View Full Version : Shackled City: Life's Bazaar

The Tygre
2011-10-19, 02:46 PM
Cauldron. The jewel of the Hellfurnaces. Safe haven for scum and adventurers all across the Southern reaches of the continent. It's a chill autumn evening in the town. Mist rises up from the lake at the center of town and creeps through the lower streets. A wretched drizzle falls from the ash-gray sky. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pSyYhRYeIM) The crowded, rain-slicked buildings seem especially bleak and frightful this evening, hunched together beneath the gloomy skies. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bYPnfXXUp4)A few lights burn in their windows, but mostly their shutters have been closed for the night. The scent of chimney smoke fills the air, and the din of water trundles from the rooftops, splashing into dark alleys and turning street gutters into rivulets. A biting wind blows through the streets, trailing rain and miserable cold with it.

You each make your way through the streets. Turning a corner, you move through Cauldron's alleys when something catches your ear; a sudden, plaintive cry for help from nearby alley splits the evening air. There is the sound of flesh beating against flesh, and loud cursing to silent the desperate voice.

2011-10-19, 02:59 PM
Morgan the Exile

Were it not for the pact, she would have been shaking from the rain. It matted her long hair to her face, chest and back, and what wasn't in her bag, was wet. It was still cold, that was sure, but she wasn't about to break down into illness so easily. She had a few choice words for the city, none of them that could be spoken in front of children, and she had been scavenging through the area looking for an Inn she could stay in, even if for an hour or two; to sit near the fire. Damn rain.

Hearing the sound of someone crying out broke her out of her inner rant. Bad enough to be caught in the rain, sure, but having to deal with thieves and the like, too? Well, may as well even that person's luck out for the day, even if it ruins hers. She moves through the alleyways, taking out her greataxe, tightening her grip on the wet handle, looking for the perpetrators.

2011-10-19, 03:15 PM
Dyn The Untitled

This cold sure is misirable

Wait, what's that?!

*runs to investigate, ready to aid the victim in any way he can*

(might as well get this out of the way)



with my 20 movement speed, and non-special vision, do I get within sight range?

2011-10-19, 03:32 PM

The elf shakes water out of his eyes as he turns another corner. A gust of wind simply splashes more into them. Pulling his hood further over his face he turns against the wind and begins moving down the street. Even the most somber of days home were bright compared to here. He winces as he contemplates home, and mutters in elvan, "Not the most difficult of feats."

The cry for help drew his attention away from the miserable weather. Casting a gaze up and down the street, he sought out any guards or watch to deal with the situation. Seeing none, he hesitated only for the briefest moment. Feeling a warm pulse fill his body, he grimices. "I'm going." Pulling his bow loose, but keeping it clear for now, he moves towards the sound, trying to get a view of the situation.

Move Silently [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

2011-10-19, 04:14 PM
Walking the wet streets, Kelkin spat. He had pawned first his armour, then his bow, then his sword. He had lost most of his remaining money at dice, and then drinking to forget that dice game. Clearly, professional playing wasn't his greatest skill. Yes, he still had silver enough for a few weeks, but he had hoped to actually invest that money in his new career.
He held his head, almost stumbling on a wet cobblestone and groaned. The cold and the rain helped, reminding him of many a night sleeping out in the field under just such conditions, but did people really, really have to scream for help now?
With a sigh, he put a hand on the handle of his weapon. Might as well risk a look. Perhaps he'd get a coin or two for saving some merchant. Or he could loot the boots off some freshly-knifed corpse and sell them. Either way, not a bad deal, he thought, but then he stopped, seeing figures run through the gloom.
How many people can there be, at night, running for one cry of help? He hung back, leaning into a shadowy corner that was, at least slightly, out of the rain and waited.

2011-10-19, 04:14 PM
Boddynock is curled up against the building, under an awning, attempting to stay dry and get a little warm. As he is some how starting to nod-off, a faint noise in the distance jolts him awake. A cry for help, just audible to him, has erased all thoughts of sleep from his mind.
He jumps to his feet nimbly and starts off down the curved street towards the cry that he heard. Along the way, he pulls his father's hooked-hammer from his belt, and loosens the holster holding his crossbow. Suddenly, he hears the cry again, this time both louder and much closer, just down the next alley, it appears. He gets close to the building and starts paying attention to the amount of noise that he makes.
I'll be darned if I let another innocent person get murdered while I can stop it! I couldn't help my father, but I may be able to help this person. He thinks grimly to himself.
As he approaches the entrance of the alley, he sees a shadowy figure disapear into the entrance of the alley. Huh, I'll watch to see what's going on inside the alley before I do anything.
As he reaches the entrance, he bends his head around the corner, putting away his Hammer and drawing his crossbow.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

2011-10-19, 09:10 PM
Also, if there's no light when I get to where I think this incident is taking place, my first action will be to cast Light, centered on myself.

And to see how well I estimate where it's taking place:

Listen Check:

2011-10-20, 12:42 AM
While most people huddled against the wind, the rain, and the cold, silently plodding through puddles, Lionel Crane marched along with a merry jaunt, whistling a happy tune. Cauldron was his city, and he loved it, rain or shine. He had always loved his home, and that love had earned him the favor of Urbanus, the God of Cities.

Lionel thought fondly of the day's work; he had used some of his minor divine gifts to aid those less fortunate: a mending spell had repaired Melissa Standish's turnip cart; right on schedule, just as a few restaurants prepared to throw out spoiled or stale goods, a purify food and drink spell allowed Lionel to distribute the potential waste to the needy in a makeshift soup line; finally, he had conjured up a few gallons of clean water for widow Reed, who was getting too old to get to the well herself. He did all of these things out of genuine compassion, with no thought for reward. He was merely an instrument of Urbanus' will, here to make everyone's lives in the city better.

Over the rain and his own whistling, the call for help could just be heard down a dark alley. Lionel stopped, his brow furrowed in concern. He loosened the heavy mace at his hip, so rarely used; if someone was in genuine need, though, he was more than prepared to put his life on the line to help them.

The Tygre
2011-10-20, 06:05 PM
Down the alley is a scene of brutal violence. Three men in face-paint stand over a man in robes. Two of the men kick and beat the man in robes, shouting and screaming at him savagely. The third man notices the group of newfound investigators. He shouts, "Boys, we've got company!" The two brutes stop their assault and look around them, their hateful eyes passing over your faces. The robed man crawls away from the thugs, moving towards you. The maroons draw their weapons, backing into each other, and yell at you, "Go on! Bugger off! Get outta' here!"

Dyn, Boddynock
You hear the two assailants yelling at the robed man, "Stay away from the orphanage, y'hear? Stay away if y'know what's good for you!"

2011-10-20, 06:18 PM
Morgan the Exile

Morgan steps out into the alleyway, soon finding herself looking at this... petty act of fear. She looked at the men who were brandishing weapons, then at the men who were stepping out into the scene. Some of them looked capable, one looked like he could barely support his frame. She turned away from them, and took a step outward from them. She shouted, over the rain, holding her greataxe in one hand, her arms spread out. "Run away, while your legs still belong to you!"

Intimidation check, if allowed: [roll0] Edit: Oh come on, Dice Roller.
Fireblood is active. Attackers who hit Morgan take 1d6+1 points of damage.
AC: 13.
HP: 14.

2011-10-20, 06:25 PM
Lionel notes the cries of help did not go unanswered, as several other strangers enter the scene. Lionel steps forward, a barrel-chested, burly-looking man in his thirties; even under his drenched hood, his eyes sparkle with compassion in his lined, tanned face.
"Hold up there, gents. Leave that man be. Just walk away, now; you're outnumbered. No use throwin' your lives away."
He still clutches his mace, but his free hand he holds out, fingers splayed, palms skyward. His voice is gentle, but firm, over the sound of the rain.

Diplomacy, if we've got a minute: [roll0]

2011-10-20, 08:30 PM

"Ok thugs, looks like your fun is done for the night. Now, what's that about an orphanage?"

(the rest of my actions are dependant on how well I can target the assailants please see the OOC thread for my specfic querry.)

2011-10-20, 10:13 PM

The elf quickly glances around the allyways, trying to identify where all the newcomers were in relation to one another. It seems others were doing the talking for now, so he settles for drawing an arrow from his quiver. He keeps it away from the string for now. No need to convince them there was no way out.

(OOC: What's our positions relative to everyone? And is there a way for them to run without having to get past any of us?)

2011-10-21, 11:32 PM

Don't want to talk? That's not very friendly of you! Let's be friends!

*Target the apparent leader (the thug that's done all the talking) with charm person. Will DC 15.*

2011-10-23, 02:53 PM
Boddynock turns the corner into the alley, keeping as close to the wall as possible, trying to stay out of view of the thugs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF_6cSads0E&feature=fvst), aiming his crossbow at the group of three, but now keeping an eye on the man they were attacking as well, unsure of what orphanage they are talking about, or if they're trying to keep out of trouble.

Hide: 1d20+6
Move Silently: 1d20+6
:smallmad: On OOC thread then.

The Tygre
2011-10-26, 04:58 PM
The three thugs look around, seeing that they are surrounded. The leader almost succumbs to Dyn's enchantment, but shakes off the effect. The trio raise their weapon as one of the men voices, "Uh, Jil? You wanna' give us a lil' help here?"

A voice scalds from a rooftop, "You idiot! Just for that, you're on your own!" A dark shape rises from the rooftop above. You can make out the figure of young woman with dark hair, her face painted in the same black and white pattern as the brutes on the street. The woman, Jil apparently, strokes back her hair as she congratulates, "Well, maybe I underestimated this city. I have to admit, I admire your courage. Not many people would come for a lone voice in an alley this late at night. And yet, here all six of you are. Impressive. I'll leave these three to you; the Last Laugh has no need for initiates with loose tongues."

At that, she disappears from the rooftop, out of sight and out of mind. Even under their thick face-paint, you can see the Last Laugh members blanch. They drop their weapons to the ground and fall on their knees, though the leader retains an angry scowl.

The man in robes you aided walks toward you. He is a middle-aged, mousy gentleman, with fading brown hair. He dresses in purple robes, and around his neck bears the cross of St. Cuthbert. He is visibly worse for the wear from his assault, with cuts and bruises across his face. He tearfully looks up and says, "Thank you! Thank you so much! I don't know how much more I would have been able to take if you had not arrived. I was walking down the street after having just come out of the tavern when these ruffians attacked me! Oh blessed protector, I just knew that the Last Laugh was mixed up in the disappearances!"

The alley is 60 feet by ten feet wide. There is a space between two buildings at the 30 foot line. It slopes at a fifteen degree angle, and is slippery; combative movement will require a DC 5 balance check. Boddynock, Andarius, and Lionel are at the east end with the priest. Morgan and Kelkin are at the west end. Dyn is in the half-way point alley.

Dyn's familiarity with local thieves guilds lets him recognize the gang markings on the three thugs. The Last Laugh, Cauldron's most notorious thieves' guild. Extortion, robbery, banditry; the Last Laugh is known for being the most savage of the city's guilds.

2011-10-26, 05:22 PM
Lionel felt a certain pity for the ruffians. He returns his mace to his belt, and approaches the men with open arms.
"There, now, see? Nobody else was hurt. But you committed grievous harm on an innocent man. I suggest you think long and hard about the life you've chosen. Gangs can lead down the path of darkness and despair; any comradery you feel from your gang could be found elsewhere, you need only the courage to ask."
He smiles, and produces a battered mug from a leather thong about his neck.
"As penance, I would suggest you make a donation to the Church of Urbanus; the city will forgive your crimes if you help it and the people it protects."

2011-10-26, 06:03 PM
Surprised at the appearance of the woman 'Jill' (which he doubts is her real name,) Dyn decides to look around for any more hidden persons: And, wait... did she just say six of us?

there's me, and the... priest, the woman with the axe, the elf and...?

Spot Check (feel free to disregard if you decide to roll one for me, instead):


As he does this, he considers the man suggesting penance:

Knowledge (religion) check (if Urbanus is a DC 10 or lower check):
Knowledge (local) check (to see if he knows of anything about the religion of Urbanus as it exists in the city, including temples, etc.)
Knowledge (local) check (to see if he knows of any safe place to bring the thugs where they might have a chance at reformation, rather than execution or immediate release due to bribery.):

*dialogue dependant on results of above checks.*

2011-10-26, 07:40 PM
Boddynock starts as he hears the woman on the rooftop, and looks to try to spot her, but she seems to have moved on, and was on the roof of the building he was tight against, so it was unlikely that he would see anything anyway. When he looks more closely at the man that is crawling toward him and the other two people at the end of the alley near him, he lets a small gasp out as he recognizes the symbol of St. Cuthbert around his neck.
Who would dare to attack a cleric of one of the most powerful and widely revered god!? he thinks incredulously to himself.
He takes a step out of the shadows as he re-holsters his crossbow, and checks to be sure that his hammer/hook is loose in its sheath. When the man, who seems drenched from the rain, yet cheerful despite it, begins to talk he listens to what he has to say, but is startled when he suggests just paying penance to his church, and takes objection to it.
"Whoa there, Mr. Priest. I don't know much of anything about your god, Urbanus, but I feel that these, scum, to put it mildly, should be required more punishment than just a fine. They are obviously thieves, so they will just steal from more innocents to cover their losses. I think we should let the good man of St. Cuthbert, who was the victim here, decide their punishment. He then turns to the cleric on the ground and reaches a hand out to help him up, while asking him: "Well, what say you? It should be up to you to decide how they pay for their crimes. And what was that you were saying about disappearances? And what is this about some orphanage?"

2011-10-26, 08:59 PM
Lionel frowns, the water dripping off his beard.
"Tell me, good gnome, do the poor and homeless require punishment? Do the sick and the hungry? These men may not be beggars or paupers, aye, but they are poor: they are morally destitute. The city of Cauldron gives what aid it can, through Urbanus, and through me, whether that be food and clothes for the poor, or patience and mercy to those who've lost their way."
He turns to the gang members.
"There are laws, aye. They exist for a reason. But the city watch didn't find you. I did. And I don't believe in coincidences, friends. If you tell me a tale, I'll listen, and offer what guidance I can."

2011-10-26, 09:30 PM
Surprised to see the gnome appear out of nowhere, Dyn relaxes somewhat when he sees the fellow offer to help the old man. To the Gnome:

Well, where did you come from? Hmm... well, that woman said there were six of us, with you, that makes five, still one missing. We may want to keep an eye peeled, incase whoever she was refering to isn't actually friendly.

Speaking to the... Urbanite priest:

Wait, priest! You have a point, but haven't you ever heard of the Last Laugh gang? They're ruthless and well connected. If you just fine these guys they'll either be back in the gang or dead within a week. No, fine and release wont do. They need to be taken somewhere secure, but the watch wont do either. They'd just execute them, send them to a prison they'd probably prefer death to, or be bribed by the Last Laugh gang to let them go.

Tell me, this Urbanus of yours, does he have a secure temple in town? If your brethren feel as you do, maybe these guys could be released into their care. They could do chores for the temple and be taught some useful skills while they redeem themselves. Would that work?

Turning an eye to the thugs to make sure they're still there and not attempting to escape, then turning to the priest of St. Cuthbert

What say you, sir? Would leaving these ruffians to be a temple's floorsweepers and errand boys be sufficent punishment?

Turning to the thugs:
So, boys, what do you think of this idea? Would you like to turn over new leaves, or would you rather we leave you in the hands of the watch, or maybe to the well-known mercies of the gang that just apparently disowned you?

2011-10-26, 09:38 PM
Lionel spreads his arms wide, and laughs.
"Har! Good sir, the City of Cauldron is His temple! You may as well be telling them to sweep clean every street, step, and alley!"
He gestures to the gang members.
"I know little and less of your gang, boys, but all gangs are the same as they are different. This isn't something we can resolve standing in the dark and rain; these men need help, whether they realize it or not; they may not even want it. But pay this old bag of gas as little mind as you deem fit; I've no authority over any man, from the gutter to the highest spires. But I won't throw any man to the dogs, even the mangy mutts themselves!"
He laughs again from the belly, a rich, deep, booming sound.

