View Full Version : You Point, I Paint

2011-10-19, 08:04 PM
Alright, it's a little more complicated than that.

Easy Mode:
Give me a combination of between 1-5 classes, and a character picture will appear. Alternatively, give me a monster and something like it will appear.

Nightmare Mode:
I used to have a little comic (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=178611) here a while back, and I'm trying to gather the will and energy to resurrect it in a new and shinier form. Like everything else I do it will be in the form of lazy sketches (http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/7462/grail2.png) (though I did bother to rename it for the occasion). Nightmare Mode is, read the comic and point at stuff from it (whether the stuff in question has been shown, mentioned or even barely hinted at), and I will give that stuff new glorious forms.

Nightmare Mode pictures get drawn first. :3

...I guess I technically won't paint anything. So sue me. :smallwink:

Edit: I just realized I didn't specify what kind of classes I meant... so I guess I'll have to draw space cowboy garbage men if people ask for them. :x

2011-10-19, 08:15 PM
I've got a preditably pedantic request when this topic comes up.

Monster: Arcani



You didn't ask for further information, so I'll provide that if you need it?


Hedonist Dragon President
Great White Hunter
Pyromaniac Rock Star

2011-10-19, 08:24 PM

Google tells me nothing?

What is this wondrous creature?

Edit: Never mind, I figured it out. One Arcani, coming up.

Howler Dagger
2011-10-19, 09:28 PM
Heres a challenge:Paladin of Tyrrany/Cleric/Wilder/Psychic warrior. Wearing full plate with a dragonhide towershield wielding a longword

2011-10-20, 09:05 PM
Heres a challenge:Paladin of Tyrrany/Cleric/Wilder/Psychic warrior. Wearing full plate with a dragonhide towershield wielding a longword

What, like Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

2011-10-20, 10:33 PM

Finished, at long last. Curse simplistic designs and their difficulty. D:

Whew, sounds unwieldy, even for a high-level character.

One poorly optimized plate-wearer, coming up next.

2011-10-20, 10:40 PM

Finished, at long last. Curse simplistic designs and their difficulty. D:

I love it! Awesome, thanks! :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-29, 11:56 PM
Thanqol: Ye're welcome.

Heres a challenge:Paladin of Tyrrany/Cleric/Wilder/Psychic warrior. Wearing full plate with a dragonhide towershield wielding a longword

Nine days. Nine days it took me, before my spirit was finally broken. :\

I went in way over my head on this one and ended up cutting a million corners and giving up, but I'm sure the practise was good for something. This is a link, because the picture is just too big. (http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6315/harrierd2.png)

A priestess of the god of madness, Tamara "White Knuckles" Stonefield is the captain of the Red Wing Irregulars, an airborne mercenary company presently under a government contract.
Eh, since I realize I never said it directly before, and since I guess there's a chance someone didn't guess, I'm using this thread to get ideas for concept drawings for characters in the setting.

2011-11-02, 05:42 PM
Dragonfire Adept/Cloistered Cleric of Aasterinian/Eldritch Disciple/Chameleon.

2011-11-02, 08:13 PM
Nightmare Mode:

Panel 3 from this (http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/9161/p2friends.png) page.

2011-11-07, 04:25 PM
Alright, it's a little more complicated than that.

Easy Mode:
Give me a combination of between 1-5 classes, and a character picture will appear. Alternatively, give me a monster and something like it will appear.

Mystic Theurge, with an emphasis on wizard, but still a little bit of divine casting. The whole "one hand glowing of each color" commonly used for theurges would be one decent way to emphasize this, but of course, I don't wish to tell you how to do this.

Female. Long, black hair. Flying. Bonus points if you can work in sexy and terrifying to the same pic. Feel free to disregard any ideas you dislike.

2011-11-07, 04:48 PM
I need two of the same image, one in the normal avatar size and another roughly 400px × 600px, or similarly large as I will likely use this image for a base class I will post.

Gender: Female

Equipment: Blue plate armor with some fur. Ice Sword. Perhaps a shield with the Holy Symbol of Thrym (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/fb_gallery/42751.jpg)

Notable features: Facial scar through one eye, eyes are two different colors in a David Bowie fashion.

Race: Elf

Class: Ice Knight, Ice Paladin, along those lines.

Pose: Attack-like Pose (a Bloody Head flying near the Ice Sword would be neat.

I realize this is alot so thanks in advance.