [roll5] The Tip was Successful
If successful, an area of fire erupts on squares I2, J2, I3, J3.
Trap Attack roll vs Reflex: [roll6]
Trap Damage: [roll7] fire damage.

The fire persists till the end of the encounter and any creature that starts their turn in the fire is subject to another trap attack roll and damage.

2011-11-21, 05:42 PM
Kel'valis tried to attack the jumping hobgoblin before those can reach the other side, but the warrior reacted to fast for him and the drow misses.

As the fire burns him he magically calls for sunedrea: Mistress, the foes have trapped me. I need your help, or they will likely overwhelm your servant.

Opportunity Attack [roll0] vs AC [roll1] damage

2011-11-21, 06:07 PM
The hobgoblin escapes Kel'valis' assault and manages to push the sarcophagus sideways. A small pool of lantern oil rushes out of the resting spot and the lantern that was on top of it crashes to the floor. The sparks of flames ignite the area even though the light does not pierce the veil of shadows. As Kel'valis mentally calls for aid, the hobgoblin laughs almost maniacally. He wasn't completely sure about at the time but his gambit worked perfectly. He called out into the magical darkness, "I only wish I could see your face right now drow! Guess me and my friend will have to be satisfied with hearing you burn to death instead!" The grunt continues to laugh but it is easily ignored as you hear Sunedrea respond back, I am on my way now. Hold on till then

It is now officially Kel'valis' turn. Sunedrea will arrive at the start of the round once Kel'valis has taken his turn.

Sundrea's Initiative: [roll0]


2011-11-22, 02:34 AM
Kel'valis is bloodied by the hard attacks of the hobgoblins and the fire, and searches for a way to get rid of them. This trap was dangerous. Maybe the second could be dangerous for the 2 hobgoblins, too. He checks his chances to inflame the sarcophag and let it explode with a bottle of alchemist's fire in his backpack.

If there is a chance to do this he would try it, throw his bottle and go out of it's way - pressing his body against the wall to protect himself from the explosion.

I am in the corridor at the right side mistress.

Minor Action: Take out the bottle of alchimist's fire
Standard action: Throw it to field k6 against the sarcophag
[roll0] vs Reflex of H1
[roll1] vs Reflex of H2
[roll2] fire damage against both (forgot to add Kel's charisma...so additional 3 damage), H2 gains additional [roll3] necrotic damage, from Kel'valis Assassin's Shroud
Move Action: To Field L3

If not, he would instead attack the mind of the bloodied hobgoblin with a spell - trying to pull him into the fire.

Executioner's noose
[roll4] vs Fortitude, [roll5] and pull him 2 fields over the sarcophag
H2 gains additional [roll6] necrotic damage, from Kel'valis Assassin's Shroud
Move Action: To Field L3

2011-11-22, 02:53 AM
After he reaches the wall Kel'valis tries to be silent, hoping the explosion would grant him the ability to stay in the shadows for a moment, and maybe the opportunity to attack angry hobgoblins that might run this way.

Sneak to field L3: [roll0]
The dice hate me. ^^

2011-11-22, 06:33 AM
Both hobgoblins see a small innocent looking vial emerge from the magical darkness. They eye it curiously as it flies above them and barely manages to find a weak spot in the oil-filled sarcophagus. Two fiery explosions erupt in the area. The first one caused by the alchemist fire itself while the second was triggered by the very trap the hobgoblins tried to use against the drow.

The second hobgoblin barely manged to dodge the flames from the first attack but both beasts were howling in pain as the fire-lit oil splashed upon their skin.

