View Full Version : Encounters in Larmina [D&D 3.5, homebrew world] [IC]

2011-10-22, 04:57 PM
You are in the city of Tyssin. It may not be the capitol of Muer, but it is the largest city, and it is home. Or at least it had been, if only for a bit. But now you must move on, whether by choice or not. It was then that you saw the ad, posted in the forum and in each tavern, and it was exactly what you needed.
Attention Travelers:

We of the Wealthy Lion Merchant Company are hiring guards for an expedition across the Idran Plains to the city of Burin, capital of Larmina. We are expecting attacks from goblins, so only those who are confident in their abilities need apply. You will be paid even if we do not encounter any trouble. Exceptional service may yield greater rewards.

Expected pay: 300 gold
Expected time to destination: Two fortnights
Where to meet: Caravan just outside town. Ask for Gern Bronzehilt

Wealthy Lion Merchant Company

-Approved by the city of Tyssin

Sure, you could have taken the the teleportation circles in the capitol, but those are expensive. And traveling on your own can be dangerous, so this caravan was quite convenient. You remember seeing a caravan of five wagons outside the city walls within the past couple days, and the pay is extremely tempting. Perhaps you should go find this Gern Bronzehilt...

The Big Orc
2011-10-22, 07:38 PM
The giant half orc walks through town, hearing about the caravan headed to the capitol. Having wanted to visit the city himself, he decides to find the caravan. After extensive searching he finds them just outside of the city. Upon finding out about the 300 gold payment for guarding it, he offers himself to Gern, saying "It would be great to travel with you, as long as it be for payment! I specialize in utilization of the axe for hewing the necks of those who oppose me, however I am also a decent scout, owning my own horse for riding ahead of the group."

(had to create a way for an illiterate barbarian to find out about the caravan)

Business Scrub
2011-10-22, 08:22 PM
Daernia leaves the city limits, feeling a bit out of place with a heavy pack full of adventuring gear. She notices the dwarf by the cart, as well as the enormous orc beside him. I'm going to be traveling with an orc?
She stays back a few paces, mingling with the crowd for a moment, listening to him. Maybe a more well-spoken one, but still an orc... She watches for a bit as he and the dwarf negotiate terms. Maybe I'm in over my head... Those two look like they're ready for war. Well, only one way to find out if it's a good idea. When the orc is finished speaking, she approaches the cart and speaks to the dwarf in his native tongue. "Master Bronzehilt? As I understand you were seeking a few to accompany your caravan to Tyssin?" She gives a small, polite curtsy. "Daernia Snow, at your service."

Perception check to overhear the orc: [roll0]

EDIT: Aaaaaaand, we're off to a good start!

Smokin Red
2011-10-23, 06:39 AM
Teliyan arrives at the caravan camp, dragging his (brandnew) donkey behind him.
*wheeze* "Hello there, I hope I'm not to late for the guard job, can anybody point me to master Bronzehilt?"

After meeting up with Gern Bronzehilt, he introduces himself: "Good day to you sir, my name is Teliyan. Yep, plain and simple. I am ready to help guarding your caravan. I am easily able to contribute to that task, some gobbo's shouldn't pose any really danger if you are travelling with me." If necessary, because he exaggerates wildly, a Bluff-check [roll0]

2011-10-23, 06:42 AM

Elmond wakes to the sound of knocking. A maid enters at his grunt, carrying the standard tray of cooked breakfast items. Scones, bacon, fried egg, sausages, beans, toast, cream, butter. All the good things. Nestled in among the dishes and the coffee lies a note which he decides to ignore untill he has had at least a generous sip of said cofee, burning his tongue slightly. Elmond curses.

"[sensored]!" The word bounces arrond uncomfortably loud in his head, causing him to clutch at it and curse again, but softer.

How much did I have to drink last night? he wonders, cursing yet again at his bad drinking habits. Never again! he promises himself for the hundreth time.

Settling back into his well-cusioned bed he nibbles on the food which all tastes like paper this morning. He contemplates going back to sleep, but as he gradually wakes up and the bluriness leaves his eyes, he can't help wonder who would be sending him a note with his breakfast. He unfolds it, scans it and his eyes bulge. In a sharp, angular and almost definitely angry hand it reads:

Elmond, I thought I made myself clear two days ago. If you are not out of the city by midday I will have you chased out by the house guards at spear point.


Elmond's eyes dart to the large clock on the wall. The big hand is pointed somewhere between the 11 and the 12 and the small hand is hovering somewhere down the bottom. After a moment for his hang-over-befudled mind to register what it is seeing, Elmond leaps out of bed and almost flies over to the huge and ornate wardrobe.

"****, crap, ****, crap," he intones as the pounding in his head interfears with putting a leg through the trouser leg. After a moment's pause for breath and thought he remembers the poster he saw the night before. Damn, he's meant to be posing as some kind of caravan guard.

"****, crap, ****, crap." He manages to struggle out of the trousers and into the leather fencing armor he has been practicing in for the past few months.

"****, crap, ****, crap." His mantra follows him about the room as he hastily stuffs things into a bag. Some clothes, a flask, his sword.

"****, crap, ****, crap." The words echo down the halls as he flies through them toward the kitchens.

"****, crap, ****, crap." The head cook looks offended as Elmond stuffs bread, meat and cheese into his pack, but her disdain falls upon empty air as Elmond exits the estates by the rear entrance.

"****, crap, ****, crap." The guards are looking at him oddly. Are they going to start chasing him soon? He speeds past them, runs for all he is worth with "****, crap, ****, crap," echoing off the walls of the homes he passes. Dissapproving mothers shield their childrens' ears, other children run along behind for a short distance, joining in, as does a dog, though it's barking is no doubt more excitement than swearing. It carries him past Markus and Jordin who cheer and jeer him on.

When Elmond finally reaches the city gates, heart pounding as much as his head, legs shakey from the distance and speed, he has no more breath for swearing, but the words still echo around his head in time to the pulsing pain. He collapses against the city wall to catch his breath.

Once he has caught his breath he realises that he can't even remember where the caravan is, if he even knew. The internalised swearing does not look like it will let up at any point soon.

2011-10-23, 07:36 AM

Athmar wakes early and eats a light breakfast. While doing so, he spots the notice tacked onto the wall near his table. He wipes his lips clean and steps over to grab it.

Burin. Looks like I'm in luck, he thinks to himself. "Can I take this?" he asks the innkeeper as he tears the notice of the wall. The pudgy old man grunts and goes back to his cooking. "Thanks."

Athmar leaves a few silver on the bar, grabs his things from upstairs, and ventures out into the sunlight, still carrying the notice.


Later, he arrives near the caravans. He attempts to tack a smile onto his face but gives up on it almost immediately. Instead he just walks directly into the camp, looking for Gern Bronzehilt.

