View Full Version : Fun but non-harmful item drawbacks-Pathfinder

2011-10-17, 10:13 PM
I'm doing a Pathfinder game, and I gave a +2 con belt with the drawback that it changes your gender to the party. It was a real hit because the guy is a bit loot-crazy and watching him deal with the fallout was fun and entertaining.

Since then I've made it so that 90% of the items the players get have a drawback or curse, and it's provided a lot of fun for the group. I want to do drawbacks that don't have consequences that are too negative so that the players won't use them, or make the item less useful, and coming up with original ones is a little difficult.

So far I've done a headband of Mental Prowess that gives the wearer Zoolander's disease (an inability to turn left), a headband of Mental Superiority that makes the wearer have perpetual beer goggles, a cloak of resistance that makes alcohol taste like spoiled milk, and a belt of physical might that removes all hair and makes the wearers skin baby smooth after a day of wearing it.

Anyone have any other ideas?

2011-10-18, 12:26 AM
It "changes the gender to the party."
What does that mean exactly? If, hypothetically, that PC and another male PC had *ahem* relations, would it seem straight to the party but gay to any NPC?
I got a cursed item that changed the colour of my skin, turned it purple. Later I got reincarnated as a troglodyte. I was a purple troglodyte until that character got kicked from the party.

2011-10-18, 09:23 AM
More clearly said: I gave a belt to the party that changes one's gender. But that is an awesome idea.

The purple Troglodyte thing is funny, but not really relevant to my needs in either case. The changing purple thing because its not sufficiently creative (right out of the book), and the Troglodyte thing because it is too harmful to the PC (Troglodytes being a monstrous race would generally be killed on site by city guards and whatnot).

2011-10-18, 09:31 AM
It "changes the gender to the party."
You parsed it incorrectly.

I gave a +2 con belt with the drawback that (it changes your gender to the party).


I gave (a +2 con belt with the drawback that it changes your gender) to the party.

2011-10-18, 02:08 PM
forgetting the grammar for a second:

Static buildup-every 1d4 hours the next person or thing the person touches gets a zap of electricity, it can deal 1 damage if they want it to or just be annoying but they cant control when it happens thats up to GM.

Invisibility!! sorta- some item that grants invisiblity, when the spell ends a random part of the body stays invisible for the duration of the spell. especially amusing if its the head that stays invisible.

theme music-the person gains theme music when they use a specific skill. can be a bit annoying if its stealth.

bits and pieces-after the item is used the person finds random small items on his person, sometimes even coughing them up. like a doornob, a few nails, a glass eye, a real eye!

2011-10-18, 02:37 PM
Magical armor that has a sense of dramatic timing. Thus whenever the party says certain words (Death, Kill, Murder) the armor emits eerie music.
A potion that when imbibed makes the drinker belch bubbles, in addition to the normal effects of the potion.
A keen sword that has a slipperly handle. On a roll of a natural 1, the wielder is forced to make a throwing check with the sword in a random direction. This modified attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity for using a ranged weapon in the melee.
A ring of invisibility that is also invisible. In addition, the wearer must make a Will save (DC 18) every morning in order to remember the rings presence.
An oil of (buff spell) has an overpowering scent of oranges, in addition to it's normal effects.
The greatsword of a mighty paladin grants a +1 to hit when in range of bright light, but a -1 to hit when in areas of shadowy illumination.

2011-10-18, 09:25 PM
forgetting the grammar for a second:

Static buildup-every 1d4 hours the next person or thing the person touches gets a zap of electricity, it can deal 1 damage if they want it to or just be annoying but they cant control when it happens thats up to GM.

Invisibility!! sorta- some item that grants invisiblity, when the spell ends a random part of the body stays invisible for the duration of the spell. especially amusing if its the head that stays invisible.

theme music-the person gains theme music when they use a specific skill. can be a bit annoying if its stealth.

bits and pieces-after the item is used the person finds random small items on his person, sometimes even coughing them up. like a doornob, a few nails, a glass eye, a real eye!

Awesome suggestions! I especially like the theme music. I like the idea of putting it on a +6 headband of intellect that grants ranks in Diplomacy (for the Gather information), stealth, and Escape artist and have the wearer have to hum the 60's batman theme whenever he uses those skills.

I also like the armor with the sense of dramatic timing, but I think I might put that on a horn of the huntmaster, lyre of building, or a harp of charming instead.

2011-10-18, 10:33 PM
What about a headband of (insert idea here) that makes the wearer's head appear to be aflame, but does no damage?