Hobgoblin 1 is hit but 2 dodges the Alchemist fire attack

Trap roll against Hobgoblin 1 Reflex [roll0]
Trap roll against Hobgoblin 2 Reflex [roll1]
Damage roll: [roll2]

2011-11-22, 07:15 AM
Sunedrea arrives to the sight of an inferno occurring in front of her. The young tiefling woman had a perfect view of a bloodied, burned hobgoblin limping out of the fire. He shouted to his buddy on the other side, "KILL THAT DROW! I'll CHOP UP THE ONE HORNED SHE-GOAT!" Sunedrea snapped back in annoyance, "Just because I have horns doesn't make me a goat-AH!" Perhaps if she hadn't been talking back, she might have dodged his sword swing as it clipped her on her side. Despite the blow, the tiefling wasn't wounded too badly yet.

The other hobgoblin followed dropped his bow as well and pulled out his sword. He began charging around the hall towards the drow while shouting angrily, "When I get through gutting you, I'll buy a new bow from the gold I'll make from your stuff-" He was angry and careless. By the time he finally got a good look at the drow, he had already opened himself up to an attack. He swung his sword forcefully but was unable to hit his crafty target.

Sunedrea began chanting an incantation and her body slowly glowed with holy light. A burst of magical energy poured out of the tiefling blinding the hobgoblin in front of her before searing his already charred body. With no energy left to spare, the beast collapsed on the floor. Seeing that her spell worked, she ran forward to the corner Kel'valis told her and stopped just short of the fires. Her guard was close enough that she could heal him. She calls out, "The other hobgoblin has been defeated. Don't worry about me."

Hobgoblin 1
(You beat his passive and he's not bothering to make a perception check since he knows you'll be stuck between a fire and him. You are hidden until he turns the corner)
Free Action: Drop Longbow
Minor Action: Draw Longsword
Move Action: Hobgoblin 1 moves M3. He provokes an opportunity attack
Standard Action: Melee Basic Attack against Kel'valis
Attack Roll VS AC [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Hobgoblin 2
Free Action: Drop Longbow
Minor Action: Draw Longsword
Move Action: Hobgoblin 2 moves E5
Standard Action: Charge Attack against Sunedrea ending at B5
Attack Roll VS AC [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Standard Action: Divine Glow against Hobgoblin 2
Attack Roll vs Reflex: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Hobby 2 is dead. Sunedrea gains a +2 power bonus to her attack rolls till the end of her next turn.
Move Action: Run to H4
Minor Action: Prayer of Hope. Kel'valis can spend a healing surge.

Battle Map

2011-11-22, 06:27 PM
Kel'valis uses his opportunity and attacks the hobgoblin as the warrior comes arround the corner, dodging the attack of his foe. He looks at the fire and the shadows that where thrown at the wall by the hobgoblin, and than one of this shadows wraps arround him. The longsword slashs after the Hobgoblin, but when the shadows make way for the light of the fire Kel'valis is gone.

Invisible he sneaks arround the hobgoblin and position himself for the final blow.

Attack of Opportunity:
1d20+4 vs AC (wrong dice tag - the result was 21), [roll0] damage

Gloom Thief: 1d20+8 (wrong dice tag, the result was 20) vs AC, [roll1] damage, [roll2] extra damage and Kel'valis is invisible while within 3 sq of the hobgoblin.

2011-11-22, 06:31 PM
Rolls from last post:

Attack of Opportunity: [roll0] vs AC
Gloom Thief: [roll1] vs AC

2011-11-22, 08:02 PM
A gargled yell is the only response the hobgoblin is able to give as the drow's ruthless assault ends his life. Slowly but surely the fires from the oil-traps die out having burned the bulk of their fuel. The first sarcophagus was still whole despite being tipped over. The base of the second one was barely whole. The top had been blown clean off and the sides were badly chipped and burnt. There was still one last oil-filled sarcophagus in the corridor but considering that the ones who would have used it were dead, it is hardly a threat now. With no further need to stay back, Sunedrea crossed over the dying cinders and rejoined Kel'valis, "I'm glad that you are alright. I imagine those two were the muscular thugs Kepler saw. Which means their master is likely further down this...tunn-" Her voice suddenly trailed off as she noticed an eerie glow from a corner of the lower tomb.

