View Full Version : Need help with an assassins guild

2011-10-20, 01:59 PM
In the game I'm running, the group has encountered an assassin's guild. This guild has feelers everywhere, sleeper agents in wait, etc

But I want the feel of the guild to be hard LN for alignment and I'm having an issue coming up with the basic tenants of the guild. The guidelines, if you wish to call them that. This guild is all about keeping the balance maintained within the world, kind of like the Fraternity in Wanted without the wackjob for a leader.

Any input on what the basic tenants should be?

2011-10-20, 02:09 PM
For some reason the idea of a LN guild made me think of just the opposite assassin's guild in this WotC web enhancement (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070425a), which is dedicated to turning people away from lloth. They believe the best way to do that is to make drow society collapse, so they basically start their own project mayhem. Swap out drow and lloth for something more appropriate to you for the evil guild, and make the basic goal of this LN assassin's guild to maintain political stability by assassinating anyone with potential to shake up the status quo.

edit: to expand, this would amount to cat and mouse, because each guild knows the other guild's likely targets. IE, the evil guild knows the LN guild will rub out a new populist rabble rouser at the first opportunity, and therefore works against this.

2011-10-20, 02:26 PM
Professionals have standards.
Be polite.
Be efficient.
Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
If you want them LN, give them a code of conduct that the adhere to religiously. To avoid the Evil, maybe they don't take jobs that "go against the interests of the Guild, that make continued operations difficult." That is, ones that can turn public and governmental opinion against them.
It's like in the Godfather, with Corleone warning the Five Families not to get into narcotics because their friends in high places would abandon them if they got into dealing drugs.

2011-10-20, 02:46 PM
All contracts must be handed down from the main office. The person who gets the contract from a client must not be the one who carries the contract out. No freelancing.

Kills must be timely.

No making a scene, unless the contract demands it.

No unnecessary collateral damage.

No causing unnecessary pain, looting the non magical possessions of the target, or acting unprofessional in general. If a client wants to keep certain items the target may have been carrying, they pay 10% the cost of the item in advance of the kill.
