View Full Version : Fey'ri

2011-10-25, 12:10 AM
are they eligible for the lesser planetouched variant that gives them humanoid (planetouched subtype) for one less LA? or does that only apply to the planetouched with a LA of +1?

2011-10-25, 12:50 AM
I don't think there's much word either way, but I'd give it to them.

2011-10-25, 12:54 AM
guess I gotta ask my DM. He knows I like Fey'ri so maybe he will allow it.

2011-10-25, 01:51 AM
By pure RAW it should eliminate all LA. A lesser planetouched looses its LA and outsider type. A fey'ri is a planetouched, thus the lesser status can be applied. Now you character sheet looks like something out of a Gustave Dore woodcut. That's called winning. Most DMs I know don't have much of a problem with this because after level 4 it's not the OMGWTFBBQ since everyone can bypass your DR and enervation doesn't one shot NPCs.

Lesser Fey'ri is my favorite race as well.

2011-10-25, 01:57 AM
guess I gotta ask my DM. He knows I like Fey'ri so maybe he will allow it.

By RAW you can remove all the LA, but that's pushing it a bit.

2011-10-25, 02:01 AM
By pure RAW it should eliminate all LA. A lesser planetouched looses its LA and outsider type. A fey'ri is a planetouched, thus the lesser status can be applied. Now you character sheet looks like something out of a Gustave Dore woodcut. That's called winning. Most DMs I know don't have much of a problem with this because after level 4 it's not the OMGWTFBBQ since everyone can bypass your DR and enervation doesn't one shot NPCs.

Lesser Fey'ri is my favorite race as well.

well I think the idea of lesser planetouched was to cancel out a +1 LA, and since the Fey'ri have a minimum of +2 LA it shouldn't cancel all of that out, especially not with all the stuff they get. +2 to 5 skills, +2 to int and dex and only a -2 con, Alter Self at will, and flight, before you even get into the demonic abilities. I wasn't gonna use the DR, dimension door, or enervation abilities. I was thinking Charm Person, Detect Thoughts, and Suggestion in combination with certain skills to make a face/blaster for the party.

Seeing as how a lesser fey'ri looks to gain more than a lesser drow, a +1 LA for a lesser fey'ri seems balanced. We are using the Player's Guide to Faerun variant for allowing races with LA at first level by giving a negative to basically everything equal to the LA until they cancel the LA out via level ups

2011-10-25, 02:10 AM
That's how it works. You change "outsider" type into "humanoid" (but leave "outsider" vulnerabilities :smallamused:) and lower the LA by 1. It shouldn't be a problem to use that "lesser" variant on a fey'ri, but it definitely won't get rid of all the LA.

2011-10-25, 02:11 AM
That's how it works. You change "outsider" type into "humanoid" (but leave "outsider" vulnerabilities :smallamused:) and lower the LA by 1. It shouldn't be a problem to use that "lesser" variant on a fey'ri, but it definitely won't get rid of all the LA.

thats what I was thinking. by RAW it would wipe out all the LA, but I think RAI was to lower any planetouched level adjustment by 1, not clear it completely. a lesser fey'ri with DR 10/magic, envervation and dimension door at first level is a fair bit better than any 1st or 2nd level character.

2011-10-25, 02:13 AM
Only with LA buy off, otherwise you are useless by 8th, probably earlier

2011-10-25, 02:17 AM
By RAW you can remove all the LA, but that's pushing it a bit.

The lesser planetouched variant applies only to the 6 planetouched found in FRCS. The fey'ri was introduced in monsters of faerun and this rule would thus not apply to it. :smallsmile:

2011-10-25, 02:18 AM
Only with LA buy off, otherwise you are useless by 8th, probably earlier

which is why I am opting for the "social" SLAs, with either sorcerer levels or wizard levels. I have no doubt my DM will leve my buy off the +1 LA, though I am not 100% certain where the rules for that are at

2011-10-25, 02:22 AM
Why would you *ever* give up the outsider type with a race that has an "at will" alter self ability?

Was that correct? Are there some restrictions I'm missing?
Because that sounds broken in a can.

I mean that's the whole reason you even *want* outsider type for tieflings and aasimar. So you can abuse it with alter self!

2011-10-25, 02:25 AM
Why would you *ever* give up the outsider type with a race that has an "at will" alter self ability?

Was that correct? Are there some restrictions I'm missing?
Because that sounds broken in a can.

I mean that's the whole reason you even *want* outsider type for tieflings and aasimar. So you can abuse it with alter self!

restricted to humanoids only

2011-10-25, 02:26 AM
Why would you *ever* give up the outsider type with a race that has an "at will" alter self ability?

Was that correct? Are there some restrictions I'm missing?
Because that sounds broken in a can.

I mean that's the whole reason you even *want* outsider type for tieflings and aasimar. So you can abuse it with alter self!

because without the lesser variant, using the rules that my DM is allowing, I would take a -2 to everything I do at 1st level, drop it to a -1 at 2nd level, and finally cancel it out at 3rd level, allowing me to take a 2nd level at ECL 4. it would severely hamper me at low levels before i can buy off my LA of 2 without the lesser variant to drop my LA by 1

2011-10-25, 02:49 AM
Where do you get the "planetouched from this book only" interpretation?
"All lesser planetouched have the following racial trait in common in addition to all racial traits described elsewhere in this book" FRCS p191 implies a universal modifier, not a specific case. yes, it applies to this book but is not restricted to.

Later: "This trait replaces the outsider entry in each planetouched description" FRCS p191
To me this reads lie a universal modifier

2011-10-25, 02:50 AM
The lesser planetouched variant applies only to the 6 planetouched found in FRCS. The fey'ri was introduced in monsters of faerun and this rule would thus not apply to it. :smallsmile:

It does say all Planetouched though.

2011-10-25, 02:51 AM
Where do you get the "planetouched from this book only" interpretation?
"All lesser planetouched have the following racial trait in common in addition to all racial traits described elsewhere in this book" FRCS p191 implies a universal modifier, not a specific case. yes, it applies to this book but is not restricted to.

Later: "This trait replaces the outsider entry in each planetouched description" FRCS p191
To me this reads lie a universal modifier

Oh I get it, RAW it would wipe planetouched LA out completely. I doubt you could find a DM that would allow that for a Fey'ri or Tannurruk(sp?). I believe RAI it was meant to drop LA by 1, which is what the basic planetouched have.

2011-10-25, 03:56 AM
Oh I get it, RAW it would wipe planetouched LA out completely. I doubt you could find a DM that would allow that for a Fey'ri or Tannurruk(sp?). I believe RAI it was meant to drop LA by 1, which is what the basic planetouched have.

eh, tannaruk aren't worth it as is, switching their outsider HD to humanoid HD is quite the opposite of breaking it (full BAB + skills become commoner stuff)

2011-10-28, 09:31 AM
If one chose to use Enervation, DR 10, or Dimension Door as you can only use one of them from the list then the LA becomes +3 for they Fey'ri.

They are still a powerful race at +1 by removing the outsider quality with flight and alterself at will plus the other spell-like abilities.