View Full Version : Pokemon TTA: The creation of new life

2011-10-24, 03:07 PM
Vermillion City. Harbour district

Today is a big day. As the sun stands high in the sky, its shining rays only dimmed by the tall smokestacks of the St Anne luxury cruise ship and the occasional Farfetch'd that soar across the babyblue backdrop. The whole harbour is buzzing with life and vigour, because today a famous individual will be making a public appearance. A man known by his stagename as the Prophet. A Godspeaker. One of the few people who have had the luck or honour of meeting rare pokemon of lore, and who has the power to back up his claim. Most anyone are here today to hear him speak publically.

Not everyone though. Everyone knows that a Godspeaker speak with the voice and power of these legendary beasts. Very few know that the use of these powers place a heavy strain upon the legendary pokemon in question, and such frivilious displays of force as the Prophet do for the common folk can be seen as nothing but abuse on the unfortunate pokemon who have to struggle with their power sapped by someone desperate for attention. This needs to be stopped. And right now, the five who is on the job are gathered at one of the many seafood restaurants that dot the streets of Vermillion.

2011-10-24, 03:23 PM
Aldric is sitting in the restaurant, his left arm's elbow resting on the table, his head in his left hand and his right hand holding a fork, poking some kind of grilled fish. He looks up at his companions and points at them with his fork.
"Tell me again, what are we gonna do?"

2011-10-24, 04:03 PM
Alistar stands towards the edge of the crowd. Everything about him shouts "average citizen." From the jacket on his back to the oh-so-common jeans, the only thing that could possibly set him apart is the four Pokeballs on his belt.
While Alistar seemed to be focusing intently on the speaker, he was taking in every possible detail. Security guards, cops, transportation, everything. From his earpiece he picks up the conversation between the others.
"What we do is quite simple really." he mutters into his sleeve. "We eliminate the threat and don't get caught." he says, obviously exasperated. As much as he hated his profession, there is something to be said for working with professionals instead of amateurs. At least the Engineer promised him some new toys.

Milo v3
2011-10-24, 04:40 PM
Aniketos slouched in his chair, slightly board. He wore his usual white shirt, jeans, and black jacket. His hair covered his cold eyes from the public as he ate the fish on his plate, slightly wondering what it was before it died.
He inconspiciously placed his right hand on his ear, and the hidden earpiece.
He muttered sarcastically.
"Really I hadn't thought of that. But seriously, when are we going to strike, where are we going to strike. I need to know if I'm going to be the brains here."

2011-10-24, 04:44 PM
"We'll want to hit when he is alone with minimal security. I'll tail him until we find a place where we can eliminate him. I'm assuming cameras are no problem?" Rick says, inconspicuosly sliding nearer to the front of the crowd.

Milo v3
2011-10-24, 05:01 PM
After taking another bite, Aniketos spoke into his earpiece with a slight chuckle.
"We have two porygon, I can change colour, and we have an enginneer, and guys which can go invisable. No camera's won't be a problem even if he has them."

2011-10-24, 05:09 PM
"Guy loves the paparazzi, so maybe grabbing a camera is a solution."
Near the back in the crowd, Matt's sitting on a bench feeding the last of a bucket of fried Pidgey to Jormungandr, cane at his side. He has a patch on his arm identifying him as an unofficial medic (not part of a center or hospital service), and his seviper is wearing the same on a hat.
"More Jennies than normal, though. We may want some new muscle, or a couple digletts."

2011-10-24, 05:09 PM
Vermillion City: Harbour District

The Prophet himself is seen on stage, where he performs several impressive displays of power that has the crowd gawking at him. He is well protected, both by human bodyguards of which Rick can count two, several regular guards that keep the screaming masses at bay, and two humanoid-looking pokemon covered in brown fur that stand on either side of him, the species of which Rick can't identify, and he knows that pulling out the pokedex will end up drawing attention to him. From what he gathers of the Prophet's performance though is that he will be attending a large gala dinner upon St Anne this evening. Though they obviously won't state where he plans on staying, people are discussing that he'll probably be staying at the Vermillion Harbour Hotel, being the most high-class hotel in all of Vermillion.

