View Full Version : Ptolus 2.0

2011-10-25, 07:49 PM
Okay Fellas heres whats going down. I'm running another Ptolus campaign that's mystery/horror based. It's going to be pretty light on combat but not too light it gets boring. You're going to need to be some sort of investigator/bountyhunter/cop type character. Doesnt matter if youre working for the watch or the inverted pyramid or a crime league. Althought the watch and the crime leagues working together are unlikely. Try not to be stuck to to strict of a regiment like the city guard because it will extreamly limit who you can work with and when you can work if you have to be on your post for most of the day.

For the crunch I'm thinking
~5d6b3 7 times (3 sets pick the best one)
~Level 4
~All books are allowed unless I dont have them or deem then rediculous (I'm talking to you Spell Compendium and Tome of Magic). I would like you to keep your character to a 4 book maximum. (excluding PHB and DMG)
I am fine with Tome of Battle on one condition, either everyone uses it or no one uses it. I know at least two of you are interested in it so if you're bent on using it make sure everyone is.
~Max Health at every level
~One last thing, Instead of the normal times to get feats youre going to get 1 feat on every odd numbered level. 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19 (for those of you who can't count)

Once we get some character ideas flowing I'll start revealing more of the plot. All you know for now is that Ptolus has had an enormous amount of brutal murders over the last few months and you have gotten a letter from the head of the city watch to come to a private meeting to help solve this problem.

Have fun Mates.

2011-10-25, 08:10 PM
Set 1:


Set 2:


Set 3:


2011-10-25, 08:17 PM
Ok soooo... let's do some math

Set 1:
(5d6b3)[3][1][5][6][5](20) = 16
(5d6b3)[5][1][5][1][5](17) = 15
(5d6b3)[3][6][1][5][1](16) = 14
(5d6b3)[6][6][6][3][3](24) = 18
(5d6b3)[4][4][5][3][6](22) = 15
(5d6b3)[5][1][3][1][6](16) = 14
(5d6b3)[6][2][2][3][4](17) = 13

Set 2:
(5d6b3)[5][5][5][4][1](20) = 15
(5d6b3)[3][2][2][6][3](16) = 12
(5d6b3)[5][3][4][4][2](18) = 13
(5d6b3)[6][4][1][4][2](17) = 14
(5d6b3)[5][4][4][4][4](21) = 13
(5d6b3)[5][6][3][2][6](22) = 17
(5d6b3)[4][4][5][1][6](20) = 15

Set 3:
(5d6b3)[2][4][6][5][4](21) = 15
(5d6b3)[6][5][2][4][2](19) = 15
(5d6b3)[2][1][3][6][6](18) = 15
(5d6b3)[2][6][3][6][2](19) = 15
(5d6b3)[4][1][1][6][4](16) = 14
(5d6b3)[5][4][6][4][4](23) = 15
(5d6b3)[5][2][3][2][6](18) = 14

2011-10-25, 10:01 PM
Rolls screwed up, redoing them.

And sure I will use the Tome of Battle some how. I'll get more up here as I look at these rolls and that book.

2011-10-25, 10:08 PM
Set 2:
Set 3:

2011-10-25, 10:53 PM
Also we will be using Taint rules from Heroes of Horror. Make sure to know them. Fair warning this campaign will have a fair share of permenent diseases and possibly some possessions. just fyi

2011-10-25, 11:12 PM
Possessions? Like, as in, a ghost possesses us? :smallconfused:

Also, thinking swordsage//fighter, or something along those lines. Also thinking the Litorian race from Ptolus. Overall, probably a bounty hunter of some kind.

And Pat mentioned he would like to play a Crusader, so Gmatt, are you ok with Warblade?

2011-10-26, 07:55 AM
Yes like literally some sort of netherworldly creature becoming ethereal and possessing someone. Not necessarily you guys, but someone at least once. Think of this campaign as a badass dnd version of Supernatural.

2011-10-26, 09:09 AM
you sold GMatt at Supernatural

2011-10-26, 06:58 PM
Warblade/Cleric of Pelor? I'd like to believe I'm one of the Priests that works behind the scenes to insure that evil doesn't rise up and take the city once more.

2011-10-26, 07:45 PM

Is this ok to take? It just combines the twf feats to make it so you can do other stuff with your feats. I wanna dual wield short swords... but I just cant justify taking soo many feats while leveling to make it feasible, especially because I'd like to have the option to use the feats for things that aren't necessarily combat only.

Edit: Ugh, didn't think about that fact that getting +1 on each weapon would cost so much, looks like masterwork for now lol

Also, prolly wont take the master inquisitive prc you were talking about, but I think i'll take justiciar when I can


Warblade/Cleric of Pelor? I'd like to believe I'm one of the Priests that works behind the scenes to insure that evil doesn't rise up and take the city once more.

Are you referring to our campaign from last year? Or just in general? Cuz if you're referring to last year, it wasn't evil that rose up, it was chaos. :smallbiggrin:

2011-10-27, 07:08 PM
I'm gonna say no on that B-ry because I''m already making it so you get more feats. On an average game though i think that would work out though.

2011-10-28, 10:06 AM
Kayha Trale (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341053)

Still working on her. Need to decide between a rapier +1 or a mace +1 and then other equipment stuff.

2011-10-28, 02:52 PM
Kayha Trale (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341053)

Still working on her. Need to decide between a rapier +1 or a mace +1 and then other equipment stuff.

Lol clever way to get around the whole taint thing

2011-10-28, 02:59 PM
I would have done the same thing, taint is crazy.

2011-10-29, 10:37 AM
It makes perfect sense for her character too. I still have no idea where I am going with her, everything is just so randomly thrown together. If anyone has a suggestion, go for it but for now I think she's done except equipment.

2011-10-29, 12:44 PM
Well hopefull your third companion will post soon I'd like to get this underway while the ideas are still flowing through my head.

2011-10-29, 03:43 PM
I talked to him today he said he's focusing on Rift right now so he doesn't have much time to post. He said we can start without him, if you wanted.

2011-10-29, 09:58 PM
Really? No legit, are you serious?

2011-10-29, 11:04 PM
Really? No legit, are you serious?

Yes, take that as you will.

2011-10-30, 05:11 AM
..... Oh Patriclese. Yeah we can start without him, let me know when you characters are 100% done then we'll start.