View Full Version : The Court of Lord Ho: Freeform Courtroom Game

2011-10-22, 12:21 AM
Cherry blossoms fall
Empty throne and mourning court
While wise men argue

Imperial Date: The Orchid bends towards the South, for humility is the Right Intention. Fire warms the creator Pangu, and lights the way for the Returning Rabbit.
Date: 407/1/18

The Hour of the Cherry

Dawn light plays over the walls of the Pavilion of Earthly Harmony, flows through the windows like molten gold, making the court of the greatest empire in the known world seem ethereal and unreal. Motes of dust hang in the air like stars, awaiting the breath of air that will dispel them; a breath that has not been felt in weeks, since the death of His Divine Imperial Majesty, Lord Yuleigh Zhuge Ho.

Today, at the Hour of the Lotus, the Court of the Ten Dragons would meet for the first time since Wood was grasped by Shangdi to strike the Returning Wolf. For now, all is silent in the Pavilion.

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=219806)

The Hour of the Cherry: Dawn
The Hour of the Lotus: roughly 10 o’clock
Wood is grasped by Shangdi to strike the Returning Wolf: 406/13/27, roughly 3 (7-day) weeks before the present.

Basically, describe your characters actions until we have everyone ready (should be tomorrow), at which point it will be the time for the court to meet.

2011-10-22, 01:05 AM
Into Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVIcyRHIBI8&feature=related)

Hiro sat on the broad deck of his ship, the rest of the small exploration fleet having found harbor. He was a tall man though not as broad as his brothers yet not as fair as his sisters. His hair was long as was the custom of men his age and a long beard and mustache grew long as well befitting his station as Prince, the beard braided to denote he was of marriageable age. A single servant held braid his hair with sparrow feathers made of sheet thin iron and emerald inlay to depict his Clan and station as a member of the Royal Family. Though the climate was much hotter he continued to wear the long robes of his people, dyed black and green with a simple quilt thrown over his shoulders as he sat smoking his pipe. The supply sheet was in and things were looking promising in the Heavenly Lands.

He had done his best to study the language of the people of what he could gather was the Empire. Their alphabet was similar, and even some words had the same roots. It was truly astounding finding such information, even the most obscure word could be traced back to some word in the small dictionary his men had complied from the mainland. His scouts hadn't got far into the land that replaced waves with hills and mountains but it was enough to gather some information about the city. The Emperor of their esteemed and heavenly land had passed to Lung'Wa and any diplomatic or trade deals would have to go through a court until a new leader could be picked. He had decided the opportunity to chronicle such an event was truly a once and a life time thing and had beseeched the head Courtier to allow him and one other to sit in on the events.

He had picked his second oldest nephew, Tsugami Gu for the task. The boy was not much younger than himself, being the son of his third oldest brother and a member of the Rooster Clan through his mother. He himself was a member of not only the royal family and thus the Sparrow Clan but also the Fox Tribe through his father. The crew were made up of all different Clansmen, each being hand picked by his mother for the dangerous journey across the Great Waves but they had succeeded where so many had failed before. Their time in the Empire was not poorly spent either, each day an experiences to learn and understand. The small fleet was overladen with trade goods and supplies and the first barrel of barely beer had been produced as they docked in the Imperial city. The musicians played and on the broad deck of the Yoi diplomatic fleet the hardy people sang and danced to their hearts content. The saying of the Long Beards held true even now. Do not give a member of the Yoi a reason to celebrate for they will drink your rivers dry and stamp the earth flat under their feet from dancing.

2011-10-22, 01:36 AM
The proud Clan of Rabbit

Rui Shen, dismounted from his carriage and looked at the capital of the might empire with pride and joy. The negations that take place in this city will help lead the world to a new proud future, and the Rabbit Clan hoped to maintain a place in the ranks of future leaders.

Dressed in light thin flowing cloak of white, that are transparent enough to display the light blue robes worn below in a swirl of light colours, Rui Shens outfit is rich and yet delicate.

Smiling at the city that will see his clan elevated, Rui proceeded on foot to the courtrooms as was the custom of the Rabbit. The carriages followed behind Rui as he walked. Stopping to talk to the locals, the rich and the poor, the merchants and the nobles. Rui engaged with the people as the Rabbit clan is long to do. Considering itself the champion of the people, Rabbit attempted to foster an air of charity and righteousness. As such when Rui spoke to the commons, his hand was laden with gold, when he spoke to the elevated he was of free tongue and kind words.