2011-10-24, 05:33 PM
"Alright, stuff to do: One of you that is a safe distance away, preferrably one of you that can pass as a curius trainer if questioned, scan the two Pokemon and find put what they are. Another one of you, research the Prophet, see if we have any dirt on him that would make him leave his guards for. Lastly, one of you techies need to hack into the hotel registry and find out if he is registered and wgere his room is." Alistar says this all in bursts, never leaving his wrist near his face for too long so as not to appear conspicuous. Alistar also closely watches the displays, carefully noting what his capabilities are.

Milo v3
2011-10-24, 05:39 PM
Finally an actual plan, thought Aniketos.
"I'd be happy to hack into the Hotel. I should be fine, but if a fight brakes out and jennies come, I might need some support."

2011-10-24, 05:56 PM
Marrying, don't know if you've cut the power or forgot, but Milo's proffesor classes' static power meains his eyes are a pokedex. he dosen't need to use one to get info on anything short of a legendary :smallsmile:

"I'd be happy to help sneak Aniketos into the hotel; between me and Casper we can pretty much ignore security." Claire's voice echoes in her companions minds, even as she gasps and claps on que to the latest gaudy trick "Or I could go and check up on his personal security. if things go south, I always have the 'sweet, inocent girl' routine to fall back on. Might also be able to pick a few choice bits of information out of his mind."
"Your choice, boss"

2011-10-24, 06:11 PM
"For now, just watch. The last thing we need is a failed attempt, that will boost security into the nigh untouchable range. We need to make sure our first hit works." Alistar mutters before giving more specific orders.
"Claire, good thinking. If you can keep the guards otherwise occupied we can get in far easier. The thing to remember is that there is a million ways in; it'll be the getting out that's tricky.

2011-10-24, 06:20 PM
"I have a few ideas on that, but they come down to what floor he's on."
He scratches Jormungandr on the ridge above his milky white eye, before leveraging himself up with his cane.
"As I'm already a known trainer, I'll check."
Leaning on his cane, he pulls out his Pokedex and aims it at the stage, wondering if there'll be enough range. When he notices a couple glances, he looks over.
"What? I want one."

2011-10-24, 06:49 PM
"getting out's just as easy. Unless you've forgotten, boss, I can merley walk through the wall and take the professor with me."

Milo v3
2011-10-24, 06:58 PM
"So boss that's a yes for me checking out the hotel. And what about her?"
Aniketos waited for confromation. All the while continue to eat his meal.

2011-10-24, 11:27 PM
"Thats your escape plan? Walk through the wall? Nothing can go wrong with that." Alistar says, voice positively dripping with sarcasm. "You do your job and I'll do mine. Just get close to the guards and get more specific details about the security."
"Ani, go ahead and hack in, but for Arceus's sake, don't get caught." Alistar slowly works his way farther forward, hoping to see what weaponry the two bodyguards have and how many Pokeballs they have.

Milo v3
2011-10-25, 04:08 AM
"See ya Aldric." I say before getting out of my seat and causally walk out of the restaurant.
Slowly I walk towards where I think the hotel is. My hands in my jackets pockets, ready to quickly take out a pokeball if I get caught.

I’ve Heard About This Place Before (DC:12)(D20+Int Mod+Wis Mod)[10+6+3][19]

2011-10-25, 10:09 AM
"Fair enough, Boss. Be right back" said Emma, pulling a handheld camera out of her bag and setting off through the crowd. she waitied until the next trick, and started snaping photoes, whilst trying to pick up any info she could from either the prophet or his human bodyguards

try and read the prophets bodyguards minds, since they're a lot less likely to be able to sense it/be protected against it

2011-10-25, 03:48 PM
"Let me see if I have some data on that guy in my data-banks."
Aldric extends a small screen out of the mech arm he wears on his right arm and starts searching for information on the Godspeaker.
I'm gonna fluff my "I’ve Heard About This Place Before", "Random Knowledge" and "The Facts" features as looking up informations on his mech arm computer. I'm using "Random Knowledge" to see if I find anything about our target. [roll0] - DC 13 EDIT: +12 not +10, but that doesn't really change that much.

2011-10-25, 05:47 PM
Vermillion City: Harbour District

With some struggling, Matt manages to get close enough for his pokedex to catch the two guardians. The info returned is that they are known as Mienshao, a pokemon of the fighting breed, known for their elegant style and grace in combat. They do not hail naturally from anywhere in the Nippon region or any of the surrounding islands, and it would be required to visit the continent to find one wild. It's fur-colouring suggests they hail from the west, likely near the Mt Spiritus.

