View Full Version : Second Hand IC - Part 1: Out of the Frying Pan

2011-10-25, 04:01 AM
Out of the Frying Pan

Sweat runs down your face as you enter the commander's tent together, not knowing what to expect. After 3 seasons fighting Dar raiders, almost anything would be an improvement, but unit gossip has it that The Wolfpack will be reassigned for some serious R&R. About time, you think.

Inside the tent, The Wolf is sitting behind his small table, maps spread all over it. Despite the circumstances, his uniform is almost clean, an example for the troupers. His head turns and as you meet his eyes you know there is something going on. Something is to be done and you will be the ones doing it - business as usual.

The Wolf rises from his seat and salutes, a higher ranked officer showing respect to his people, his unit. You return the salute as smartly as you want, then take the seats he offers you. Wolf does not sit down but stands facing you over his table, his face a mask.

"Today I received our new orders, directly from High Command in Narg." he says, direct as always. "We are being reassigned, effect immediately. Our replacements are on their way here, a whole legion of light cavalry and infantry."

As he pauses for a second you consider the news. Replacements 5 times stronger than The Pack? No matter what, you are getting away from The Dar, the "Frying Pan", as the troupers came to call it.

The Wolf continues, interrupting your thoughts: "I take that as a compliment, but we have a new task ahead of us. The Pack is moving east, to the coast. Ever heard of Talvin's Gap? That's our new assignment."

The news takes a while to sink in, but then you remember. Talvin's Gap, a city that has been empty for nearly a hundred years after a plague killed everyone in it. Nobody lives there now, as far as you know. Despite the strategic importance of the fortress city high on the cliffs all attempts to repopulate the place were abandoned after the Iron Legion that was supposed to clean it a few years after the plague died to a man.

"High Command assures me that the place is safe now, that the plague has run its course. That's where you come in. You will travel to Talvin's Gap as fast as you can and see what you can see. Don't take any unnecessary risks but find out if we can enter the city safely. The Pack will follow as soon as we have been relieved, as soon as the Fists of Vishi arrive and settle in. I expect that to be the case in about 3 weeks, give or take. You will have a guide, a tribesman of considerable experience and the son of a friend. I trust you will work well together with him."

He looks at each of you in turn, then asks: "Any questions?"

2011-10-25, 04:14 PM
Tobias Esrin

Tobias sighs in relief at the news, he had been looking forward to a new assignment; he had fought against the Dar enough in his younger years for two lifetimes in his opinion, returning for these last three seasons was a decision made out of loyalty alone. Removing a silk handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the sweat building up from his forehead; he wonders what the new assignment will entail after they wolf-pack arrives in full force. As The Wolf finishes the initial briefing he returns the kerchief to his pocket and straightens out his dress clothes, which he is glad he wore on this occasion.

"Shall we make camp once we have the situation assessed and wait for The Wolfpack to arrive, or is the plan to set up inside the city if all seems well," he queries before he adds, "and what kind of a travel time are we looking at?"

'Talvin's Gap huh? I don't think I've ever been anywhere near there, or the coast for that matter. Sounds like it will at least better than this land that is so damned by the lady that grass doesn't even grow on the ground... I just hope this tribesman isn't another knife-ear.'

2011-10-25, 05:11 PM

Azrik sits quietly while Wolf speaks, occasionally stroking his mustaches. His auburn sideburns and mustache are quite long, but his chin is only lightly stubbled. He wears a sleeveless leather jerkin trimmed with fox fur and wool breeches, as well as a thick leather belt. His arms are like two enormous hams. He wears fingerless leather gloves with spiked metal plates strapped onto the backs of his palms.

"Finally leavin' the cursed desert then, eh? I like fightin' Dar as much as the next dwarf but I won't be sorry to go." he strokes his mustaches again, "Can we expect backup if things get hairy?"

2011-10-25, 05:26 PM
Belcor stands. Accepting what is that they must now do. He'll go forward and do what he must. A simple question occurs to him though.
"If we may enter the city, shall we attempt to take the fort. That would seem to be the idea of moving in that area. A forward recon team as well trained as us, should be able to take the fort anyways, so I must ask, is that our true purpose?"

2011-10-26, 03:06 PM

As the approach the Wolf's tent, Roland has a smile on his face. It'll be good to get out of this hell-hole. I am looking forward to fighting something else besides the Dar too. The horse he is riding seems to nod his head in agreement to Rolands thoughts. "You know we're leaving dontcha boy?" He pats the horses neck. The horse is pure black and hard to tell if its big for a light horse or small for a heavy one. Definately looks stronger than most...

Once inside the tent, Roland listens attentively keeping quiet till the Wolf has finished. At mention of a guide he lets out a small sigh of annoyance. I wish they would just let us do our job. I suppose if I wanted everything my way I wouldn't have joined the military.

"This tribesman, who is he? Will he be a combatant or strictly someone to get us from point A to point B?"

