View Full Version : Thufir's Thupremely Thatithfying Thecond Random Banter With a Lithp #170

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2011-10-20, 07:38 PM
Welcome, forum-traveller, to this glorious haven of unconfined, unrestrained weirdness and conversation which fits in no other thread in all of the Playground!
Well, I say unrestrained. In fact there are a few rules. Just to make sure the thread doesn't move obnoxiously fast. Just a nice regular ridiculously fast will do.

These be the Rules:
1. Spam. For the purposes of RB, one word posts are generally considered spam. Likewise, posts that are nothing but *actions like this* are also be considered spam. Remember that the quality of the post's content is much better than the speed of your response.

2. This isn't the Play by Post or Town forum, nor is it the Silly Message Board Games or Structured Games forum. Please avoid continuous roleplay or mock battles and fights such as the "competition for control of the universe".

3. If it's already a thread, don't bring it to RB. RB has such a huge range of subject matter even restricted to the little snippets that probably don't warrant their own thread, it doesn't need legitimate thread topics cluttering it up as well. The exception to this is to bring something that is off-topic from one thread, but on-topic for RB and the subject doesn't warrant a thread of its own.

4. Don't advertise other threads in RB. Just because these new threads move at speeds more appropriate to a message board than an IM session doesn't mean you need to come over to RB and brow beat people into posting in your latest brainchild.

5. Please don't post single line posts alerting us to your current status -- as in "I'm back." This is Random Banter, not "How to stalk Random GitP forum members."

6. Don't poke, kick or bump the thread. It will move at whatever pace it wants to. Also, please refrain from Captain Obvious comments akin to "My, the thread is fast today."

7. Random Banter can only be as good, or as entertaining, as you make it. Demands to be entertained will fall on deaf ears unless you can add something more meaningful to the conversation.

8. As this is a public forum, where the current topic is nicely recorded for you, and not a conversation where you could have missed the beginning, please refrain from asking something to the effect of "What's the topic?". Please take the time to read up a bit first.

9. Thread Creator must include the words "Random" and "Banter" as well as the thread #. Try to be concise as well.

10. Every post should contain two visible, legible complete sentences, Subject and Predicate. C'mon, make your old English teachers proud.

11. Remember, Random Banter is not your IM client. If you want to have a back and forth discussion with just one person, look in their contact information for IM details.

12. Whenever a new thread is created, all "first post", "first page", and all posts of that nature will be deleted by the administrators. Please avoid doing this, as it is frustrating for them to deal with one-lined posts like this.

13. Double-posting is not your friend. We have edit buttons for a reason.

14. Once you have made a Random Banter thread, you must wait 50 threads before making another one.

15. If you can avoid dibs calling on making the next thread, that will avoid people needing to wait if the thread hits 50 pages while the dibs-caller is asleep.

Past Random Banters
Amotis' Random Banter #1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13484)
Dhavaer's Random Banter #2 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13401)
PhoeKun's Random Banter #3 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13319)
Rei Jin's Random Banter #4 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13205)
Toxic Avenger's Random Banter #5 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13146)
Jibar's Random Banter #6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13026)
Ego Slayer's Surrogate Random Banter #7 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12939)
Sneak's Random Barroom Brawl #8 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12918)
Sophistemon's Solemnly Random Banter #9 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12855)
Vaynor's Very Random Banter #10 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12834)
Bookman's Blathering Random Banter #11 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12809)
Gralamin's Glorious Random Banter #12 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12785)
Rilik's Resplendently Random Raillery #13 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12766)
Gezina's Growling Grazing Random Banter #14 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12747)
The Zerglings Utterly And Geeky Random Banter #15 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12740)
jaqueses Truthfully Randomly Fireside Banter # 16 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12735)
Jack Squat’s Jubilantly Quixotic Random Banter #17 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12693)
Cardel's Banter of Cookie Jubilation #18 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12668)
Archonic's Chaotically Random Banter of Rods #19 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12657)
The Rod's Inanimate Temple of RANDOM banter #20 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12638)
Lucky’s Loquaciously Loud-Mouthed Random Banter#21 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12630)
Deckmaster's Divinely Delightful Random Banter #22 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12614)
Saithis' Soliloquy of Random Banter #23 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12598)
Loveable Lianae's Ludicrous Lampooning Lottery #24 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12578)
NEO|Phyte's Neolithic Nest of Weasel Banter #25 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12544)
Target's Random Banter of "non-violence" #26 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12533)
Tarnag40k's Random banter of "grammar errors" #27 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12515)
Kyrian's Random Banter of ADHDness #28 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12507)
El Jaspero's Random Drunken Ramblings #29 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12503)
Boss Smiley's Eloquently Eggy Banter #30 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12494)
Lykan's Looney Explosionarama & Random Banter #31 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12482)
Iames's Iambic Yarn of Yammering #32 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12468)
Dispozition's Deviously Distressed Banter #33 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12458)
CP's Copiously Combusting Banter of Carnage #34 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12445)
Alarra's Altar of Random Banter #35 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12432)
Eloquent Rune's Electrifying Rambling Banter #36 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12423)
E_P's Very Own Quite Popular Random Banter #37 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12419)
Hydrogelic's Foolish Mortal Random Banter #38 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12413)
Ink's Smudgy Splotchy Random Banter #39 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12405)
Azrael's Big Black Book of Banter #40 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12397)
The Logic Vampire's Rational Random Banter #41 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12387)
Shiny's Shimmering Space-hitchin Random Banter #42 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12376)
ZombieRockStar's Random Banter #43 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12360)
Nostrabel's Realm of Cookies and Random Banter #44 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12342)
Charity's Cheery Chatter Circle #45 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12328)
Samiam's Spontaneous Scintillating Soliloquy #46 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12310)
LLama's Masked Mysterious Random Banter #47 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26599)
Ravishing Rydia's Recumbentibus ^_^ Random Banter #48 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27622)
Penguinizers Perilous Random Banter #49 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28083)
Death's delightfully morbid surrogate random banter #50 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28444)
Wayril's wonderfully weird surrogate random banter #51 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28990)
Rawhide's Deck of Random Banter (52 Cards) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29697)
Korith's Sorrogate Random Banter of Zombie Killing #53 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30353)
Surrogate thread of random Bor-dom #54 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31109)
Rex Idiotarum's Painfully Pogoing Thread #55 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31512)
The Wrath of KHAAAAAANtalas’s William Shatner Flavored Random Banter # 56 (Surrogate) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32080)
EmeraldRose's Random Banter of Lashing Wit #57 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32494)
Captain van der Decken's Surrogate Ship of Random Loot (Banter) #58 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32847)
SDF's Neverending I-Don't-Have-an-OotS-Avatar-Yet Story Banter #59 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33465)
Mauril's Surrogate Dwelf Banter of Fantasy Race Confusion 60th Edition (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34165)
Rockphed's Dice Rolling Toga Party of 61 Drunken CIA Analysts (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34568)
var Lord_Magtok = Random(Banter*62) + Surrogate (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34801)
Jibar's Retro Random Banter #63 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35014)
Malina's Random Spanish Banter #64 of morphical annoyance (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35256)
Mr. E's Random Banter #65 of Cane Toting and Hat Tipping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35418)
Ego Slayer's Hellishly Random Banter #66.6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35596)
Purple Gelatinous Cube o' Doom's bowl of bantery j-e-ll-o randomness #67 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35859)
Zephra's Random Banter of Ghostly Wailings, and Howling Fun#68 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36317)
Cobra Ikari's Random Banter #69 of Rampant Hugging, Guttermindedness, and ;-) Kinky. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36977)
Scorpina's Random Banter #70 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37480)
Raistlin1040's Super Special Awesome Random Banter #71(Now with 20% more tacos) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37824)
Uberblah's Random Banter #72 Of Caffeine And Sleep Deprivation Induced Randomness (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38225)
Lucky’s Random Banter #73 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38987)
Castaras's Random Banter #74 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37836)
D'anna Biers RB #75 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39495)
Zeb The Troll's RB#76 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39801)
Egdpollard's RB #77 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40128)
Gezina's and Calamity's Random banter #78 of double entendre and doom (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40410)
Random Banter #79 In Loving Memory of Hexa_Regina (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40909)
Zeratul's random banter #80 of throwing puppies off bridges (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41778)
Vespe's Random Banter #81 of singing dolphins and mostly harmless planets. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=43254)
CSK's Giant in the Playground Forums Addicted Anonymous, Random Banter #82 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44919)
Iames's Ramblingly Erratic Belldandy-Charged Random Banter #83 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47592)
Serpentine's Scintillating Sensually and Sinuously Seductive Stochastic Satire #84 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49048)
Radikalskippy's Random Banter #85 of lost ideas and where to find them... (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=50658)
Moon Called's Random Banter #86 of Sexy Anime Boys and Fangirl Squeals (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51825)
Lilly's Lovely Random Banter #87 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52783)
FdL's Fuzzbox-Fueled Random Banter #88 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54612)
SweetRein's Sugary Restrained Random Banter #89 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=59668)
Midnight's Mutant Motorcycle Madness Random Banter #90 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62430)
Em's Extremely Extraordinarily Epic Random Banter #91 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65645)
Dragonrider's Random Banter in Conjunction with the Weighted Cube #92 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67629)
Bushranger's Bodaciously Buffed Random Banter-y Rooster #93 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=69425)
Haruki's Historically Hilarious Honey-covered Random Banter #94 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71161)
North's Maple Syrup Flavored Non-Alliterative Random Banter #95 Eh? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73464)
Wadledo's Weirdly Warbling Watercress Watching Washing Machine Only Random Banter #96 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=75946)
SMEE's Random Banter #97 of gender bending and closet bursting (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78694)
Raiser's Rambunctiously Rambling Random Banter #98 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=81626)
Dr. Bath's Random Banter, dripping with daring deeds of dastardly deipnosophists #99 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84068)
VOTE, the Democracy Demon's Devilishly Devious and Decidedly Diabolical Desultory Derision (Random Banter) #100 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84914)
Jack Squat's Justlessly Juxtaposed Random Banter #101 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=87577)
Dallas-Dakota's Dundering Dandelion's Devilish Damsel's Distress Random Banter #102 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4790602#post4790602)
Destro Yersul's Dangerously Distracting and Doubtlessly Disturbing Random Banter #103 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4903962#post4903962)
Aziraphiles Actually Alliterative and Awesomely Affluent Random Banter #104 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=92718)
Cristo's Consistently Confusing and Constantly Casual Random Banter #105 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94491)
Dish's Delightfully Deranged and Deliciously Deliquent Random Banter # 106 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95905)
Slayer's Seemingly Sweet and Socially Silly Random Banter # 107 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97703)
Zero's ambrosial and aberrantly adventitious, abstemiously erudite Random Banter #108 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=99100)
Coplantor's Completely Creative Cautious and Contemplative Random Banter #109 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=100414)
Rutskarn's Roly-Poly Rebellious and Rejected Random Banter #110 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101156)
TwoBitWriter's Tubular Tracts of Thought-Talking Random Banter #111 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5600540#post5600540)
Phase's Phully Phormed, Phalangeal, and Phantasmagorical Random Banter #112 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=101988)
Wolfbane's Wonderfully Wacky and Wildly Wandom Random Banter #113 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102865)
The Kiwi's Kinkily Knotted and Kookily Kickass Random Banter #114 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=103674)
Jude's Judgmental Jugular Jab and Jibber Jabbery Random Banter #115 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=104480)
The Throne of Thufir's Thoroughly Theoretical and Therapeutic Random Banter #116 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=105584)
Random Banter #117 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106698)
Dragonprime's Dynamically Dangerous Dextrous and Destructive Random Banter #118 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=107882)
Farmer Felix's Fantastic FRandom FBanter #119 (may contain traces of fnuts) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109007)
Groundhog's Random Banter of Weather Prediction and Anti-Gopherness (part one) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=110963&page=50)
Groundhog's Random Banter of Weather Prediction and Anti-Gopherness (part two) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=113197)
Mrmud's Mixed-Up and Minimally Mechanized Random Banter #121 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=114623)
Dogmantra's Dastardly, Despotic and Dangerous Random Banter #122 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=116660)
Alteran's Amazingly Anachronistic, Altruistic, and Antagonistic Random Banter #123
(http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118380)Admiral Euphoria's Random Banter Thread of Delusional Grandeur #124 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6614894)
Fred's Flying Fishy, Fighting, Fiery, Fantastic Face Off Random Banter #125 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=121385)
Cyrano’s Non-Alliterative Inaugurational Random Banter #126 To Usher In The Future (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=122977)
Thanatos's Tharmturges Present: Tropical, Tipsy, and Typically Random Banter #127
loopy's Legendary and Long-Awaited Lollipop Fuelled Random Banter #128 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=123816)
Shadow's Shady Shop of Sharks, Shingles, Shammies, Shiny and Random Banter #129 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125667)
KataraAltinaII's Premature Not So Short & To-The-Point Random Banter #130 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=126557)
Supagoof's Supa-Sensational Silly Symphonies Set Sizzingly On Fire Random Banter #131 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=128570)
Pyrian's Pyrotechnic Pyre of Pyrrhic Pyros with Pyrotic Pythics Random Banter #132! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=130459)
Perenelle's Pleasantly Playful and Passionately Peculiar Random Banter #133 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131814)
Rpgsr4me's Ravenous, Roaring, Raging Rampage of Random Banter #134 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7373844#post7373844)
Il'deav Ilah'naie's Indiscreet Intimacies on Indigo Iceboats Random Banter #135 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=134438)
Recaiden's Resplendent and Rotating Realistic Random Banter #136 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=136879)
Jibar's Random Banter #137: Return of the Cat-muffin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138879)
Edge's Effluence of Extravagant and Effulgent Random Banter #138 (”http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7876065”)
Zeb The Troll's Zecond Go At Ze Random Banter #139 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8061505&postcount=1)
Curly's Rambunctious and Erudite Random Banter #140 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148462)
Deth Muncher's Destructive and Meandering Random Banter #141 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=150904)
A Thread in Which Banter Most Random is Expulsed Into Existence, By Ravens_cry #142 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8722755)
Several Silly Sealions Stuffed Seaweed Southward Swiftly (Or, Random Banter #143) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=159998)
The thread that changed name one last time, with style. (Random Banter #144) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=161407)
Banjo’s Bodacious & Boosted Bumper Bulletproof Box of Banter Most Random #145 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=162819)
Masa's Massively Masterful Message Medium - Random Banter #146 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164224)
KuReshtin's Vociferously Ruminating Harbinger of Random Banter - #147 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=166664)
Archonic's Archaic Acronymical Antidisestablishmentarianism Random Banter - #148 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=169890)
Skeppio's Splendidly Strange & Superbly Scintillating Random Banter - #149 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=173056)
Teddy's Turbulent and Topicless Random Banter #150 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=175338)
Fifty-Eyed Fred's Ferociously Fanatical and Fabulously Fascinating Random Banter #151 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=178205)
Rae's Really Rascally and Ridiculously Rowdy Random Banter #152 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=181296)
Haruki's Hot n' Holy Random Banter #153 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10176275#post10176275)
MoonCat's Magnificently Mythopoeic Random Banter #154
(http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187576)Eadin's Exchange of Extraterrestrial Excuses AKA Random Banter #155 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=190034)
Happy HalfTangible's Horrific Hail of Random Banter #156 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10629167#post10629167)
AtlanteanTroll's Atrocious and Terrific Arcade of Terror - RB #157 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196302)
LaLa’s Laughably Silly Random Banter Thread – RB #158 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=198767)
Zaydos's Zany Zooetic Random Banter - RB #159 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=200208)
Blue's Blessed and Blissful Random Banter - RB #160 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=201653)
Absolmorph's Azoic Arete of Adventitious and Aimless Random Banter - RB 161 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=202546)
Gwyn's Gloriously Green Garrumphing Garter of Garrulous Gabble! Random Banter #162 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=203954)
Eruantion's Euphoric, Elephant-filled Elevated Epoch of Eurhythmic Random Banter #163 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=205487)
ATW's Awesome Androgynous Avaricious Azure Ardent Adamant Alluvial Random Banter #164 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=207269)
Cynical Avocado's Absolutely Admirable Accumulation of Random Bantering #165 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=209860)
August's Pink Plushy and Phantasmagorically Random Banter Thread #166 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=212011)
Heliomance's Everchanging Thread Title Random Banter #167 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=213053)
Tragic_Comedian's Tremendously Tropical Random Banter #168 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=215180)
Qwertystop's Quickly Quilted, Quip-filled Random Banter #169 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=217326)