Aniketos has indeed heard about the hotel before. And who hasn't? It's where everyone stays in Vermillion City if they have the cash to spare. It is not known for any outstanding security, though it isn't poorly defended either. Like all decent hotels, they offer safe-keeping of valuables in vaults inaccessible to the public. Bouncers of both men and pokemon are employed to protect their richer clients from the works of rabid fans and papparazzi, as well as security cameras that cover essentially every part of the building. A piccolo in a snazzy aquamarine suit stands outside, ready to receive customers with his trusty rotund Floatzel partner wearing a hat that may have fit while it was still a Buizel. Well, those that don't come there by landing on the landing pad on the roof at least.

Emma's photographing allows her to get close without attracting any suspicion, and her thoughts wash out to probe the minds of the bodyguards. She gives up on the first, as he seems far too distracted with mentally playing Voltorb Flip than to think of anything worthwhile, but the second one has her with a bit more luck. She has to shift through thoughts of how unbearably hot and boring it is, to envy that he doesn't have a Mienshao of his own, until finally she learns that he looks forward to the half-hour break the afternoon before they need to get ready for the Gala later that evening. A bit more probing lets her learn that Between 18:30 and 19:00 is when the bodyguards will be off duty. As she tries to probe deeper though, she notices that the two martial artist pokemon turn to look at her with suspicion.

The facts surrounding the Prophet is this. No one knew him until about ten or so years ago, when he claimed that he'd seen one of the legendary Lifegivers, specifically Celebi. As he spoke with the voice of Celebi, he began attracting attention to himself, using it to fund several expeditions which he joined in search for other legendaries, one which became famed for bringing back potential remains from another lifegiver, Mew, but also other programs, such as the Porygon Project which was worked on by Silph Co.

Milo v3
2011-10-25, 07:05 PM
Aniketos turned into an alley beside the Hotel. Alone he sent out Nemesis.
Then in seconds he removed his ear piece and lowered it to his companion.
The digital pokemon then merged with the device.
Done Aniketos slowly wandered into the hotel, hoping that all the data he needed would be on the front desk computer.

After walking in he swiftly reaches the front desk.
"Hello. I would like to make a reservation."

2011-10-25, 09:57 PM
Raising an eyebrow, Matt gives a low whistle and mutters to himself.
"Damn, even likes to flaunt with his guard mon..."
He turns as he puts his pokedex away, following Jormungandr to a less crowded area. Amazing how people part for a serpent with fangs bigger than a machamp's fist, really. He does keep a calming hand on the blind side. Once able to stand safely, he mutters into the comm link, with enough of a cover to not be immediately obvious to anyone that might be overhearing.
"Never heard of a Mienshao before."

2011-10-26, 09:01 AM
Alistar just continues to try to figure out how well equipped his enemies are. He tries to see what, if any, weapons the guards have as well as trying to see the number of Pokeballs they have. He also continues to keep track of the moves the Godspeaker is using and attempts to find Pokeballs on him as well.

2011-10-26, 04:32 PM
With a little bit of a headache from probing their minds, Emma waited a few moments, until the pyrotechnics stopped for another bout of applause, and then made her way back to the group.
"Good news, our target is going to be unprotected around six thirty pm as he gets ready for his Gala. If A can find us what room he's in, we should be able to catch him with his trousers down - litteraly"

2011-10-27, 05:28 AM
Vermillion City: Vermillion Harbour Hotel

The receptionist looks up at Aniketos, and her mouth breaks into an inviting smile. "Certainly. Please give me your full name or customer card and your specifications for the room."

Vermillion City: Vermillion Harbour

Alistar keeps watch of the bodyguards and the Godspeaker himself. He has six pokeballs, though none of them are the standard type pokeball. And since he is no apricorn-smith, Alistar finds that he can't identify what they are. Just that there are four different types. Two times two and two times one. The bodyguards have no visible pokeballs though, keeping them hidden somewhere on his body, nor can he see any clearly visible weapons. Except for bulges that look suspiciously like guns. The moves the Prophet uses are primarily fire-themed, but he does mix it up a bit from time to time using aura type moves.

Milo v3
2011-10-27, 05:57 AM
"Of course. I am Lorem Ipsum. For the room I would like one with a good view, relatively good when it comes to security, a large bedroom, bathroom, etc., and a minibar."
Aniketos spoke rather confident as his character would, sure that the girl wouldn't notice the joke in his name.
He made sure he had a slightly rude tone, thinking it would make his persona more believable.