"I'm Athmar. I'm a warrior. I hear you're looking for guards?"

2011-10-23, 08:46 AM
The dwarf is easy enough to find, as he is at the front of the caravan talking with a halfling male and human female. He turns to the few that had just came up to them.

His voice is gruff as he addresses them, "Aye, we be hirin' guards. Ya sorry lot look like you can at least hold a weapon. Picked up another guy a few days ago, but I be doubting if he knows how to hold his sword. Feared we'd have to try again at the next town. Anyways, ya are pro'lly wonderin when we be headin off. It'll be soon, jus' need ta prep the horses and see if a few more don' show up."

Smokin Red
2011-10-23, 08:59 AM
Teliyan, relieved that getting on the caravan proved so simple, looks at the two warriors.
At least those two seem to know how to handle a weapon, he thinks to himself, perhaps it is better to get closer to them.

"I greet you, my name is Teliyan, you sure look as if you are able to hold yourself in a fight. I hope we can work together well."

2011-10-23, 09:23 AM
"... and that's how Jack No-Shoes earned his name and his reputation." a half-elf finished his story to the delighted applause of children and a few mothers.

Dindulin enjoyed telling his stories to children, they always seemed to appreciate them so much more then adults, getting completely caught up in the adventures of one hero or another. It was time to leave this city behind however, a bard never stayed in one place too long and besides, if he stayed here he would never see the wonders of the world, never find the great stories or live his own. So once more he gathered up his belongings and headed for the citywalls. Yesterday he had seen a call for caravan guards, always a good way to get from one place to the next, and pick up a few tales in the process.

Arriving at the caravan grounds outside the walls he strides up to the man pointed out as Gern Bronzehilt and, seeing the man is obviously a dwarf, addresses him in fluent dwarven. "An excellent morning to you good sir, my name is Dindulin Peredhel and I was wondering if I could accompany your fine caravan on it's journey. My stories and music would surely be appreciated by your men and if it should come to a goblin attack I know my way around a bow."

2011-10-23, 09:39 AM

Athmar listens to the dwarf, nodding his head. "I'm in no rush." he says. He looks over the others that have come, but says nothing. His eyes linger on the half-orc's axe for a moment before swinging over to the half-elf addressing him.

"Nice to meet you," He dips his head in a polite motion, "I'm Athmar. I'll do better than hold in combat. I'm looking forward to fighting some of those bigger goblins." He smiles and taps the hilt of his sword.

The Big Orc
2011-10-23, 09:56 AM

The half orc swings his mangy head looking at the group around him with disdain until he see's the sword dangling from a man's side. Hrumph, this piece of meat might be of use.

Stepping towards the short half elf who spoke "Yes, I can hold my own in battle. And what exactly is it that the dwarf," Crog spits, "Is paying you for?"

Smokin Red
2011-10-23, 10:18 AM
"I already realized that you are much meaner then me, no point in trying to prove it in such an excessive way."
He then continues in orcish
"Perhaps you're not aware of it, but there are more than one way to skin a goblin. Muscle's not all."

The Big Orc
2011-10-23, 10:23 AM
Crog laughs. In Orcish, "If you call that mean, you should visit one of our villages. It was but a question, inquiring as to how you 'skin goblins'."

2011-10-23, 10:40 AM

Athmar stifles a chuckle directed at Teliyan's comeback and continues to gaze at the clouds, ignoring the orcish conversation.

2011-10-23, 12:19 PM

Once Elmond manages to catch his breath he begins to take in his surroundings. Not too far away, off from the main approach to the city he can see a collection of horses and wagons. Armored people seem to be in evidence as well as quite a bustle.

Well, can't hurt to try...

Elmond heads towards the confusion of men and horses approaching one likely looking man in chainmail with a heavy-looking shield, sheilding his eyes from the painful sun.

Elmond is approaching Athmar

"You there! Uh, I mean hello, um, Is this the caravan for, uh..." He clutches his head for a moment as a wave of nausia sweeps over him. "Ugh, sorry, is this the caravan bound for Larmina? Who should I talk to about becoming a guard?" He winces again at another wave of pain. "Also, where can a chap get some water around these parts?"

Dispite his obvious unease, Elmond's voice is pompous and self assured. After all he's always been able to get what he wants through talking. Well, maybe not from his father, but then his father was always immune to reasoning.

2011-10-23, 12:43 PM

Athmar watches the newcomer suffer for a moment before reaching behind his back. He uncorks his waterskin and takes a drink before passing it to Elmond. Its warm but clear, clean water.

"This is the caravan to Burin, yeah." Athmar's tone is casual and calm, reflected by the way he leans against a wagon. He seems to be watching the preparations further down the line of wagons. "Ask the dwarf that was here a moment ago. Gern. Or just wait for him to come back."

Business Scrub
2011-10-23, 01:07 PM
Daernia looks around at the newcomers, not quite as off-put as with the orc, but still feeling out of place. These people were armored like they were ready to take a knife to the gut, and she... well, her travelling robes couldn't really be called armor, not by comparison, anyway. I'm here anyway. Better make the best of it, I suppose.
About then, she notices one of the other half-elves, speaking to the dwarf. She speaks to him in a very formal Elven, partly out of politeness, partly as a test."Another half-elf on the road? And a musician that speaks dwarven, no less. And here I was feeling out of place. Dindulin, was it?"

2011-10-23, 01:34 PM
Delighted to find others of his kind here, and from the sound of it raised among the elves as he was, Dindulin bows gracefully and replies in elven: "Indeed it is! A pleasure to meet you ...?" The question clear in his voice.
Noticing the harp among her possesions, he adds: "Could it be I have found a colleage in the musical arts?"

Business Scrub
2011-10-23, 02:09 PM
Daernia smiles, a bit surprised to find him a more elven half-elf then she was used to in the city.
"Daernia Snow. It's more just an interest then a profession really." She notices his array of instruments. "Dindulin... That name sounds familiar. Have you been in Tyssin long?"

After her question, her attention changes just for a moment to the small patch of trees in the distance. She whistles a low, quite note, and returns her attention to Dindulin like nothing happened.

Smokin Red
2011-10-23, 02:15 PM
Teliyan watches the two other half-elves skeptically. He, although speaking the language as well, was never able to embrace his heritage as they seem to.

2011-10-23, 02:51 PM
"Hmm, Daernia Snow" he repeats, sounding as if he is just trying the sound of the name "a pleasure to meet you indeed! I would love for you to play for me some time, perhaps we could even play together. It is such a delight to meet another elven-raised half-elf, in these lands you rarely get the oppertunity."

Grinning he answers her question. "I think I've been here for about a month now, maybe a little longer. Though I have to admit, my name is probably better known to the children of the city."

