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Eternal Drifter
2011-10-25, 07:26 PM
Autumn, Morning, Day 1

Slateport City

As the sun rises on the new day, the port city of Hoenn starts bustling with life. The outdoor market opens up, people talking about their wares and selling. The Contest Hall starts preparations for the weekly contest (cute, this time). The nearby Battle Tent is filled with the faint shouts of a late-night stall battle coming to a close. The museum advertises its coming temporary exhibit, the three Sinnoh Dragon Orbs on their way back to their home region. Finally, ships from ports all around the world dock here, their passengers and cargo ready to be unloaded. Most of these ships carry cargo, but all of them carry passengers, in one way or another….

“Pay for passage!” a sailor shouts. “The captain will tolerate no stowaways in his cargo! Now, get out of here!”

A man gets thrown overboard one of the ships, making a splash as he hits the water. “Thanks for the lift, at least!” he calls, swimming towards shore with wooden staff in hands.

“If you come on board again, I’ll toss you out again!” replies the sailor. “You, and your little bird too!”

The bird in question, a Chatot, expresses its’ displeasure with a splatter and muttering something about a plank.

Then, turning to the port itself, let us begin… Poke’mon in the Playground!

2011-10-25, 11:01 PM
“Missed me, mister!” a young boy shouts, jumping out of his most recent hiding spot on the ship. He sticks his tongue out and pulls on an eyelid with a finger “Blehhh, now you ga’da kiss him.” A Gastly floats up from below the deck and licks the sailor.

100% accuracy, 30 or lower will paralyze the sailor.
was 43

Whether or not the sailor is paralyzed the boy will run off the ship laughing, the Gastly will follow him.

2011-10-26, 12:48 PM
Xinwas Leaving from his last late night battle with his Emolga Momo on his back
"That was some good fighting back there lets go get you and the other something to eat then we see joy"

2011-10-26, 04:31 PM
Paul exits the Pokémon Center where he and his Snivy, Sevus, had spent the night. They walk out on the beach in time to see the two stowaways go overboard. "Huh. What do you suppose that's about?"

2011-10-26, 07:15 PM
Rick sits ourside Slateport, eating the bread he swiped from the market earlier. Burnard gives a small whimper, looking hungrily at the food.
"You hungry boy?" Rick asks. "Lets go find something for you." he says as he turns to walk into the woods, Burnard trotting along at his heels.

Eternal Drifter
2011-10-26, 07:44 PM
Slateport City

The man that was thrown overboard the cargo ship earlier climbs onto the docks, his Chatot on a post nearby.

"At least we got to the port before we were detected..." he says, looking at the bird and drying himself out. "Though I would have prefered getting off without getting wet, but that's the way my luck is running these days..."

"Wind in yer sails!" the Chatot replies.

"You really think that we have a chance to make a living here?" the man asks. "After all that we've been through in Sinnoh..."

Meanwhile, in the market district, a small group of people manage to gather, uninterested in shopping, but determined in some other united purpose... most of them look like ordinary trainers, but one stands out in his brown robes...


2011-10-26, 07:48 PM
Daniel, coming into town to see the Dragon Orbs, walks around town, enjoying the sights. His Hitmonlee, Kituske, follows clos behind him, his long legs extending with every stride. He notices a boy's Gastly licking a sailor, and then flying away. He sends Kituske to make sure the sailor is okay, then walks over to the boy. "Excuse me. I understand you were just joking around, but your Gastly could have really hurt that sailor. Pokemon shouldn't be used to hurt people."

Don't worry my character isn't going to be like this all the time. I'm just trying to start up some interaction.

2011-10-26, 08:46 PM
Yay, interaction!

Braz jumps off the ship and easily lands on the dock thinking ‘yay, perfect landing ten points!’

He laughs at the man pulling himself out of the water, before turning around and getting chastised by the swordsmen.

“Gramor wouldn’t hurt no-nobody.” Oh-man that sword guy looks scary, Braz actively looks for a way out, but as he starts to run he unconsciously uses Rest and falls flat on his face. Gramor just chuckles to himself, the way Gastly’s are known to do, and hovers away from the boy, as if he expects something might happen.

2011-10-26, 08:56 PM
Daniel looks rather startled as the boy falls down. "A-are you OK?"

2011-10-26, 09:27 PM
Xin sit down and starts to eat as he watches people then Nero start to talk to him in his mind "keep a eye on what is going on over there"
Xin thinks back "what ever you say but it most likely that one of those weird guys by dock maybe I should see what they know"
yea I'll like the idea of getting us together

2011-10-26, 09:34 PM
The boy seems to be out cold, but a moment later rolls over and folds his arms behind his head “Of course I’m alright, you want to fight?” His eyes are closed; one might say he has a serene look about him, if it weren’t for the devilish grin he’s wearing.

2011-10-26, 09:35 PM
Rick walks through the woods, hoping Burnard's keen sense of smell will pick up something for him to eat.
Never done a free form, do I send a wild at us or is that you?

2011-10-26, 09:37 PM
"I don't particularly want o battle, but if you're challenging me then I have no choice but to accept."

2011-10-26, 09:44 PM
Xin see a good battle about to happen and stops middle meal to walk over and watch maybe even fight the win if he is good

2011-10-26, 10:00 PM
Ya, 110 sounds good.

2011-10-26, 10:05 PM
Slateport City

The man that was thrown overboard the cargo ship earlier climbs onto the docks, his Chatot on a post nearby.

"At least we got to the port before we were detected..." he says, looking at the bird and drying himself out. "Though I would have prefered getting off without getting wet, but that's the way my luck is running these days..."

"Wind in yer sails!" the Chatot replies.

"You really think that we have a chance to make a living here?" the man asks. "After all that we've been through in Sinnoh..."

Meanwhile, in the market district, a small group of people manage to gather, uninterested in shopping, but determined in some other united purpose... most of them look like ordinary trainers, but one stands out in his brown robes...

Despite the commotion the young stowaway is making, Paul is disinterested in the boy. He turns to find something for breakfast before noticing a familiar man in odd robes. Sevus' scaly hand taps him on the face and points him out. "I see him. Where is he from?" Then Paul remembers the ordeal with Team Plasma a few years back, and the whole thing with the legendary dragons. This man was working with Plasma, wasn't he? Paul starts towards him.

2011-10-26, 10:11 PM
The boy's grin widens, he jumps up from his position on the ground and tackles Daniel!

level 40 Tackle:
100% accuracy, target is Daniel [roll0]

Eternal Drifter
2011-10-26, 10:34 PM
Route 110

As Rick and Burnard sniff around, they don't find anything edible... at least, no berries...


Wild Zigzagoon appeared! (Male, Level 12, Normal)

Slateport City: Marketplace

The robed man looks around in various pockets of his robes, while a few trainers nearby watch with moderate interest.

"Where did I put them..." he mutters. "Here we are..." he says pulling out a couple notecards.

"Ahem... It is wonderful to be back in Hoenn, our home, where I lived my life while young. You may know me as Rood, former Sage of Team Plasma. Today, I come to you to speak about Poke'mon Liberation."

"I'm sure most of you believe that we humans and Poke'mon are partners that have come to live together because we want and need each other. Yet... is that really the truth? Have we humans considered... that we assume this is the truth?"

"Poke'mon are usually subject to the commands of trainers, as was shown at the Unova Poke'mon League over a year ago. They are pushed around when they are our 'partners' at work, as is commonly seen with Chanseys in Poke'mon Centers. Can anyone say with confidence that there is no truth to what I have said?"

"With all that in mind, we must accept that Poke'mon are different than humans. They are living beings that have unknown potential. They are creatures that from which us humans have so much to learn. What, then, is our responsibility to such creatures called Poke'mon?"

"If you thought liberate them, you are, in my view, correct! Then, and only then, will us humans and Poke'mon truely be equals. In the past, Plasma used this message to hide the true goal of their leader, but I come to you with the promise that I am not like Ghetsis. I am not going to preach what I don't practice myself."

With that, he tosses a Poke'ball in the air, and a Pellipper comes out.

"With that, I promise you to show you I am not like Team Plasma. Now, where did I put that rock..."

Slateport City: Streets to Docks

"This is interesting..." the man says, Chatot on shoulder. "A trainer in battle himself. Rare, but getting more common... at least, this looks like a friendly battle..."

2011-10-26, 10:40 PM
Route 110
"There's our dinner! Burnard, turn up the heat!"

Flare Blitz:
AC: 100, Burn 10

2011-10-26, 10:58 PM
Xin hears the talking pokemon and walk to his trainer "That cool I have not meet anyone else with a pokemon that can fully talk what is your name"

2011-10-26, 11:19 PM
Slateport Cafe

Folding his newspaper and standing up, Ian takes a look around.

"Hm... Former Plasma about to get into a battle personally, stowaways... Seems things just got exciting." He mutters, flipping out a pokegear and sending a message on it before spotting a familiar face in the crowd.

"...Is that...?" He says, before walking towards the man with the Chatot.

"Walker? Is that you?" He asks, after catching the man's attention.

2011-10-27, 10:01 AM
Xin hears the talking pokemon and walk to his trainer "That cool I have not meet anyone else with a pokemon that can fully talk what is your name"

Paul turns to the man. "I'm Paul. And I think you might be mistaken. Sevus wasn't talking, I was. He is very smart though." Sevus gives an affirmative nod, showing that he can understand but not speak the language.

2011-10-27, 10:39 AM
"ooh well Paul what brings you here"

2011-10-27, 02:39 PM
After the boy slams into him, Daniel pushes him off with reflexes born from years of training. He then draws his sword, with Kituske jumping in behind hime. He twirls his sword around as he speaks to the boy. "Are you sure you want to battle me personally? If you do, I wil only use the flat of my blade, although you may get a few scratches. Of course, we could always battle the regular way."

Using Swords Dance

2011-10-27, 02:55 PM
Kari - Stateport City

At the announcement of the captain, Kari dashes off of the ship, low to the ground to avoid sight. Luckily, she is able to get away, but only just barely.

Rushing, she makes it into the Pokemon Center, breathing a bit heavily. As she goes through the door, the Eevee in her arms begins biting deeply again, angrily. "Gah! Damnit, you can't keep doing that! Don't you understand, I'm trying to help you!" Wincing, she drags herself to one of the couches and tries to calm her little charge.

2011-10-27, 03:38 PM
Braz catches himself before falling off the dock “heh heh heh.” eyes calmly shut, devilish grin still in place. He corrects his stance before running at Daniel again, his laughter now echoed by Gramor.

Is this boy crazy? Why yes, yes he is.

Level 40 Tackle
100% accuracy, target is Daniel [roll0]

2011-10-27, 04:32 PM
Daniel, stunned by the boy's willingness to continue, slaps him with the flat of his blade, even as Brazil slams into him.

Sacred Sword 100 acc

2011-10-27, 05:34 PM
The boy is slapped away by the blade, and once again falls face first onto the dock, a second later. . .

“Ou, ok I’m awake you, you didn’t have to hit me.” Braz sits up, rubbing the place where the sword made contact. His eyes are open and they actually look to be tearing up, big meanie hitting a ‘defenseless sleeping child’, what’s wrong with you.

Though that might be the only way to snap him out of his little ‘moments’.
The Gastly looks a bit disappointed that it ended so quickly, and floats over to the boys side and tries to cheer him up with a silly face.

2011-10-27, 07:22 PM
"Sorry. I think your Gastly possessed you while you wee asleep, as you kept trying to attack me. Are you OK?"

2011-10-27, 07:45 PM
"ooh well Paul what brings you here"

Paul glances over at Rood, wondering what his demonstration will be. "I was just passing through. I'm coming from Rustboro, I was hoping to catch a ship out to Mossdeep."

2011-10-27, 08:33 PM
Braz scratches the back of this head as he stands up “Gramor would never possess me!” and how could he the Gastly was clearly far away from the boy at the time. Daniel is starting to sound like the doctors, how could anyone attack people when they are asleep?

2011-10-27, 08:34 PM
Paul glances over at Rood, wondering what his demonstration will be. "I was just passing through. I'm coming from Rustboro, I was hoping to catch a ship out to Mossdeep."

"Mossdeep? well that cool have you heard any rumors about legendary pokemon around here?

2011-10-27, 08:46 PM
"Mossdeep? well that cool have you heard any rumors about legendary pokemon around here?

Paul thinks for a moment, then looks at Sevus, who shakes his head no. "Not in Slateport." Paul replies, "When I was younger there was this whole thing with Groudon and Kyogre. Other than that, nothing."

2011-10-27, 08:52 PM
"well to bad well I got to-"Nero sent a message to Xin "stick with this guys he may be of help"
"go to mossdeep too mind if I join you"

2011-10-27, 08:55 PM
"Well, maybe you were sleeping-battling or something either way, I have to go. Go Hatlaan!" He throws the pokeball, and out comes a Gallade. "Gall! Gallade!" "Come on Hatlaan, let's go train." and with that, they walk into the woods.

In the woods, they begin dueling. Daniel's sword against Hatlaan's blade-like elbows. They keep up an effortless rythym, both of them parrying and countering perfectly.

2011-10-27, 09:31 PM
"well to bad well I got to-"Nero sent a message to Xin "stick with this guys he may be of help"
"go to mossdeep too mind if I join you"

Paul is slightly put off by the stranger's behavior. "Um, yeah, I suppose. What do you think, Sevus?" Sevus shrugged. "Yeah, sure. What's your name?"

Eternal Drifter
2011-10-27, 09:36 PM
Slateport Cafe

Folding his newspaper and standing up, Ian takes a look around.

"Hm... Former Plasma about to get into a battle personally, stowaways... Seems things just got exciting." He mutters, flipping out a pokegear and sending a message on it before spotting a familiar face in the crowd.

"...Is that...?" He says, before walking towards the man with the Chatot.

"Walker? Is that you?" He asks, after catching the man's attention.

Slateport Cafe

"Ian?" the man asks.

"Chatot! Walk the plank!" McScurvy says.

"Quiet you... I'm not sending you to Snowpoint again... Well, Ian, it's good to see a familiar face here in Hoenn. What brings you here? Still chasing Cipher?" Walker asks, now with a faint grin on his face.

Slateport Marketplace

"Here we are!" Rood says, pulling out a rock from his robe the size of a Poke'ball. "Dear Pellipper, you have served me well through the years. Now, I return you to where you belong, back in the wild. You are free to follow me if you wish, but it will be your will, not mine. Be released!"

Rood brings the rock down on the Poke'ball on the ground, smashing it to pieces.

"Citizens of Slateport, I thank you for your time listening to my words, and Pellipper, I thank you for your long years of service. Everyone, I now end my words here today by imploring you to consider the relationship between people and Pokémon... and the correct way to proceed. I sincerely appreciate your attention."

With that, Rood scoops up a piece of the broken Poke'ball and heads northward, with a small group of trainers following him.

His Pellipper looks around confusedly, unsure on what to do.

Route 110

Burnard hits the poor Zigzagoon so fast, it could just barely find time to turn around to start running. Alas, it provided a very good target for Burnard to hit.

Wild Zigzagoon fainted!
Wild Zigzagoon dropped something...
Burnard found an Oran Berry!

2011-10-27, 09:53 PM
Paul is slightly put off by the stranger's behavior. "Um, yeah, I suppose. What do you think, Sevus?" Sevus shrugged. "Yeah, sure. What's your name?"

"you can call me Xin before we I got to look around to see if I can get any info of the legendary pokemon should not take to long but it be faster if you help"

2011-10-27, 10:13 PM
Slateport Marketplace

"Here we are!" Rood says, pulling out a rock from his robe the size of a Poke'ball. "Dear Pellipper, you have served me well through the years. Now, I return you to where you belong, back in the wild. You are free to follow me if you wish, but it will be your will, not mine. Be released!"

Rood brings the rock down on the Poke'ball on the ground, smashing it to pieces.

"Citizens of Slateport, I thank you for your time listening to my words, and Pellipper, I thank you for your long years of service. Everyone, I now end my words here today by imploring you to consider the relationship between people and Pokémon... and the correct way to proceed. I sincerely appreciate your attention."

With that, Rood scoops up a piece of the broken Poke'ball and heads northward, with a small group of trainers following him.

His Pellipper looks around confusedly, unsure on what to do.

"you can call me Xin before we I got to look around to see if I can get any info of the legendary pokemon should not take to long but it be faster if you help"

"Just a moment, Xin." says Paul. He walks over to the confused Pelipper and strokes its feathers. "You should follow him," Paul tells it, "He is your trainer, after all."

2011-10-27, 10:30 PM
"Just a moment, Xin." says Paul. He walks over to the confused Pelipper and strokes its feathers. "You should follow him," Paul tells it, "He is your trainer, after all."
as Xin watches Paul do this nero starts to sends another message "that pelopper's trainer is the ex-sage of team plasma follow him" "Paul we need to follow that bird I have to talk to his trainer he may know something" and start to follow the bird

2011-10-27, 10:34 PM
Sleep-fighting, Braz laughs at the thought; it would accurately describe what had just happed though.