2011-10-27, 06:11 AM
Vermillion City: Vermillion Harbour Hotel

The receptionist quickly types in the order, frowning in concentration. "It was Lorem Ipsum with M correct? Well, if you just give me an ID of sorts with your name, we'll be good. If you are paying credit I will also need your credit card."

Milo v3
2011-10-27, 06:27 AM
I reach into my pockets with one hand the other grabing my earpiece. Then I take out my Trainer ID.
"Here." I say as I pass it over.
"Now if you don't mind, could you turn around while I put in my credit details."

2011-10-27, 06:32 AM
Vermillion City: Vermillion Harbour Hotel

"Let's see... yes, this is sufficient. Are you planning on entering the Gym Challenge next week? If so, we have a special offer for you." She pulls out a small pamphlet and hands it over along with a pinpad for writing in the credit info before she averts her eyes, focusing instead on the piccolo struggling with a large suitcast, and his Floatzel who isn't struggling at all with his three suitcases.

Milo v3
2011-10-27, 06:48 AM
Now for some luck.
In his right hand Aniketos grabbed the pamphlet, pulled out a pen and started to write in some fake details.
In his left hand he held the earpiece, porygon stored within. Quickly he moved the earpiece next to the receptionists computer.
'Quickly jump out and into her computer.' Aniketos told Nemesis via telepathy.
For a split second second, Ani could see the render of his companion.
All the while I continued to fill out the credit details.
'Now find Prophets Details, remember them and make sure my room selection works.' I send to Nemesis.
"I have finished Miss."

Wired (DC 11 (Read Data) & 17 (Control Device)(17)

2011-10-27, 07:00 AM
Vermillion City: Vermillion Harbour Hotel

"Let's see..." Her eyes quickly scan the document while the computer is manipulated internally by the digital pokemon. As she hands it back, she turns to look at the computer with a quizzical look on her face. "Hrm. Odd... I thought I'd put you elsewhere. Ah well. Your room will be on Floor 16. Room 1608. It's pretty close to the penthouse rooms. The view is excellent from there. A moment please." She gives a loud whistle, and another Floatzel steps out from a nearby room and walks up to stand proud before the desk. "Please show our guest to his room. 1608." She pulls the key from the wall behind her and hands it over to Ani. "Enjoy your stay."

Milo v3
2011-10-27, 07:19 AM
With a smirk on his face 'Lorem Ipsum' followed the Floatzel to his room. All the while he starts reading his new pamphlet.

2011-10-27, 07:55 AM
Vermillion Harbour Hotel

The pamphlet tells that the Vermillion Gym is going to hold an open challenge to anyone who wish to participate a week from now, allowing anyone who want to challenge the gym leader without having to worry about any participation fees, along with a tournament where the winner will be offered apprenticeship in the Gym. Most of it are offers from local businesses, including a cheaper stay at the various hotels for participating trainers. As he looks up, he finds that he's been led to his room. A pretty high-class single room with an excellent view of the city, a minibar and a TV where he can retrieve his little hacker soon. For now though, the Floatzel is standing patiently by the doorway, looking at the trainer in question.

Milo v3
2011-10-27, 08:08 AM
I slowly enter the room. Thinking that the Gym match might serve as good training.
If the Floatzel is still waiting after I go inside:
I turn to the water type.
"What do you want? You boyant linoon."

2011-10-27, 08:11 AM
Vermillion Harbour Hotel

The Floatzel quirks his head slightly to the side and extends his paw, clearly indicating that he's expecting a tip.

2011-10-27, 09:09 AM
Alistar will stay and finish the show as to not appear conspicuous. When the show is over, he heads to the Pokemon Center, planning to see if he can find any useful news.

2011-10-27, 09:43 AM
"I've gotten as much as I'm likely able to here, Al. Anything you want me to do, or shall I see our techie?"

Milo v3
2011-10-27, 03:50 PM
Ani annoying lands over a single poke.
"Now go away."

2011-10-28, 05:37 AM
Vermillion City: Pokemon Centre

The centre is all abuzz with trainers talking about the upcoming Gym tournament. It is going to of course have a theme for electrical pokemon, but the chance to study under one of the best Electric-type trainers in all of Kanto has brought in trainers from all over the nation.