2011-10-27, 12:58 AM
The Wolf

The Wolf listens to your questions patiently and answers once you have finished: "If the city and fort are safe you are to raise our standard and occupy Talvin's Gap in the name of the Empire. Look around, see if there is anyone else there, find out whatever you can. If it is unsafe for any reasons stay outside and safe. Backup will only arrive when all of us get there, unless you can persuade the tribers to help. They are the Silver Claw tribe of Wemics, as warlike as they come. Your guide is one of them and an excellent scout and fighter."

He looks directly at Belcor before answering his question: "Your true purpose? Well, I have a bad feeling about this, something is not quite right. It is only a hunch, but I want a good team there just in case. People who can think on their feet, make decissions in the field and survive whatever happens."

He looks around once more, waiting for you to speak up if any more things need to be cleared up.

2011-10-27, 02:10 AM

As usual, Belcor is so sharp.

The youngest member in the tent sits comfortably in one side, with cloak still on, hood pulled down. His long silver hair, youthful handsome face, and golden eyes suggest a lineage not of purely human descent, although the thought would have to come second to admiration. Nothing could be seen from underneath his cloak, save some protrusions here and there that distorted the cloak, but not to the point of revealing its shape, suggesting some form of weaponry. Or whatever is usual for a mercenary to bring on his person for that matter.

His thoughts run through the implications of the new orders. They would have to leave here. He would not be able to punish those Dars. But orders are orders, he thinks to himself. And orders are what Viktor prioritizes over anything else. Not because he is a good soldier, but out of loyalty. The critical question now is what Belcor had just asked. What would be the significance of this mission? What would we gain from taking Talvin's Gap. And why now?

As is usual, the young man is reserved to speak in front of his elders, especially in front of Wolf. He has high regards for the man, to the point of idolizing him. As the Wolf answers Belcor's question, albeit rather vaguely, all of it seemed much more intriguing.

"When do we leave, sir?"

2011-10-27, 02:57 AM
The Wolf

"ASAP. Your horses are ready as is your other gear. Rations for 3 weeks, some additional equipment. You can leave whenever you feel ready."


What would be the significance of this mission? What would we gain from taking Talvin's Gap. And why now?

Talvin's Gap is a fortress city atop a cliff facing the sea. It is of high strategic value as it has a great defensive value and sits close to the Dar border. At the foot of the cliffs there the Derlon river meets the sea, forming a natural harbor and offering great oportunities for both military and trade operations.

2011-10-27, 03:56 AM

Azrik smiles, showing several gold teeth. "I'm always ready." he states plainly. He hops off his chair and looks at the others. "Well, what're ye waitin' for?"

2011-10-27, 04:13 AM

"Yes. I am ready." He stands and waits for the others to finish their business and move out before he does so.

Well, okay that helps, thanks. But what I wanted to point out here was the timing of things over the more obvious reasons such as the strategic value of the place. Like it should have been quite a while that the plague had disappeared, so why now. He's wondering maybe there's something going on that prompted the move.

2011-10-27, 01:48 PM
Belcor stands and looks at his fellow companions. Time to march into the unknown again. Whether Wolf said it or not, Belcor understood their purpose. Wolf's intel suggested that this fort was being held or preparations for it to be held by the enemy were under way. Of course, they couldn't let that happen. It was to strategic of a position. So now, they true purpose was to march to the Talvin's Gap and take back a fort that likely already had some enemy presence in it.

"Alright comrades. I'll give you each 15 minutes to get your gear and meet back the horses. I want us there as soon as we can be. Understood? Let's move."

With that, Belcor leaves the tent to grab his own gear and then meets up at the horses to wait for his team.

2011-10-27, 05:37 PM

After they leave the tent, Roland hops back onto his horse and waits. He is used to traveling light and only has what his horse can easily carry.

2011-10-28, 01:42 AM
Within 20 minutes you are on your way, riding light, fast horses. The 2 spare horses carry your supplies and give you some extra speed.

You set out due west, leaving the small fort on the edge of the Dar desert behind you. The track you follow is easily found and runs between the last of the dunes, where the sand is not deep and mixed with small stones.

After a few miles you see a figure standing on the track. It looks like a strange rider but as you approach you see that it is a Wemic, probably your guide.

Having seen a few wemics before you are not surprised. The creature's lower body is that of a massive savanna tiger, with light brown stripes on an almost white fur. Where the tiger's head and shoulders should be the torso of a muscular man in light leather armor can be seen. A massive bow, a quiver full of arrows and a light axe are carried on his back.

He looks at you as you come closer, his feline eyes and long striped hair suggesting an unusually strong animal heritage. Lifting his right hand to his heart, he smiles, showing teeth that would make a lion proud. "Greetings. I am Truestripe, son of Sureeye, of the Silver Claws. The Wolf asked me to travel with you. I am honored to be called upon."

His voice is deep and rumbling, sometimes accentuated with a purr or a hiss.

2011-10-31, 12:15 PM
As the horses stopped and Truestripe greeted the group, a small furry head poked up out of one of the supply bags. The head belonged to a small black kitten wearing a collar with a pretty opal set in it. She let out a yawn and looked around, and the first sight that met her eyes was the giant (to her) wemic standing in front of them. She gaped, then hopped out of the bag onto the ground and transformed into a more bipedal form.

