View Full Version : Good classs for warshaper entry?

The Underlord
2011-10-24, 08:12 PM
As the title says, I am looking for a full BAB class to enter warshaper into. The campaign starts out at level 6, so to fullfil the +4 BAB requiremnt(I will use changling to qualify for shapechanger) I want Full BAB 4/Warshaper 2. Me and the dm came up with a reasonbale limit for number of natural attacks, which is 1+Warshaper level. So I looked through the tier system for a good classs but I am stuck because none of them feel right. Ii plan the changling being a vetern warrior who feels limited by normal weapons.

Duskblade- There is already a changling duskblade so it would feel too much similar

ToB classes- Since my main form of damage output will be full attacks, I doubt I could get much benefit from maneuvers and such.

Barbarian- 2 players already have a nature theme, a bard/druid and a ranger/scout. A warshaper barbarian feals nature and rage does not fit in with my character idea. Plus if I went barbarian, why wouldnt I want the Lion Spirit totem, which does not agree with my character idea.

Ranger and most variants-see above

Fighter- The bonus feats arent really useful because I dont plan on using weapons or combat maneuvers. While it does fit the theme, it doesnt help mechanically. I also dont have any of the books with the good fighter variants.

Paladin- see above

So any ideas on how I can make this character?

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-10-24, 08:15 PM
Fighter 2/Variant Barbarian 2. Bam. Also, Warblade focusing on Tiger Claw would work well, too.

The Underlord
2011-10-24, 08:16 PM
Fighter 2/Variant Barbarian 2. Bam. Also, Warblade focusing on Tiger Claw would work well, too.

Which variant? Also funny note, you replied before the page loaded on my screen(I used a differnet tab to post.

2011-10-24, 08:22 PM
Mystic Ranger would get you a bunch of spells, if you're into that sort of thing. Paladin or Hexblade (or both!) is always good with a high CHA. All will let you use some wands if you need to.

2011-10-24, 08:33 PM
What about UA variant Sneak Attack Fighter, to take advantage of the multiple attacks? Probably combined with the Thug variant for more skills.

2011-10-24, 08:35 PM
Barb. +4 to str and con as a class feature. Heck yeahs!

The Underlord
2011-10-24, 08:39 PM
Did you guys not notice that my problem was more of a flavor problem then a mechanical problem? Isnt mystic ranger from dragon magazine, which I dont have?

2011-10-24, 08:40 PM
Divine Minion 1/SA Fighter 1. My 2c

The Underlord
2011-10-24, 08:46 PM
Divine Minion 1/SA Fighter 1. My 2c

What is divine mininon, never heard of it before(but I think I saw it in pun-pun somewhere....)?

2011-10-24, 08:51 PM
What is divine mininon, never heard of it before(but I think I saw it in pun-pun somewhere....)?

You are a servant of your god and for 1LA get Fast Wildshape as a druid 11th level.

The Underlord
2011-10-24, 08:53 PM
Oops, I forgot to ask for source :smalltongue: so is the source?

2011-10-24, 08:55 PM
I used a wildshape ranger for a warshaper NPC once. The flavor compliments nicely, but if you want to avoid the nature theme (you mentioned that 2 players already have a nature theme), I'm not sure what to recommend. Of course, you could always reflavor ranger.

EDIT: After thinking about it for a second, I realize this won't work for you, since the wildshape ranger gets WS at 5th level and you wanted 4 levels of your entry class. My apologies.

2011-10-24, 08:57 PM
Oops, I forgot to ask for source :smalltongue: so is the source?

Happy Birthmas (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a)

2011-10-24, 08:59 PM
Barbarian doesn't really have fixed flavor, especially if you go for the Street-Fighter stuff (available via web enhancement, and not bad even at this level, though the nicest stuff is higher level). ToB has boosts and the like that buff full attacks, it's not too hard to avoid strikes. Hexblade has a good rep for this sort of character, but it's mostly for introducing a sideline (debuffing and fear effects) rather than directly pumping your full attack. There's a Paladin for many alignments right there on the SRD, so tell us what alignment you're going for and chances are something fits.

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-10-24, 09:24 PM
Which variant? Also funny note, you replied before the page loaded on my screen(I used a differnet tab to post.

Lion Spirit Totem (Complete Champion) Wolf Totem (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wolfTotemClassFeatures ) Barbarian 2 improved trip for free (awesome) and pounce (super awesome). Fighter 2 (or Warblade 2) nets you more feats/maneuvers.

