View Full Version : Trip to Calansway

2011-10-29, 09:33 PM
Here you are in Littlegoat where you have lived all your life you know most of your small community. With exception of the knights and Barons that live on the other side of the river in larger homes on a big hill. On your side of the river you have many fields of crops, houses, a bar which you rarely have money to spend at. Everyone knows where the different craftsmen live so they aren't really labeled as shops, but you know where to get clothes mended and stuff. The Resent talk of the town is that a band of merchants have dropped by. This is a rare experience being a poor town. So poor in fact the silver piece is the primary coin (not that you have many).

You can tell me what your characters are doing.

Also, I'll be using Purple Text to designate when I'm speaking, for ease of seeing whats going on.
Also, what season are we currently, in terms of the gameworld?

I think the purple thing should be a rule. It is late spring and crops are in the middle of being planted.

Golden Ladybug
2011-10-29, 10:28 PM
Littlegoat was normally quiet during the day (it was, for the most part, quiet all the time). The majority would be out in the fields, watching the animals or tending to the crops. When the season dictated that such things were not a priority, the people of town would retreat to their houses, unless they had business with other townsfolk. I would normally be alone in this part of town, sitting underneath the shade of the gnarled, old oak tree.

Today, this was not the case. The streets were full of bustling bodies as the housewives met to discuss the odd news: the traders were coming here, their packs full of goods to sell. I knew that some had already arrived in town, and in fact talked to one of them. He'd been slightly put out by being bothered by the girl with the silver-grey hair, and I hadn't been interested in continuing any conversation with him. Its not like I had the coin to spend on his wares, and nothing that I'd seen had interested me enough to pay him for it, even if I could've done so.

Still, it was interesting to watch. Sitting at the bottom of the tree as I usually did was likely to get me stepped on, so I'd climbed up to the a higher branches and watched the bustling crowd (if the people of Littlegoat could be referred to as such) through the foliage.

2011-10-29, 10:50 PM
After going to see the visitors you notice they are dragging a corpse out of there wagon they announce that their caravan guard was slain and they need to hire a few knights from the lord. In your personal meeting with one of the merchants he says "The knights hear are not the best, but they will have to do." You also know the guards to be quite good at not catching you slack off and using magic, but otherwise they are as awkward as trained apes in armor.

2011-10-30, 12:08 AM
Limping into the forge with the latest load of coal to refill the bins, Anton keeps his head down trying to not draw any attention to the fact that he hurt his foot... again.

Concentrating on his task he was startled when the smith yelled for him to man the bellows. Spinning around he almost knocked over one of the quenching barrels. Steadying it, he looks up to see the smith and an unfamilier man with two unknown horses in tow.

Shaking his head the smith holds up two shoes and waves him over to the bellows.

Flushing Anton shuffles over to the bellows and begins working them; counting softly as he does so in the rhythm that he had been taught until he gets the coals to the right temperature the smith wants.

Once the shoes are ready, he heads over to the animals to get them ready to have the shoes fitted to hoof. Talking softly to the animals he gets them settled and distracts them from going ons behind them.

Only after they are finished, does Anton look up and realize how crowded the streets are and the new arrivals to the village.

2011-10-30, 01:05 PM
After completing your task your smithing teacher tells you that you can cleanup and then leave early today. He heads off to town square with a small bag of coins.

2011-10-30, 01:18 PM
Emoro was hard at work curing hides in the leatherwork shop. From his spot in the back, he could see the commotion caused by the new arrivals. Muttering the himself as he worked, he thought about what that could mean.

"Merchants? During growing season? Here to stock up, most like. I wonder how much leather they'll want..."

That means the master will need me to stay. No barracks training or wilds exploring. Oh, well.

2011-10-30, 02:18 PM
Yay everybody's here!

Even more commotion brakes out when the infamous Bo Billstrap (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341406) knocks out one of the knights for stepping on his toe. This triggers more knights to come poring in to apprehend the big brute, and after 2 more armed men fall Bo is caught. The Baron Roswell is called down from his manor house to decree an execution, but a merchant gets his attention and says something you probably can't hear unless your character moves closer. The Baron calls off his men and says. "It looks like this is your lucky day citizens. This wealthy man here wants to hire you rather than my knights. I don't blame him", he mutters. "Bo I guess this means you are free. Just collect a few more youth to accompany you in these merchants trip to Calansway." Bo has no friends so you don't know who he might pick. Hopefully if you make a good impression with him you could be freed from a life of labor and see the world.

If anyone wants to do anything during the events posted that could change their outcome then I will edit this post accordingly.