"Hi!" she said. "I'm Emily. Daughter of ... well, I don't really know. But it's nice to meet you!"

2011-10-31, 01:53 PM

Azrik pats the neck of his pony and says something calming in dwarven to her. He looks at the wemic for a moment, getting his measure before responding. "I am Azrik Blackhammer son of Dim Blackhammer, at your service,"

2011-10-31, 09:46 PM
Belcor dismounts from his warbeast and strides forward. Reaching his hand to shake with their guide.

"I am Belcor, commander of these troops. Happy to have you with us, may you show the way to town?"

2011-11-01, 01:15 AM

Viktor dismounts as well and introduces himself. "Well met, Sir Truestripe. Viktor. Pleasure working with you."

2011-11-01, 10:54 AM

Staying on his horse, he nods at the stranger. "Roland, it's a pleasure..." Still irritated for needing a guide, he was really trying not to be rude. The bow caught his eye though, it gave him and the stranger common ground. "It's good to see another bowman, you any good?" This was said much more politely than his greeting, Roland respects the bow and it's users.

2011-11-02, 11:15 PM

"Honored to meet you all" Truestripe says as he grabs Belcor's hand in a warriors' handshake.

"Let's run while the light is good. We can talk later, but for now we need to put some distance between us and the Dar in the area. They have been forming up for an assault for weeks now. The Wolf knows and is ready, but we don't want to add to his worries by letting ourselves get caught out in the open."

He turns and starts out along the trail, setting a brisk pace, leading you west at first, then a little north befor turning due west again. By nightfall your mounts are tired and you feel the stain as well, but you have not seen a single Dar and have covered a fair distance.

Truestripe leads you to a small group of trees that struggle to survive in the harsh climate. "Let's rest here for a while. We can light a small fire if you want, it should be safe enough. Then we can talk."

2011-11-02, 11:23 PM
The kitten rested on one of the horses as the group travelled, finally making camp for the night. Though she remained in her humanoid form this time, observing Truestripe curiously. Once they made camp, she hopped down and walked over, looking up at the enormous (to her) feline-centaur-thing.

"What are wemics like?" she asked. "I've never met one before!"

2011-11-02, 11:28 PM

"What we are like? What is it you want to know, little sister?"

2011-11-02, 11:44 PM

Azrik hops off his pony and takes a small parcel out of his bag. He sits up against a tree and produces a long wooden pipe from one of his pouches. He stuffs it with tobacco and takes a long draw from it before exhaling a huge cloud of smoke into the sky. He looks at Truestripe, then to Emily.

"Wemics are just like everything else that ain't a dwarf; too tall, too fast, and not hairy enough by half." he gives what is obviously supposed to be a clever smile to show he's joking before taking another puff from his pipe.

2011-11-02, 11:47 PM

Truestripe looks down at his tiger stripes, then smiles: "True enough!"

Then he nods at Roland and his bow: "You can judge my skill when it is needed. Fighting is best reserved for enemies, but we can go and see if there is prey to be had so we have fresh meat tonight. Are you with me?"

2011-11-03, 12:49 AM

"What we are like? What is it you want to know, little sister?"

"Well, um, everything," said Emily. "I've never met a wemic before, you see...."

If Truestripe has the Wild Empathy ability, he'll notice Emily has the Beastly flaw, meaning she can be affected by spells that affect only animals, such as Calm Animal or Hide From Animals.

2011-11-03, 01:03 AM
"Well, um, everything," said Emily. "I've never met a wemic before, you see...."


"Come and hunt with us, little sister, and you will learn more than mere words can tell you!"

He looks at Roland, a challenge in his eyes: "Are you with us?"

Despite his physical strength and seeming prowess in combat, most of you can clearly see the child in Truestripe. He radiates youthful joy of living that is almost contagious.

2011-11-03, 01:12 AM
Emily nodded enthusiastically. "Okay!" she said, hopping to her feet and trotting over to the wemic.

2011-11-03, 01:45 AM

The ride doesn't take too much out of the young man, but the rest certainly is welcome for him. He takes care of securing the mounts, and after finishing doing so, he finds a spot among his comrades and sits down, listening to the conversation.

2011-11-03, 08:17 AM
Tobias Esrin

Looks to the wemic up and down; it looks like he can hold his own. "Looks like we have found our new ally, to Talvin's Gap then?"

With that he takes out his crossbow to examine while they are paused a moment. Tobias decides to keep his crossbow at the ready during this trip, even with a new scout to keep watch, he prefers to be ready in-case anything bursts out towards them.

2011-11-04, 01:49 AM
While the others set up camp, Roland, Emily and Truestripe go hunting.

Please both of you make Survival and Stealth checks and an attack roll if needed.

2011-11-04, 02:23 AM

As soon as the others leave, he arranges his gear and the others' as well, then proceeds to gather a few of the dried leaves and twigs nearby. He looks for an appropriate spot and gathers some stones. He then heads towards his haversack to retrieve his flint and steel, then proceeds to start the fire.