Honestly, a strong focus on Tiger Claw can help bypass the whole "no full-attacks" issues of being a martial adept.

2011-10-24, 09:54 PM
I'll agree that a Warblade is probably your best choice. You can get boosts and counters and just ignore all the strikes, or maybe get a few really good situational ones (Battle Leader's Charge).

Barbarian would probably be your next best choice, in which case you should go with Whirling Frenzy (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/classFeatureVariants.htm#rageVariantWhirlingFrenzy ) instead of the standard Rage. I'll agree that Wolf Totem (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wolfTotemClassFeatures ) would be great for Improved Trip, since natural weapons can be used to trip and you'll likely be able to AoO trip quite often with your Warshaper reach.

Lion Spirit Wolf Totem Barbarian would actually be very fitting for this character if you consider how he fights. Growing natural weapons instead of using manufactured weapons? Why not take it a step further and say his charges emulate a Lion's, and he copies the Wolf's style of knocking opponents to the ground with his attacks. You could even say he copies a Wolverine with his rage ability. I'd take two levels of that, and two levels of Warblade, and be sure to get Battle Leader's Charge.

2011-10-24, 10:26 PM
Am I the only person that finds it strange that the only classes people recommended were classes that the original post specified didn't work particularly well?? :smallfurious:

I suggest either swashbuckler, hexblade or possibly knight.

If you want a character that can sprout tentacles and claws, heal itself, and otherwise behave like some sort of eldritch horror, hexblade is the way to go. One level of fighter, for heavy armour proficiency, would be nice, since you won't be casting much anyway. You can also go dragon disciple after a total of 4 hexblade levels, which gets you nice strength and cha bonuses, more spells than an actual hexblade as well as more natural weapons (which you can improve) and eventually flight. You can use your spells to fuel arcane strike.

Swashbuckler fits very well with the race changeling, for all the dashing rogue-ness you can get without actually being a rogue. 4 levels of swashbuckler net you weapon finesse, (useful, since finesse works with natural weapons, which you'll be using), insightful strike (which also works with natural weapons) and grace. Morphic reach and Morphic immunities can both be pulled off as swashbuckler awesomeness. ("Thought you could stun me? Think again!" "Oh no, you're out of my reach! Psych!").

Knight is just the only other full BAB class I could think of. It doesn't really fit that great with the theme (you could make it fit if you wanted to, though), but 4 levels gets you a few good abilities that have decent synergy with warshaper.

2011-10-24, 10:27 PM
I like PsyWar into Warshaper for King of Smack type stuff, plus PLC so you won't need to dip Barbarian. Slayer as a PrC helps with BAB and progresses casting.

2011-10-24, 10:34 PM
ToB classes- Since my main form of damage output will be full attacks, I doubt I could get much benefit from maneuvers and such.

Do not underestimate boosts (and counters). While I usually prefer to take some strikes, it's possible to make a ToB character who very much focuses on boosts and counters. Just gonna throw that out there.

Totemist would give you MORE NATURAL WEAPONS THAN YOUR BODY HAS ROOM FOR, but it's 3/4 BAB. I guess technically a Soulborn could poach a few Totemist melds, but you'd be doing it wrong. Probably not helpful.

Let's see, the full BAB base classes:

Barbarian: Whirlpouncers are always good.
Fighter: If you've got a feat-heavy thing in mind, you could technically do worse, but I bet you can do better.
Ranger: Um, skills or something? Rangers aren't actually that good at fighting unless you go Wildshape and/or Mystic/SotAO.
Paladin: If you've got the stats, it's a decent jumping-off point.
Knight: I can't see it, but maybe you can.
Duskblade: You mentioned this already.
Warblade: As I said, don't underestimate boosts.
Crusader: Crusaders have fewer boosts than Warblades, though they're still awesome in their own right.
Swashbuckler: You can probably find something better.
Hexblade: You wouldn't get much out of the curse or the spell (MAYBE spells), but +CHA to many saves, Mettle, and the Dark Companion are all nice.
Samurai: Next!
Warrior: So, um, Samurai, then?
Soulborn: You'd be better off as a Fighter. And that's terrible.

I think that's all of 'em, or at least damn close. Does that help at all?