Now go forth! Bring hither the greatest bounty of banter you can find!

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-10-20, 07:42 PM
Listening to dance-punk has me writing epicness again.

This "Flame" song is gonna end up being, like 15 minutes long or something... but it needs to be long, there's a whole lot of tension being unravelled, and it's at an important spot in the album in my head!


Mutant Sheep
2011-10-20, 07:42 PM
Yay! New thread boogies! Start the pot discussion!:smalltongue: My school is like, less than 40% and 5%, at worst. My OLD school had like, one guy who smoked pot. He was awesome though.:smallcool:

Nix Nihila
2011-10-20, 07:43 PM
I must admit that I gave a little laugh when I spotted the title.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-10-20, 07:44 PM
Hey, Thufir, how many people have had more than 1 Random Banters? I'm too lazy to check...

2011-10-20, 07:44 PM
Those new braces really suck, huh Thufir?

2011-10-20, 07:51 PM
I propothe all poth in thith thread be typed with a lithp. No, not really, that'd get irritating quick.

2011-10-20, 07:53 PM
Does this mean your name is actually Sufir? If so, that's kinda funny since it sounds like suffer :smallamused:

2011-10-20, 07:57 PM
Hey, Thufir, how many people have had more than 1 Random Banters? I'm too lazy to check...

Me, Zeb, Archonic Energy, InaVegt and Jibar (Who has had three). I think that's it?

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-10-20, 08:10 PM
Me, Zeb, Archonic Energy, InaVegt and Jibar (Who has had three). I think that's it?

All but you real old-school people, then! Those are all people from, like '06 and earlier!

2011-10-20, 08:14 PM
All but you real old-school people, then! Those are all people from, like '06 and earlier!

You are from '06 and earlier! Well, not earlier.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-10-20, 08:16 PM
You are from '06 and earlier! Well, not earlier.

Yeah, but I didn't start really posting until '08, so I don't count those two years.

2011-10-20, 08:24 PM
NEW THREAD YEAH! *nervous boogie*

also: I has pumpkin pie. It is delicious. My mom bakes delicious things. Therefore, I am descendent of all seven KINDS o' 'licious! :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-20, 08:28 PM
Those new braces really suck, huh Thufir?

Braces suck immensely :smallyuk:


2011-10-20, 08:52 PM

ION: I can't stand my ears being stopped up like this. I can't even hear my own banjo playing. This malarial place has ruined my health as it has my finances. But at least we have a satellite dish again.

2011-10-20, 09:09 PM
ION: I can't stand my ears being stopped up like this. I can't even hear my own banjo playing. This malarial place has ruined my health as it has my finances. But at least we have a satellite dish again.

Dude. Ear drops. :/

2011-10-20, 09:12 PM
Dude. Ear drops. :/
Don't work.

2011-10-20, 11:32 PM

Well, I finally found cheap folders that I like, so we bought five of them. Now I have to go through all my stuff and reorganize. Let's see if I can raise that notebook score!

2011-10-20, 11:42 PM

Well, I finally found cheap folders that I like, so we bought five of them. Now I have to go through all my stuff and reorganize. Let's see if I can raise that notebook score!

If you really want to ensure top marks, may I recommend pasting additional contributions like recent journalistic articles about a theme related to something done in class, or additional research (AKA Wikipedia Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V and format change) related to a topic dealt on in class. It ensures the teacher knows you are interested in their assignment and are willing to go the extra mile. I found it useful for a number of subjects were due to a number of factors I either lacked class notes or homework.

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-20, 11:44 PM

Well, I finally found cheap folders that I like, so we bought five of them. Now I have to go through all my stuff and reorganize. Let's see if I can raise that notebook score!

Yay! School organization! I have had no bad experiences with it! I have totally not gotten a D on the in-class bookwork because I didn't do half of it and another third got lost. Totally never happened, ever.:smallwink:

2011-10-21, 02:20 AM
*Boogieth with the betht of them*

*Trieth to think of thomething cogent to thay*


Hmm, getting up is going to be tricky. My bed is warm. My room is not.

2011-10-21, 02:25 AM
*Boogieth with the betht of them*

*Trieth to think of thomething cogent to thay*


Hmm, getting up is going to be tricky. My bed is warm. My room is not.

2011-10-21, 04:50 AM
From the previous thread:

Originally posted by Thufir (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12066351&postcount=1443)
"Sorry my beautiful [something - budgie?], but [not only do I lack?] a camera, but also a webcam at the moment. It's very tiresome.
On the other hand, I'm [doing something - going shopping maybe?] on Saturday, and I have my eye on a dress. And my friend has a camera.
Does that help?"
How accurate's that?

Pretty good actually.

Not budgie, but parakeet (couldn't find the word for budgie, and my French dictionary's at home (which is stupid seeing as I have many French books/essays to read this term)); yes; and yes.
Really though I should have written "Je ferrai des course" (I will go shopping), but at the moment it's a conditional presupposing both my girl and I are free for the whole day, and I couldn't be bothered looking up the future conditional in my grammar book because I haven't finished updating the contents page and thus couldn't be bothered to read through and look for it.
I have fifty hand-written pages of grammar! And loose sheets!

And the current thread:

All but you real old-school people, then! Those are all people from, like '06 and earlier!

I'll have you know that as one of the Old Guard (but not the Old Old Guard) I spent an obscene amount of effort to not make an RB for years.
And seeing as Jibbers is basically Moses or Methuselah I think we can allow him a fair few threads to stop him from going barmy.
Poor old people. Always needing help with everything. :smallsmile:

Guess what! I found out why my living room was so drafty yesterday. Seriously, you won't believe it.
So backstory first to explain why you won't believe it:
Okay, I have three windows - big, old fashioned, lead-paned windows that need a second inner window, so it's basically double glazing, but keeps the original windows and allows for them to be opened thanks to a sliding second window.
And I'd been in my rooms about a week when I noticed that they never seemed to get warm, and there was a permanent draft even though I'd closed the windows I'd opened early on in October because it suddenly decided to be winter in like two days.
So I came down with a(nother) cold, which I am currently dosing with endless packs of Soothers and Beecham's cold and flu sachets.
And no matter what I did the room never heated up, but I figure it being in a building that's partially fifteenth-century drafts are just a thing.
Then yesterday I noticed the curtains in front of my desk, the ones which I never open because I don't like light on my laptop, were moving in a non-existent breeze. 'Oh great, one of the slidy windows must have worked itself open', so I pull back the curtain and find . . .
a broken window
No. Seriously.
A broken window.
No idea how it happened, all I know is that it's the reason for the terribly annoying cold I have, what with me sitting in front of a cold draft for at least a week and not noticing it as anything fixable. Fortunately, it being a probably medieval window (or at least Victorian and aping medieval windows) it's all made up of little panes of glass, and only the one pane was broken. So I pop along to the lodge, fill in the Job Book conveniently just as some of the groundskeepers were doing the daily Job Circuit and, this being a pretty urgent job, came back and fixed it within about half an hour.
I say fixed, but only temporarily.
See, college being old and rich and having a reputation they have a (get this) long-standing (I mean decades) contract with some lead-pane window fixers-and-restorers who come out to the college and fix/check up all the old windows when a certain quota's been reached.
And seeing as I have two broken windows in one room now, I'm fairly sure they'll be coming out before the end of term.
Lawd. When I tell a story I tell a saga don't I?
Look at the size of the text wall for the silliness inherent in my anecdote. I talk too much.



The Succubus
2011-10-21, 06:04 AM
Awethome thread title, Sufir. :smalltongue:

2011-10-21, 07:26 AM
Oh hey, it's weekend.

I totally just noticed that.

2011-10-21, 10:15 AM

Gotta admit, it is kinda ridiculous no one would notice a broken window. Of coursse, since I live in Canada and it's slowly approaching winter, a broken window can lead to pipes shattering and death, so I guess we are predisposed to making sure our windows are safe.

2011-10-21, 10:16 AM
That I have saved you and your neckties from such an appallingly gauche Hell brings some joy to my otherwise lacklustre day.
But I am compelled to add that I am just a silly young girl (admittedly with a penchant for overly elaborate prose and dialogue) who doesn't deserve even one-hundredth the flattery you offer her.
Particularly when she is as ignorant as she is. Doubtless she would also mention her rather unremarkable, even ugly, features save for the fact that she would be assured quite strongly that she is pretty etc. etc.
But, whatever she may or may not be, she is glad to always be a friend.

(I think that may have gotten away from me at the end)
Your humility but augments your charms.

Désolé mon perruche belle, mais pas seulement je manque une caméra, mais aussi une webcam maintenant. Il est vraiment très ennuyeux.
En outre: Je pars faire des courses le samedi, et j'ai mes yeux sur une robe. Et mon amie a une caméra.
C'est aider tout?
Oui, moi c'aide. Je vous prie acheter cette robe et prendre les photos marveilleux (des vos ongles violettes aussi), s'il vous plait. Mais enleve vos yeux de la robe -- autrement vous allez elle* crotter avec votre sang. :smallsmile:

*Is that the correct pronoun to use there?

No idea how it happened, all I know is that it's the reason for the terribly annoying cold I have, what with me sitting in front of a cold draft for at least a week and not noticing it as anything fixable. Fortunately, it being a probably medieval window (or at least Victorian and aping medieval windows) it's all made up of little panes of glass, and only the one pane was broken. So I pop along to the lodge, fill in the Job Book conveniently just as some of the groundskeepers were doing the daily Job Circuit and, this being a pretty urgent job, came back and fixed it within about half an hour.
I say fixed, but only temporarily.
See, college being old and rich and having a reputation they have a (get this) long-standing (I mean decades) contract with some lead-pane window fixers-and-restorers who come out to the college and fix/check up all the old windows when a certain quota's been reached.
And seeing as I have two broken windows in one room now, I'm fairly sure they'll be coming out before the end of term.
Lawd. When I tell a story I tell a saga don't I?
Look at the size of the text wall for the silliness inherent in my anecdote. I talk too much.

The way the light hits those multi-paned lead glass windows gives a quality to a building, from the outside at least, unable to be duplicated by your high R value modern PVC windows. I think it's fantastic that they will be restored and not replaced with something efficiently dull. The multiple panes flash like facets as you move, and break up the light into something beautiful. A large flat window is not ugly, exactly, merely insipid by comparison.

My own home, with original 100+ year old windows on the porch, recently suffered a hole in a pane. I have no idea if it's replaceable, because the frame insets are bits of wood, not lead.

2011-10-21, 10:28 AM
Gotta admit, it is kinda ridiculous no one would notice a broken window. Of coursse, since I live in Canada and it's slowly approaching winter, a broken window can lead to pipes shattering and death, so I guess we are predisposed to making sure our windows are safe.

I'm about two floors above ground level, the panes are fairly small (about 7"x4"), and as I said: I keep that pair of curtains closed twenty-four/seven.

Your humility but augments your charms.

I suppose . . . However, those charms are largely personality based. Which is a plus considering that beauty fades etc. etc.