Seems like it could make for some interesting roleplaying situations...

2011-10-18, 11:47 PM
Do you have Tome of Magic? Pretty much every Vestige's Sign and Influence can be used to crib a laundry list of "this is annoying, but I could live with it for a cool buff"-style effects.

2011-10-19, 12:22 AM
Item makes everything the user eats taste like eggplant.

Item emits persistent buzzing noise which only the user can hear.

Otherwise immaculate robe has a large, visible stain on the front which never goes away.

Otherwise immaculate robe has a large, visible wet spot on the crotch which never goes away.

Necromancy-related item makes part/all of the user's body look like a rotting corpse.

Item summons an otherwise normal water elemental which happens to be lime green, emits battle cry which sounds like "DEW DA DEW! DEW DA DEW!"

Otherwise normal weapon which happens to be completely invisible.

Headband of intellect which happens to makes the wearer's head completely invisible.

Ring of invisibility which happens to be completely invisible.

Dragon bane weapon which, when used to kill a dragon, knocks it high into the air and turns it into a matching luggage set when it lands.

2011-10-19, 12:38 AM
____ of true seeing that causes the uses eyes to become comically large and 9_6 when used.


Item detects all fresh, edible fruit within 100 feet when worn.

Item detects all cheese within 100 feet when worn.

Item detects all alcoholic beverages within 100 when worn.

Item detects all baked goods within 100 feet when worn.

Item detects all preserves and pickles within 100 feet when worn.

Item detects nearest fine yet inexpensive eateries within 10 miles when worn.

Item makes user peckish when worn.

Any combination of the above.
Bonus nonmagical drawback: Item makes user susceptible to weight gain when worn.

2011-10-19, 06:47 AM
A keen sword that has a slipperly handle. On a roll of a natural 1, the wielder is forced to make a throwing check with the sword in a random direction. This modified attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity for using a ranged weapon in the melee. That's the worst penalty of the thread so far. At best it makes you spend money on Returning. At worst you're wasting actions to retrieve the weapon.

Instead, what if using it coated your hand with said slippery goo? Then you'd spend the rest of the day with the greasy feeling, and passing it to everything you touch.
Periapt of Wisdom that gives you a cheap pseudo-eastern accent.
A Handy Haversack that, when you draw an item from it, also "slips" out an item that is very embarrassing(the item can be an illusion). The most tame one starts at "a picture of you taking a dump".

2011-10-19, 07:44 AM

An otherwise useful worn item that summons a tiny stormcloud that constantly rains on the user, and gives off (harmless) lightning flashes.
A piece of armour (or helmet, or shield) that makes the wearer always talk in third person.
A ring of invisibility, that is itself immune to all illusions (and hense stays visible).
A ring that summons a Spiritual Hammer, with the command phrase "Stop ... Hammer Time" and the somatic component 'Dramatic Stance'

2011-10-19, 08:23 AM
Item emits persistent buzzing noise which only the user can hear....

Otherwise immaculate robe has a large, visible wet spot on the crotch which never goes away....

Item summons an otherwise normal water elemental which happens to be lime green, emits battle cry which sounds like "DEW DA DEW! DEW DA DEW!"

Love the first two there.

And more AlternEmentals inspired by the third.

An items that summons an otherwise normal earth elemental, which happens to be an off-color of brown, and every 1d4 rounds spawns a tiny but...
Otherwise normal air elemental that has the Stench quality and disappears after 1 full round.

Item summons an otherwise normal fire elemental. The elemental is FABULOUS and FLAMING! *nudge nudge* *wink wink*

Chained Birds
2011-10-19, 08:47 AM
A ring of the ram which when used successfully to break open/down doors, walls, etc. forces the user to shout out "OH YEEEHH!"

A wand of magic missile that makes odd, childish shooting noises (Like "Pew! Pew!" or "Bang! Bang!") when used.

A headband of --- that compels the user to gossip about the people around him (Mostly close friends).

A hat of disguises that constantly changes a part of the wearer's clothing every hour. The wearer doesn't notice such changes and only sees the outfit he believes he's wearing even when looking at himself through a mirror (A DC 15 Charisma check reveals to the wearer his true appearance).

2011-10-19, 08:58 AM
A sword (or other weapon) that, when unattended, turns itself perfectly vertical, standing on its tip if required. Holding it cancels this effect, but sheathing it does not. Makes moving with it sheathed slightly inconvenient.