Vermillion Harbour Hotel

The Floatzel glowers slightly as he flips the coin and snatches it, before quickly leaving. Obviously displeased over the parsimonious attitude of "Lorem".

Milo v3
2011-10-28, 05:51 AM
After closing the door I start to wander towards the lounge area.
Upon reaching it I turn on the TV and my earpiece.
"Aniketos here. Okay I've got the marks info and a room in the hotel."

2011-10-28, 09:12 AM
"Nice job Ani. Stay put for now, we need to work on our next step."
Alistar isn't concerned to mich about the gym; it could pose as a good potential cover, but that's it.
"Everybody, we'll meet up outside the city at 11:00 tomorrow. Spread out your departures, I'll head out at 7:00"

Do Pokemon Centers offer rooming? If they do I will buy a room with cash under the name of Rick Rillion.

2011-10-28, 01:19 PM
Pokemon Centres offer free rooming up to three nights for visiting official trainers.

2011-10-28, 01:20 PM
"I'll take 10:30. Easiest way to make sure everyone made it out. Ani, what floor's he on?"

2011-10-28, 01:41 PM
Does the false identity of Rick Rillion exist?

2011-10-28, 02:28 PM
"I will try to find some small hotel or guest house to stay in and try to get a floor plan of that fancy hotel."
First I try to find the administrative building that is most likely to store blueprints and floor plans of the cities building. Then I will try to find a place to stay, preferably something like a house owned by an old lady who rents out part of her house, a place where no real identification is required.
I use "I've Heard About This Place Before" (which is an auto success) to ease the search.

2011-10-28, 02:50 PM
"Before you do, mind hacking the Center registration? Unless I'm mostly out of this one, I'm pretty much the easiest identifiable because of med school records."

2011-10-29, 03:55 PM
Yes, the false identify of Rick Rillion exists.

Blueprints for city buildings can be found in the city hall most likely. Either there, or in Saffron city, where the Kanto Building and Development Administrative Centre lies. There are however noone currently willing to rent out rooming short-time that aren't a hotel or pokemon centre.

2011-10-29, 05:13 PM
"I'll head out at 9, a girl needs her beuty sleep afterall" she says, laughing. "What's this about a gym?"

Milo v3
2011-10-30, 11:53 PM
"Aniketos here. I will depart my room at 5:30am."

2011-10-31, 10:04 AM
Meanwhile, Matt tries to find a place to stay a block or two from the target's hotel.

2011-10-31, 10:14 AM
Alistar checks in at the Pokemon Center and gets a room for the night.

2011-10-31, 05:45 PM
Getting a room to stay is no trouble, but also rather boring storytelling. Are you gonna actually do anything as the time revealed where your target will seemingly be at his most vulnerable approaches?

2011-10-31, 06:06 PM
Matt will relay more info on the guard pokemon once he has a room, which due to nearness to the target (without being suspicion raising close) will be a healing checkpoint. If anyone wants to stick by him, feel free.

2011-10-31, 07:50 PM
Getting a room to stay is no trouble, but also rather boring storytelling. Are you gonna actually do anything as the time revealed where your target will seemingly be at his most vulnerable approaches?

Assassin Rule 24: Never take the first possible oppurtunity; it's a trap.
(I want the hit on my terms.)

I will let Droll out to keep watch as I sleep since, because he's a ghost, he doesn't need sleep.

2011-11-01, 06:07 AM
Emma listens to Alistair's explination of why their letting their target slip away. It sounded more like the assassin was ducking out of his own buisness "why would every oportunity be a trap. That's silly talk and entierly counter-productive. For all we know, he could be moving to a much more secure location some time in the morning, and we'd miss our chances thanks to your needless paranoia"

2011-11-01, 09:04 AM
"Really? Needless paranoia? All we know is that his guards won't be there. He could have half the gym leaders with him and we'd never know. If we wait and set up a hit on our conditions we can garuantee his death. We just need to find something that would draw him out of tje city alone...." Alistar says as he starts to clean his gear and make sure its all working. " Keep watch Droll." he says, releasing the Haunter from its Pokeball.

2011-11-01, 04:01 PM
Just so I understand, you guys are NOT gonna do anything today? If so, I'll let the day proceed to the next day for you guys. Either way works just fine for me.