The needy and the lonely always had a friend in the Clan of Rabbit.

2011-10-23, 04:15 PM
Lady Shu Fang Kezami, Rat Clan

Shu had been in and around the Pavilion for most of the previous day. It would seem odd to some people, but she'd been helping the Imperial staff get everything set up - not that they needed her aid, true, but she had been on the Emperor's staff not that long ago.

Sometimes she had to remind herself that since she became a clan head, she did not have to work with the servants anymore.

Still, she had her reasons. Servants heard an awful lot of what went on in the world. Shu was the head of an Intelligence service. Carefully cultivating her relations with such people... had its uses.

Still, as the dawn approached, she had made her excuses and retired to her chambers. Noone would take her seriously dressed in servant's clothes, after all. Instead, she had her maids pin her hair up (it was a lot more comfortable down, but Shu was as much a slave to fashion as any of the actual court wives were) and changed into a sleeveless Cheongsam.

She would have preferred having sleeves... but it would be considered impolitic. Not because there was anything wrong with a woman in long sleeves... but because several of the other clan leaders would be suspicious about her regardless - not only was she the head of a clan famous for its underhanded actions, but there were still many rumours around about the manner of her recent elevation. The bared arms was for their sake: It would make it difficult for her to bring concealed weapons, poison, messages, or whatever else they were afraid of to the table and use them without notice.

Briefly, the thought of turning up entirely unclad worked its way across her mind: Shu reluctantly dismissed it, on the basis that while it would make her seem more trustworthy, the number of young diplomats being sent to this council in the place of their older Clan Lords may well make the distraction... most uncondusive to the upcoming deliberations.

Having snatched a few precious moments' rest, and changed into something more suitable, Shu made her way back to the pavillion. She would watch the dawn from under it's shelter, and await her colleagues or their proxies...

2011-10-23, 05:53 PM
The Yoi procession was, as they always were, loud. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l7qKmO18jU&feature=related) Drums beat as those that trailed behind the Tsugami danced and sang in the clear morning air, the sailors long abandoning their posts on the now docked ships to make up the diplomatic envoy. Gifts were brought as was custom for the Yoi, the servants holding the cases following close behind with their heads bowed low. The Pavilion in the distance was their goal and while the onlookers gaped at the tall, strangely dressed men and women the performers kept to their music. Tsugami Gu and Tsugami Hiro were dressed in their finest robes, their long covering blankets hanging from their shoulders like cloaks as they made their way up the streets, bowing and smiling to the onlookers all the way to their destination. No city in all of Yoi was this big, even the Capital City of Yama could not boast so many people and such splendor in the architecture. To say the procession was in awe of the Heavenly Western Lands would be a vast understatement for sure. The pair talked amongst themselves as they neared the Pavilion in hushed tones, the younger boy giddy as his elder did his best to remain stoic.

At last the loud cacophony ascended the stairs of the Pavilion of Earthly Harmony, the entire procession looking more like a centipede climbing a mountain than a troop of strange peoples. Tsugami Hiro raised a single hand, the drums and flutes growing silent as he went to both knees, bowing low to the entrance of the hall that would easily fit an entire town of his people. Tsugami Gu held forth a large scroll, meticulously written out before so they would not look foolish trying to grapple with the new language they were certain they would have to learn.

“Honorable Court Members of the Heavenly Western Lands, I present to you your humble friend Tsugami Hiro, Twelfth Son of the Sparrow Empress August Sweet Waters of the Blossom Orchards! We have come across the Cold Waves over distances measured by the backs of the Tsuga ten wide to greet you and bring gifts for the Ten Dragons of this Honorable Court and one for the fallen Emperor may he rest in Hiiroo’s crest. Though we have been invited to your Court we ask to be admitted in for we wish not to intrude in so beautiful and grand a place. We ask that you treat your Earthly Friends well.”

The entire procession let out one loud drum roll in unison before all fell to their knees in genuflection.

2011-10-23, 07:56 PM
Lord Arbiter Hyung Sunwong

The entire procession let out one loud drum roll in unison before all fell to their knees in genuflection.

A quavery voice calls out from behind the procession.

