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View Full Version : Good music for a campaign finale?

2011-10-26, 12:27 PM
Exactly what it sounds like. I'm running what'll probably be the last session of my campaign tonight, complete with climactic, apocalyptic showdown, and I want some good background music. Ideas?

2011-10-26, 12:34 PM
The Mod Wonder: I merged the two threads, thus the apparent double post.

2011-10-26, 12:38 PM
Battle: Los Angeles had a SWEET main theme that feels very last-effort/final stand like. Just play the whole soundtrack for effect.

ES Posthumus. It's the answer to life. (Look 'em up on youtube, especially: Unstoppable, Pompeii, and Kuvera, to just name a few) These are the lads who made the NFL theme. Other Trailer Music men might work (Immediate Music, X-Ray Dog, Pfiefer Bros., etc.) too, but ES Posthumus (RIP) is the best.

Lord of the Rings might be applicable...

If you're going sad, a little-appreciate composition is the soundtrack to "We Were Soldiers...", which had a truly sobering score. Bonus points if you've seen the movie.

Kol Korran
2011-10-26, 12:49 PM
huh... i just recently posted a thread about music for my final session...

anyway, i've compiled a few playlist on you tube for different kind of battles, with the general "epic" mind frame. check them out, choose what you like...

final battle, strong, uplifting, inspiring. (http://www.youtube.com/user/kolkorran#grid/user/28C0D9F897841003) my favorite.
good, long, fast epic battle music (http://www.youtube.com/user/kolkorran#grid/user/EE4EA1159835732D)
strong opening. more desperate, a bit sad. has quite a bit of singing (http://www.youtube.com/user/kolkorran#grid/user/EB2B42E88553E55A)
gloomy, darker, but ends uplifting (http://www.youtube.com/user/kolkorran#grid/user/EEC33B24F6F7A7F5)
creepy, freaky, horror (http://www.youtube.com/user/kolkorran#grid/user/A541805311B05F75) (not sure you'll need it, but just in case.

i hope this helps,
Kol. :smallsmile:

2011-10-26, 12:49 PM
I make sure to plug Homestuck in every music thread, but this time I actually have a specific suggestion! (http://homestuck.bandcamp.com/track/cascade)

2011-10-26, 12:51 PM
Exactly what it sounds like. I'm running what'll probably be the last session of my campaign tonight, complete with climactic, apocalyptic showdown, and I want some good background music. Ideas?

Anything by Immediate Music or Two Steps to Hell is epicly epic.

2011-10-26, 09:40 PM
Requiem for a Dream. Always and forever.

Also, John Williams, Duel of Fates. Or just about anything he does, really, but Duel of Fates works well for the climactic battle with the BBEG.

2011-10-26, 11:09 PM
Requiem for a Dream. Always and forever.

YES!:smallbiggrin: Note: your players may act... unusually.. due to higher levels of adrenaline and epic reflexes. Or, they'll do what I did, and totally flip out during the entire song, concentrating on the single epic action they're going to do, forgetting to actually do it until the spell song is over.

2011-10-26, 11:15 PM
I second Two Steps, specifically Heart of Courage. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koA9PWJsb0)

2011-10-27, 01:23 AM
Oh, and there's also this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCO3hTCRFYc), this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnhjJJwkZhk) and this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V7aUT13qtM). And anything else from that show. Also, I am not responsible for spontaneous nosebleeds, shouting of war cries or the sudden manifestation of giant robots powered by pure awesome.

2011-10-27, 04:29 AM
Oh, and there's also this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCO3hTCRFYc), this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnhjJJwkZhk) and this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V7aUT13qtM). And anything else from that show. Also, I am not responsible for spontaneous nosebleeds, shouting of war cries or the sudden manifestation of giant robots powered by pure awesome.

You forgot one. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O9lFQxqcTk)

2011-10-27, 06:40 AM
You forgot one. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O9lFQxqcTk)
Well, I did say "and anything else from that show" as well. I just picked the big three.

2011-10-27, 08:58 AM
I make sure to plug Homestuck in every music thread, but this time I actually have a specific suggestion! (http://homestuck.bandcamp.com/track/cascade)
The Homestuck CDs are a surprisingly good source for session music.