As Daniel walks away, the group of trainers following Rood catches the boys eye. ‘Fresh targets’ is the first thing he thinks, ‘they probably got a lot of stuff on them’ he drops the three pokeballs he has behind him. Out of which come two Eevee’s and an Abra, the Abra jumps on his back and settles on him like a backpack. Braz turns to the Eevee’s, “Ok guys, we reached land and I think I just found our first meal ticket.” motioning behind him to the group following the old guy.

The Eevee’s squeak in agreement and then dash into hiding place after hiding place following the group, Braz walks slowly keeping the group or an Eevee in sight, Gramor brings up the rear laughing for no reason other than he can.

2011-10-27, 11:18 PM
Slateport Cafe

"Ian?" the man asks.

"Chatot! Walk the plank!" McScurvy says.

"Quiet you... I'm not sending you to Snowpoint again... Well, Ian, it's good to see a familiar face here in Hoenn. What brings you here? Still chasing Cipher?" Walker asks, now with a faint grin on his face.

Slateport Cafe

"Yep," The blond man replies, rubbing the back of his head. "Heard rumors of one of the admins being here, so I thought I'd check it out."

"So, what brings you here? An attempt to get another temple set up? Or is this just a trip to relax?"

2011-10-28, 09:04 AM
Route 110

"Nice job Burnard! Lets head back to camp so that we can have some dinner." Rick says, affectionately patting Burnard on the head. He picks up the Zigzagoon by the tail and slings it over his shoulder, pocketing the Oran Berry just in case on of them was hurt in the future.
As Rick starts to walk back towards his camp he hears the sounds of a sword fight. Silent as a shadow Rick slowly slides towards the noise, hiding between the trees and starts to watch in awe at the blur that is the swordsman and the arms of the strange bladed Pokemon.

2011-10-28, 02:47 PM
as Xin watches Paul do this nero starts to sends another message "that pelopper's trainer is the ex-sage of team plasma follow him" "Paul we need to follow that bird I have to talk to his trainer he may know something" and start to follow the bird

"Know something about what?" Paul asks. Then he turns back to the Pelipper. "Do you want us to help you get back to your trainer?"

2011-10-28, 02:53 PM
Daniel and Hatlaan stop to take a quick break. "Great job Hatlaan! I couldn't have hit you even if I wanted to! You're getting much better!" "Gall! Gallade!" Hatlaan jumps over to where Rick is standing, and cuts dow the plants near him. "What have we here? Is that your Zigzagoon? You should treat him better than that."

2011-10-28, 02:55 PM
"Know something about what?" Paul asks. Then he turns back to the Pelipper. "Do you want us to help you get back to your trainer?"

Xin stops "The birds trainer is ex-plasma he may know something about the rumors of the all of the legendary pokemon"

2011-10-28, 04:11 PM
Xin stops "The birds trainer is ex-plasma he may know something about the rumors of the all of the legendary pokemon"

Paul gently picks up the confused Pokémon. "Okay, Xin. Let's go catch up with Rood." With the Pelipper in his arms, Paul walks in the direction the sage had gone earlier.

2011-10-28, 05:36 PM
Paul gently picks up the confused Pokémon. "Okay, Xin. Let's go catch up with Rood." With the Pelipper in his arms, Paul walks in the direction the sage had gone earlier.

Xin follows closely behind "good hopefully this guy know something if not let just head to mossdeep"

Eternal Drifter
2011-10-28, 05:48 PM
Slateport City

The Pellipper nods, then starts flying northward, following the Sage.

Slateport Cafe

At the mention of a temple, Walker frowns. "Apparently, you are behind the times, Ian. I've given up with that... here, I've kept a hold of this for several months..."

Walker hands Ian a newspaper, several months old, with an image on the front page of a crater with two people crying in it. One of them is a Poke'athelete, sitting next to a pile of broken iron beams holding a piece of what used to be a blueprint. The other is Walker, kneeling, with his staff among the pieces of three Poke'balls.

Poke'Athelete's and Priest's Dreams Destroyed by Meteor

Yesterday, as two people were fighting over the future of the land to the east of Lake Verity, a meteor fell from the sky to the site, causing much devestation. Scientists believe that it is one of the biggest meteors to land on this planet, with a size of several yards wide and long.

Recently, the Poke'athelete Maximo had bought the land with hopes to build a Poke'athon Dome there, following the success of one of them in Johto. However, it appeared that someone else had bought the land before Maximo did: Walker, local Priest to Arceus.

For the past year, Walker had been building a temple to Arceus where Maximo had planned to build a Poke'athon Dome. Despite no longer being able to fund the project, Walker was determined to finish the temple.

Neither was willing to back down, but only one building could be built there. A court date was settled for tomorrow, but until then, both sides refused to leave the site. Early this morning, however, a meteor crashed into the site, inflicting heavy losses on both sides.

The under-construction temple was destroyed, while many of the support beams for the would-be Dome were bent beyond use. Because of these recent events, both parties have renounced their claims to the site, canceling tomorrow's court date.

Team Galactic has claimed the meteor, saying that their leader had plans for a new energy from it.

"The temple had left me without a coin to my name," Walker says, "so I could not afford to rebuild it. I don't know why the temple was destroyed, but I no longer care. Arceus can find someone else to do his will; it won't be me."

"Well, after that incident, I released all three of my Poke'mon in grief, but all three stuck around. In a couple of days, I gave West Wind to the local day care, while I gave Stealth and McScurvy here to Rowan. The next day, Rowan returned McScurvy to me with a fearful look in his eyes, telling me to not let McScurvy use Chatter. After wandering the streets for a couple weeks, the locals started pressing me to go and challenge Roark. Eventually, McScurvy and I traveled to Oreburgh to do so, taking a detour to train heavily. Eventually, we won, and we started wandering around again. I needed a new purpose, and it wasn't in Arceus's service! So, I managed to sneak the pair of us onto a ship, and managed to get us to Slateport Harbor, where we were finally found."

Route 110

"That went rather well," Rood says, walking near Rick and Burnard. "At least, we weren't attacked on sight."

One of the trainers following him speaks up. "Sir, you did well, going off script enough with those examples to, perhaps, get some people to release their Poke'mon. We should get back to the castle."

"Hold up..." says one trainer. "I just got a message from the head warrior: the heiress is missing."

"And he believes that she is nearby?" Rood asks.

"Yes," says the second. "He has sent me information on her only Poke'mon with her right now: Woobat. On top of that, it seems that he is putting in an order for a bigger garden so that she will be less likely to follow the sages or warriors out on their buisness. Oh, and he's sending one of the warriors to pick us up in a bit."

2011-10-28, 05:51 PM
"Holy ****!" Rick shouts, leaping backwards to dodge the arm blade. "This is uhhhh.... dinner." he says sheepishly. Honestly, the guy with the sword scares him. The Pokemon scares him more. So, naturally, fight or flight kicks in. In this case its flight. Rick just turns around and books it into the woods.

2011-10-28, 06:22 PM
Slateport City

The Pellipper nods, then starts flying northward, following the Sage.

Paul watches the Pelipper fly off to its trainer. "Well, you said you wanted to talk to Rood, Xin. Let's go."

2011-10-28, 08:20 PM
Hatlaan runs after the boy, not wanting to see the Zigzagoon eaten. Daniel also runs after him, shouting "Hey! If you leave the Zigzagoon alone, I'll buy you a proper meal."

2011-10-28, 08:21 PM
If there's one thing to stop Rick from running it's food.
"What kind of food are we talking here?" he says, still holding the Zigzagoon.

2011-10-28, 08:25 PM
"Well, what do you want? I'm not going to get you anything lavish, but I'm fine with buying you something from the Cafe. As long as you let the Zigzagoon go."

2011-10-28, 08:33 PM
"This better not be a trick..." Rick says, setting the Zigzagoon on the ground and calling Burnard to his side. "Anyways, it's more of a meal for Burnard."

2011-10-28, 08:36 PM
"Oh, OK. I can buy some pokefood for him in town. Still, would you like something?"

2011-10-28, 08:39 PM
"Hell yes! Lead the way."

2011-10-28, 08:48 PM
Daniel nods, then walks back to the Slateport Cafe, after returning Hatlaan.

2011-10-28, 08:51 PM
Rick follows, keeping Burnard close at his side. As they reach the Cafe he notices a sandwitch shop. "Is this O.K.?" he asks, looking around warily. He planned on getting out of town ASAP, just in case.

2011-10-28, 08:57 PM
"Of course! You pick what you want, and I'll be back with some food for Burnard. What kind does he like?"

2011-10-28, 08:58 PM
Kari - The Pokemon Center

Eventually, the Eevee falls asleep, tired out by its attempts to inflict pain on Kari. She spends the entire time concentrated on the map, wondering where she might be able to go. At the very least, she knows she can't stay there.

Carefully, Kari sneaks out of the Pokemon Center. She begins running through Slateport's streets, trying to get to a location without being seen.

2011-10-28, 09:01 PM
"Any meat."
Rick buys a sandwitch and begins to devour it. He then goes to the food store so that he can buy food for Burnard. He buys him a steak and tosses it to him.
"So, what brings you to Slateport?"

2011-10-28, 09:22 PM
Slateport Cafe

At the mention of a temple, Walker frowns. "Apparently, you are behind the times, Ian. I've given up with that... here, I've kept a hold of this for several months..."

Walker hands Ian a newspaper, several months old, with an image on the front page of a crater with two people crying in it. One of them is a Poke'athelete, sitting next to a pile of broken iron beams holding a piece of what used to be a blueprint. The other is Walker, kneeling, with his staff among the pieces of three Poke'balls.

"The temple had left me without a coin to my name," Walker says, "so I could not afford to rebuild it. I don't know why the temple was destroyed, but I no longer care. Arceus can find someone else to do his will; it won't be me."

"Well, after that incident, I released all three of my Poke'mon in grief, but all three stuck around. In a couple of days, I gave West Wind to the local day care, while I gave Stealth and McScurvy here to Rowan. The next day, Rowan returned McScurvy to me with a fearful look in his eyes, telling me to not let McScurvy use Chatter. After wandering the streets for a couple weeks, the locals started pressing me to go and challenge Roark. Eventually, McScurvy and I traveled to Oreburgh to do so, taking a detour to train heavily. Eventually, we won, and we started wandering around again. I needed a new purpose, and it wasn't in Arceus's service! So, I managed to sneak the pair of us onto a ship, and managed to get us to Slateport Harbor, where we were finally found."

Litening to the story, Ian winces.

"That... Sounds like it must have been traumatising." He says, rubbing the back of his head.

"So, is McScurvy the only 'mon you've got right now?" He asks, looking at the Chatot.

2011-10-28, 09:32 PM
"I've just been wandering. Spends some time in Johto after my training, then I came here. You?"

2011-10-28, 10:00 PM
"I was on my way out of town when you found me. Hate this town, can't wait to get somewhere else."

2011-10-28, 10:46 PM
Route 110

"That went rather well," Rood says, walking near Rick and Burnard. "At least, we weren't attacked on sight."

One of the trainers following him speaks up. "Sir, you did well, going off script enough with those examples to, perhaps, get some people to release their Poke'mon. We should get back to the castle."

"Hold up..." says one trainer. "I just got a message from the head warrior: the heiress is missing."

"And he believes that she is nearby?" Rood asks.

"Yes," says the second. "He has sent me information on her only Poke'mon with her right now: Woobat. On top of that, it seems that he is putting in an order for a bigger garden so that she will be less likely to follow the sages or warriors out on their buisness. Oh, and he's sending one of the warriors to pick us up in a bit."

Esprin hides in a bush down the path the group is most likely to take, ready to pop out and look as cute as a tulip (Charm), hopefully distracting a most of them. Braz and Eevron follow behind the group silently waiting for the time to move in. Gramor hovers in the canopy ready to silence any trouble makers.

Eternal Drifter
2011-10-29, 12:39 AM
Time: Noon

Litening to the story, Ian winces.

"That... Sounds like it must have been traumatising." He says, rubbing the back of his head.

"So, is McScurvy the only 'mon you've got right now?" He asks, looking at the Chatot.

Walker nods. "Yes," he says, petting the bird Poke'mon. "McScurvy here doesn't really want to leave me, and I like some company. At the very least, I have an ally in a tough pinch. Perhaps it helps that I found him on a sailor's skeleton about a year back... and he doesn't want me to suffer the same fate as his previous trainer did, way back when..."

"Don't eat me!" McScurvy calls. "Don't eat me!

"Huh... that's a new one..."

Route 110

Esprin hides in a bush down the path the group is most likely to take, ready to pop out and look as cute as a tulip (Charm), hopefully distracting a most of them. Braz and Eevron follow behind the group silently waiting for the time to move in. Gramor hovers in the canopy ready to silence any trouble makers.

"Ideas on where she might have gone?" Rood asks.

"The Bike path is not a strong possibility," a trainer in the group says. "She does not have a bike."

"Her Woobat is strong enough to get through this route on it's own," says another trainer. "We might have to widen the search."

"They won't go across the water, so we don't need to look too far west," says a third.

"Pellipper! Pellipper!"

"Pellipper... you came back..."

"Ignoring Rood, I'd say we spread out," says a fourth trainer. "Two of us head east to Route 103, two of us return to Slateport, while the other two go on ahead to Mauville City. That leaves Rood and his Pellipper, as well as any help he can find, to find Heiress Lesedi before we all get in trouble..."

With that, the group splits up. Two of them head west, two of them head south, back towards Slateport, and two of them head northwards.

2011-10-29, 02:22 AM
‘An heiress? Like a rich girl?’ Braz’ mind swarms with possibilities as the two trainers heading back to town move past his hiding place.

Not seeing any movement from where he last saw his boy*, Eevron stays low to the ground. Hearing the regroup sound (a low but distinct twig snap) he silently but quickly makes his way to where he presumes Braz to be.

Braz quickly explains the new plan to milk this guy for all he’s worth and getting in touch with the rich girl, by way of the ‘I got separated from my pokemon when we were attacked routine’ to form a ‘friendship’ with the target. That’s why Eevron stays with the kid, his fairly smart for a human. Eevron scampers off to inform Esprin of the change in plans, and Braz prepares for his role.

A moment later one might hear a ruckus coming from the trees punctuated by screams for ‘Esprin’, and not a second later Braz would run headfirst into Rood.

*As we all should know, Eevee’s own you not the other way around.

2011-10-29, 08:56 AM
"Well, I'm staying in town for a few days until the Dragon Stones come. After that, I'm headed out too. You wanna come with me?"

2011-10-29, 09:20 AM
Slateport City

The Pellipper nods, then starts flying northward, following the Sage.

"good point Paul"
Xin ran in front of the sage to stop him"Sage I need to talk to you"

2011-10-29, 10:11 AM
"Well, I'm staying in town for a few days until the Dragon Stones come. After that, I'm headed out too. You wanna come with me?"

Rick looks at the swordsman, then the sandwitch in his hand, then at the food Burnard has. I could use the protection and he does have food...""Sure, why not." he says aloud, looking to Burnard for confirmation. The small dog gives a small bark, something the two of them had learned to mean a yes. "I'm ready to leave whenever you are."

2011-10-29, 10:56 AM
Time: Noon
"Ideas on where she might have gone?" Rood asks.

"The Bike path is not a strong possibility," a trainer in the group says. "She does not have a bike."

"Her Woobat is strong enough to get through this route on it's own," says another trainer. "We might have to widen the search."

"They won't go across the water, so we don't need to look too far west," says a third.

"Pellipper! Pellipper!"

"Pellipper... you came back..."

"Ignoring Rood, I'd say we spread out," says a fourth trainer. "Two of us head east to Route 103, two of us return to Slateport, while the other two go on
ahead to Mauville City. That leaves Rood and his Pellipper, as well as any help he can find, to find Heiress Lesedi before we all get in trouble..."

With that, the group splits up. Two of them head west, two of them head south, back towards Slateport, and two of them head northwards.

Paul catches up with the sage, happy to see he's reunited with his Pokemon. He stands back as Xin talks to him, holding Sevus and looking around the woods.

2011-10-29, 05:35 PM
"OK, we'll head out after the exhibit."

2011-10-29, 05:48 PM
"Sounds good!"

Eternal Drifter
2011-10-29, 05:50 PM
Route 110

Rood looks at the growing crowd of people nearby.

"Perfect timing..." Rood says. "I was about to head back to Slateport for some assistance, but you have saved me a trip. Omph!"

At this point, Braz runs into Rood.

"Young trainer, I don't know who you're looking for, but we might be able to help each other out, along with the help of these other trainers."

"Everyone, there is a young girl nearby, aged five, with a Woobat. I need help finding her."

2011-10-29, 06:05 PM
Route 110

Rood looks at the growing crowd of people nearby.

"Perfect timing..." Rood says. "I was about to head back to Slateport for some assistance, but you have saved me a trip. Omph!"

At this point, Braz runs into Rood.

