View Full Version : A newblet's first 3.5 world

Little Brother
2011-10-17, 10:18 PM
Oookay, then: I am working on a world for a new group, and I have some rough ideas, but I wanted the experienced/good people's thoughts on it

Some crunchy data before fluff: Everyone else in my group is used to some weird mix of 3.5/PF, so I'm going along with it. Basically, we steal some of the things handled better in PF, races get the PF abilities and stats, and so on. I have also changed Orcs to be +4 Str -2 Cha, instead of their current set up. The average person is a level 3 character of the relevant NPC class and Fighter is now an NPC class, as is scout. Dwarves can now ride medium animals, so long as the animal has sufficient strength. And, finally, spellcasters are very rare.

Fluffy stuffs: The current world is split up into 4 real territories/kingdoms/powers/whatever you wanna call it: The Elven Republic(until I can come up with a better-sounding name), the Dwarven Horde, the Orc Caliphate, and the Human something-or-other. There are also halflings, who are basically mobsters who control river transit through control of checkpoints and so on, plus the obvious protection rackets.

The Elves are vegan, soviet-style communists who believe that Elves are the best at everything, and others exist purely to serve them. They live in the north, and have absorbed some human/other race tribes/cities/etc into their territories. They have a fair amount of casters, but the vast majority of them are duskblades.

The Dwarves are basically mongols riding wolves/dire wolves. They have the eastern territories. They are basically a GIANT plain. The place is about as large as the rest of the continent they're on, but it's all generally fairly useless, so nobody really cares. Their casters are generally Mystic Rangers.

The Orc Caliphate is in the south, in a deserty-ish area, it is the second largest territory. It is basically the historical caliphate in the height of its power. They possess medicines and some technologies, but have fewer casters than most others, and their casters tend to be adepts.

And, finally, the humans. Humans are very good at killing thing, and humans are bastards. Humans have more people with PC level than other races, and have more casters, but that is partially due to breeding like rabbits.Humans are valued as mercenaries because they can be quite good, and tend to be dirt cheap. The human territory is sort of like Switzerland. They are either peons, or immensely rich bankers. They also have the international court, as if anyone pays attention to it.

Then, there is the flesh cult: They are a group of crazy casters who believe that they are meant to create perfection in physical form. The Caliphate sponsors the majority of them, because these guys would do it either way, and this gives them some control over the cultists, and lets them purge with fire any "Abomination to Creation/Undecided deity(ies)," as well as any creator. In return for the sponsorship, and thus legitimacy, funding, and so on, the Caliphate gets to take stuff like Hydras and Trolls(creations of the Flesh Cult) into war. There are some splinters who don't like the authority they gave the Caliphate, and left. They tend to lay low, for the most part.

In the north-west-ish, I had plans for some sort of gothicy-Transilvania-esque place, but I have no idea what that'd be like.

The backstory: The deity(ies) created the plane and planet. They first created plants, and animals, and breakfast cereal and, then the dragons. The dragons created an empire. They forged awesomy-magicy-stuffs, fought, blah blah blah. The humanoid races were the dragon's attempt at creating, basically, races of specialized slaves. Didn't work too well. Humanoids rebel, and proceed to get crushed, and stay mostly in servitude until the dragons manage to off most of each other in a giant war. The remainder went into their crypt-palaces with their favored servants, the Kobolds(Dragons are Egyptian, BTW), and then, several thousand years later, are basically myth

Later, a giant Evil Empire is crafted, lead by the humans(one of the reasons nobody likes the humans. They're also medieval Europeans, so they are unwashed and otherwise gross), with their "Divine King" trying to resurrect the Dragons by summoning and controlling Beholders(Eye-Tyrants, the most hated enemy of the god(s). I know they don't have that fancy magic, it's fluff, so sue me) to create a powerful spell to resurrect and control the dragons. One *Insert Fire Emblem-style plot here* later, there is a power vacuum that the current forces filled to expand.

The campaigns here are probably going to be about 50/50 political intrigue and killy-death-burn.

Kinda lame and cliched, I know, but I really would like thoughts or advice on how to improve it from the great(ish(mostly):smalltongue: ) minds in the Playground. Thanks for any input/time/anything.

2011-10-18, 05:30 PM
The Elven Republic(until I can come up with a better-sounding name)

How about: The Elven Congress. The Sylyvan League. The Tetrarchy. Helping?

The Dwarves are basically mongols riding wolves/dire wolves. They have the eastern territories. They are basically a GIANT plain.

I see what you did there. :smallamused:

The Orc Caliphate is in the south, in a deserty-ish area, it is the second largest territory. It is basically the historical caliphate in the height of its power.

Which Caliphate? There were a lot.

And, finally, the humans. Humans are very good at killing thing, and humans are bastards. Humans have more people with PC level than other races, and have more casters, but that is partially due to breeding like rabbits.Humans are valued as mercenaries because they can be quite good, and tend to be dirt cheap. The human territory is sort of like Switzerland. They are either peons, or immensely rich bankers. They also have the international court, as if anyone pays attention to it.

Seems like a lot. Maybe you should focus that a little. If you want Humans=Switzerland, then they'd best serve as mountain warfare specialists with large vaults beneath their mountain homes. But then they're just tall Dwarves. And an international court seems a little too modern.

Then, there is the flesh cult: They are a group of crazy casters who believe that they are meant to create perfection in physical form. The Caliphate sponsors the majority of them, because these guys would do it either way, and this gives them some control over the cultists, and lets them purge with fire any "Abomination to Creation/Undecided deity(ies)," as well as any creator. In return for the sponsorship, and thus legitimacy, funding, and so on, the Caliphate gets to take stuff like Hydras and Trolls(creations of the Flesh Cult) into war. There are some splinters who don't like the authority they gave the Caliphate, and left. They tend to lay low, for the most part.

What does the flesh-cult do that's so terrible? Do they experiment on themselves? On others?

In the north-west-ish, I had plans for some sort of gothicy-Transilvania-esque place, but I have no idea what that'd be like.

An Undead Empire would work.

That's really all I got.

Little Brother
2011-10-18, 07:41 PM
How about: The Elven Congress. The Sylyvan League. The Tetrarchy. Helping?Yes. All are awesome. I'm liking the League.

Which Caliphate? There were a lot.Ah, Umayyad Caliphate, I believe. Sorry, forgot.

Seems like a lot. Maybe you should focus that a little. If you want Humans=Switzerland, then they'd best serve as mountain warfare specialists with large vaults beneath their mountain homes. But then they're just tall Dwarves. And an international court seems a little too modern.Hmm. Got no idea what to do with them, then. Any ideas?

What does the flesh-cult do that's so terrible? Do they experiment on themselves? On others?Make freakish monsters that go on rampages, and, yes, human(or others, but mostly human, since nobody really cares about them) experimentation. But, remember, even though it's fairly socially progressive, it's still a theocracy.

An Undead Empire would work.

That's really all I got.You mean like a Vampiric aristocracy? That could work. Great idea.

2011-10-18, 08:48 PM
Just in the interest of helping, I would share with you a question that changed my view of worldbuilding. This changed how I looked at a world that I'd worked on for six months, and revitalized my efforts. Hope it helps.

I think the best first point to start is to think about the kind of stories that you want to be told in the setting. A setting by itself is just maps and stat blocks, it only becomes interesting and alive by the things that happen in this world.
It's very complelling to make a setting that includes everything, caters to the tastes of all people, and can serve as a background for every story one can think of.

But in practice, my experience is that you only end up with a very generic setting that is just like any other fantasy world and completely unremarkable, and just kind of boring. When you think of really great settings you love a lot, it's mostly because of the stories that you have seen taking place in them and the interaction between the groups. So I think before you do anything else, you should set yourself a goal by thinking of the kinds of stories you want to take place in the world.

Star Wars is a setting of knights and scoundrels fighting in a massive and eternal war between the forces of good and evil. Middle-Earth is a setting of great knights sacrificing everything they have to stop the forces of Darkness (with the most popular stories about about small and weak people fighting the same battle even though they should not have any chance to make a difference). And my own setting is about warriors defending their clans against monsters and supernatural threats. You could play a campaign about Victorian art thieves in all these settings, but that's not really what comes into your mind when you think about these settings.

Little Brother
2011-10-19, 12:19 AM
Just in the interest of helping, I would share with you a question that changed my view of worldbuilding. This changed how I looked at a world that I'd worked on for six months, and revitalized my efforts. Hope it helps.Hmm. Never thought of it that way, Thanks!

2011-10-19, 11:09 PM
After you come up with the main idea make sure to come up with witty NPC's that make references to something or other, or are funny in general. This will keep everyone entertained, and if you have such NPC's you will not have to come up with the name of some bartender on the spot.
Other strategic ways to build a cool world is to make a cool map. If you are not good at drawing like I once was fallow these steps. Take a colored pencil and sharpen it to the point you get bits of color as well as the wood shavings (do this over a plate), then remove all the wood shavings, pick up the colored pencil shavings and place them on a tissue and rub it across the area you wish to make colorful (it would be best to draw outlines of the contents before you color). This technique yields the most even distribution of color and best shading. After that draw in geographical features mountains forests and such, again if you can't draw very well draw them uniformly. Using this style of cartography can result in simple but colorful map that still looks good, and if you are already good at drawing maps doing some of this could still help.
I know from experience that even though you have a solid story that you worked long and hard on you need to back it up with some detailed info about all the towns and the important figures living in them, and a map is not as important for the game but it shows the players you put effort in to the world, it is the razzle dazzle.

2011-10-20, 01:50 PM
You might want to have all of those nations you listed be the major nations, with several minor nations inbetween, so that way the races don't have just one culture apiece (this bugs me about most fantasy races). Then the humans, instead of having one medium-sized country, have an area made of various warlords' holdings and keeps in the center, with bitter fighting between the various human lords. Also, since none of the human countries want one of the bigger countries run by other races to invade, they are (almost) all willing to hold peace talks between any of the bigger nations.

Little Brother
2011-10-20, 02:13 PM
You might want to have all of those nations you listed be the major nations, with several minor nations inbetween, so that way the races don't have just one culture apiece (this bugs me about most fantasy races). Then the humans, instead of having one medium-sized country, have an area made of various warlords' holdings and keeps in the center, with bitter fighting between the various human lords. Also, since none of the human countries want one of the bigger countries run by other races to invade, they are (almost) all willing to hold peace talks between any of the bigger nations.Well, the dwarves are a group of tribes united under a Khan, so they are not mono-cultural per se, the new Transylvania-esque place is a vampiric aristocracy is surrounded by a few fiefdoms, mostly human, the Elves are sorta USSR, so they are expansionist to the point of whoever disagrees with them gets absorbed into the working caste, where working means gladiatorial fights, target practice, and other such high-risk stuff. The Orcs are very united, a la Umayyad caliphate, and whatever isn't part of that pays lip service to the Caliph.

So not entirely united, and I believe justified in the united parts.

Make sense?

2011-10-20, 08:24 PM
Ok, far better defined, but I still like my idea for the humans better...

Little Brother
2011-10-20, 10:03 PM
Ok, far better defined, but I still like my idea for the humans better...As do I, I was more referring to the Transylvania-esque place.

I am stealing that, though. It fluffs them out better.

Now, all I need is Generic Evil Empire of DOOOOOOM!

2011-10-20, 10:42 PM
Now, all I need is Generic Evil Empire of DOOOOOOM!

You have Not-Transylvania. Undeath is usually evil. Unless it sparkles. Then it's just sad. :smalltongue:

Little Brother
2011-10-21, 12:20 AM
You have Not-Transylvania. Undeath is usually evil. Unless it sparkles. Then it's just sad. :smalltongue:Aristocracy. Not a dictatorial empire. And NO SPARKLES!:smallfurious::smalleek:

Unsure how I want to do it, though, the evil empire. I'm sorta wanting to go with a Tarquin-style emperor, probably a Wu Jen-JPM. Probably a large military with Necromantic corps, and an absurdly powerful necromancer who is a "lieutenant," purely to be able to boss around little guys, but is really only there because they are funding his research. He'd flip-flop if someone wanted to support him more, which could lead to some more subtle missions, which are more fun.

Also, trying to figure out a way to introduce the Emerald Legion, just 'cause I think it would be amusing to have the PCs to try kill the prototype, and prevent production. Possibly a finale, 'cause the Flesh Cult would view the Golem part as an abomination.

Little Brother
2011-10-21, 01:03 AM
Oooh, idea! The EEEEVIL Empire's court is basically these guys (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20031003b), and they're mid-level Wu Jen. Sorta an optimization question, part fluff, what Wu Jen school would be best? Also, the retainers and such will probably be eunuch sorcerers. High enough level to give a nasty surprise if the party tries to storm the place/gets caught by a retainer.

Also, these guys are probably going to be China. They're recovering from a Dwarf occupation, which was kicked out after their "Divine Emperor" (the JPM) shows up, leading to an expansionist empire. Their basic troops use Cho Ko Nu and typically have two vials of Alchemist Fire. Unsure of class and stuffs.

What do you guys think?