2011-11-01, 04:03 PM
I'm good; I have my plan to get him alone on our terms.

2011-11-01, 08:29 PM
"Wait, Alistar...maybe we're approaching this the wrong way. Instead of finding something about him as bait, why don't we try making our own? Make a story convincing enough, tempting enough that the Prophet just has to see if it's true?"

Milo v3
2011-11-01, 09:07 PM
"You mean like telling that a Legendary Beast has been sighted nearby? Then resistrict how many guards he has via the location & misdirection."

2011-11-01, 09:23 PM
"Maybe not that big bait-we go too big and he may assume it's a trap, like we are with the guard change. Rare and exotic works just as well. His guards all have Mienshaos, and they're rare even on the main continent they're from. But big enough. Strange tyranitar, or similar, I guess."
He looks around the room, before picking up a flier about the newest gym leader. Something about a Lightning American...
"Your goal involves the Elite Four, right? Well, there are plenty of people in a gym. You and Emma could go and take the challenge, mess with some minds and make full details for the rumors. Meanwhile, me and Aldric could see what rumors already abound. If you can, Press would work spectacularly for this."

Milo v3
2011-11-01, 09:47 PM
"And what am I doing during this?"
Aniketos asks in a slightly annoyed tone, all the while he sends out Moros.

Calmly stroking his companions white coat.

2011-11-01, 09:53 PM
"As I said, you'd be working in tandem with Emma in making this work. You have the knowledge, you know the technical details required for this to work. What's more, you have to face him sooner or later anyway, right? You go to the gym, Ani. You go with your wit and concot the details we plant to make the people believe there's something out there. Before or after I gather some local rumors is up to you."

2011-11-01, 10:09 PM
"I'll work on the guards. Maybe we can get one to attempt a hit, make our job a little easier. Would make it a little easier to get him out of the city too."

Milo v3
2011-11-01, 10:13 PM
Aniketos face went a light pink.
"Oh.. I thought.... I thought you ment... I thought you were meaing for the boss to go not ... not me... uh....
But yeah I'll go with emma and I think you should find out some rumours.
So Emma what time shall we... um... you know go to the... uh Gym?"
After that Moros gave him a confused look, never seeing his partner embarrased before.

2011-11-01, 10:23 PM
In private, Matt grins a bit at catching the normally so reserved younger man off guard and past his normally snarky attitude. It's good to see some other attributes. However, he is careful to keep his amusement out of his words-too easy to send Ani back into his normal attitude.
"Remember, electric gym. If you guys go hunting for something strong against them a bit before, I'd like to go too."

2011-11-01, 10:25 PM
"If you see a male Nidoran, pick it up for me. I could use a bulkier Poison type, and Nidoking is one."

2011-11-01, 10:42 PM
"If we find a pair, I'll breed some for everyone, stronger than normal. How's that? Or any of our pokemon that could anyway. Nothing quite like holding a hatching egg..."
He pats Pyroclast's pokeball affectionately. They grow up so fast...

2011-11-01, 10:48 PM
"Works for me."

2011-11-01, 10:57 PM
"You and Aldric can work out details on the guards while we do this, then. Figure out who's likely to go for it and all that. That okay with you, Aldric? Also, anything you want us to keep an eye out for?"

2011-11-01, 11:00 PM
"Anything he's done or wants that we could use to get him outside city walls."

2011-11-01, 11:04 PM
"Wrong Al, but can do."

2011-11-02, 06:09 AM
"Soulds like a good plan. Much more effective than sitting around here waiting to grow old" she says, keeping up her smile but glaring at Al. She sat down on the nearest chair and removed her pokedex from her bag.
"Our prophet seems to have a perchant for fire types, so should we spread rumours of a fire type, or assume he's already met that all because of his fireworks display? we need to make sure it's as tempting a rumour as possible."

2011-11-02, 10:22 AM
"That would cause to much attention. Don't forget that there a lots of trainers around here currently, surely most of them would like to catch a legendary pokémon. I will try to find out if he uses a computer and if yes hack into it. I can also send out Irrlicht and Hanzō to keep an eye on him."

