View Full Version : Gifts for a lvl 3 fighter

2011-10-24, 02:25 AM
I am currently running a 3.5 campaign with wizard, cleric and fighter. Fighter, however, is acting VERY paladin-like. He is sort of working for temple of Pelor. Not a cleric, but does a lot of good things for them and for the people in the name of Pelor.
His acts had recently drawn an attention of astral deva and I would like to give the fighter a small divine gift, yet not something completely OP. If my party would be higher lvl, I would have easy time with this, but with all this i turn to playground.

Also! Our fighter acting as paladin saved a young kenku rogue from being killed by a mob and kenkus family will come up with something to give him in return. I'd ask for some brainstorming on this, too.

Also I would like for these gifts to give fighter just a bit of a kick, not make him OP in regard to other party members.

2011-10-24, 02:28 AM
Is a +1 magical weapon too much? That or masterwork weapon, master work armor, or a silver/cold iron weapon.

2011-10-24, 02:41 AM
Oh.. I have an answer to this.. but it depends on if you have the Tome oF battle..

if you do then AWESOME!!

Let the gift be a does not count agianst other martial Study feats free MArtial Study feat fromt eh Deovted Spirit School

like Crusader's Strike: heal for 1d6+1/initiator level upon a successful attack once an encounter, this cna be use on anybody in 10 feet.. not just the fighter

or Foe Hammer: Ignore damage reduction and deal an extra 2d6 damage once an encounter

if not Tome of battle is availbe just give him one of the above abilites just say 'the deva fills you with holy energies, you now feel that you can strike evil oppoenst with more force than before' in regards to you maybe giving him Foe Hammer.

If not then DR Epic's. suggestiong of a free +cool weapon is good as well.

2011-10-24, 02:47 AM
Wait, how much are gauntlets of ogre strength? A +2 bonus to strength might not be too bad either.

2011-10-24, 02:52 AM
How about a nice Dwarvencraft Quality Flame Touched Iron weapon appropriate to his build? Flame Touched Iron is a good aligned material (so it makes sense) and the sword would clearly be good enough to be worth enchanting. Perhaps if he keeps this up, the Deva should enchant the sword for him as further reward.


Kol Korran
2011-10-24, 03:23 AM
hhhmmmm... astral deva taking notice of a 3rd level fighter? must be paladinish indeed.

how about the following- he gets visions, or a "merchant" sells him a weapon. the weapon is either an intelligentweapon of the lowest grade, a legendery weapon or a legacy weapon (different rules for each, though i think they are a bit crappy). the fighter feels/ is told about/ gets a vision that this weapon will grow in power as he does.

as he goes up in level, the weapon gains powers. one way would be to go with crusader's maneuvers, another would be to gain paladin's class abilities , another wouldbe to base the pwoers based on the campaign and things the fighter does. (many giants in the campaign- giant bane, he destroyed a might golem? perhaps SR a few times a day. and so on)

that way he gets something special (but with a few powers) but with a promise of more.

examples of powers:
- the crusader maneuver mentioned.
- the ability to either detect evil or smite it 1/day
- another idea would be to go with "warlock opposite" kind of things: to use a "divine blast" (exactly like the warlock, but good), touch, 60 ft, subject to SR, 2d6 damage, either 3/ day or a delay of at least 1d4+1 rounds between blasts.
-i'd avoid powers that copy wizard/ cleric spells, as they will be outdone.

Kenku gift:
i'd suggest some tool, or crystal:
- armor crystal of arrow deflection (500)- +2 vs. ranged attacks.
- weapon fiend slayer crystal (1000)- +1d6 to evil outsiders.
-acrobat boots (900): +2 to tumble, 3 charges/ day to increase speed for 1 round (1 charge- 10 ft, 2- 15 ft, 3- 20ft)
- gray bag of tricks (900. very fitting for Kenku). it can be cool or useless, depending on your player's creativity
- troll gut rope (600)- can grow up to 350 m, dissolves back to original size after an hour. same deal as with the bag of tricks. (and where did the kenku get THAT?)
- or a bunch of minor useful potions (enlarge, shield of faith, bark skin and so on) though these could be mimicked by the cleric and wizard in most cases.

hope this helps,

2011-10-24, 03:29 AM
I'd go with a one time blessing. The first time he dies, he rises again from the dead fully healed, with some sort of battle blessing going that lasts for 1 fight. Say, +1d6 holy damage to all strikes and Fast Healing 2, fluffed as the light of the heavens coming down around him and closing his wounds.

Andion Isurand
2011-10-24, 03:30 AM
I would give him something that becomes a part of him and can't be taken away. If he rolled lower than the others on his stats, maybe a 1 point increase to an ability score might be in order.

As for the one time blessing ability, perhaps you could give him the ability to use a spell like ability a few times. Shield Other or Close Wounds might be nice in a pinch.