2011-10-26, 09:49 PM
Slightly confused by the proclimation that Cauldron is a temple, neverless impressed by this Urbanite's attitude.

You're right... um, what is your name? Anyway, yes Let me rephrase my question: Do you know of anywhere safe to take these... gentlemen while we all sort things out? As for the dark and rain, I can't do anything about the latter, but the former...

*casts light*

Sadly, that will only last alittle while, I'm no archmage, Boccob's staff, I'm hardly a mage of anysort! He chuckles ruefully.

Oh, and my good gnome... again, what is your name?..., please, if this priest has an idea on how to help these poor buggers, let him try it. As far as we know, they've killed noone and were merely initiates in a rather poor choice of guilds.

Oh, and I almost forgot my manners! Please, call me Dyn!

2011-10-26, 10:04 PM
"Well my name's Boddynock Barkroot, but where I came from is more complicated; for now lets just say I was hanging around, attempting to get out of the weather." He respond's to the Halfling, looking around for the sixth person that "Jill" mentioned.

Spot: [roll0]

"And I suppose that your sentiment is right, though I still say that this good man," He says as he gestures to the cleric, "should get the final say, short of murder.
"And you'll have to forgive me. My father was killed almost a year ago by a band of thieves, so I feel inclined to be less than forgiving."

2011-10-26, 10:28 PM
Speaking to the other two persons he hasn't spoken to yet:

As long as you're here, feel free to chime in with your opinions on the matter, or suggestions on where we can go take these guys while we sort things out and to get out of the rain! Also, what should we call you, umm... Mr elf and axelady? That question goes for you, too Sir priest. (The last directed at the cleric of St. Cuthbert.)

Turning back to Boddynock:

Well, I'm... sorry to hear that, Boddynock. Have the culprits been caught? If not, maybe my god parents could help, well my god mother anyway, my godfather's been acting quite strangely for the past several months, they're arcanists in the troubleshooters guild. Of course, we have other things to worry about at present.

As his eyes adjust to the light, Dyn again looks for the mysterious sixth person hiding about, afterall that woman was right that there were more people around than he thought, maybe she was even telling the truth about the number.

hmm... maybe we'll be able to see this hiding person with better lighting?

*casts dancing lights (four will-o-wisps version,) then sends the lights sweeping the area to ensure every spot within 100 feet of him gets some light shone on it.*

Spot check:
If anyone's out there, you might as well come out!

*he listens for a reply*

Listen check:

2011-10-27, 12:25 AM

The elf was standing off to the side, gently nursing one of his temples and muttering to himself.
I will not be able to catch her, and neither will you. Deal with what's here first.

When the halfling addresses him, the elf starts a bit. He responds, with little trace of an accent, "Oh, my apollogies. I was pondering the matter of the woman who fled. As for the ones here," he shrugs his shoulders. "They appear to have lost their benefactor. I would agree that their lives are at incredible risk whatever our response, and I am hesitent to simply hand them over to their deaths, Corellon advocates mercy to the helpless. I, however, have no way of protecting them. I'm rather new to the city, and quite truthfully," he appears somewhat embarassed. "I'm lost at the moment. I happened across this while trying to figure out where I was."

2011-10-27, 03:28 AM
Kelkin steps around the corner, into the mouth of the alley, frowning.
"Rot and Hellfire, priest, however did you hear me in this rain?"
He takes his hand of the rusty morningstar in his belt and draws his cloak back over the bronze scales of his armour, to keep at least some of the rain off.
"If they were in a company, I'd suggest the standard: light flogging and latrine duty for a week. But then, they ain't exactly soldiers, are they."
Shrugging, he leans against a wall.
"Doesn't look like anyone was seriously hurt. Knock their heads together a bit, take their weapons away and let that priest scold'e,a little more. Doesn't look like anyone was seriously injured, so I'd call 'em idiots, not evil."

2011-10-27, 11:46 AM
The priest of the City God smiles warmly as the introductions begin.
"Well met, Boddynock, Dyn. Folks call me Brother Lionel. I'm but a humble servant of Urbanus, the Lord of the Lanes, the Baron of Bridges, the Sheik of Cities."
When the elf professes he is lost, Lionel approaches and claps him on the shoulder.
"Well why didn't you say so!? Friend elf, you'll find no better guide to Cauldron than I. I know every alley and cul de sac."

2011-10-27, 01:01 PM
"Are you really g'wen to speak of morals and laws when there is an injured man and two criminals still here? Strange city you've got here, one of Urbanus," Morgan says, putting her axe back into its leather sling on her back. She approaches the men, moving away from the men, approaching the thieves. She leans in close, and whispers. "I weren't kiddin' about the knees. Go sit with your backs against the walls."

She kneels down to the priest, helping him up as his injures allow. "C'mon, one of Cuthbert. Won't be doin' you no good to be lyin' on the ground. Lets be gettin' you back to your Temple, where we can sort this out, aye?"

2011-10-27, 08:13 PM

*Turning to the elf*
Who were you speaking to? I don't think any of us
*gestures to the rest of the group*(continuing in elven) were planing on chasing after that woman, did you believe otherwise? As for being lost, if Lionel here can't help you, then I certainly can! You won't be lost anymore in this town.

*Returning his attention to the matter of the thugs and considers the axewoman's suggestion*

"That might work, miss, as long as the priests there wont sumarily execute these... fellows," *he gestures to the thugs* (Speaking to the Cuthberite Priest) "What do you think, sir priest? Would your order be able to reform these men? I'm assuming you take no issue with the idea, because you've yet to say anything against it though we've been discussing it for some time. Besides, you seem a decent sort, and good people would naturally want to avoid needless bloodshed, no? Also, you still haven't given us your name, though most of us have shared ours."

2011-10-27, 09:48 PM

When the halfling speaks to him in elvan, Andarius seems somewhat startled.
Ah, it's not important. I've got a habit of having half conversations with myself when considering what to do. Probably a poor one. [roll0]

Continuing the conversation in common, he nods to the priest and halfling. "I believe I shall take you up on that offer. My name is Andarius, I recently arrived from a nearby elven settelment called Riverpass in the common tongue." He turns an eye to the priest of Cuthburt. "Tell me sir, what was it you said about disappearences? It seems to have slipped our minds when we began to consider what to do with these men."

2011-10-27, 10:10 PM
*Dyn shrugs at the elf*

(sense motive success impossible)

As you say. You may want to talk to a healer about that, I've heard that having the urge to talk to yourself can be a sign of serrious illness or even demonic possession. As for my ability to speak this tounge, my godparents insisted I learn it when a child. Said I'd find it handy. Besides, I find listening to your people's music more enjoyable when I can actually understand it!
*he chuckles lightly*

In anycase, well met, Andarias! And you're right, of course, I suppose we should focus on the tasks at hand. I suggest our first task is to get out of this rain. Funny how I don't find it as bothersome now as before I met you lot. Still, if we don't get out of it, we'll all need healers before the week is out!

2011-10-27, 10:19 PM
Boddynock furrows his brows and tilts his head slightly as he listens to Dyn and Andarius talk in a tongue that he doesn't understand. "I'll second the idea of us getting out of this rain. I don't wish to be in this wretched whether any more."

2011-10-27, 10:36 PM
Dyn turns to Boddynock


I'm sorry to leave you out of the conversation, Boddynock, but I didn't want to be rude to our elf friend. My godparents always said that elves prefer to speak in their own language when possible. Before you ask, I learned this tounge to read engineering and architecture manuals. Such knowledge will help me become a better troubleshooter, at least that's what my godmother said. I wouldn't know yet, as I haven't found the time to actually persue any such manuals, but I will eventually, I'm sure. I suppose I could have learned dwarven for a similiar purpose, but they've always seemed kind of... boring to me. Besides, they specialize in caverns and mines, not aboveground buildings like I expect to work with.

If you're wondering, I also understand Draconic and Celestial, plus the common tounge and my birthmother's tounge. I'd also be interested in collecting more, someday.

He then returns his easily changed attention to the matter at hand:

So, let me think if I know of any place to take these guys. Any suggestions any of you lot have would be apprechiated, too.

The Tygre
2011-10-30, 01:10 AM
The priest claps his hands together with a smile at all of you, "Why yes! That sounds splendid! Some community service under the temple might be just the reformation these ruffians need. Of course, they might have to spend some time in the cloister cells until the chaplain gets back..."

The leading thug finally snorts out, "Oh, sods to that! Look, just take us back to the barracks. You can let our officers do what they want. I'd rather spend the night on a jail-cell mat after a flogging than cooped up in a room with a Cuthberite bossing me around."

"Speak for yourself." The rube on the left says. "We go back to the guard, and we lose our jobs. Not even a jail-cell hides you when the tax-man cometh. I knew the job was a bad idea."

"I didn't hear you speaking up when Jil offered us the job. 'Easy money' says you. 'Can't be a guard forever' you says. 'No one will know. It's a fast job. How hard could beating up a priest be?' Blight, you're an idiot. Couldn't even get a message from the Last Laugh across."

The priest turns around, a disapproving look on his face, "Yes. I got your message. And hers. But the Church made a promise. We're getting to the bottom of these kidnappings, and it's going to take more than some amateur bullies to make us stop. Go back to the guards or come back to the church with me. It's your choice. Now," he says, turning back to his saviours, "My name is Ruphus. If any of you would be willing to escort me back to the chapel of St. Cuthbert, I'd be more than willing to reward you for your aid, and I can tell you all you need to know about the kidnappings along the way."

2011-10-30, 11:54 AM

"That sounds like an excellent idea, Ruphus! Let's go!"
Then, belatedly Dyn notices something the ruffians said:

"Wait, you said you're guardsmen?! Well, that might complicate things. Still, Ruphus, I trust your chaplain will know what to do about the nicities and such, correct?"

2011-10-30, 04:37 PM
Boddynock raises his eyebrows in surprise when Dyn speaks to him in Gnomish, but stops to listen to the St. Cuthbert priest when he speaks. "If that is what you wish, then it sounds good to me. Some hard work for the temple will probably straighten them out," he responds to the priest, "I will not, however, accept any monetary reward for saving you. I would not be able to with myself had I not done something to help you. I will accept, however, a dry place to sleep while I get onto my feet. I have but 5 copper pieces to my name, so I cannot sleep in even the filthiest of inns." he says with a frown.
He then turns to Dyn

Gnomish:"It is quite refreshing talking to someone who can speak it fluently. It has been too long since it has graced my ears. And I agree, some dwarves can be quite boring, though because my village was on the edge of the Dwarven lands, and my father worked with them a lot-he was an architect, I learned Dwarven." He says with a smirk.

2011-10-31, 10:09 AM
Dyn smiles then answers Boddynock

Well, I'm glad I learned Gnomish, then. And you say you're the son of an arcitect? Maybe you know alittle about his craft, then? As I said earlier, I'd like to learn, if you happen to. I'd also like to learn Dwarven, maybe we could trade language lessons?

Dyn then turns -somewhat- more serrious:

continuing in Gnomish:
I wont ask you to retract your refusal of a reward, but I strongly suggest not repeating such refusals at least until you have sufficent wealth to survive. Besides which, you could have asked for other nonmonatary rewards. For example, spellcasting to aid in finding your father's murderers, or for his church to lean on the guard to do so. Of course, this is assuming his murders haven't been brought to justice.
I'd like to continue these conversations later, Boddynock and certainly think we should stick together, regardless of wheather this group persists as anything other than a momentary association.

While I certainly apprechiate your sentiment, Boddynock, out in the rain is not the best place to be negotiating rewards and such. So, what do you say, Ruphus, you rascallly thugs, shall we head to the temple? *to the thugs* Unless you really would prefer getting flogged, drummed out of the guard, and then in all likelyhood killed by the Last Laugh gang as intelligence liabilities? The Cuthbertites may work you hard, but they'll at least be better at keeping you from getting killed than you'd be on your own, and once you've redeemed yourselves, you'll have found friends and allies in them.

2011-10-31, 10:22 AM
Kelkin considers the priest's and Boddyknock's statements, frowning.
"I am not entirely sure how the protocol for these kinds of situations works. Are we supposed to decline the reward? Say, in an attempt to appear more heroic than we are? If not, I'll offer to take the rewards off you, if the other people present don't want them."

2011-10-31, 04:24 PM
Boddynock puts his forehead to his hand and responds to Dyn

"You are absolutely correct. I really should have thought about that before I said anything. It's too late now, though. It would look bad if I withdrew what I said right after you said something to me in a language that no one else can understand-" he stops, and looks around, and asks "No one else can understand this, right?"

2011-10-31, 05:02 PM

I have no idea. I know no more about these fellows,
*dyn gestures indicating everyone else present*

more gnomish:
than you do. Seeing as none of them have spoken up, I don't think any of them understand this language. While I could go the cliche route of testing this by saying something remarkably unkind about their relatives to gauge their reaction, I think I'll forebare the experiment.
In anycase, I may be able to help fix your mistake. All I ask is that you remember the lesson for later.

*Dyn then returns to common*

Sorry all, I just enjoy practicing my foreign languages when I get the chance. Such chances don't come very often, afterall.
Anyway, Ruphus, I know I said now might be a bad time to negotiate rewards and such, but Boddynock's got a problem. As he mentioned, his father was murdered. I don't believe the culprits have been caught. Might your church be willing and able to help with that, either by some form of diviniatory magics or simply applying political pressure on the guard to work on it harder? I'd be willing to give up my reward in exchange for such a service, if needed. You don't have to answer now, more something to think about while we get to your temple.

*Dyn Turns to the human solider (Kelkin) and the Axewoman (Morgan)*

You know, niether of you have shared your names. If you'd rather not share them, then maybe we can call you axegirl and soliderboy?

*He flashes a mischievous grin*

2011-10-31, 10:27 PM

The elf returns the arrow to his quiver and the bow to his back. "Thank you all for your kind offers. I will accompany you to your church for now, the news of these kidnappings disturbes me greatly." And you he sends to the outsider that resides somewhere in his mind. Words don't travel easily between the two, but feelings and simple thoughts could, and the avatar seems to calm down a little as Andarius makes clear his intentions to help. At least the headache abated somewhat.

The Tygre
2011-11-08, 05:37 AM
Ruphus smiles once more as he says, "Well then let us be on our way. Are you three brutals coming along or not?" The leader glares at Ruphus before growling, "Since these two want to go, it looks like I've got no choice." Arms still behind their backs, the three men walk in the center of your little entourage, ensuring they can't escape.

The rain lightens but still drizzles as you walk through Cauldron's streets. The mist has died down, and a sense of unease you weren't even aware of begins to disappear. The chill night is filled with smell of smoke from a dozen chimneys. The inns and shops and houses look down on you, most asleep with dark eyes, but a rare few glimmering with the homey warmth of a still-lit fire.

The three thugs remain silent. The youngest one almost might have a look of shame on his face, but it could just be the make-up. Ruphus chatters on blithely, as if he wasn't just beaten to within in an inch of his life. Like the pitter-patter of the rain, he eventually turns to local gossip; "And so I heard at the bar, that Old Hookface has been seen flying around up north. Hookface! A bunch of adventurers, the Stormblades, they say they've seen him. Oh, I hope they don't try nothing stupid with Old Hookface. Oldest dragon in the mountains; they'd be mincemeat. They should be tryin' to help us with the disappearances. Turned us down when we asked, saying the money wasn't good enough. Typical mercenary attitude. Aye, but even I don't know quite what the devil might going on. Disappearances, all over town. Nobody sees the folk come or go. Rich, poor, children, women, men, human, gnomes, elves; all sorts. Nothing's broken down, no windows even cracked or locks undone. Folks just... vanish. The three last ones were at the orphanage. Just like all the others; three children without a trace. And what with the high priest in Sasserine and Sister Urikas holding the fort, everything feels so hectic. Ah, but here we are."