Oui, moi c'aide. Je vous prie acheter cette robe et prendre les photos marveilleux (des vos ongles violettes aussi), s'il vous plait. Mais enleve vos yeux de la robe -- autrement vous allez elle crotter avec votre sang. :smallsmile:

*Is that the correct pronoun to use there?

Yep, I'm pretty sure it is. The meaning you want to get across is 'to muddy [the dress] with blood' yes? In which case feminine pronoun with the feminine object and the vous is the addressee, being me.

Les idiomes anglaises souvent n'ont pas une idiome complimentaire en francais. :smallfrown:
Ce l'est triste. D'autre part: tomber dans les pommes :biggrin:! Fantastique!
Ne vous inquiétez pas j'essayerai d'obtenir des photos. Je pense que mes ongles même compliment de la robe.

Ah, :smallfrown:. Mon amie qui etude la francais habiterait a Rouens pour un an maintenant. Elle me manque beaucoup, mais c'est bien de parle en francais avec vous Kneen.

Which reminds me, got to get the French keyboard on my laptop again.

The way the light hits those multi-paned lead glass windows gives a quality to a building, from the outside at least, unable to be duplicated by your high R value modern PVC windows. I think it's fantastic that they will be restored and not replaced with something efficiently dull. The multiple panes flash like facets as you move, and break up the light into something beautiful. A large flat window is not ugly, exactly, merely insipid by comparison.

My own home, with original 100+ year old windows on the porch, recently suffered a hole in a pane. I have no idea if it's replaceable, because the frame insets are bits of wood, not lead.

Got to keep up appearances and you can't suddenly have a medieval looking facade with medieval looking (or actual medieval) windows suddenly contrasted by one thick sheet of modern glass windows.

And speaking from experience, I think you can get your window replaced. Our home had original Victorian sash windows and when we had a broken window there was the option to get it replaced; we ended up going double glazed though because the outer casement itself was rotting and would have cost more to repair over the years than just getting a full new set of double glazed windows for the whole house.
The repair could cost you a pretty penny though, so ask around okay?

Just got back from my Shakespeare class. Within the first ten minutes we were talking about Blackadder and Fawlty Towers as classic comedy that appeals just as much now as it did then. And later on our professor then compared Jeeves (yes, that Jeeves) to Mephistopheles.
Good times.
And our professor also sounds really plummy, but also like the man who used to host Through the Keyhole which is rather disconcerting.

2011-10-21, 12:27 PM
Oh hey, it's weekend.

TIME ZONES!!! :smallfurious:


Little Brother
2011-10-21, 12:51 PM
What's up with the "Boogies?"

2011-10-21, 12:53 PM
It's a longstanding tradition to boogy in celebration every time a new RB thread starts. The mods try and discourage it, but that just gives it underground appeal :P

2011-10-21, 12:56 PM
What's up with the "Boogies?"

It is apparntly a running joke of sorts that all new threads are to be boogied in. If any of the more learned people here know the origin of it, I'd love to hear it.

2011-10-21, 01:00 PM
It is apparntly a running joke of sorts that all new threads are to be boogied in. If any of the more learned people here know the origin of it, I'd love to hear it.

All new RB threads. I realize that should be clear, but in case it isn't ... Though, some threads that aren't RBs do seemed to get *Boogies* every once and a while

2011-10-21, 01:27 PM
If you really want to ensure top marks, may I recommend pasting additional contributions like recent journalistic articles about a theme related to something done in class, or additional research (AKA Wikipedia Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V and format change) related to a topic dealt on in class. It ensures the teacher knows you are interested in their assignment and are willing to go the extra mile. I found it useful for a number of subjects were due to a number of factors I either lacked class notes or homework.

Be extremely careful with Wikipedia as a source. If I was to copy-paste Wikipedia into anything I wrote for University, I would lose marks for using an unreliable source, and in case I didn't put in any references to the source, a warning for plagiarism, which is considered cheating, even if done in good faith.

Given, Uni is a few floors above anything I've gone through so far in terms of seriosity when it comes to references, but it's worth noting that the scientific value of Wikipedia ends pretty soon after the use as a springboard for deeper studies and a reference work to (hopefully) more reliable studies.

2011-10-21, 01:34 PM
Be extremely careful with Wikipedia as a source. If I was to copy-paste Wikipedia into anything I wrote for University, I would lose marks for using an unreliable source, and in case I didn't put in any references to the source, a warning for plagiarism, which is considered cheating, even if done in good faith.
Wikipedia is fine as long as IT has sources. If you're going to use Wikipedia, make sure you use the sources that it uses as your own. You should probably check the sources out too, more information never hurt anybody.

2011-10-21, 01:41 PM
From the previous thread:

Pretty good actually.

Not budgie, but parakeet (couldn't find the word for budgie, and my French dictionary's at home (which is stupid seeing as I have many French books/essays to read this term)); yes; and yes.

Yay! Er, I mean, yay. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xczDd2_X0DI#t=0m29s) I guess I haven't completely forgotten my GCSE French from 7 years ago.
I am greatly saddened by your lack of even a webcam, but if you can get your friend to take photos, that'd be great.

Lawd. When I tell a story I tell a saga don't I?
Look at the size of the text wall for the silliness inherent in my anecdote. I talk too much.

Not enough. You don't talk enough.
At least, not to us.

Oui, moi c'aide. Je vous prie acheter cette robe et prendre les photos marveilleux (des vos ongles violettes aussi), s'il vous plait. Mais enleve vos yeux de la robe -- autrement vous allez elle* crotter avec votre sang. :smallsmile:

...and here is where I run into the gaps in my French vocab. Acheter, prendre, enleve, crotter... I do not know what these words mean.

Les idiomes anglaises souvent n'ont pas une idiome complimentaire en francais. :smallfrown:
Ce l'est triste. D'autre part: tomber dans les pommes :biggrin:! Fantastique!
Ne vous inquiétez pas j'essayerai d'obtenir des photos. Je pense que mes ongles même compliment de la robe.

Ah, :smallfrown:. Mon amie qui etude la francais habiterait a Rouens pour un an maintenant. Elle me manque beaucoup, mais c'est bien de parle en francais avec vous Kneen.

And again. I got more of this, but I don't know tomber or inquiétez.

And later on our professor then compared Jeeves (yes, that Jeeves) to Mephistopheles.

From what I know of Jeeves, I can actually see how that comparison could be made.

Edit @Heliomance: The mods don't discourage the boogie, they discourage posts which contain nothing but the boogie. Posts should have some content other than *actions*. It's even in the RB rules.

2011-10-21, 01:43 PM
Tomber is fall, I know that one.

2011-10-21, 02:05 PM
And "enleve" should be "abduct", in case its meaning is the same as the Swedish word (which most likely is borrowed from the french), and my dictionary doesn't lie to me (because I would have used a slightly different meaning if I used the Swedish one).

Wikipedia is fine as long as IT has sources. If you're going to use Wikipedia, make sure you use the sources that it uses as your own. You should probably check the sources out too, more information never hurt anybody.

Not really, no. You can use Wikipedia in the task of finding good sources, but a Wikipedia article itself usually lacks enough coverage in its references to be completely reliable. Add to that the fact that anyone may edit a page, and thus add something to a paragraph that wasn't in the reference cited by it. If you delve so deep into Wikipedia's references that you can tell that everything is reliable and that nothing in the Wikipedia article isn't taken from them, you're better off referencing the references instead.

2011-10-21, 02:17 PM
Wikipedia is fine as long as IT has sources. If you're going to use Wikipedia, make sure you use the sources that it uses as your own. You should probably check the sources out too, more information never hurt anybody.

Aha! You could get a headache! :smallbiggrin:

ION: I had a sudden urge to jump for joy. So I did.

My hand hit the ceiling. :smallannoyed:

2011-10-21, 02:24 PM
Not really, no. You can use Wikipedia in the task of finding good sources, but a Wikipedia article itself usually lacks enough coverage in its references to be completely reliable. Add to that the fact that anyone may edit a page, and thus add something to a paragraph that wasn't in the reference cited by it. If you delve so deep into Wikipedia's references that you can tell that everything is reliable and that nothing in the Wikipedia article isn't taken from them, you're better off referencing the references instead.

That's what I said to do. Use Wikipedia, but cite (and check) it's references.

ION: I had a sudden urge to jump for joy. So I did.

My hand hit the ceiling. :smallannoyed:
Are you complaining about being tall? Because I should smack you if you are. :smalltongue:

2011-10-21, 02:44 PM
That's what I said to do. Use Wikipedia, but cite (and check) it's references.

Are you complaining about being tall? Because I should smack you if you are. :smalltongue:

*Ducks* :smallamused:

2011-10-21, 04:45 PM
*Ducks* :smallamused:

No you can't, you're taller then I am. *upper cuts* :smallamused:

2011-10-21, 04:48 PM
No you can't, you're taller then I am. *upper cuts* :smallamused:

*Puts hand on forehead so you can't reach me*

2011-10-21, 04:54 PM

None of my teachers assigned homework in the last two days except for my English teacher, and I did all four assignments given by her last night. In other words, I have no homework. I cannot even remember last time I had that in this school year. I think never. Now I can relax fully, and have more time for trying to find out the notebook errors I made according to my teacher. I feel great!

2011-10-21, 04:55 PM
*Puts hand on forehead so you can't reach me*

OK, I'm not that short. :smalltongue:

2011-10-21, 05:02 PM

None of my teachers assigned homework in the last two days except for my English teacher, and I did all four assignments given by her last night. In other words, I have no homework. I cannot even remember last time I had that in this school year. I think never. Now I can relax fully, and have more time for trying to find out the notebook errors I made according to my teacher. I feel great!

ION: Today is my father's birthday.

More news: I dig Macbeth. But Atlantean Troll hates Shakespeare.

2011-10-21, 05:03 PM
OK, I'm not that short. :smalltongue:

Darn, new plan.

2011-10-21, 05:48 PM
Darn, new plan.


ION: What the heck does "New Ivy League" mean? :smallconfused:

2011-10-21, 05:48 PM
OK, I'm not that short. :smalltongue:

Only MoonCat is that short.

*runs from angry short person*

2011-10-21, 05:59 PM
That's what I said to do. Use Wikipedia, but cite (and check) it's references.

No, don't use Wikipedia for anything truly scientific. Citing one source and claiming that you cited another (you phrased it as if reading Wikipedias sources wasn't neccessary for citing them) is just as bad as making up information. Sure, it's a good way to get a grasp on something, and to check your sources against for any obvious differences, but Wikipedia isn't a source to base any of your information on. In other words: when you get down to business, Wikipedia is a non-source.

2011-10-21, 06:08 PM
<destroys the universe>


2011-10-21, 06:15 PM
*resets the Universe*

Although, I kind of had to redestroy it first... :smallwink:

2011-10-21, 06:28 PM
No, don't use Wikipedia for anything truly scientific.

Actually, if memory serves, studies have shown that scientific information is some of the most reliable stuff on there, rivalling the Encyclopaedia Brittanica for accuracy. It's the celebrity info you should beware :P

2011-10-21, 06:29 PM
No, don't use Wikipedia for anything truly scientific. Citing one source and claiming that you cited another (you phrased it as if reading Wikipedias sources wasn't neccessary for citing them) is just as bad as making up information. Sure, it's a good way to get a grasp on something, and to check your sources against for any obvious differences, but Wikipedia isn't a source to base any of your information on. In other words: when you get down to business, Wikipedia is a non-source.

Uhhh ...

You should probably check the sources out too, more information never hurt anybody.

I don't see it that way.

2011-10-21, 10:29 PM
Golly, I hadn't realized how old Pete Seeger was until now.

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-21, 10:37 PM

None of my teachers assigned homework in the last two days except for my English teacher, and I did all four assignments given by her last night. In other words, I have no homework. I cannot even remember last time I had that in this school year. I think never. Now I can relax fully, and have more time for trying to find out the notebook errors I made according to my teacher. I feel great!

Dang you would fit right in at my school.:smallbiggrin:

2011-10-21, 10:50 PM
There is a medical practitioner by the name of Dr. Slaughter; did he fulfil nominative determinism or avert it in spectacular fashion?

2011-10-21, 11:15 PM
Golly, I hadn't realized how old Pete Seeger was until now.

I love him!

Dang you would fit right in at my school.:smallbiggrin:

Really? I thought you went to your school.

ION: Okay, checked my grades. Out of all my classes, six, I have A's in five, and a B+ in English, which was because of the acursed notebook lowering my grade average from 92.something to 88.something. :smallfrown:

2011-10-21, 11:20 PM
I love him!

He's marching on Wall Street and leading the protesters in song right now. I'm watching the live stream.

2011-10-21, 11:59 PM
ION: Okay, checked my grades. Out of all my classes, six, I have A's in five, and a B+ in English, which was because of the acursed notebook lowering my grade average from 92.something to 88.something. :smallfrown:

You are still awesome, Moon! Keep being amazing!

2011-10-22, 12:53 AM
You are still awesome, Moon! Keep being amazing!

Aww, thank you Tall Bastard. :smallredface:

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-22, 12:55 AM
Aww, thank you Tall Bastard. :smallredface:

I hereby declare that I am awesome. And that Moonie is only moderately awesome, and nowhere near my personal view of my own level of awesome. 'Cuz I'm awesome.:smalltongue:

2011-10-22, 01:52 AM
I hereby declare that I am awesome. And that Moonie is only moderately awesome, and nowhere near my personal view of my own level of awesome. 'Cuz I'm awesome.:smalltongue:

You're also only 5'5'' and weigh 90 lbs. :smalltongue:

2011-10-22, 04:46 AM
Actually, if memory serves, studies have shown that scientific information is some of the most reliable stuff on there, rivalling the Encyclopaedia Brittanica for accuracy. It's the celebrity info you should beware :P

That's actually true. However, it's still a bad source to refer too, because it's hard to check where it got the information from. It can be awefully hard to track down the source of a particular instance of misinformation if it takes the path over a Wikipedia page, since it doesn't have to be in any of the cited references.