"Welcome, emissaries. It is always a pleasure to meet foreign friends, for is it not written, 'birds of distant lands sing all the sweeter'? I must offer my apologies, though, honoured guests, as I have not introduced myself. I am Lord Arbiter Hyung Sunwong of the Court of His Divine Imperial Majesty, Child Emperor Yugleih Shunshi Ho, once of the Running Deer Clan.

Now kindly thin your numbers before the court begins, for it is said 'a single voice is melody, ten may be in harmony, but a throng makes only noise.' "

With those words, an elderly man dressed in full court regalia, flat-topped hat resting on his weary head like a crown, shuffles past the gathered Yoi, and takes the seat of the Arbiter - a small chair to the right of the Emperor's throne.

2011-10-23, 10:56 PM
A man in a white robe walks towards the pavilion, a few other men and women accompanying him. He enters, moving strangely, but almost melodically, as if he is dancing underwater, and approaches the arbiter.
"Greetings, Lord Arbiter. I, as you probably know, am the Envoy from the Peacock Clan. I bring our condolences for the role you have been thrust in to, and a gift."
He reaches into the folds of his robe and withdraws a painted bamboo image of an empty throne, painted in autumn colors and darkly. It's a very depressing image, but immaculately done.
With a florish, he presents it to the Arbiter.

2011-10-24, 07:34 PM
Tsugami Hiro bows to the elderly man, giving a single clap as the drum line departs back to their boats though the servants with their chests and Tsugami Gu remain.

"We honor you, Elder."

He gives out in a loud, heavily accented voice though the much smaller procession follows after though takes no seat. The tall, guff man gives a nod to the chest carriers, his brows knit as he looks for the words.

"We have studied your language...indeed...much like our own. We endevour our best to learn quite more as we are able. But it is custom of ours to present those in high circles with gifts. We hall display our greetings now. The treasures collected long across the Islands of Yoi.

We present first gift to the Late Emperor, may his spirit rest with Hiiroo. We bring it from Yama, capital jewel of Yoi, the finest barely beer from Empresses cellars themselves. We hope the next Ruler will enjoy, for time only makes bitter hops sweeter.

The second for the Court, a statue of Green Earth Root, green like ocean in image of Grand Fire Bird, a symbol of enduring spirit and friendship. For no winter is cold when warmth of others are near.

The third is for people of the Lands of Western Heavens, a bowl made from Blood Red Bark Tree that grows to the Heavens themselves. This symbolizes community, for long ago we were one people.

The fourth is for the Land itself, seeds of Blood Red Bark Tree which symbolizes our return and our hope our friendship will grow long and eternal between our peoples.

The fifth is for the Ladies of the Court, blankets of fine wool to keep warm in winter months. They were woven by Sparrow Empress August Sweet Waters of the Blossom Orchards herself during the Cold Moon nights.

The sixth is for the Men of the Court, blades of Gray Earth Bone hammered and forged by the Raven Emperor Merciful Water Falls that Spill Over Smooth Rocks deep in mountains or Yoi from their skeletons.

The seventh is for the Children of the Court, a ball made from the Fifteenth Son and Sixteenth Daughter of the Sparrow Empress August Sweet Waters of the Blossom Orchards for the sons and daughters of the court to play with as our people do.

The eighth I present from the Diplomat Tsugami Hiro, Twelfth Son of Sparrow Empress August Sweet Waters of the Blossom Orchards, a flag of the Yoi people woven from reed fibers.

The ninth is presented from Chronicler Tsugami Gu, a history of the people of Yoi from the Divine Emperor Yama Tsubasa Yayoi to the present. We hope you will keep it well.

The tenth is presented by the Islands of Yoi and it's people, court garments for each of Ten Dragons, taken from personal stock of Royal Family.

The final gift presented by the Gods of Yoi, one of ten grand treasures of the Islands of Yoi. A bow made of ivory found in ocean, presented by Sha'Ren Wo to the Second Empress Yama Hibiku.

We thank you for granting us such pleasures to watch the Court and present each to you in kindess and devotion to the Heavens Will."

One by one the chest bearers stand before Hiro, placing the gifts before him. A large barrel, a statue of a crane made of fine jade, a large wooden bowl of some red wood, a bag made of hemp, fine blankets of brightly colored wool, long flat iron blades, a ball made of boiled leather, a flag of a single dark green sphere surrounded by ten blue lines, a thick tome, bundles of heavy woolen robes and slippers of blacks and greens and a bow of snow white bone. Once presented the carriers shuffle out of the Pavilion leaving only Tsugami Gu and Hiro with the bounty, their heads bowed.