Ruphus has led you to the northern rim of Cauldron, Obsidian Avenue to be precise. The houses are carved from black stone and of only the highest quality. Looking down, the whole city gapes before you. But the building Ruphus points to now stands out from the noble manses around it; made of white marble with blue veins, the two-story chapel of St. Cuthbert is an imposing but comforting site. Faint light still comes from behind the stain-glass windows. Proud spires pierce the sky, and the symbol of St. Cuthbert is carved above the door, crowning the chapel's maxim:


Two stone figures stand by the entrance steps, armored warriors raising their maces to the sky. Ruphus moves up the steps, banging a massive brass knocker against the wooden doors. A voice from the other side meekly asks, "Who- Who goes there?"

"It is I, Everyman. I come bearing a load of sin to lay before the altar of judgement." Ruphus replies.

"... who?"

"Just open the door, Parsifal. It's me, Ruphus." The doors quickly creak open. A slip of a young half-elf man stands in dark robes, his symbol of St. Cuthbert dangling loosely around his neck. "Well you could have just said so." the half-elf, Parsifal, quips. Ruphus only sighs as he explains, "If you're not going to remember our passwords, why do you bother to practice them, novice?"

"Forgive me, Brother Ruphus and..." His face scans over you and the three thugs, "Friends?"

"It's a long story, one that I will have to relay to Sister Urikas first. For now, why don't you attend to our guests. I owe them many thanks this evening, and it's the most I can provide at the moment. As for you three," he turns towards the thugs, "Come with me. Sister Urikas and I will deal with you. And before you have any ideas about running, keep in mind that your fellow guardsmen eyes' are not so inattentive this close to the city gates. Now move." Ruphus and the thugs disgruntedly shuffle off further into the chapel.

Parsifal smiles and says, "If you'll just follow me." Through the majestic foyer with its white stone and dozens of brightly shining candles, you are led into a cozy room. A large embroidered rug sits under three round wooden tables, and a fire burns warmly in the corner. Tapestries line the walls, some patterned designs, other portraits of times long past. You each take a seat at the wooden tables. Parsifal disappears from the room for but a moment, returning with a large pile of comfortable wool blankets. He hands each of you one before politely saying, "I'll be back shortly with some warm tea. Is there anything else I could get you? I'm sure Sister Urikas would love to meet with each of you if you'll just wait here."

2011-11-08, 10:18 AM
Morgan the Exile

Morgan takes the blanket, patting her face dry and then working through her hair. She moves closer to the fire, breathing in its warmth, the warm air matching her own body heat. As the fire melts away the lingering water from her armor and clothing, she turns to everyone else. She eyes them over, one by one, before turning back to the fire. "Any of you want to explain who these Last Laugh hoodlums are? If'n it gets around what happened with them, I'm bankin' on seein' more of them."

2011-11-08, 11:19 AM

Dyn uses one of the offered blankets to dry himself in much the same way as the axe-wielding woman did, then grabs his own blanket (a light blue with something embrodiered in the halfling language on it*) out of his pack and places it close enough to the fire to dry any water that soaked through his pack to affect it. He then turns to the axe-weilding woman,

Sure, axegirl (as I said out in the ally, I intend to call you that until you give me a name you'd prefer,) I think I can shed some light on the issue.

The Last Laugh is the most brutal theives' guild in the city. They also apparently recruit from among the guards. As for weather we'll see more of them, we likely will. I think the reason will be because we'll be investigaing their activities, rather than them coming for us. They often abandon new recruits that fail them, such as these thugs did. I think, however, that Ruphus or this Sister Urikas will ask us to look into these disapearances. If the Last Laugh is as involved with them as seems likely, then we will definately run into them again.

I have some thoughts on what might be happening, but I'd have to learn more about the sites of the disapearences before any of them might be confirmed.

*Halfling embrodiery:
"For my Son, Dyn, Your Mother will always love you."

2011-11-08, 12:11 PM
Boddynock gladly accepts the blanket with a thanks, and wraps himself in it like a cloak.
He just nods as Dyn explains the Last Laugh, and sits down, contemplating what he heard.

2011-11-08, 01:07 PM
Brother Lionel follows the group through the city streets in a state close to complete contentment. However, the rumors of people disappearing from the city shakes him from his pious appreciation of Cauldron's layout; was this an omen of dark times to come? Clearly, it was a threat to the citizens of the city, and if so, Lionel knew he would have to come to their defense.

At the threshold to the temple of St. Cuthbert, Lionel briefly kneels and nods his head, paying the ascended god of law and justice respect. Although this building was holy to St. Cuthbert, it was also a part of the city, and thus also part of Urbanus' temple; in many ways, that made the site doubly holy. Lionel appreciated the stability that St. Cuthbert and his followers often brought to Cauldron, and although he did not always agree with their methods or ideology, he entered the temple without trepidation.

He takes the offered blanket with thanks, and dries himself off a bit by the fire, listening to the others discussion of the gang.

2011-11-08, 07:25 PM

God of Law and Justice, St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel. Not an enemy of Corellon, but not an ally either. Neutral in all respects. Thank you for providing a safe place to rest for this devotee to another. Cuthbert and Corellon may not have many shared intentions or interests, but they had little reason to dislike one another. Thranduille did not react to entering holy ground of another god, so Andarius felt no need to worry. He stops for a moment with Lional before entering, to give thanks and respect to the other god.

Shaking out his hair by the warming fire, Andarius listens carefully to Dyn's information. "A dangerous enemy to have. I'm curious as to the reason a guild of theives would take to such kidnappings. Their involvement seems likely, as they assaulted Ruphus, apparently over his investigation. However, such dealings do not seem connected to their interests. They do not gain money from the kidnapping victims, they are not demanding extortion or protection money, and it is unlikely they are increasing their membership. Too many that Ruphus described are ineligible for those catagories. It is possible they are getting money from an outside source in exchange for these kidnappings." He stops to think and see the other's ideas.

2011-11-08, 11:40 PM
Dyn nods at Andarius.

Andarius, I agree that it would seem unlikely that they're profiting from these kidnappings directly. As you say, it is quite possible that some outsider is paying them to collect people for some purpose. However, it could also be that they are collecting victims for a vatiety of purposes: selling to slavers or necromancers, perhaps. The children could definately find themselves forced into guild membership. Or, another possibility is that they're using them as what we in the buisness often call "orcish trapfinders." That is to say, they may be forcing them to walk ahead of exploration teams to trigger traps for them. A competent theives' guild would have no need of such tactics, but then the Last Laugh may use it just to enjoy the looks of terror their victims give them as they do their work.

While we can't be sure why they're kidnapping people, I have some guesses as to how:

1. They may have access to keys into the buildings they've taken their victims from. This could have been achieved by having locksmiths on their payroll make copies of their customers' keys for them, among other mthods.

2. They may actually break into the buildings, but use magic to keep themselves unseen, the process quiet, and to repair any damage afterwards. Magics that could do all this are not so hard to enact as to be out of the question for a theives' guild of any significant size and power.

3. They may have access to a system of hidden passages that allow them to get inside their target buildings. This system might be premodern, or they might have bribed or coerced the building contractors to add them in during modern construction. My god parents would probably know more about any such passage networks in the city, as decently ranked members of the Troubleshooters' guild, but I don't actually know if any such network exists. If we had access to the buidlings, we could search them for such passages, untill then, it's an unknown possibility.

2011-11-11, 07:53 PM
Dyn suddenly grins widely.

So, whatever the cause, I'm sure Ruphus will ask us to investigate. I'm sure it'll be so very much fun to find out, and think of all the good we'll do!

He then grabs his now dried blanket and wraps himself in it.

Goodnight, Andarius, Boddynock, Lionel, Soilderboy, and Axegirl. Sleep well!

Then, he rolls over, makes himself comfortable, and goes to sleep.

2011-11-11, 09:36 PM

The elf raises his eyebrow as Dyn prepares for bed. "I believe that the Sister is going to visit us in a few minutes." He pulls his bow and sword off and begins cleaning them and preparing them for the night. "I intend to wait a little longer and see if that is so."

2011-11-11, 10:14 PM
*Dyn bolts upright*

Really? *he shakes his head to clear it* Hmm... Yes, my mistake. Thanks for prventing me from commiting a faux pas, Andarius. *He grins sheepishly*

2011-11-12, 08:14 AM
Kelkin seems a little uneasy, entering the temple, and whispers a little prayer to St. Cuthbert to himself, bowing as he steps over the entrance. The sight of the roaring fire seems to calm him, though, and he grabs a blanket and begins drying off his armour and weaponry, after hanging his sodden cloak from the back of a chair and taking off his steaming boots.

"They could be selling them into slavery. Quite profitable. Or, perhaps, they have ghoul enforcers to feed. I've seen that done, it's not pretty. Maybe they are also trying to sacrifice them to demons. They did that to prisoners in the Bloodfire war. Lost three recruits that way. Anyway, what I'm saying is: we have no idea what is going on, but it's best to always assume the worst."

He makes a little protective gesture over his forehead as demons are mentioned.

2011-11-14, 02:16 AM
Dyn nods at the unnamed human's (Kelkin's) words.

You speak truth, soilderboy. I appologize for the nickname, but seeing as you've yet to share a name you'd prefer to be called by, I have to call you something. Us smallfolk have an ingrained habbit of giving people nicknames when we have nothing else to use. In anycase, you're right, any of those things could be happening to the abductees. We have to hope those things aren't, and that we'll be able to save them, assuming we're tapped for this job, as I expect we will be.

The Tygre
2011-11-15, 08:40 PM
The door to the room opens suddenly. Parsifal scurries in with a tray of still steaming tea, accompanied by a noble-looking woman. She appears to be in her late twenties or early thirties, with her dark brown hair streaked with grey and braided in an elaborate style. She wears brown, gold-trimmed robes and a symbol of St. Cuthbert around her neck, much like Ruphus and Parsifal. Although less than five foot and half, she walks proudly with a stern bearing, scanning the room with her fierce brown eyes. She takes a moment before saying, "Well met. I am Sister Jenya Urikas. I understand that you saved my protege's life tonight. Or at least that's how he tells it. Much thanks is to be given to you, and the church of St. Cuthbert is in your debt. Ruphus tells me that several of you had requests that I'd be more than happy to accommodate to in thanks. Furthermore, I will gladly pay the reward that Ruphus promised. But perhaps you would let me proposition some more rewarding work instead?"

"The attack on Ruphus tonight will not deter our church's quest to find the kidnapping victims. If anything, it tells me that we're getting a little close for the perpetrator's comfort. However, our resources are limited, and whoever is responsible for these crimes is surely going to continue with more scrutiny from now on. We need more seasoned hands to help us, adventurers more prepared for this sort of work. We've asked groups and mercenary bands in the past, but their request for pay is either too high or they've turned us down for their own safety. I am not sure if you are that familiar with each other, or even Cauldron, but would you be willing to help the church of St. Cuthbert?"

2011-11-15, 10:03 PM
Lionel answers with a booming laugh, and a dismissive wave of his hand.
"My lady, as soon as word of these kidnappings reached my ears, I knew with absolute certainty that I'd soon be on the case. You'll be hard pressed to find a more stalwart servant of the City of Cauldron than I. Folks call me Brother Lionel. I serve Urbanus, the Lord of Cities, and gladly volunteer to aid in this investigation, free of charge! Any reward you deem fit to give me can be donated to a good charity. I may not be a great warrior, or a seasoned adventurer, but I'll do what I can."

2011-11-15, 10:44 PM
Boddynock stood up as soon as the woman entered the room. As soon as she was done talking,replied "Me as well. I may not know much about the city, but I disdain all things evil, and will help as best as I can."

2011-11-16, 03:56 AM
Kelkin grumbles as he hears Dyn's words, though more to himself than anyone else.
"Soldierboy. Hah. Never been a soldier in my life. Where's he gettin' that idea."
As the noble woman enters, he thinks for a few moments, then answers:
"In my experience, mercenaries usually know what they are talking about when they call something too dangerous. That said, I've been in a scrap or two myself, and it's bad luck to deny a priest's request. What, exactly, would this work entail? Patrols? Body guard duty?"

2011-11-16, 08:06 AM
*Dyn bows politely*

Indeed wellmet, sister Urikas. I'm Dyn Deallus of the Troubleshooters' guild. I'll gladly lend my aid to the task. All I ask in return is the help I requested of Ruphus for my friend Boddynock *he indicates the Gnome* and rights for our group to salvage and split any unclaimed goods we find in the dungeons you send us to, or on the foes you send us against.

2011-11-16, 08:41 AM

The elf stands up as Percifal reenters the room and gives a short bow to the woman following him. "I will lend my hand to this search." And yours as well. A strong feeling of approval. "I have no price to name for you. Any reward you feel is appropriate I will accept." At this he feels Thranduille's disapproval. He briefly winces. "My appologies. I have just arrived in the city, and haven't settled myself in yet. For the moment, unfortunitly, I have no means of supporting myself."

2011-11-16, 10:29 AM
Kelkin holds up a single finger.
"Wait wait wait. Dungeons? Who said anything about dungeons?."
He looks at Dyn, then at the priests, as he puts his hand down on the table.
"Dungeons are bad places. All the prisoners, the violence, the torture... executed criminals coming back as spirits..."
He makes a short, but complicated protective gesture over his chest before continuing.
"If there's any dungeons involved, I'm out. Even if there are any unclaimed goods, which I doubt. The guards would just nick them."

2011-11-16, 01:33 PM
Dyn looks confused for a few seconds before realization strikes him:

I'm sorry, soilderboy, I didn't mean the prisioner-holding kind of dungeons. The term "dungeon" is just used as a catchall term to mean any umm... ruin or underground location people explore, it can sometimes be applied to aboveground buildings, too, depending on circumstances. At least, that's how the troubleshooters' guild uses the term. The places you seem to be thinking of, we call prisons.

2011-11-19, 05:24 PM
Morgan the Exile

Morgan ignores Dyn's lack of manners, and listens as each one before her hastily agree to helping the temple. Yes, she would help, but her price would be... steeper. She picks up a small cup, pouring herself some of the tea, sipping it instantly, ignoring the heat. "I'll agree to aid ye, but I ask for an additional boon, Lady Urikas. Once we assist you in this matter, I ask to read what tomes your temple possess. It is a personal matter, which I hope to solve with knowledge I may gain from the writings here."

The Tygre
2011-11-22, 02:27 AM
Jenya's face softens at the responses of affirmation. It is now easier to see a softer side to the priestess, one worn by the burden of managing the chapel in troubled times. She smiles as she says, "Thank you, thank you all. You'll each be given your requests. I will be glad to cast any spells for you tomorrow morning, after the morning mass. The library is open to you freely, though I fear there is not much to it beyond this room. And I will be more than glad to give you all a room at the Drunken Morkoth. It is not the most 'elegant' of lodgings, but the inn-keeper owes the church several favors. You may lodge there on my pay, but only for a week. After that, I am afraid you will have to pay for yourselves. This of course all supplements the reward that was being promised originally, whether you would have it or not.

Now, on to the nature of your task. As Ruphus has told you, there have been numerous disappearances and kidnappings all across the city. There are no signs of forced entry or struggle. Most recently, there have been three kidnappings from the Lantern Street Orphanage last week, with a fourth three days ago. These kidnappings were particularly unnerving. The orphanage has barred windows and excellent locks on its doors to keep the children from causing mischief at lights out. Two boys and two girls have been kidnapped, two from each dormitory in the orphanage. I tried to locate the children myself; I opened the church's vaults to use one of our holy relics, the Star of Justice. A holy mace, it allows communication with St. Cuthbert. I questioned him, but all I received in return was a riddle. Here, I wrote it down:


I can't be sure of it. It's all too cryptic for me, but if I had to hazard a guess at the meaning, I would say that 'the locks are the key' refers to the locks at the orphanage. However, I am no locksmith, and you saw what happened when Ruphus tried to investigate. I want your group to pick up Ruphus' investigation, and bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice. You can begin your investigation tomorrow. Are there any questions before you retire for the night?"