Uhhh ...

You should probably check the sources out too, more information never hurt anybody.

I don't see it that way.

Emphasis mine. Now written in my words, I interpretted what you said somewhere along the line of "Read Wikipedia, cite it and put its sources in your list of references. If you want, it might be a good idea to read it's sources too". Never put a "probably" where there's nothing to decide. If you refer to a source of some sort, that information must directly come from that particular source too.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-10-22, 08:40 AM
Just don't use wikipedia, it's so much easier.

If anything, read it to get an overview of the topic, and then, if you really want to, search down the sources it's citing. Do not do not do NOT actually cite it! And AT's advice on using information on Wikipedia and citing it's sources... OHMYGODBADNOBADNO! Do not do that if you value your academic career! That's not JUST using a poor source, that's using a poor source and PRETENDING IT'S A DIFFERENT SOURCE.

That's academic dishonesty.
And that will, in University, get you thrown out. Has happened before. Sure, the penalties at whatever level you're at right now might not be so bad, but why get into the habit?

2011-10-22, 09:28 AM
Emphasis mine. Now written in my words, I interpretted what you said somewhere along the line of "Read Wikipedia, cite it and put its sources in your list of references. If you want, it might be a good idea to read it's sources too". Never put a "probably" where there's nothing to decide. If you refer to a source of some sort, that information must directly come from that particular source too.

If anything, read it to get an overview of the topic, and then, if you really want to, search down the sources it's citing. Do not do not do NOT actually cite it! And AT's advice on using information on Wikipedia and citing it's sources... OHMYGODBADNOBADNO! Do not do that if you value your academic career! That's not JUST using a poor source, that's using a poor source and PRETENDING IT'S A DIFFERENT SOURCE.


2011-10-22, 10:00 AM
Tomber is fall, I know that one.

To be precise: 'tomber dans les pommes' literally means 'to fall in amongst the apples', but it's an idiom for 'to faint'.

More news: I dig Macbeth. But Atlantean Troll hates Shakespeare.

Shame. It's a very good tragedy, and - I could go on, but I'd merely end up condensing a good third of an essay I wrote wherein I mention Macbeth as being a fight about determinism and fate and how it reflects and affects a person's attitude towards death.

<destroys the universe>


Don't worry my bird, I'm sure I'm shorter than you, and I'm also pretty sure I'm at least two years older than you.

Just don't use wikipedia, it's so much easier.

If anything, read it to get an overview of the topic, and then, if you really want to, search down the sources it's citing. Do not do not do NOT actually cite it! And AT's advice on using information on Wikipedia and citing it's sources... OHMYGODBADNOBADNO! Do not do that if you value your academic career! That's not JUST using a poor source, that's using a poor source and PRETENDING IT'S A DIFFERENT SOURCE.

That's academic dishonesty.
And that will, in University, get you thrown out. Has happened before. Sure, the penalties at whatever level you're at right now might not be so bad, but why get into the habit?

It will get you at the very least put on academic probation. Then again, my uni is very harsh about such things.
My view on Wikipedia is this:
it's good for summaries about books, plays and theological/philosophical/ethical/etc. et.c movements.
it's fantastic for general knowledge, for giving you a little bit of information about something you're mildly interested in, and for supplying more information about something mentioned in passing in a book/etc. you were reading or watching.
it's good for online resources that are hard to find. For example, I never would have found out there was an online parallel text sit for the Holinshed Chronicles which is important for a presentation I need to make in a fortnight.
some of the references and citations are useful as a starting point for your own research. To expand: if a book is cited two or three times in one section, then it's almost certainly worthwhile checking out that book and reading it for yourself. This is so you can formulate your own thoughts on the matter, make sure that what's cited in the wiki' article is correct, and so you can get the full information needed for a formal citation in an essay.

Wikipedia itself is never ever ever a source, but everyone already knows that.
Citing Wikipedia's sources while quoting something found on Wikipedia is cheating, and academic dishonesty and is very bad. At the extreme least and if you're very lucky and the professor is lenient the professor might think you just incorrectly cited the source and will give you stern warnings about proper referencing.
If your professor is one of those people who runs essays through special software that can tell if you're plagiarising and so on, and they find out that the quotation is from Wikipedia, and you did it knowingly. Well. Fines. Academic suspension. Academic expulsion. Being barred from ever applying to said university again.
But again, my uni is extremely strict on such things, as they should be, and to my knowledge only one person in my two years and a bit at this uni has ever been done for academic dishonesty or cheating. Said person was a Finalist, was suspended from their subject faculty and college for the rest of the year, barred from taking their exams, fined, and only thanks to a very good appeal is now going to be taking exams with the people in my year.

2011-10-22, 10:04 AM
Shame. It's a very good tragedy, and - I could go on, but I'd merely end up condensing a good third of an essay I wrote wherein I mention Macbeth as being a fight about determinism and fate and how it reflects and affects a person's attitude towards death.

Tragic has me wrong, I hate Romeo and Juliet. (My hatred only growing larger as I have been forced into giving a monologue from the accursed play.) I have yet to see Macbeth, so I can't really comment on it specifically, but I do greatly enjoy the couplets and a Midsummer Nights Dream.

Though, Cyrano de Bergerac is much better then any Shakespearian work I've ever been introduced too.

2011-10-22, 10:08 AM
Don't worry my bird, I'm sure I'm shorter than you, and I'm also pretty sure I'm at least two years older than you.

How old are you? And how tall? I haven't reached five feet yet <grumblesincoherently>

2011-10-22, 10:08 AM
Tragic has me wrong, I hate Romeo and Juliet. (My hatred only growing larger as I have been forced into giving a monologue from the accursed play.) I have yet to see Macbeth, so I can't really comment on it specifically, but I do greatly enjoy the couplets and a Midsummer Nights Dream.

Though, Cyrano de Bergerac is much better then any Shakespearian work I've ever been introduced too.
Couplets? You mean sonnets?

And just because Cyrano de Whatsisname is better, that doesn't diminish Shakespeare in anyway.

ION: I had a terrible dream last night about an old lady with a vulture's head.

2011-10-22, 10:16 AM
Couplets? You mean sonnets?.
Yeah. Those. >.>

And just because Cyrano de Whatsisname is better, that doesn't diminish Shakespeare in anyway.
No. But he doesn't live up to it (in my mind) and I simply can't be bothered by him. :smalltongue: (Not really though.)

ION: I had a terrible dream last night about an old lady with a vulture's head.

... That sounds horrifying! D:

I hardly ever remember my dreams, but I had one last night where I moved to Colorado and started going to some big fancy "School of the Future." The other weird thing is that several of my closer acquaintances were there and so was Mutant Sheep.

And before that, I had a dream I was at Chautauqua and some other friends were there as well.

All very odd.

2011-10-22, 11:43 AM
Tragic has me wrong, I hate Romeo and Juliet. (My hatred only growing larger as I have been forced into giving a monologue from the accursed play.) I have yet to see Macbeth, so I can't really comment on it specifically, but I do greatly enjoy the couplets and a Midsummer Nights Dream.

Though, Cyrano de Bergerac is much better then any Shakespearian work I've ever been introduced too.

Don't worry, many people I know hate Romeo and Juliet. Myself included. For many, many reasons. And as for it being a 'romance', personally I'd call it a romantic tragedy, a tragic romance or perhaps a tragicomic romance.
Macbeth really is one of the best plays in the Shakespearian canon though. I know that the general rule of thumb is the tragedies are the best (something I personally disagree with), but Macbeth and King Lear are straight out some of the best things I've read period. And there's a Russian adaptation of King Lear that is simply marvellous. As for Macbeth I'd recommend reading it and Wyrd Sister by Terry Pratchett, but I've not really seen a proper production of Macbeth I can recommend as they've all been amateur dramatic productions.
It really is fantastic though, the tension never drops except for the scene with the Porter, and I truly think Lady Macbeth to be flat out one of the best characters Shakespeare has ever written.
But if you liked Midsummer I'd recommend checking out The Tempest. Not only is it the last 'official' play he wrote, but it's very much in the same magical vein of Midsummer. And if you don't mind a bit of recursive crossdressing (remember: in Elizabethan theatre female roles were played by adolescent boys) I'd also suggest Twelfth Night (I find the subplot the best part of it myself), and The Taming of the Shrew (no crossdressing).
If you find yourself liking Shakespeare better as a poet than a dramatist, try reading The Phoenix and the Turtle or the Rape of Lucrece. Warning: the latter may contain rape.

How old are you? And how tall? I haven't reached five feet yet <grumblesincoherently>

'Twenty' and five foot two. Ish.

Got to get ready for a dinner date soon. So much work to do. Especially as I spent much of my Shakespearian comedy class drawing MLP:FiM related things on my hand.
And arm.
Almost to the elbow.
I was really bored during some of the presentations.

2011-10-22, 11:53 AM
Macbeth really is one of the best plays in the Shakespearian canon though. I know that the general rule of thumb is the tragedies are the best (something I personally disagree with), but Macbeth and King Lear are straight out some of the best things I've read period. And there's a Russian adaptation of King Lear that is simply marvellous. As for Macbeth I'd recommend reading it and Wyrd Sister by Terry Pratchett, but I've not really seen a proper production of Macbeth I can recommend as they've all been amateur dramatic productions.

Are you implying that amateur productions aren't good? D:

ION: I just bought this (http://www.amazon.com/Gurren-Lagann-Core-Drill-Necklace/dp/B0027BOD94/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1319300946&sr=8-1). Happy late Birthday to me. :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-22, 12:08 PM
So slightly taller than me now, but with the likelihood of me being taller when I am twenty.

ION: I watched the Terminator last night. First time. That was fun.

ONION: So, apparently my dad was up in the middle of the night, and heard me talking in my sleep. On further investigation, I was sitting upright vehemently arguing with Leonardo da Vinci about something.


Dear Me,


2011-10-22, 12:09 PM
Are you implying that amateur productions aren't good? D:

Well, logically a professional production would be better than an amateur one. Yeah, there are exceptions.

2011-10-22, 12:22 PM
Hi peoples.

*akwardly tries to boogie*
*gets self conscious and stops*
*stares at feet*

Er, maybe I should just stick to my cakes. ^///^

2011-10-22, 12:41 PM
Don't worry my bird, I'm sure I'm shorter than you, and I'm also pretty sure I'm at least two years older than you.

How old are you? And how tall? I haven't reached five feet yet <grumblesincoherently>

Are we having some kind of short-off? What does the winner get? 'Cause I bet I'll win.

2011-10-22, 01:26 PM
ONION: So, apparently my dad was up in the middle of the night, and heard me talking in my sleep. On further investigation, I was sitting upright vehemently arguing with Leonardo da Vinci about something.


Dear Me,


Not necessarily.... and, more importantly, did you win the argument? :smalltongue:

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-22, 01:32 PM
Hi peoples.

*akwardly tries to boogie*
*gets self conscious and stops*
*stares at feet*

Er, maybe I should just stick to my cakes. ^///^

But we have cake here! And you can eat cake and boogie at the same time! :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-22, 01:52 PM
But we have cake here! And you can eat cake and boogie at the same time! :smallbiggrin:

I don't boogie so well... <_<
I can make some yummy cakes though. n_n
Hopefully that's enough to not get thrown out of the boogie thread.

2011-10-22, 02:04 PM
Tomber is fall, I know that one.

Oh yeah, 'cause 'laisser tomber' is drop, or literally 'let fall'. I remember that.

OK, I'm not that short. :smalltongue:

It's all relative. You don't know how tall he is.

If anything, read it to get an overview of the topic, and then, if you really want to, search down the sources it's citing.

This. Or just find a source which says the same thing.
I mean, I looked things up on wikipedia for my MMath project. But I then found other sources for the information that I could actually cite reasonably (Though my bibliography ended up a tad on the incomplete side in the end...)

To be precise: 'tomber dans les pommes' literally means 'to fall in amongst the apples', but it's an idiom for 'to faint'.

Ooh, that is a nice idiom.

Shame. It's a very good tragedy, and - I could go on, but I'd merely end up condensing a good third of an essay I wrote wherein I mention Macbeth as being a fight about determinism and fate and how it reflects and affects a person's attitude towards death.

Hmm. And now I'm imagining some sort of rewrite/re-imagining of/thing inspired by Macbeth whereby Macbeth would be more of a hero, rebelling against the tyranny of deterministic fate.
...and I've thought before about how Simon Templeman would make an excellent Macbeth. This makes so much sense.

I know that the general rule of thumb is the tragedies are the best

Really? All this time I thought that was just my personal preferences. I love the tragedies!
I suppose the tragedies may have aged better than the others, since modern audiences are less likely to be familiar with the events depicted in the histories, and they're less likely to understand Shakespeare's jokes and euphemisms, which is pretty important for the comedies.

Twelfth Night (I find the subplot the best part of it myself)

What subplot'd that be? It's been a while since- no, wait. I've actually never read Twelfth Night, only seen it performed.

If you find yourself liking Shakespeare better as a poet than a dramatist, try reading The Phoenix and the Turtle or the Rape of Lucrece. Warning: the latter may contain rape.

Shock horror! I would never have guessed that.


Why the inverted commas? What is your problem with your age?

Especially as I spent much of my Shakespearian comedy class drawing MLP:FiM related things on my hand.
And arm.
Almost to the elbow.
I was really bored during some of the presentations.

...you need to get a camera. I want to see these hand/arm Pony drawings!

Are you implying that amateur productions aren't good? D:

Or that they're not as good. Or that there's not much use recommending them as you'd be unlikely to find the same group doing the same production any time soon and they'd be far away, whereas professional productions are perhaps more likely to have been recorded so you could find a copy to watch?