2011-10-24, 08:07 PM
Lady Shu Fang Kezami, Rat Clan
The arrival, and partial departure, of the Yoi's representatives had brought something of a smile to Shu's face. It was her first real encounter with anyone from quite so far afield - she'd spent most of her life either in her people's mountain ranges, or here in the palace.

Quietly, she slipped over to the Lord Arbiter's side. She and Hyung had never been especially close, but with both having been present in and around the court for a number of years, he was, at least, a familiar presence. Quietly, she whispers an observation to him.

"They all appear to have brought you gifts... I wonder why? Actually, we both know why. I'm just feeling a little sore that they can get away with attempting to bribe you so openly..."

Slipping away from the Lord Arbiter's side again (possibly after pausing long enough for him to reply), Shu proceeded towards Hiro's chests. Those watching would probably notice the grace with which she moved: She had the trained dancer's talent for making each move flow organically from the one before. Watching her, one would be struck with the idea that not only was each subsequent action fitting, but indeed, it was the only action that a body should have, *could* have, taken.

She had been well trained... though not necessarily for the post she now occupied.

As she reached Hiro, she offered him the warmest smile she could produce - incredibly warm, as it turned out - and introduced herself. "I am Lady Kezami, representative - and ruler - of the Rat Clan. I doubt you would have heard of me, as I both ascended to my throne but recently, and belong to a landlocked clan of mountaineers, with whom your own people have... little contact." Finally, someone who doesn't already know I used to be a spy!

Shu took a moment to examine the Court Robes Hiro had brought with him. Her examination finished with a short piece of laughter. "They are impressive garments, Representative Hiro. If I understand your presentation correctly, you intended these to be distributed one to each Clan Leader? If so, I feel slightly churlish now that I may need to forego the use of mine: It would, I think, be innapropriate for a woman to use men's clothing. I would, however, ask that I be allowed to keep it..." Because being mistaken for a man can be useful at night "...for the use of my dear assistant and brother, Shunpei."

A little humility never hurt one's public image. Besides, she would never get a chance to evaluate this newcomer unless she could break him away from his prepared speeches...

2011-10-24, 08:24 PM
Representative Hiro bows low to the first to inspect his gifts, a wide grin creasing his face.

"Pleasure in your greeting, Lady Who Dances on Tiles. You may do as you please with gifts for they are yours yes. For you, we have given blanket to keep warm in cold times. May I put it on you, Lady Who Dances on Tiles?"

Tsugami Gu is hard at work already scribbling away at his pad as Hiro holds up the exquisite, though quite thick, blanket from the pile.

"Sparrow Queen August Sweet Waters of the Blossom Orchards knew not how many women sat with Late Emperor so made many, please take with the adoration of such Earthly People."

2011-10-25, 04:32 AM
The proud Clan of Rabbit

Rui Shen entered the court just before session and raised an eye at the bounty laid forth. Perhaps a nation had recently been conquered? Shens eyes took in Hiro, close enough he decided with a small smile.

Shen bows at Lord Arbiter, then nods in a friendly manner towards Lady Kezami. Turning to regard Hiro Shen bows slightly. "I am Rui Shen, I am sure our peoples shall become fast allies in the times ahead. Perhaps after a few meetings we could have some discussions regarding trade.

2011-10-25, 12:44 PM
Hiro bows low in return, the pleasent and cheerful grin only growing wider.

"Pleasure in your greetings, Eye of Fox and Voice of Sage. We would indeed like to discuss such things for one so Earthly may have little to offer but what we have we offer with humility."

2011-10-25, 01:07 PM
The morning gathering is interrupted by the sound of hooves on the flagstones. The gates open, and the delegation from the delegation from Tian Ai Ren enters, mounted on horseback. Their gold, red and brown ceremonial armor instantly sets them apart as Batu Riders. Ambassador Xia Khun leads them, dressed in impressive, immaculately clean robes that out of fashion by at least a year. His physique betrays that his military careers is long behind him; his broad shoulders and huge arms might still be able to use a sword or a spear, but his robes bulge at the stomach with evidence of his more recent sedentary life. Still, the rough hands that hold his horse's reigns are indelibly scarred by battle.

Ambassador Khun signals the dozen riders to stop, and they dismount and kneel before the emperor as one.