Business Scrub
2011-10-23, 03:36 PM
"Oh, I'm sure there'll be a few nights on the road when we'll all want for music." She looks away when Dindulin mentions being elf-raised, again towards the forest, this time watching a bird flying towards them. "You must know a lot of faerie sort of stories then? 'Siilven and the Six Strangers'?"
At that point, a large Barred owl flies into view. Daernia holds out her arm and the owl, ignoring the gesture, lands softly on her pack, and starts pecking at the opening. "Ah, jeeze Ferro! I thought you had gone hunting. Alright, hold on, I'll get you something..." She laughs a bit, and takes off her pack, resting it against the cart. "Dindulin, perhaps you should meet Ferro. He can be a bit... eccentric sometimes." Ferro stands stock still next to Daernia as she pulls out a bit of dried pork from her bag, which he snaps up happily. The owl gives Dindulin a curious look, then glides onto his shoulder, trying to look at his eyes.

The Big Orc
2011-10-23, 04:07 PM
Crog will go to gather his horse, mule and cart. Upon return, he will picket them near the others who will be protecting the cart. "Do any of you know when we will be departing?"

2011-10-23, 04:41 PM
Gern, who had been consulting with the halfling sitting in the driver's seat of the first wagon, returns to the gathering people.

"Ach, I see there be a few more here now. This should be enough to get us through the plains safely." He turns to look at the half-elf that had addressed him in his people's tongue earlier, "An' I c'n un'erstand the common tongue jus' fine. Yer thin tongue makes a mockery of me people's tongue. It's suppose'ta sound like a boulder falling down a mountain, not a rock skipping across a river. Ya don' hear me speakin' yer flowery language."

He turns back to the group as a whole, "Seems ta me we be headin' off here soon, but I mus' go over a few rules afore we head out. First, ya will get yer pay when we reach the destination. Anythin' ya need from us, whether it be weapons or food, will be docked from yer pay. Secon', the first wagon be off limits. It's me an' me groups personal stuff, nothin' fer sale. Wagons two ta four be our trade goods, if you want somethin' from there you must ask one o' us. Wagon five is fer yer stuff, or ya can use yer own if ya have one."

He gestures to the people on the first wagon, "Tha halfling be Jintar. He be our lead driver an' guide. He'll try ta avoid any trouble, but ya be here for when tha' doesn' work. Tha pretty lass be Teddysia, she be keepin us alive through this. These be the most important ta the expedition, besides me." He starts heading to the second wagon, "Feel free ta ride with whatever wagon ya want. If there be no more questions, then we be heading out now."

On the first two wagons, there is only one spot on each. The other three have two spots open per wagon. Which spots do you select? Wagon one is Jintar and Teddysia. Wagon two has Gern and a human. Wagon three has a human driver. Wagon four has an elven driver, and wagon five has a dwarf driver. If one looks inside wagon five, they would see another human, a shortsword at his hip and a book in his hands as he reads it.

The Big Orc
2011-10-23, 05:01 PM
Crog will travel on his own horse, near his cart which is pulled by his mule. He will attach the leads of his mule to the back wagon so he is not required to guide it himself. Every half hour he will travel between the wagons asking the occupants if there is anything he can bring them from a different wagon.

Business Scrub
2011-10-23, 06:22 PM
Getting the sense they're being hurried along, Daernia drops her bag in the fifth cart save for a few items, and rejoins the others. Looking at Dindulin and the other, quieter half-elf, she says, "Either of you care to join me in the third car?"

Smokin Red
2011-10-24, 02:34 AM
Teliyan turns to Daernia, "I would like to join you... Daernia, right? I just have to tend to my donkey and stuff first."
He then tethers his donkey next to the orcs mule, making sure not to disturb it. As he starts to unburden it, he notices the reading human, "Oh, hey, you've got to be the 'other one' Bronzehilt mentioned. My name is Teliyan, do you think you could keep an eye on our stuff?"
He tries to measure up the human, if he could possibly trust him.Sense Motive:[roll0]

2011-10-24, 05:03 AM

Elmond almost balks at the proffered flask. I mean, drinking water from the same flask as a commoner?

No, I must keep up my disguise. I musdt pretend not to be a noble, just untill I get to Larmina.

Elmond takes a tentative sip from the flask and grimaces.

Ugh, warm water?

Trying to keep the disgust off his face he hands the flask back to the gruff warrior.

"Um, thanks," he manages. With his head a bit clearer he takes the opportunity to look arround at the assembled company as the dwarf, presumable the leader of this caravan, speeks to them as a whole.

While he had nothing against dwarves, good upstanding citizens and decent merchants in his experience, this one's choice of company gave him pause for thought. He counted at least three half elves in the expedition, their pointy ears marking out their fey herritage. He shuddered. Interbreading, what a disgusting notion. He couldn't deny the attractiveness of the one with brown hair, though. Maybe her hair wasn't the beautiful blond of some of the Human nobles, but hers had a definite sheen to it and her figure, well, one couldn't complain about that at all. He licked his suddenly dry lips and was distracted from the vision by a dirty great half-orc covered in hides. How disgusting! What barbarians, and again, a filthy half breed! How could something like that creature ever come to be?

His attention turns back to the beautiful half elf. She couldn't be a guard, not dressed like that. Maybe she was just a passenger, along for the protection of the wagons.

Looking around, Elmond can't see any other humans who look like they might be guards, so he grins at his new "friend".

"So, uh, 'mate'," the word sounds unconvincing and unfamiliar in his mouth and he tries again, "So, friend,"still unconvincing, but at least it didn't sound so forced, "I guess us humans should stick together, eh? Want to team up on a waggon? What about that one?" He points to the third one with the human driver. "By the way, I'm Elmond." He smiles, holding out his hand.

2011-10-24, 08:09 AM
The man looks up from his book, saving his page with a finger as he turns to the half-elf that addressed him, "Yeah, I can watch your stuff. Couldn't have asked a better man to do it either. I'm the great Ulon Freeman, hero of Drause and slayer of dragons! With me here, this should be easy gold for you guys." He wears a shortsword at his side, and has a pile of books near him.

He seems to have no interest in taking from others, but you can tell by the way he wears his sword and how he avoids direct eye contact that he probably exaggerates quite a bit. He's probably never even seen a dragon.

2011-10-24, 10:21 AM

Athmar takes the preferred hand and shakes, "Athmar." His handshake is firm, backed up by the spiked metal gauntlet he's wearing. He doesn't notice Elmond gawking at the half elf woman.

"Lets go get a seat." he motions his head towards the third wagon and climbs in. He winces and reaches behind himself, pulling out a big metal flail, which he sets on the floor beside him, the haft in easy reach.