2011-10-25, 12:10 AM
While I'm sure it won't fit combat as you're going for it, I'd personally go for Whirling DoubleBearbarian 2/Warblade2. Spirit bear and bear totem for grappling goodies, coupled with lots of full attacks and (eventually) extended reach from warshaper work extremely well together, and warblade provides options, which is not a bad thing (especially when one of those options is Sudden Leap. Swift action movement? yes please). Getting another level of it in in a few levels opens up more options, though sadly the next boost you'd really want is a 5th level one (mm mm dancing mongoose), so it'll be a good while till you get it. That said, sometimes you need to open a can (mountain hammer), and White Raven stuff could be useful for playing up the "old warrior who knows more than you do about the art of war" bit. Tactical strike to get someone into a flanking position, leading the charge to get some more hurt into charges (good if you go the spirit lion route instead of being a manbear), that sort of thing. But that's just me.

2011-10-25, 06:57 AM
I'd go with Knight. You gain movement denial that would benefit from Warshaper's longer arms.

2011-10-25, 07:51 AM
If you're dead set on full BAB, the I would go with Warblade, Crusader, or maybe Paladin of Freedom. Though you'd be much better off with Totemist 5/Warshaper 1.

The Underlord
2011-10-25, 07:54 AM
If you're dead set on full BAB, the I would go with Warblade, Crusader, or maybe Paladin of Freedom. Though you'd be much better off with Totemist 5/Warshaper 1.

That works? A fifth level totemist only has +3 BAB while warshaper requires +4 BAB

2011-10-25, 08:17 AM
Warblade 2/Crusader 2 is pretty nice (Uncanny Dodge, Cha on Will saves, Int on Reflex saves, Resolve+Counterstrike) because it grants you much room for higher saves at high levels.

2011-10-25, 12:21 PM
That works? A fifth level totemist only has +3 BAB while warshaper requires +4 BAB

My mistake. I should have said Totemist 6/Warshaper X, or Totemist 2/full BAB class 3/Warshaper X.

2011-10-25, 01:10 PM
I'd still say play him as emulating animals for his attacks. Don't just grow claws, grow bear claws. Go Barbarian and charge like a lion with the lion spirit ACF, trip like a wolf with the wolf totem variant, enrage like a wolverine, etc. Pick up some Warblade levels and pick mostly boosts and counters, and nickname each one after a type of animal. Be sure to always say the name of a given move whenever you use it!

2011-10-25, 02:05 PM
the OP doesn't want nature theme, which is fairly limiting for warshaper because the majority of things that would go well with it are nature themed. i'd say ask your DM if you could play a monk with full BAB (god knows he needs it)

2011-10-25, 02:11 PM
I'm playing a Changeling Warshaper Hexblade in a campaign too, cool. :P

2011-10-25, 02:29 PM
Just so you guys know, at this point the party consists of one dragonborn kobold Dragon Shaman, one changeling Wizard 4/Duskblade 2 with the Changeling substitution levels that let you dual specialize (in illusion and transmutation), one lesser Feytouched Bard 2/Druid 3/Green Whisperer 1, and one halfling Scout 3/Rogue 3. (I'm playing in the same game.)

Don't go swashbuckler or knight; neither one has much synergy. Tiger Claw-focused Warblade would definitely work; you can be a perfectly viable Warblade with just boosts and stances. There's also no flavor conflict there; it's not a nature-y class. Plus, once you've taken your Warshaper levels, you can head straight into Bloodclaw Master should you be so inclined.

2011-10-25, 02:36 PM
Thrall of Jubilex gets at will polymorph and alter self. Add warshaper to it and your forms get better attacks.

2011-10-25, 02:38 PM
Thrall of Jubilex gets at will polymorph and alter self. Add warshaper to it and your forms get better attacks.

He's entering at 5th level as a changeling. That's not really relevant. At all.

Morbis Meh
2011-10-25, 06:50 PM
Lion Spirit Totem (Complete Champion) Wolf Totem (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wolfTotemClassFeatures ) Barbarian 2 improved trip for free (awesome) and pounce (super awesome). Fighter 2 (or Warblade 2) nets you more feats/maneuvers.

This does not explain how to get entry into the class, because this on its own will not fulfill the requirements for warshaper: you'd have to play a race or add a template to gain the shape shifter subtype

2011-10-25, 07:00 PM
This does not explain how to get entry into the class, because this on its own will not fulfill the requirements for warshaper: you'd have to play a race or add a template to gain the shape shifter subtype

The very first post specifies that he's using the Changeling race to qualify for Warshaper and to enable its class features. The only thing that needs to be suggested is how to get the +4 BAB portion of its prerequisites.

The Underlord
2011-10-25, 08:42 PM
Never mind guys, I decided to scrap the idea, and make a warblade instead. Thanks for the help though!