2011-10-24, 03:47 AM
I like the idea of giving him a 1/encounter use of a devoted spirit maneuver.

2011-10-24, 04:08 AM
If you don't want to give something overpowered, you can try giving nothing at all, in terms of items anyway. The Astral Deva can become the character's "guardian angel".

In game, that could manifest in the following ways:

* The character is about to do something disastrous or just incredibly stupid, the Deva sends him a mental warning.

* The character is about to fight a very crucial fight, the Deva drops a buff on him.

The options are endless, and this way, you are in full control of what he gets/doesn't get. Also, having an angel whispering in his ear is a useful tool for the DM, as well as being something memorable for the character.

If you're set on giving him an item though, you could give him a Horn of Goodness, reflavored to be a horn that calls upon the angel to assist the fighter in his time of need. The effect doesn't have to be limited to the standard Magic circle vs Evil that then horn gives, which the cleric can reproduce. It could be anything that you think is reasonable and useful for the current encounter. Take a look at the Deva's at will abilities for inspiration.

2011-10-24, 04:52 AM
Check out the Brand power of this Emprix Deva (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/3E_Monster_1100a.asp).

2011-10-24, 05:20 AM
Well, if he is acting like a paladin, give him something a paladin gets. Maybe a SLA of a paladin spell like bless weapon, useable 1/day with CL as his character level. If he keeps this up, you can add stuff like that.

It's not like fighters are overpowered and you could break the game by giving him a boost in power. If you fear you'd do, just treat the SLA as a magic item of corresponding value and deduce it from his WBL.

The Boz
2011-10-24, 05:28 AM
One-time powerful consumables are the way to go, I think.
Something like a glass vial that, when shattered, casts some kind of super-powered Aid on the fighter. Let's say 5d10 health (healing plus bonus hitpoints), a +2 bonus attack, damage, AC and all saves, plus Death Ward for something like an hour.
Any permanent specific items are either going to be useless because the player wasn't going for them, or game-changing and forceful so early on. Artifacts on level 3 are really rare.

2011-10-24, 06:45 AM
I like the idea of a 1/encounter maneuver or similar ability. Once-only consumables may prove kinda anticlimatic in that he will hesitate to use it, opting to save it for a rainy day that may never come. Plus, after he does use it, then it is gone, which is kinda bummer.

2011-10-24, 08:33 AM
I'm in the "Free one/day Paladin SLA or Devoted Spirit maneuver" camp. Both of those sound like excellent divine blessings. A weapon that levels with him could be awesome as well, but the benefit of the maneuver or spell is that it gives him more options in and possible out of combat - something a Fighter will desperately need as he levels.

As for the Kenku gift, I recommend a masterwork skill item (+2 bonus on a specific skill), a dagger that can be magically called as a swift action, and a small sack of gold.

If there are any skills he uses frequently, the masterwork item could be tuned towards that; a masterwork item of Heal could be a set of surgeon's tools, a masterwork item of Knowledge (Local) could be a small book of names, places, rumors, and the like, a masterwork item of Spot could be a monocle, etc.

The dagger I would make masterwork at most; call it a "Kenku-Friend Dagger." The big benefit of it would be that it could be called when he's grappled, tied up, disarmed, etc. Fun, reminds him of where he got it, not terribly overpowered.

2011-10-24, 09:48 AM
I like the free martial study that doesn't against taking future martial study feats.

I also like the legacy weapon, because they scale so nicely. Maybe you could work with the player to make a legacy progression that they're cool with. Certainly make it a little better than the ones in Weapons of Legacy...such a good idea, such an awful implementation.

2011-10-24, 09:55 AM
Give him a Paladin class feature. Like Detect Evil (possibly limited uses per day), or Smite Evil (using his Fighter level instead of Paladin level). If his Charisma is good, Divine Grace (+Cha to saves) could work too.

2011-10-24, 10:22 AM
If you're Good enough for an Astral Deva to notice, you should at least have a Good aura as a paladin.
How about a pair of silk gloves that grant an aura and bestow the Initiate of Compassion (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Initiate_of_Compassion_(DnD_Feat)) feat? It is not overpowered, and it has just the right flavor.

2011-10-24, 10:33 AM
I'd hit him with an exalted bonus feat, LOVE the idea of a lesser-ish augment crystal from MIC from the kenku family.

2011-10-24, 03:00 PM
I'd go with full MWK gear(weapon, armor, shield), and if you feel this is isn't enough(maybe he has MWK already), emblazon the temple's symbols on them(useful for roleplay purposes) and give him 'access' to the Temple's enchanters* at a percentage'd discounted rate, say somewhere between 50%(at material cost) to 75%(cut profit in half). Assuming the group has no crafter, this will slowly and steadily push this particular PC's WBL, but in a rewarding, not-to-OP kind of way that the other PCs won't have too much trouble keeping up with. Plus, if this trend continues, he may one day be able to bring his friends in on this 'deal'.