Smokin Red
2011-10-24, 10:30 AM
As Teliyan returns to the third wagon, he realizes the place next to Daernia is already taken by the knightly guy. "Well," he starts cautiously "I intended to sit there. And don't you think, you close combat types are more useful in the front or back?"
But he doesn't intend to make a thing out of it, and, without much fuss, takes a seat on the fifth wagon, if Athmar doesn't moves.

2011-10-24, 10:37 AM

"Huh?" Athmar inquires, apparently having not noticed this wagon was taken, "Oh. Yeah, I guess that makes sense." he stands up and climbs out of the wagon. He looks side to side before picking the fifth wagon.

"Hey. Do you mind if me and my friend sit here with you?" he asks the man with the book as he climbs in and sits down. Obviously his question is rhetorical.

He drops his flail with a loud clunk.

The Big Orc
2011-10-24, 11:05 AM
Seeing the well armed man taking a seat at the back wagon, Crog will ride up. "So, what kind of fighting style do you use? Are you calm and careful in your strikes or do you throw caution to the wind? It's nice to see another warrior who does not rely upon magic..." Crog goes on and on about styles of fighting, his personal experiences with personal combat and his distaste for using magic in combat.

2011-10-24, 11:21 AM

Athmar is reclining in the back wagon while he chats with Crog. "Caution! Pfeh. I have no taste for it. It is a poor thing in a warrior." he smiles his humorless smile and a glint enters his eyes. "If I fear the breaking of my body, what sort of warrior am I? A true warrior meets his limits and goes beyond them." he rattles his flail for emphasis. "That is my fighting style... er, I don't think I caught your name."

The Big Orc
2011-10-24, 11:37 AM
"I am Crog, and I agree with your beliefs in fighting. There is nothing I will not do to see my foes broken on the ground and hewn in two. Also, what can I call you?"

2011-10-24, 11:39 AM

"I am called Athmar. We should spar sometime."

The Big Orc
2011-10-24, 11:51 AM
"I look forward to the day. Perhaps during the nights I will begin carving wooden practice weapons."

2011-10-24, 12:21 PM

Elmond, having followed Athmar to the rear waggon openly snears at the half orc and pointedly ignores the following conversation between the two warriors. Instead he turns to the other human in the wagon.

"Half-orcs, eh? I mean, how can you be a half ork. I mean either you're an orc, or you're not an orc." He shudders at the distasteful topic.

The Big Orc
2011-10-24, 12:42 PM
Looking at the leather armored man next to the warrior, Crog sneers, "The same way one can be half human. Also, how can you tell I am a mixed blood? Most pure breds are too fool to notice the difference."

Smokin Red
2011-10-24, 02:46 PM
Teliyan takes his place next to Daernia. "That went smooth, I hope I didn't disturb something."

2011-10-24, 03:07 PM

"Well, the fact that you bother to cover your crotch counts for something. At least your mother managed to teach you something after your father raped her. Shame she didn't have the sense to kill herself before she gave birth to scum like you."

The Big Orc
2011-10-24, 03:13 PM
"A shame you say? What shameful parents brought you into the world not even teaching you that other races are no different from humans. Besides, only fool human women kill themselves when they are pregnant. Orc women have the pride to carry there children to birth. You know, I would swear my father looked a little like you!" Crog states, bluffing in an attempt to unnerve the foul human.

Bluff check [roll0]

2011-10-24, 03:22 PM

Roll sense motive: [roll0]

"Shameful? SHAMEFUL?" Elmond puffs out his chest. "I'll have you know, I'll have you know... I'll have you know..." At first Elmond stammers out of indignation and wounded pride, but that gives him enough time to realise that his first reaction of claiming noble birth might not be the best idea. Instead he opts for a different, more confrontational approach.

"I'll have you know that my mother wasn't some whore off the street, and she'd never let a one of you foul creatures touch her."

Elmond sticks his chin in the air as if to say 'Well, come back from that, stupid orc'. However, there is a slight wavering of his eyes, a slight shaking of his hand to indicate that the orc's intimidation has gotten to him on some level. Dispite his bluster, Elmond is actually starting to feel a bit scared of the half-orc. Up close he looks bigger than he did from a distance.

Business Scrub
2011-10-24, 03:42 PM
Daernia sits in the seat across from Teliyan, letting Ferro fly around freely outside. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure those brutes would find something to get in a knot about anyway." Hearing the raised voices outside she sighs mutters, "I just didn't think it'd be so soon... Be right back." She leaves the cart for a moment and approaches Crog and Elmond, speaking forcefully in common, not quite angrily, "Hey guys, we've just gotten started, and it's going to be a long trip if we bicker back and forth about feckless things, attracting every goblin in the woods. Just be glad you have... some healthy goblin killing competition, or whatever it is." She bites her lower lip for a moment before adding, a bit more quietly, "Or someone else to protect you, whichever."

A-Wooooooooah! I leave for the day and suddenly there's crazy race wars going on!

Just for my mind's image's sake, are these open-roofed carts, or wil' west style?

Also, diplomacy times! [roll0]

EDIT: Thank GOD that didn't end up sucking. "Hey guys! Cut it out!" *Rolls a 1* "I mean... you know, whatever you guys want to do is fine..."

The Big Orc
2011-10-24, 03:51 PM
Before Daernia arrives at our wagon, Crog, smiling, whispers into Elmund's ear, "But the real question in this instance, is if your father could be seduced by my mother." After Daernia gives her speech Crog replies, "It's just a bit of fun, no hard feelings right little man?" Crog gives Elmund a playful punch in the shoulder and rides back to check on his mule at the back.

Smokin Red
2011-10-24, 03:53 PM
"Okay, but I would avoid getting between those..." Teliyan stops mid-sentence "...doesn't matter, see you later, hopefully."
And looking at the big owl he continues "Well, aren't you a nice big bird of prey..."

2011-10-24, 05:19 PM

Thankful for a way out of the hole he has been digging for himself, Elmond jumps at the chance.

"Gobolin killing is it? I'll kill twice the goblins this feckless brute can." He thrusts his chin at the half-orc, arms folded, before turning to the half-elf.

"And who asked your oppinion, big-ears?"

Business Scrub
2011-10-24, 06:06 PM
Daernia doesn't get angry at Elmond's 'insult,' just laughs a bit. "You did, I believe. When you started talking about half breeds. And since that term applies to pretty much every one else here, I suggest you pick your words carefully, unless you want to run the risk of pissing some of them off."
With that, she turns to head back to the third cart.

2011-10-24, 07:35 PM

Elmond glares after the retreating back of the impertinant half-elf, that common piece of worthless, gutless, disgusting, filthy rubbish. He opens his mouth to shout after it's disgraceful hide, but the elf's words niggle at him and his eyes see what they have been blind to, how out-numbered he is, how outnumbered humans are and, after a moment of gaping like a fish, his mouth shuts with a click.