2011-10-30, 10:58 PM
Seeing the sudden departure of the smith and shocked at the early dismissal, Anton stands motionless for a moment as he gathers his thoughts and remembers what all he needs to do for clean up.

With only a few mishaps, Nothing broken this time, I think., Anton finishes up the cleaning and puts away the last of the tools. Stepping out of the forge, he is focused solely on getting over to the stables. Maybe I'll get ta look at those new horses again. Wonder where they come from. That one look...

His thoughts were caught short as he walked right into the back of one of the villagers, both of them falling down in a tangle of limbs. Finally amid the curses of the man he knocked over he finally was able to regain his feet and saw the crowd of onlookers. Not looking at him for once, but at a scuffle in the middle of the street.

Bo was at it again, this time with some strangers. Ducking his head he turned to leave only to find himself surrounded by onlookers.They ain't staring at me?! Afraid to push through and knock someone else over, he just stood their looking around trying to find a way out.

Finally the Baron arrived and he stood stock still, towering over the others, but afraid to move and attract the Baron's attention.

2011-10-30, 11:41 PM
After Bo's release he looks over at you and after 20 sec. of trying to think of your name he says "You look tough enough smith apprentice."

Golden Ladybug
2011-10-31, 12:28 AM
I looked on from my tree as the Merchants chose the Oaf Bo to be their bodyguard, and the decider of who else they'd take with them. Stupid person to chose really; Bo was a simpleton and a drunkard. I could do better than he could at protecting them.

After all, it would take more than an offer of a tankard of ale and some pubfood to win me over.

...Hmm, what if I did try and get in on that? Its not like I'd be losing out on much if I was chosen. All I had here was my sisters and my dad, and they hated me. If I left town, I wouldn't constantly be under suspicion as a Demon (or worse) for my silver hair, or the occasional slip ups where I wasn't careful enough to hide my magic.

Thinking about it like that, what did I have to lose?

Swinging down out of the tree, I landed nimbly on the grass. Pushing past the small ground that had gathered, I stood in front of Bo with a cocky grin on my face

"Alright Billstrap, I know the thinking is hard for you, but don't fret. I'll come along with you, so you does poor disfunctional brain cells of yours don't need to chose from all these nice people" I said, gesturing around at the ground. I know I was being childish, but Bo wouldn't start a fight with all these people looking, especially with the Baron looking.

And I expect that the majority of them would be glad to be rid of me.

So, all in all, it was just a cheap way of insulting him and getting out of here at the same time. Two birds with one stone, as they say.

2011-10-31, 02:29 AM
In one of Bo's rare moments of elequency he repllys "Well you didn't think I was just going to have a sausage fest with myself and the smith." He sares at you with a hint of lust in his eyes.

2011-10-31, 07:08 AM
Emoro spent nearly an hour at work before being told he could go. The merchants weren't in town to stock up, so there actually wasn't much to get done.

Staying in town, Emoro wandered into the square. The crowds were still sticking around, so he hadn't missed everything. He wandered in in time to see the silver-haired odd girl speaking to Bo Billstrap.

So...someone's leaving? And something about sausage? Maybe I should just ask what's going on...well, why not?

"Going somewhere? And sausage? What's going on?

2011-10-31, 11:02 AM
Bo is temporarily at a loss of words, mentally strained from his most resent witty remark. The merchant however was irritated that the resent events, and so he closes the deal with the Baron by saying "I will pay 20 gold for them, but only if you throw him in too." The Baron looks over to Emoro and says "Alright tanner's apprentice I am forcefully employing you to this exotic rug trader along with 3 others. You all have the rest of today to prepare for your voyage." A page walks up and hands each of you one gold piece (the most money you have had on you at one time), and the Baron continues speaking "This is both financial compensation for your time and money for supplies. Now if you will excuse me I'm going to buy an exotic rug." The Baron and merchant walk off and the crowd slowly disperses.

You each hold the gold piece + what you own + what your friends and family can spare = 1 GP and 4 Sp. You may buy items at 1/10 of the listed price in the PHB because the town is so poor, and those that can craft may buy materials from there teachers. When you are done post your newly revised characters here so I don't need a bunch of tabs open to check on everything.

The merchant caravan you will guard decides to pay each of you 1% of the profit. The trip will take about 15 days BUT YOU WILL NOT BE PROVDED FOOD AND CAMPING GEAR that is made very clear by the merchant.

Golden Ladybug
2011-11-01, 02:28 AM
I held the coin in my hand with a mixture of shock and...no, just shock I think. This was more money than I'd seen in my life! This was insane!

...And the Baron was just giving them away like candy. How aggravating.