"Young trainer, I don't know who you're looking for, but we might be able to help each other out, along with the help of these other trainers."

"Everyone, there is a young girl nearby, aged five, with a Woobat. I need help finding her."

"ok I'll help you but if I do you tell me everything I want to know right"

2011-10-29, 06:49 PM
Route 110

Rood looks at the growing crowd of people nearby.

"Perfect timing..." Rood says. "I was about to head back to Slateport for some assistance, but you have saved me a trip. Omph!"

At this point, Braz runs into Rood.

"Young trainer, I don't know who you're looking for, but we might be able to help each other out, along with the help of these other trainers."

"Everyone, there is a young girl nearby, aged five, with a Woobat. I need help finding her."
Paul takes a glance at Sevus, who nods. "We'll help. What's she look like, and what's her name?"

2011-10-29, 07:18 PM
"I would be happy to assist in finding this lost girl."

2011-10-29, 07:35 PM
"Whatever, I'm stuck here until you leave so I guess I'll help out too." Rick then turns to Roon. "Do you have anything of hers? Burnard may be able to pick up a scent which would help us find her sooner." Burnard gives a small bark at the end simply because he heard his name.

2011-10-29, 08:22 PM
@lemonus and Arcran: Aren’t you guys in town?
Route 110

A Quick almost unnoticeable glare crosses the boys face as he sees the pair that followed the pellipper, but his eyes well up with tears before any anger could be conveyed.

The boy cry’s “I was wa-walking in, in the woods with m-my Eevee, and we, we were a-attacked by this big monster. And. And now I can’t find her! Please mi-mister I, I can’t-” this turns in to a high pitched wail, as all semblance to words are lost and the boy falls to his knees.

Eternal Drifter
2011-10-30, 08:32 PM
"ok I'll help you but if I do you tell me everything I want to know right"

Paul takes a glance at Sevus, who nods. "We'll help. What's she look like, and what's her name?"

@lemonus and Arcran: Aren’t you guys in town?
Route 110

A Quick almost unnoticeable glare crosses the boys face as he sees the pair that followed the pellipper, but his eyes well up with tears before any anger could be conveyed.

The boy cry’s “I was wa-walking in, in the woods with m-my Eevee, and we, we were a-attacked by this big monster. And. And now I can’t find her! Please mi-mister I, I can’t-” this turns in to a high pitched wail, as all semblance to words are lost and the boy falls to his knees.

Route 110

"I have no guarentees of knowing what you wish to know," Rood says. "But I'll try my best to answer your questions."

"Lesedi is rather young, and about the size of an Audino. She'll be most likely wearing simple clothes, with her brown hair in two different tails. And while you're looking about, keep an eye out for this young man's Eevee too."

At this point, one of the trainers that was with Rood earlier comes running up to him, and whispers in his ear.

"The heir is missing as well? That isn't good... Lilycove City? Isn't that where Grom is working today? The head warrior is sending Butler here with another of the warriors and is dealing with the issue in Lilycove personally? This keeps getting worse and worse... Right. As an incentive, I'll give a couple rare TMs out when you find Lesedi. Search the route, save for the bike path above. And please hurry."

2011-10-30, 10:08 PM
Route 110

"I have no guarentees of knowing what you wish to know," Rood says. "But I'll try my best to answer your questions."

"Lesedi is rather young, and about the size of an Audino. She'll be most likely wearing simple clothes, with her brown hair in two different tails. And while you're looking about, keep an eye out for this young man's Eevee too."

At this point, one of the trainers that was with Rood earlier comes running up to him, and whispers in his ear.

"The heir is missing as well? That isn't good... Lilycove City? Isn't that where Grom is working today? The head warrior is sending Butler here with another of the warriors and is dealing with the issue in Lilycove personally? This keeps getting worse and worse... Right. As an incentive, I'll give a couple rare TMs out when you find Lesedi. Search the route, save for the bike path above. And please hurry."

Sevus crawls down Paul's backpack and drops onto the ground, scurrying into the undergrowth. "Don't worry," Paul assures Rood, "We'll find her."

2011-10-31, 12:25 AM
Walker nods. "Yes," he says, petting the bird Poke'mon. "McScurvy here doesn't really want to leave me, and I like some company. At the very least, I have an ally in a tough pinch. Perhaps it helps that I found him on a sailor's skeleton about a year back... and he doesn't want me to suffer the same fate as his previous trainer did, way back when..."

"Don't eat me!" McScurvy calls. "Don't eat me!

"Huh... that's a new one..."

Slateport Cafe

"Well, that might be a clue as to what happened to his last trainer." Ian replies, eying the bird warily.

"Anyway, I have some business to take care of. Mind letting me know if you see a strange Pikachu? Cipher's started up the Shadow Pokemon factory again, and the 'chu I'm looking for is one of the products. If you find it, it'd help with my efforts to deal with that organization." He continues, turning to the square and adjusting his pack.

2011-10-31, 01:16 AM
Kari - Route 110

Kari rushes from Slateport, making herself as inconspicuous as possible. Noticing the bridge above, she decides it would be best to go under the brush and avoid the sights of anyone using the bridge above.

Of course, in doing so, she is totally not paying attention to where she is going and runs straight into a small little girl with a strange bat-like Pokemon flying about.

In doing so, the Eevee in her arms snarls angrily at the little girl. Kari jumps on it, holding it tightly to keep it from mauling the girl or her Pokemon. "S-sorry, are you okay?"

2011-10-31, 12:19 PM
every body with a flying type that can fly should look for the girl in the sky give us a bird I view" Xin turned to Paul "you ok to fly?"

2011-10-31, 02:05 PM
"Come on Burnard! Lets see if you can track down that Eevee!" Rick says, walking into the undergrowth.

2011-10-31, 08:37 PM
Daniel tosses out two of his Pokeballs. "Hatlaan, Kitsuke, we're looking for a lost girl with a Woobat. Let's split up, OK?" "Gallade! Gall!" "Hitmonlee! Lee!" And with that, they spilt up to look for the girl.

2011-10-31, 09:44 PM
every body with a flying type that can fly should look for the girl in the sky give us a bird I view" Xin turned to Paul "you ok to fly?"

Paul is a bit startled by Xin's suggestion. He points off to where Sevus ran off into the grass. "I was going to look for her on foot.." he replies.

2011-11-01, 04:26 AM
"ok I go with you guys but I send my Emolga up in the sky to tell us if she sees anything hopefully we can find he fast"Xin Lets out Momo "ok Momo we are looking for a little girl with brown hair I want you to fly around and look for her I'll look on the ground"not realizing that he was still talking out loud "tell Nero if you see anything"

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-01, 08:51 PM
Slateport Cafe

"Well, that might be a clue as to what happened to his last trainer." Ian replies, eying the bird warily.

"Anyway, I have some business to take care of. Mind letting me know if you see a strange Pikachu? Cipher's started up the Shadow Pokemon factory again, and the 'chu I'm looking for is one of the products. If you find it, it'd help with my efforts to deal with that organization." He continues, turning to the square and adjusting his pack.

Slateport Cafe

"I'll keep an eye out," Walker says, "But if I find anything, it could be a little time before word reaches you. Good luck on your search though."

"Wind in yer sails!" McScurvy says.

"If only I had a determined goal myself... well, safe travels."

Kari - Route 110

Kari rushes from Slateport, making herself as inconspicuous as possible. Noticing the bridge above, she decides it would be best to go under the brush and avoid the sights of anyone using the bridge above.

Of course, in doing so, she is totally not paying attention to where she is going and runs straight into a small little girl with a strange bat-like Pokemon flying about.

In doing so, the Eevee in her arms snarls angrily at the little girl. Kari jumps on it, holding it tightly to keep it from mauling the girl or her Pokemon. "S-sorry, are you okay?"

Route 110

"Hi, hi!" the girl says. The girl in question looks very young, about five years of age with short ponytails on each side of her head.

Oddly enough, she's tied down with several vines to a pole... surrounded by bones! She doesn't seem to care though.

"Hi! My name is Lesedi! What's your name? Do you want to play? Woobat and me are getting bored. That strange man looked fun! Do you think he'll come back? That your favorite Poke'mon? What's her name?"

"Woo..." the bat says, looking a little annoyed and worried...

2011-11-01, 08:55 PM
Daniel comes through the underbrush, right behind his two Pokemon. He looks relieved to find the girl, until he sees that she's tied up and surrounded by bones.

2011-11-01, 11:06 PM
Route 110

"Hi, hi!" the girl says. The girl in question looks very young, about five years of age with short ponytails on each side of her head.

Oddly enough, she's tied down with several vines to a pole... surrounded by bones! She doesn't seem to care though.

"Hi! My name is Lesedi! What's your name? Do you want to play? Woobat and me are getting bored. That strange man looked fun! Do you think he'll come back? That your favorite Poke'mon? What's her name?"

"Woo..." the bat says, looking a little annoyed and worried...

Kari - Route 110 (with Lesedi)

As she drags the Eevee into her arms, Kari looks concernedly at the pole. Her expression quickly changes to joy, however, and she smiles brightly at the little girl. "U-um, yeah, this is my friend Eevee. He's a little upset right now, though. I'm Kari. What are you playing?"

The Eevee continues to snarl, but once trapped in Kari's arms it seems to almost pout. It bars its teeth at the Woobat, but considering the fact that it's an Eevee trapped in its trainer's arms, the expression isn't nearly as threatening as intended.

2011-11-02, 09:08 AM
Route 110
Following Burnard Rick soon sees the girl tied to the pole. What the hell is going on?

2011-11-02, 07:15 PM
Xin puts Momo back in her pokeball say to rick "I have not clue what going on but I sure like to know too"

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-03, 10:11 PM
Daniel comes through the underbrush, right behind his two Pokemon. He looks relieved to find the girl, until he sees that she's tied up and surrounded by bones.

Route 110
Following Burnard Rick soon sees the girl tied to the pole. What the hell is going on?

Kari - Route 110 (with Lesedi)

As she drags the Eevee into her arms, Kari looks concernedly at the pole. Her expression quickly changes to joy, however, and she smiles brightly at the little girl. "U-um, yeah, this is my friend Eevee. He's a little upset right now, though. I'm Kari. What are you playing?"

The Eevee continues to snarl, but once trapped in Kari's arms it seems to almost pout. It bars its teeth at the Woobat, but considering the fact that it's an Eevee trapped in its trainer's arms, the expression isn't nearly as threatening as intended.

Xin puts Momo back in her pokeball say to rick "I have not clue what going on but I sure like to know too"

Route 110

The girl giggles a little. "I'm not sure," she says. "It's different!"

Nearby, a voice is heard... "Hey, listen!"

And the Woobat next to the girl starts going into a panic.

2011-11-03, 10:26 PM
Xin lets out Nero and thinks to him "claim that bat down and find out what that thing is coming at us" then turn to the sound battle ready as Nero send messages to the Woobat to find out what going on

2011-11-03, 10:43 PM
Kari turns around at the sound of the voice, shortly again after the other voices begin to speak around her. "What's going on here?"

Eevee snarls, causing Kari to turn in the direction of its ire. She shifts her hips slightly, causing a Pokeball to fall to the ground, bouncing once before it releases its contents. In a flash of light, Vula leaps forward and falls into a battle stance immediately, growling. "Who's there?"

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-03, 11:17 PM
Route 110

A rough-looking man leaps out of the grass, grinning somewhat. His brown hair is like a mane, surrounding his head save for his eyes. His faded clothes are in rags, his pack looking like it could fall apart shortly. His nails are a couple inches long, and he has a smell about him that informs you that he is LONG overdue for a bath.

"Hey, listen!" he calls. "Hehehehehe... Hey, listen!"

Madman Alex would like to battle!
Madman Alex lept into battle! (Level 30)
Heiress Lesedi is in battle! (Level 2)
Heiress Lesedi is immobilized and unable to move!
Heiress Lesedi has Woobat out! (Level 8, Female)

(Madman Alex is hostile, but Lesedi does not know what's going on.)

2011-11-03, 11:20 PM
Slateport Cafe

"I'll keep an eye out," Walker says, "But if I find anything, it could be a little time before word reaches you. Good luck on your search though."

"Wind in yer sails!" McScurvy says.

"If only I had a determined goal myself... well, safe travels."

Slateport Cafe
"Thanks. Anyway, I'm setting off for Lilycove- that's the most recent place I heard the admin was. Figure if I can catch 'em, I can stop most of Cipher's plans here." Ian replies, turning towards the largest open spot he can find.


With that, he spins a pokeball off of his belt, releasing the contained Charizard, and climbs onto Flamer's back, the 'mon taking off and causing a burst of wind around the place where it breifely stood.

2011-11-03, 11:27 PM
"Burnard, light the crazy man up! Flare Blitz!"

100 Accuracy, 30 Burn

2011-11-03, 11:29 PM
Xin uses calm mind on him self then use Force palm on the crazy man
100 Accuracy
30% chance of paralyzing the target.

Calm mind
Calm Mind raises the user's Special Attack and Special Defense stats by one stage each.

the dice y it not work for me

2011-11-04, 03:24 PM
Daniel seeing the crazed man leap out, puls out his sword and twirls it around. "Kitsuke! Hi Jump Kick! Hatlaan! Psyshock, let's go!" "Lee! Hitmon Mon!" "Gall...ade!" Daniel the tosses out another Pokeball, and out comes a Pawniard. "Mantael! cut that girl free!" "Pawniard."
Kitsuke does a flying jump at Alex, and Hatlaan concentrates for a moment, then a mental wave flies out, slamming into Alex. Mantael walks over to the girl uninterestedly, and slashes at the ropes.

Kitsuke Used Hi Jump Kick! (90 Acc) [roll0] :smallbiggrin:
Hatlaan used Psyshock! (100 Acc) [roll1]
Mantael used Metal Claw on the ropes! (Don't think I need to roll)
Daniel used Swords Dance!

2011-11-04, 03:49 PM
Sevus and Paul run into the clearing after the crazed man jumps out. "Whoa. Guess I'm a little late to the party.."
He then realizes the madman might be a bit dangerous. "Sevus, use Vine Whip!"

(100 Accuracy)

2011-11-04, 03:56 PM
Kari, hearing the announcements of attacks, yells to Vula, "Protect the girl!" and pulls back, trying to get out of the way of the rampage of attacks that is coming through.

Leaping forward, Vula puts herself between Lesedi and Alex and quickly puts up her Protect, a small shield of strange energy separating the two.

Vula used Protect!

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-04, 06:08 PM
Route 110

A flurry of attacks hit the man, sending him back some. Despite that, he still has a smile on his face... "Hey, listen!"

Madman Alex is at critical health!
Madman Alex used Fling!
Madman Alex threw a Chatot Skeleton at Mantael! [roll0] (100% accuracy)

The man quickly pulls out a skeleton of a Chatot, and throws it at the Pawniard. "Hey, listen! Hehehehe!"

The skeleton does light damage, but...

Everyone's attack, defence, special attack, and special defence sharply fell!
Everyone's speed harshly rose!

The girl looks at the sudden chaos with curious glee, even when she is freed from her bonds. Then, when the skeleton is thrown...

"Butler!" she calls in fear. "Butler, help!"

She grabs the nearby Woobat, and grips it tightly in her fear.

2011-11-04, 08:07 PM
Vula protected itself!

Vula draws back a moment, then unleashes a jet of flame at the madman.

Vula uses Flamethrower!

As the fire engulfs him, Kari grabs Lesedi and pulls her away from the battle.

(Apparently, Madman Alex has a really, really, really large amount of HP, because he took 2 critical hit STAB attacks, one of which was Super Effective.)

2011-11-04, 08:47 PM
After being hit by the skeleton Mantael charges in, slashing wildly at Alex. "Kitsuke! Hatlaan! Double Brick Break!" The two fighting types charge in on either side of the madman, hitting him at the same time. Daniel follows quickly, slamming into him with his sword.

Mantael used Metal Claw! (95 Acc) [roll0]
Hatlaan used Brick Break! (100 Acc) [roll1]
Kitsuke used Brick Break! (100 Acc) [roll2]
Daniel Used Sacred Sword! (100 Acc) [roll3]

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-05, 05:39 PM
Late Afternoon

Route 110

The man falls to the ground under the combined attacks of many, but yet, as he falls, his words remain on his lips... "Hey, listen..."

Madman Alex was defeated!

Loot (if interested):
23 bones of various creatures, including three human bones
1 Rare Bone worth 5,000 at a Mart

"Woo..." the Woobat says, looking a little relieved, and free from Lesedi's grip.

Nearby, a small surprise walks out of the grass.

"Butler!" Lesedi calls, running towards the newcomer and grabbing him tightly.


Audino appeared! (Level 95, Male)

"Well... I hope she didn't give you any difficulties," Rood says, following the Audino out of the grass, and followed by a trainer wearing dirty metal armor. "Could you explain what happened here?"

2011-11-05, 05:46 PM
Rick has always had an eye for things of value, and that bone looked valuable, so he eagerly grabs it.
"Well, there was a crazy man and he threw a skeleton so we beat him up. You know, the usual."