Elmond sinks into sullen silence.

2011-10-24, 08:41 PM
The dwarven driver of the fifth cart looks over to the young man that got into an argument with the larger orc. "Tha lass be havin' a point. Tha orc c'n pro'lly rip ya in half as ya were parchment or somethin'. Besides, goblins be in the plains, it's bandits we be worryin' about in them woods."

After a final check of the wagons by Gern, he signals for the caravan to start. They begin following the dirt road to the southeast. For the first few miles, it's mostly farms, with few trees in the along the path. As the city walls become smaller, you start to see more trees, as well as hills along the sides of the roads.

The first days ride is, with the exception of the bickering, uneventful. Those on the fifth wagon get to hear stories of Gern from the dwarf, who happens to be related to him. One story in particular is how Gern haggled a hill giant to give him its club for a rock that it threw at them. Those on the third wagon hear various well known stories of different heroes, told with great enthusiasm by the human driver.

As the sun gets low in the sky, the caravan stops for the night, pulling off the road and on top of a small hill. They form a circle and start a campfire in the middle along with some broth. The broth is a dull color and has no smell to it. Overall it looks unappetizing.

"Jintar, where be tha' hare ya caught tha other day?" Gern asks the halfling. "Throw it in tha stew." He then turns to the hired guards, "Which of ya louts be wantin' ta keep watch tonight? I be suggestin' pairs so ya can see anythin' afore it be seein' us." As he speaks, the halfling goes to the first wagon, gets a skinned rabbit, and brings it back to cut the meat and throw it in the pot.

They are covered wagons for modesty when needed, and to hide how much trade goods they are actually traveling with.

The reading human is in the back of the fifth wagon, so you would have to look in to see him.

If you didn't get a chance to pick a wagon or reply, you can do so and I'll probably edit this post.

2011-10-24, 08:54 PM

Elmond, who has been sitting in sullen silence for the majority of the trip so far raises a hand.

"All this talk of watches is all well and good, but I haven't seen a contract. While I'm sure the threat of tearing your head off is good enough for some," Elmond nods dismissively toward the half-orc, "I'd like to have something a little more legally binding to guarantee me the three hundred you're going to pay us, including a detailed description of the duties expected for such pay and," he grins smugly around at the rest of the caravan, "what might constitute 'exceptional service'."

Elmond sits back on the cart with a self-satisfied smile painted across his face.

2011-10-24, 09:17 PM
Gern looks at him with a sour look on his face, "Ya dare ask if a Bronzehilt not be payin' ya? By Simdar's great beard I'll make ya wish yer grandpappy were not born! Yer duties be protectin' the caravan from bein' attacked an' robbed by any means ya know how. Ya be gettin' paid when we be reachin' our destination, an' anything you buy from us be taken out o' yer pay. Exceptional service be what I decide it be. And if ya even get the thought o' stealin' anythin', then ya'll have to be prepared to face the wrath o' me ancestors. Now, do ya got any more smart questions, or are ya wisin' up?" He glares at the human that dared question him, huffing from anger. He cools down with a grunt, "If ya want a contract, I c'n write one up. An' ya'll be swearin' on me ancestors an' Simdar if ya do!"

Business Scrub
2011-10-24, 09:41 PM
During the days trip, largely for lack of anything better to do, Daernia makes idle conversation with Teliyan and the cart driver, and seems mostly happy when the caravan stops for the night. While the group sets up camp, she finds Dindulin again, subtly taking his lead on what people do when they make camp. When dinner comes around, she accepts the broth politely enough, but looks at it faintly with disgust. When the note of the hare comes up, she rolls her eyes and says to Jintar, "If you guys really must add the hare to this, I recommend sauteing it first. Though it might not do too much now that the soup's already cooked and all."

2011-10-25, 12:20 AM
The halfling was already chopping up the rabbit meat as and throwing it in as he smiled at the half-elf, "Why? It's not like it'll make that much of a difference. Besides, I like it better this way. Gruel is my favorite."

The Big Orc
2011-10-25, 01:07 AM
At Gern's question, Crog pipes up, having kept to himself most of the ride, occasionally listening to the stories about Gern, "I shall take first watch. I suggest two shifts per night, how many of us are there? Around seven? That leaves three people not keeping watch if we have groups of two per watch. I suggest letting the little man sleep tonight, if he and I are to argue in the future, he might need the rest to come up with some logical statements. Also, humans have little ability to see in the dark. Perhaps I can take one of the weaker guards who have other talents to... complement my abilities," he says thinking it was more to ensure they did not fail when the muscles, the swordsman in the back of the fifth wagon, and Athmar. He looks to Gern, "Do you have a small knife I can borrow? I wish to carve some sparring swords for practice with the other guards."

2011-10-25, 01:27 AM
One of the humans holds out a dagger, hilt first to Crog. "Here, we each carry at least one just in case. If you need wood, we only brought firewood with us, but..." He points to a small gathering of trees a bit away, "...you can probably find some usable branches around there. Llae'Kan won't like it if you chop off a branch, though." He nods to the elf as he says the last part.

The Big Orc
2011-10-25, 01:46 AM
"I am sure I can find a fallen branch. Cured wood would of course work better, but I will make do with what I find." Crog heads to the grouping of trees to look for two fallen branches that fairly straight, thick, and 8 feet long.

Survival to find a branch [roll0]

Smokin Red
2011-10-25, 02:23 AM
Teliyan will eat the broth if allowed and listens fascinated to the strange humans speech.
A contract, I have to remember this.

"I would take first watch with, uh, Croc? Perhaps I can show him what I am here for."
Although, that hopefully won't be necessary.

2011-10-25, 02:44 AM
Crog finds four decent sized branches. Three of them could easily be whittled down to a longsword size, while the fourth could become shortsword sized. He also finds a small grouping of raspberry plants with a some fruit growing already.

2011-10-25, 04:37 AM
During the trip here Dindulin was riding on the fourth wagon. At least when he was not clinging to the back of the third of fifth wagon, trying to listen in on as much of the stories as possible, or just getting to know the other members of the group a bit, fishing for good stories they might know.

At the camp he does his share, of course, having enough experience travelling to know what needs to be done. He graciously accepts the offered 'broth', one of his principle rules of hospitality was never to reject anything that was given to him (however disgusting it was...).
When the question of keeping watch comes up he says: "Because of my elven ancestry, my eyes will probably serve best at twilight, as the other elves and half-elves here will agree. Therefor either first or last watch would be best I think, though I'll be glad to fill in where you need me."
After the meal, when everyone is still around the fire, Dindulin takes out is harp and drum and sits down to tell a story, using the harp and drum to give flavour to the telling. It is a tale about a group of young adventurers who, in search of fame and riches, foolishly enter into goblin lands. Of course, soon they find themselves attacked by one of the tribes and have to run for their lives. However, fleeing one tribe they trespass on the land of another tribe and then another and another. In the end a great battle results between the rivalling goblin tribes and the adventurers, somehow still in one piece, are welcomed back into their homeland as heroes for clearing out the goblin threat.