2011-11-22, 07:59 AM
Hmm... I'd guess that bit about "doors with teeth" is refering to traps of some kind. So that means we'll have to be on the lookout. Bodnock, are you skilled in dealing with such things? If you are, we can double up on the work and aid eachother. I'd also guess that the cauldron means either the city or a literal cauldron, perhaps there's a clue near a stove with one on it? Malachite hold sounds like a good name for a dun... *he looks at the man who just freaked out at the mention of the word "dungeon"* ... underground explorable area. Precious life bought with gold seems to indicate that the victims are indeed being sold wheather for slavery or some other purpose.

As for questions... I don't have any about the mission as yet, I might tomorrow morning after I've had the chance to confer with my associates. One question about the spells you'll cast to help Boddynock: Which are you thinking of to find his father's killer? I'm interested for the sake of my friend, but also curious as a magic practioner myself.

2011-11-22, 08:55 AM
Morgan the Exile

"Or the tribesmen. There be tribes who will put teeth their doors, servin' as a warnin' to intruders and signaling who lives where," Morgan says. "But Cauldron don't be havin' tribals, so that begs the question. Don't city-dwellers lock their homes with metal devices? Locks and keys, aye? So maybe we be askin' someone whose business it is to lock people's homes up. Maybe he knows who be walkin' around with no regard for the devices."

2011-11-22, 01:35 PM
Brother Lionel rubs his jaw, his brow furrowed.
"'Look beyond the curtain, below the cauldron...' well, if 'cauldron' refers to our Good City, the curtain might be its surrounding walls or borders. Which would imply we should look beyond the confines of the city, eventually working our way beneath it."
He frowns, visibly dismayed for perhaps the first time since you've met him.
"I don't enjoy venturing beyond the city gates... Urbanus holds no power beyond a city's walls. I'd be alone but for the gifts He gave me... *sigh* I'll go wherever I'm needed, I suppose, but... wouldn't Cauldron be dangerous below ground? We are all atop an inactive volcano, after all..."

2011-11-23, 04:49 PM

Andarius nods at Lionel's words. "Unless there's another location that may be refered to as a cauldron, I'd agree it likely means the city there. Curtain suggests a virtical border as well, so walls or forests make sense there." He shrugs at the lines about doors with teeth and malachite holds. They don't bring anything to mind. "Half a dwarf? Perhaps a half dwarf of some breed? Or a dwarf-like being."

2011-11-24, 03:24 AM
"Well, "Live is bought with gold". Said so, slavery of some kind. Maybe sacrifice, that also makes life precious."
He tips over one of his boots, and a small puddle runs out of the wet leather.

The Tygre
2011-11-26, 08:47 AM
Hmm... I'd guess that bit about "doors with teeth" is refering to traps of some kind. So that means we'll have to be on the lookout. Bodnock, are you skilled in dealing with such things? If you are, we can double up on the work and aid eachother. I'd also guess that the cauldron means either the city or a literal cauldron, perhaps there's a clue near a stove with one on it? Malachite hold sounds like a good name for a dun... *he looks at the man who just freaked out at the mention of the word "dungeon"* ... underground explorable area. Precious life bought with gold seems to indicate that the victims are indeed being sold wheather for slavery or some other purpose.

"That was my belief as well. I can't think of much else that 'doors with teeth' would refer to. As for 'Malachite hold'... I have heard of no such place. Thought it does bear an ominous name. And I regret to agree that it sounds as if some kind of humanoid trafficking is afoot.

As for questions... I don't have any about the mission as yet, I might tomorrow morning after I've had the chance to confer with my associates. One question about the spells you'll cast to help Boddynock: Which are you thinking of to find his father's killer? I'm interested for the sake of my friend, but also curious as a magic practioner myself.

"I was planning on using an Augury spell to help him personally. I regret to say that I am not a practiced diviner. The high priest would surely be of more help, but he is in Sasserine at the present moment."

Morgan the Exile

"Or the tribesmen. There be tribes who will put teeth their doors, servin' as a warnin' to intruders and signaling who lives where," Morgan says. "But Cauldron don't be havin' tribals, so that begs the question. Don't city-dwellers lock their homes with metal devices? Locks and keys, aye? So maybe we be askin' someone whose business it is to lock people's homes up. Maybe he knows who be walkin' around with no regard for the devices."

"Exactly what I was thinking, young lady. That was actually one of the questions that Ruphus wanted to ask at the orphanage; the nature of the locks might be just the clue we need."

Brother Lionel rubs his jaw, his brow furrowed.
"'Look beyond the curtain, below the cauldron...' well, if 'cauldron' refers to our Good City, the curtain might be its surrounding walls or borders. Which would imply we should look beyond the confines of the city, eventually working our way beneath it."
He frowns, visibly dismayed for perhaps the first time since you've met him.
"I don't enjoy venturing beyond the city gates... Urbanus holds no power beyond a city's walls. I'd be alone but for the gifts He gave me... *sigh* I'll go wherever I'm needed, I suppose, but... wouldn't Cauldron be dangerous below ground? We are all atop an inactive volcano, after all..."

"The volcano has been extinct for years, though. However, there are passages to the Underdark beneath Cauldron. If some nefarious group of creatures were to crawl up from those dank tunnels, they could easily have an escape route. Or what if the kidnappers come from outside Cauldron and use the tunnels to escape? This is all so frustrating. I'm glad that we have one of Urbanus' servants aiding the church of St. Cuthbert in these troubled times."

Andarius nods at Lionel's words. "Unless there's another location that may be refered to as a cauldron, I'd agree it likely means the city there. Curtain suggests a virtical border as well, so walls or forests make sense there." He shrugs at the lines about doors with teeth and malachite holds. They don't bring anything to mind.

"It could be something relating to the surrounding towns. Redgorge is not too far off, and the journey to Kingfisher's Hollow would only take a few days."

"Half a dwarf? Perhaps a half dwarf of some breed? Or a dwarf-like being."

"As much as I can figure. At least without picturing something rather grisly..."

"Well, "Live is bought with gold". Said so, slavery of some kind. Maybe sacrifice, that also makes life precious."
He tips over one of his boots, and a small puddle runs out of the wet leather.

Jenya blanches at the mention of sacrifice, sputtering, "Good heavens, I hope not!"

2011-11-26, 12:47 PM
Morgan the Exile

"How many craftsmen work on these devices, in this city?" Morgan says. "That is where I will be starting, but... in the morning. I am beginning to tire, and I will take the rest of the evenin' taking look over the tomes your temple has to off- wait. Malachite is a... mineral, a stone, yes? If that be, could they have shackles made of it? As in some sort of curse? Or perhaps... perhaps they're underground. With the walls of this volcano as their 'curtain'." She turns to Jenya. "No, no, not tonight. Tonight I read. Lady Jenya, could you point me to the way of the tomes?"

2011-11-26, 07:48 PM
Boddynock blinks wearily, and is startled when he sees the woman in the room. Apparently he had fallen asleep while he was sitting against the wall. He listens to the conversation enough to gather what is going on.
"I'm decent enough at dealing with that sort of thing. I built that sort of thing all the time back home, and I can figure stuff out enough to help take stuff apart safely." He responds to Dyn's question.
"And while I do agree that precious life bought with gold is probably slavery of some sort, it could also be prostitution."

The Tygre
2011-11-29, 11:28 AM
Morgan the Exile

"How many craftsmen work on these devices, in this city?" Morgan says. "That is where I will be starting, but... in the morning. I am beginning to tire, and I will take the rest of the evenin' taking look over the tomes your temple has to off- wait. Malachite is a... mineral, a stone, yes? If that be, could they have shackles made of it? As in some sort of curse? Or perhaps... perhaps they're underground. With the walls of this volcano as their 'curtain'." She turns to Jenya. "No, no, not tonight. Tonight I read. Lady Jenya, could you point me to the way of the tomes?"

"Are you quite sure, miss? You could wait until morning if you are tired. But if you insist... As I have said, this room contains a portion of the church's library. The rest are locked in our private collection, so you will have to find someone to unlock the room for you. I hope you find what you're looking for."

Boddynock blinks wearily, and is startled when he sees the woman in the room. Apparently he had fallen asleep while he was sitting against the wall. He listens to the conversation enough to gather what is going on.
"I'm decent enough at dealing with that sort of thing. I built that sort of thing all the time back home, and I can figure stuff out enough to help take stuff apart safely." He responds to Dyn's question.
"And while I do agree that precious life bought with gold is probably slavery of some sort, it could also be prostitution."

Jenya blanches again, though the shock is now turning into some kind of righteous indignity. "Whatever the case may be," She sternly says, "I'm trusting you to find the kidnappers and bring them to justice, by whatever means necessary."

2011-11-29, 11:37 AM
"Absolutly, mam." Boddynock says with a determined look on his face. "And a quick question;" he says with half a smile, "do you have sleeping quarters we could use or should we sleep on the pews?"

The Tygre
2011-11-29, 12:51 PM
"Absolutly, mam." Boddynock says with a determined look on his face. "And a quick question;" he says with half a smile, "do you have sleeping quarters we could use or should we sleep on the pews?"

"If you don't want to walk through the rain anymore, then you may stay here for the night, though we do not have anything beyond a few mats to spare. But, as I have said, you should have rooms waiting for you at the Drunken Morkoth Inn."

2011-11-29, 12:58 PM
Morgan the Exile

"Your Patron grants you a sense of justice that most others cannot touch, Lady Jenya. Mine gives me a thirst for knowledge." Morgan says, as she turns from Lady Jenya, and starts to look at the books in the room. Picking up any that look promising, she leaves, looking for someone to let her into the private collection.

Still here, Tygre. :smallsmile:
So yes, Morgan is going to look for someone to unlock the Private Collection.

2011-11-29, 01:04 PM
Yes, that would be a good idea. Before we head off tomorrow, we should take stock of our resources and skills. Lady Jenya, might you have a storeroom of items we could borrow for our mission? For example, if you happen to have some high quality trapfinding (aka, thieves') tools, perhaps confiscated from some hoolgigans, I'd like to borrow them in improve my trap disabling abilities. Considering the fact that we are dealing with a hostile thieves' guild, I'm quite sure we'll be facing traps.

2011-11-29, 04:24 PM
"Ah, I'm sorry; I must have missed the fact that we had rooms waiting for us at the inn." he says sheepishly.

2011-11-29, 08:04 PM

The elf listens to the other's thoughts as he finishes cleaning his weapons. At the suggestion that they settle down and the offer of a place to sleep, he perks up again. "Thank you very kindly for your offer Lady Janya. I need a place to settle down and trance, a simply mat will excellently." He nods his head deeply to her and begins settling down to rest.

2011-11-29, 10:25 PM
Lionel slaps his thick belly enthusiastically.
"Well! Off to bed with me, then. I'll take up your offer of hospitality, and see how this 'Drunken Morkoth' treats its guests! I'll be seeing you all in the morning, I'd wager."

(I'm ready to continue.)

2011-11-29, 10:59 PM
Yes, indeed. Where is this Drunken Morkoth, Lionel? Let us all make haste there and rest up for tomorrow! Sister Jenya, might we speak with you again in the morning to check for any relavent last minute developments, and to perhaps requisition specialty gear if we need to?

The Tygre
2011-12-01, 11:08 PM
Head down the mean streets. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=219490)


The elf listens to the other's thoughts as he finishes cleaning his weapons. At the suggestion that they settle down and the offer of a place to sleep, he perks up again. "Thank you very kindly for your offer Lady Janya. I need a place to settle down and trance, a simply mat will excellently." He nods his head deeply to her and begins settling down to rest.

"Are you sure you do not wish to head to the inn with your companions? It is your decision, I suppose, but you will have to spend the night in one of the novice's rooms. Now, as for the rest of you, the guard barracks are just down the street from here. Give the... commanding... officer... this... note." Jenya says as she scribbles on a piece of spare parchment. "And someone will be able to guide you to the Drunken Morkoth. I expect to see all of you here tomorrow morning at 10:00 A.M. sharp. Do -not- be late.

2011-12-01, 11:26 PM
Yes, Ma'm. Umm... will the folks at the inn be able to give us a wake-up call, or will one of us have to do that? Oh, and if noone objects, shall I carry the note?

2011-12-03, 10:44 AM

When he realizes the others all intend to head down to the inn, Andarius sighs and shakes his head. "No, I will join them. I was under the impression that they were planning to remain as well. Thank you for the offer however." He offers a short bow to Jenya and prepares to leave with the others.

The Tygre
2011-12-05, 04:27 PM
"You'll have to talk to the inn-keep about that. And seeing as how you're the local Cauldron resident here, you can carry the note." Jenya says with a warm smile. She sees you out the chapel, and reminds you all, "Remember, 10:00 A.M. sharp, tomorrow morning." She softly closes the door.

The rain has lessened. The air still has a dreary, mid-autumn atmosphere to it, but the downpour is now little more than a drizzle. You make your way down Obsidian Avenue to the guard barracks. The outermost ring of Cauldron is more well-lit than the inner rings. Rich houses and high class shops carved from black stone and adorned with statues, flowers, and engravings line either side of the street around you. The mist from earlier has receded into the innermost ring of the city.

Jenya wasn't lying when she said that the barracks were just down the street. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQsC5IEXDag) Not even a quarter of a mile away, nestled between a training range and a warehouse, the proud base of the city guard stands. Built like a fortress, the tall, stern, barracks look like they were made from an earlier time, before the city walls could drive off the beasts of the surrounding mountains and forests. Time and prosperity has worn the aggressive edge from the building, and though it is still proud, one can easily see 'home' in its imposing facade.

Though most of the lights are out, two torches by the door are still lit. Engraved in an arch over the wooden doors is simply 'CAULDRON GUARD'. Dyn knocks on the wooden doors. Not a moment later, a guard in armor opens the door. His helm is off, letting you look into his tired eyes and rugged visage. Already looking less forgiving than anyone at the chapel of St. Cuthbert, the guard asks, as if unsure whether you're all looking for help or you want to turn yourselves in, "Yes? Can I help you?"

2011-12-07, 05:45 PM
Yes, sir. I've got a letter for your commanding officer from Sister Jenya of the Church of St. Cuthbert.

*he holds the letter up so the guard can see it*

2011-12-08, 11:58 AM

The elf waits for a moment until Dyn reveals the letter, then bows his head to the man. "Our appologies for bothering you at this time of night"

The Tygre
2011-12-12, 09:45 PM
The sleepy looking guard grumbles as he reads the note from Sister Urikas. He looks like he's about to chew you out before Andarius says his apology. Checking himself, the guard mumbles, "Hang on a moment..." before disappearing back into the barracks. He comes back with a younger, fidgety guard. The younger guard has laden himself down with thicker armor, and a good luck charm dangles from his neck. The younger guard keeps is talking rapidly, "But sir! I can't go out there! I'll catch my death! The storm might come back at any minute! At least let me grab a coat!"

"You don't need a coat, Perch. It's just a little drizzle. Now, Jenya wants these folks at the Drunken Morkoth, and you're the one to lead them. Are my orders clear?"

"... Yes, Sergeant Voll."

"Good. We're overworked as it is. Now get moving." The sergeant goes back to his original post. Perch now stands before you in enough armor to stop a charging bull, but still looking timid and afraid. He awkwardly sniffles as he looks over each of you and says, "So... Shall we go?"