*The guys who do the crafting for the temple

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-24, 04:41 PM
Free gestalting with paladin?

Turn all fighter levels into crusader levels?

2011-10-24, 04:58 PM
You could bestow upon him an exalted bonus feat? Some of the ones that jump out towards me would be:

Ancestral Relic (his weapon or armor could become this)
Favored of the Champions
Knight of Stars
Servant of Heaven

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-24, 05:09 PM
How'd he even get the attention of an astral deva anyway? What about a hound archon or bralani?

2011-10-24, 05:18 PM
Why not give him the Sun Devotion feat for free? Only usable 1/day unless he takes it again or somehow becomes capable of turning or rebuking. If your campaign features lots of undead, then it's a great choice. Other choices are the Good or Healing Devotion feats for free. Both benefit not only him, but the entire party. For references, these feats can all be found in Complete Champion.

2011-10-25, 12:15 AM
I would say don't give him anything that is tied to his character/class. Have the Astral Deva be a friend and trusted ally he could turn to for advice and possibly assistance with research or whatnot. It is an outer being, so it possibly could never lose its effectiveness.

As for the kenku family, perhaps they could give him a permanent discount on goods fromtheir shop, or maybe a free place to stay for a few days when he comes through town.

Getting a feat or power isn't bad, but getting something in game as a response to his in game choices is the way I would go. Especially if he's Lawful Good anyway. What he did was more or less within his alignment anyway. Hell, any good alignment would/could have done these deeds. But that's just me and how I'd run my game. NPCs were saved/helped so they will now be friends with the player and help him/her when they need it.

2011-10-25, 12:58 AM
I like the idea of giving him a 1/encounter use of a devoted spirit maneuver.

Why does this feel like a DM giving the player a ring of 3 wishes with ONE wish on it? In my experience the player never uses it out of fear of wasting it on something stupid >_>

Popular examples of stupid are but not limited to: "Save my life" , "Don't let me die" , " Protect me" , "Immortality" , etc
so it would probably just waste away on his finger taking up a ring slot...

Its very hard to give a player a gift without it going to far... if you can only use it once in a life time than the player is probably going to save it for something that he'll really need (OR waste it on something stupid) but if you give him something permanent than you run the risk of it sucking (fast healing 2 is good i guess...) >_> (Which is why Neutral Evil is the way to go, You don't help nobody do nothing... unless that nobody is you :smallbiggrin:)

My recommendation is to just give him something that he'll always need but will rarely even notice that he used it. (How many paladin's actually remember that they have Divine grace most of the time?) So I'd just give him something that gives him a Cha mod perfection bonus to his saves or something... seems like he's ripping off Paladins but HEY who cares? he's acting like one so why not give him the best class feature they have with none of the strife :smallsmile:

2011-10-25, 08:04 AM
I like the idea of giving him a 1/encounter use of a devoted spirit maneuver.

Either that or start give him immunity to fear effects without the LG alignment restriction.

2011-10-25, 08:17 AM
Ok guys, I see lot of good ideas here but I'd ask for an advice on this:

He will get a breath weapon(paralyzing gas) 1/day (deva is protector of the city and also a half dragon). How should I stat this (cone size, DC advance)?

As for kenkus - they will be willing to hide him/provide him with food and shelter.

2011-10-25, 08:55 AM
From the SRD:

A silver dragon has two types of breath weapon, a cone of cold and a cone of paralyzing gas. Creatures within a cone of paralyzing gas must succeed on a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per age category of the dragon.

True dragons, scroll down to silver (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dragonTrue)

That's how the silver dragon works, I might defer to the size/dc scaling of the half-dragon if it weren't so awful. For reference, this is 10+half racial hit die + half con modifier. I'd at least increase it to 10+ half hit die + half con, or even maybe add the whole con modifier.

30ft cone is probably fine, paralysis for 1d6 rounds is probably fine, it's functionally a save-or-die. If you felt like making it even better 1d6+(1/2 hit die) rounds is even sillier and probably overkill.

2011-10-25, 11:48 AM
I am currently running a 3.5 campaign with wizard, cleric and fighter. Fighter, however, is acting VERY paladin-like. He is sort of working for temple of Pelor. Not a cleric, but does a lot of good things for them and for the people in the name of Pelor.
His acts had recently drawn an attention of astral deva and I would like to give the fighter a small divine gift, yet not something completely OP. If my party would be higher lvl, I would have easy time with this, but with all this i turn to playground.

Also! Our fighter acting as paladin saved a young kenku rogue from being killed by a mob and kenkus family will come up with something to give him in return. I'd ask for some brainstorming on this, too.

Also I would like for these gifts to give fighter just a bit of a kick, not make him OP in regard to other party members.

Smite Evil with a fixed number of uses per day (or you could base it off a stat, whichever) wouldn't be game breaking, in comparison to the Cleric and Wizard.
The Breath weapon is pretty cool too.