View Full Version : Campaign Journal!!!

2011-10-25, 06:48 PM
Ok everybody, I started a new campaign and have 5 players I will in this first post give an overview of what character they are playing and w little info about the player ( who will remain anonymous just in case) they are all level 1 right now and afetr theri first aventure will be levle 3 9maybe 4 if they do everything right)

Cayrhal Human Transmuter- the player is a 3rd edition guy, having started D&D with 3rd edition so this is going to be exciting for me as i have either alwasy played with A) complete neophites or B) peeps who played 1st/2nd ed with me or on their own

Rikkar Dwarf Priest( think less comboat focused and more spell focused cleric)- the player is a friend of mine and is focusing on buffs, support and healing

Twa'an Elven fighter ( here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=216996)) - the player who has been RPGing it up with me for the past uh..9..10 years is having this guy be the typical elven super peerless archer

Neel Human Evoker- this guy has never played before and is interested in playing this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=219217) eventually, he is super excited about this and I hope he don't do anything.. rash and ends his expetced carerr too soon.

Thomas Marl Human Rogue - this guy played 1st and 2nd and came back when he heard about pathfinder only to find out it was basically 3.75 not an entir e new take on D&D, i managed to talk him into at least trying the deal is if he makes it past the 1st adventure and is not angry/upset/whatever over the changes he will play more often.

Kol Korran
2011-10-26, 05:17 AM
hey there! glad to see another campaign journal. some friendly advice (most of which could help better the opening post):

- give the campaign some sort of name, something to draw interest, and also- to help search for later on. you can change the thread's title by editing the opening post.

- some idea what the campaign is about, what are it's themes, what makes it special would be nice. a specific setting? (and if so what time and place). any special rules? (low magic, high magic, speical combat rules or roleplay ones), what levels do you expect to get to? it helps people know what they are in for.

- you said more about the players than the characters. some few info bits about their past or personality could go a long way.

- as you start writing the log itself, try to use headlines, spoilers, bolded text and the like to make it easier to read than a block of text.

that's all from me. Good Luck! :smallsmile:

2011-10-27, 06:29 PM
Ok the campagin started today and we got a new player who happens to be a friend of teh neophyte :)

He plays WoW, LoL and other MMO D&D based games and is admittedly one of those guys who makes fun of people who play D&D in WoW.. (yes the irony is not lost on me at all)
He was basically tricked into playing and dediced he wanted to play a paladin (he was thinking WoW Paladin) and was very upset at how 3rd ed did the palaidn, then i showed him this class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=213327) and he enjoyed how it was similar to his own ret paladin form wow

Now for the actual game play session!

Everybody was at the tavern int eh town of Freedale when the local wizard's courier came to in, The evoker is his apprentice. It seems that upon investigating a local ogre bandit 'lord' Therion Leafbow (the cousin of the elf fighter) has not reported back for over a week.

They Evoker and the transmuter head to the wizard's to find out more info
The ogre has set up camp in an abadnoned keep not to far away looking for an item called teh dragon orb, that is what Theroin was really looking into, his disappearnce certainly does not bode well for teh loacl communities.

They get to teh caste and open the old rust door, to fidn DA DA DUM!!
2 gnolls with swords in a cobble stone courtyard full of debris, holes in the ground and some doors. Combat goes like this
The Evoker wins init and charges the gnolls only to slip and fall into one fo the holes.. actually saving himself as any hit by the gnolls would have put him in the nagatives. The archer takes out one gnoll early on with the help of the crusader. the 2nd gnool gives the group a run for their money mostly due to bad rolls, the rogue manages to slide his daggers intot h creatures spine ending theri first combat

The go into one fo the barbican and find 6 kobolds. after a quick batl where 3 kobolds lost thier lives and 1 is on the verge the kobolds say 'rocksmasher (the ogre) has a giant wolf as a pet and carries a key to the vault don' tkill us and here is our stuff in a show of god faith that we are leaving!"

