View Full Version : Boss Casters

Bard for Kicks
2011-10-19, 08:33 AM
Greetings, Playgrounders.

What would be some good magic based bosses that I could plan for my campaign?

Nymph does get some druidic casting...but...my group is pretty terrified of nymphs (the whole...will save or die thing....) And I'm aiming for a fey or elf boss so I can ease it into the plot better.

Also, I'm aiming for CR7-CR10-ish.
Please post any suggestions. I really need it so I don't accidentally give my players free kills or just get them completely destroyed.

2011-10-19, 08:56 AM
Rakshasas are always fun, and their built-in Change Shape means it could stage a great ambush.

2011-10-19, 09:02 AM
Sun Elf Wizard 9
Elven generalist wizard subsitution level (Races of the Wild.)

(assuming elite array) int 19 before items (15 base, +2 racial, +2 from level up)

suggested spells known:

Web, grease, summon undead V. lock down the battlefield with web and grease, then send incoporeal undead after them (wich aren't affected by the lockdown.) As long as you don't send too many of the undead after them and they have a competent cleric (and are competent in general), it shouldn't destroy them, but should give them abit of a hard time.

Failing that, same idea, but dominate person on any weak-willind characters.

Actually, it's a wizard, do both!

2011-10-19, 12:28 PM
Give this (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20020315a)girl 9 or ten levels of bard.

She can be a slinky, beautiful faerie seductress. Or a behind the scenes plotter and schemer. Either way, mind control and manipulation are her specialty.

She's not as much of a direct threat as her large assortment of very loyal lieutenants. Or maybe if she can separate the party and get them dominated, she could be a tricky battle by herself.

It occurs to me that she's not so much a "boss battle" as she is a BBEG. (yes, there's a difference)

Basket Burner
2011-10-19, 01:50 PM
I have one, but if the party is not very strong, it will kill all of them. PM me if you want it, though I'm not sure how well it'd work with an elf since they are very weak.

2011-10-19, 05:55 PM
Generally, I won't really advocate using wizards at low levels as they have very little hp, and so might be too fragile to make for an exciting battle. Thus, you may want to look at non-associated class rules to make them tougher, even if it means giving up a bit of spellcasting. Much less go with elves, considering their con penalty.

For example, a yuanti pureblood wizard5 would be cr6 (base cr3, +2cr for first 4 wizard lvs, +1cr for the 5th). You benefit a little from the better stats overall, plus 4 extra monstrous humanoid HD for the hp.

Fiend folio has the shadar-kai, which are evil fey tied to the plane of shadow. They are 3 fey HD for cr1, so you could have a shadar-kai sorc6 at cr7. :smallsmile:

Bard for Kicks
2011-10-19, 07:36 PM
Wow. I dig the Leanan Sidhe. But my players. They would hate me. But I can cruelly laugh at them. Or not. Or maybe I will. Or not. Hmm.

Oh. I forgot to mention.
My players are the following:

Monk (LN) does monk-y things
Rogue (CE) is really really really bloodthirsty. Most likely will attack boss without being provoked.
Swashbuckler (NE) uses rapiers. has no con. goes down in 1 hit.
Shaman/Wujen (CG) ...has little caster levels...since he multiclassed...still the most useful in the party..hehe..
Dragonfire Adept (CN) has really bad stats...nuff said.

So...there really isn't a meatshield. There isn't really a full caster. It's a pretty low op campaign but I still want to challenge them a bit so they don't get bored.