View Full Version : Timeless Body power

2011-10-26, 12:16 PM
This power seems cool and like it should be powerful but, try as I might, I cannot imagine how. I can't imagine its useful to turn invulnerable and just stand around for a round thinking how awesome you are for being invulnerable.

I suppose you could use it to run away if you know you were in over your head, but anything that would want to kill you can probably chase you down easily, since you could only use one move action per turn - then they can just wait on you to run out of PP from manifesting a 9th level power every round or ready an action to attack when you cast it again, which would hit you in the window between manifestations.

It's a standard action, so you can't really use it to protect yourself in response to a potentially devastating attack. You explicitly cannot quicken it and it cannot be augmented. Are there any real practical uses for it?

2011-10-26, 12:22 PM
Well, you could quicken other powers alongside it. And I'm sure there are other more creative uses, too. Is it persistable in any way?

2011-10-26, 12:26 PM
Standard action to manifest, so you could manifest it and then walk across the battlefield to a better position without worrying at all about attacks of opportunity. I imagine it would allow you to bypass something like Blade Barrier as well.

2011-10-26, 12:28 PM
Well, you could quicken other powers alongside it. And I'm sure there are other more creative uses, too. Is it persistable in any way?

Some kind of crazy reverse spell-to-power?
I think that, if you persisted it somehow, while your character would be totally immune to everything, the player would still be subject to damage.

Standard action to manifest, so you could manifest it and then walk across the battlefield to a better position without worrying at all about attacks of opportunity. I imagine it would allow you to bypass something like Blade Barrier as well.

Hm. Perhaps...

1) Take Combat Reflexes -> Robilar's Gambit.
2) Manifest Timeless Body.
3) Insult someone at the tavern.
4) Repeat steps two and three until satisfied.

2011-10-26, 12:34 PM
Yes, it is possible to get the power up constantly through shenanigans. It's also possible (and far easier) to just Extend the power, and alternate between manifesting it and blowing stuff up.

2011-10-26, 01:32 PM
It says it ends at the end of your next turn - this sounds to me like you get a full turn of actions while invincible.

But yeah, it's primary purpose seems to be letting you move around while invincible, or withstand something big and painful you know to be coming (e.g. dragonbreath, or leaping off a cliff.) Feel free to hum the star theme from Mario.

2011-10-26, 01:47 PM
If I remember correctly, you can still manifest other stuff if you have Schism up at the same time, so thats one way to do it.

However, even without tricks, its good for surviving those situations where nasty stuff is about to happen and you just need to coast through it. Falling ceiling trap about to go off, Prismatic dragon got his breath attack back, trapped fighting something outside your paygrade solo when your allies are 5 rounds away, etc.

2011-10-26, 02:27 PM
It says it ends at the end of your next turn

.... Oh.

Why did I read this over and over as "beginning"?

2011-10-26, 02:34 PM
I thought their was a persistant power metapsionic feat somewhere, might as well persist it. I can't remember what book its from, and have ever used it, bbut the idea of looking has struck me before. Most of my time using Timeless body has been for "screw the enviromental hazards section, I'm falling from orbit while immersed a combination of sulfiric acid and lava, while on fire, and perfectly alive after all of that."

2011-10-26, 02:42 PM
I thought their was a persistant power metapsionic feat somewhere, might as well persist it. I can't remember what book its from, and have ever used it, bbut the idea of looking has struck me before. Most of my time using Timeless body has been for "screw the enviromental hazards section, I'm falling from orbit while immersed a combination of sulfiric acid and lava, while on fire, and perfectly alive after all of that."

It's in Hyperconscious, so may not be allowed at your table. You'll also need a pretty hefty ML to use it, as it raises the cost by 12.

2011-10-26, 02:53 PM
Font of Power (Metamind 10) + Timeless Body + Temporal Reiteration

Alternatively, if Temporal Reiteration doesn't work with Timeless Body...

Font of Power + Timeless Body + Overchannel (Feat) + Linked Power (Feat).

Metamind is kinda sucky though.