The heros then search the old courtyad around na old crubmling water fountain the curious and ever greedy rogue gets suprised attacked by a giant frog and is knocked down to 0 HP twice in this combat lukcy for him, the kobolds had a potion of cure light wounds.

our hearos mange to hear soem scrathing noise coming form a shut door during their recuperation from teh battles and decides to invesitage, GAINT RATS/ why.. becuase every starting epic story has to have giant rats at the earliest opportunity. pretty easy fight the tranmuters coor spray basically 1 shotted this encounter,

the find a old church inside the keep altar still intanct and thinks that is odd (which the trasmuter voiced his opinion of that not making nay sense blah blah abandoned blah blah ogre and orcs blah blah) the go into the last room on the barbican and find THERION!! a little beat up without his gear but other wise.. allright. after a quick rub down of a healing salve via the alchemist priest he feels a lot better but due to the beatings he took is a bit jumbled in the brain and so was not able to memorize his spells (he is a 4th warrior (the standard dnd fighter)/3rd wizard, he agrees to help them saying ' i know they are close to finding the dragon orb.. yes it is real! the beatst -ogre refernce- has the map.. good thing he cannot read what it says or else he would have it by now

The heros then enter a room with 6 orcs 4 of them with pickaxes digging in a certain spot. i actually win initiative for once ( i am curse to lose initive except when it don't matter at all) and the 2 non miner orcs advanced on the crusader and rogue inuring the crusader pretty heftily. the miner orcs attempt to flank the party but as fate would have ot just a few steps away form being able to engage the evoker takes advatge of this and blast with a burning hands and with spell fury -i gave specials a littel something extra again.. similar to what PF did...- managed to deal 8 damage killing all but one of them. teh crusader falls to -1 the next round as the rogu and archer take out the remaining orcs. oh the transmuer is now a lizard man via later self. with no heals left the part decides to lay him on the later upon which they find he is healed to full and ready to go -getting a +2 bonus to his next action.

the heros then go into teh next room teh old kitchen and find 5 more orcs 4 sitting down eating and 1 with a red hot poker, a whip, and 3 poorly upkept humans cleaning some dishes and being obvious lsaves. the rouge manages to kill 2 of the orcs by himself and after a couple of rounds of battle whihc was really close the party emrged victorius.

the party poen the dorr to the armory and bear wtiness to weapons and armor floating in teh air.. OH NOES!! Gelatinous Cube alert! afetr several real lif eminutes of the trasmuter yelling, complaing and whining about another combat scenaoir and the whole 4 encounters a day bullsheet, the crusader posed the question " is.. is it even moving towards us like the ooze did in that one movie or is it just .. flaoting thre and jlly jiggling?' so they just closed the door and said 'forget about it!" ps they still got exp as they did over come the encounter.. some monsters aren't meant to be fought"

FInally they come to the big hall. which happens to be the LAIR OF ROCKSMASHWER and his pet worg. The neophyte asks ' what s an ogre" which garned a lot of chuckles and at leats 1 'yer mom' reference afetr expaling what an ogre was -which is aid you watched lord of teh rigns right? well the big monster they all foguht. "you mean the big ass flaming whip guy?' no, the ulgy as thing legolas ran on ans shot arrows thorugh its skull' " oh yeah that ugly a$$ thing?" 'yep.. that a good refencernce on what an ogre is, and a worg is basically a giant angry and smartet wolf' His character when his turn came yelled " OH CRAP AND OGGRE RUN AWAY!! and spent some rounds of the fight running away and coming back the worg went down in 2 rounds thanks to a well placed deadly shot crit ( think power attack for ranged weapon) from the archer, he rolled a 1 for dmg but good thing he got an extra 6 damage for a total of 21 damage dealt :) the crusader stood in full defensive as the transmuter move to falnk the ogre witou getting more than 1 AoO his lizard man form proved to be very handy as the AC he had was semi difficult for the ogre to over come, who was always power attacking - its an ogre all they know how to do is hit stuff as hard as they can!- with the flanking bonus the transmuter was able to get off 1 good round of damage before he got whallop hard lukily the evoker had come back by this point and managed to use his last spell magic missle, oh the rogue had gotten taken out by the worg as well... they find a key and a couple of vial to which the rogues player said ' i do not care pour one of them down my throat!' which for him.. healed for 6 Hp enought o put his at 0 and stabalzed. The altar did not work for the transmuter who i expalin th magic of the alatr only worked once per day. the priest remembered he still has spells ( qcue him gettign slapped in the back of the head) and stabalized the transmuter)

the heroes divided up the treasure suddenly remmber that Therion was with them and proceeded to loot teh ogres vault, making off with a few hundred gold worth of coins and a couple of magicl items, As they were leaving the keep Evoker spoke up and said 'what about the dragon orb?" to which everybody gasped then re-searched the ogres room actually including the ogre this time more than just the key neckalce. and found the map which had teh password for teh secret room to the dragon orb.

what was the dragon orb you might be wondering, I mean.. it only sounds pretty epic right? Dragon Orb.

Its just a glass sphere that casts a silent image coupled with ghostsound of an angry dragon appears in a cloud of smoke

the heroes enjoyed the session and at the end managed to level their character to level 3! hopefully the next session will be just as fun!