View Full Version : High CR psionic mimic 3.5

2011-10-29, 08:41 AM
Ok, recently I have seen the movie 1408 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0450385/) and this gave me an idea. What if I would challenge my PCs with a place, which is really not a place, but a psionic entity pushing their fears to a point of self destruction?
All I really need for that is something that is good at making hallucinations (and has a mind).

I have so much so far ... but will expand the concept if anyone feels like investing some of his ideas/concepts and especially alerts me to where things might go wrong. (like my PCs just flying/teleporting/disintegrating out of this place, see it for what it really is with true seeing, etc). ATM they are lvl 3, but I do not need to rush this. I may wait untill they become higher lvl.