Perch leads you through the city streets, pacing quickly down the slick roads. His armor echoes from building walls, the loud clanks resounding through the cool air. You hardly have any time to take in the surrounding shops and businesses with the paranoid guard's frantic jolt. Finally, Perch stops and says, with another awkward sniffling from his nose, "Well, here we are."

The building before you is not very old, but still venerable. Three stories tall, the bottom floor is constructed from brick and mortar, with the upper two built out of wood. A sizeable stable sits next to the main building, with a number of horses and mules already waiting. Above the main entrance hangs the inn's sign; a mix between an octopus and a vipersfish holds a tankard in one of its claws, its tongue hanging listlessly out of its mouth and its eyes rolling to the sides. In bright yellow letters next to the creature are the proud words:

DRUNKEN MORKOTH INN (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQ3VpAEDzXw&feature=related)

Perch stammers, "Well... Good luck!" The awkward man sneezes before rushing back up the street. Next to the door is a wooden box, with a sign reading 'Cauldron Herald'. As your party steps inside, a wave of warmth sweeps over you. The interior of the Drunken Morkoth Inn is roomy, but welcoming. Eight long wooden tables occupy the central area, with a stocked bar on either side. Four private booths nest on the south wall. The stones on the floor are black, but smooth from years of use. Trophies and paraphernalia hang on the wall. A central hearth with four openings sits in the middle of the common room. Despite the late hour, there are a still a few weary patrons awake.

A dark-haired dwarf with a short, smooth beard comes out from behind one of the bars. Or at least you thought he was a dwarf; close examination shows him to be an exceptionally stout human. The bar tender looks at all of you and says, "Well hello there! Will you be needing a room with us for the night?"

2011-12-12, 10:37 PM
Dyn smiles brightly at the barkeep.

Yes, sir! How much will it cost us? Also, would it be possible for us to get awoken in time to eat and make ourselves ready for a ten in the morning appointment at the Temple of St. Cuthbert?

The Tygre
2011-12-15, 02:16 AM
The stout man raises an eyebrow and walks over to you, asking, "Ah, so you'll want to be headin' to the temple in the morning, will you? Well, I think a wake-up call can be arranged. Anyway, we have bunks in the common room, those'll cost you one silver a night, a room for yourself is two gold, and suite is six gold. You can get six people into a suite, so it might just be perfect for you. Now we've also got all kinds of nice grub and spirits, so-"

"RIVEK! Stop chatting them up and take their damn money!" A shrill voice comes from the space the bartender just emerged from. The bartender grips a dish-rag in his hands tightly as he fumes, "Mykingdomforasharpaxe... Go to bed, Naz!"

"How can I go to bed when you're bleeding us dry?! I'll wake up with the taxman!"

"Gods have mercy on his soul!" Rivek quickly turns back to you and smiles, grinning, "Excuse me for a minute. Just ring the bell (he points to a hanging cowbell on one of the bars) when you've come to a decision." The inn-keeper quickly storms off back to the cellar, slamming the door shut.

2011-12-15, 02:30 AM
*To his companions*

Well, I have two gold, four silver worth of coin on me. If we're to get a suite, I can pay just over two shares worth, or I could pay for all of us to get bunks, or since Boddynock and I aren't so big as the rest of our group, I could pay for a single room and share it with him. What would you all like to do?

2011-12-15, 04:57 PM

"I can afford to pay for a room for all of us. I would prefer the suite, even more so if it included a meal in the morning in the price."

2011-12-15, 07:48 PM
Lionel claps Andarius on the back.
"Consider covering my room and board a donation to the Church of Urbanus! Much obliged!"

2011-12-15, 10:44 PM

The elf grins. "A donation in good faith from the church of Corellon Larethian. It will do more good buying lodgings for a companion than burning a hole in my pocket."

2011-12-16, 08:49 AM
Kelkin shrugs.
"Well, if someone gets a room, I'll take the carpet, or chair, or whatever else they have. Or I'll get myself a bunk here. Slept in worse places."

2011-12-17, 12:42 AM
Boddynock grunts, clears his throat, and looks at his shuffling feet. "Well, unfortunately, I- *sighs* I'll have t-to ask to h-have someone p-pay the board for me. I only have f-five copper peices to my n-name." He says, his voice wavering, and you think you might have seen a single tear roll down his nose.

2011-12-17, 10:47 AM
Morgan the Exile

"... Hogpiss..." Morgan says, reading through the books. She closes the last one, and closes her eyes, calming herself. She chooses her next words carefully, suspecting that only... two... will hear them. "Listen. I know ye can. This can either be a blessing fer the two of us, or something that will wreck us both. Either I give you a body, and you give me powers, without twisting the trade or tricks upon my well-bein', or I can find out how to exorcise you. I will do nothing until the end of my days to banish you from this realm. And I'll be honest, I enjoy... the power, that I do, and the idea of you makes me... excited... but I enjoy liars and deceivers less than a dagger through the heart. Understood?"

She begins writing down on a sheet of paper in scribbled, messy common, the names of the books, as well as the key figures that played a role. She sets the books away, keeping note of where each one of them is, and exits the Private Library. She exits the temple, and makes her way down the road. Outside, she pauses a minute to curse her luck: She doesn't know where the Inn is, and its raining. Still, though, she finds the Drunken Morkoth, and enters. She sees her... associates, and sighs, as she hears the blubbering of Boddynock. She uses her weight and size to gently... shove... them aside, and she looks at the man they were addressing.

"Evenin'. I believe I have a room waitin' fer me, reserved by the Temple of St. Cuthbert, by Lady Jenya. If'n we can find it soon, I'd be grateful." She turns to Boddynock, with an incredulous look on her face. "Why're you worried about coin for board?"

2011-12-17, 05:12 PM
Oh, that's right *smacks forehead* I think we all forgot about our lodging already being paid for! Must be the events of the day err... night, catching up to us. Thanks for the reminder.

2011-12-17, 08:10 PM

"Oh, right. Well, what should we go for then. I'm a little more hesitant on the suite, that would cost a fair amount for Sister Urikas. But it'd be cheaper than a room for each of us, and I'd prefer to not sleep on a bunk out here."

The Tygre
2011-12-20, 01:28 AM
The sound of shouting rises again, culminating in a shrill, "FINE! I'll go take care of it like I always do!" A bedraggled dwarven woman with greying hair steps out from where Rivek disappeared. She brushes a strand of hair out of her face as she turns to Morgan. Now composed, the dwarf smiles and says, "Hello dearie. I'm Ms. Stoneblood. Did you say you have a room waiting? From the chapel? Well, they did help us out of a might fine pickle. Tell you what; here's a room key for a suite, and since there looks to be seven of you, one of you can take an open room if you like. We'll work all the details out with the Church. Now make yourselves at home, and just let me know if you need anything at all." With that, the dwarven woman gladly hands you two room keys and starts cheerily washing the counter.

2011-12-21, 06:24 AM
Ah. That's wonderful, thank you ma'm! Now, guys, might I point out that Boddynock and I are each about half the size of one of you lot. Maybe we don't really need the extra room? Of course, if you're not comfortable with sharing a bed, Boddynock, I understand. If that is the case, how shall we decide who gets the single room?

2011-12-27, 11:14 PM

The elf takes the keys for the moment and looks them over. "If none of you have any objections, I would prefer to take the single room." He waits for a few seconds to see if there's any objection. If there is none, he separates out the single room key and hands the other to someone else. "Alright. I will see the rest of you tomorrow morning, I'm rather tired and would like to trance now." He nods, then turns to head to his room.

2011-12-28, 12:37 AM
Morgan the Exile

"Truth be told," Morgan says, looking at the elf with what is left of her energy for the day. "I'd rather take it, given I ain't married to not a single one of ye."

2011-12-28, 01:32 AM
*to Morgan* Ah, good point, Miss.

*to the innkeeper* In any case, I'd like to request a wake up call for 8am, please.

*to the party* That should allow me to get the rest I need and still leave us time for breakfast before our appointment. If that's alright with everyone, shall we head to our rooms?

2011-12-28, 01:49 AM

Andarius smiles and hands the key over to Morgan. "Of course, that hadn't occured to me."

The Tygre
2012-01-03, 04:45 AM
The Drunken Morkoth's main floor is all but empty this late. The only patrons out are a bedraggled human in brown clothes and a table with two elves and a dwarf. You each decide to head to your respective rooms for the night, ascending the stairs. Naz, the inn-keeper's wife, smiles and says, "Good night. I'll make sure to wake you in the morning."

The Suite
Opening the door, the six male party members are not disappointed by what they find. A main living room with an embroidered rug houses a long, rounded table with six chairs. A cabinet in one corner shelves a variety of cheap cups, mugs, plates, and silverware. The other corner is the brooding nest for a great dragon of a stove, a black metallic beast resting on four heavy legs, eagerly awaiting another glut of coal into its glowing mouth. Between the cabinet and stove, a paned window looks out onto cauldron, the glass is fogged from the cold and rain. Directly to your left, next to the door, is a wide, tall chifferobe. And finally, to the right is a worn but comfortable looking couch with a small table in front of it.

A luxurious room, to be sure, and the standard is kept in the bedrooms. There are two wings of bedroom, each opposite to each other. One is next to a room holding a wooden tub for bathing and the other is next to the water closet. Each room has three twin-sized beds, night tables, and chests at the foot of each bed. The two rooms also have two rather amusing murals on their walls; one room depicts a rather nervous caricature morkoth getting ready for rain... at the bottom of a lake. The other room's picture has the morkoth drunkenly playing cards and scratching his head while he looks at his hand, apparently oblivious to the fact that his cards are facing backwards.

Morgan's room is significantly smaller, but comfortable enough. A bed a little bit larger than a twin but not quite a queen waits for weary travelers. There's a chest at the foot of the bed and a night table next to it. Next to the window which looks out on the alley, there stands an old wardrobe with a set of drawers beneath it. There's a bed warmer next to the wardrobe, though it appears Morgan will have to get her own coals if she needs the extra heat tonight. Finally, a chamber-pot sits under the bed. Morgan can't be sure, but it looks like there are some black markings under her bed as well. Morgan's morkoth portrait depicts the inebriated icthyoid trying (and failing) to dance in shoes far too large for its individual tentacles.

All in all, each room is a nest of coziness for its guests, creating an atmosphere of comfort, even if only for this moment in time.

2012-01-04, 11:52 PM
Boddynock looks mildly surprised at the state of the room. "Wow. I'm certainly impressed! Hey, look, nobody will have to share beds!," he says with a smile.

2012-01-05, 12:08 AM
Lionel inspects each of the caricatures before letting loose a gut-shaking laugh.
"Why can't all building have such droll decor? Truly, this place is a jewel in the Crown of Cauldron! Urbanus be praised! And a sincere thanks to the Cudgel as well; the generosity of his followers is much appreciated. Well, chaps, it's off to bed with me; don't be alarmed if I start to mutter in my sleep. My god has a tendency to speak to his followers in dreams; either that, or I'm just snoring!"

(I'm ready to move on, etc.)

2012-01-05, 08:19 AM
Dyn grins at the sight of the room.

Well, we best get our rest. Wouldn't want to be unfit for our tasks tomorrow!

he then turns in for the night.

(I'm likewise ready to continue)

2012-01-05, 10:41 AM
Morgan the Exile

Morgan steps into the room uneasily, taking note of what is in the room, and what isn't. She approaches the bed, unfastening her armor, setting her axe against the bed. She takes off some of her clothing, leaving her trousers and shirt on, and begins removing the sheets from the bed, the bed warmer from near the wardrobe, and, for good measure the pillows. She drags the night table next to the door hinges, placing it so the door can't fully open. She sets the pillows on the ground between the door and the wall and the night table, and places the sheets on top. She sets her armor underneath the bed, and places the axe underneath the pillows. She lays down herself, with the bed warmer acting as a blanket, and begins to fade into sleep.

2012-01-05, 08:06 PM

The elf settles down on one of the beds, sighing in relief at how comfortable it is. "They charge a fair price, but it looks like they make it worth the coin." Stripping off his armour and stowing it carefully, he tends to his weapons and readies to trance.

The Tygre
2012-01-09, 04:57 AM
You each drift off to sleep, safe and sound in your beds. You are all awoken by a rapping on the bedroom door, and the innkeeper's wife's voice calling out, "Rise and shine! It's your wake-up call, just as you asked. We'll be serving breakfast downstairs if you're hungry." She walks away, and leaves you all with the cool Cauldron morning.

2012-01-09, 12:09 PM
Lionel awakens refreshed and invigorated, filled with renewed faith and conviction. He was doing Urbanus' work here, he now knew for certain. For a while he prays in silence near his bed, asking his god for divinations to better seek their goal and pierce through deception.
As he makes his way to the dining hall, he slaps his ample belly with a meaty hand.
"Good morning, friends! Let us eat hardy and well, for we've important work to do!"
Brother Lionel seems to have a tremendous capacity for food and drink. However, he refrains from eating more than his fair share.
At some point, he seeks out the proprietor.
"Good sir, 'tis but a small token of my appreciation, but if you have anything in need of repair, I would gladly attempt to fix it by the grace of Urbanus."

2012-01-09, 03:33 PM

Andarius had finished his trance some time before the wake up call. He'd spent the time meditating, concentrating on Thrandiulle's presence in his mind, trying to communicate with the mysterious outsider. He rarely summoned the avatar, and couldn't speak with him even if he did, so it was always an exercise to understand what he wanted.

As the others awoke, Andarius muttered "Sorry, I'm finished for now." and began to get ready with the others. He was downstairs quickly, having had plenty of time while the others slept to put his equipment together. Thanking the innkeeper's wife for her hospitality, he ate quickly and sparingly, focusing mostly on the fruit, but taking a portion of the bacon as well.

2012-01-09, 03:37 PM
Kelkin stares at the food listlessly, heaping it into his mouth with the habit of years of life where one would never know when the next full meal would come. He chews, mechanically and without tasting anything and his face is pale, and shudders whenever he meets the eyes of any of his new companions.
After two full plates gorged down without joy, he takes a few grains of sand, throws them over his shoulder, knocks on the table three times and then retreats to a wall and begins to polish his boots, though they seem to be, for everyone else, perfectly clean.

2012-01-12, 03:40 AM
In his sleep, Dyn seems to be attempting to cast color spray.

Dyn wakes with a start, as if from an intense dream. He whispers: It was a dream?
Shaking the sleep from his mind, he cleans himself and goes downstairs for breakfast. Before eating, he asks the innkeep for paper and a writing implement, and writes... something... down.

he's writing down the details of his strange, vivid dream. Such dreams are unusual for him and he suspects... something... is going on.

Ah, a wonderful spread you have here, m'am! Being a halfling, he then samples some of everything on the table, though not a particularly large amount of any one thing. He then turns to his companions.
Say, did any of you lot have a strange dream last night?

2012-01-12, 09:05 AM
Morgan the Exile

Morgan awakes with a jolt. Sweat keeps her hair half-matted to her body, and half-matted to anything else it can be. She gets up, hopping up into a crouched position, and it slowly dawns on her where she is. She calms down, slowly, and begins putting her armor back on, and setting her axe back in its strap. She grabs her bag, and heads downstairs.

She sees her other... companions... just in time to hear Dyn's question. She asks for a plate of... anything, at this point, and sits down near them. She doesn't respond to Dyn's question, no, but she does ask one of her own. "Do any of ye know what 'chess' is?"

2012-01-12, 01:12 PM
Halfway through a mouth of bacon, Brother Lionel locks eyes with Dyn. He smiles, his cheeks flushed red, and points emphatically.
"...Aye, that I did, that I did my good halfling. I knew Urbanus would soon be speaking to me, and He certainly did last night. He knows the city is in danger, and I now know with absolute certainty that I am His instrument in Cauldron's time of need. Together, we shall purge the city of an evil festering somewhere in its beleaguered heart."
At Morgan's question, Lionel chuckles.
"Why, chess is a game of strategy. Two opponents move pieces across a board of black and white squares, in an attempt to capture the opposing player's King. Did you dream of such a game, Morgan? Heed your dreams, for they are often a glimpse into the river of destiny!"