I stuck my tounge at out Bo, the loathsome brute, and slid away into the crowd. All this was insane, and completely unbelievable! This sort of thing didn't happen in real life; you didn't get to go on an adventure if you were just the daughter of a Miller. You needed to be...important! or rich, or pretty, or any number of things. This was...wow.

I flipped the coin up into the air, and snatched it into my palm. If this was real, I better get packing. Taking a side street to avoid the crowds, I started stalking the shops; the general store, the tannery, the market place and more.

Oh, I like this Baron. I have a soft spot for ineffective old men with a penchant for the finer things in life, be it an exotic rug or no.




Flint and Steel|

Hunk of Cheese x3|

Loaf of Bread x5|

Trail Rations x10|
2sp, 5cp|



10 Sling Bullets|


Encumberance 34lbs clocks in as a Light Load (11 in Str)
Leftover Cash: 3sp 4cp

EDIT: Purchases made; inside Spoiler

2011-11-01, 10:30 AM
alright we just need everyone else to buy there character stuff and you can head off to Calansway.

it is true that this was probably a once in a generation thing so you notice people looking at you weird, but more in jealousy then hate which is better then you are use to. People believe you being a witch and Bo being a sullen brute were not worthy of freedom. The fact Calansway is not completely void of thieves is also scary, because the leftovers you carry could keep a person going for 2 months.

However unlikely mobs and thieves are (which is not a lot) it may be good to take precautions.

2011-11-01, 12:41 PM
That was...unexpected. But I suppose it'll be a good thing.

As usual, Emoro mumbled to himself without noticing.

"So...buy rations...I also need a weapon. Can't get a crossbow, maybe a spear..."

Emoro said his goodbyes while getting everything he needed. He wasn't really close with anyone, and the leather shop could get by without him.

And anyway, what a wonderful opportunity this was!

Emoro's purchases:

Backpack (2 s)
Improvised artisan's tools (no price listed)
Shortspear (1 s)
15 days rations (3 s)
Leather armor materials (3 s)

Revised character sheet: Emoror Droverson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341264)

2011-11-01, 01:12 PM
Make sure you meet the DC for crafting your armor, I wanna see your roll too.

2011-11-01, 03:04 PM
He hasn't started on it yet. When he does, I'll make the appropriate checks.

2011-11-01, 03:14 PM

2011-11-01, 10:14 PM
Anton stares in amazement at the gold coin in his hand for a moment before closing his fist. Looking up, Now they are staring....Wait I'm going with them?, the realization of what is happening hits and he starts moving towards his home through the crowd. Not paying attention to those around him he carries the coin clenched tightly in his fist.

Wonder if Smith will let me take some leathers and tools with me. Anton stops by the forge to ask about the equipment before heading to get some food and to find some sort of weapon he can carry with him.

Anton (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341595)

2011-11-02, 01:17 AM
The next day you have a small crowd wave fair-well except in the case of the witch and Bo who are kind of ignored. Explain what you do day to day on your travels and make a listen check.

Golden Ladybug
2011-11-02, 04:31 AM
Alright then...

I settled into a simple routine; wake up, nibble on some of my food, and take Point. I preferred to walk off the path than I did on it, keeping to the grasslands and the trees. This solved my problem of Billstrap easily (who had been just as reviled as me back in Littlegoat), because the big man was unable to walk as easily or as swiftly as I could through the more untamed parts of the countryside.

I'd always been happy to stay away from people, and this was just an extension of that. I didn't talk much to the others, ignoring Bo and our "employers" completely and sharing but a few words with the two apprentices who had been roped into this with us.

As the day disappeared every night, I would take first watch, taking a seat on the top of the Merchant's cart, and peering into the darkness, watching for (what I considered to be non-existent) danger. After I was relieved by however had chosen to take second watch, I would retreat off the road once more, setting up my Bedroll under a Tree, or even just in the grass. I'd never liked sleeping near people.

The days started to blur together, and my feet ached more and more after each day of walking. I started to wonder if the Merchants had misjudged the danger of travel.

Listen Check [roll0]

2011-11-02, 07:10 AM
Emoro enjoyed being out in the wilds where he hadn't been able to explore before. He would walk alongside the carts and work on cobbling together his armor anytime they were stopped. He didn't seek anyone out to talk, but anyone who wanted to say something to him he would speak back to.

When it came time to bed down, Emoro would take whatever watch he was assigned. He would sit against a cart to watch and listen for signs of anything happening.

One roll, because I'm not sure how many days are supposed to pass.

Craft check: [roll0] (Leather Armor Craft DC=12 [10+AC bonus])
Listen check: [roll1]

2011-11-02, 10:54 AM
Anton spends much of his time helping tend the animals. However he does also try to talk to the others about where they are going and what they might see.

