View Full Version : Maxing out speed

2011-10-20, 04:54 PM
By speed, I mean feet per round. I'm asking for my friend, so I don't know all the specifics, but he's a 5 warmage/ 5 dragon shaman. I'm looking for reasonably priced items or feats to increase movement. Divine spells are also fair game as I am a cleric 5/ doomguide 5.

2011-10-20, 04:59 PM
The Chuck E. Cheese (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19861942/Chuck_E._Cheese) thread might give you some nice suggestion.

2011-10-20, 05:07 PM
In addition, if you can find a pair of boots of expeditious retreat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/expeditiousRetreat.htm) (command word/use activated), hell, it doesn't even have to be boots - it could just be a wand.

I like the use-activated/continous boots, though - and by the DMG guidelines, they're fairly cheap.
Yes, yes, I know.. They're guidelines, not actual rules.
But still. SL 1, CL 1: 2'000 gp. Now, it has 1 min/level duration, so *2: 4'000 gp for +30 feet.
With command word, it's 3'600 gp.
Now, let's say it's command word, usable 2 times per day; 1'440 gp

2011-10-20, 05:08 PM
The fact that its a custom item wouldn't be good. A wand would work, but I bet we can go faster than that.

2011-10-20, 05:27 PM
Here are some of the items I found in the MiC:
Boots of Desperation (they only work when your current hp <= 1/2 total hp), at 2'800 gp. (+30 foot speed, and +5 dodge AC against AoO).
There's also the boots of temporal acceleration, which allows you to stop time for two rounds, but at 43'000 that's a bit steep.

There's a fun-ish item, the Chronocharm of the Horizon Walker - but it's not THAT good (move up to half your speed as part of a swift action), still it's only 500 gp. (And with the Boots of Desperation, that's still (basespeed+30)/2 + basespeed+30 in one round)
Sandals of Sprinting, 2'300 gp; +30 foot speed (max twice your normal speed), until the start of your next turn, 3/day.

Also the Boots of speed, which allows haste 10 rounds/day, at 11'000 gp.

There's an armor property; Quickness, which adds +5 ft to your base speed, costing +5'000 gp.

Some real fun could probably be found by stacking speed boosts, but things like haste and expeditious retreat are both enhancement boni (which makes sense), so you'd have to find something else.

Isn't there a flaw that makes you faster? That doesn't really make sense if you're already playing, but if you are still making chars, that might work.

Oh, also, (as mentioned in the Chuck link in an above post), the panther mask (MiC) lets you use the Run feat, without actually having it..

classy one
2011-10-20, 05:37 PM
The psionic feat Speed of thought adds 10, and the mantle of freedom from CPsi adds another 10. Both require you to have psionic focus.

Edit: oh and dimensional hop lets you hop 10' as a swift action for one PP. You can augment it for 5/PP up to your ML.

2011-10-20, 06:44 PM
The Chuck E. Cheese (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19861942/Chuck_E._Cheese) thread might give you some nice suggestion.

Note that the actual Chuck build no longer works, as the errata to Footsteps of the Divine made it a dischargeable spell and ergo ineligible for Persistent Spell. Still a good source of ideas, though.