Using Bardic Music: Fascinate to keep everyone intent on the story. (of course not into first watch)
Perform: [roll0]

Smokin Red
2011-10-25, 05:28 AM
While listening to the story with interest, Teliyan refuses to let himself being dragged into it, like some of the other caravanists.
He even starts to set up his tent, even though quite clumsily.

Wil-save to resist fascinate (mostly, because Teliyan is still wary of everyone too elvish) [roll0]

2011-10-25, 08:39 AM
The majority of the guards are too busy with their usual routine. Gern and Teddysia listen intently to it, however. The man that had been in the back of the fifth wagon for the ride seems too intent in his own writing to listen to the story.

2011-10-25, 10:24 AM

Athmar listens intently to Dindulin's story, apparently fascinated even without the magical bardic music. He blindly paws at his meal with a chunk of bread as he listens.

"Good story. It's not what I would have done, of course, but..." he trails off.

When he finishes eating, he lays back on the ground. "So. Who's taking a shift with me?" he asks, looking around at the others.

Business Scrub
2011-10-25, 12:03 PM
Daernia sits around the fire with the others during the story, extremely quiet and staring into the fire. It's difficult to tell if she's listening to the story or thinking about something entirely different. The story was a good one, but she couldn't tell if Dindulin wasn't trying to add some unnecessary flare to it. After a bit, she takes a notebook out of her bag along with a bottle of ink and a pen, and begins writing slowly, from time to time looking at the people and things around her. She seems quieter now then before, which strange for her.

Will Save...[roll0]

I'm on a roll! Haha, get it..? On a... never mind, I'll go back to my corner. :smallbiggrin:

The Big Orc
2011-10-26, 06:39 PM
As Crog returns from the tree line with four large branches, he hears the end of Dindulin's tale. "A lucky group to have survived that tale. I prefer to keep my fate in my own hands, and on the blade of my axe," he says as he starts whittling away at one of the larger branches. "Now have we decided on shifts for watch? Did I hear Teliyan offer to take first with me? Perhaps Athmar and the storyteller for the second?"

Smokin Red
2011-10-27, 12:30 AM
Teliyan nods at Crogs comment.
"Yes, good sir, you heard right. If you're not opposed to it, we take the first shift together."

2011-10-28, 04:27 PM

"Sure." says Athmar, "I like stories. I'm gonna go get a few winks in before my watch."

Smokin Red
2011-10-29, 05:59 AM
After Teliyan is done feeding his donkey, he returns to Crog.
"Hey Croc, I think you are the more experienced in such things, where do you think should each of us make our sentry stations?"

The Big Orc
2011-10-29, 10:21 AM
"Hrmmm, we need high ground for greater vision. Perhaps if one of us was on top of one of the wagons with a bow and the other walking the perimeter. How is your sight in the absolute dark? We can keep fires and torches going but those will cause us to be fire blind and people watching us will have much better vision of us than we have of them."

Smokin Red
2011-10-29, 10:47 AM
"Unfortunately, absolute dark means blind for me." Teliyan looks to the sky "How, is the moon today an do we expect clear sky tonight?" He looks at those who seem to be more experienced in predicting weather and such.Are there clouds? Do we have enough moonlight for low-light-vision?

2011-10-29, 12:43 PM

Elmond picks at the stew with a disgusted face, pulls out some cheese and bread from his pack and spends the rest of the night away from the disgusting half-breeds and their stupid stories. His bottom hurts after sitting on the hard wood of the waggon, and it seems as though someone somewhere decided that rectangles would be a good shape for the wheels, given how bumpy and uncomfortable the ride had been. However, a search of the camp reveals that the only way he is going to be able to get any kind of comfortable sleep that night would be to buy a bed roll from the caravan. Well that, or steal one

After glancing over at the brutish half-orc, Elmond decides that the risks far out-weighed the benefits and parts with his money with miserly bad grace. Well, it isn't too bad. He is rolling in cash at the moment, after fleacing those three iddiot friends of his. Rolled up in his blankets for warmth in the back of a wagon, he brings out the three playing cards he hadn't gotten rid of the night before. An ace, a jack and a king. Not the same suite, but still, strong cards. Probably useless now. What are the chances of finding another pack of the same design? Still, they're memories of home, after a fasion.

He shivers at the cold. The night is unusually frigid without the alcohol he normally shares with his friends in the city to warm him from the inside. He digs down into his pack again and brings out the flask of Brandy, taking a swig. The liquer, which normally tastes sweet, has more of the flavour of road dust to it, without the scent of tobacco or the laughter all around or the warmth of a fire to give it life.

He glances over at the fires dotted around where the others are sat and, for just a moment, he is tempted to join them. But the moment passes and his breeding takes over. Half breeds would never make good company, after all, they are disgusting bastard children by definition. You can't have a propper marriage with the other races, and maybe that was why Dwarfs weren't so bad. They didn't try it on with human women. You never got mal-formed half-dwarf children running arround. Why on earth did these disgraceful and disturbing half-things have to exist?

Take the half-orc for example. Even it's mother couldn't have loved it. Elmond feels a momentary stab of pitty for the creature, but that is pushed away by the memory of it's brutish attitude. Such things are unnatural and so damn ugly. And the half-elves? They are no better with their pointy ears and improbably thin bodies. They look like they'd fall appart as soon as you breathe on them. How could something so frail survive in the real world? No, for real, strong, healthy and, most importantly, attractive children you needed parents to be human.

Besides, what was with the other races fascination with human women? He can't immagine what an orc found attractive about humans. After all, horses didn't try to mate with human women. He pauses in that line of thought for a moment. Well, there had been that one rumour about lady Tyme, but surely that was just a stupid rumor. No real humam would do that with a horse, would they?

Elmond drifts off to sleep alone, memories of his friends, of his past life, and thoughts of strange couplings between beasts an men rolling together in his head leaving him with some quite disturbing dreams.

2011-10-29, 04:07 PM
While cleaning and carefully putting his instruments away for the night Dindulin hears Teliyan's remark about the moon and stars. He looks up from his instruments to gaze at the sky (even if the stars aren't out yet) and with a distant look in his eyes starts telling about the phases of the moon and movement of the stars and their meaning. Somewhere in the back of his mind Dindulin knows that this is probably not what Teliyan had meant, but it is a topic of some interest and study to him, so he tells on anyway.

