View Full Version : Help Me Write My Story? (DM Assistance Needed!)

2011-10-25, 12:17 PM
Okay, so in 24 hours my next session is going to start and I'm a little uneasy about this. I've never really written my story beforehand, and I don't want my player to feel bored. (At the moment, it's just me as a DM PC and him, we had another guy who canceled before the game started)

During our first "session" we decided to take it slow because there were only two of us, so I had him arrive to Hell and an imp greeted him, took him to the cotton fields where he would be working (This was all made up as I went along). His equipment was really close by so he rushed for it, the imp sighed and turned into a monstrous spider and started to attack him.

He managed to convince the DM PC to help him, so the DM PC rushed over and grabbed his greataxe and I rolled a natural 20 and splattered that imp on the pavement. (It's okay, he got plenty of solo fighting in before I allowed my character to be persuaded)

Then he felt his Empathic link awaken and saw his Air Elemental familiar being ganked by four lemures. So we saved the Air Elemental, and then I told him he saw a tavern and the DM PC prayed for guidance (he's a cleric) and told the player that his god wanted them to go to the tavern and convince the trapped humanoid souls there to rebel so they could sneak out of the city, and then we stopped there. (Yes, like I said, I have terrible DM skills, and I wasn't really sure how else to railroad)

Now this time I want it to be way better. I goofed off last time because we were playing just to play, this one is a real serious session. The full intent of the campaign is for our characters to escape the Nine Hells, and I have that in the back of my mind, what I need help with is my dialogue. I want to paint a real picture, but I'm having trouble really getting my words straight. Here's what I have so far:

You come to an enormous black tavern with loud yelling and whooping coming from inside. Upon entering, you see a whole mix and match of drow, duregar, gnomes and humans, alongside all kinds of strange humanoids you’ve never seen in real life that you assume to be devils. A few human female slaves are tending the bar, and you can see the shackles on their legs. The humanoids in the bar seem to be doing their best to get tables to themselves, but it seems they can never get too far from one devil or another, as the off-work creatures come to torment them willingly.

The atmosphere is quite different depending on where you look. Most of the humanoids seem both tired and relieved as they drink, but the look of depression never fully escapes a single face. Meanwhile, the devils are all happy and having a good time, they’re off work and just coming to enjoy their night on the town.

The air seems strangely tense here, both you and your Elemental can feel that. (Spellcraft check, DC 17)- (Fail) You can’t quite place your finger on it, but you can definitely tell your Elemental feels very uncomfortable.
(Success) Your magical aura is diminishing rapidly, it has become clear to you that you stepped inside an anti-magic field that seems to be surrounding the whole building.


The idea is for them to sneak in and try to figure out how to convince the "leader" of the slaves, a human male, to fight against the devils in the bar. As the whole thing is under an anti-magic field, it would be natural and improvised weapons only, so I'm not sure how they would convince them (I was thinking perhaps a small cache of weapons hidden in a cellar that the player could give to the slaves, but I'm not sure)

I would like assistance both on setting the mood and the details (like what I did up there, but for the rest of the storyline) and possible hooks or ideas for twists or exactly how to make this whole storyline work.

This is only my third time DMing, and the first two were both basically one shots. I really want this campaign to last but I don't know what I'm doing. (I do not have access to the DMG)

2011-10-25, 11:47 PM
Please. I really need some help. Can't any DMs out there give me some advice?

2011-10-26, 12:46 AM
Hey NeoSeraphi,
First off... don`t stress, just have fun and your player should too.
Second... see above :smallsmile:
Third... Welcome to DMing!!

Now as for your intro, it sounds like it was a little linear but that is to be expected when you have a character thrown in to Hell and he has no idea where to go. It sounds like you did a fine job and so far I think your DMing is spot on.

For the next session it sounds like you have a solid plan but a little more info would be helpful for number crunchiness, like what level is the player and DM PC, what type of devils do you have in the bar? You want to make sure that whatever is in there can be realisticaly defeated... I think a secret stash of weapons hidden under the floor is a great idea... maybe the bar keep or one of the slave girls is actually already in a small resistance movement that just needs a leader... enter the Player`s character:smallwink:

I think your description is very well written and it looks like you have an eye for details. Try not to focus on making the words flow perfectly and just let them flow naturally. Your description is already nice and full of details, and remember the Player will ask questions so just be ready to fill in gaps that could have been missed. In my experience no matter how good a painting you paint... the Players always see it differently than you do:smallsmile:

I hope this helps a little and if you have some more info on the numbers bit I can help with that too. Welcome to DMing, I am sure you will do wonderfully!! The best DMs are the ones who worry about making it perfect.

2011-10-26, 12:52 AM
Hey NeoSeraphi,
First off... don`t stress, just have fun and your player should too.
Second... see above :smallsmile:
Third... Welcome to DMing!!

Now as for your intro, it sounds like it was a little linear but that is to be expected when you have a character thrown in to Hell and he has no idea where to go. It sounds like you did a fine job and so far I think your DMing is spot on.