2011-11-06, 08:33 AM
Xin calls back Nero "well that was fun but lets get that girl back to the sage I don't care about the bone one of you guys can take them"

2011-11-06, 09:08 AM
Daniel returns Mantael, and leans down to make sure Alex isn't seriously wounded.

2011-11-06, 07:39 PM
Random place on Route 110

Unfortunately for Braz after his performance and during his ‘crying fit’ he fell asleep, and his crazed alternate personality ran off looking for a fight, but he had ran off in the wrong direction and is now far away from what his goal was, not having found a fight Braz finally actually falls asleep. Gramor has followed him and is now watching over him.

Near the group on Route 110

Eevron and Esprin hide in a few bushes annoyed at the fact that Braz has not found his way here yet. One problem with that boy is he always runs off at the worst time possible.

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-06, 11:31 PM
Route 110

Alex is unconcious, but he's alive, for the moment.

The man in the dirty armor nods, looking at the madman. "One of our men checked the abandoned Trick House nearby," he says, with a low voice. "I think that is where he made his base; piles of bones are scattered around there, though nothing was particually valuable except for a sword."

Yes, well, I fear what the potential might have been if he had not used the heiress for a plan of his, whatever it may have been," Rood replies, digging into his robe. "I know I put those somewhere in here... Any luck with that boy's Eevee?"

"Excadrill is lagging. He'll catch up shortly."

Nonetheless, now that Lesedi is in Butler's capable hands, I think you folks are deserving of rewards..." Rood says, pulling out a box. "Tell me... which type of reward would you prefer: old, ancient, or forgotten?"

Meanwhile, Butler, the purple Audino, is looking slightly emberassed with Lesedi hugging him tightly...

Route 110-Eevee Location

"Exca!!!" calls a voice, and the Eevees come face to face with... a large metal mole...

Excadrill appeared! (Level 80, Male)

2011-11-07, 12:30 AM
"Hmmmm.... Forgotten sounds valuable. I'll take one of those." Rick says, eyes looking at the box greedily.

2011-11-07, 02:24 AM
Route 110 – Eevees / the group of people

Thoroughly scared by the arrival of the Excadrill, the two Eevees take off running passing right through the clearing more than likely evading most attempts to capture them, jumping on people’s heads, under people’s legs and finally continuing on to the underbrush on the other side.

2011-11-07, 02:29 AM
Kari - Route 110

Kari seems surprised at the events occurring around her. Vula moves behind her and hides behind her legs, looking carefully at the two men.

"I suppose ancient would be a good reward..."

The Eevee in her arms stares at the Audino. It would snarl if it weren't desperately afraid of being ripped to shreds.

2011-11-07, 07:25 AM
"Is the sword still in the Trick House? And I would like forgotten."

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-07, 12:05 PM
Route 110

"There's Excadrill..." the warrior says. "Didn't you say something about Eevees?"

"Yes, yes I did," Rood says. "A young man had lost his, so the group was looking for it along with the Heiress. Could you have Excadrill catch them? The boy would be greatful. Now... forgotten? All right."

Rood opens the box he was holding, and coughing from the burst of dust, pulls out a couple floppy discs.

Rick and Daniel recieved Forgotten TM 11s (Bubblebeam)!

"These TMs are very rare," Rood says, handing Rick and Daniel a floppy disk each. "They were more common about twenty years ago, but that's before your time. Anyway, these TMs contain the move Bubblebeam. Doing moderate damage to anything that does not resist it, it also has a chance of slowing the target down. Not as wide-range as Bubble, but that deals less damage and never was a TM. Now, for the one who requested Ancient..."

Rood pulls out a CD that looks unusually battered.

Kari recieved Ancent TM 16 (Icy Wind)!

"Ancent TM 16 contains Icy Wind, and is a little more common than the Bubblebeam TMs. Still, these are getting rare as well, due to the simple reason that no one has any reason to make these anymore. Well, Icy Wind is not as powerful as Bubblebeam, but it has a wider reach, allowing it to hit more targets. Although it is slightly less accurate, it will always reduce a target's speed."

"Keep in mind that, unlike the modern TMs which are reusable, these TMs are one-shot only: use them, and they're gone. Think wisely which Poke'mon you want to learn the move, because there will be no second chance."

"The sword in question is still at the Trick House," the dirty warrior says. "I think we need to get those Eevees first, though. Excadrill is too big for a job like this."

2011-11-07, 12:28 PM
Xin turn to Rood " sword that sounds useful to me lets go get if it any good I"

2011-11-07, 02:06 PM
Kari stares at her prize for a moment. Geez, something this common is considered ancient now? Smiling, she accepts it gracefully. "Thank you." Flipping her bag open, she stores the disk into an empty slot in her TM Case.

2011-11-07, 04:03 PM
Hearing that Xin also wants the sword, Daniel tears off towards the trick house, desperate to make sure it falls into the hands of a swordsman.

2011-11-07, 04:06 PM
Rick and Burnard dash after him. "Hey! Right behind you!" Rick shouts, following his meal ticket.

2011-11-07, 05:48 PM
Route 110

Alex is unconcious, but he's alive, for the moment.

The man in the dirty armor nods, looking at the madman. "One of our men checked the abandoned Trick House nearby," he says, with a low voice. "I think that is where he made his base; piles of bones are scattered around there, though nothing was particually valuable except for a sword."

Yes, well, I fear what the potential might have been if he had not used the heiress for a plan of his, whatever it may have been," Rood replies, digging into his robe. "I know I put those somewhere in here... Any luck with that boy's Eevee?"

"Excadrill is lagging. He'll catch up shortly."

Nonetheless, now that Lesedi is in Butler's capable hands, I think you folks are deserving of rewards..." Rood says, pulling out a box. "Tell me... which type of reward would you prefer: old, ancient, or forgotten?"

Meanwhile, Butler, the purple Audino, is looking slightly emberassed with Lesedi hugging him tightly...

Route 110-Eevee Location

"Exca!!!" calls a voice, and the Eevees come face to face with... a large metal mole...

Excadrill appeared! (Level 80, Male)
Paul steps toward the sage, wondering what sort of reward he has to offer. "I'll take forgotten, I suppose," he says curiously.

2011-11-07, 06:03 PM
Xin dash to get in front of the other two while saying to them"THAT SWORD IS MINE YOUR TWO ARE TOO SLOW TO BEAT!!"

2011-11-07, 06:04 PM
Daniel tosses out a Pokeball behind him, and out pops Mantael. "Hatlaan! Kitsuke! Mantael! Slow him down! That sword must fall into the hands of an actual swordsman! Attack the trainer if you need to!"

The three Polemon stand in frot of Xin, and Kitsuke predict what he's going to do next.

Kitsuke used Mind Reader on Xin!

2011-11-07, 06:18 PM
Xin stop for 2 seconds to lie in side his mind saying he going to stay and fight then says "Nice move to bad you suck and I also have pokemon" then tosses 2 pokeballs at Daniel "Nero Wizard stop that guy before he get the sword" then jumps over the pokemon to get behind him

2011-11-07, 07:02 PM
Route 110 - probably somewhere near the Trick House

Braz wakes up still a bit groggy, stretching he turns to his Gastly “Hey, Gram . . . where’s” *yawn* “where’s Anna?”

The Gastly turns upside down “Gast.”

Looking behind himself Braz sees the Abra in question resting against a house. “Oh, that looks comfy.” He crawls over to Anna and falls back to sleep.

2011-11-07, 09:05 PM
Kitsuke jumps at Xin with a powerful kick, connecting solidly. Hatlaan runs up to help Daniel, launching a psychic pulse at Nero, and Mantael stays and slashes at Xin while he's distracted by the kick. Daniel pulls out his sword and slashes at Wizard, not breaking stride.

Kitsuke use Hi Junp Kick on Xin! (It automatically hits because of Mind Reader, but I'll roll for crit) [roll0]
Hatlaan joined with Daniel! Hatlaan used Psyshock on Nero! (100 Acc) [roll1]
Mantael use Night Slash on Xin! (100 Acc, increased crit rate) [roll2]
Daniel used Slash on Wizard! 100 Acc, increased crit rate) [roll3]

2011-11-07, 09:46 PM
Nero uses Quick guard to protect Xin and Wizard as Xin take the weaken kick he uses Force palm on Kitsuke while Wizard use aerial ace on Daniel and Hatlaan

Nero quick guard goes before any attack and has 100 Acc on himself,Xin and Wizard

Xin use force palm 100Acc on Kitsuke[roll0]

wizard use aerial ace is 100acc on Daniel and Hatlaan[roll1]

2011-11-07, 09:50 PM
After taking the hit from Wizard, Daniel dashes into the Rick house, searching madly for the sword.

I think it's only fair that Drifter gets to decide who finds the sword.

2011-11-07, 10:01 PM
"I'll hold him! Burnard, Thunder Fang!" Rick shouts as he dashes at Xin.
Thunder Fang:
Both hit you.

2011-11-07, 10:06 PM
Nero send I message for Xin "follow that guy and get that sword so we can get back on track" then Nero use Extremespeed on Kitsuke to give Xin time to get to Daniel as Xin get in the house he use Focus Blast 50% acc while saying " I don't think your getting this sword today"

I'm ok with the Drifter

2011-11-07, 10:18 PM
You're just gonna ignore getting tackled and bit by a dog?

2011-11-07, 10:20 PM
"Why do you want the sword so much? I'm the swordsman, and I know how to use it properly and respect it. Why can't you just let it go to the one who it deserves?"

2011-11-07, 10:22 PM
sorry about that going to edit because that was so not there before I started writing

2011-11-07, 10:26 PM
After that, Mantael, who is quite frustrated about being left out of the action, walks up to Xin and slices him in the back. Harklem launches another mental assault at Wizard, and Kitsuke, although he's looking fairly weak, kicks at Nero again.

Mantael used Night Slash on Xin! (100 Acc, increased crit) [roll0] STAB Crit on a slash to the back? That's gotta hurt.
Hatlaan used Psyshock on Nero! (100 Acc) [roll1]
Kitsuke used Brick Break on Nero! (100 Acc) [roll2]

2011-11-07, 10:29 PM
"Why do you want the sword so much? I'm the swordsman, and I know how to use it properly and respect it. Why can't you just let it go to the one who it deserves?"

"well as you can see I don't have a weopan of my own and come free sword who pass that up beside you already have a sword"

and for the whole bite thing lets Wizard jump in the way to protect me he was not too far away

2011-11-07, 10:31 PM
No, it hits you. AC was good. Also, you've been bit, stabbed, and otgerwise harmed. Unless you are made of steel you should be down.

2011-11-07, 10:34 PM
"Do you know how to use a sword? Because if you don't then it's useless. And no, I won't teach you."

You forgot about Mantael slicing you hard in the back.

2011-11-07, 10:37 PM
After that, Mantael, who is quite frustrated about being left out of the action, walks up to Xin and slices him in the back. Harklem launches another mental assault at Wizard, and Kitsuke, although he's looking fairly weak, kicks at Nero again.

Mantael used Night Slash on Xin! (100 Acc, increased crit) [roll0] STAB Crit on a slash to the back? That's gotta hurt.
Hatlaan used Psyshock on Nero! (100 Acc) [roll1]
Kitsuke used Brick Break on Nero! (100 Acc) [roll2]

after getting hit Xin fall on 1 knee and looks at Daniel and say"this is is a fight between you and me call off you goons and fight me like a real man unless you think I beat you"

2011-11-07, 10:39 PM
"Shut up already! You lost!" Rick shouts as he kicks Xin in the head.

Low Kick:
[roll0] 100 AC

2011-11-07, 10:42 PM
"I'll fight you, but I'd really rather not. You're probably bleeding pretty hard, if I know Mantael, and I have a sword, which I'm not about to give up. But if you insist..." With that, Daniel charges in fast, slamming Xin hard with his sword.

Daniel used Sacred Sword on Xin! (100 Acc) [roll0]

2011-11-07, 10:42 PM
"Do you know how to use a sword? Because if you don't then it's useless. And no, I won't teach you."

You forgot about Mantael slicing you hard in the back.

I had no idea rick was going to jump in on this or i would have waited to reply but I getting confused with all the stuff coming at me lets just get a hold on what going on in this **** storm

2011-11-07, 10:46 PM
I had no idea rick was going to jump in on this or i would have waited to reply but I getting confused with all the stuff coming at me lets just get a hold on what going on in this **** storm

You're pretty much unconscious. You've been kicked in the chest with a 130 Power STAB attack, been stabbed in the back by a crit, electrically bitten, kicked in the face and sliced with a sword. If this were real life, you'd be dead.

2011-11-07, 10:49 PM
You're pretty much unconscious. You've been kicked in the chest with a 130 Power STAB attack, been stabbed in the back by a crit, electrically bitten, kicked in the face and sliced with a sword. If this were real life, you'd be dead.

Xin no noob he battle harden and I would had Nero use Heal Pulse on me long ago beside use think be able to doge a guy going right at him

2011-11-07, 10:54 PM
Xin no noob he battle harden and I would had Nero use Heal Pulse on me long ago beside use think be able to doge a guy going right at him

No one could realistically survive what just happened to you, but it wouldn't be fair for you to die, so you should just be unconscious. And there's no retconning unless everybody agrees on it. And I don't, so no Heal Pulse. Thirdly, what exactly are you talking about dodging? You couldn't dodge any of the attacks, they were all 100 Acc, except for Hi Jump Kick, and that automatically hit thanks to Mind Reader.

2011-11-07, 11:04 PM
ok I'll work with it but as of Nero Quick guard

Nero use Quick Guard to block the on going attack then send a message to every train there "get away from Xin or so help me I show no mercy to anyone of you" the Wizard grabs Xin and start to fly back to paul for help

2011-11-07, 11:10 PM
As he sees Xin fly of he mutters "Good riddance." Under his breath, than keeps looking through the Trick House for the sword.

Quick Guard can't have blocked those attacks, as it only block increased priority moves, like Quick Attack or Aqua Jet. It can't block Low Kick or Sacred Sword. I'm fine with Wizard flying you off, but I just want you to remember what Quick Guard actually does. So just remember that Xin is unconscious right now.

I'm going to sleep now. I'll keep playing tomorrow.

2011-11-07, 11:21 PM
I change that to protect then instead of quick guard thought they did the same thing

and Nero use Extremespeed to take the sword and follow Xin

because to get every back together and fairness you guys almost kill me >.> by jumping me and I get the sword

2011-11-07, 11:27 PM
How the heck do you get the sword?! No one has found it yet, it could be through all the mazes for all we know! And you don't get to "make things fair" because you lost a battle! How is it my fault I got a crit? And besides, we didn't "jump you". We wre in a battle, and attacked. Let's just say you didn't magically get the sword, and let Eternal Drfter rule on this. I know I'm stopping before I get an infraction.

2011-11-07, 11:31 PM
Really? You're yhtowing a fit Ember? Are you gonna take your basketball home too? You were greedy, we kicked your ass. Deal with it.

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-07, 11:33 PM
OOC: Could you please return to the OOC thread for OOC comments? As for the sword... want it after the discription below?

Also, having Ian move towards Lilycove City, since that appears to be his destination.


(Next post will be evening)

Route 110-Trick Master's Abandoned House

There are bones in various piles in the house, with a small pile of pieces of wood in a corner, freshly gathered, with a battered sword on a table, looking rusted from lack of use and care. It's hilt is broken, but a symbol of something like a sun can be seen on it.

There are a few holes in the roof, and in one corner there is a pile of branches that seems to have been used as bedding recently, though a nearby bed looks like it has been cleaned in the last hour.

"Walk the plank!" a Chatot calls, flapping it's wings in anger.

"I thought this was abandoned," a man says, trying to sneak back out of the building and away from the fighting. "I hope Ian has better luck with Cipher than I am with finding a place to live..."

Route 110

A Charzard with its' trainer flies north-east-ward, towards Lilycove City...

Meanwhileon the ground, a Excadrill is busy chasing Eevees on request of his trainer.

Rood pulls out another TM, another floppy disk kind, and hands it to Paul.

Paul recieved Forgotten TM 11 (Bubblebeam)!

"Since the others are distracted with a sword," Rood says, "What do you say that we help the warrior's Excadrill catch those Eevees?"

At this time, Rood's Pellipper returns from the south, spitting out a note for Rood.

"What is that needs my attention, according to those lookouts..." Rood says, opening the letter.

"Oh... they should have used waterproof, but... is the boss here? We'd best hurry... I can't make out the details..."

2011-11-07, 11:34 PM
we see think about it be great for the building rematch we will have and I start fight 1 person then 2 people came from behind and attack that kind of jumping and your damn right I'm taking my B-ball home

2011-11-07, 11:37 PM
After seeing the sword, Daniel picks it up and throws it across the room, swearing loudly. "All that for this?! Are you kidding me?!"

