View Full Version : Spell targets and areas

2011-10-24, 08:51 AM
what happens if a spell says "target: allies in a 20 ft burst"?

does it count like an area effect? (so they lose the benefit of the spell if they go outside the area)
or like a targeted one? (in which case the area is just a condition for eligible targets, and they keep their benefits regardless of what they do)

also: in the first case, what happens if they go outside the area and then come back? do they regain their benefits? (i believe if they don't, the spell specifies it, am i right?)

last question: can i target myself as an "ally"?

2011-10-24, 10:41 AM
You can target yourself as an ally.

For the other questions, it depends of the spell.

But i would say if the answer is yes for one of them, then it's no for the other.

2011-10-24, 10:47 AM
You are always your own ally, except for maybe certain effects where that's broken (White Raven Tactics) so you make a special balance exception. The initial area just defines where you can target people; after casting the spell the area is irrelevant. Having Targets means the spell effect is on the targeted creatures and not on the area it was cast on, so it doesn't matter where they go (with one exception: It is a general rule that no spell effect can extend beyond the spell's Range, so if they go outside of the Range the spell will not be in effect until they come back.)

2011-10-24, 10:48 AM
If you can specify the spell in question, we could be of more help.

But, in the example given, it is a "burst" which sounds to me it offers an instantaneous effect that lasts a given time. So I'm inclined to say that anyone in the area on casting would be affected for the duration no matter the distance from the caster after the inital casting. Mass Lesser Vigor will provide its benefits to all allies (you count as an ally) within the range at casting. Key words: "within range at casting."

2011-10-25, 09:44 AM
all right, thank you very much!