A ring that turns the hand it's on bright green (or some other colour). The hand will leave green marks (fingerprints) on anything it touches. The marks cannot be erased or cleaned off, but fade on their own after a few hours. Wearing gloves doesn't help - the colour bleeds right through.

An amulet that changes the voice of the wearer. Could either make it deep and gravelly, high pitched and shrieking, echoing, or anything else you can think of. Make sure the player is aware how weird it feels for his character to not be able to speak with his normal voice.

...I'll add more as I think of them. This thread is awesome! :smallbiggrin:


A helmet that broadcasts telepathically a single thought of the wearer, at random, to all sentient creatures within 100'. Should happen about 1-3 times per day. The wearer is not aware of this unless someone else figures it out and tells him. Or, instead of randomly, it could happen when the wearer activates its power.

Armour (or shield) that screams in pain whenever it absorbs a blow. Bonus points if it does so in the voice of its wearer. :smallamused:

Boots that make you limp. This doesn't affect your movement speed or skills at all.

Some completely harmless tool (something like Murlynd's Spoon) that cackles with a devilish voice when used, perhaps fooling the superstitious into thinking it's cursed.

Some other small item that is never in the same pocket or container that you put it in. Did you put it in your backpack? Well, now it's in your right pocket. Put it in the kitchen cabinet? Now it's in that chest in the bedroom. Never goes far enough to get lost, but might take you a bit of extra time to find when you need it.

A belt of strength that, instead of making you more muscular, makes you seem fatter. The effect is still the same.

An intelligent weapon that talks. This would be kind of cool if it ever said anything for another purpose than to insult its wielder. "You hit like a girl!" "Really? That's your best shot?" "Just put me back in the scabbard, this is embarrassing." "Yeah, like you have a chance against that troll. Please."

Something like a ring or an amulet that makes your hair grow much faster. Including all your body hair. If you're male, you will probably need to shave multiple times per day. Unless you're a dwarf of course, in which case, other dwarves will covet your strange powers of beardiness.

An alternate twist on the insulting weapon: The admiring weapon. Every time you swing it, it'll shout out it's admiration for your amazing prowess. Even when you miss. In the most embarrassing way possible, of course. "Oooh yeah, that showed him!" "I love it when you swing me hard!" "Yeah, kick that shield's ass, big boy!"

2011-10-19, 11:56 AM
An Amulet of Health that makes you unable to consume red meat, alcohol, and sugar.

An Amulet of Mighty Fists that makes your hands grow to twice their normal size, although your dexterity remains unaffected.

Boots that play wildly (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg) inappropriate (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0aIqx1McVI) songs at dramatic moments.

A Cloak of Charisma that makes you sparkle in direct sunlight.

An Ehlonna's Quiver that squeals "here's your arrow!" whenever you draw an arrow from it.

A Ring of Animal Friendship that works too well - whenever you go outside, 1d4 small animals appear and start pestering you for food.

2011-10-19, 12:29 PM
Item occasionally casts Prestidigitation on its owner, making them cleaner, dirtier, changing their taste, etc.

Makes owner unable to stop smiling. Does not alter Diplomacy/Sense Motive/Bluff/etc., but does make you feel a bit better. Grumpy PCs can just grin, Evil PCs can sneer or leer. Occasionally come in "owner cannot smile" form, excellent for stoic kung-fu masters.

Allows you to write in a random language (but not read or speak it).

Activating it involves a strange ritual, such as shoving the object up your nose, simulating flatulence sounds, dancing, or arguing. Bonus points if it activates every time these activities take place.

The object buzzes uncontrollably for a round or two if it comes in contact with water.

The object is cursed to make you want to get rid of it, and always return if thrown away while the curse is active. Using Remove Curse breaks this compulsion but also negates the useful ability of the item until the curse is active again.

The object gives its owner a minor form of synesthesia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia). Suddenly their favorite flavor is purple and their new shirt is salty.

2011-10-19, 12:35 PM
The object is cursed to make you want to get rid of it, and always return if thrown away while the curse is active. Using Remove Curse breaks this compulsion but also negates the useful ability of the item until the curse is active again.

That seems amusing and mildly sadistic at the same time.

2011-10-19, 12:53 PM

That seems amusing and mildly sadistic at the same time.

I feel like it's a little too evil for "Fun but non-harmful item drawbacks."

I'd prefer it to be a bit more like something someone posted a while back (and I'm paraphrasing): "This magical ring allows you to wear one additional magical ring. It provides no further benefit."

So, maybe you just forget the benefit of the item every so often? Or it makes the owner believe it's something wildly different from its actual purpose (owner believes it to be a +1 keen rapier when it's actually an Amulet of Mighty Fists)?