The shadowy form Kel'valis encountered in the upper floor coalesces out of the darkness. Sunedrea blinks a bit in shock and comments aloud, "The rumors were true?! The last son of the Kaius Family really does haunt this tomb?!" Just like before, the ghostly spirit does not attack you and merely hovers a respectable distance away. It raises its ghastly hand and gestures to the scattered bones over the floor. It speaks in a cold, raspy voice, "Honor Them." The tielfing woman stared at the ghost and spent a good deal of time examining it, "Well...um...he isn't attacking us...so I...guess that is a good sign." She wasn't quite sure what it wanted and the sudden appearance was still a little unnerving.

2011-11-22, 08:11 PM
A gargled yell is the only response the hobgoblin is able to give as the drow's ruthless assault ends his life. Slowly but surely the fires from the oil-traps die out having burned the bulk of their fuel. The first sarcophagus was still whole despite being tipped over. The base of the second one was barely whole. The top had been blown clean off and the sides were badly chipped and burnt. There was still one last oil-filled sarcophagus in the corridor but considering that the ones who would have used it were dead, it is hardly a threat now. With no further need to stay back, Sunedrea crossed over the dying cinders and rejoined Kel'valis, "I'm glad that you are alright. I imagine those two were the muscular thugs Kepler saw. Which means their master is likely further down this...tunn-" Her voice suddenly trailed off as she noticed an eerie glow from a corner of the lower tomb.

The shadowy form Kel'valis encountered in the upper floor coalesces out of the darkness. Sunedrea blinks a bit in shock and comments aloud, "The rumors were true?! The last son of the Kaius Family really does haunt this tomb?!" Just like before, the ghostly spirit does not attack you and merely hovers a respectable distance away. It raises its ghastly hand and gestures to the scattered bones over the floor. It speaks in a cold, raspy voice, "Honor Them." The tielfing woman stared at the ghost and spent a good deal of time examining it, "Well...um...he isn't attacking us...so I...guess that is a good sign." She wasn't quite sure what it wanted and the sudden appearance was still a little unnerving.

2011-11-23, 07:08 AM
Kel'valis needs one moment to regain his breath again, before he thinks about the words of the ghosts. Clearly the bones should be brought back to their graves, but what rituals would humans do to honor them?

But he do not know any, so he simple brings the bones back to the graves and puts them back in place.

I don't think that this ghost is a danger right now, mistress. Maybe he wants those intruders out here the same way we do.

History: [roll0]

2011-11-23, 01:30 PM
Sunedrea nods a little as she listens to Kel'valis' explanation and decided to assist in the gathering of bones and say a quick prayer both to her own patron, Pelor, and Bahamut. The statuettes on the first floor weren't lost upon the tiefling priestess. With the task finished, the ghost began floating towards one of the walls in the lower crypt. The specter pressed its hand against a single brick that honestly looked no different than any other brick in the wall. Even Kel'valis' keen eyes would have missed the fact that the brick was actually a switch. A small cubby opened beneath the last stair of the lower crypt and a dusty vial rolled out of it. Sunedrea was first to pick it up and examine it, "...This...is a healing potion. Obviously it was made ages ago but this one was sealed well. It should be just as potent as one made a few minutes ago." It seemed the specter was pleased with your work. However, the ghost vanished from view once more before Sunedrea could speak the thanks on the edge of her tongue. She immediately handed the potion to Kel'valis, "This should help if I am ever too far away to heal you, Kel'valis."

With the graves put in reasonable condition, the only other treasure of note were the items on the hobgoblins themselves. While the longbows were charred beyond use, the rest of their equipment was salvageable. Sunedrea waited until both of them were ready to proceed before pointing down the corridor beyond the final sarcophagus, "The original hall seems to have ended here and there's a natural tunnel beyond it. I wonder if the crypt was simply built on top of this cave and the hobgoblins got lucky when they started digging...but...that seems a bit too coincidental...and it begs the question why would their master go to such lengths." Finished with her own musing, Sunedrea hung back and allowed Kel'valis to take the lead.