2012-01-12, 02:05 PM

"A game of... strategy... okay, well. What strategy is it when a hole shows up in the opponent's black side, and bursts into flames?" Morgan says, looking at the priest.

2012-01-12, 02:21 PM
Kelkin frowns.
"That's the game where all the peasants stupidly rush to their death, while the knights and clerics sit in the back waiting for the time when they can rush in and take the glory, right? Love it."

2012-01-15, 07:47 AM
After waking with a start about an hour before the inn-keeper called out, Boddynock could not fall back asleep.
At breakfast, he sat at the end of the table, and kept going over in his mind his dream, and trying despairingly to think of something that his father had said that would apply in his situation. As such he was paying little attention to the conversation and didn't really notice Dyn's question until Ax-lady said something about chess-strategy. His fork was half-way to his mouth with a bite of biscuit covered in a weak sausage gravy when he snapped back to reality. "I'm sorry, wait, What?," has sputtered, looking at Morgan, "That's certainly not a move in chess that I've ever experienced; it is a non-magical game." he explained.

2012-01-15, 05:26 PM

Andarius decides to field Kelkin's question first, "I do suppose that is one possible strategy to the game. I've always been partial to saving the pawns though, they are often underestimated and are key to many winning strategies."

"As for fire and openings... that doesn't sound like a casual game of chess. Normally the game is played with a number of mundane pieces on a board with a grid pattern of light and dark squares. What you describe sounds more like a visualization of chess used to suggest something far more sinister. Chess is often used as a metaphor for manipulation and strategy,[/colour]" Andarius realizes he's going off on a tangent. Clearing his throat, he wraps his thoughts up, "[colour="blue"]Is this something that came up in your readings last night?"

2012-01-15, 09:09 PM
Morgan the Exile

"Aye, you could say that. I found a book of dwarven tales, and one of the passages spoke about dwarves solving riddles and problems with explosives and acid. Good book," Morgan says, turning to Andarius. "Now what's this about dreams?"

2012-01-15, 09:30 PM

"Oh, I do not dream. I spend the night in a trance, mentally reliving important moments and focusing my skills. I had nothing unusual occur over the night." He settles back to think for a moment. "From what you described, it sounds like this chess game represents some sort of duel of wits, with the opening and flames standing in for an offering. A chance to gain an advantage, but at great risk. I'd need a more detailed description of the board and the environment to figure out more, but I do not think we have the time for that right now. We should probably leave soon to begin our investigation.

2012-01-17, 07:01 PM
Well, Lionel maybe we should talk with one skilled in dream interpretation about our experiences, then. My dream was odd. Three sinister armored men interupting a senic picnic I was having with a... noblewoman, I think she might have been.

2012-01-17, 10:33 PM
Lionel finishes his meal as he listens to the rest of the party's dreams. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and smacks his belly with satisfaction.
"Well, it would seem portents and omens abound! We've serious work ahead of us! Let us not tarry, as it seems Destiny has high expectations of this little group!"

I'm ready to begin the investigation. What better way but to start with a simple Gather Information check?
Lionel will be looking for clues surrounding the kidnappings/disappearances, as well as anything related to gang activity or cults. The whole thing will take him [roll1] hours.

The Tygre
2012-01-20, 01:27 AM
You all finish breakfast hurriedly. As Naz picks up the dishes, she looks like she's about to ask Brother Lionel something, taking him up on his repair offer. Before she can say even a word, Rivek shouts from the kitchen, "NAZ! Don't be pushin' work on to the customers! I told you I'd get to your blasted list, and I mean it! Now leave the man alone!" Naz's face sours and she mumbles, "Yeah, get to it when I get my ring back from your thieving mother, maybe..."

You all step outside. The morning air is cool and crisp, still damp from last night's rain. Puddles in the streets break as people walk over them. The workers and shop-keepers are opening up, hawking their morning wares. All across town are the sounds of windows unbolting and doors opening to greet customers. A few fishermen on the lake at the center of the town are already out. Guards patrol the streets, keeping a sharp eye for thieves and anyone who might cause trouble; but in a town of adventurers and wandering merchants, how can they tell? Men and women go through the markets, picking vegetables and goods to bring home. Like a radiant blossom, from the beggars and workers at the dock to the nobles on Obsidian Street, Cauldron is coming alive (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X35ifd2VxDg).

You arrive at the Chapel of St. Cuthbert a little before 10 o' clock. The white stone is even more beautiful and majestic in the sunlight. The mid-morning service is clearing out, less than a dozen people walking out of the church. You step in and find Parsifal sweeping the ante-chamber with a broom. Silently, he smiles and waves before returning to his work. You enter the cathedral to find Brother Ruphus walking between the aisles, picking up bits of rubbish to be thrown away. Sister Urikas is still at the podium, tenderly placing a series of scrolls into a wooden chest. She sees your arrival and smiles, saying, "Ah, right on time. A little earlier, in fact. This is a promising start." Sister Urikas locks the chest before stepping down off the podium to ground level.

Sternly, with her hands behind her back, the cleric explains, "I trust you were all able to get a good night's rest? Good. Now, down to business. As I told you when we last met, there have been a series of disappearances around the town. There are no reported clues to the perpetrators, and there is no discernible pattern or connection between those kidnapped. In total, there have been twenty five unsolved kidnappings in Cauldron in the last six months. The four most recent are from the orphanage. The first three children to go missing were Deakon Stormshield, a dwarf child, Evelyn Radavec, and Lucinda Aldreen, ages nine and eight respectively. Two days later, even after increased security, a boy named Terrem Kharatys was taken from his bed. These are fist instances of children being kidnapped; the Church of St. Cuthbert cannot stand idly by any longer, and we do not have the resources or the power to get to the bottom of this case. That's where you come in. Start at the Lantern Street Orphanage and see what anybody knows. After that, spread out and investigate around town. Find out anything you can, and bring the perpetrators to justice by any means you see fit."

Sister Urikas takes a few leaflets of paper from within the sleeve of her robe. She explains, "I have taken the liberty of recording the missing persons up to this point in brief summation."




"You should be able to start within the hour. Do you have any final questions before you begin your investigation?"

2012-01-20, 02:33 AM

hmm... Quite a worrisome list of victims, Sister. First off, might you have a town map available to which we can plot the known places these people disapeared from? Also, might you have any records concerning the nature and age of any of the buildings involved? Maybe records of recent renovation? We'll have to go to the scenes ourselves anyway, of course, but having prior information might help us to narrow down our searches. *he pauses for a moment's thought* Then again, prior information might just lead us to preconcieved notions, which could easily be wrong. Also, Boddynock, roughly how aged are the gnome victims relative to humans and halflings? I know your kin age more slowly than my or my foster parents' kind, but I'm not sure quite by how much. I ask because, excluding the older gnomes, we seem to have a fairly young group of victims. *he has another thought* Lionel, since you know the city better than any of us, how does the group of victims compare versus the composition of the actual city population? I believe Sister Urikas *he nods to the cleric* said there was no decernable pattern to the kidnappings, but is this true?

2012-01-20, 02:42 AM
After his long-winded question session, Dyn pauses to collect his thoughts to see if he has any insight into the asnwers:

Knowledge (Local):

Attempting to compare the victim list with the demographics of the city, and place the known locations of the kidnappings on a mental map of the city. Also, looking for whatever information I have on those locations.

2012-01-20, 10:45 AM
Upon reading the list of victims, Lionel's smile fades into a rare, but genuine, frown.
"This list is far too long, and far too old. I only wish I had known sooner the extent of this crime!"
He strokes his beard thoughtfully.
"I'll have to give the matter some thought, Dyn. I'm not sure every disappearance on this list is related; this is a city, after all, and it's impossible to keep tabs on everyone. But if there's a pattern here, we need to figure out the strategy behind it."

I'll hit up some Knowledge action as well; anything that might pertain to these kidnappings.
Knowledge (local): [roll0]
Knowledge (history): [roll1]

2012-01-23, 01:34 AM
"Well, to start with, how old do you and humans consider to be adulthood? 16? 20? I forget. I do know that dwarves age at the same rate as we do, and I, at 41, am now in my second year as an adult. Can I see that list?" Boddyknock asks, taking it from Dyn. He studies it, and seems to do calculations in his head every so often. At one point he does a double take "12! THAT DWARF WAS 12??? He shouts loudly, "That, thats like a ... a... thats like a fracking 5 year old human!" he exclaims, visibly upset. He takes a couple of calming breaths, and continues. "Well, you are correct Dyn, all the Gnomes are more mature than is the average. Tiervan would be approximately equal to a 43 year old human, Irruth a 32 year old, Jasper 33, and the dwarf boy, Deakon, like I said, is basically a 5 year old. The other dwarves, however, seem to be older as well, though they do live longer than us Gnomes, if I remember correctly. He explains through gritted teeth.
Feel free to correct my math. I really do forget the adult age for humans and halflings according to the PHB; but I remember that Gnomes and Dwarves reach maturity at 40. I used the proportion #/40=x/18 and solved for x, where # is the age of the gnome. or dwarf.

The Tygre
2012-01-23, 05:43 PM
Jenya directs herself towards Dyn and explains, "While I do have a map, I believe you would be far more suited to finding that kind of information in the City Hall. It's just down the street, near the Guard Barracks. You probably passed it without noticing last night. I'm afraid to say that I have little information on the kidnappings. Ruphus was our 'field agent', and you are well aware of how that turned out. You can ask him what he knows, but I suspect that you are all going to have to do some investigating in the town if you want to get to the bottom of this case."

2012-01-23, 06:11 PM

The elf glances over the list as the others analyze it. "That is not a lot to go on right now. Looks like we're going to be very busy. We do know that the Last Laugh are somehow involved, even it they were just hired hands."

2012-01-23, 07:05 PM

City Hall, of course! But would they grant access to relavent records to us? For that matter, how aware are they of this crisis, and what do they seem to be doing about it? Even if they are aware and doing all they can about it, they would have no reason to trust us. Sister, would a letter from you be sufficent to gain access to the City Archives and other relavent records? *he then is reminded of something by Andarius' remark*

Hmm... yes the Last Laugh. How are our guests doing? Have they offered anything interesting, by chance? Mind you, I'd expect not. It's rarely a good idea for guilds of their kind to give out significant amounts of information to underlings. But one never knows, does one?

2012-01-24, 01:05 PM
"Well, all we really need from City Hall is a map, right?" Boddyknock asks. "It's not like we're asking them to hand over all of their investigative notes to us; that's probably all at the Barracks, and the captian there does know that we are on a mission for this church, and he might give us copies of the notes if we just ask. I also say that we split up to cover more ground faster. Perhaps two different teams? he suggests.

2012-01-24, 02:16 PM
Lionel nods in agreement at the gnome.
"I was just about to suggest the same. I've half a mind to simply make my usual rounds, and see if any of my friends and acquaintances know of anything. 'The City is a font of knowledge: one need only to wander its streets and alleys with open ears, eyes, and heart.' So sayeth Urbanus, may the bazaar's be noisy and the walls strong in His name."

That previously rolled Gather Information check is burning a hole in my pocket; Lionel would just as soon see what he can learn on his own; he can meet up with the rest of the party if they pursue more formal channels.

The Tygre
2012-01-26, 07:13 PM
Jenya Urikas continues, "City Hall should grant you access to some of the more detailed maps of the city. As for the Cauldron's guards, there's only so much they can do. These kidnappings are already difficult to track, and they are only burdened by further troubles. The gangs have been fighting with each other, the Last Laugh in particular leading the packs. There have been sightings of goblins in the town walls, though no one knows how they enter the city. And word has it that the roads around the jungles are patrolled by 'adventurer hunters', who prey specifically on weak and inexperienced warriors. And there's always the chance that the kidnappings simply aren't kidnappings; while strange, there is the possibility that some of these disappearances have completely unrelated explanations behind them."

"As for our three guests, they've taken to their cloisters begrudgingly. They haven't revealed any new information, and I'm forced to conclude that they genuinely know very little about their employers."

2012-01-28, 08:15 PM

Two teams?
Hmm... that could work.

So... one team to check the places the victims disapeared from, one to check the records in city hall, right? Who wants what job?

For myself, I'd probably be best at searching the scenes. I'd apprechiate your help with that, Boddynock, if you're willing. However, I'm not so good with the interpersonal stuff, without using magic anyway. Are any of us good negotiators?

2012-01-28, 09:17 PM
"Maybe we should all go to City Hall as a group, then split up from there, so we can coordinate where each team will go and when to meet up," Boddynock suggested.

2012-01-29, 01:27 AM

"I agree that we should visit City Hall as a group. The information we gather there could help narrow down the search of the locations, and having multiple groups to check the locations would be far more convenient. Three people to check up on that many locations would be quite the effort."

2012-01-29, 07:19 AM
Lionel claps his leathery hands together, his eyes a-sparkle.
"Right! To city hall with us, then! Let's get to the bottom of this!"

2012-02-02, 01:55 PM
Kelkin leans back against the wall with his bowl, scowling into it silently. Then, while the others are talking, he vanishes outside quickly, to relieve himself, returning a few minutes later and looking much more awake and cheerful, now armed and armoured.

"Right then. Let's hurry up this map business."

2012-02-02, 07:08 PM
Right. So, we gather information at City Hall, then (Gods willing) we decide how to spit up the investigative duties.

The Tygre
2012-02-03, 05:44 PM
Jenya courteously bows as she sends you away, saying, "May Saint Cuthbert guide and protect you." Parsifal and Ruphus demurely wave goodbye as you leave, the two hoping that you didn't notice them eavesdropping the whole time.

The sun is shining brightly as you make your way down Obsidian Avenue. The noble manors and shops look even more beautiful in the day light, the light playing off the buildings and filling flower gardens with life. You come to a single story building carved from grey rock with a bronze plaque before its steps: CAULDRON CITY HALL. It's easy to see you might have missed the structure if you weren't looking for it. The City Hall stands as easily one of the oldest buildings in the city. It is not gaudy or splendiferous or eye-catching, but humble and stout, with clearly dwarven influence gone into its structure. This was a place meant to last.

You ascend the steps to a much different atmosphere inside. Two guards in their armor watch closely as you enter, their spears ready. The marble floor of the antechamber reflects the light from the candelabras on the walls and the simple chandelier above. At the other end of the room, across from the entrance, a tall desk made of dark wood stands. Sitting behind it, an older female gnome scribbles busily. She looks up and stares at you calculatingly, summing you up as if you were a piece of meat at the market, before she promptly asks you, "Yes? How may I help you?"

2012-02-08, 11:21 AM
Seeing the none of the others are going to speak up, Dyn steps forward.

Ma'm, we've been asked by the church of St. Cuthbert to investigate a string of recent disapearances. In aid of that task, we'd like to research the city's archives.

2012-02-08, 02:16 PM
Boddyknock nods in agreement with Dyn and says: "And, if possible, we would need a detailed map of the city."

The Tygre
2012-02-09, 10:38 PM
The gnome woman looks down at you suspiciously. At the mention of the investigations, she raises an eyebrow and says, "Another group of adventurers? ... Very well. The guard will escort your group to the map room. Don't disturb anyone else."

She nods and one of the guards steps forward. He moves in front of you and slightly to the side, spear at the ready. Leading you through the left hand door, the guard guides you down the halls of City Hall. The corridors feel a little cramped, but those knowledgeable of such things remember that the estate was made just as much for gnomes and dwarves as humans. The guard finally opens the wooden door to a large square room. Large lamps hang from the ceiling, giving the room an orange glow. Shelves and cabinets honeycomb the walls, bits of paper and scraps of parchment all askew. The guard pulls down a surprisingly large scroll and sets it down for you on the table. Wordlessly, the armored man leaves, saluting you on the way out.

