View Full Version : Tintin Movie

2011-10-29, 11:45 AM
I just saw the Tintin movie and I'm pretty sure there is no other thread on it

I thought it was perfect
the first scene comparing Tintin in movie to the comic of him was amazing and the character portayals blew my mind

my favorite part

Captain Haddock


2011-10-29, 11:52 AM
For once you non-american people have an advantage when it comes to a major media release, it doesn't come out here until December 21st.

2011-10-29, 11:57 AM
Though titled 'New Tintin Trailer is out', we've been discussing the film (a bit, at least) here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=219723

2011-10-29, 03:48 PM
For once you non-american people have an advantage when it comes to a major media release, it doesn't come out here until December 21st.

my dad's theory is that they don't want the news of it flopping in the US (where Tintin is not very well known) reaching europe and impacting sales

2011-10-29, 06:13 PM
my dad's theory is that they don't want the news of it flopping in the US (where Tintin is not very well known) reaching europe and impacting sales

Spielberg says it's actually the reverse, they want the good response from Europe to travel over to America to attract those who weren't previously aware of Tintin.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2011-10-29, 06:35 PM
I have very high hopes for the new movie. At first I didn't like the style of animation, but its gown on me. I also quite like the cast and the creative team.

2011-10-30, 04:45 AM
Spielberg says it's actually the reverse, they want the good response from Europe to travel over to America to attract those who weren't previously aware of Tintin.

yeah thats true

but you have to recognize that the majority of the US population is not that aware of whats going on europe

@twilight muse i agree on all points. For a while i thought Tintin was screwed up but then that first scene made me accept him (Where they hold the picture from the comic next to his face)

H Birchgrove
2011-10-30, 03:25 PM
I have seen it; my opinions on it will be on the other thread.

2011-10-30, 04:57 PM
Just returned from watching this film.

It was awesome! I'm a fan of the original books, and I loved it! Very much in the spirit of the comics, not a boring minute, not at all uncanny valley (but rather amazing) animation, great character protrayals, and lots and lots of references to the originals. I recommend it to any Tintin fan (except maybe the ultra-purists who can't stand the mixing of stories), and any fan of the adventure genre for that matter.