Profession (astrologer): [roll0]

Smokin Red
2011-10-29, 06:56 PM
"Croc, if it's all the same to you, I would take the place on the wagon's." He takes a place from where he has a good view in all directions.I hope the light is good enough for me to see, if not, so be it.
Just in case:
Perception: [roll0]
And trying not to be seen from outside of the camp:
Stealth: [roll1]

The Big Orc
2011-10-29, 07:55 PM
"Of course, I will walk the perimeter. Just ensure that you are looking in all directions," Crog directs as he begins to walk the perimeter. If at any time during the night he has difficulty seeing, he will light a torch and carry it with him. Otherwise, he has a javelin drawn.

Crog has DV 60ft so it shouldn't be difficult to see.
Perception [roll0]

You joined spot and listen into 1 and hide and move silently into 1 skill right?

2011-10-29, 08:21 PM
The moon tonight is a waning crescent, offering only little light. The moon can be visible as starting to rise on the horizon. Then sun is low in the sky, creating a red or pink hue to the normally blue sky. Clouds are scarce today, allowing for a clear look at the moon and stars when they eventually come out.

The calendar year is split up into 12 months with 30 days each month. A month consists of a single lunar cycle, and every three months is a new season. The year begins with spring, going into summer to autumn, and ending with winter. Each month is associated with a constellation, and those born during a month are said to be guided by the constellation. They are posted in order below, starting with the first month:

The Chalice: Symbolizing the healing of the world as winter gives way into spring, people born under this sign tend to be kind, helpful, and shy. This week's forecast shows that your skills will be needed to comfort someone in need.

The Thunderbolt: Symbolizing the stormy season, people born under this sign tend to be truthful, blunt, and quick to anger. This week's forecast shows that you will start a beneficial new business deal.

The Unicorn: Symbolizing the season of the hunt, people born under this sign tend to be alert, agile, and single-minded in their pursuits. This week's forecast shows that you will meet a new friend.

The Scales: Symbolizing the balance of the world as the hunting season turns into the mating season, people born under this sign tend to be loyal, just, and judgmental. This week's forecast shows that you will need to make an important decision.

The Sun: Symbolizing the full heat of the summer, people born under this sign tend to be energetic, outgoing, and brash. This week's forecast shows that your prowess will be needed.

The Skull: Symbolizing the ending of summer as the world begins to grow colder, people born under this sign tend to be grounded, calm, and fatalistic. This week's forecast shows that someone close to you will be lost.

The Lyre: Symbolizing the colorful season and the changing of the leaves, people born under this sign tend to be friendly, artistic, and aloof. This week's forecast shows that you will gain inspiration for a new story or song.

The Book: Symbolizing the harvest, people born under this sign tend to be intelligent, diligent, and arrogant. This week's forecast promises change to your life and outlook.

The Serpent: Symbolizing the death of the trees as they lose their leaves, people born under this sign tend to be cunning, composed, and devious. This week's forecast shows that now is the time to wait.

The Void: Symbolizing the hidden as the snow covers the world, people born under this sign tend to be skilled, charismatic, and underhanded. This week's forecast shows that you will have a chance to show off.

The Eye: Symbolizing how the world is still, watching and waiting for the spring, people born under this sign tend to be observant, quick, and calculating. This week's forecast shows that you will see new sights.

The Diamond: Symbolizing how those that survived the winter have become stronger, people born under this sign tend to be strong, hearty, and cold. This week's forecast shows that your training will pay off.

As the sun is disappearing over the horizon, the caravan drivers prepare for their rest. Teddysia sleeps in the first wagon. Jintar sets up on the driver's seat of the first wagon. The two humans spread their bedrolls on the ground, while Gern and the other dwarf sleep on the grass and dirt. The elf stays up watching the fire for a while longer, and the man that had been in the back of the fifth wagon stays up to write more.

Yes, hide and move silently are 1 skill, as with spot and listen.

Those that are taking a watch roll perception checks as well as other ones you want to roll.

Smokin Red
2011-10-29, 08:28 PM
If his watch ends uneventful, Teliyan will go to sleep in his tent. If he sees hostiles closing in, he will 'rouse' (as the spell - phII) as much able fighters as possible. I'm just posting this 'cause I'm going to bed now.

2011-10-29, 09:04 PM

When Athmar's watch comes up he wakes quickly, throws on his chainmail, and patrols the perimeter.


2011-10-30, 09:48 AM

Elmond snores noisily in the back of the wagon.

Perception check if needed: [roll0]

2011-10-30, 10:59 AM
As Dindulin's watch comes up he tries to find a good spot where he can overlook most of the camp from a shadowed position, protecting his eyes from the glare of the fire so he won't ruin his nightvision.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

PS: thanks for the horoscope, that was great :smallbiggrin:

Business Scrub
2011-10-30, 11:47 AM
Daernia trances quietly outside, near one of the wagons.


2011-10-30, 02:17 PM
The canvas of the wagon is held up by a wooden frame, and as long as one moves slowly and carefully they have no trouble staying atop.

On his shift, Crog notices some rustling in the area where he retrieved the branches earlier.

Daernia hears the shriek of a captured rabbit off in the distance, likely caught by a silent owl.

The rest of the group sees and hears nothing out of the ordinary.

The Big Orc
2011-10-30, 02:38 PM
Crog will investigate the rustling.

Perception 1d20+3

2011-10-30, 03:03 PM
As Crog approaches the area with his heavy footfalls, he notices a pair of eyes look in his direction, staring him down. Crog's darkvision helps him discern the creature as a deer before it turns and dashes off in the opposite direction.

The rest of the night passes uneventfully as the caravan once again cooks up some gruel, this time with no meat. They start packing up again, prepping the horses while waiting on the food.

"We should be reachin' tha woods today. With luck, we be passin' close enough ta the gnomes so there won' be any bandits. Hard ta tell, though, since gnomes have gone inta hidin' since last couple a centuries." Gern seems to be fine, even after sleeping on the cold, hard ground with no bedroll.

Business Scrub
2011-10-30, 03:04 PM
Daernia wakes up, vaguely annoyed with herself, unable to trance well so far away from the city she grew up in. Unable to trance again, she sits starting at the woods, and quietly watching Crog. Perhaps Ferro is hunting again? she thinks, before she sees him sleeping on one of the carts. No... Just the noises of the forest, I suppose. eventually, she falls back into her trance.

She gets up early that morning, early enough to watch the sunrise, and when the proposition of breakfast comes around, she refuses only half-politely with a look at the food, and takes a breakfast from her pack, a few strange, cut-up fruits. She seems ready for the day's travel, rather excitedly talking to some of the other caravan guards.

2011-10-30, 03:58 PM

Athmar rolls off his bedroll and sits up in the morning, yawning. He neglects to put on his armor and walks around the camp shirtless, stretching as he goes. He is lean and well fit, but covered in scars. A couple of them look like he was stabbed completely through the midsection and have a matching scar on his back.

