View Full Version : Shuffling

Little Brother
2011-10-24, 04:24 PM
Can it be used to evade stupid prereqs? If I needed, say, Great Cleave for a class, but really didn't want to waste the slot, could I shuffle Cleave away? How about Great Cleave? Could I even shuffle Great Cleave away after I was done with said class, or even in the middle of said class?


2011-10-24, 04:26 PM
Can it be used to evade stupid prereqs? If I needed, say, Great Cleave for a class, but really didn't want to waste the slot, could I shuffle Cleave away? How about Great Cleave? Could I even shuffle Great Cleave away after I was done with said class, or even in the middle of said class?


Sadly, no. If you lose the prerequisites for a feat or Prestige class, I'm roughly 95% sure you lose the benefits of anything after them, as you no longer meet the requirements for that class/feat.

2011-10-24, 04:29 PM
You'd lose any feats you are missing the pre-reqs to, but technically you could keep the prestige class, except for prcs from complete warrior and complete arcane. If you were to shuffle away a feat during the class though, I'm pretty sure you'd not be able to advance in it anymore.

The Dark Fiddler
2011-10-24, 04:29 PM
This is really one of those "ask your DM things." As far as I know, only a few books (Complete Warrior being one of them) say outright that you lose your class abilities if you no longer meet the prerequisites. I've seen it argued that this means it applies only when it's explicitly stated and that the statement in CW applies across the board. So yeah, ask your DM.