2011-10-19, 01:32 PM
Headband of Intelligence that makes your nose drop from your face.

Pants of Pervert Elf shines in bright everchanging colours and causes people to suspect you of some horrible acts againts natural order.

Snakes Nest quiver with endless poisonous arrows, but every time you try to pull one out there is a change that you grap live viper instead of an arrow.

Amulet of Protection that calls a snake to appear every morning from somewhere.

2011-10-19, 01:45 PM
Wearer is unable to use proper nouns including nick names.

he'll have to refer to everyone as "hey you" or "that hairy cleric who doesn't do anything" or places as "the castle that one king owns, you know the place where we got arrested for littering?"


2011-10-19, 01:46 PM
theme music-the person gains theme music when they use a specific skill. can be a bit annoying if its stealth.

That rather goes against the "not-harmful" aspect of it if it happens to a character who uses that particular skill a lot.
In the spirit of the above post, PC must now talk in cave man talk, smartness unaffe, uneffa, not hurt.

2011-10-19, 01:47 PM
Wow! Thanks for all the suggestions folks! Keep 'em comming. :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-19, 02:18 PM
Pants of Pervert Elf shines in bright everchanging colours and causes people to suspect you of some horrible acts againts natural order.

I like this idea if the item doesn't do anything besides change colors (and the normal bonuses), but must be referred to as The Pants of the Perverted Elf or Ring of Terrible Thoughts or Cloak of Undressing You with My Mind or Sword of Uncomfortably Long Hugs or Breastplate of Minor Felonies or...

Lord Il Palazzo
2011-10-19, 02:25 PM
-A pair of lenses, glasses or goggles that make every humanoid their wearer sees look different somehow. Possibilities include everyone appearing to be the opposite gender, everyone looking like an orc, everyone looking a foot taller (or shorter)...

-A weapon that makes kung-fu movie sound effects when used. Hiyah! Kya!

-An item that makes the user's voice sound different, but only to himself.

-A potion that causes hiccups.

-A wand that loudly counts down its charges remaining from 49 to 0. Bonus points if something random happens when it hits zero. (Maybe it sets off fireworks, releases a flock of doves or explodes (harmlessly) like a joke-cigar)

-A wand or other limited charge item that shrinks with every use until it disappears entirely at zero.

-A scroll case that adds pre-school style crayon scribbling to every scroll it holds (without altering functionality, of course.)

-An item that reverses sensations of heat and cold for the user.

-A magical instrument that gives a bonus to perform checks, but can only play one style of music. Everything the bard plays comes out sounding like blue grass or an 80's power ballad.

-A hat that, no matter who puts it on, is always just a little too snug to be comfortable.

This is fun. There's a travelling salesman who's going to pop up from time to time in my campaign. I'm going to have to add silly side effects to a few of his items.

2011-10-19, 02:29 PM
Theme song for Stealthing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YABjj2JDOL4)

2011-10-19, 02:46 PM
Intelligent Item, which gives Inspire Competence [+2 to skill checks] by singing like Elan does in OoTS. The problem amusement comes when you're trying to Bluff, pickpocket, or keep quiet.
"Bluff, Bluff, Bluff the idot Kobold..."

Sunglasses which give some benefit only immediately after being equipped, has a command word(lame pun), and plays the the CSI: Miami theme when worn.

Chained Birds
2011-10-19, 03:39 PM
A +1 nunchuk that makes the wielder or current holder feel like they could effectively use it in serious combat, even if they are not actually proficient with it (Does not actually give the wielder proficiency with it).

A +3 (small) keen dagger that violently screems out "DOINK!" when the wielder confirms a critical.

A Mask of Lies (or similar Bluff or Diplomacy related item) that compels the wearer to speak the phrase "You mad bro'?" with a detestible grin whenever the wearer is engaged in any argument (In character arguments only). The wearer is always unaware of these actions and is usually baffled by characters becoming further aggrivated by his talk.

2011-10-19, 03:46 PM
I made an item that allows a user to split in two for one round and effectively take a quickened action. The only drawback is that with repeated usage the user becomes first bipolar, then schitzofrenic with a 50/50 chance each day that they are good or evil. Mostly harmless to everyone excpet perhaps clerics/paladins.

2011-10-19, 03:50 PM
Theme song for Stealthing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YABjj2JDOL4)

I see your stealth song, and raise you...a.. uh...stealth..song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOsoa4AGRhY)...