ION: My sleep pattern? It is absolutely, totally, completely and utterly, ****ed. It's just terrible.
Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0dOtzZcm0I)

2011-10-22, 02:06 PM
It's all relative. You don't know how tall he is.
I'm 5'7'' unless he's, like, 6'5'' I'm really not that short.

Or that they're not as good. Or that there's not much use recommending them as you'd be unlikely to find the same group doing the same production any time soon and they'd be far away, whereas professional productions are perhaps more likely to have been recorded so you could find a copy to watch?

That can't be it, that makes too much sense.

EDIT: I love my Drill. I want it to arrive already! :smallmad::smallbiggrin:

2011-10-22, 02:26 PM
I'm 5'7'' unless he's, like, 6'5'' I'm really not that short.

That can't be it, that makes too much sense.

EDIT: I love my Drill. I want it to arrive already! :smallmad::smallbiggrin:

5'7'' is short for a guy. 5'9'' is average height, and I'd only really consider anyone greater than about 6'3''+ to be tall. :smalltongue:

<--- 5'9'', iirc.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-10-22, 02:28 PM
6' even, 17 years old. I feel tall in my school, because my school is mostly immigrants, who tend to be shorter.

2011-10-22, 02:53 PM
I'm 5'7'' unless he's, like, 6'5'' I'm really not that short.

That can't be it, that makes too much sense.

EDIT: I love my Drill. I want it to arrive already! :smallmad::smallbiggrin:

6'1'' :smallamused:

Little Brother
2011-10-22, 02:59 PM
So slightly taller than me now, but with the likelihood of me being taller when I am twenty.

ION: I watched the Terminator last night. First time. That was fun.First time? At your age?

Though I do think their portrayal of Hell.A. in the opening is an improvement over the current one.
ONION: So, apparently my dad was up in the middle of the night, and heard me talking in my sleep. On further investigation, I was sitting upright vehemently arguing with Leonardo da Vinci about something.


Dear Me,

YOU'RE ****ING INSANEAWESOME! All I've had was mumbling and death threats.

6' even, 17 years old. I feel tall in my school, because my school is mostly immigrants, who tend to be shorter.5'7'', 16. I REALLY want to me one inch shorter. REALLY want.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-10-22, 03:01 PM
First time? At your age?

I've never seen it. It doesn't rank high on my list of movies to see.

2011-10-22, 03:04 PM
6'1'' :smallamused:
That's not tall keep me from nailing you.


And by nailing you, I mean uppercutting. :smalltongue:

2011-10-22, 03:14 PM
That's not tall keep me from nailing you.


And by nailing you, I mean uppercutting. :smalltongue:

*Gets platform shoes*

2011-10-22, 03:15 PM
*Gets platform shoes*

*gets platform shoes of his own*

2011-10-22, 03:16 PM
*gets platform shoes of his own*

Okay. I'll have to chop your legs off. It's the only solution! :smalltongue:

2011-10-22, 03:17 PM
6'1'' :smallamused:

Hooray! We are tall together!

2011-10-22, 03:18 PM
On the topic of height, I'm 5' 4". I'm probably not likely to get any taller than 5' 6", and if that's going to happen it's going to need to happen in the next 1 or 2 years.
I personally consider tall to be anything above 6ft, but that's just my perception of it.

2011-10-22, 03:19 PM
Hooray! We are tall together!

*Attempts Highfive*

2011-10-22, 03:27 PM
Okay. I'll have to chop your legs off. It's the only solution! :smalltongue:

*gets Bokken*

You'll never take me alive.

2011-10-22, 03:28 PM
Okay, what was up? The last page kept warning me it was virus filled. That's why I couldn't reply to anytihng, because I couldn't read them.

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-22, 03:31 PM
Okay, what was up? The last page kept warning me it was virus filled. That's why I couldn't reply to anytihng, because I couldn't read them.

Me too. I just ignored it though.:smallbiggrin:

I never noticed I was getting taller, because everyone else was still growing faster than me.:smalltongue:

2011-10-22, 03:39 PM
*Attempts Highfive*

There is no attempting. We are the same height!

2011-10-22, 03:42 PM
*gets Bokken*

You'll never take me alive.

Never said I intended to. :smalltongue:

There is no attempting. We are the same height!

Ah, but hand eye coordination is not a strength of mine.

2011-10-22, 03:49 PM
Never said I intended to. :smalltongue:

Touche. *gets dad's shotgun*

2011-10-22, 03:51 PM
On the topic of height, I'm 5' 4". I'm probably not likely to get any taller than 5' 6", and if that's going to happen it's going to need to happen in the next 1 or 2 years.
I personally consider tall to be anything above 6ft, but that's just my perception of it.

You're chibi and that's awesome. n_n

2011-10-22, 03:54 PM
You're chibi and that's awesome. n_n

D'awwww. Now if I only I could use it for evil... I could be a tiny overlord. :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:


2011-10-22, 04:43 PM
Touche. *gets dad's shotgun*

Dude, you forgot these.
*Holds up ammunition*

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-22, 04:46 PM
Malware warnings are annoying.:smallannoyed: Why is Rb suddenly scaring you computer??? :smallfurious:

2011-10-22, 05:04 PM
People here get warned about malware? :smallconfused:

*keeps strolling around unalerted*

My left eye just keeps acting weird. It used to be my (marginally) better eye, but ever since that sinusitis a month or so back, it has gotten a habit of suddenly dropping out of focus. I can usually make it go away by closing my right eye and blink forcefully with the left, but that isn't a permanent solution. I really should go to a specialist who can take a look at it. Or at least call "Sjukvårdsrådgivningen" ("The Health Care Guidance") to get an idea on what I should do...

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-22, 05:08 PM
People here get warned about malware? :smallconfused:

*keeps strolling around unalerted*

My left eye just keeps acting weird. It used to be my (marginally) better eye, but ever since that sinusitis a month or so back, it has gotten a habit of suddenly dropping out of focus. I can usually make it go away by closing my right eye and blink forcefully with the left, but that isn't a permanent solution. I really should go to a specialist who can take a look at it. Or at least call "Sjukvårdsrådgivningen" ("The Health Care Guidance") to get an idea on what I should do...

*strolls with Teddy*

Eye problems are stupid. :smallmad: Hate 'em.

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-22, 05:15 PM
Malware warnings are annoying.:smallannoyed: Why is Rb suddenly scaring you computer??? :smallfurious:

I'm not getting any malware alerts, so I dunno.

ION: Some of you may have noticed that I have been gone a few days. It's because of my raging psychopath of a sister. I was listening to music, so she tried to hit me with a chair. We both got grounded for two days. I still have no idea why I got grounded.

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-22, 05:18 PM
I'm not getting any malware alerts, so I dunno.

ION: Some of you may have noticed that I have been gone a few days. It's because of my raging psychopath of a sister. I was listening to music, so she tried to hit me with a chair. We both got grounded for two days. I still have no idea why I got grounded.

What? Chair? Headphones? Chair? What?:smallconfused::smallmad:

2011-10-22, 05:23 PM
Malware warnings are annoying.:smallannoyed: Why is Rb suddenly scaring you computer??? :smallfurious:

It's due to someone's avatar being hosted on a page chrome knows has malware, so despite there being no malware, this individual's posting presence force chrome to display the error.

2011-10-22, 05:31 PM
Curly! (Next time you're on)

1) Skype. *Prod*
B) There are Unseen Academicals football shirts. (http://www.paulkidby.com/tshirts/football-1.htm)
iii) ...I don't actually have anything for this one, I just wanted to continue the joke of switching numbering systems.

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-22, 05:33 PM
What? Chair? Headphones? Chair? What?:smallconfused::smallmad:

Yes. Yes. No, but I had it at low volume, for background noise. Yes. Crazy, right? :smallsigh:

2011-10-22, 05:39 PM
My left eye just keeps acting weird. It used to be my (marginally) better eye, but ever since that sinusitis a month or so back, it has gotten a habit of suddenly dropping out of focus. I can usually make it go away by closing my right eye and blink forcefully with the left, but that isn't a permanent solution. I really should go to a specialist who can take a look at it. Or at least call "Sjukvårdsrådgivningen" ("The Health Care Guidance") to get an idea on what I should do...

That is incredibly terrible sounding get it checked out right now or dear lord aaaaaahhhhh

why is there no screaming from fright emoticon?

2011-10-22, 06:23 PM
Dude, you forgot these.
*Holds up ammunition*

Amo? I don't need Amo, I HAVE SPIRAL ENERGY!! :smalltongue:

2011-10-22, 06:28 PM
That is incredibly terrible sounding get it checked out right now or dear lord aaaaaahhhhh

why is there no screaming from fright emoticon?

You know, given all the strange and terrible conditions you can find yourself afflicted by, an eye that sometimes (but usually not) acts weird doesn't really strike me as that serious. Also, catching a good eye specialist at this time of the day to check it out might be a bit hard for me. It's half past one in the night. :smallwink:

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-22, 06:33 PM
You know, given all the strange and terrible conditions you can find yourself afflicted by, an eye that sometimes (but usually not) acts weird doesn't really strike me as that serious. Also, catching a good eye specialist at this time of the day to check it out might be a bit hard for me. It's half past one in the night. :smallwink:

Well then maybe the solution to your problem is to get more sleep :smallwink:

2011-10-22, 06:41 PM
Well then maybe the solution to your problem is to get more sleep :smallwink:

Well, it is true that my sleep schedule, while working, is a bit suboptimal, and it's true as well that I mostly experience these focus losses when I'm sleepy (recently woken up or soon need to go to bed). However, it wouldn't be this persitent if it only was sleep I needed. I might be late to bed, but I do usually get the sleep I need.

2011-10-22, 06:41 PM
You know, given all the strange and terrible conditions you can find yourself afflicted by, an eye that sometimes (but usually not) acts weird doesn't really strike me as that serious. Also, catching a good eye specialist at this time of the day to check it out might be a bit hard for me. It's half past one in the night. :smallwink:

Ok, good point. But still, eye's are important so stuff related to them scares me.

2011-10-22, 06:46 PM
You know, given all the strange and terrible conditions you can find yourself afflicted by, an eye that sometimes (but usually not) acts weird doesn't really strike me as that serious. Also, catching a good eye specialist at this time of the day to check it out might be a bit hard for me. It's half past one in the night. :smallwink:

Eye'd wake 'em up.

2011-10-22, 06:47 PM
But still, eye's are important so stuff related to them scares me.

As opposed to what part of your body that isn't?

2011-10-22, 06:48 PM
As opposed to what part of your body that isn't?

All limbs not needed for sleeping.

Not sure eyes are needed for that either, actually.

2011-10-22, 06:57 PM
As opposed to what part of your body that isn't?

I guess if my nose is kinda stuffed up I'm not that scared. It's like, stuff that relates to the primary sense I've grown to use for these 19 years, kinda freaky to me. Do you know how much my life would change if I went blind?

2011-10-22, 07:05 PM
If I could no longer smell, I would be sad.

Blind would suck too, probably.

Actually, joking aside, I prefer sight and sound as my favorite senses. Taste/smell/communication with ghosts, etc., are things I could see myself potentially continuing life without, should some catastrophe occur on a down day. But seeing and hearing I don't see leaving without taking most of me with them.

2011-10-22, 07:08 PM
The only thing I'd really mind losing would be my hearing. I could cope with everything else, but my life would be a sad one if I could never hear music again.

2011-10-22, 07:10 PM
The only thing I'd really mind losing would be my hearing. I could cope with everything else, but my life would be a sad one if I could never hear music again.

Yeah. I'd be sad if I could never smell music again myself.

In all honesty though, blindness would be the worst, and I would gladly lose my power of speech.

2011-10-22, 07:14 PM
"Blindness separates us from things. Deafness separates us from people."

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-22, 07:19 PM
Being blind would be the worst for me. Especially because I plan on going into computer science, so it would be helpful to be able to see the computer.

2011-10-22, 08:32 PM
Groans. It did it again, I've missed two pages of RB 'cause of that. :smallannoyed:

ION: Watching Amadeus. totally wrong historically, but I can't help but watch anyway. Dunno why.

2011-10-22, 09:04 PM
ION: Watching Amadeus. totally wrong historically, but I can't help but watch anyway. Dunno why.
Because it's a good movie. Historical accuracy doesn't matter. They didn't intend it to be historically accurate, but it's one of the best cussed motion pictures I ever seen.

2011-10-22, 09:08 PM
The only thing I'd really mind losing would be my hearing. I could cope with everything else, but my life would be a sad one if I could never hear music again.

You could listen to music without hearing it, mainly by abusing vibrations, sight on the other hand, prevents you from music sheet reading, and music theory reading, and most of normal activities, while it's possible to learn to read lips, and again, go Beethoven.

2011-10-23, 10:23 AM
It's a longstanding tradition to boogy in celebration every time a new RB thread starts. The mods try and discourage it, but that just gives it underground appeal :P

I missed this when it was first posted.

We have been very understanding of this "tradition" and have not discouraged it per se, but we have warned people about spamming new threads with it. Posts should contain content. Meaningless action posts add nothing and are classified as spam.

It is, quite frankly, little more than the "first page" nonsense which is prohibited under the forum rules. If it gets out of hand, we will include this in the provision.

2011-10-23, 10:55 AM
I missed this when it was first posted.

We have been very understanding of this "tradition" and have not discouraged it per se, but we have warned people about spamming new threads with it. Posts should contain content. Meaningless action posts add nothing and are classified as spam.

It is, quite frankly, little more than the "first page" nonsense which is prohibited under the forum rules. If it gets out of hand, we will include this in the provision.

Thank you for the clarification Rawhide. I was always a little curious.

Also, either you've been drifting for a long time, or you just really like this part of the movie Castaway.

2011-10-23, 10:58 AM
Thank you for the clarification Rawhide. I was always a little curious.

Also, either you've been drifting for a long time, or you just really like this part of the movie Castaway.

I would assume, based on the available stereotypes, that the water is the safest part of Australia. It is for safety reasons that he created a raft and now he has lost his beloved companion, a common experience in stories.

2011-10-23, 01:02 PM
How is the water safe? The water is where the sharks and jellyfish live!

2011-10-23, 01:05 PM
How is the water safe? The water is where the sharks and jellyfish live!

And Cone Shell Snails and Blue Ringed Octopi. Seriously, how did that stereotype come along? Bio 2 has made me more scared of Australian waters then I was of a hypothetical Zombie Apocalypse.

Nix Nihila
2011-10-23, 02:15 PM
I have to say I find the squeaky beaches more unnerving than the Octopi or Jellyfish.

2011-10-23, 04:10 PM
How is the water safe? The water is where the sharks and jellyfish live!

And Cone Shell Snails and Blue Ringed Octopi. Seriously, how did that stereotype come along? Bio 2 has made me more scared of Australian waters then I was of a hypothetical Zombie Apocalypse.

I have to say I find the squeaky beaches more unnerving than the Octopi or Jellyfish.

The water is 'safer', not 'safe'. Because the land is poison central. Seriously, I'm surprised Australia wasn't the one who invented poison gas :smalltongue:

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-23, 04:12 PM
The water is 'safer', not 'safe'. Because the land is poison central. Seriously, I'm surprised Australia wasn't the one who invented poison gas :smalltongue:

How could they? The air itself out there is toxic.:smalltongue: All that dead poisonous creature blood... *dramatic que*

2011-10-23, 04:48 PM
You could listen to music without hearing it, mainly by abusing vibrations, sight on the other hand, prevents you from music sheet reading, and music theory reading, and most of normal activities, while it's possible to learn to read lips, and again, go Beethoven.
I'm sure it wouldn't be the same. Anyhow, I can't read music (not enough to hurt my playing, anyhow.). I play by letter. I just rear back and let 'er fly.

2011-10-23, 05:51 PM
I have to say I find the squeaky beaches more unnerving than the Octopi or Jellyfish.

squeaky beaches?

2011-10-23, 06:43 PM
I am going to stop Headbitch if it is the last thing I do

So, beloved Humanities teacher from FDS? You all know him, he was the one who did the BlueBrowneyes experiment, and the one who I got my picture taken with at that poetry thing I went to. Let us call him Bear from now on. A quick recap, he's the one who wasn't getting his contract made by Headbitch after the whole year of schooling had been planned and books had been ordered. On the first day back, it still wasn't made, so he said he wasn't coming back until he had his contract, and then he'd show up on the same day it was signed and start teaching. That was back at the beginning of the school year for FDS, and Bear says that there have been no Humanities classes all year, according to the few students who talk to him. FDS had been saying that Bear is off down south spending time with his family because his sister is ill (his sister died over the summer irl), something that was disproved every time he went outside. Last I heard of him, he had to move in with his girlfriend, and was applying for unemployment money. Well, my family just got BCCed on an email of his to the board and Headbitch. It seems their lie has changed since last time.


I hate Headbitch. She ruined my school, she hurt me, and now she's doing horrible, horrible things to my friend.

2011-10-23, 06:54 PM
I swear the Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes experiment was something you held up as an example of how horribad FDS was.

2011-10-23, 07:00 PM
I swear the Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes experiment was something you held up as an example of how horribad FDS was.

It was. He was the one who conducted it, under the order of Headbitch. And he would have refused to do it if he knew what position the school was in, he said later. But Headbitch did know, and she ordered him to do it. I hate her.

2011-10-23, 07:10 PM
Oh, real friends are great!


Friend: I'll have, like, college girls and such to creep on. I'm not gonna have time to creep on people like you anymore.

Me: Im better then any College Girl. Our bromance is forever. A one night stand is for one night. I'M BETTER!

Friend: Indeed. But you're like the eternally looming background which other things jump out in front of, and temporarily conceal you.



Mutant Sheep
2011-10-23, 07:19 PM
Oh, real friends are great!
Friend: Indeed. But you're like the eternally looming background which other things jump out in front of, and temporarily conceal you.

*jumps in front of AT*

Lookit me lookit me!!!:smalltongue:

I'm not shocked at the happenings at FDS. I expected this kind of stupid bull from HB. And I'm still sad.:smallfrown:

2011-10-23, 07:21 PM
*jumps in front of AT*

Lookit me lookit me!!!:smalltongue:

I'm sorry, you don't know my IRL friend, you aren't qualified to be a distraction. :smalltongue:

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-23, 07:40 PM

Does it strike you as meab that when I read that, the first thing that I thought of was "I'm glad that I don't go to that school. It sounds horrible", rather than "Poor Luna. Stupid headmistress"?

ION: Doing proofs for derivatives of trig functions. Fun :smallsigh:

2011-10-23, 07:43 PM
Does it strike you as meab that when I read that, the first thing that I thought of was "I'm glad that I don't go to that school. It sounds horrible", rather than "Poor Luna. Stupid headmistress"?

ION: Doing proofs for derivatives of trig functions. Fun :smallsigh:

Why would that be a problem? It comes to the same feeling essentially, not a good school.

2011-10-23, 07:46 PM
ION: Doing proofs for derivatives of trig functions. Fun :smallsigh:
Why wouldn't it be fun?

2011-10-23, 07:55 PM
Why wouldn't it be fun?
'Cause most people I know don't like math and think it is hard.

2011-10-23, 08:00 PM
'Cause most people I know don't like math and think it is hard.

Pfft. Pfft I say. Derivatives of trig functions are easy.

2011-10-23, 08:03 PM
Pfft. Pfft I say. Derivatives of trig functions are easy.

Doesn't mean they are fun... :smalltongue:

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-23, 08:05 PM
Doesn't mean they are fun... :smalltongue:

Oh yeah. "Easy" doesn't mean "fun".:smallwink:

2011-10-23, 08:07 PM
'Cause most people I know don't like math and think it is hard.
If math is hard mode, then reality is hardcore mode.

2011-10-23, 08:10 PM
Oh yeah. "Easy" doesn't mean "fun".:smallwink:

Well.... :smalltongue:

IRN: Curses, the teacher remembered to tell us "Assume no variable is equals to 0".

Otherwise my job would be much easier. :smalltongue:

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-23, 08:14 PM
Why would that be a problem? It comes to the same feeling essentially, not a good school.

I guess it just felt wrong that I felt glad for myself (for not having to go there) rather than feeling sorry for you.

Why wouldn't it be fun?

Well it wasn't too bad for most of them, but for one of the problems I had to use the definition of the derivative* and it's very long and drawn out.

*For those of you who don't know differential calculus, the definition of the derivative is

f'(x) = lim...f(x+h) - f(x)

It's must easier just to know that d/dx cos(x) = -sin(x)

2011-10-23, 08:23 PM
If math is hard mode, then reality is hardcore mode.
Reality is super easy. You just do stuff, man.

You guys are all so much smarter than me.

2011-10-23, 08:25 PM
Reality is super easy. You just do stuff, man.

You guys are all so much smarter than me.

Eh, I feel like that whenever people discuss math. I am so clueless on the subject. :smallfrown:

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-23, 08:25 PM
You guys are all so much smarter than me.
Thanks for the compliment.:smallcool:

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-10-23, 08:43 PM
I'm good at Math. I just don't like it. Life is so much more interesting. I mean, sure, the derivative of x^5=5x^4, but did you know that the Russian metalworking industry in the 18th and 19th centuries totally depending on Britain going through their Industrial Revolution, and once it became more profitable to process iron in Britain, the Russian mining industry almost completely moved from the Urals, to the Ukraine?

I find this interesting enough to write a 4 000 word essay on. How 'bout you?

2011-10-23, 08:46 PM
I'm good at Math. I just don't like it. Life is so much more interesting. I mean, sure, the derivative of x^5=5x^4, but did you know that the Russian metalworking industry in the 18th and 19th centuries totally depending on Britain going through their Industrial Revolution, and once it became more profitable to process iron in Britain, the Russian mining industry almost completely moved from the Urals, to the Ukraine?

I find this interesting enough to write a 4 000 word essay on. How 'bout you?

I'd rather write the essay :smallbiggrin:

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-23, 08:47 PM
Essays are hard, but can be fun. Math is very hard, and almost never fun. Essay wins.:smallbiggrin:

2011-10-23, 08:49 PM
I'm good at Math. I just don't like it. Life is so much more interesting. I mean, sure, the derivative of x^5=5x^4, but did you know that the Russian metalworking industry in the 18th and 19th centuries totally depending on Britain going through their Industrial Revolution, and once it became more profitable to process iron in Britain, the Russian mining industry almost completely moved from the Urals, to the Ukraine?

I find this interesting enough to write a 4 000 word essay on. How 'bout you?

Math is practically everything, why write a 4000 word essay when you can say it all in 5 steps, 10 properties and drawing the trigonometric circle, math is the language of the universe, everything is math. It's not a jazz solo, it's a sinusoidal wave pattern arrangement of eighth notes. It's not our planet, it's a (aproximately) sphere. It's not a game, it's a collection of ones and zeros arranged for your enjoyment. It's not a business card but the golden proportion made paper.

Life is less interesting them math, things happen, with or without you, in math, only you are tasked with making things go forward, while a life problem can solve itself by external factors, the value of "x" in the triangle won't find itself.

2011-10-23, 08:50 PM
Essays are hard, but can be fun. Math is very hard, and almost never fun. Essay wins.:smallbiggrin:

Essays are fun! :smallbiggrin:

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-10-23, 08:50 PM
... No, I'm pretty sure that's my business card. Sorry. It has my name on it and everything...

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-23, 09:01 PM
Essays are hard, but can be fun. Math is very hard, and almost never fun. Essay wins.:smallbiggrin:

This statement is the opposite of how I feel. I hate essays, but love math (except proofs. I repeat: Fun :smallsigh: )

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-23, 09:02 PM
This statement is the opposite of how I feel. I hate essays, but love math (except proofs. I repeat: Fun :smallsigh: )

You live in Wisconsin. Your argument is invalid.:smallbiggrin:

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-23, 09:17 PM
You live in Wisconsin. Your argument is invalid.:smallbiggrin:

*smacks with foam cheese-head hat*

2011-10-23, 09:17 PM
I'm good at Math. I just don't like it. Life is so much more interesting. I mean, sure, the derivative of x^5=5x^4, but did you know that the Russian metalworking industry in the 18th and 19th centuries totally depending on Britain going through their Industrial Revolution, and once it became more profitable to process iron in Britain, the Russian mining industry almost completely moved from the Urals, to the Ukraine?

I find this interesting enough to write a 4 000 word essay on. How 'bout you?

That is, to me, very interesting. I can make words do my bidding. Numbers... not so much.

2011-10-23, 09:19 PM
:sigh: Maths...


2011-10-23, 09:39 PM
Math is far easier then Essay Writing. You just have to sit down and due it. You have to be a blowhard to write a good Essay.

Take Pokemon. One of my most favorite things ever. I could maybe write 4 pages. Maybe.

2011-10-23, 09:43 PM
:sigh: Maths...

Math is easy

Math is far easier then Essay Writing. You just have to sit down and due it. You have to be a blowhard to write a good Essay.

Take Pokemon. One of my most favorite things ever. I could maybe write 4 pages. Maybe.

Simply talking about IVs and EVs will net you at least 6 pages, get into the design philosophy of breeding, how it works, the items that factor into it, the competitive aspect of it, and you'll have your doctoral thesis.

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-23, 09:50 PM
Simply talking about IVs and EVs will net you at least 6 pages, get into the design philosophy of breeding, how it works, the items that factor into it, the competitive aspect of it, and you'll have your doctoral thesis.

A Ph. D. in... Pokemon.

I need to find out what colleges offer that, right now.

2011-10-23, 10:03 PM
Simply talking about IVs and EVs will net you at least 6 pages, get into the design philosophy of breeding, how it works, the items that factor into it, the competitive aspect of it, and you'll have your doctoral thesis.

I do IVs and EVs. I do them well.

Salamence Specs (for anyone that cares)
Adamant @ Life Orb, Lv. 100
EVs: 2 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
IVs: 31 Atk, 29 Spd, everything else 21+
Moves: Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Flamethrower

Really, IVs and EVs that would be a page. Maybe 1.5 max ... 1 Page on IVs and EVs, 1 Page on Combat, 1 Page on the (various) Manga, 1 Page on the Anime, 1 page on other spin off (TCG, etc., etc.) ... I could write a Doctoral Thesis on IVs and EVs, but it'd be very boring. Let me rephrase what I said earlier. Hard, factual essays are easy. Soft, opinionated ones are not. And the American system, for some reason or another, places more emphasis on "soft" essays earlier along.

A Ph. D. in... Pokemon.

I need to find out what colleges offer that, right now.
Heh. I've seen a Major in Harry Potter. :smalltongue:

2011-10-23, 10:04 PM
A Ph. D. in... Pokemon.

I need to find out what colleges offer that, right now.

More importantly, what career that would send you into. Real life Pokemon professor?

I do IVs and EVs. I do them well.

Salamence Specs (for anyone that cares)
Adamant @ Life Orb, Lv. 100
EVs: 2 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
IVs: 31 Atk, 29 Spd, everything else 21+
Moves: Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Flamethrower

I would love to have any sort of clue how to EV train. But I don't :smallyuk: Oh well.

2011-10-23, 10:04 PM
A Ph. D. in... Pokemon.

I need to find out what colleges offer that, right now.

IRC Berkley had a course in Batman, so I suspect the University of Tokyo may have doctorates on pokemon.

2011-10-23, 10:05 PM
I am going to stop Headbitch if it is the last thing I do

So, beloved Humanities teacher from FDS? You all know him, he was the one who did the BlueBrowneyes experiment, and the one who I got my picture taken with at that poetry thing I went to. Let us call him Bear from now on. A quick recap, he's the one who wasn't getting his contract made by Headbitch after the whole year of schooling had been planned and books had been ordered. On the first day back, it still wasn't made, so he said he wasn't coming back until he had his contract, and then he'd show up on the same day it was signed and start teaching. That was back at the beginning of the school year for FDS, and Bear says that there have been no Humanities classes all year, according to the few students who talk to him. FDS had been saying that Bear is off down south spending time with his family because his sister is ill (his sister died over the summer irl), something that was disproved every time he went outside. Last I heard of him, he had to move in with his girlfriend, and was applying for unemployment money. Well, my family just got BCCed on an email of his to the board and Headbitch. It seems their lie has changed since last time.


I hate Headbitch. She ruined my school, she hurt me, and now she's doing horrible, horrible things to my friend.

...There is no way IN HELL this can be legal. There... there just can't. If this is a decent world that DOESN'T deserve to be nuked back to the stone age by the aliens from Battlefield Earth, THIS. CAN'T. BE. LEGAL.

Please tell me you have a local newspaper to submit these stories to. Because that's step one.

2011-10-23, 10:06 PM
*smacks with foam cheese-head hat*

*joins Mattos*

Yeah, Beloit is in Wisconsin! *currently want to go to Beloit*

I would love to have any sort of clue how to EV train. But I don't :smallyuk: Oh well.
It's pretty easy. There isn't much to say. All you need are the Power Items. I'd check the Pokemon Thread OP, it does a pretty good job explaining this stuff.

2011-10-23, 10:10 PM
I wish I had some baked goods.

2011-10-23, 10:12 PM
I do IVs and EVs. I do them well.

Salamence Specs (for anyone that cares)
Adamant @ Life Orb, Lv. 100
EVs: 2 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
IVs: 31 Atk, 29 Spd, everything else 21+
Moves: Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Flamethrower

Really, IVs and EVs that would be a page. Maybe 1.5 max ... 1 Page on IVs and EVs, 1 Page on Combat, 1 Page on the (various) Manga, 1 Page on the Anime, 1 page on other spin off (TCG, etc., etc.) ... I could write a Doctoral Thesis on IVs and EVs, but it'd be very boring. Let me rephrase what I said earlier. Hard, factual essays are easy. Soft, opinionated ones are not. And the American system, for some reason or another, places more emphasis on "soft" essays earlier along.

Page 1 and 2, explaining EV and IV, what they are, how they work, how you raise them, explain what each represents and how they are raised, all of course heavily simplified, it's a soft essay after all. Page 3 and 4, talk about the nature vs. nurture debate on real psychology. Page 5, 6 and 7, make a parallelism between both, EV/IV and Nurture/Nature, and explain the philosophical and psychological transcendence of what seems like a child's game.

Also, wouldn't, 251, 251, 4, have been better, or 248, 248, 8?

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-23, 10:16 PM
Heh. I've seen a Major in Harry Potter. :smalltongue:

Also very interesting.

More importantly, what career that would send you into. Real life Pokemon professor?

That would be extremely cool.

IRC Berkley had a course in Batman, so I suspect the University of Tokyo may have doctorates on pokemon.

Doesn't look like it, from their website.

*joins Mattos*

Yeah, Beloit is in Wisconsin! *currently want to go to Beloit*


I wish I had some baked goods.

Any situation can be improved with baked goods.

2011-10-23, 10:18 PM
Heh. I've seen a Major in Harry Potter. :smalltongue:
What a waste of money.

2011-10-23, 10:18 PM
Page 1 and 2, explaining EV and IV, what they are, how they work, how you raise them, explain what each represents and how they are raised, all of course heavily simplified, it's a soft essay after all. Page 3 and 4, talk about the nature vs. nurture debate on real psychology. Page 5, 6 and 7, make a parallelism between both, EV/IV and Nurture/Nature, and explain the philosophical and psychological transcendence of what seems like a child's game.
I simply couldn't be damned to do that. It's an amazing game and I love it. I've logged 1000+ hours on the series as a whole, but it's a game. I'll probably be playing when I'm 30, and I just cant be damned.

Also, wouldn't, 251, 251, 4, have been better?

Blah, I meant 4/252/252

ION: I was just thinking about how Pokemon encourages inbreeding. Why is their no demotivational poster for this?

2011-10-23, 10:19 PM
Doesn't look like it, from their website.

Smogon University offers one from the looks of their website.

Blah, I meant 4/252/252

ION: I was just thinking about how Pokemon encourages inbreeding. Why is their no demotivational poster for this?
There is... somewhere...

I simply couldn't be damned to do that. It's an amazing game and I love it. I've logged 1000+ hours on the series as a whole, but it's a game. I'll probably be playing when I'm 30, and I just cant be damned. That's laziness more then impossibility to do so.

2011-10-23, 10:20 PM
It's pretty easy. There isn't much to say. All you need are the Power Items. I'd check the Pokemon Thread OP, it does a pretty good job explaining this stuff.

Yeah, I know. It just seems like a lot of work for a video game (no offense).

2011-10-23, 10:20 PM

Why go to Beloit?

Because my Aunt went there, I'd be near to said Aunt (whose grand-kids I love), and it seems like a very good school.

Oh. And I get 90% off of tuition.

2011-10-23, 10:21 PM
Yeah, I know. It just seems like a lot of work for a video game (no offense).

Competitive gaming, sometimes money is in the line, the same way some people do the insane tracking of their gaming statistics and hands on poker.

2011-10-23, 10:22 PM
Yeah, I know. It just seems like a lot of work for a video game (no offense).

It is. I don't do it much, but when I do, I prefer Dosekis do it right. :smallamused:

Also, what August said.

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-23, 10:31 PM
Smogon University offers one from the looks of their website.

I can't believe for a second I thought that was a real university :smallsigh:

Oh. And I get 90% off of tuition.

90% off? Why?

2011-10-23, 10:35 PM
I can't believe for a second I thought that was a real university :smallsigh:
It's in Germany, over 70 000 between ex-alumni, professors and actual students, only one Major available.The dean is professor Koffing.

90% off? Why?

I'll bet my Ph.D in Pokemon that his mother teaches there.

2011-10-23, 10:37 PM
90% off? Why?

Because Beloit is in the ACM (Associated Colleges of the Midwest) and my mom teaches at a GLCA (Great Lakes College Association) school. The two are affiliated and I get 90% off of Tuition for any school in either group. Which is cool.


I'll bet my Ph.D in Pokemon that his mother teaches there.

So close. Though, I would never go to a school my mom teaches at. I suppose it could happen, but I'm far too interested in what she teaches. (Why would I want to take a class taught by my mom?)

2011-10-23, 10:42 PM
So close. Though, I would never go to a school my mom teaches at. I suppose it could happen, but I'm far too interested in what she teaches. (Why would I want to take a class taught by my mom?)

I don't know, maybe she's a good teacher?
Classmate's father teaches at school and at a University, all his sibling followed the same career path, at the same university, their father taught there (Literature). They had their father twice, once during school and once during university, and their mother (in university) as teachers. He seems to be heading that way as well.

2011-10-23, 10:46 PM
I don't know, maybe she's a good teacher?
It'd be far too awkward for me. The College she teaches at only has 1000 Students or so. Their would be benefits sure (know the area, go to the same church, keep my job) but I want to get away when I'm in College. You know?

2011-10-24, 01:38 AM
ION: I was just thinking about how Pokemon encourages inbreeding. Why is their no demotivational poster for this?

I bet it doesn't encourage it half as much as Final Fantasy 7 did--the procedure you had to go through to get the mystical Golden Chocobo required inbreeding at several stages, and somehow each time the result got better, rather than worse as would happen in reality!

2011-10-24, 01:45 AM
Actually, you can get a golden chocobo without inbreeding. I always did.

The Succubus
2011-10-24, 05:03 AM
I bet it doesn't encourage it half as much as Final Fantasy 7 did--the procedure you had to go through to get the mystical Golden Chocobo required inbreeding at several stages, and somehow each time the result got better, rather than worse as would happen in reality!

You know, this theory explains an awful lot about chocobos.

I remember reading a very interesting dialogue on the reproductive nature of the Yoshi once - just wish I could find the link for it. There's probably one about the feeding habits of Kirbys as well....

2011-10-24, 06:30 AM
ION: I was just thinking about how Pokemon encourages inbreeding. Why is their no demotivational poster for this?

Inbreeding? I don't quite understand how, but my familiarity with them is rather limited.

It encourages lots of other really nasty stuff too. I mean, it is essentially a bunch of kids mercilessly hunting down and imprisoning/enslaving sentient fauna for the purpose of pitting them against each other in brutal gladiatorial combat.

You know, when phrased like that, it makes Pokemon seem much more hardcore and awesome. Suddenly I don't understand why I don't watch that show. :smalltongue:

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-24, 07:13 AM

2011-10-24, 07:36 AM

Well, at least Pokemon has a 'crime doesn't pay' motif with team Rocket always losing out in the end.

2011-10-24, 07:58 AM
Inbreeding? I don't quite understand how, but my familiarity with them is rather limited.

It encourages lots of other really nasty stuff too. I mean, it is essentially a bunch of kids mercilessly hunting down and imprisoning/enslaving sentient fauna for the purpose of pitting them against each other in brutal gladiatorial combat.

You know, when phrased like that, it makes Pokemon seem much more hardcore and awesome. Suddenly I don't understand why I don't watch that show. :smalltongue:

The best pokemon battles. (http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/150)

ION; I've been wearing my hat everywhere. I don't like wind anymore, means hat keeps trying to come off. I love my hat. :smallbiggrin:

And I managed to find a place selling waistcoats for £1 each. Only bought one because they only had a stupid large one and a small one. But £1 waistcoat. Perfect for when we get to the LAN Party in Formal Attire that I'm going to soon.

Little Brother
2011-10-24, 08:26 AM
I do IVs and EVs. I do them well.

Salamence Specs (for anyone that cares)
Adamant @ Life Orb, Lv. 100
EVs: 2 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
IVs: 31 Atk, 29 Spd, everything else 21+
Moves: Outrage, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Flamethrower

Really, IVs and EVs that would be a page. Maybe 1.5 max ... 1 Page on IVs and EVs, 1 Page on Combat, 1 Page on the (various) Manga, 1 Page on the Anime, 1 page on other spin off (TCG, etc., etc.) ... I could write a Doctoral Thesis on IVs and EVs, but it'd be very boring. Let me rephrase what I said earlier. Hard, factual essays are easy. Soft, opinionated ones are not. And the American system, for some reason or another, places more emphasis on "soft" essays earlier along.

Heh. I've seen a Major in Harry Potter. :smalltongue:A page on the random number generator, a page comparing it to the old games, a page on base stats in comparison to usefulness, an analysis on special abilities, a half-page on natures, 2-3 pages on the metagames, a page on how each tier is set up, a page on percent moves, what moves are good and why, a page on the mindset, a page on risk v. reward moves, such as Belly Drum and stuff like Overheat and Draco Meteor on same-state walls, 2 page on metagame changers and old metas, a good two pages on Baton Pass teams, another page or 3 on other typed teams. I could probably get at least two pages on EVs, IVs I could get the same, due to Hidden Power and stuff that you want to go last with, a page on why some things look great/awful/mediocre on paper, but are amazing in game(See brellom(mediocre), Yanmega(amazing), and Alakazam(awful). Another useful page would be type analysis, and how it can bone things that would otherwise be good, a page on offensive uses of walls, a page on some gimmicky stuff. I could probably also get a page or 3 on singles and doubles, comparing their metas, 2 pages on alternative styles, like Little Cup, a page on items, a page on priority, the scale, and the benefits of each, and the risk of low power, and examples, such as a Choice/Life Tech Scizor with a 90 power Bullet Punch on its monstrous attack stat, and a page on glitch abuse Yeah, I could get a decent-sized paper on Pokemanz.

2011-10-24, 08:54 AM
*lots of stuff*

Make it readable and interesting to someone with only the most basic knowledge about Pokémon and the games. :smallwink:

The Succubus
2011-10-24, 09:05 AM
The best pokemon battles. (http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/150)

ION; I've been wearing my hat everywhere. I don't like wind anymore, means hat keeps trying to come off. I love my hat. :smallbiggrin:

And I managed to find a place selling waistcoats for £1 each. Only bought one because they only had a stupid large one and a small one. But £1 waistcoat. Perfect for when we get to the LAN Party in Formal Attire that I'm going to soon.

I need a decent hat but I can't find one that suits me. I'd like something with a fairly wide brim on it but I'm not sure if I have the face to pull it off.

Hats are awesome.

Little Brother
2011-10-24, 09:35 AM
Make it readable and interesting to someone with only the most basic knowledge about Pokémon and the games. :smallwink:

Analysis of all the metagames, or what is used in competitive circles, in relation to what else is
Math stuffs
Mechanic analysis
Move analysis
Analysis on why the meta can make seemingly terrible/amazing stuff the opposite
Move analysis, in relation to meta, math, and mindset.

It's an oversimplification, but it works, I guess.

2011-10-24, 10:32 AM
I reeeeeaaaally don't like the metagame in Pokemon. I just like having simple fun :smalltongue:

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-24, 01:14 PM
It's in Germany, over 70 000 between ex-alumni, professors and actual students, only one Major available.The dean is professor Koffing.


Because Beloit is in the ACM (Associated Colleges of the Midwest) and my mom teaches at a GLCA (Great Lakes College Association) school. The two are affiliated and I get 90% off of Tuition for any school in either group. Which is cool.

Lucky. I wish I could get 90% off tuition.

I reeeeeaaaally don't like the metagame in Pokemon. I just like having simple fun :smalltongue:

So you don't completely overanalyze Pokemon games? How is that any fun?

2011-10-24, 01:47 PM
So you don't completely overanalyze Pokemon games? How is that any fun?

Because I am rediculous, obviously :smalltongue:

2011-10-24, 02:26 PM
We're doing bluegrass in guitar class this week. HOOORAY! It sure is great to have the best schedule in the world! No stress, no troubles, just footloose, fancy free, and hakuna matata. My biggest worry is that my guitar will come out of tune.

My cold is better now, too.

2011-10-24, 05:54 PM
Lucky. I wish I could get 90% off tuition.
Its not like it's every college ever. It's only 26.

My cold is better now, too.
That took far too long.

ION: Someone just tried to insult me by calling me Mercutio. Now, I'm no fan of Shakespeare, but I've always like Mercutio ... How is this bad? :smallconfused:

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-24, 05:56 PM
Its not like it's every college ever. It's only 26.

That took far too long.

ION: Someone just tried to insult me by calling me Mercutio. Now, I'm no fan of Shakespeare, but I've always like Mercution ... How is this bad? :smallconfused:

Uh... Well, when a mommy hyena hates the daddy hyena very much...:smalleek:

2011-10-24, 06:02 PM
Uh... Well, when a mommy hyena hates the daddy hyena very much...:smalleek:

What? I'm still lost. I could see being called mercurial as an insult, but Mercutio? I realize Mercutio was a bit mercurial himself, but that was in no way his most prevalent quality.

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-24, 06:03 PM
Its not like it's every college ever. It's only 26.

Still, that's cool.

2011-10-24, 06:07 PM
...There is no way IN HELL this can be legal. There... there just can't. If this is a decent world that DOESN'T deserve to be nuked back to the stone age by the aliens from Battlefield Earth, THIS. CAN'T. BE. LEGAL.

Please tell me you have a local newspaper to submit these stories to. Because that's step one.

Yeah, we have a local newspaper. We can't contact him though, he hasn't replied to email or phone, and we don't know where he lives now. We just have to wait.

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-24, 06:13 PM
Yeah, we have a local newspaper. We can't contact him though, he hasn't replied to email or phone, and we don't know where he lives now. We just have to wait.

:smallfrown: *hug*. When you feel sad about humanity guys, remember. Think of me.:smallbiggrin: Or you know, Blue. Or really, anybody on these boards. Somehow we have a massive concentration of awesome.

2011-10-24, 07:23 PM
Today at school I learned "Julioball" like Calvinball but with actual rules and made up by a teacher which means I HAVE to learn it to pass P.E.

It's the mix between soccer and rugby. You have rugby's inability to pass forward with your hands but being able to run forward with the ball and tackling and overall violence without protection mixed with soccer's ability to pass forward with your feet and use you are forced to use your feet for any ball movement on the box, the goals are soccer goals and it's played on a soccer court.

I played defence, it was fun; on the other hand, I can not walk without excruciating pain without a cane now, and ascending stairs is now extremely painful.

Little Brother
2011-10-24, 08:05 PM
:smallfrown: *hug*. When you feel sad about humanity guys, remember. Think of me.:smallbiggrin: So we can turn our sadness into suicidal depression? :smalltongue:Joking, in case the tongue didn't tip ya off.

August, did you get injured? Cane? :smalleek:

2011-10-24, 08:10 PM
ION: Someone just tried to insult me by calling me Mercutio. Now, I'm no fan of Shakespeare, but I've always like Mercutio ... How is this bad? :smallconfused:
Well, he was a drag queen in the Leo DiCaprio movie. Only thing I can think of. Mercutio was always my favorite character in Romeo. Really, though, if someone is insulting you by calling you the name of a Shakespeare character, they're probably gonna get made fun of more.

2011-10-24, 08:14 PM
Really, though, if someone is insulting you by calling you the name of a Shakespeare character, they're probably gonna get made fun of more.

Heh. Good point. I hadn't thought of that.

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-24, 08:27 PM
So we can turn our sadness into suicidal depression? :smalltongue:

Well, then think of me more. Thinking of me fixes everything in large enough doses.:smallbiggrin:

2011-10-24, 08:29 PM
Well, then think of me more. Thinking of me fixes everything in large enough doses.:smallbiggrin:

Do you have trouble shopping for hats? :smalltongue:

2011-10-24, 08:36 PM
Do you have trouble shopping for hats? :smalltongue:

People still buy hats? :smalltongue:

2011-10-24, 08:36 PM
August, did you get injured? Cane? :smalleek:Not medically injured, just hurting an awful lot, and I have a cane from repeated visits to the doctor, to the point I own one, which means if it hurts I just get it out to have it hurt less.

Well, then think of me more. Thinking of me fixes everything in large enough doses.:smallbiggrin:
I bet your ego is just hungry and instead of stomach sounds you get depression sounds.

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-24, 08:37 PM
People still buy hats? :smalltongue:

Hmmn.. I should get a neon pink hat. And wear it.:smallcool:

2011-10-24, 08:51 PM
Hmmn.. I should get a neon pink hat. And wear it.:smallcool:

No. No you should not. *has a seizure* :smalltongue:

2011-10-24, 08:53 PM
Hmmn.. I should get a neon pink hat. And wear it.:smallcool:

You should get a hat with cat ears.

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-24, 08:56 PM
You should get a hat with cat ears.

Ehhh, not my style.

Just kidding, I'd totally wear one of those pink cat hat things.:smallbiggrin: (isn't that MoonCat's shtick though?)

2011-10-24, 09:36 PM
:smallfrown: *hug*. When you feel sad about humanity guys, remember. Think of me.:smallbiggrin: Or you know, Blue. Or really, anybody on these boards. Somehow we have a massive concentration of awesome.

You know, I may just start doing this. Every day I go to school challenges my faith in the human race :smallannoyed:

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-24, 09:40 PM
You know, I may just start doing this. Every day I go to school challenges my faith in the human race :smallannoyed:

School does that.:smallfrown:

I'd suggest you think of someone else though, in seriousness. I AM a perfect specimen of humanity in almost every way imaginable, but still.:smallwink: /blatantly waves immaturity and silliness, restoring faith in humanity's innocence and brother/sisterhood. Because we are awesome.*shows Playground as evidence*

2011-10-24, 09:43 PM
You know, I may just start doing this. Every day I go to school challenges my faith in the human race :smallannoyed:

Pretty much... I worry for what's left of my sanity. Mutters about trying to teach himself

2011-10-24, 09:46 PM
You guys are a bunch of negative nellies.

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-24, 10:09 PM
You know, I may just start doing this. Every day I go to school challenges my faith in the human race :smallannoyed:

I still have faith in humanity. It's just that it's in the small portion that isn't depressingly stupid.

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-24, 10:12 PM
You guys are a bunch of negative nellies.

I'm not! Not at all! :smallwink: Most positivist guy ever, right here. Nothing here at all negative, no sirree.

2011-10-24, 10:14 PM
School does that.:smallfrown:

I'd suggest you think of someone else though, in seriousness. I AM a perfect specimen of humanity in almost every way imaginable, but still.:smallwink: /blatantly waves immaturity and silliness, restoring faith in humanity's innocence and brother/sisterhood. Because we are awesome.*shows Playground as evidence*
Uh huh, if you say so :smallwink: But it's no one person that makes this place so great, it's all of us cool people together.

Pretty much... I worry for what's left of my sanity. Mutters about trying to teach himself
Just hang on to that little you have and remember the good things about people.

You guys are a bunch of negative nellies.
It's a work in progress..

I still have faith in humanity. It's just that it's in the small portion that isn't depressingly stupid.
Oh, I do too. But the depressingly stupid congregate at public high schools :smallyuk:

Ranger Mattos
2011-10-24, 10:16 PM
Oh, I do too. But the depressingly stupid congregate at public high schools :smallyuk:

Very true.

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-24, 10:21 PM
'Public high schools' don't have a monopoly on stupid you know. College prep-ey private ones where almost everybody is 10x worse than the worst overachiever anyone has ever known ever feels WAY stupider to someone who is not that kind of guy.:smallredface::smallfrown::smallsigh:

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2011-10-24, 10:23 PM
I figure, I only have 1 year to go, then I'm out of the secondary school system, and get to go to some University. If I'm really lucky, I'll get into Cambridge, and then I'll know to buy a bunch of lottery tickets, because that luck won't last. If not, either U of T, or McGill.

2011-10-25, 01:54 AM
Yeah, we have a local newspaper. We can't contact him though, he hasn't replied to email or phone, and we don't know where he lives now. We just have to wait.

:( Perhaps go to a national circulation? That person deserves to be shot out of a cannon, then high-fived in the face with a chair.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s320x320/308588_10150328370502606_629967605_8389689_1436680 585_n.jpg

2011-10-25, 05:42 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s320x320/308588_10150328370502606_629967605_8389689_1436680 585_n.jpg

Amiel, your awesomeness knows few bounds! :D

Had my first real Uni exam today. Not all too easy, but not that much of a challenge. Luckily enough for me, my two worst errors resulted in truly obviously erroneous values (the square root of -3/4 for a non-complex x-value, and sin(x) being equal to 5/4 or 7/4 in an equation), so I knew that they were wrong as soon as I got them, and could take my time to correct them later.

The third error was just me missunderstanding a question. There hopefully shouldn't be any more errors. I even remembered to declare when I used the induction axiome to prove something! :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-25, 05:49 AM
Also, always declare which assumptions you're working with. Lecturers are sticklers for those kinds of things. I found that out the hard way :/ 'Course, it mostly counts for theorems, but still.

2011-10-25, 08:30 AM
Akira - WTF did I just watch?

2011-10-25, 09:12 AM
So I have an awesome lecturer.

Me: Wouldn't this proof be much easier to do like this?
Him: I don't think that works.
Me: *explains*
Him: Huh. That can't work, because if it did, someone else would have spotted it by now. I can't work out why it doesn't work, though. Let me get back to you.

*next day*

Him: I've worked out why it doesn't work, I'll tell you after the next lecture when I'm free. Thanks for asking, it really made me think. BTW, I've re-written the lecture notes to make the whole thing clearer, so no-one else makes the same mistake.

The Succubus
2011-10-25, 09:31 AM
Akira - WTF did I just watch?

Akira is a very complex anime and the fact that only a very small percentage of it is computer animated just makes it all the more awesome. It does raise two important questions though:

1) Can science go too far? If we had the technical knowledge to become gods, should we do so?

2) Where the hell can I get a bike like Kaneda's?

2011-10-25, 10:18 AM
Akira is a bit of a mind screw. And yeah, it was made before CGI. So that's even more awesome.

But the only really adequate comment after watching Akira is "These Japanese are crazy".


2011-10-25, 10:19 AM
So I have an awesome lecturer.

Me: Wouldn't this proof be much easier to do like this?
Him: I don't think that works.
Me: *explains*
Him: Huh. That can't work, because if it did, someone else would have spotted it by now. I can't work out why it doesn't work, though. Let me get back to you.

*next day*

Him: I've worked out why it doesn't work, I'll tell you after the next lecture when I'm free. Thanks for asking, it really made me think. BTW, I've re-written the lecture notes to make the whole thing clearer, so no-one else makes the same mistake.

...... You're being sarcastic, right?

2011-10-25, 10:38 AM
Had my first real Uni exam today. Not all too easy, but not that much of a challenge. Luckily enough for me, my two worst errors resulted in truly obviously erroneous values (the square root of -3/4 for a non-complex x-value, and sin(x) being equal to 5/4 or 7/4 in an equation), so I knew that they were wrong as soon as I got them, and could take my time to correct them later.

The third error was just me missunderstanding a question. There hopefully shouldn't be any more errors. I even remembered to declare when I used the induction axiome to prove something! :smallbiggrin:

Hooray! Looks like you're doing good Teddy. Victory dance?

Akira - WTF did I just watch?

AKIRAAAAAA! TATSUYAAAAAAAA! *moterbikes across the sky to psychic punch a dude* MIND BULLETS~

Akira is amazing, incidently.

2011-10-25, 10:50 AM
Akira is a very complex anime and the fact that only a very small percentage of it is computer animated just makes it all the more awesome. It does raise two important questions though:

1) Can science go too far? If we had the technical knowledge to become gods, should we do so?

2) Where the hell can I get a bike like Kaneda's?

Fortunately, one of those has an answer.

Unfortunately it's the least pressing question of the pair.

No one knows where one can acquire such a bike. :smallfrown:

2011-10-25, 12:13 PM
...... You're being sarcastic, right?
No :smallconfused: why would I be being sarcastic?

2011-10-25, 12:42 PM
Hooray! Looks like you're doing good Teddy. Victory dance?

Nope I'm not doing good. I'm doing awesome! Fate loves me today (not just because of the exam), and I'm running around in complete euphoria. I suddenly understand how littlest cousine survives: I don't even feel the need to eat. :smallbiggrin: But I do, nevertheless.

2011-10-25, 12:47 PM
Nope I'm not doing good. I'm doing awesome! Fate loves me today (not just because of the exam), and I'm running around in complete euphoria. I suddenly understand how littlest cousine survives: I don't even feel the need to eat. :smallbiggrin: But I do, nevertheless.

Whoa now, it's a good thing you're actually eating. Because nothing is more enjoyable then success mixed with good food. MEEEAAATO! *consumes meat*

2011-10-25, 12:49 PM
Whoa now, it's a good thing you're actually eating. Because nothing is more enjoyable then success mixed with good food. MEEEAAATO! *consumes meat*

Food is a good thing yes. *looks forward to lasagne/spaghetti bolognese later*
I still need to eat less though, I've gone through most of a pack of crackers since lunch today, in addition to regular lunch, several biscuits and some cheese.

2011-10-25, 12:54 PM
Akira - WTF did I just watch?

If I remember correctly another thing that makes Akira confusing is that the anime is just a middle section of the much larger plot found in the manga.