The map is clearly of gnomish make. The parchment is a faded white, but the tightly packed writing and diagrams of every sewer main, street, water-flow, gate, and building in Cauldron render the diagram almost black. Methodically, you pin point the locations of the kidnappings. After an hour's work, you look over the completed map.

While not obvious at first, there are definite clusters to the kidnappings. The first cluster is obviously the Lantern Street Orphanage. A larger, more wide-spread cluster is focused on southwest downtown, in the region of shops and bars. Strangely, a final cluster is focused around what is labeled as a bathhouse on the lower east side of the city.

2012-02-09, 10:48 PM
Lionel gazes at the map in awe; to him, it was more than a tool, but a holy artifact of his god. He touches his holy symbol and closes his eyes for a moment, giving thanks. He then scrutinizes the map with much curiosity and thoroughness. He produces a sheet of parchment, ink, and pen from his pack, and begins to copy down as much as he can, mostly concerning the areas pertinent to the investigation.
"This is a potent resource we have here. Praise be! Each of these three suspicious areas are excellent candidates for further investigation."

2012-02-10, 12:40 AM

Corellon, may your grace grant me the knowledge to see a pattern in this madness.

Andarius settles down with the others to track down the location of each of the kidnappings. The map was so detailed, and the writing so small, that teasing out each location was headache inducing. If not for Lional, Andarius would hardly have been able to decipher this mess; the city was much more complicated than he was used to.

When they finally had their information, Andarius sat back thoughtfully. "So, we have the orphanage, several bars, and a bath house. I'm inclined to check either the bath house or the orphanage. The Last Laugh have already indicated the orphanage is a target of interest, but the bath house for some reason draws my attention. Bath houses often have large areas of water pipes and similar under them, don't they? That could reference going under Culdron."

2012-02-10, 05:49 PM
Morgan the Exile

"I'll take the areas around the shops and bars." Morgan states, eager to get to someplace more violent.

2012-02-10, 05:56 PM
Kelkin, who spent the last half hour lazily drawing lines in the dust on an old book cover looks up as Morgan mentions bars. Standing up and straigthening his armour, he grins.
"That is, frankly, the best suggestion I have heard today. I think the bars should be searched quite thoroughly."

2012-02-11, 02:11 AM
*Dyn nods to Morgan and Kelkin*

Right, that's one search party formed. Who should search the other areas?

Of course, we could all search each area together, rather than splitting up. That would give us safety in numbers, but our group would be more conspicious, and we'd take longer to get the searching done.

2012-02-13, 06:12 PM
After a pause for thought, Dyn continues:

Time really is of the essance, isn't it? So, we should split up. We have our bar investigators. That leaves the four of us to decide our areas of investigation. (Indicating Boddynock, Lionel, Andarius in addition to himself.)

First question: Do you feel yourself to be a competent searcher, Boddynock? If so, then I suggest you and I take seperate locations, so each team will have someone capable of finding clues (and possibly traps, if there are any.) If not, then you and I should take a location together, so you can aid me and improve my chances of finding clues and dealing with any problems we run across

2012-02-13, 07:33 PM

"If we are to split up, we should arrange a meeting time very shortly thereafter. We've already seen that there are those who intend to halt the investigation. Splitting up makes us more vulnerable. I'd prefer teams of at least 3, and make sure each team has skills to either avoid or engage such threats." He shifts, feeling Thrandiulle pushing on the back of his mind. "I will check out the bath house if anyone else is interested in joining me, or I will join any team to bring it up to three."

2012-02-13, 10:27 PM
Lionel furrows his bushy eyebrows and strokes his thick beard thoughtfully. As the party deliberates, he removes from a belt pouch a set of short, geometrically-carved sticks, with regular notches set in them. He traces a circle with a piece of chalk, then tosses the sticks with his left hand, waiting until they stop clattering around.
"Urbanus, tell me true: does danger await Your servant if he should make his way to the orphanage within the hour?"

Lionel wants to go to the orphanage. He's casting Omen of Peril; there's a 72% chance that the divination will be correct. He can receive one of three results concerning the next hour of his future: Safety, Peril, or Great Danger.

2012-02-13, 11:36 PM
Dyn tilts his head quizzically at Lionel's ritual.

Spellcraft Check, to identify the spell Lionel is casting. (DC 16 for a 1st level spell, right?)
[roll0] failure.

Hmm... Are you actually using one of the magics Urbanus granted you, Lionel? I can't tell for sure. In any case, I'd gladly help you investigate the orphanage. Being the scene of the most recent disapearances, the clues would probably be freshest there. Of course, that assumes the people behind this haven't gotten spooked and successfully hidden any clues.

2012-02-15, 10:39 PM
Lionel stands, replacing the sticks to the pouch on his belt. He dusts off his hands.
"If we visit the orphanage within the hour, I've reason to believe we'll be safe enough. If you're coming with me Dyn, then let us be off while the going's good."

2012-02-17, 10:14 AM
Morgan the Exile

Morgan shifts the straps on her bags and looks over to Kelkin. "Well alrigh', 'en. Lets get goin'."

2012-02-17, 10:29 AM

Ok, How about you guys (to Kelkin and Morgan) take Boddynock with you, so you have a searcher on you team? Since we'd be working in teams of three for safety, that would mean you're with us, Andarius. Also, where and when shall we try to meet up to compare our findings?

2012-02-17, 10:35 AM
Morgan the Exile

Morgan shifted her bag; despite his good intentions, this halfling was getting on her nerves. "Tch. Alrigh'. Come on, you two. Lets head out."

2012-02-18, 02:22 AM

Sense Motive:

Happy hunting guys! Meet you back at the inn?

Oblivious to the annoyance he's causing, Dyn seems cheerful.

The Tygre
2012-02-21, 05:35 PM
The party departs from the City Hall. The gnome at the front desk watches you all intensely, and you can feel her gaze even as the great doors shut.

(Kelkin, Morgan, and Boddynock; see you on the streets. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=219490))

Lionel, Dyn, and Andarius set off for the orphanage. The three companions head East from City Hall, and begin to descend the sloping streets toward Lava Avenue. The bustle of activity increases the farther down you go. More people to smaller houses, more work for more hours of the day. The folk here are made of sterner stuff, and eye you with a certain suspicion as you walk down the streets. Amidst the dark grey stones that make up the buildings and the brown and red tiles of the rooves, you reach the end of Lantern Street to find the orphanage.

The Lantern Street Orphanage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo6KRXGBkz8) has the same charcoal grey stone as all the other buildings around it, the mortar keeping the stones together festering with mold. The windows on both stories of the building are shuttered tight and barred. On either side of the oak door in front of the building, unlit lanterns hang. Guarding the door with a snarling visage, the green-copper face of a gargoyle serves as a door knocker, a copper ring through its nose. The building looks huddled in on itself, afraid, as if the very walls were trying to enfold the precious lives within.

2012-02-21, 06:25 PM

As the group approches the orphanage;

So, shall I perform a preliminary search of the exterior and immediate area now, or should I wait until after we've introduced ourselves to whoever runs the place?

2012-02-21, 11:37 PM
"You may all do as you wish, but I shall attempt to enter as I am, and plan to remain: an honest man."
Lionel walks up to the gargoyle knocker and gives three solid knocks, waiting for the door to be answered.

The Tygre
2012-02-22, 05:25 PM
The door creaks open slightly. Inside, you can hear the sound of dishes clattering and children talking to each other. You look down to see half of an old halfling woman's face, her bright blue eye staring from over a cautious scowl. She brushes a strand of grey hair from her face as she wearily asks, "Yes? Can I help you?"

2012-02-22, 07:26 PM
Lionel smiles broadly.
"Good morrow, my lady. My name is Brother Lionel, and these are two of my associates, Dyn and Andarius. If it's not too much trouble, would you be willing to answer a few questions for us, or else grant us an audience with someone who can? We're conducting an unofficial investigation of recent and ongoing events in the city. I assure you, we are not solicitors. We're working out of genuine concern."

Here's a Diplomacy check, if you need one: [roll0]

2012-02-22, 08:47 PM

The elf lets Lionel take the lead for now. Standing quietly at the priest's shoulder, he nods politely when the halfling glances at him.

The Tygre
2012-02-27, 02:14 PM
The halfling woman looks a little unsure, but she finally says, "So you're like that priest fellow who was here from the other day? ...Alright. Come in. But I don't know what I can tell you that he didn't ask already." She opens the door fully and escorts you in.

The orphanage is warm inside, and there is the smell of cabbage cooking in the kitchen. You can hear that the sounds of children are coming from upstairs now. A little girl starts to run down the stairs, calling "Ms. Gretchyn! Ms. Gretchyn!" before she notices you. She stares at you for a minute before she jolts back up the stairs.

The halfling woman follows her with her own eyes before she leads you into the kitchen. It looks like she was in the middle of cleaning the table as she sits you at it, picking up a soapy wash-rag and dunking it in a bucket of water. You can hear people working behind the kitchen doors, though you're unable to make out anything they might be saying. In the light, the features of the halfling woman are more obvious. Hunched over in a maroon dress with a dirtied smock, she has a hardened look on her face and wears her hair tied behind her head. She finally sits down and looks up at you. You notice that her eyes are discolored; one bright blue, the other clear amber. With weary resignation, she says, "My name is Gretchyn Tashyk. I run this orphanage and take care of the children. And not that I wouldn't love to chat, but I have a full day ahead of me. So I'll thank you kindly if you just tell me what you want to know."

2012-02-27, 10:11 PM
Lionel sits at the table with his hands folded.
"Very well, m'lady. We're investigating the recent kidnappings. Several of the most recent victims were orphans from this place. If you know anything about the children that may be of use to us, or anything suspicious that you've noticed recently or close to when they disappeared, we'd be most grateful if you'd share your insights with us. Also, who was the priest who called on you earlier? What church did they serve?"

2012-03-01, 10:18 PM
Also, we'd like to thoroughly search this property for possible clues. We hope to learn how the kidnapper or nappers got in and out with their victims.

The Tygre
2012-03-05, 06:46 PM
"The priest fellow? He was here from the Chapel of St. Cuthbert. Friendly fellow. Ruphus something or other. Seemed kind of in over his head. As for me personally, I never saw anything odd. But some of the children are saying they've been seeing funny things at night. I didn't believe 'em at first. Kids talk. They have nightmares, they make up stories, you know how it is. I mean, I can't exactly believe Gertrud when she says there's an owlbear under her bed, now can I? But now... I'm so worried. I just keep running through my mind what I could have done different to keep the kids safe. I barred the windows. Ghelve put in new locks less than six months ago. I just don't know.

You have my permission to talk to the children. Just don't get their hopes up about anything. And search the house as thoroughly as you need to. I need to take care of the soup now." Slowly, Gretchyn gets off her chair and shuffles to the kitchen, a tired, melancholy look on her face.

2012-03-05, 09:43 PM
Lionel nods.
"Very well, thank you Gretchyn. Could you point us in the direction of the basement, or cellar? I'd like to have a look there, if it's not too much trouble."

2012-03-07, 07:22 PM

I understand that this must be unimaginably hard for you. You've done everything you can, and no blame rests on your shoulders. We'll take over from here." Andarius stands up and brushes his legs. "Now, before we run off. Were there any stories that stood out to you in particular? Ones that were repeated among a few different children, or ones that reminded you of something? Also, which children told the most stories or were close to the ones who are missing?"

Rolling Diplomacy: [roll0]

The Tygre
2012-03-08, 07:07 PM
"The door to the basement is in the kitchen at the end of the pantry." Gretchyn points out. "Though I don't know what you're expecting to find there. As for the children, you saw Hazel on your way in. She and some of the other girls talked about seeing a 'gray man' in the middle of the night. Thomas, one of the boys, said he heard footsteps while he was in his bed one night, but was too scared to look. Maybe you'll have better luck getting them to talk."

2012-03-08, 10:52 PM
Lionel nods to his companions.
"I'm going down to the basement, then. I'll come back up in a few minutes if I don't find anything amiss."
Once in the cellar, he makes a loop with his hands, and gazes through, whispering under his breath: "Urbanus, show me the way."

Casting Detect Secret Doors (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectSecretDoors.htm) once in the basement. Lionel can concentrate on the spell for up to 2 minutes. He'll give the whole area as thorough a sweep as he can; if he has any extra time, he'll move up to the first floor, etc., until he detects a secret passage or compartment. Should anything show up, he'll concentrate the requisite number of rounds until he has its exact location.

The Tygre
2012-03-12, 04:19 PM
Lionel moves through the kitchen quickly. At the end of the cramped and stuffy pantry is the heavy oak door to the basement. The air is cold and smells of mildew. There's no light save for that which comes from the kitchen. A set of stairs lead down to the dank cellar. It's hard to see through the darkness, but Brother Lionel is able to make out stacks of boxes, broken furniture, and shelves of supplies in the cobweb-littered gloom.

Lionel detects no secret doors so far.

2012-03-14, 09:55 PM
Dyn gets to work searching the house top to bottom.

search: [roll0]

search: [roll1]

2012-03-14, 10:16 PM

The elf politely thanks the caretaker before walking over towards the stairs. Taking a deep breath before heading up, he puts on a friendly smile before walking up. As he enters the area where the children are, he looks carefully over the group, trying to pick out where Gretchen was, as well as identify the groups and any who were on their own.

The Tygre
2012-03-20, 05:06 PM
Dyn and Lionel's search continues to turn up nothing of interest. No secret doors or tunnels, no traps or hidden compartments. However, this lack of evidence does strike Dyn as odd; none of the entrances have been forced open. Without any apparent hidden entrances, if someone entered the orphanage, they were either let in or had a key.


Andarius comes up to the main room for the children. The room has a main table where some children sit, a corner for reading, a few chairs scattered about, and worn toys scoured between the room's occupants. Said occupants don't appear to be in any particular kinds of groups or meetings, though there is a young boy in the reading corner all by himself. Otherwise, the children appear to be dispersed equally.

As Andarius enters, the children all stop their play and look up at the elf. For a moment, the two parties study each other, but soon most of the children return to their play. Some of the orphans, however, remain transfixed, including the little girl you saw earlier, Hazel as Gretchyn called her.

2012-03-21, 12:02 PM

Andarius moves over to Hazel and crouches down to look her in the eyes. "Hello there. You're Hazel, right? My name is Andarius, I'd like to talk to you about the grey man Gretchen said you saw."

2012-03-21, 01:58 PM
Lionel sets his jaw and nods to himself. There did not seem to be any hidden passageways in the basement, suggesting the children were abducted in some other way. Either way, this narrowed down locations to be searched, and any progress was a step forward. The priest makes his way back upstairs, and hunts down his companions.

How many people work at this orphanage? Have we seen any other staff other than Gretchyn?

The Tygre
2012-03-26, 01:22 PM
Hazel is nervous talking to Andarius. She awkwardly says, "Who are you? Why do you want to know? I talked to Patch and everyone else, they said it was just a dream. But it didn't feel like a dream. What's going on?" Some of the other children are still listening and keeping their eyes on you as well.

Diplomacy check to get Hazel and the other children to talk, lads.

2012-03-28, 11:23 AM

"A group of my friends and I are trying to solve a mystery. We think that the grey man might be involved, so we're trying to figure out if he is real or not. Is there anything you can tell me about what you saw, or anyone else who might have seen him?" Oh, the question of how to speak to children and what to tell them. Human children especially, it's so hard to tell how much they understand.