2011-11-02, 10:34 AM
"As I said, low key enough to not be an obvious trap. High key enough so he has to. Things like, say...sightings of pokemon with the strange unown shaped sigils you keep seeing on the Ruins of Alph documentary they keep running every couple of months or so on Discovery. Stuff that's odd, seems out of place, and can lead to a legend if the right person finds them."
He leans back in his chair, and scratches Jormungandr under his chin.
"In the mean time, you should also help Ali figure out which guard will be the easiest to turn to our side, and keep hunting for anything that would lure him out. We'll end up luring others out, and yes, some may get hurt, but the risks of that are like any journey out into the wild, and they should be prepared, and they would likely be taking the same risks without us. The only real difference is that this time, they're looking for something specific, like looking for a shiny pidgey or something."
Another pause, as he thinks of something, then he continues.
Ani, can you ask Moros if this sounds like a bad idea? I would like to know if I'm accidentally suggesting we make a massive tragedy."

Milo v3
2011-11-02, 03:52 PM
"You do realise Absol can only predict natural disasters."

2011-11-02, 06:30 PM
There is a significant pause.
"...No, I did not. Moros keeps shying away from Migraine and me when we try to talk to him. Can't blame me for hoping though, right? Making one too big...everyone tries to go. Lots of injuries, possible deaths of humans and pokemon. Too little, no one goes. We need this to be a rumor that any treasure hunter can't resist. Why don't you guys toss a couple ideas out there? So far, we have a plan, but nothing to say."

2011-11-03, 02:28 PM
Around the group, time passes, not awaiting for them to come to a conclusion. The sun is already beginning to glide into the horizon, bathing the city in the brilliant scarlet flames of the setting sun as Nocturnal pokemon begin to awaken.

(Before you ask, no it is not past the time where the Prophet is supposed to be alone.)

2011-11-03, 02:31 PM
"Night guys." Alistar says.

Time skip to morning? I head to the meeting place in the woods.

Milo v3
2011-11-03, 04:53 PM
"Aniketos out."
Aniketos stays up till midnight watching free cable with Nemesis, Moros, Thanatos, and Keres. Then he goes to his bed awaiting the morning.

2011-11-03, 08:52 PM
"We'll figure it out tomorrow. For now, let's just turn in and meet up tomorrow outside town, right? 'Night everyone."
Letting his pokemon out, he lets them curl up in different parts of the room-Tesla and Migraine squabbled a bit over the bed, Migraine's protests dimly echoing in everyone's head as the ampharos took up as much space as possible when he could. Pyroclast settled down by the heater, turning the nob a bit to a preferred temperature before curling up next to it. Matt took a small, comfortable chair in the room, and props his legs up on a table as Jormungandr curls up around his impromptu bed, head in lap. In the morning, he gives each breakfast, before recalling them and heading to the gate at his appointed time.

2011-11-04, 04:33 PM
Vermillion City

The sun slips down in the horizon, and the beautiful moon slips up onto the sky, shining her brilliant face down upon the city, casting a darker shade upon the city, as smiling villagers and fully stocked markets are replaced with partygoers in all sizes and shapes, and back-alley fight-clubs best not spoken about. A large helicopter lands and takes of from the Harbour Hotel during the course of the evening, and the St Anne cruise-ship gives a loud "hoot" as she glides off to destinations unknown to those who haven't read its cruise information.

Morning arrives on tip-toe feet, with little exciting happening unless your name is Aniketos, in which case the day saw the trainer first get stuck in an elevator with another customer who clearly should never be let anywhere near an elevator, or anything else with buttons for that matter. And during the included breakfast, as a maid walks between his chair and that of another customer, said other customer raises his arms as part of some story, knocking the tray clean out of the maids hands and sending juice, jelly and soft-boiled eggs onto Aniketos. Though he can't be sure, he can swear he saw several of the Buizel and Floatzel piccolos smirk at him as he left the hotel that day.

2011-11-04, 04:47 PM
Alistar rises early and with a machine like efficiency returns Droll, unpacks all his stuff, and checks out of his room. At tje eraly hour of 6:30 he heads out of the city and into the nearby Route. Releasing Mars from his Pokeball he decided to get a little training in. Taking a combative stance the two begin sparring.
Don't know if I get XP for Mars, it was mostly fluff, but I wouldn't turn it down.

Milo v3
2011-11-04, 05:39 PM
Aniketos strided through the city, slowly than normal because of his new hatred towards boyant rattata.
"Stupid.... Money Stealing.... Disease Coated... Orange... Rodents..."
He mumbled on his way.

After a while he reached the route where they planned to meet, it was long past when he had planned to arrive.