While doing so, he asks his comrades. "What do you think of us being sent to Talvin's Gap now? Do you think it is really occupied already?"

2011-11-04, 05:16 AM
Belcor looks to his comrade in arms before answering. A sort of sorrowful expression filling his face.

"I doubt this is a suicide mission, but I think everyone should head in expecting the worse. What we're walking into could be quite bad, and so I think we should be ready for it.

2011-11-04, 09:37 AM
Tobias Esrin

Tobias speaks offhandedly while setting up his tent and bedroll: "I suspect we wouldn't be getting sent if this wasn't at least slightly risky. After a Short rest I'll stay up the rest of the night and help watch camp. What Belcor says is very true; this could be a snakes nest... who wants first watch?"

After he finishes with his tent he throws his flint+steel down next to where he decides will be good for the fire; he will just collect some brush for now though. No need to start the fire before the food arrives, after he a sizable pile is created he gets out his two long swords, his dagger, and his crossbow with bolts and places then on his bed roll; best to examine each every day he always thought.

2011-11-04, 11:08 AM

"Huh, so it is as I thought. But whatever snake's nest we go in, or how many of them, when I am with this hand, I am confident we would always get out of them alive," he smiles as he settles down on his spot.

"And I could take the first watch if no one objects."

2011-11-04, 12:12 PM

Roland smiles at the wemic. "Oh, I'm with you alright." He walks over to Spectre and grabs an extra quiver and leaves his pack behind. He pats him on the back, "I'll be back in a bit, stay sharp my friend"

Roland goes with Truestripe.

Stealth: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]
Attack1: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
Attack2: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]

2011-11-04, 10:33 PM
While the others set up camp, Roland, Emily and Truestripe go hunting.

Please both of you make Survival and Stealth checks and an attack roll if needed.

Emily followed Truestripe, watching him hunt, and attempting to do so herself.

Survival: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]
Attack 1 (Hidden Blade): [roll2] [roll3]

2011-11-05, 01:30 PM
Truestripe, Emily and Roland

While Emily is totally silent and keeps herself well hidden, she has a hard time locating any game. Roland fares a little better and brings down a deer with his arrows. Truestripe adds a few birds to the mix so you are sure to have a great meal or two.

You return to camp to find Viktor on first watch and the others checking their equipment by an unlit fire.

You dress the deer and the birds and soom have a nice little fire going. Food for the next days is assured. Who is doing the cooking?

2011-11-06, 01:31 PM

Roland enters the camp with a grin on his face. "Well that was fun, should eat well tonight. We might even have enough to satisfy Azrik!"

He removes the saddle from Spectre and starts brushing him down. Sorry boy, meant to do this before hunting.

2011-11-06, 02:59 PM
Once the hunting party returns, Belcor addresses Emily.

"Tomorrow come first light, I'd like to send you in and see what you can scout. I'm hoping to find out just what's inside that fortress and how bad the surrounding area is. Do you think you can handle it?

2011-11-06, 04:04 PM

Looking over at Belcor, "I'd like to follow if that would be acceptable. I know Emily is more than capable to go undetected. But if reenforcements would be required, I'd like to be nearby. And as you know, for me, nearby can be quite the distance. I won't interfere."

2011-11-06, 08:06 PM
Once the hunting party returns, Belcor addresses Emily.

"Tomorrow come first light, I'd like to send you in and see what you can scout. I'm hoping to find out just what's inside that fortress and how bad the surrounding area is. Do you think you can handle it?

"No problem!" said Emily. "I'll be in and out, and they'll never know I was there~"


Looking over at Belcor, "I'd like to follow if that would be acceptable. I know Emily is more than capable to go undetected. But if reenforcements would be required, I'd like to be nearby. And as you know, for me, nearby can be quite the distance. I won't interfere."

"Sure thing!" said Emily.

2011-11-07, 12:14 AM
The night passes without any disturbances and you set out again first light. Having about 2 more weeks of fast travel before you the pace you set is crisp.

As the sun rises higher into the sky you hear a warcry behind you, one the Dar use for challenges. Looking around you spot a single Dar on a white horse, prancing on a low, sany hill about 500 meters south of you. He has a lance in hand and both horse and rider put on quite a show. He is not coming any closer, though.

What do you do?

2011-11-07, 12:16 AM
Emily's eyes widened slightly at the approach of a Dar on horseback. She was in her humanoid form, and had been laying flat on one of the horses, bored. Startled, she fell to the ground and made an attempt to hide.

Stealth check: [roll0]

2011-11-07, 01:49 AM

"A lone rider, huh. Either an lunatic or a trap. Orders, sir?" he addresses Belcor, while eyeing the Dar.