For the next session it sounds like you have a solid plan but a little more info would be helpful for number crunchiness, like what level is the player and DM PC, what type of devils do you have in the bar? You want to make sure that whatever is in there can be realisticaly defeated... I think a secret stash of weapons hidden under the floor is a great idea... maybe the bar keep or one of the slave girls is actually already in a small resistance movement that just needs a leader... enter the Player`s character:smallwink:

I think your description is very well written and it looks like you have an eye for details. Try not to focus on making the words flow perfectly and just let them flow naturally. Your description is already nice and full of details, and remember the Player will ask questions so just be ready to fill in gaps that could have been missed. In my experience no matter how good a painting you paint... the Players always see it differently than you do:smallsmile:

I hope this helps a little and if you have some more info on the numbers bit I can help with that too. Welcome to DMing, I am sure you will do wonderfully!! The best DMs are the ones who worry about making it perfect.

The Player's Character is a level 5 Raptoran Spellcaster (Unearthed Arcana). He has no armor, a masterwork light crossbow, and a Medium Air Elemental with the Flyby Attack feat.

The DM PC is a half-orc cleric of the Abyss (he worships the Abyss itself). He has a natural bite attack from the Hunger Domain and I spent a feat on Martial Weapon Proficiency (Greataxe). He's also level 5.

As for the devils that are inside the bar...I haven't decided yet.

2011-10-26, 01:19 AM
Of Course it would be Unearthed Arcana... one of the few books I have no access to at this moment. hmmm I must seriously find another online source... but I digress

Okay level 5 huh? Well first off he has magic at his disposal so the no armor and only having a masterwork crossbow shouldnt be a problem. And the other is a Cleric so you should have little issues there also... Alright the big deal will be the random people in the bar and the devils. Is this town/bar a place for evil people who have died? Or are they living but somehow captured on the plane? Either way assuming they function like living creatures then making a few of those hidden weapons silver/cold iron/good aligned would make battle a little easier. I would suggest making the number of devils be 2-3 less then the number of potential fighters in the bar... including the player and your DMPC. Maybe somewhere along the lines of 8 devils (CR 4-5ish) and about 10-12 people in the bar. The Player will most likely only fight 2-3 on his own and the others can be fought in the background assuming he gets the people to join his cause...
Also assuming he cannot get the people of the bar to rise up immediatley perhaps he can hide out and uncover some important information that would allow him to create a rebellion. Maybe he can begin by talking with the slave leader, learning more about the plight of the slaves and also their gaurds... starting a bar fight may not be the most logical long term plan for the Player as there is likely to be powerful devils nearby who will come to investigate their missing brethren. Its a playstyle choice, if you are running a combat heavy campaign and dont care for intrigue then a secret rebellion already in the works with supplies and weapons is probably best for a quick and large scale escape. If you are on the heavy intigue or roleplay side you could have the Player slowly build a secret army until in a few levels he has enough supplies and people to make an escape attempt. Of course you may also be kind of in between and therefore I suggest....

"A tall, well toned, and grim human is sitting quietly in the corner. He immediatley notices your entrance and after a quick once over of you and your companion makes a slight but noticable nod towards the seat across from him. When you approach he says in a hushed tone- Welcome to Hell. Don`t get cocky just because you killed one Imp, there are many more where he came from. I take care of the slaves here. We watch out for each other, gods know no one else watches over us."

The leader of the slaves can go either way... a bar fight gives him a chance to see if the Player is truly trustworthy and after the battle he can lead the Player to a secret exit from the bar before the authorities arrive. Or he can give information and potetentially help the Player begin the process of building his secret rebellion.

2011-10-26, 01:26 AM
Sorry for making it two posts but I am at the office and only have small periods of typing time..... Wow I just again noticed the Anti-magic field over the bar... I need new contacts :smallbiggrin:

Well that will definitely make the battle tougher... I would then suggest using Devils with very light damage reduction and having access to weapons for the other patrons would be a must... unless you have them outnumber the Devils by a significant amount... potentially 2 to 1.

Do you plan on the majority of the campaign happening in the Nine Levels of Hell? If so I would focus on the character hiding out from the powers that be as right now he is a small fish in the big evil pond...:smallwink:

2011-10-26, 03:24 AM
Do you plan on the majority of the campaign happening in the Nine Levels of Hell? If so I would focus on the character hiding out from the powers that be as right now he is a small fish in the big evil pond...:smallwink:

The point of this scene is not to stir rebels up, get them to claim their freedom and join us or anything, it's to start a bar fight so that the pair can sneak out quietly. This is intended to be a noncombat encounter, just going to require some intelligence and searching on the player's part and having him rely on roleplaying rather than casting to get the job done.

The entire campaign is set in the Nine Hells by the way.

2011-10-26, 03:30 PM
alright well the whole thing didn't go the way I was planning but we both had a lot of fun! thanks for your help!

2011-10-26, 05:03 PM
The full intent of the campaign is for our characters to escape the Nine Hells, and I have that in the back of my mind, what I need help with is my dialogue.

Thats a rather simple premise. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but simple is not correlated to "easy". To be good, such a story has to be very carefully constructed.
I would be interested in the backround stuff, like:

-Why is the group in Hell? Did they travelled there on purpose? Did they just "woke up" there with only a fuzzy memory on what happened before (that would be my favorite, because you could play whith all that "maybe we are already dead" stuff)?

-What kind of place is this Hell? Can you just "walk out of Hell"?

Themes that could be explored in this type of campaign:

- Will the Material Plane be like as the group remembers it? Maybe they have spend a considerable time in Hell so that anyone they knew is long dead. Or maybe the journey out of Hell takes very long (centuries) to the same effect. Rember, time is wonky and relative in the Planes.

- Is the escape actualy a desirable goal? Maybe Hell isnt so different form the Material Plane. Season with Matrix references a gusto.