That said, I've always had a soft spot for Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3e2GwpZ7ug) :smallcool:

2011-10-27, 09:01 AM
Also, this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znx2BwdFLcg) Basically the best, "See them apples, BBEG? Them apples you thought were all yours? Them apples are the apples that you lost to," music out there.

And really, most of the stuff from FLCL's soundtracks. Look it up, it's all online, and it's good music even if you don't end up using it.

The Homestuck CDs are a surprisingly good source for session music.

Which makes sense, because it's ostensibly about kids playing an RPG.

2011-10-30, 07:57 PM
Sorry I'm a little late to the thread, but I thought I'd post anyway:

Definitely Fanfare for the Common Man by Aaron Copeland. It's a little cliche for this sort of thing, but I really think it's a timeless classic.


2011-10-30, 10:53 PM
IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN CAMPAIGN SESSION! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw&ob=av3e)

2011-11-01, 10:17 AM
Sorry I'm a little late to the thread, but I thought I'd post anyway:

Definitely Fanfare for the Common Man by Aaron Copeland. It's a little cliche for this sort of thing, but I really think it's a timeless classic.


Not late at all. We didn't finish last week, so the Actual Last Session 4 RealzTM is tomorrow.

I was considering Saint-Saens' Danse Macabre (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csJJIp7jCYA), seeing as that's the name of the campaign. I'd definitely like to use it somewhere in there, but I'm not sure where the best place is, and I don't think I want it on loop all evening.

For reference, it's SilverClawShift's horror campaign we're playing, although I've utterly failed at creating a horror atmosphere, and it's playing like any other D&D game.

The Boz
2011-11-01, 10:54 AM
Requiem for a Dream. Always and forever.

If I have a fight with the BBEG with Lux Aeterna in the background one more time, I think I might flip out and kill someone IRL.

Most epic campaign ending fight was against a horde of high-level undead and their evil necromancer cleric cabal. We stormed their marshes (the scene of an ancient battle between two kingdoms) while riding various flying mounts (or just plain flying ourselves), and escorted by several griffon-riding heroes (with a hawt paladin chick in charge). The background? I really hope you guessed it by now. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGBDWER-wUI)

2011-11-01, 12:03 PM
Ooh... here's another idea. You could go with O Fortunata from Carmina Burana- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWiyKgeGWx0

The Boz
2011-11-01, 12:46 PM
I DMed a fight with the entire Carmina in the background. The entire 1hr piece is wonderful, especially how it starts full power as you introduce the BBEG and his mooks, then goes through several different pieces as you fight, chase around the castle, sabotage, and then goes back full circle strong for the big finale.
Sadly, the timing wasn't a perfect fit :(

Dr Bwaa
2011-11-01, 01:31 PM
So many threads asking for music lately. Has everyone forgotten these fantastic lists (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=210048) (that one and the one linked from there) already?

2011-11-01, 03:49 PM
Final Fantasy Tactics - Antipyretic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzFooLMKYn0)

The whole soundtrack for FFT is outstanding. Also, you might want to check out the La Mulana soundtrack, but you'd have to go through it since it's shorter clips.

2011-11-02, 02:54 PM
I second Two Steps, specifically Heart of Courage. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koA9PWJsb0)

I have never been more happy to be ninja'd. Sir, have an internet.

Seriously, +1 to this. Most epic ****ing song ever.

EDIT: I should point out the original, shorter version (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRLdhFVzqt4) though. It gets to the epic much more promptly.

2011-11-02, 03:06 PM
I always have a Judas Priest song for any occasion, in this case One Shot at Glory (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhvUpykF7OM) (lyrics (http://www.lyricsfreak.com/j/judas+priest/one+shot+at+glory_20076147.html)) from PainKiller is a very inspirational battle song.

2011-11-03, 08:31 PM
Closing credits theme!

Kol Korran
2011-11-04, 12:45 AM
Closing credits theme!

oh bloody hell... that brought some memories (and tears) to my eyes. "to march into hell for a heavenly cause"... "and the world, will be better for this, that one man, scorn and covered with scars"...


2011-11-05, 03:44 PM
I prefer this version, myself.

It is a beautiful song, though. Sums up everything a Paladin should be.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-11-05, 04:04 PM
Why not use the one that goes with everything (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iof5pRAIZmw)?

You say it doesn't go with everything? Fine, it goes with everything cool and makes it epic. Case in point (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bjkM_y-Wps).