2011-11-07, 11:38 PM
Kari slowly moves away, deep into the grass that populates Route 110. Rather than proceed to the Trick House, she makes her way through the grass beneath Cycling Bridge, hoping to reach the next town before long. Maybe someone there might be able to help her.

Vula follows behind, carefully watching the grass for anything strange that may appear. Eevee remains trapped by Kari's arms, though it has begun to snarl a bit more.

2011-11-07, 11:56 PM
"Hey, be careful with the sword! We may be able to get something for it, even if it is a piece of crap." Rick says, picking it up. Polishing the hilt with his sleeve he sees the sun insignia. "Does this symbol mean anything to you?" he asks, holding it out to Daniel.

2011-11-07, 11:58 PM
Route 110 - Trick House

Hearing a commotion Braz sleepily picks Anna up and silently finds his way into the Trick House, Still not conscious enough to remember what his previous plan had been or to accurately assess the situation. he takes up residence on the bed, and falls into what would be a restful sleep.


Having run a fair distance and now getting tired the Eevees slowdown, they are furious at the boy’s delinquency, but are more afraid about being alone. What happened to their boy he almost always showed up on time.

2011-11-08, 06:37 AM
Daniel peers at the sun insignia for a moment. "No, I'm afraid I don't recognize it."

2011-11-08, 11:05 AM
"Damn. Well, I'll hold onto it. May be worth something." Rick gives a small chuckle. "What was up with that guy? Talk about a stick up your ass. I say we hunt him down and finish him." Rick says before seeing the other people in the room. "Oh, hey!" he says waving. "Guess this is the party house now. I'm Rick." he says, extending his hand out to Drifter.

2011-11-08, 03:35 PM
"No. I don't want to have any more involvement with him."

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-09, 12:58 PM
Night 1: Evening

(If there's a TV near your location (like in a Poke'mon Center), you can see the news; The Trick House is not such a location)

Evening News


"Welcome to the Poke'mon News Network. I am your host, Valerie, with my sidekick, Darryl. Today, Hoenn is where the action is at.

"In the morning, six of the Seven Sages of what used to be Team Plasma were spotted in various places in the region. Slateport, Lilycove, Mauville, Rustboro, Fortree, and the Battle Frontier were where all the Sages were, although they all had disapeared before our teammates could get close enough to interview them.

"We managed to gather information about their intentions, though, from trainers that heard them speak. It seems that they are preaching the same message that Ghetsis, the seventh sage and the former leader of Team Plasma, preached before his disapearance. However, they are actually preaching what they practice, each of them releasing their Poke'mon and encouraging others to do the same. What they are thinking, we may never know..."


"In a surprising turn of events, Ghetsis himself was spotted in Mossdeep City. Ghetsis, the former seventh sage of Team Plasma, and on the run, was spotted in Mossdeep City. He was in plain view of about twenty trainers as he purchased the local Poke'Mart's entire supply of Ultra Balls, Net Balls, Dive Balls, Revives, Full Heals, and Hyper Potions. Despite having all of his Poke'mon confiscated at the Poke'mon League of Unova before he went on the run, a Zweilous, a two-headed Dragon Poke'mon, was following close behind him, threatening to attack anyone who got too close to him without permission. When the shopkeeper inquired about his purchases, Ghetsis said he needed to catch some Zubat and Audino."

"While Ghetsis may have a Zweilous and been out in the open, authorities were busy with a larger problem in the Hoenn Safari Zone. A Hydreigon was spotted causing havoc to the local Poke'mon, employees, and visiting trainers. One trainer and one employee of the Safari Zone are missing, while two other trainers were discovered dead. One trainer who managed to escape spoke with reporters."

"I was traveling along, see, with my Beautifly by my side. I was searching for a Shuckle, see, and I had heard that some were recently imported from Johto. I was looking around, see, and pokeing under rocks, when I heard this gigantic roar. I saw this large black dragon, see, with three heads. I saw red on their mouths, see, and that is what drove me to running. Once in a safe corner, I pulled out an identifier, see, and pointed it at the dragon that was devouring a couple Miltank. I could not believe my eyes, see, when I saw its level. The beast was 97, see! Even a swordsman with a level 78 Rapidash knew it was time to run, see, fleeing with a child sitting behind him on his ride. Luckily, they were fast enough to escape, see, but I was too slow to do anything other than wait. When the authorities showed up an hour later, see, I managed to sneak away while they managed to scare the Hydreigon off. See, I still can't believe that such a powerful beast is in Hoenn! See, it even disapeared!"

"I think any of us would hate to be on the recieving end of that chaos... now, to a more pleasant matter... the local Zubat and Golbat population has sharply decreased recentaly, coenciding with a sharp decrease in Durant and Audino in Unova. While we can all agree that Zubat and Golbat were so common they will not be missed, the Audino were helpful Poke'mon, I hear..."

Trick Master's Abandoned House

"Oh, just passing through?" the man says, taking Rick's hand. "Good, I was worried I was moving into someone else's home. The Trick Master has been gone for a long time, I heard, so I made my way here, hoping that no one minded my presence. I'm Walker, a wanderer, and the Chatot you can see through the roof is a friend of mine, McScurvy."

"DON'T EAT ME!" the Chatot screeches.

"We're not going to eat you, McScurvy..."

Route 110-Near the Eevees

"Look..." Excadrill said to the Eevees in Poke'speak. I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm just trying to catch you for my trainer so that you can be returned to your trainer. I may be big, but I'm trying to be gentle with you... I don't want to face my trainer's boss's re-adjuster..."

Route 110-Mauville City Entrance

As Kari approaches Mauville City, she notices two trainers moping around near the entrance.

"This sucks..." one says. "The Heiress has been found, but why haven't they gone yet?"

"Rood promised to help a trainer find their lost Poke'mon, an Eevee," replies the second. "Once that is taken care of, the Sage and the Warrior will return to the castle."

"Keep quiet about that location," chastises the first. "The boss doesn't want us to give the location away too soon. Not before his say-so."

"Hey, I'm just talking about it, it's not like anyone is paying any attention to us," says the second. "We're not even in uniforms."

"That reminds me..." mutters the first. "You still have your uniform disguises? Aqua and Magma outfits?"

"Yes, and I know the mission: enter Magma's hideout, as you told me where it is, and cause chaos in Aqua's name. Meanwhile, you will enter Aqua's and cause chaos in Magma's name, right?"

"You have it. This will cause the two teams to go after each other instead of getting in our way. The boss is eventually expecting a reveal at Mt. Pyte, but until then, we have to keep quiet."

2011-11-09, 08:42 PM
Route 110 - Eevees - poke’speak time

The Eevees stop in their tracks “Wait, you know where the boy is?”

“This isn’t some kind of trick is it?”

Trick Master’s Abandoned House

Braz sits up, he holds Anna like a teddy bear, and grins slightly. Gramor floats in though a side wall, as the boy looks the room over with blind eyes and starts to chuckle.

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-11, 01:19 PM
Route 110-Eevee Location

"I do not know where your boy is," the Excadrill says, "but my trainer is currently trying to find you for him. We want to get you back together, because the Sage refuses to leave until we do so. Perhaps the Heiress becoming missing might have softened him some..."

"Hey, listen..."

"Who's there?"

2011-11-11, 01:22 PM
"Walker, do you know when the Dragon Stones are supposed to arrive in Slateport?"

2011-11-12, 05:22 AM
Route 110 - Eevees

“I-is that your trainer?” Esprin cowers in the shadow of the Escadrill. Eevron stands ready for what may come.

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-13, 12:16 AM

"Walker, do you know when the Dragon Stones are supposed to arrive in Slateport?"

Route 110- Trick Master's Abandoned House

Walker shrugs. "I'm not entirely sure," he says. "I originally heard that they were due at the end of the week, while I heard a couple rumors that they are due in Slateport the day after tomorrow. If you're looking to help protect them, keep me out of it: I want to be out of town before those hit the museum. All I'm sticking around for in Slateport is that Cute Contest tomorrow."

Route 110 - Eevees

“I-is that your trainer?” Esprin cowers in the shadow of the Escadrill. Eevron stands ready for what may come.

Route 110- Near the Eevees

"Oh, him? the Excadrill says. "Nope. My trainer has armor and a sword, although they are in poor condition from being underground so much."

"Hey, listen!" the man says.

Madman Alex is in battle!
Madman Alex used Bite against Excadrill! [roll0] (100% Accuracy)
It's not very effective...
Madman Alex grabbed onto Excadrill!

"...You are kidding me. And where I can't reach, either."

2011-11-15, 08:38 PM
"Thanks Walker." Daniel then turns to Rick. "You want to go look for some Pokemon in the forest?"

2011-11-15, 10:25 PM

Route 110- Trick Master's Abandoned House

Walker shrugs. "I'm not entirely sure," he says. "I originally heard that they were due at the end of the week, while I heard a couple rumors that they are due in Slateport the day after tomorrow. If you're looking to help protect them, keep me out of it: I want to be out of town before those hit the museum. All I'm sticking around for in Slateport is that Cute Contest tomorrow."

Route 110- Near the Eevees

"Oh, him? the Excadrill says. "Nope. My trainer has armor and a sword, although they are in poor condition from being underground so much."

"Hey, listen!" the man says.

Madman Alex is in battle!
Madman Alex used Bite against Excadrill! [roll0] (100% Accuracy)
It's not very effective...
Madman Alex grabbed onto Excadrill!

"...You are kidding me. And where I can't reach, either."

Paul hears the cries of Excadrill and the Eevee-lutions and starts towards them. "Rood, I think I hear them over here!" he calls to the sage, who he is helping find the Pokemon.

(Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I hope this is an appropriate action.)

2011-11-16, 11:21 PM
Route 110 - with Madman Alex

Esprin, seeing the mad man, runs off to hide in a bush.

Eevron shouts (Echoed Voice) “hey, get off him!”

Accuracy 100
Target Madman Alex [roll0]
Target Escadrill [roll1]

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-17, 11:53 PM
Paul hears the cries of Excadrill and the Eevee-lutions and starts towards them. "Rood, I think I hear them over here!" he calls to the sage, who he is helping find the Pokemon.

(Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I hope this is an appropriate action.)

Route 110 - with Madman Alex

Esprin, seeing the mad man, runs off to hide in a bush.

Eevron shouts (Echoed Voice) “hey, get off him!”

Accuracy 100
Target Madman Alex [roll0]
Target Escadrill [roll1]

Route 110-Eevee Location

Both the Excadrill and the Madman is hit, but the Subterrene Poke'mon simply shakes the noise off of him.

It's not very affective against Excadrill...
Excadrill escaped Madman Alex's grasp!

"Chatot!" the man says, collapsing to the ground. "Hey, listen..."

Madman Alex fainted!

"Thank you for that assistance..." the Excadrill says. "I might have been able to deal with him myself, if he hadn't bit my tail. I think he might have actually gotten a piece of me off, could you believe it?"

"And here we arrive just as things are wrapping up," Rood says, entering the area. "Perhaps we should have dealt with the man better before he recovered. Nonetheless, we now have found the Eevees, so we can now return them to that young lad."

"Are you aware of the time? We need to get going!" Excadrill says in Poke'speak.

"Could you please hurry with the Eevees?" the warrior says, following behind Rood. "The boss wanted us back at base a few hours ago. That, assuming that he'll still let us in, considering that Lesedi hasn't choked Butler in fear. This man has caused her to be afraid... I think I found something of his too, while looking around... salt and pepper shakers. I think he was planning to eat her."

"What are we standing around for?" Excadrill says, again in Poke'speak. "We need to get moving!"

"On second thought, could I get a translator?"

Route 110-Trick Master's Abandoned House

"You folks go on ahead," Walker says. "McScurvy and I need our sleep for tomorrow... and since the bed I was preparing was taken... I suppose I'll rest in those branches..."

2011-11-18, 12:08 AM
"Thanks Walker." Daniel then turns to Rick. "You want to go look for some Pokemon in the forest?"

"Sure, why not?" he replies.

2011-11-18, 06:16 PM
"Walker, why don't you just stay in Slateport's Pokecenter?"

2011-11-19, 08:26 AM
Rout 110 - Eevee’s

“heh, that guys is definitely crazy.” Eevron says plainly, in poke’speak of course.

Esprin steps out of the bushes and looks like she is going to say something but is interrupted by Eevron. “ya, so this guy knows where our boy is, right? Hurry up and have him take us there.” a bit brash but his a bit on edge with the recent events.

Route 110 - Trick Master's Abandoned House

Braz, still sitting on the bed his eyes closed, begins to grin. “Hey, yo-“ a quick Sucker Punch from Gramor cuts off his words, Gramor doesn’t think this would be the best time for a fight. Thought the people at the house might not thing what Gramor did was all that nice, it hopefully saved them a battle with the sleeping thief.

100% accuracy
Target Braz [roll0]
Target Anna [roll1]

Braz’ eyes flash open for a moment and then close as he falls over.

Anna, getting hit instinctively teleports to a random place away from ‘battle’ taking Braz with her, Garmor just sighs and will float out the front door to find where ever they ended up.

Route 110 - caution teleport incoming - Eevee location

Conveniently they end up teleporting a few feet above Madman Alex, landing with a crunch.

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-20, 10:51 PM

Route 110: Eevee Location

If Madman Alex had been awake, he might have responded with a flurry of bites and scratches. Luckily for Anna and Braz, he remains unconcious.

"There you are!" Rood says, heading over to Braz's location. "I was getting rather worried. Are you all right?"

"You've been reunited, I see," the Excadrill says. "Now, could we go before we attract too much attention?"

"Good," the warrior says. "Your promise has been fulfilled. Now we can leave with fewer worries."

"Let's go home..." Lesedi says, gripping the purple Audino. "I miss Zorua."

"You called Woobat back, I hope?" Rood asks.

"Yes, Sage Rood..."

Route 110- Trick Master's Abandoned House

"By the time I got to a Center, it might be time to start preporations for the contest," Walker says, nodding to McScurvy who is now sleeping on a shelf. "This way, we both get some sleep and we can prepare while walking to the Contest Hall. Besides, if this place is unclaimed, I might start turning it into a place where travelers can rest... Ah, it looks like the bed I made is now clear. Well, I wish you good night..."

Route 110- Near and Outside Trick Master's House

Wild Electrike appeared! (Level 13, Male, Normal)

2011-11-20, 11:15 PM
Rick sees the Elektrike then looks at Burnard. Then he looks at the Elektricke. Then back at Burnard. A team of hound dogs... I like the idea! he thinks to himself. Turrning to Daniel, he asks "Do you have a Pokeball I could borrow to capture that Elektrike?"

2011-11-21, 04:49 PM
"Sure. But make sure to weaken it well, I don't have very many." Daniel then passes Rick a Great Ball.

Eternal Drifter
2011-11-28, 02:40 PM

South End of Route 110

"McScurvy, fly up high!" Walker calls.


McScurvy flew up high!

"Now, sing!"

"There once was a Wailord of a tale, too odd to be true!"

"That's new... Good luck with that Electrike, Rick. McScurvy and I are off!"

Wild Electrike used howl!
The Wild Electrike's Attack rose!

Route 110: Northern End

Wild Oddish appeared! (Level 13, Normal, Female)

"An Oddish?" says one of the two trainers looking over the Mauwville City entrance. "Could we use it?"

"The boss probably could fit it into his plans one way or another," replies the other. "But I see no reason to catch it for our organization's use. I'm tired of Poke'mon catching myself..."

"You were sent on that bat-catching mission, right?"

"I never thought I'd hate Zubat so much... At least I got a break and was put on the Durant catching team for a week..."

2011-11-28, 03:48 PM
As Rick battles the Electrike, Daniel goes off into the forest to look for other Pokemon."I'm heading off to look for some more Pokemon. Meet me in front of Slateport's Pokecenter in an hour. Just in case, here's another Great Ball." He then tosses Rick another Great Ball.

2011-11-28, 03:53 PM
"Thanks!" Rick says. "Burnard, Flare Blitz!" he shouts. Burnard rushes at the Elektrike, wreathed in flames.

AC: [roll0]

2011-11-28, 10:41 PM

Route 110: Eevee Location

If Madman Alex had been awake, he might have responded with a flurry of bites and scratches. Luckily for Anna and Braz, he remains unconcious.

"There you are!" Rood says, heading over to Braz's location. "I was getting rather worried. Are you all right?"

"You've been reunited, I see," the Excadrill says. "Now, could we go before we attract too much attention?"

"Good," the warrior says. "Your promise has been fulfilled. Now we can leave with fewer worries."

"Let's go home..." Lesedi says, gripping the purple Audino. "I miss Zorua."

"You called Woobat back, I hope?" Rood asks.

"Yes, Sage Rood..."

Paul and Sevus stand by for a moment while the exchange occurs. "Well, Sage, I hope Sevus and I were of help to you. Do you need us to travel with you back to the city?"

2011-12-01, 03:48 AM
Route 110-Where stuff was happening

As sounds of sleep emanate from the boy, a faint glow can be seen around his Abra as words begin to filter into the mind of Escadrill.