Area Map

2011-11-23, 07:55 PM
"I shouldn't have need to endanger you my mistress. My attack was insufficient planned. I apologize."

Kel'valis knees down and lowers his neck as a sign of his will to obey, and that she is his mistress who judges him.

"Maybe the one who holds the boys has also searched something in this crypt? There might have been other treasures."

2011-11-25, 07:59 AM
The slender drow awaits the response of his mistress only a short time, and after this focusses on his task. The boys have to be somewhere here. He sneaks arround the corner and listens if there are any sounds, may it be footsteps from more guards or the voices of the captured boys.

Stealth: [roll0]

2011-12-05, 12:42 PM
Sunedrea nodded a bit as she followed Kel'valis deeper into the cavern. Although she wasn't as skilled in the art of stealth as you were, she was hardly making enough noise to attract attention. A tracker with years of experience would be able to detect her but your average person probably wouldn't. Considering that you were practically a wisp in the area, even if such a tracker was in the area, you could likely spot him or her long before they came across your mistress.

The worked tunnel leading out of the lower tomb soon turns rough and tewisting, finally leading into a large natural cavern with an adjacent area of worked stone. Water drips like a light rain down the stalactites of this natural cavern. Glowing fungi illuminates the warm and humid chamber. The eerie light reflects off many small pools of water dotting the slick irregular floor.

Across from you, a large alcove is cut into the side of the cavern. Ancient, crumbling masonry adorns the alcove bearing vile pictographs and strange, spidery writing. A sinister iron-bound door stands at the back of the alcove. An immense devil's head is carved upon the door and its glow with a faint green light.

As you press onwards, Sunedrea pauses at one of the pillars with writing upon them. She studies it momentarily before suddenly recoiling back with a deep gasp. She opens her mouth and seems ready to speak her mind but she remembers that a loud noise might attract unwanted attention. The tielfing woman stands close to you and whispers quietly, "I...I know this writing...its...its from ancient Bael Turath!" Sunedrea has often been a wealth of historical knowledge for as long as you've known her. On occassion she has even had discussions with you about it. One such topic that came up was Bael Turath, a long fallen empire that was said to be the birthplace of thousands of tieflings. As the rumors went, the tieflings were human once. However, the nobility of Bael Turath weren't satisfied with wealth and sought power as well. They made deals with devils and created twisted rituals to feed dark energy into the material plane. Those who didn't agree with the rituals were often used as sacrifices to power them. The people that survived the cataclysm were transformed into the first tieflings and their physical traits have been passed down ever since. Sunedrea herself couldn't trace her own line back to Bael Turath but she often doubted that she was an exception to the rule.

Sunedrea was on high alert now, as she kept her ears open and focused her gaze on every single corner and shadow. The thought that this might have been what the hobgoblins' master sought didn't need to be spoken. She quickly turns her head towards the door when she hears noise over the sound of falling water. She stood a few feet from the door and closed her eyes briefly before whispering, "...I hear...crying from the other side...I think it might be the boys but...I can't tell if anyone is with them." Once it was pointed out, Kel'valis could also the hear the distinct sound of two boys sobbing quietly behind the door. There were no other noises coming from the door.

Upon closer examination, the fiendish face's eye sockets serve as windows into a space beyond. The source of their green glow must be on the other side of the door. Although it looked formidable, the door did not appear to be trapped, but there was a solid lock upon it. A choice needed to be made now, attempt to break into the door or continue down the cavern to the side tunnel.

Cavern Map

I didn't include any minis since there are no foes in the immediate area and there are only two paths to take anyway. Either you go towards the door or you head down the side tunnel.

2011-12-06, 02:53 AM
Kel'valis isn't really happy with another kick in the door style attack. But if the boys are hold in this prison this might be a fast way to free them. So he closely examines the door and checks it for traps and a closing mechanism.

Perception, find traps [roll0]
Thievery [roll1]