2011-11-07, 09:05 AM
"Roland, how far away can you hit him from? I don't want him riding into any towns and starting trouble, but I don't trust it either. My first guess is a trap, and so if you can snipe him, do it. "

2011-11-07, 12:41 PM

He shakes his head, "Not from this distance, I'll hafta get closer. But he's got high ground and we're not sure what is on the other side of that hill. It would probably be best if we left this one, or try to draw him our way. If he isn't alone, picking him off in daylight would catch their attention anyway. If you would like however, I could work my way closer on foot if there is enough cover to stay hidden. And if it would make you feel better, little one could come with me and be my reenforcements." He winks in Emily's direction.

To survey the current surroundings.
Knowledge of Nature: [roll0]
Is there cover on the way to the hill? Are we high enough to see anything on the other side? Can we tell how hard the sand would be to get through?

2011-11-07, 08:48 PM
"That makes sense. I support the idea, Emily and Roland, the two of you shall move forward under cover for the kill. Myself and Viktor shall act as rear support in case of a prolonged fight."

2011-11-07, 09:37 PM
Emily nodded and crept towards the Dar, keeping her eyes and ears open.

Stealth: [roll0]

2011-11-07, 10:54 PM
Getting out of sight from the Dar proves to be the only hard thing, once you are sure he can no longer see you you can easily get close enough to see more. There is little cover for you, but being an expert you manage.

The Dar seems to be alone, but there is plenty of cover behind him in the form of sandy hills that form the border of the desert. He is armed with a lance, a recurved shortbow and a scimitar. His black clothing has little armor value, you guess. His horse is superb, a Dar steed of finest breed. He keeps prancing, making his horse dance this way and that as if to show off his prowess.

2011-11-07, 11:27 PM
Emily searched the area as stealthily as she could (which was very stealthily indeed). Unable to discern if there were any more Dar around, she waited to see what would happen, or waited for the signal to execute him.

2011-11-08, 12:02 AM

Viktor remains focused on the direction of the Dar, wary for anything that might signal an ambush. He readies his mount to ride hard if needed.

2011-11-08, 03:13 AM

He activates his bow sending an electrical charge through the limbs as he prepares his shots.

Rapid Shot
Attack 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] Electric: [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3] Damage: [roll4] Electric: [roll5]
Attack 3: [roll6] Damage: [roll7] Electric: [roll8]
edit: +4 damage/shot against dar (favored enemy)

He rapidly fires off three shots at the lone dar horsemen hoping he takes down his enemy. But he prepares for retaliation nonetheless.

2011-11-08, 04:40 AM

Azrik spits on the ground and hefts his hammer. "Bloody Dar. This is an ambush or I'll eat my pipe." Azrik hops off his pony. He then closes his eyes and anyone within a few feet of him can hear dwarven chants... inside their heads. A few seconds later his hammer starts to drip with acid that evaporates into sharp smelling smoke when it touches the ground.

Manifesting a linked earth power Dissolving Weapon/Inertial armor for a total of 3 pp spent. Inertial armor will last 6 hours and gives me DR 2/-. Dissolving weapon will end when I hit someone.

"Lets show them Dar some good times." he grins wickedly as he says this.

2011-11-08, 08:46 AM
Tobias Esrin
A lone dar... I've seen traps like this before but nowhere near this bold.

Tobias reaches for his light crossbow and notches a bolt before pulling back the string. "This doesn't make sense to me sir, if he is alone what does he hope to accomplish? Regardless if he makes a charge before he is taken down I'll try to drop him before he gets to us." He gets off of his horse, crossbow pointing towards the ground still, and the has a revelation.

"Sir, do you think he was waiting for us or just looking for a fight on an open road? Either way it's good we found him; one less Dar to raid supplies."

2011-11-08, 09:52 AM
As you ready your weapons and Roland's arrows fall short of their intended target the lone Dar turns his mount around and retreats down the other side of the hill he was on.

2011-11-08, 10:08 AM

Upon observing the actions of the lone elven rider, Viktor speaks. "Dammit. I hope they do not pursue. That is a very bad sign. Permission to go and make sure they do not do so, sir," he asks Belcor.

2011-11-08, 10:30 AM
Emily frowned as she watched the Dar retreat. She dashed after him and (hopefully) before he could get too far, she whipped her hand, and suddenly a hail of needles was flying at the retreating Dar.

Move 40 feet towards the Dar, switch from Way of the Unseen stance to Giant Killing Style stance.

Boost: Contusing Blade (+2d6+6 damage)
Stance: Giant Killing Style (+2 attack, +4 damage)
Maneuver: Quill Shower (Ranged attack, 6d6+10 damage)
Sneak Attack: (+3d6 damage)

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]

Hide check: [roll2]

2011-11-08, 07:07 PM
Belcor holds on giving any orders. He waits to see if Emily's attack kills the Dar before he escapes.

2011-11-08, 11:02 PM
You all see the Dar disappear behind the hill, then hear a great shout, a warcry that freezes the blood in your veins. After a second, you see Dar warriors pooring over the hillside, charging at you on their warsteeds, weapons in hand. There is a whole warband of them, about a dozen or so.

You have a few seconds to prepare as they are still a little away, but they are coming on fast, lances leveled at you.

Emily has disappeared.