"Most Favored of Heaven," Khun says. "I speak for all the Tian Ai Ren when I say I mourn the loss of your father the Emperor like I mourned the loss of the Second Great Tenmunjin, a man like a father to me. A cairn has been erected at the base of Mount Ikh Khorig, and near a thousand stones have been piled upon it, a very great honor."

Ambassador Xia Khun knows the significance of the monument is probably lost on those outside the Beloved, but as long as the message of remorse was transmitted, he had done his job.

"All is not sadness, however. Heaven brings rain and sun, dark and light, famine and plenty in equal measure. I bring three gifts from the Tian Ai Ren to celebrate the ascendance of the Most Favored of Heaven," he says, addressing the emperor.

He motions to one of the soldiers, who rises, unties a young horse that had been tied to the saddle of a charger.

"High General Jamuk of the Batu Riders sends this colt, un-ridden by any man, in hopes that you will grow in strength and grow in wisdom in the execution of that strength."

Ambassador Khun motions again, and another solider rises and brings a pair of sealed scrolls of calligraphy.

"Minister Jochi has written a poem and a list of the knowledge his father imparted to him, in hopes that you will learn from the wisdom of your fathers to be as great if not greater than any of them."

Ambassador Khun hesitates and takes a deep breath, then stands and walks to his saddle-bags, and retrieves a simple water skin embroidered with the words “WITH THIS BLESSING.”

“Bortai the Seer sends you this skin of rainwater gathered the day of your birth, Most Favored of Heaven. It is to be opened and poured on the ground only in a time of great need. She hopes that you will remember that Heaven has granted you your station and rain, which starts at the top of the sky, falls to the earth in but a moment.”

The soldiers rise, and he bows together with them. The Batu riders take his horse with them as they leave, and he leaves to mingle with the crowd.

2011-10-25, 05:48 PM
I'm pretty certain this is set in the early stages of an interregnum - that was in the basic setting pitch, after all. Our Emperor died without heir, that's why the Lord Arbiter presides over this council instead of the Emperor.

I may be wrong, but I believe the 'Child Emperor' reference was to the dead Emperor, whose court this will remain until a successor is chosen.

That said... you may want to re-write some of your intro post.

Lady Shu Fang Kezami, Rat Clan

"Lady who..." Shu's voice trails off, to be replaced by an odd look of concentration. That only lasts a moment before it's replaced by quiet laughter. "I hope that is not what Kezami means in your tongue, or else my ancestors would never have taken it for their name!" It's not that Shu was displeased, as such... but her family's records indicated that the word *had* no meaning. If there was one, and they hadn't known... it would be an impressive oversight for a family so obsessed by information...

...plus, it would be intensely embaressing to the male Kezamis...

"In Court, I can feel no cold, my legs can never grow sore, and I my body needs neither food, nor rest, nor ablutions. We must never show weakness before our peers, and that I am one of the weakest simply means that I must act all the tougher."

Shu leaves a moment's pause before dropping into a less formal voice.

"But the Court is not in session for some hours yet... While officially I cannot feel the cold, here and now the dawn breeze is rather brisk, is it not? So you may place it on me, Representative Hiro."

Glancing around, Shu caught first Rui Shen and then Takeno Esasu's gazes. "You did not hear me say that, Representatives Shen and Esasu." she warned them, with a rather comical look of ferocity on her face. That it disappeared moments later, forced aside by a smile, showed how sincere her 'anger' had been...

2011-10-25, 06:06 PM
The Child Emperor is the new born son of Lord Ho

"Eeaa! Lady Who Dances on Tiles...allow me to explain."

Hiro looks a little taken aback in shock, actually blushing in embarassment as he bows. He recovers quickly however, placing the blanket around the young Courtier's shoulders gingerly, managing not to even touch her physical person.

"The Yoi believe names have power, great power. To call you by name...grave injustice to Court Spirits. We know not one another, we are not familiar. Upon meeting, if one has no Common Name, it is duty...honor...to grant one. You graceful like water, silent like shadow...strong like heart beating. Your name reflects this."

2011-10-25, 06:40 PM
Hm. Kinda contradicts the recruiting pitch... and people are going to be far less willing to put themselves forwards for elevation if the throne is already occupied... Still, you're the ones running it.