Salutations kind warrior, would it be too much trouble to ask if you and your companions could bring my child and his friends to the nearest place of rest on your route homeward. The boy did not get much rest on the ship over here, and the wild is not the best place to sleep. The words linger for some time but are not too intrusive to disrupt normal thought.

The two Eevee’s walk up and cuddle next to the Braz and Anna on top of the hopefully still unconscious madman.

Eternal Drifter
2011-12-02, 03:19 PM
Route 110

As Rick battles the Electrike, Daniel goes off into the forest to look for other Pokemon."I'm heading off to look for some more Pokemon. Meet me in front of Slateport's Pokecenter in an hour. Just in case, here's another Great Ball." He then tosses Rick another Great Ball.

Wild Gulpin appeared! (Male, Level 13, Normal)

"Thanks!" Rick says. "Burnard, Flare Blitz!" he shouts. Burnard rushes at the Elektrike, wreathed in flames.

AC: [roll0]

Burnard hits the Electrike, flames licking both of them as both sides take damage, but while Burnard takes a scratch, the Electrike takes the full brunt of the attack.

[roll1] (Ability did not activate)

Wild Electrike is at critical health!
Burnard is hit with recoil!
The Wild Electrike used Tackle! ([roll2], 100% accuracy)

Paul and Sevus stand by for a moment while the exchange occurs. "Well, Sage, I hope Sevus and I were of help to you. Do you need us to travel with you back to the city?"

Route 110-Where stuff was happening

As sounds of sleep emanate from the boy, a faint glow can be seen around his Abra as words begin to filter into the mind of Escadrill.

Salutations kind warrior, would it be too much trouble to ask if you and your companions could bring my child and his friends to the nearest place of rest on your route homeward. The boy did not get much rest on the ship over here, and the wild is not the best place to sleep. The words linger for some time but are not too intrusive to disrupt normal thought.

The two Eevee’s walk up and cuddle next to the Braz and Anna on top of the hopefully still unconscious madman.

Route 110: Eevee Location

"Thanks for the offer," Rood says to Paul, "But we are not returning to the city. Our friend here, Dwight, came to pick us up. He and his Excadrill, that is. We're going to tunnel straight back to base, avoiding any more unwanted surprises."

"There we go! That's what I was waiting for," the Excadrill says. "I'd love to help further, but two small things: we're going underground, so there won't be any stopping us from getting to our destination, and the boss is probably upset that we haven't returned home yet. Also, no human here speaks Poke-speak, so I can't explain things to them... the boss really needs to hire a translator..."

2011-12-02, 03:32 PM
Daniel, realizing that his Pokemon would quite easily 1-shot the Gulpin, simply tosses an Ultra Ball at it.

Capture Roll: [roll0]

2011-12-02, 03:56 PM
Rick winces as Burnard is hit by the Elektrike. "Alright, good job boy! We have him now! Pokeball, go!" Rick shouts, throwing the Greatball at the Elektrike.


Eternal Drifter
2011-12-02, 05:41 PM
Daniel, realizing that his Pokemon would quite easily 1-shot the Gulpin, simply tosses an Ultra Ball at it.

Capture Roll: [roll0]

"Gul?" the Gulpin gets out, before being hit and being absorbed by the ball in a flash of red light.



Danel caught a Gulpin! (Male, Level 13, Normal, Docile Nature, Loves to eat)

Rick winces as Burnard is hit by the Elektrike. "Alright, good job boy! We have him now! Pokeball, go!" Rick shouts, throwing the Greatball at the Elektrike.


The Great Ball hits the Electrike between the eyes, making a peculiar sound and surprising the Lightning Poke'mon before it disapears in a flash of red light.


Rick caught an Electrike! (Level 13, Male, Brave Nature, Likes to fight)

2011-12-02, 08:40 PM
Daniel tosses out his newly-caught Pokemon, along with the rest of the team. "OK everyone, this is Gulper, the newest addition to our team. I know he isn't like the rest of you, but we'll need bulk as well as grace if we want to get anywhere. Gulper, what moves do you know?"

ED, for future reference, do you decide what moves and abilities wild 'Mons have?

2011-12-03, 03:15 AM
Route 110: Eevee Location

"Thanks for the offer," Rood says to Paul, "But we are not returning to the city. Our friend here, Dwight, came to pick us up. He and his Excadrill, that is. We're going to tunnel straight back to base, avoiding any more unwanted surprises."

"There we go! That's what I was waiting for," the Excadrill says. "I'd love to help further, but two small things: we're going underground, so there won't be any stopping us from getting to our destination, and the boss is probably upset that we haven't returned home yet. Also, no human here speaks Poke-speak, so I can't explain things to them... the boss really needs to hire a translator..."

“Oh dear, that is a problem.” Words again drift into escadrill’s mind. “It can get very difficult to communicate when not on the same wavelength as your companions.”

Anna glows softly, using a weak form of telekinesis she and Braz gently float off of the madman and with a bit of pushing from the Eevees Braz now lays against a tree. “Perhaps it will not be too dangerous to sleep here for a bit, you will be taking the crazed one with you, correct?”

Eternal Drifter
2011-12-06, 10:59 PM
Daniel tosses out his newly-caught Pokemon, along with the rest of the team. "OK everyone, this is Gulper, the newest addition to our team. I know he isn't like the rest of you, but we'll need bulk as well as grace if we want to get anywhere. Gulper, what moves do you know?"

ED, for future reference, do you decide what moves and abilities wild 'Mons have?

“Oh dear, that is a problem.” Words again drift into escadrill’s mind. “It can get very difficult to communicate when not on the same wavelength as your companions.”

Anna glows softly, using a weak form of telekinesis she and Braz gently float off of the madman and with a bit of pushing from the Eevees Braz now lays against a tree. “Perhaps it will not be too dangerous to sleep here for a bit, you will be taking the crazed one with you, correct?”


Route 110

A screech is distantly heard from Slateport's Contest Hall...

"I don't know," the Excadrill says. "It wouldn't break my heart to leave him. The man bit me!"

"Everyone here?" Rood asks. "Dwight? Lesedi? Excadrill? Butler?"

"Hold on..." the Audino says, escaping Lesedi's grip. "I'll take care of the madman... it's better than being hugged to death..."

"Butler!" Lesidi calls, making a grab for Butler as he escapes her grip.

"Not now!" mutters the purple Audino. "Hug that precious sage of yours for a bit! If I weren't forbidden from harming the heirs... I would advise against following me."

With the girl around Rood's leg, the Audino grabs the madman one-handedly by the neck and drags him through the grass and around a few rocks, out of sight and towards the water.

"Delays..." the Excadrill mutters. "We'll be lucky if we don't have to go through training again, because of how long this is taking... the head warrior may be patient, but he did tell us of a time limit for a reason..."

With that, the giant mole starts to dig a little downward in frustration.

"Dear Pellipper, it is now time for us to part," Rood says, to the Pellipper nearby/ "You have been a good and fateful companion, but you cannot go underground. If you still wish to follow, you will know where to find me.

Let's try to get some people back in the game, shall we?

Route 110: Near Kari

Kari sees a purple Audino come into view, pulling the madman from earlier towards the water on the route.

Somewhere Above Hoenn's Seas

"Wake up..." a woman's voice says to Xin. "Wake up, please... Your Charzard is also hurt... and my friend can't carry him much longer..."

Should Xin wake up, he'll be on the back of a Salamance flying in the sky next to a woman in a kimono, and his Charzard knocked out in the Salamance's claws.

"Could we get back to base already?" asks a man in robes grabbing the tail of the Salamance. "We didn't need to help a random person... Ghetsis would probably say drop him in the ocean, but he's the advisor to the boss this time around..."

Somewhere Above Hoenn's Land

Ian's Poke'gear starts ringing, with the screen reading Caller ID Unknown.

2011-12-07, 02:49 AM
Route 121

A rustling noise is heard from the bushes, as a blond man sticks his head out and looks around.

"Not here, either..." He mutters, climbing out of the bushes and scratching his head, eyes droopy as though he had been searching all night for something. "Could have sworn I had my secret base around here..."

Cursing, he starts to look in a different direction just as the Pokegear begins to ring.

"Yo?" He answers, spinning the device to his ear and answering it.

2011-12-07, 10:10 AM
"Alright, an Elektrike!" Rick cheers. His first captured Pokemon! "I tjhink I'll name you Fang," he says, talking to the Pokeball. " Hey Daniel!" Rick shouts. But Daniel isn't there! He could have sworn he was right behind him...
"I guess I'll just try to find him in the next town.." Rick mutters as he trudges north, 2 shiny Pokeballs on his belt.

2011-12-07, 01:02 PM
Daniel heads back to Slateport, as he had planned to meet Rick there, training Gulper up to level 15 on his way.

Gulper learned Sludge!

Eternal Drifter
2011-12-10, 02:31 PM
"Alright, an Elektrike!" Rick cheers. His first captured Pokemon! "I tjhink I'll name you Fang," he says, talking to the Pokeball. " Hey Daniel!" Rick shouts. But Daniel isn't there! He could have sworn he was right behind him...
"I guess I'll just try to find him in the next town.." Rick mutters as he trudges north, 2 shiny Pokeballs on his belt.

Daniel heads back to Slateport, as he had planned to meet Rick there, training Gulper up to level 15 on his way.

Gulper learned Sludge!

Route 110-South End

Daniel passes by Walker and McScurvy, who are running back towards the Trick Master's house.

"You had to use Chatter, didn't you!" Walker shouts. "I told you to Sing, but you used Chatter instead! We'll be lucky if there is no mob!"

Route 110-North End

The Audino drags the Madman to the water's edge, and tosses him in.

"Hey, listen?" He says, waking up.

Butler used Thunder Wave!
Madman Alex was paralyzed! He may be unable to move!
Butler used Ice Beam!

The Audino does not aim at the man himself, but at the water surrounding him, freezing it solid, as well as a few Magikarp who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Hey, list-!"

Madman Alex and five Magikarp were frozen solid!

"That should hold him until spring..." the Audino says in Poke'speak, before walking back the way he came.

Eternal Drifter
2011-12-13, 10:17 PM
Route 121

A rustling noise is heard from the bushes, as a blond man sticks his head out and looks around.

"Not here, either..." He mutters, climbing out of the bushes and scratching his head, eyes droopy as though he had been searching all night for something. "Could have sworn I had my secret base around here..."

Cursing, he starts to look in a different direction just as the Pokegear begins to ring.

"Yo?" He answers, spinning the device to his ear and answering it.


Route 121

While Ian is on his phone, a couple of people walk by, with a Parasect following closely behind. The leader of the two people is...


"Things did not go as expected yesterday," Walker says, speaking to the woman following close behind without turning his head. "This is still workable: the Heir has now been terrified of his experence with Hydra, and I doubt he will be leaving the castle anytime soon. I have yet to recieve word on the Heiress, though. Rood and Dwight should have returned with Butler and Lesidi by dawn."

Walker here is not walking with a staff in his hands and a cloak, but rather wearing an outfit of leather armor and has a sword at his waist. The woman has a similar outfit, although hers has a light blue tinge to it.

"Sir, if things get out of hand too quickly," the woman says, "We could face trouble and have to wait a decade, starting from scratch the next time."

"You think I don't know that?" Walker(?) says. "I'm trying to get us to tread carefully, and have plans to get us part of what we need for the grand plan. Do we have any... suicidals?"

"Er... one, sir..." the woman says.

"Tomorrow night," Walker(?) says, "have him sent into the key city. Give him a Life Orb. He'll distract opposition for the main core to get their task done. Not only that, we can afford to loose him, and he won't talk afterwards. Pity, though, at a waste of life... I'll talk more about it with you later, after it's done. For now, your task is to help clean up the mess that I caused yesterday."

"Don't you think calling Hydra was overboard?"

"In hindsight, yes, but I was not thinking rationally at the moment. Granted, I'll not use him for a bit in the open, though I'm thinking about lending him... you have a task to do, and I have a place to check out. You have transportation back to base, so I'll leave you to it. And could you perhaps brainstorm for a new garden while you're there? I hope to see you by noon tomorrow."

"All right, sir. Stay safe."

"Alright, an Elektrike!" Rick cheers. His first captured Pokemon! "I tjhink I'll name you Fang," he says, talking to the Pokeball. " Hey Daniel!" Rick shouts. But Daniel isn't there! He could have sworn he was right behind him...
"I guess I'll just try to find him in the next town.." Rick mutters as he trudges north, 2 shiny Pokeballs on his belt.

Mauville City/Route 110 Junction

Two trainers are arguing over the pest-like nature of Zubat, an Oddish is walking back into tall grass, another trainer is watching the two trainers carefully, and a purple Audino is walking out of sight.

Oh, and in the water, there is a huge block of ice.

Daniel heads back to Slateport, as he had planned to meet Rick there, training Gulper up to level 15 on his way.

Gulper learned Sludge!

Slateport City

In the town center, there is a commotion as Daniel returns.

"That bird knocked out three people!"

"Can't that man keep that Chatot under control!"

"The noise... the noise... I still hear it!"

"They ruined the Contest!"

"The Mart does not sell torches and pitchforks... where do we get them to run them out of Hoenn?"

Route 110-Departure Location

"Back," the Audino says, walking back into view. "I dealt with the man, so he should not be a problem."

"Finally!" the Excadrill says. "The boss will probably be mad, but that can't be helped. Now, let's go. And you two Eevees... try to take care of your trainer, will you? How will you get food from those Poke'mon Centers otherwise?"

"Everyone ready!" Rood calls. "Good luck on your journeys, trainers."

Excadrill used Dig!

A flurry of sand is thrown about, blinding the sight of those nearby, and then... there is a mound of dirt, and the group consiting of a warrior, a sage, a child, a shiny Audino, and an Excadrill are gone.

2011-12-13, 10:22 PM
After seeing the the committing in town, Daniel realizes that something happened with McScurvy and Walker. He quickly runs back to the trick house.

2011-12-18, 03:06 AM
Route 121

Shifting his weight slightly as he listens to the phone, Ian glances at the pair of people.

"Gently inquire with those people, and inform me of anything you get from them. Investigate the matter they spoke of, as well. Tighten security, too. We don't want ANYTHING like this happening again." He says, after thinking for a moment. "And get me a squad to Hoenn. Support might be needed."

"Now then, I have to go have a chat with an apparent imposter..."

And with that, the phone is shut and replaced in Ian's pocket, and the trainer starts towards the person who appears to be Walker.

"Hey, Wanderer. Didn't expect to see you here." He says, waving to the duo while smiling widely.

2011-12-19, 08:54 AM
Route 110-Departure Location

"Back," the Audino says, walking back into view. "I dealt with the man, so he should not be a problem."

"Finally!" the Excadrill says. "The boss will probably be mad, but that can't be helped. Now, let's go. And you two Eevees... try to take care of your trainer, will you? How will you get food from those Poke'mon Centers otherwise?"

"Everyone ready!" Rood calls. "Good luck on your journeys, trainers."

Excadrill used Dig!

A flurry of sand is thrown about, blinding the sight of those nearby, and then... there is a mound of dirt, and the group consiting of a warrior, a sage, a child, a shiny Audino, and an Excadrill are gone.
After the dust has settled Braz awakens slowly with a stretch and a yawn. It takes him a considerable amount of time to notice that he is not where he was before.

“He-hey Anna, can you fill me in on what’s happened?” Anna’s eye’s glow softly. “. . .But why would I wonder off during a job . . . that house looks nasty . . . heh, Gramor can be funny sometimes . . . a crazy guy really? . . do you know where they’re going . . . y-you mean that Pellipper?” Braz points an accusing finger at the nearby bird pokemon as the dark figure of Gramor saunters into the clearing.

Eternal Drifter
2011-12-19, 11:45 PM
Night 2: Evening

Evening News

"Welcome to the Poke'mon News Network. I am your host, Valerie, while our friend, Darryl, is on his way to Hoenn to witness the grand opening of the temporary exibit in the Oceanic Museum tomorrow. This temporary exibit will showcase the three Sinnoh Dragon Orbs, recovered in Unova by a wandering trainer, and the three Orbs will be displayed for the rest of the season before continuing their return trip to Celestic Town's small museum, which is currently under construction."

"Not all is fine in Slateport, though. At around noon today, a Chatot belonging to a participant used Chatter to devestating effect... let's speak to an eyewitness."

"The man was wearing a cloak and was wielding a staff, while his Chatot... well, it looked just like any other Chatot, but the things that it said and sang... it was obvious it formerly belonged to a sailor. Well, we were down to the final round, and the man told his Chatot, McPlauge or something of the sort, to sing again. Instead of finishing off with a song, the bird used Chatter."

"At first, there was a little music, then the bird fell silent, even though its mouth remained open. Suddenly, the Chatot emitted a ten-second long screech, more powerful than any I've ever heard (and I'm a construction worker, so I know loud!). Midway through the noise, there was a... tear in the air, and I saw a... thing of squares in midair appear. Suddenly as it had appeared, it disapeared at the end of the screech, but the damage was done. One of the Judges was knocked out from the noise, two audience members were also unconcious, and people were quitting whatever they were doing as fast as they could, trying to get away from the Chatot and its trainer, who were fleeing northward. A few hours later, most of us had regained our senses. Ironically, the winner of the cute contest was an old man and his Whismur, both already deaf."