He accepts breakfast gratefully and chows down next to the fire. "This gruel is amazing. A lot better than the gruel I'm used to." he quips, showing a sly grin.

2011-11-06, 09:11 AM

Elmond spends the morning muttering to himself about the uncomfortable sleeping conditions and keeping out of the way of the ferral half-orc.

The Big Orc
2011-11-06, 10:28 AM
Rolling out of his bed roll, Crog feeds his horse and mule, packing his gear up as he does.

Smokin Red
2011-11-06, 12:39 PM
Teliyan follows Crog example, and feeds his donkey before packing his belongings.

Smokin Red
2011-11-15, 04:51 AM
The caravan is back on the road, soon after breakfast.

Over the morning clouds gather in the sky. By noon, a light drizzle has started.

Please tell me who is on which wagon/rides where

2011-11-15, 07:16 AM

Athmar takes his seat on the rear wagon, lounging lazily in the back.

The Big Orc
2011-11-15, 10:10 AM
Crog is on his own horse, riding beside the rear wagon.

Business Scrub
2011-11-16, 10:40 PM
Daernia takes a seat in the same cart as yesterday, happily talking to the others, glad to be back on the trip. Feeling more secure that nothing went wrong day one, she takes out her harp, providing a bit of music for the caravan as they go.

Perform: [roll0]
Notice: 1d20+5

Edit: Herp'd my derp.

Smokin Red
2011-11-17, 03:33 PM
In the afternoon the road leads through a hilly forest.

Suddenly Crog notices a movement at the side of the road, but too late.
Something flies at the draft animals of the second wagon, stopping him in a moment. The drivers of the following carts barely manage to stop before crashing.
At the same moment, two arrows hit the driver of the first car, and an rugged looking human is jumping at him, trying to pull him down.

There are obviously (at least for Crog, the rest doesn't has the best view :smallwink:) four attackers, two on either side of the road.
There is a bowman on each side, and a swordman attacking the front wagon from the left, additional somebody threw a tanglefoot bag from the bushes on the right side.
Initiative (Attackers): [roll0]
Need your INI too...


t=tree; *=bush; ~=road; _/w=wagon; h=horses; d=drivers
1-4=attackers, D=Daernia; A=Athmar; C=Crog(+horse); E=Elmond(I placed him in the rear wagon where he was before)
Well it is not very easy to decipher but hey it's kind of a map at least :smallamused:

The Big Orc
2011-11-17, 03:40 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

Do you want our actions right away or do you want us to post them in action order?

Smokin Red
2011-11-17, 03:45 PM
You can do it however you like, I'm still getting to dm'ing pbp.
In RL games I would always say, wait 'til it's your turn.

But I think your course of action is probably clear...

let me guess, move to the attackers and attack them?

The Big Orc
2011-11-17, 03:55 PM
Yup, Ill post this rounds action now if that is fine.

Horses action, charge to the bushes beside #3

Crogs move action, draw Greataxe
Standard action, attack!
[roll0] (4 str, 1 bab, weapon focus, 1 mount larger than humans, 2 charge)
Crit Confirm [roll2]
Crit damage [roll3]

Ride to guide horse with knees, [roll4] (dc 5, yeah I know, auto success unless you like critical failures)

2011-11-18, 07:28 AM

Athmar is slow to spot the attackers, but when he does notice he grabs his flail and jumps out of the back of the wagon.

Like I said, arming myself and getting onto the ground whenever my action comes around.

2011-11-20, 11:55 AM

Elmond hears the shouting and the noises from up at the front of the wagon train. He scrambles out of the wagon, fumbling for his sword and pauses as the sees the sight before him, wavering in indecision as people hurry forward to take the fight to the aggressors.

Initiative: [roll0]

Business Scrub
2011-11-20, 01:45 PM
Daernia takes a second to register that the caravan is under attack. She slides off her seat in the caravan and whispers to her owl, "Fly Ferro. This is no place for you." Seeing the goblins, she takes a step back. Maybe this one is best left for the trained fighters...

Initiative: [roll0]

Smokin Red
2011-11-21, 07:36 PM
Teliyan looked over Daernias shoulder.
Those scrawny figures, goblins? No, too big, must be human bandits.
He sighed and took his bow.
"It seems it's time to back up our words." He doesn't look quite as confident, as he sounds.
Initiative: [roll0]
readying bow and aiming on archer on the left side - the one who isn't going to be attacked by our resident mounted barbarian

2011-11-22, 05:58 PM
The attacker that was grabbing the driver of the lead wagon drags the halfling, unable to find the strength to free himself, down as he starts hauling him through the bushes.

With the caravan stopped, the ones hiding in the bushes turn their attention to those wielding weapons. One arrow flies wide of Crog, though a second grazes his cheek. Athmar is not so lucky as an arrow bites deep into his shoulder.

The attacker hiding to the left of the road drops his bow and goes to cover his friend with a small sword. Another drops back while starting to nock another arrow. The third is not so lucky.

As he fumbles about his quiver for another arrow, he is startled for a moment as the horse leaps over them, but that instant quickly fades as Crog's axe cleaves through his tunic and into his chest, causing him to fall to the ground.

Crog takes two damage. Athmar takes a crit for 12.


Smokin Red
2011-11-23, 03:33 AM
Stepping out of the wagon to the left, Teliyan let an arrow fly at the attacker with the bow (2)

Ranged attack: [roll0]
(Confirm if critical: [roll1])

Damage: [roll2]
(additional if critical: [roll3])

(small suggestion: use fixedsys as font, there every sign takes the same space ;))

2011-11-23, 07:26 AM

Swinging his flail in controlled arcs to his side, Athmar rushes the fourth bandit.

Double move if he's outside of my charge range, charge attack if he isn't. I thiiink I can reach him...


Hp: 20-2=18

Business Scrub
2011-12-01, 01:37 PM
Looking at the other side of the caravan, Daernia sees the two attackers and endangered driver. Seeing no one else on the left side, she ducks around the driver of her cart, and advances at the attackers. Trying to convey a sense of complete composure, she strides up to the attackers, her right hand extended and starting to glow. As she approaches them, a brilliant sphere collects in her palm, which explodes outwards towards the bandits in a flash.

Move Between the carts, then up to just behind the first cart. I believe I can hit both attackers 1 and 2 (and am doing so) with color spray, from a distance away. Save DC 16 negates.

Sorry for the long delay. I meant to post this a while ago, but I had crappy internet connection, so the post didn't go through or something? Anyway, its here now.

The Big Orc
2011-12-01, 02:00 PM
Crog will charge towards #4 bandit and swing his mighty Greataxe at him.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]