Apologies, ThatLovin'Elan. I appear to be mistaken :smallredface:

Lady Shu Fan Kezami, Rat Clan
"If it makes you feel any better about the situation, Kezami is more in the nature of a familial title than my actual name. The Rat Clan's representative at court is always referred to as Representative Kezami, or Lord or Lady Kezami if they are also the head of the Clan. I am, so Lady Kezami is my formal title.

Just remember: Whatever the servants about the court may tell you, it is not appropriate to call me the 'Great Rat'. At least, not to my face. I do, you understand, have reputations to uphold..."

2011-10-25, 06:51 PM
The Child Emperor is more a title...the kid doesn't have a claim to the throne until he's an adult. Hence why the Lord Arbiter is sitting in as the Head of the Council. The pitch didn't mention it because...it wasn't thought up at that time >.> The Emperor is still dead however and the throne is still quite vacant. The Council is still the ruling body with the Lord Arbiter overseeing the whole process. The kid doesn't have a claim for quite some time. It was more to throw a wrench in the gears and spice up the story.

Hiro seems to be trying to follow the Lady's words, nodding a little good naturedly through it all.

"I understand Lady Who Dances on Tiles. I was unaware. Please forgive your humble Earthly Person. Perhaps in time we shall learn enough of one another, to use Familiar Names."

2011-10-25, 09:39 PM
Lord Arbiter Hyung

"Greetings, Lord Arbiter. I, as you probably know, am the Envoy from the Peacock Clan. I bring our condolences for the role you have been thrust in to, and a gift."

The arbiter holds the painting gently, marvelling at its beauty. "The artisans of Clan Peacock have not faded like the plum blossom, but are constant in their skillful art. My thanks, for both gift and the thought behind it."

Having observed the great gifts of the Yoi, Hyung Sunwong nods graciously. As Lord Arbiter, not emperor, it is not his place to accept these gifts on behalf of the court. He is noticeably impressed by the wealth of the Yoi, however.

To Kezami
"A friend who comes laden with gifts arouses no suspicion, my lady, though a stranger should be kept at arms length. Let us decide which they are before passing judgement."

At the entrance of the Temunjin, Sunwong lowers his head.

"You do me great honour in your praises, but I regret to inform you, ambassador, that I am not the emperor, nor will I ever be. The emperor's son can barely walk, and so our fair nation is left without a ruler on the Throne of Heaven. I am merely the Lord Arbiter Hyung Sunwong of the Court of the Ten Dragons. I will inform the Child Emperor of your gifts, though I beg your forgiveness should they not be to his liking."

2011-10-25, 10:39 PM
Esasu smiles.
"Of course, Lord Arbiter. However, I think it may be time to move onto our main business. The Emperor cannot yet take the throne - until he does, then, we need to form a regency.
Should we begin to discuss that?"

2011-10-26, 05:15 AM
The proud Clan of Rabbit

Nodding respectfully as the other clans and nations file in with their own styles and habits. Rui Shen does his best to keep his face cool and calm.

A slight tapping of his finger is the only sign that Shen is waiting for the courts to begin.

"Although the Peacock Clan raises a good point. I would like to hear of world events and major issues before we decide who will rule us."

2011-10-26, 07:46 AM
Lord Arbiter Hyung

Hyung Sunwong raises his eyes to the open doors of the pavillion, where he can see the sun is almost aligned with the carving of a lotus on the lintel. Smiling to himself, he turns his attention to Ambassador Rui.

"It may be a little early, but thirst for knowledge is the way of the Master. Perhaps we should begin this, the first court of the new year, the first since the death of our beloved Emperor, may he live for ten thousand years."

With a wave of his hand, the court herald enters and takes up a scroll heavily daubed in characters, and says in a volume more suited to a marketplace, or perhaps a battle, "The Orchid bends towards the South, for humility is the Right Intention. Fire warms the creator Pangu, and lights the way for the Returning Rabbit who seeks the approaching Lotus. The Court of the Ten Dragons is in session. May all who come in anger be calmed, and may all who come in pride be made humble. His Divine Imperial Majesty, the Child Emperor Yugleih Shunshi Ho, may he live for ten thousand years, has decreed it so. All shall listen to the master of the court, Lord Arbiter Hyung Sunwong."

The herald rolls up the scroll in what can only be described as overly-officious in manner, and shuffles out of the room. The required detritus and miscellany of the court - scribes and handmaidens and so forth - shuffle in, their feet moving considerably faster than their bodies. With a wan smile, the Lord Arbiter stands and asks "Has the assembly any news to share with the court?"