@all except Emily: you have 2 turns before they are in bow range, 3 before melee.

@Emily: success! They ride by you, all except for 2 who stay behind looking for you. Do another Stealth check, please!

2011-11-08, 11:36 PM
Hidden under cover, Emily dropped to all fours and ran back towards the others, preparing for battle.

Running back towards the others with a Run action, accepting a -10 penalty to my Stealth check. Oh noes, I only have a +19 mod now. :smalltongue:

Stealth check: [roll0]

2011-11-09, 05:42 AM

Azrik smiles and looks at the other men. "See that lads? That's experience talking." Azrik readies his hammer and sets his legs wide.

Two whole rounds! I couldn't have asked for more!
[roll0] Initiative

Manifesting a linked Share Pain/Expansion for 3 pp the first round, then a boosted by 1 pp vigor for 1 pp. Azrik and my psicrystal now have 10 temp hp, split the damage between them, and Azrik is large. 13 pp remaining.

Azrik grows to the size of a small cottage and booms at the Dar, "Ye cowards! Ye black brigands! Come and get it! Come and taste the might of Gralan!" he raises his hammer above his head and shakes it.

If he gets attacked, Azrik will spend a swift action to become invisible, using one of his four ghost steps per day. :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-09, 09:52 AM
Belcor begins to issue his orders as best he can. This didn't look pretty, but he was well assured that he could lead them to a victory this day.

"Viktor prepare to engage alongside Azrik, Roland, I expect to see you kill two of them before the get within range of our swords, Emily flank alongside them. We shall win this battle today my men. Tobais, I'm counting on you for cover fire and I expect you to kill at least two of them as well.

My auras now activate and I spend a full round for Rally.

So after Round 1, all allies gain
+6 Dodge AC
+1d6+1 Damage
+1 Attack.

Now, I have Island of Blades stance, so anyone next to Me is considered flanking any enemies we both threaten, which grants another +3 to attack and damage.

2011-11-09, 10:47 AM

"Understood." Viktor takes out his crossbow, loads a bolt in it, and while he does so, he extends an aura of his own, giving each one inside its range a feeling that one's defenses are bolstered.

Aura: Dance of Defense, +2 to AC
move action load crossbow

2011-11-09, 08:00 PM

"Yes Sir!" He nudges Spectre's sides with his heels and he starts pacing about ten feet behind the rest of the party. Roland readies his bow, electricity still running through it. The moment they get into range he unleases a volley of arrows.

Damage (1d8+3 bow damage, +1d6 Shock, +1d6 Skirmish, +1d6+1 Aura, +4 Favored Enemy)
First round within 110ft
Attack 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]+[roll2] = 23
Attack 2: [roll3] Damage: [roll4]+[roll5] = 20
Attack 3: [roll6] Damage: [roll7]+[roll8] = 26

Bonus round
Attack 1: [roll9] Damage: [roll10]+[roll11] = 15
Attack 2: [roll12] Damage: [roll13]+[roll14] = 26
Attack 3: [roll15] Damage: [roll16]+[roll17] = 28

He shoots two arrows each at three different targets (doesn't matter which ones).

edit: So 1st target: 43, 2nd: 41, 3rd: 54 if all the attacks hit.
reedit: DID I HIT CRIT WITH A BOW?!?!?! Um... yes! I'll roll confirm and damage in OOC.
rereedit: :smallfurious:

2011-11-10, 01:46 AM

Truestripe takes his place beside Roland, but does not pace at all. He plants his feet firmly, his massive bow aimed at some of those enemies Roland leaves out. A low growl escapes his throat as all his shots go wide, missing their marks.

First round:
attack 1: [roll0] damage: [roll1]
attack 2: [roll2] damage: [roll3]

Second round:
attack 1: [roll4] damage: [roll5]
attack 2: [roll6] damage: [roll7]

2011-11-10, 09:59 AM
Tobias Esrin

"So it's going to be one of 'those' days is it? Time to show them the might of our hand" With that he begins focusing the favor that The Lady shows him; after channeling his spell the Dar are still to far away for reliable fire. He draws his mundane longsword bringing his hand over his heart, he shouts a warning in Elven he will not repeat "In facing one so favored by The Lady you have already assured your defeat! Prepare to pay for this mistake if you close further!, with that he sheaths his longsword and raises his crossbow up to the readied position aiming for the front and center Dar. Once range has been confirmed he lets A bolt fly for the Dar before drawing his trusty magical sword to prepare for close combat.

Stance in Effect: Tactics of the Wolf: When flanking an enemy gain (un-named) bonus to damage equal to 1/2 my initiator level (3)

Round 1: Move Action: Walks to be one of the first that will be engaged by the Dar, staying near Belcor and Azrik.
Standard Action: Divine Favor, +1 Luck bonus to attack and damage rolls per 3 Caster Levels

Round 2: Move Action: Draw Weapon
Move Action 2: Sheath Weapon
Free Action: Pick the Dar I'm firing at as the target for my Dodge Feat.
^Last round before they enter crossbow Range^

Round 3: Standard Action: Fire Crossbow
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Aura Damage: [roll2]
Move Action: Draw +1 Longsword
^They enter crossbow range, and are about to close to melee^

2011-11-10, 01:51 PM

Viktor fires off his crossbow at the closest Dar and drops his crossbow, readying himself for the melee clash.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3]

Attack 1: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] + [roll7]

2011-11-11, 08:58 AM

Azrik vanishes in a puff of smoke, then one of the Dar horsemen is smote by an invisible hammer (hopefully).