He was so past when he wanted to arrive he was beaten to the meeting place by Alister. Who was going to arrive an hour after him.

Aniketos growled in annoyance as he grew closer and sent out Moros, which slightly calmed him.

Milo v3
2011-11-07, 05:07 AM
"So Alister what shall we do while we wait for the others?"

2011-11-07, 10:06 AM
Alistar stops his sparring as he replies, "I don't know. I can't really explain the plan without everyone here."

2011-11-08, 02:54 AM
Emma saw her companions ahead, and rubbed a little sleep out of her eyes. Gods above, how she hated the beds in pokemon centres, it was amazing she'd even slept at all.
"Sorry I'm late boys" she sleepily says to the group when she arrives

2011-11-08, 10:02 AM
"Signal me when everyone is here." Alistar says impatiently as he and Mars head into the grass.

2011-11-08, 10:03 AM
There's a rustling from nearby trees, before a large yellow head sticks out of the woods, in the middle of the group.
Behind you, Matt limps up to all of you.
"Everyone here? If so, why don't we begin looking about the woods? Mars, Moros, any chance you smell something close?"
Tesla plods out onto the path, grazing about.

2011-11-09, 02:44 AM
"...Hm. He's running very late, isn't he."
Matt does a quick check on the earpiece.
"Aldric, you there?"

2011-11-09, 04:59 AM
Route 11

While the group is waiting for the last of them to arrive, they are warned of pokemon approaching. First by their pokemon, then by the heavy thump of things falling. Approaching closer, they find a family of rattata foraging for green acorns in a nearby tree. At least the older ones are, while the smaller, younger ones are play-fighting with one another. A couple are standing guard, eyes fixed on the potentially dangerous trainers, puffing themselves up to try (and fail considering their small size) to appear intimidating.

Milo v3
2011-11-09, 05:51 AM
"Hmmm. Rattata. Should we catch them, knock them out, or leave them."
I quietly ask my companions.

Meanwhile I send Moros a telepathic message.
"If we fight use Gauntlet Hades."

By Gauntlet Hades I mean Aerial Ace.

2011-11-09, 10:07 AM
"Unless they attack, leave the little bastards be." Alistar orders Mars. Trying to be stealthy he starts to move to the other side of the camp.
Dex Check for Stealth:

2011-11-09, 10:17 AM
"We can put some food out in a basement and grab some if we really wanted. Skirt a safe distance away to let them be, and...I guess we wait for Aldric to call or arrive while we look. But if he doesn't soon...then what?"
Tesla sniffs a lower acorn for a bit until Matt gently pushes his nose down.
"Arceus, I could swear you're part Munchlax some days..."
Together, they go around the tree.

Milo v3
2011-11-09, 05:55 PM
I follow Alistar's lead. Slowly and silently followed by Moros.
Stealth Check (1d20+Dex Mod)[13+2 [15]]

2011-11-10, 09:32 AM
Matt, meanwhile, looks for some acorns on the ground and puts them where the rattatta can get at them easier later, before just skirting a safe distance around. He keeps a hand on Tesla's nose, just to make sure the ampharos doesn't stir up trouble with his stomach.

2011-11-10, 10:20 AM
"Awww, aren't they cute" says Emma, watching the little mouse pokemon scurry about. "What, I'm allowed a few girly moments" she says to her companions.

stealth test: [roll0]

2011-11-17, 09:39 AM
Route 11

The group safely manages to avoid the group of rattata.

2011-11-17, 10:04 AM
Matt wanders ahead of the sneaking group a bit (five to ten feet ahead), content that if he lures something out Tesla and his cane can't handle, the others can definitely help take it on.

2011-11-17, 10:06 AM
Alistar continues moving stealthily even though the Rattattas are past. If he gets in a fight he'd like to be able to sneak attack.

Milo v3
2011-11-22, 05:36 PM
Aniketos followed Alister nearly as silent as Moros.
An annoying grin grew on his gaunt face as he faced his boss.
"You know. Maybe instead of hiding from pathetic rodents, we could do something to help the mission."

2011-11-22, 05:48 PM
"What, you've never heard of recon? We're going to find some ground types, a few contingencies for fighting the Mienshao and the Prophet, figure out a good ambush spot...hell, we could figure out our plot. All we have currently is 'tell him rare stuff is out here'."