"That would have been bad enough without a Hydreigon somewhere on the loose... now then... due to yesterday's events, the Hoenn Safari Zone has been closed for repairs and cleaning. Only authorized personel are currently allowed to enter... though that hasn't stopped some trainers from trying."

"I wanted a Xatu, but the Safari Zone was closed. I wasn't going to let some officials stop me, so I sneaked in, only to be kicked out in less than a minute. It turns out I had stepped in some Miltank remains, and led a trail to me... but why did that woman with the black Growlithe get to stay in and not me?"

"Park officials looked all over the Safari Zone, and were unable to confirm the presence of such a woman..."

After seeing the the committing in town, Daniel realizes that something happened with McScurvy and Walker. He quickly runs back to the trick house.

Route 110-Trick House

"How low can we go..." Walker mutters outside, next to a patch of dirt that he is trying to tend. "Going so far as to plant a berry tree during the fall season... and where there wasn't one before, too..."

"Wind in yer sails!" McScurvy calls from a nearby tree.

"You know, it's your fault that we're not having much for dinner... just a couple berries dropped off of Zigzagoon..."

Route 121

Shifting his weight slightly as he listens to the phone, Ian glances at the pair of people.

"Gently inquire with those people, and inform me of anything you get from them. Investigate the matter they spoke of, as well. Tighten security, too. We don't want ANYTHING like this happening again." He says, after thinking for a moment. "And get me a squad to Hoenn. Support might be needed."

"Now then, I have to go have a chat with an apparent imposter..."

And with that, the phone is shut and replaced in Ian's pocket, and the trainer starts towards the person who appears to be Walker.

"Hey, Wanderer. Didn't expect to see you here." He says, waving to the duo while smiling widely.

Route 121

The woman already gone northwards on foot, the man in question turns towards Ian, his Parasect also turning towards him.

"Hello, there," Walker? says. "I don't think we've met... or have we? At the very least, I don't ever recall meeting you, and I know a variety of people and Poke'mon. Tell me... SHOULD I know you?"

After the dust has settled Braz awakens slowly with a stretch and a yawn. It takes him a considerable amount of time to notice that he is not where he was before.

“He-hey Anna, can you fill me in on what’s happened?” Anna’s eye’s glow softly. “. . .But why would I wonder off during a job . . . that house looks nasty . . . heh, Gramor can be funny sometimes . . . a crazy guy really? . . do you know where they’re going . . . y-you mean that Pellipper?” Braz points an accusing finger at the nearby bird pokemon as the dark figure of Gramor saunters into the clearing.

Route 110-Former Departure Location

The Pellipper looks around, and then nods at the group that is gathering. It then takes off, heading east... over a body of water... and towards the ocean...

2011-12-21, 09:03 PM
"Walker, what happened back in town? Did your Chatot hurt some people?"

Eternal Drifter
2012-01-11, 01:58 PM
"Walker, what happened back in town? Did your Chatot hurt some people?"

Route 110-Pre-Dawn

"Oh, hello there... I didn't see you in the darkness..." Walker says, getting off the ground. "I can't say, really... it could have been the noise, or the THING that was summoned when the noise was made. I can't tell.

Despite there being no posts, time will keep ticking...

Inactivity may lead to the big villians succeeding at their goals...

Day 3: Dawn

Route 121- Ian's Location

Simutaniously, the phones of Ian and the mysterious man Walker? rings.

"Warrior Walker, here," the man says, answering his phone. "No, I haven't examined the orbs yet, I was... delayed. What? You mean... That will be all over the news, meaning people will notice! Unforeseen potential complications upon landfall? Oh... I'll return to base straight away... we can discuss potential promotions or demotions when I return..."

Hanging up, the Walker turns to Ian. "Something has happened that requires my urgent attention," he says. "I must go. Mind Master, take both Hunter and I back to base."

The Walker lets out an Alakazam, and the creature teleports both the human and the Parasect away.

Route 110- Northern End

The phone of one of the two trainers watching over the northern entrance rings. "Hello. What? Plans went ahead earlier than expected? That's a surprise. So us two are to start with our operations immediately? Got it. I'll see you at base in less than a week's time."

Hanging up his Poke'gear, one of the two turns to the other. "The orbs were taken before arriving at shore. We not only need to make ourselves scarce, but we need to get going on our missions: sabotage."

"Got it," says the other, heading northward into Mauville City.

"You know the locations?"

"Yes. Let's cause some havoc..."

Route 110-Departure Location of Sage

The Pellipper returns back to Braz, and lands back on the ground. The seabird Poke'mon hops a couple of times, looking at Braz and his group.




"Darryl here in Slateport City, where the three Sinnoh Dragon Orbs were supposed to be coming in this morning. However, last night, all three of them, as well as precautions that would have been taken to avoid their thieft on shore in the Oceanic Museum, were stolen from their ship, and their ship was heavily damaged. Lets go to some of the sailors that were on the ship."

"The captain had said 'Woah," bringing the ship to a halt. A few sailors went up to see him, and they said 'WOAH!' and fled. I checked on the orbs, and I said 'Woah!' when Team Aqua Grunts had not only the orbs but all twenty-seven of the decoy orbs that were going to be in the Museum. You may think that's 'Woah' enough, but there's bigger 'Woah's."

"The grunts were using 'Woah' Poke'mon, fire types and rock types, in addition to their 'WOAH!' Wailord off the side. Then, 'Woah' the intercom came on, with a voice saying that the ship was theirs. A burping sound was going on behind the voice, but I was 'Woah...' tied up at the time."

"I can explain what happened while he was busy below deck. See, I had headed up to check the captain after that questionable announcement. Problem was, when I arrived, I found the captain dead, and a Zweilous and a Hydreigon eating the body. Nearby, a robed man was looking to the sea and making a phone call."

"'My Poke'mon is obeying me,' he said. 'Hydra, on the other hand, is barely listening. It killed the Captain before we were ready, so we can't get the crew to follow orders now. Any suggestions to get it to follow my orders?' At that point, I fled when the Hydreigon looked my way. My Wingull can't handle a level 28, let alone a 98! After I took cover below decks, the man made an announcement over the intercom, saying that they had taken over the ship. Next thing I knew, the crate I was hiding behind blew apart when a meteor hit it and I woke up a couple minutes before we made port."

"The new captain of the ship, here. I had hoped to see the orbs into safety this morning, but the attackers demonstrated otherwise. They came up out of the water by a Wailord, and climbed onto the ship. Well, two remained on the Wailord, a pair of swordsmen, one mounted on one of Unova's Zebstrika, also holding a bright pink orb. I also have the orb here, if anyone is iterested."

"Well, the Grunts and the Sage boarded the ship, and tore apart crate after crate, searching for the Sinnoh Orbs. They took plenty of decoy orbs, stuffing them into bags they carried. I heard discussion among them that they had recieved word from one of their spies that the Orbs would be replaced with decoys in the Museum, so that only one of the true Orbs would be displayed at the time, while two decoys were going to be in place of the originals all the time at the Museum. Well, they took all the Orbs they could find, including taking the real ones they found, though they couldn't seperate them from the decoys at that time."

"I returned above deck, and found the man on the Zebstrika looking around. He saw me, and then had the Zebstrika charge me, swinging his sword at me as the pair zoomed by. 'Kamakazi!' he shouted in one pass, and the next, 'For Ghetsis!' To see a man with such regard for his own life... well, I called out my Quagsire, and eventually, put them to a halt with Mud Shot, but not before the man yelled 'Kamakazi' one last time a blew himself up with an Electrode."

"After that, a Draco Meteor flew from what used to be the Captain's Cabin and knocked out Quagsire, leaving a hole in the deck. Then not one, but TWO Hydreigons flew upward from what was left of the ship. One of them, about to dive the ship, was quickly recalled, while the Grunts quickly took off and under water with their Wailord and loot."

"Everyone knows the story from there: we then managed to sail to Slateport in our condition, though I don't think we will be able to leave anytime soon."

"There you have it. We hope to have more details of what happened in the evening news, and hopefully a lead. Local police are reluctant to press the issue, especially with the powerful Poke'mon seen."

2012-01-11, 08:48 PM
Route 110-Pre-Dawn

"Oh, hello there... I didn't see you in the darkness..." Walker says, getting off the ground. "I can't say, really... it could have been the noise, or the THING that was summoned when the noise was made. I can't tell.

"What noise? What did it summon?". Daniel let's out a huge yawn. "Oh man, am I tired. I should get back to Slateport."

2012-01-12, 08:13 PM
Earlier the previous day...

Kari ignores the two trainers at the front of town, though as she goes she does seem to mentally recognize what they're saying.

The Oddish surprises her, and surprises Vula too. Vula instinctively fires a Heat Wave at it.

(Roll Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12521381&postcount=42))

Kari - Mauville City Pokemon Center, Dawn

Kari watches the television from the lobby couch, Vula curled up and sleeping at her side. The Eevee in her arms also rests quietly, though it seems to toss and turn quite a bit more.

All of this combined with what I saw on the way here... and that crazy man. It's quite a bit too much. And this thing... She looks down at the Eevee with concern. What is this world coming to?

Unable to return to sleep, Kari instead stands and heads out. Vula leaps up to follow her, slightly annoyed by her trainer's restlessness but nevertheless the loyal companion. The two walk to the west, following the directions of a sign pointing towards Verdanturf Town.

2012-01-15, 05:47 AM
Route 110-Pre-DawnRoute 110-Departure Location of Sage

The Pellipper returns back to Braz, and lands back on the ground. The seabird Poke'mon hops a couple of times, looking at Braz and his group.

Braz is knocked out of his daydream, where he thought he had chased after the bird pokemon, by a soft headbutt from one of the Eevees.

Shaking his head “Huh. . .” *realization* “There it is, aft-“ Braz freezes mid stride as a string of memories is fed to him by Anna. “What . . . oh. Um, hi Mr. Bird . . . Why did you decide to come back?”

Eternal Drifter
2012-01-19, 01:12 AM
"What noise? What did it summon?". Daniel let's out a huge yawn. "Oh man, am I tired. I should get back to Slateport."

Slateport City

A few crowds have formed around key locations of the city. A news crew is located around the docks, intervewing various sailors about an event that happened. The Poke'mon Center also appears to be crowded with sailors, mostly moaning about injured Poke'mon and themselves. And in a corner of the Market, a rich-looking man seems to be drinking a brown liquid...

Earlier the previous day...

Kari ignores the two trainers at the front of town, though as she goes she does seem to mentally recognize what they're saying.

The Oddish surprises her, and surprises Vula too. Vula instinctively fires a Heat Wave at it.

(Roll Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12521381&postcount=42))

Kari - Mauville City Pokemon Center, Dawn

Kari watches the television from the lobby couch, Vula curled up and sleeping at her side. The Eevee in her arms also rests quietly, though it seems to toss and turn quite a bit more.

All of this combined with what I saw on the way here... and that crazy man. It's quite a bit too much. And this thing... She looks down at the Eevee with concern. What is this world coming to?

Unable to return to sleep, Kari instead stands and heads out. Vula leaps up to follow her, slightly annoyed by her trainer's restlessness but nevertheless the loyal companion. The two walk to the west, following the directions of a sign pointing towards Verdanturf Town.

Route 110-Previously

Wild Oddish is at critical health!
Wild Oddish was burned!
Wild Oddish fled!

Route 117

There appears to be a gathering on the route...


"Let us get this straight," a Team Magma Grunt says. "You mean Team Aqua struck in the night and got not only the Lustrous Orb, but the other two orbs as well?"


"That is correct," replies the man. "What is even more striking, is that they seem to have used a wider variety of Poke'mon than should have been expected, and to make matters worse, Ghetsis was leading them."

"How do we know you can be trusted?" asks a Team Magma Grunt. "For all we know, you could be lying to us, a possible agent of Team Aqua."

"It's all over the news," the man replies. "I was surprised you hadn't heard it. Did your team suffer budget cuts since the awakening of the Hoenn Legends? That would explain why you didn't recieve word."

"...You have no idea." growls a Grunt.

"If you want to compete with Team Aqua better, you might want to find a few methods to make money for improvements. You especially need to work on your Team's computer security, Brutus; it took only fifteen minutes next to a computer for me to learn the names of all of your commanders and your plans to steal the Orb tonight after it reached port today."

"What?" calls the leader of the group, the supposed Grunt in front. "You hacked into our system? You'll pay dearly for that! Get him, men!"

"What? No, don't attack! I can give you more information! I can be of some use!"

Team Magma Grunt sent out Mightyena! (Level 28, Male)
Team Magma Grunt sent out Mightyena! (Level 26, Male)
Team Magma Grunt sent out Golbat! (Level 30, Male)
Team Magma Admin Brutus sent out Camerupt! (Level 35, Male)

"Er... is anyone willing to help?"

Braz is knocked out of his daydream, where he thought he had chased after the bird pokemon, by a soft headbutt from one of the Eevees.

Shaking his head “Huh. . .” *realization* “There it is, aft-“ Braz freezes mid stride as a string of memories is fed to him by Anna. “What . . . oh. Um, hi Mr. Bird . . . Why did you decide to come back?”

Route 110

The Pelipper hops up and down a couple times, then flies to the east towards the ocean, but lands on a rock close to the shore, turning to look towards Braz and his Poke'mon.

"Pelipper?" it asks. (Translation: You coming?)

2012-01-19, 01:33 AM
(I would have wanted that Oddish, but in the interest of time I figure this is better. There will always be more Wild Pokemon.)

Kari - Route 117

Kari recognizes trouble when she sees it. At first she considers walking right by, but the fight generates too much attention for her to just ignore. Rushing forward, Kari nods to Vula, who jumps up and knocks a Pokeball off her belt. The ball rolls to a stop and releases a Quagsire, jumping forward with its signature call. "Vula, Heat Wave! Woop, Water Gun the Camerupt!"

The Vulpix runs forward and unleashes its Heat Wave. Trained specifically for battle against multiple enemies, it aims it perfectly at both Mightyenas and the Golbat. The Quagsire, meanwhile, focuses on attracting the attention of the Camerupt, shooting a jet of water at its face.

Vula used Heat Wave! [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
Woop used Water Gun! [roll3]

Kari holds the Eevee in her arms, afraid of what it might do in battle and not sure if she can control it. Nevertheless, the sounds of fighting cause it to being to stir, and it pokes it head out of her arms, snarling as if it wants to join the fight.

Eternal Drifter
2012-02-03, 05:41 PM

Route 117

"Thank Arceus!" the man calls. "At least I won't need to stand alone! Haunter, go!"

The trainer sends out a Haunter, which seems to have a lot of technology attached to it.

"We have company, men!" yells Magma Admin Brutus. "Get them too! Camerupt, Protect!"

Foe Camerupt protected itself!

The Admin and the Camerupt are suddenly surrounded by a transparent green sphere, and then it disapears as the Grunts make their moves.

"Mightyena! Bite that Quagsire!"

"Follow his lead, Mightyena!"

"Golbat! Get back here!"

Foe Mightyena is hit with Heat Wave! Foe Mightyena is still strong! (Level 28: 65% health)
Foe Mightyena is hit with Heat Wave! Foe Mightyena is at moderate health! (Level 26: 49% health)
Foe Golbat used U-Turn on Quagsire! [roll0]
Foe Golbat returned to Team Magma Grunt.
Team Magma Grunt sent out Litwick! (Level 20, Male)
Foe Litwick's Flash Fire powered up its fire-type attacks!

"Litwick?" inquires one of the Grunts.

"Got it a couple weeks ago," replies the Grunt. "A trainer must have released it on Mt. Pyre. One's loss is another's gain!

Bite attacks: [roll1], [roll2] (100% Accuracy)

Foe Camerupt protected itself from Water Gun!

"Haunter, use-"

*Ring, Ring, Ring Ring Ring Ring (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll3MPBXxqpQ&feature=related)*

"Now of all times?!? Put it on hold..."

Ace Trainer ??? lost his focus and didn't act!
Haunter waited for an order that didn't come!

"Now that they're on hold, let's get to it!"

2012-02-19, 06:53 PM
Kari - Route 117

The bites dig into Woop, but he resists the damage, shrugging it off enough to continue pressing the attack.

"Vula, cover with Protect! Woop, keep on the pressure with a Mud Bomb!"

Vula moves in front of the two and creates a green shield in front of them, blocking off both Woop and Haunter from the attacks of the others. Woop, meanwhile, aims for the mostly beaten Mighteyena and flings an orb of mud towards it. The orb flies over Vula's shield at the Mighteyena.

Vula uses Protect!
Woop uses Mud Bomb! [roll0] (Accuracy: 85%)

Eternal Drifter
2012-02-20, 05:56 PM
Route 117-Kari

The ball of mud strikes true, hitting the mostly-weakened Mightyena as it moves to attack again, bringing it down.