If Azrik took damage from a lance attack then he should already be invisible. If not then he triggers ghost step as a swift action. He will move up to one of the uninjured guys and swing his hammer. He can move 20 feet with a 10 feet reach. Since ghost step works like improved invisibility he should be invisible for a full round.


And if applicable:

2011-11-11, 12:32 PM

Still pacing behind the others, the dar close the distance between them. Roland draws back on his bow once again and sends three arrows towards the enemies. Two at an uninjured rider, the third at the one he didn't finish off.

If the enemies are not 30ft from me, -1 on atk and dmg.
Attack 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]+[roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3] Damage: [roll4]+[roll5] = 23
Attack 3: [roll6] Damage: [roll7]+[roll8]
edit: After last round's rolls I can't really complain.

2011-11-11, 08:11 PM
When the riders at last close to melee range, Belcor swings a furious strike at the nearest least injured rider.
"To victory my fellows"

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2011-11-11, 10:12 PM
Emily snuck back to the others under cover, sending out a hail of needles at one of the charging elves, who fell over, dead. She then faded back into cover and snuck into melee range.

When she entered melee range, she leaped out and stabbed another enemy in the back with her hidden blade, aiming for the neck. The second elf slain, she rolled off his horse and took up a battle stance next to her companions.

Round 1: Sneak back to the others.
Round 2: Quill Shower + Cloak of Deception + Giant Killing Style stance, attacking from cover, moving back towards the others.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Hide Check: [roll2]
Round 3: Soaring Raptor Strike + Contusing Blade + Giant Killing Style stance, attacking from cover.
Jump Check: [roll3]
Attack Roll: [roll4]
Damage Roll: [roll5]+[roll6]

I messed up, see the OOC thread.

2011-11-16, 02:59 AM
Dar fight on the road, round 1

The Dar ride at you hard, the superior reach of their lances letting them strike first. Only Azrik is faster, as he ghost steps to attack. The loss of some of their warband seems only to enrage them.

Azrik vanishes in a puff of smoke, then one of the Dar horsemen is smote by an invisible hammer, killing him instantly.

The rest of the Dar strike as they ride by to attack, their Spirited Charge leaving you in the dust.

2 attack Tobias, but only one manages to score, almost lifting the Warblade off his feat with the power of his strike (26 damage to Tobias, minus DR, of course)

Belcor is the target of another Dar, but that one is already injured and rides by without hitting anything but thin air.

Viktor's Dar gets shot from his horse by Emily, who appears from the screening greenery to deliver a devastating salvo of needles.

The Dar charging Roland is injured, but still manages to hit the archer, his lance failing to do severe damage. (12 damage to Roland)

Truestripe has less luck, his size and race making him a prime target for the Dar, who hate Wemics with a passion. The last 2 riders charge him, yelling their warcries at him. Truestripe manages to dodge one attack, but the other hits him squarely in the shoulder. (18 damage to Truestripe)

Then the Dar are out of your reach, turning their mounts around with expert riding skills. With their numbers reduced, they still charge in while the 2 who remained behind come in from the other direction.

2011-11-17, 07:20 AM

Azrik moves nearer to whichever companoin is closest and readies his hammer to smash a Dar when one rides by. "Bloody horses, he mutters.

Readied action to attack one when it gets close to me.

C'mon forum roller, give me a crit. :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-17, 04:23 PM

Roland manages to brush off the pain from the lance that just hit him. He then fires off 3 more arrows. The first at the severely injured rider, the second and third at the other injured rider. Meanwhile, Spectre still paces at what is now the front lines, Roland knudges his sides directing him to move to the north side of the group so he isn't such a prime target.

Attack 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]+[roll2] = 19
Attack 2: [roll3] Damage: [roll4]+[roll5] = 21
Attack 3: [roll6] Damage: [roll7]+[roll8]

2011-11-17, 09:40 PM

"Well this is troublesome," the young one speaks on their current predicament. He drops his crossbow which dangles from its strap on his side, and in his hands materializes small daggers out of arcane energy that seem to waver from existence every now and then. He waits for the Dar to do their mounted attack again.

Ready Daggerhail. Viktor will move to a location where he can hit the most enemies within 10 feet of him before unleashing his attack. I will be waiting on how many targets Viktor will be able to reach before rolling attack and damage.

2011-11-23, 07:02 AM
Belor continues to command his men, hoping that he can lead them to a swift victory soon.
Standard action to continue Rally, nothing else.