2011-10-26, 07:47 AM
Lord Arbiter Hyung

I was under the impression that the child, though extremely young, was present. If necessary, I can rewrite it.

"You do me great honour in your praises, but I regret to inform you, ambassador, that I am not the emperor, nor will I ever be. The emperor's son can barely walk, and so our fair nation is left without a ruler on the Throne of Heaven. I am merely the Lord Arbiter Hyung Sunwong of the Court of the Ten Dragons. I will inform the Child Emperor of your gifts, though I beg your forgiveness should they not be to his liking."

Ambassador Khun smiles widely. "Of course the Most Favored of Heaven is too young to appreciate the gifts immediately. The Beloved have a saying: 'Good gifts grow.' I trust this will be true in this case."

He bows deeply.

2011-10-26, 03:38 PM
The Yoi representitives take their seats, Tsugami Gu hard at work even now. It does not take long however for Hiro to raise a hand, bowing his head low as he speaks.

"Will of Heaven, People of Heaven. We come to you today to ask for trade. We have scouted small island off coast, and if allowed would readily set up trade ports along it. We ask His High Emperor to grant us this, and hope for continued friendship in future."

2011-10-26, 08:15 PM
Lady Shu Fang Kezami, Rat Clan
At the Lord Arbiter's invitation to begin session, Shu quickly returned to the table in the pavillion. She headed for the first seat to the left of the Emperor's Throne.

Sweeping the blanket off her shoulders in a single fluid move, Shu quickly folds it and places it on the table. Then, once she had seated herself, she begins.

"Now that we are all done discussing the giving and nature of gifts, an introduction. For those of you who are new to this council, or who have not visited the city of Long'Yu recently, I am Lady Shu Fang Kezami, ruler of the Mountain Goat clan." Quietly she adds, "or Rat clan, if you prefer.", and back to her normal volume for "Which means I tend to be... well informed about the happenings in the Empire."

"Well, I have some news. Several pieces." Pause. Shu deadpans "And I bet none of you are even slightly surprised..." Flashing a brief grin around at her colleagues, she resumes her normal tone of voice. "What would you rather cover, the civil disturbances or the religious ones?"

2011-10-26, 11:48 PM
Takeno smiles. 'Let's begin with the religious troubles."

2011-10-27, 01:13 AM
The proud Clan of Rabbit

"Both matters would please us. But if a choice must be had, Civil matters ought to come first."

2011-11-01, 05:25 PM
Lady Shu Fang Kezami, Rat Clan
"So, an even split between the matters rooted in Heaven, and the matters grounded on Earth. Unless our eminent Lord Arbiter cares to correct me, I shall start with what appears to be the smaller of the troubles.

Therefore, my first news of note comes from the lands of clan Fengshou. They are currently playing host to a small, though vaguely worrying, religious grouping. It is... an unusual thing for me to say, but... Would you believe that this order's acolytes are being taught that we are devils? It is true - the central tenet of their belief system is that we, the Ten Dragons, are impious - and ills from poor crops up to the death of the Blessed Emperor are being blamed on our impiety."

Shu pauses briefly, and flashes a grin that is rather naughty at the assemblage. "I quite like the thought of people in the countryside ascribing mystical powers to me. If that was as far as it went, it would be no problem, but their preaching stretches still further. Indeed, while they would pose little direct challenge to the Emperor, they would topple each of us, personally, were they given the chance.

So, that's our first item. A small order of religious fanatics, out to break us... in body or in spirit. What shall we do, my esteemed colleagues?" Delivery complete, her face reverting to neutral, Shu leans back in her chair to watch the others' reactions. Many of those present she had never dealt with directly before... it would be interesting to see how each responded to such a personal threat...

2011-11-03, 10:28 AM
Lord Arbiter Hyung

Green on dead branches,
Questions ring like tolling bells
And silence answers.

The arbiter shakes his head.

"Devils, are we? If we had dark powers, I doubt we would be sitting on hard benches arguing the succession when there are villages to be plundered. It is concerning, though, that they should wish to destroy the noble tradition of the Ten Dragons with such slander. The Jade Emperor began our houses many thousands of years ago, and we cannot allow these peasants to uproot our history. I would ask the council to consider appropriate measures to ensure their silence."

Absently, the elderly man picked up his baoding balls, and slowly rotated them in his left hand, their soft bell-like tones eerily resonant in the pavilion.