View Full Version : [IronClaw] Reviews?

2011-10-20, 01:16 PM
Hi all,

I just watched a review of the IronClaw system: http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/teamt/iron-liz/pen-and-paper-corner/32872-ironclaw, and I was curious as to any experiences that the forum may have had with it, especially the newest edition.

I vaguely remember reading through a *very* old version of this system ages and ages ago, but I never found a gaming group to try it, and now I can't find that book.

Also, finding information about this system online is... slightly frustrating. I know there were older editions, and that there have been suppliments published for those older editions, but I can't seem to find an comprehensive list of suppliments, editions, novels, etc., in order to judge the possible level of investment in the system.

2011-10-20, 01:24 PM
I watched that too and I'm going to give it a read over the weekend. It'll not be a proper review, but I'll post my thoughts nonetheless.

2011-10-20, 07:20 PM


??? First two Google hits...

I've not played the game, but I have owned both Ironclaw and Jadeclaw. Decent systems, but it uses a dice pool with various die sizes that seems like it would be more of a pain than I really want to deal with in play (I'm not a huge fan of die-pools to begin with). IIRC the revisions where not that significant, they just needed to do a new print-run and couldn't re-use some of the art, so they went ahead and included some bits of streamlining that had made it into Jadeclaw.

2011-10-21, 08:17 AM
??? First two Google hits...


Yes, but neither of those links list all the Ironclaw publications to date, which is one of the things I'm always curious about when I dive into a new system.

I am aware of the player's book, the host book, the 'Squareing the Circle' omnibus edition that includes the player's and host book, and the mysteries book, all of which is the newest edition. On a different site I found out about the Fool 'book', which is also the newest edition but was only available for free on April 1st, and now costs $99 (and I'm aware the price is a joke, but the shopping cart system isn't aware of the humour, as it really is trying to charge $99 for it.) I also know that all the stuff published for the new edition all have consecutively numbered pages, as if they intend to publish it all as a super-omnibus book later.

For the previous edition there was the main book, and at least five supplements (Avoirdupois, Bisclavret, Doloreaux, Phelan, and Rinaldi), but I don't know if there were any more and there doesn't appear to be any official publication history anywhere.

From various reviews I've found it sounds like this edition's main book was very light on campaign information, but the current edition is very heavy on campaign information. So it's entirely possible that 'Squaring the Circle' book compiles a revised version of the main book *and* the five supplements or at least part of each supplement. I don't know, and without buying all of them to do a comparison, I'm not finding out.

Also, there are at least two novels from the setting, possibly more. And from the looks of the cover of the older edition, I'm suspicious that what I looked through before was as an even older edition, as I picked it up at a Con over a decade ago, it was 'bound' with a plastic comb binding as if it was printed at Kinkos and had a different cover. Still wish I could find where I stashed that.

2011-10-22, 02:19 AM
Ironclaw is fun heck its awesome and is probably my favorite furry rpg.
Here is a group playing it.
Lets Get Furry (http://www.lordkat.com/ironclaw-060411-we-get-furry.html)

2011-10-22, 02:34 PM
I played an older version of it, me & my friend played swashbuckling badgers. I did not like the system, I did like our characters

2011-10-24, 04:26 AM
I have the IronClaw core rulebook (March 2001), the Doloreaux and Phelan supplements, and the JadeClaw (June 2006). Unfortunately, I haven't played them myself - no gaming group :smallfrown: - but I can answer any basic questions you may have about the system.