2011-11-28, 06:08 PM

The first rider misses with his lance, but the second rider lands a blow with such force it takes him a moment to regain his combat awareness."I think we might need to finish this fast, I'm not going to be able to take many more hits like that."

With that Tobias readies his sword to strike at the next Dar that rides past him, he focuses on making this strike as true and perfect as possible; intending to drop the Dar.

Insightful Strike: Consists of an attack roll, and deals damage equal to a concentration check.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Concentration/Damage roll: [roll1]

2011-11-30, 03:52 AM
Roland manages to brush off the pain from the lance that just hit him. He then fires off 3 more arrows. The first at the severely injured rider, a solid hit that kills the Dar, the second and third at the other injured rider, scoring another hit. Meanwhile, Spectre still paces at what is now the front lines, Roland knudges his sides directing him to move to the north side of the group so he isn't such a prime target.

Then the Dar come in again, riding at you from different sides, lances and scimitars aimed at you. With only 5 left from the original charge, they spread out wide, each taking on one of you.

The first one charges Roland, who hit him with an arrow seconds before. His lance stabs low and misses its target by mere inches.

The next one goes for Truestripe, his scimitar berely drawing blood with a glancing hit. (3 damage to Truestripe)

The one charging at Victor has trouble directing his mount and rides by without an attack, shouting curses at the horse he sits on.

Tobias is the target of the next Dar, the rider's lance scoring a deep hit. (21 damage to Tobias)

Azrik barely manages to dodge the Dar's lance.

The Dar from the other side both go for Truestripe, an expression for their traditional hatred of Wemics. One lance misses, but the other one scores. (9 damage to Truestripe)

Emily waits until the Dar enter melee range, then leaps out and stabbs another enemy in the back with her hidden blade, aiming for the neck. The second elf slain, she rolls off his horse and takes up a battle stance next to her companions.

Viktor drops his crossbow which dangles from its strap on his side, and in his hands materializes small daggers out of arcane energy that seem to waver from existence every now and then. He waits for the Dar to do their mounted attack again before unleashing his attack against 4 of the mounted warriors.

you manage to get 4 of the Dar, the one attacking you plus the 3 who went for Truestripe.

Tobias readies his sword to strike at the next Dar that rides past him, he focuses on making this strike as true and perfect as possible; intending to drop the Dar. His blade connects and slashes deep, blood spraying from the wound in a wide arc.

Truestripe seems distracted by the Dar's numerous attacks on him, then crouches for a second before jumping up in a wide arc, landing lightly on the rock at your left flank. His bow sings once, hitting a Dar in the back for 16 damage.

Azrik moves nearer to whichever companoin is closest and readies his hammer to smash a Dar when one rides by. "Bloody horses", he mutters as his attack misses.

Belor continues to command his men, hoping that he can lead them to a swift victory soon.

2011-11-30, 05:31 AM

Dar 1
Damage: [roll0]
Reflex save DC 15 for half the damage

Dar 2
Damage: [roll1]
Reflex save DC 15 for half the damage

Dar 3
Damage: [roll2]
Reflex save DC 15 for half the damage

Dar 4
Damage: [roll3]
Reflex save DC 15 for half the damage

Viktor turns around to face whatever is left of the Dar and again forms another arcane weapon in his hands, this time in the form of a greataxe. He grips it in both hands and readies for any one of the elves to come within his range to unleash his arcane fury.

2011-11-30, 02:39 PM

He smiles as another Dar goes limp, "Persistant, arn't they?" As the second Dar he hit charges him he manages to dodge the blow. As they fly past, Roland shouts, "YOU FORGOT SOMETHING!" He sends two more arrows at the Dar's back and a third at another injured rider. Roland nudges Spectre into riding over to Tobias hoping to draw some attacks from him, wondering how the man was still on his horse after all those heavy blows.

Attack 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]+[roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3] Damage: [roll4]+[roll5] = 28
Attack 3: [roll6] Damage: [roll7]+[roll8] = 25

2011-12-05, 04:38 PM

""By the lady!" Tobias screams with a small amount of blood flying out of his mouth with the shout, a slight stagger in his form can be seen for a brief second.

"I think your lance wants another taste you damned dar! Come at me and lets see who is the better! He speaks these lines in elven, he wishes to draw the dar in for another strike. Once that dar charges him, or a separate one if the same dar doesn't make a charge, he will make two quick attacks with his sword held in both hands to try to finish the job. In jest he spouts: "What do you think the chances of a few of them having some of those dar cigars are?"

Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Aura Damage (from belcor): [roll2]
Attack 2 [roll3]
Damage 2: [roll4]
Aura Damage (from belcor): [roll5]

2011-12-08, 04:12 PM

"I'll be right back." Azrik mutters right before sprinting off . He lungess toward a group of Dar, hammer overhead, ready to swing.

Charging one of the Dar, hopefully getting more than one in my threatened area if possible. Since they are about 50 feet away I might be in range with a charge due to my reach, but if not I'll manifest Hustle for 2 pp. Then I'll be in range for sure.


Woo, now were doing some damage. :smalltongue: