View Full Version : Build for Concept

2011-10-18, 10:38 PM
I have a character concept in mind, but can't really think up a good build for it. The character mixes elements of Jack Sparrow, Daeron Targaryen (Song of Ice and Fire), and Inigo Montoya.

He's noble born, and destined for knighthood, but he rejects his birthright, preferring wine and whores. At the same time, he doesn't take any real joy in these things. He's a pathetic drunk, a bit of a self-loathing sort of creature.

Developmentally, he would grow to be a good leader, and has a natural talent for it, though fogged by drink.

Build notes
- high charisma, though he doesn't often display it
- ability to lead when he puts his mind to it
- skilled warrior, having been trained since he could lift a sword
- relies more on cunning, luck, and quick wits than brawn
- not a spellcaster, or at least not focused on it
- I thought about Drunken Master, but it's a poor PrC, and the monk type doesn't really fit. Rogue is a better fit.
- I'd like him to be hard to hit.
- would like to focus on feints, getting Improved Feint and hopefully some way to do it as a free/swift action
- WotC products only, no setting-specific sources, no psionics, no ToB, no magazines

Using the alcohol rules in A&EG, drunkenness imposes Dex and Wis penalties. Obviously this isn't going to be a high-op character, but I'd like to be useful.

Just curious what the collective wisdom can produce.

2011-10-18, 10:42 PM
Build notes
- high charisma, though he doesn't often display it
- ability to lead when he puts his mind to it
- skilled warrior, having been trained since he could lift a sword
- relies more on cunning, luck, and quick wits than brawn- not a spellcaster, or at least not focused on it
- I thought about Drunken Master, but it's a poor PrC, and the monk type doesn't really fit. Rogue is a better fit.
- I'd like him to be hard to hit.
- would like to focus on feints, getting Improved Feint and hopefully some way to do it as a free/swift action
- WotC products only, no setting-specific sources, no psionics, no ToB, no magazinesDid you consider Factotum? I mean, they actually get "Brains over Brawn" as a class feature, how much closer can you get?

2011-10-18, 11:21 PM
Sorcadin is the concept for you, I think, but with as little spellcasting as you'd prefer. Something like:

Paladin 2/Sorcerer 2/Swordsage 1/Prestige Bard 2/Swordsage +1/Virtuoso 10/Swashbuckler 1/Free level

Draconic Heritage(Battle Dragon)
Dragonfire Inspiration
Weapon Finesse(Swashbuckler bonus feat)
Shadow Blade
Ascetic Mage
Snowflake Wardance
Words of Creation?

This gets you Dex to attack and damage rolls, Cha to attack rolls if you spend a bardic music attempt, Cha to AC in light armor, your IC as d6s of bonus sonic damage, and moderately decent sorcerer casting.

For your last level, slap on Factotum and Able Learner early in the build to have access to any skill you want, or grab Marshal to apply your Charisma to all skills based on an attribute of your choosing(charisma-based skills would be lulzy).

Daggers make good for your concept and are slashing shadow hand weapons.

2011-10-18, 11:48 PM
Factotum / Fortune's Friend / Scarlet Corsair?

Probably rework SC a bit so it's not all piratey. Replace the Profession: Sailor with... some other profession.

2011-10-19, 12:47 AM
Dread Pirate seems like a good choice, especially since one of your inspirational characters became the Dread Pirate Roberts.

How about Bard 2/Swashbuckler 3/Dread Pirate 10/Invisible Blade 5? Inspire Courage, Int to damage, BAB +19, Feint as free action, Sneak Attack, etc.

2011-10-19, 09:41 AM
Say your Human.

Able Learner, Atleast 1 level of Factotum (8 Levels for extra action)
(Access to Skills for all classes)
The totem Barbarian pounce dip of 1 level
Fighter, or a Martial Adept for feats/manuvers
Marshal for leading your troupe into battle with some boosts is a good call.

Say you want a bit more than just Arcane Dillitant magic.
Armored Mage replacement fighter level (Complete Mage)
Loose some armor for light armor arcane spell failure ignore.
Throw in Sorcerer if you like your charisma.

Bard/Swashbuckler would be pretty appropriate too.

Pure Factotum, however, is a viable option, and shows adaptability and intuitiveness that leaders need. You can also technically raise dead at caster level, so you could raise an army in your spare time. Jack Sparrow would love an undead army, so long as he wasn't apart of it, lol.

2011-10-19, 09:59 AM
Some cool ideas here, nothing exactly what I'm looking for but it's giving me some direction. Factotum/Something would be pretty cool - though I played a Factotum not too long ago. The bardish build is kind of interesting, though he's not really the type for Paladin.

2011-10-19, 11:19 AM
I would go with a re-fluffed Crusader, or a Pathfinder Drunken Master Monk, and ask your DM if you can move your Monk stats from Wis to Cha.

2011-10-19, 08:55 PM
Here's my suggestion(s):
Aristocrat(DMG)/Noble(Dragonlance Campaign Setting) - I know, noone should play a NPC class, however aristocrat was supposed to represent those born as nobles.
Swashbuckler(CW) - speaks for itself combo of combat skill, luck, and panache.
Bard(PHB) - the ladies man which can also be represented with Swb.
Fortunes Friend(CS) - lucky SoB!
Invisible Blade(CW) - feint specialist.
Dread Pirate(CAdv) and/or Scarlet Corsair(Stormwrack) - this can cover leadership, feinting, and anything roguish.

Now then the reason I didn't add Paladin or Knight is because said character didn't actually make it(and yes the paladin and cavalier are supposed to cover the classic knight concepts, there are more knight classes and Prc's than I can shake a fist at.). And in my opinion a class doesn't represent a drunk(anyone can be a drunk). And actually it wasn't Montoya that was the Dread Pirate, it was Wesley.

2011-10-19, 11:17 PM
The bardish build is kind of interesting, though he's not really the type for Paladin.

Well, Paladin of Freedom from UA, which is CG(the core Paladin couldn't work).

Also, if your DM is ok with it, you don't have to be married to the strict fluff of the Paladin class. The 'important' bits are that you're CG, mildly divinely sponsored, and 'knightly' in nature. Knighthood training in a religious state would probably be paladin training, and the Paladin of Freedom class represents your refusal to follow all the contrainments that system tried to put on people while still learning everything they taught you.

2011-10-20, 03:38 PM
Well, Paladin of Freedom from UA, which is CG(the core Paladin couldn't work).

I still see him as too much of a misfit to be any sort of paladin. The code of conduct requires that he help those in need and punish those who threaten personal liberty.

2011-10-20, 07:33 PM
factotum 8, invisible blade 5

invisible blade is the feint specialist. if you want to feint you should take it no question. the only base class that really goes with it is swashbuckler or factotum and i just think factotum is infinitely better. the rest i say you could do with what you want, dread pirate, bard, whatever but personally i think duelist works best. apply int to every thing basically.