Foe Mightyena fainted!

"Weak..." says one of the grunts, before recieving an elbow to the ribs from another of the nearby grunts.

"You think you can do better?" asks the grunt whose Mightyena fainted. "Use your own Poke'mon! I'm useless without Poke'mon, so I'll see you back at base!"

"Er... right!"

Team Magma Grunt was defeated!
Team Magma Grunt fled!
Team Magma Grunt entered battle!
Team Magma Grunt sent out Mightyena! (Level 27, Male, ???)

"Get fighting, men!" calls Brutus, pointing at Woop. "Bring that Quagsire down! Camerupt, use Focus Energy!"

Foe Camerupt used Focus Energy!
Foe Camerupt is getting pumped!
Foe Mightyena used Bite at Woop! [roll0] (100% accuracy)
Foe Litwick used Shadow Ball at Woop! [roll1] (100% accuracy)
Foe Mightyena became cloaked in a dark cloud! (The level 27 one)

(Grunts remaining: 5, leader remains)

"Haunter, take out the head!" calls the Ace Trainer. "Hypnosis!"

Ally Haunter used Hypnosis at Brutus! [roll2]

"Wha-" stammers Brutus, before he falls to the ground asleep.

2012-02-20, 07:55 PM
Kari - Route 117

Vula does a good job blocking the attacks aimed at Woop, putting her shield in the way of the shadowy orb and preventing the Mightyena from reaching Woop.

"Alright, good job! Now-" The Eevee in her arms leaps forward and charges, Kari reaching outwards to try to grab it as it goes. "H-hey! Um, Vula, Woop, switch off!"

Vula's shield fades away as she fires a line of fire at the Mightyena that just tried to attack her teammate, her flames moving almost instantly as the shield comes down. Woop, meanwhile, rushes towards the other enemy Pokemon. Just as it nears them, however, it puts up a similar shield to Vula's, road-blocking the path.

The Eevee, meanwhile, rushes forward and bashes head-first into the Litwick, its own body covered in shadows as it hits the target.

Woop used Protect! [roll0] (Accuracy: 100%)
Vula used Flamethrower at Mightyena (lv. 28)! [roll1] (Accuracy: 100%)
Eevee used Shadow Rush! [roll2] (Accuracy: 100%)

Eternal Drifter
2012-02-29, 03:30 PM
Route 117-Kari

(Brutus sleeping) [roll0]

"Stranger," calls the Ace Trainer, "The wider the Protect, the weaker it is. Keep that in mind! Haunter, Protect!"

Ally Haunter improvised Protect!
But it failed!

"Oh, right... you don't know how to Protect, do you?"

The foe Camerupt, its master still asleep or waking up, takes matters into its own paws.

Foe Camerupt used Protect!
Foe Camerupt protected itself!

"That's no good, says a nearby grunt, noding at the Camerupt. "At least it protected the boss last time."

"Send out a Poke'mon," calls a battling grunt, "Or keep quiet!"

Foe Litwick is hit with Shadow Rush!
It's super effective! Foe Litwick is still strong! (75% of health)
Foe Mightyena is hit with Flamethrower!
Foe Mightyena is moderately wounded! (Level 28, 35% of health)

"Attack formation!" calls one of the grunts. "A protect that wide should be weak to break!"

"Mightyena, bite!"

"Follow his lead!"

"Litwick, target that Eevee with Flame Burst!"

Foe Mightyena disobeyed orders!
Foe Mightyena started howling?

With an earsplitting howl, one Mightyena becomes cloaked in is a shadowy cloud, which then flies across the field away from the Mightyena, hitting all in its path.

Foe Mightyena used Shadow Half!
Foe Camerupt protected itself!
Foe Litwick is hit! Foe Litwick is moderately wounded! (37% health)
Foe Mightyena is hit! Foe Mightyena is at critical health! (Level 28, 18% health)
Foe Mightyena is hit with recoil! Foe Mightyena is moderately wounded! (Level 27, 50% health)

"Wait, what was- this is going to hurt..."

Foe Team Magma Grunt is hit! Foe Team Magma Grunt is moderately wounded!
Foe Team Magma Grunt is hit! Foe Team Magma Grunt is moderately wounded!
Foe Team Magma Grunt is hit! Foe Team Magma Grunt is moderately wounded!
Foe Team Magma Grunt is hit! Foe Team Magma Grunt is moderately wounded!
Foe Team Magma Grunt is hit! Foe Team Magma Grunt is moderately wounded!
Foe Team Magma Admin Brutus is hit! Foe Team Magma Admin Brutus is moderately wounded!
Ally Ace Trainer ??? is hit! Ally Ace Trainer ??? is moderately wounded!
Ally Haunter is hit! Ally Haunter is moderately wounded!
(50% health each)

(Eevee is in front of Woop, meaning Woop can easily protect it. Woop can also more easily protect self. Vula is behind Woop some, so more difficult to protect them, and Kari is behind Vula, making her the most difficult to protect. If the protect fails at one stage (anything but a 1), it will also fail at the later stages.

Protect can be used to protect the user and perhaps one other (usually the trainer, or their young if wild) from harm, but expanding it farther makes is weaker and more likely to break.)

[roll1] (Woop's Protect on self)
[roll2] (Woop's Protect on Eevee)
[roll3] (Woop's Protect on Vula)
[roll4] (Woop's Protect on Kari)

Woop protected himself!
Woop managed to protect Eevee!
Woop's Protect broke at Vula!
Vula is hit! Vula is moderately wounded! (50% health)
Kari is hit! Kari is moderately wounded! (50% health)

Eternal Drifter
2012-02-29, 07:39 PM

Thomas wakes up in a cell, the last thing seen before going to sleep was a high-level Parasect getting the drop on him with a Spore attack. The cell has a bed, a sink, and a toilet in an attached room. There is a table near the metal door, which has a metal flap towards the center of the door, and the door has several small windows in it, one of which shows an Audino standing outside the door (Level 33, Male, Normal).

Thomas still has all of his equipment and Poke'mon. There is a deck of cards on the table, along with a plate of food.

Lord Hakura
2012-03-01, 12:04 AM
Thomas stands, rubbing his head to clear the last of the sleep from it. Tossing a Pokeball out, he releases Tryen. who looks around and growls at the Audino. Ignoring the food on the table for now, Thomas Looks at Tryen:
Charge, then Charge beam on the door!
Static crackles over Tryen's fur, then launches in an explosive beam of light, hitting the door directly.
Not sure if this is nesscary, but here it is anyway:
Charge: [roll0]
Charge beam [roll1]

Eternal Drifter
2012-03-07, 11:14 AM
Hoenn- Afternoon

???- Thomas

The bolt of electricity hits the door squarely, but the door absorbs the electricity, leaving no real scratches on it.

You start hearing the ringing of a bell outside the cell, which has the Audino outside it looking around worriedly, looking like its preparing to fight something.

Route 117- Kari

Brutus's nap: [roll0]
Foe Team Magma Admin Brutus is fast asleep...

"What. Just. Happened?" asks a Team Magma Grunt.

"I've never seen a Mightyena do that before..." says another.

"It's supposed to be a secret project," replies the Grunt commanding the Mightyena in question. "But the secret is out of the bag now..."

"Do we have any medical supplies?" asks a nearby Grunt.

"Something is wrong... Haunter, put that trainer asleep!" calls the Ace Trainer.

Ally Haunter used Hypnosis at Team Magma Grunt! [roll1] (60% accuracy)
Ally Haunter's attack missed!

"Where did I put that aura detector..."

2012-03-09, 04:18 PM
Kari - Route 117

Kari is thrown backwards by the Mightyena's attack. Woop and Vula turn to her with concern, but she waves them off. "I'm...fine..." Wincing, she stands and pulls out a Pokeball. "You're too hurt, Woop, and I can't risk you getting injured by that...thing. Vula, run some interference and keep that Eevee safe." Woop nods, and accepts the beam of light that strikes him, returning him to the safety of his Pokeball. Vula, meanwhile, turns to fight, moving forward and unleashing another wave of flame, this time only at the Mightyenas and mostly to act as a distraction.

Kari moves to the Ace Trainer. "What is wrong with that Mightyena? It looks like it's in pain, like it's gripped with darkness or something..."

Eevee continues to fight, attacking the Litwick with dangerous ferocity.

Vula used Heat Wave on the Mightyenas! (Accuracy: 90%)
Mightyena (Lv. 28): [roll0]
Shadow Mightyena (Lv. 27+): [roll1]
Eevee used Shadow Rush! (Accuracy: 100%) [roll2]

Lord Hakura
2012-03-09, 07:44 PM
Thomas looks around at the sudden noise, and then turns to tryen
"What can you see boy"
Luxray can see through solid objects, so tryen can ses whats going on

Eternal Drifter
2012-03-12, 07:19 PM
Route 117-Kari

Brutus woke up!

"Ugh... what happened... did you get them yet?"

"Let me see..." the Ace Trainer says, pulling out a pair of goggles with several mechanical devices attached. "One of your men's Poke'mon used a move that shouldn't be possible, heavily damaging everyone in the area. While it looked clear enough when it was sent out, when it attacked, it became cloaked in a shadowy cloud of sorts. I think I know what's going on, but I want to make sure..."

The Ace Trainer pulls the goggles to his eyes and fiddles with one of the knobs.

"Cypher? Here? That's no normal Poke'mon... someone's turned- wait... this is odd... both the Mightyena and the Eevee are Shadow Poke'mon, though the Eevee's shadow aura is less right now..."

"Cypher?" replies the Grunt commanding the Mightyena. "No. It's one of Magma's new projects, mimicing-"

"No," interrupts Brutus, getting to his feet.

"No?" asks the Grunt, looking back at Brutus.

"No," repeats Brutus. "You say that our boss permitted such a thing, a Shadow Poke'mon project, following in Cypher's footsteps. While I may not know the news of the world, I know for a fact that WE HAVE NO SHADOW POKE'MON PROJECT! CAMERUPT!"

Foe Litwick is hit with Shadow Rush!
Foe Litwick is at critical health! (25% health)
Foe Mightyena is hit with Heat Wave!
Foe Mightyena is at critical health! (Level 28, 20% health)
Foe Shadow Mightyena is hit with Heat Wave!
Foe Shadow Mightyena is moderately wounded! (41% health)

"FLAME CHARGE!" yells Brutus.

Foe Camerupt used Flame Charge at foe Shadow Mightyena!
Foe Camerupt's speed rose!

"Uh, oh..." says the Grunt with the Mightyena.

"Haunter, get him! Hypnosis!" calls the Ace Trainer.

Ally Haunter used Hypnosis at foe Team Magma Grunt?!

"I'll deal with this spy in our mist! The rest of you, forget the girl! Catch that informative man!"


Foe Mightyena used Thief at ally Haunter! 1d100
Foe Litwick used Flame Burst at ally Haunter! [/roll]1d100[/roll]
Ally Haunter fainted!
Foe Mightyena stole ally Haunter's gear!

"Forget the mission... Mightyena, Shadow Break..." says the Grunt, falling asleep.

Foe Team Magma Grunt? fell asleep!
Foe Shadow Mightyena used Shadow Break at foe Camerupt! [roll2]
It's super effective!

???- Thomas

Outside Thomas's cell, there is an Audino looking around worriedly waiting for something to occur. Beyond the Audino is a solid wall about seven feet away from the door, which has a thick layer of metal before hitting rock.


In a few moments, the Audino is joined by three Team Plasma Grunts and seven other Audinos, which fill the hallway around Thomas's cell.


"All right, all right..." says one of the Grunts. "So, first, did you set off the 'Prisoner Escaping' alarm?"

"Aud," replies the Audino that was originally outside Thomas's cell.

"Then did your partner?"



"Aud, Audino Aud Aud!"

"We have got to get ourselves a translator... all right, we have to check the other prisoner, and our friend here seems to have misplaced his partner. You and you, you two are to stay here with this Audino. The rest of us will go and check out the other one. Remember, if one of you disapears, the boss wants an alert out ASAP. And if the prisoner gets out, what do you do?"

One of the Grunts (one of the two that was chosen to guard) replies, "Get a jolt of electricity to the alarm box, setting off the alarm. Why else do you think so many Audinos here know Thunderwave?"

"All right. Just remember: screw up bigtime, and when Hydra get's off its diet... you'll be the main course. All right, let's move! Oh, and I'll be sending a couple chairs your way shortly."

With that, most of the large group takes off, leaving behind two Audinos (one of which was there from before) and a Team Plasma Grunt.


"I would rather be in combat training too... or at the least, figure out what the bosses' meeting is about... but here we are on guard duty. Do either of you have cards? ...Thought not..."

Lord Hakura
2012-03-26, 07:40 PM
sorry about the delay in posting, sorta forgot about this thread... I'll edit to reformat properly once I'm on a computer,.not a 'droid

Thomas picks up the cards, and leans over to the cell door. Speaking through the grille:
Fancy a game? You might be able to explain why I'm here while we play, hmm?

Eternal Drifter
2012-03-29, 11:20 PM
sorry about the delay in posting, sorta forgot about this thread... I'll edit to reformat properly once I'm on a computer,.not a 'droid

Thomas picks up the cards, and leans over to the cell door. Speaking through the grille:
Fancy a game? You might be able to explain why I'm here while we play, hmm?

Hoenn: Night 3: Evening

???- Thomas

"Oh, you're up," says the grunt. "Cards? I think we'd like a game. We just need the chairs to arrive before we get started. Of course, you have a chair in there, right?"

The grunt takes the deck through the slot in the middle of the door, and looks around as the alarm stops. "They solved the problem, I see... well, I suppose I can tell you a little information. See, you're in Team Eternity's headquarters, beneath-"

"Aud!" calls one of the Audinos, flashing a warning glance.

"Oh, right, we're not supposed to say where Eternity's headquarters are, especially not in front of outsiders... well, I can say that you are still in Hoenn, but don't bother with phones: the sages and the head warriors have the place wired to block all outgoing and incoming calls. As to why you were taken, one of the warriors wanted the prison tested, to see for flaws, and another... well, if I recall correctly, it was said that you were attacked by Argravo's Parasect to catch you."

At this point, a couple Audinos come down the hallway with three chairs and a small table. They quickly glare at the grunt, one of them making a "zip it!" motion over their own mouth, and then take off down the hallway, before another Audino, a special one, comes down in their place.


(Level 95, Male)

"Oh... hello, Butler," mutters the Grunt.

The purple Audino, Butler, pulls out a notepad and pen, and writes down something quickly before passing it to the Grunt.

"The other one secure? All right... meeting over? Promotion for the active group? Lucky... and the orb-"

"Aud..." growls Butler in warning, with a slight cackling of electricity in the air around him.

"Silence? All right, all right... we'll let you know if anything happens."

"Aud!" says the Audino, before stomping off down the hallway.

Route 117-Kari

"Haunter, you did well," calls the Ace Trainer, withdrawing his fainted Haunter. "At least you still have- wait a minute... oh dear..."

Foe Camerupt used Flame Charge at foe Shadow Mightyena!
Foe Shadow Mightyena fainted!
Foe Camerupt's speed rose!
Foe Camerupt used Flame Charge at foe Litwick!
Foe Litwick's Flash Fire increase the power of fire-type moves!

"Well done, Camerupt!" calls Brutus, grinning evily. "We have the spy unconcious, thanks to our opponent, and his Shadow Poke'mon knocked out. And well done, men! We appear to have something valuable to our opponent, too!"

"Keep at them, sir?" asks a Grunt.

"Keep at it!" replies Brutus. "I want this spy tied up and tight, so let's get you two who aren't battling to do it. And while taking him away, take away that... what is that thing?" he finishes, looking at the device that his ally Mightyena is holding.

"Classified," replies the Ace Trainer. "But if you don't give it back, you could face more problems than just Team Aqua. Or whoever is playing us all."

"Don't make me have my next Poke'mon use its full power... Slaking, go!"

Ally Ace Trainer sent out Slaking! (Level 43, Male, ???)

For Kari:
Something is... off with this Slaking. It has a white aura that slowly fluncuates somewhat. Something is off with this Poke'mon, but it is not a Shadow Poke'mon.

Evening News


"This is Valerie of the Poke'mon News Network, while our friend, Darryl, is still in Slateport in Hoenn, where he has found a couple of interesting stories."


"Darryl here, reporting live in Slateport City. It appears earlier today a raid was made on the Slateport marketplace, resulting in the arrest of five individuals on regards to wielding illegal substances. One of those arrested was the museum curator, who had lost a vital exibit this morning."

"Thank you, Darryl. We now turn to another event in Hoenn, to the other port city of the region, Lilycove. Team Aqua, apparently celebrating their successful thieft of the Sinnoh Dragon Orbs, held battles against each other in the open streets of the city. Athorities have been unable to pin any blame on any single Team Aqua Grunt or Admin, but investigations are underway...