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2012-03-28, 12:47 PM
Seeing Andarius floundering, Lionel pats him on the shoulder before stepping forward in front of the children. He puts on his biggest, ruddiest smile before stooping down to the children's level. His green eyes sparkle like two stars lost in the fuzz of his bear-like, bearded face.
"Come now, little ones. You can tell old Brother Lionel anything! What you saw, what you thought you saw, what you didn't see! Can anyone tell me a story? I love stories! If you can tell me and my friends a story of what happened to your missing friends, then I'll be glad to tell you a story too!"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

The Tygre
2012-04-01, 04:12 PM
Lionel's voice resounds throughout the room, and the children smile and giggle at the cleric. Even Hazel bashfully cracks a smile. Before she can speak, a hyperactive human boy with ginger hair springs in, "Ooh! Ooh! Mr. Lionel! Mr. Lionel! One time I had this dream! Except it didn't feel like a dream because in my dreams the walls are all wibbly-wobbly! But this time it was just this gnome, except he wasn't a gnome because he was all in black and he had big yellow teeth! But then he saw that I was staring at him, so he ran out the door! Which was funny because the door's supposed to be locked tight, but it was wide-open! And that's how I knew this was a dream, so I went back to sleep to see if I could double-dream, and I did, which means I'm going to become the greatest wizard in the world!"

A few more children tell Lionel and Andarius about dreams or whatever they consider to be interesting around the orphanage. Of course, what the children consider to be interest has absolutely nothing to do with the case, but it still clearly brings joy to the children to have somebody to talk to. Eventually, Hazel has the courage to tell her story. She quietly says, "Well... I was asleep in my bed when I heard a noise next to me. It sounded like somebody walking around, so I opened my eyes just a little and lay very still. Next to my bed was a man. He was dressed up in nothing but a leather belt and underpants, and he was holding knife in one hand. I got real scared, but I didn't look away. His skin was all grey, and he didn't have any hair on him, and his eyes were bright, shiny blue, and there was something about his face that looked like a person's but not any kind of person I had ever seen before. So that's when Michelle snored really loud and turned over in her bed, and he ducked to the floor like he was scared. But this is part where everyone says it was a dream, because I kept watching him and he changed. His skin turned the same color as the floorboards, and he even grew little bumps to look like the cracks and nails! And then he crawled out of sight on his belly. I went back to sleep, even though I was scared. But I told Ms. Gretchyn and Mr. Patch and Cookie and everybody said it was a dream, even when it wasn't!"

2012-04-08, 11:50 PM

Each of the stories of intruders into the orphanage bothered Andarius. He looks at Hazel again and nods. "Thank you for telling us your story. Do you remember when you saw the Gray Man? How long ago was it?"

The Tygre
2012-04-12, 02:46 PM
Hazel awkwardly says, "I don't remember what time of night it was, but it was about a week ago, a few day before people went missing. I've been having bad dreams ever since then..."

2012-04-12, 09:58 PM
Lionel looks at Hazel, his face more serious, though certainly not threatening. His voice, too, is more hushed.
"Bad dreams, you say? Would you please share them with me? Dreams are often messages, from the past, present, future, or even the gods."

The Tygre
2012-04-25, 04:51 PM
Hazel whispers back, "In my dreams, the gray man is standing over my bed, and he takes me away to a room like the inside of a clock. Then everything goes black, but there's fire all around. Like it's waking up and trying to get out. I don't know where from, though. My dreams are bad, but Terrem, he had much worse dreams. Some nights, he would wake up screaming and we could hear him all the way in the girls' room! He never told anyone what the dreams were 'bout, though."

The Tygre
2012-05-11, 03:03 PM
The sound of footsteps comes down the hall toward the play-room. A gruff but friendly voice says to the three men asking the children questions, "Oh, hey? What's going on here?" Looking up, Andarius sees who the voice is coming from. A relatively young half-orc stands at the door. He wears long brown over-alls with a white under-shirt. His hair is an untidy mess that almost covers the eye-patch on his left eye, and he carries a broom and dust-bin with him. Several children collectively laugh, "Patches!" The half-orc laughs before saying, "Hey, kids. You got some visitors today? They're not bothering you, are they?"

2012-05-12, 10:05 AM

The elf stands up as the half-orc enters the room. "Hello. My name is Andarius, this is Lionel. We're here looking into the local disappearances. Who are you?"

2012-05-13, 11:16 AM
Lionel stands, nodding to the half-orc genially. The reaction of the children dispelled any suspicion he might otherwise have had.
"Well met, Patches. The children here were sharing stories with us. What a delight, to work with such bright young minds every day!"

The Tygre
2012-05-18, 02:35 PM
"He's Patches!" One of the younger children laughs. The half-orc smiles, "Yep. That's me. I'm the gardener around here. Well, the janitor, actually. I do the gardening for free. You, uh... find anything yet? That priest fellow didn't bother talking to the kids. I told him what I knew already, and I didn't have much to tell, I'm 'fraid. I mean, if you're turning up dry, maybe it's time to move on to... somewhere else, maybe?"

2012-05-18, 05:36 PM
Lionel nods with good humor.
"Tell me, Patches, how many people work at this orphanage? We've met you and Ms. Gretchyn already, but I'd like to meet any other members of the staff. If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to speak to all of you together, a brief meeting of sorts. It wouldn't take more than a few moments, and afterwards you could return to your duties and my companions and I can be on our way."

The Tygre
2012-05-22, 07:28 PM
"No!" Patches quickly yelps, "I mean... That won't be necessary. I, er... I have some vital information I can tell you. Just let me say it in private. Y'know; sensitive kind of stuff. Don't want it getting the best of anybody. Really no need to get the whole house involved. Just... let's do that instead, huh? In private?"

2012-05-22, 10:43 PM
Lionel's smile fades a bit; the faintest hint of a crease can be seen between his eyebrows.
"No need to be so nervous, lad," he says, "We're guests here, and we'll do whatever is most convenient for everyone. I'm certainly interested in anything you have to tell us."

Untrained Sense Motive check on Patches here. A DC 20 earns Lionel a hunch as to what's up with the guy, maybe get a better idea as to why he's so nervous.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2012-05-28, 09:01 PM

Andarius raises an eyebrow at Patch's quick change of demeanor. "If you'd rather keep it from the rest of the house, that's no problem for me." He glances at Lionel, to see if the man has any other thoughts on this.

Making my own Sense Motive check, also untrained: [roll0]

The Tygre
2012-05-30, 01:38 PM
"That, uh... That'd be great. Follow me." Patches waves goodbye to the kids, and they wave back, a few a little confused and nervous after the friendly half-orc's outburst, but most of them blissfully ignorant. Patches leads the three investigators into a side-room to talk. Lionel keeps a close eye on the gardener, but he doesn't seem threatening. If anything's he's genuinely scared, as if something is weighing down on him.

Patches makes sure the door to the room is locked before he starts talking. The half-orc lets out a weary sigh as he begins, "Alright, I know a thing or two about what's going on. A couple of weeks ago, there was a man hanging around the alleys near the orphanage. He was dressed up all in leather and black, a thug, y'know? It turns out he was from the Last Laugh, keeping an eye on the place. Anyway, once he got on that we all noticed him, he hired a spy here in the orphanage to do his work for him. Someone on the inside. But that's all I'm going to say about that. Now you've got what you wanted... so please, just go."

Won't someone think of the children!

Diplomacy/Intimidate check to get Patches to reveal the identity of the spy!

2012-05-31, 10:05 AM
Lionel nods, but extends his open hands, palms up.
"We know of the Last Laugh, Patches. If you have anything else that could help us, please, tell us. No one else has to know. These children's lives are at stake. If you care for them, then help us. I know you'll make the right decision."


The Tygre
2012-06-05, 09:17 PM
Patches' curls his fists until his knuckles are white. He looks up at Lionel, lower lip quivering and tears forming in his eyes. The half-orc is able to mumble, "You promise not to tell anyone? Absolutely no one?" The tears finally start to stream down his face as he sobs out, "It was me. I'm the spy."

"I went out to talk to the guy. Scare him off from bothering the kids. He said that, yeah, him leaving was a good idea. But before he went off, he asked if I was interested in a job. The pay would be worth my while. I didn't listen at first. I didn't want any money. I tried to throw a fist right into his face for good measure, but he just stepped out of the way. So we scuffled there in the alley a bit, and I got my arse handed to me. He didn't have a scratch on him."

"So that's when he made his second offer; training. Thieve's guild training. Something I could really go out into the world with... I've been in this orphanage my whole life. I don't want to be here forever. I love the kids and Gretchyn like family, but what am I going to do with my life? Plant flowers and push brooms until the day I die? I want to be an adventurer. I want excitement, to be a hero, or an explorer. I wasn't going to find that here. So when this fellow offers me full thief training for one job, I was interested."

"Just in case I had any doubts, he said I could always get out, anytime I wanted to, and that the work would be easy. I was weak; I agreed. He told me about the job right then and there. I was really surprised when it wasn't anything illegal or criminal, not hurting anybody or stealing anything. All I had to do was watch one of the kids, Terrem. He'd always been a troubled kid, made a friends a little slower than everyone else, withdrawn, you know? Had the worst nightmares."

"So that's what I did. I watched Terrem. At first, I thought the guy (he never gave me his name) meant describing his day-to-day: when Terrem wakes up, what he eats, who he talks to. Turns out, it wasn't even that. I just needed to be on the lookout for anything 'unusual'. I asked the guy what it was all about. We had just finished my training for the day and were having a drink at the Slippery Eel. He was already three sheets to the wind, and he told me that even he didn't know; he got his orders from higher up in the Last Laugh. The most that he could get was that it had something to do with the boy's parents. And then a few days later... Terrem got kidnapped."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anybody. It just seemed so innocent. I thought, 'What's the worst that could happen?' I swear, that's all he asked me, what Terrem was up to. He never asked for keys or a layout of the building or anything like that! Just how one of the kids was doing! Please... Please don't tell anyone! I'll work here the rest of my life if I have to! I'll go turn myself in to the guard if you want! Just please don't tell Mother Gretchyn or the kids; I couldn't bear it if they knew I put them all in danger."

2012-06-06, 09:32 AM
Lionel listens to the story, nodding on occasion. When he's finished, the priest puts a hand on Patches' shoulder.
"No worries, friend. You were deceived. Do you remember what this Last Laugh member looked like? Any physical details we could keep an eye out for? Hair color, eye color, skin tone, that sort of thing? You've given us enough information to help our investigation, that much is certain."

2012-06-08, 09:55 PM

Andarius feels sick as Patches shares his story. Even if he ment no harm, he provided information to a member of that group. How could he be so foolish?

"Yes, any descriptors you can provide to identify him would be helpful. We'll do whatever we can to rescure Terrem, you have my word." Maybe we'll be able to protect him in a way you obviously couldn't.

The Tygre
2012-06-13, 05:33 PM
Still distraught from his own tale, Patches answers Lionel, "Well, he wore black armor, just leather from the look of it. His hair was dark, kind of in a top-knot. And, well, ummm... He's a halfling... Punches like bigger folk, though..." The shamed half-orc adds, "Sorry I can't be more help. But now you know all I know. We never did training in a guild-hall or anything. Just one of the empty warehouses at the docks. I don't know what else I can give you... You promise not to tell anyone?"

2012-07-03, 12:19 PM
Lionel nods.
"Aye, Patches, it seems you know you did wrong. I only hope we can rescue these children, and the others who've been kidnapped. We're further along on our investigation now than we were at the start."
The cleric looks to his companions.
"Well, I'm ready to leave the orphanage if you are. We can meet up with the rest and see what they've learned."

2012-07-04, 10:33 AM

"I am ready to leave as well."

The Tygre
2012-07-05, 05:28 PM
Patch says goodbye to the two, wiping one last tear from his eye. He unlocks the room door and sees both of you out. Hazel peeks her head around a doorway and gives you an awkward wave goodbye.

The investigation has been fruitful. It would probably be best to report what you've learned to Jenya back at the church of St. Cuthbert, but the thought of kicking back with a pint at the Drunken Morkoth is far more tempting. Besides, the others are probably already back at the inn. Sister Urikas would get far more out of a full report then just partial information. So for now, it's back to the Morkoth.

As Andarius and Lionel walk down the street, an uneasy feeling comes over them. It's not malevolent, but there's that sense on the back of their necks that they're being followed by someone. Andarius almost hears what sounds like footsteps running along the rooftops adjacent to them more than once.

The tension is finally broken by the sound of broken porcelain. Andarius and Lionel turn around to see the hubbub, along with several other passer-bys. A young half-elf dressed in leather and a green-cloak stands in front of several broken vases and bowls. His hands are up in a submissive position as he is harangued by what can only be assumed to be the pottery's owner, a rather temperamental gnome in noble's clothing. The half-elf blanches when sees that Andarius and Lionel notice him. From up above, Andarius is positive he can hear the sound of laughter.

2012-07-05, 08:01 PM

Andarius scans over all the nearby rooftops, especially those near the half-elf, trying to spot anyone who may be following them. Whether or not he sees anything, he leans in towards Lionel and says quietly, "I don't think he's very happy that we're paying attention to him. Do you think he may have been following us?"

2012-07-05, 09:56 PM
Lionel seems perhaps more surprised than even Andarius.
"Your guess is as good as mine." he says to the elf.

He takes a few steps toward the half-elf, his voice loud enough to be heard but not threatening.
"It would seem Urbanus did not want you cavorting atop His rooftops, stranger. But fear not, His humble servant is here to get you back on your feet."
He extends a hand as he approaches, smiling despite his chiding tone.

The Tygre
2012-07-09, 08:18 PM
The gnome wheels about at Lionel, screaming, "Do you know this ruffian?! He rushed and attacked me! I demand recrimination! I demand justice! I want this scrawny half-breed locked in a prison-cell! Are you the boy's father?! Are you BOTH the boy's father?! What is this world coming to?!"

For his part, the half-elf reaches into his vest pocket. The fear that he might draw a weapon is quickly alleved when he pulls out what appears to be some kind of badge. He positions the metal pendant until it reflects the sun's light brightly, aiming into the air.

2012-07-12, 08:05 PM

"I assure you, I have no idea who this boy may be." Andarius responds as he quickly follows where the light is flashing. "Are you trying to signal to someone?"

The elf carefully draws his bow and readies an arrow. "I don't like where this is going."

Rolling Spot check: [roll0]

The Tygre
2012-08-14, 09:14 PM
Andarius' sharp eyes catch sight of the half-elf's target. On the roof-top, a grin still on his face, is another half-elf with streaming black hair. He is holding up his own mirror, though he doesn't appear armed. The black-haired half-elf leaps down to street level by strafing the sides of the buildings. An impressive act, but one that leaves him visibly shaken. The curmudgeon gnome yelps as the new half-elf arrives, startling the crowd around him. The half-elf with black hair laughs as he shrugs off the attention, "Well, you've done it now, Fario. If the whole Last Laugh doesn't know where we are by now then they will by dawn. Didn't you know this was supposed to be a 'stealth' mission?"

"S-sorry, Shard..." The blond half-elf mutters putting away his mirror. "You'll learn." The elder smiles. He turns to Andarius and Lionel, "Well, you've found us out. Our game of wits comes to an end. Oh, pottery! I should have seen it coming! But there's no need for violence. You can put your weapons away. We're in the same boat as you. Someone very near and dear to us has gone missing. We were already in trouble with the Last Laugh, though. So you'll have to forgive us if we decided to trail you. Maybe steal some of your glory. Maybe."

2012-08-15, 10:00 AM
Lionel smiles, though his eyes do not really show it. He crosses his arms as he takes in the half-elf duo.
"You could always just ask us what we know, rather than following us on the rooftops! That's questionably legal, and clearly unsafe. Urbanus did not want you skulking on His roofs, it would seem, and has delivered you to His servant for some purpose. I assume you too are a victim of the recent kidnappings?"

Lionel will attempt a Sense Motive on these two: [roll0]

2012-08-15, 06:21 PM

The elf cautiously puts the arrow back into his quiver, though he keeps his bow out. "My name is Andarius, and this is Lionel."