While they are traveling, he stays to the road figuring that would be safer and less likely for him to trip over his own feet.

Taking night watch isn't too difficult for him due to doing similar watches at the forge making sure the fires stay lit. When not on watch he lays his bedroll near where the animals are tethered.

Listen: [roll0]

2011-11-02, 03:44 PM
After about 3 days of travel something quite strange happens a group of 2 armored individuals rush out of the trees on horseback in the middle of the night. They are not to quiet and are heard by all, but some of the you did not hear them soon enough to stand up from your seats around the camp fire and get prepared for battle (I doubt any of you are not at the camp fire because tonight is a particularly cold night). Anyone that did not beat [roll0] with there listen check is does not participate in the surprise round.

2011-11-02, 04:55 PM
Anton spends much of his time helping tend the animals. However he does also try to talk to the others about where they are going and what they might see.

While they are traveling, he stays to the road figuring that would be safer and less likely for him to trip over his own feet.

Taking night watch isn't too difficult for him due to doing similar watches at the forge making sure the fires stay lit. When not on watch he lays his bedroll near where the animals are tethered.

Listen: [roll0]

2011-11-02, 05:15 PM
At the sudden appearance of the two horsemen, Anton jumps to his feet in surprise clutching his club.

Are these two armed and attacking or just riding as if fleeing or such?

If attacking: Seeing the attackers coming towards them, Anton moves to attempt to intercept and readies an attack as soon as one comes within reach.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage(2h): [roll1]

If not armed: Seeing the riders, Anton waits to try and figure out what is going on and the rider's intent before acting.

Spot: [roll2]
Sense Motive: [roll3]

2011-11-02, 05:49 PM
I forgot to mention they are very hostile looking and you are surprised so you cant attack just yet unless you did your listen check. I will keep your attack roll for later.

2011-11-02, 06:07 PM
That is why I put both actions. My listen check was a 17 to act in surprise round. It is under spoiler.

2011-11-02, 06:12 PM
That is why I put both actions. My listen check was a 17 to act in surprise round. It is under spoiler.

what is the 13 listen check above for then?

2011-11-02, 06:26 PM
The forum dice roller is being difficult. Therefore, Emoro's day two and day three Craft checks will be Take Ten.

Day one progress: 2g, 6s, 4c
Day two check result: 15
Day two progress: 4g, 4s, 4c
Day three check result: 15
Day three progress: 6g, 2s, 4c
Armor not finished, cannot be worn

2011-11-02, 06:42 PM
that is OK for now, but for now do battle.

Golden Ladybug
2011-11-03, 04:30 AM
the night had been too cold, even considering the normal conditions on the road, and I'd been forced in with the others around the smouldering campfire. It would have been a comfortable enough sleep, if it hadn't been for the snoring of Billstrap. It'd prevented me from getting asleep, and I'd taken up a spot on the cart with the other watcher.

It seemed like the night was going to be normal, until...wait...

"Do you hear that?" I asked outloud, to no one in particular. I'd heard the crunching of leaves in the undergrowth, and quickly after, the galloping of horses. Bursting out of the treeline were too armored riders, charging towards us weapons drawn!

Startled, I reached into the pack I'd been sitting on, withdrawing the pouch of metal balls I'd purchased for my sling (I'd thought to just use rocks, but these were better balanced then a random stone. Besides, they were big enough for me to retrieve after I used them) and fitted it into the crook of leather that made up my sling.

Rotating my arm like a windmill, I let the pellet fly in an arc, heading towards the nearest attacker

To hit [roll0]
Damage (if applicable) [roll1]

2011-11-03, 08:58 AM
Emoro quietly worked on his leathers, as usual. Progress was good, it would be finished soon.

He missed part of the commotion, only realized something was up when Keila slung a stone at the atttackers. Emoro grabbed his spear, trying to figure out what was going on.

2011-11-03, 10:34 AM
the night had been too cold, even considering the normal conditions on the road, and I'd been forced in with the others around the smouldering campfire. It would have been a comfortable enough sleep, if it hadn't been for the snoring of Billstrap. It'd prevented me from getting asleep, and I'd taken up a spot on the cart with the other watcher.

It seemed like the night was going to be normal, until...wait...

"Do you hear that?" I asked outloud, to no one in particular. I'd heard the crunching of leaves in the undergrowth, and quickly after, the galloping of horses. Bursting out of the treeline were too armored riders, charging towards us weapons drawn!

Startled, I reached into the pack I'd been sitting on, withdrawing the pouch of metal balls I'd purchased for my sling (I'd thought to just use rocks, but these were better balanced then a random stone. Besides, they were big enough for me to retrieve after I used them) and fitted it into the crook of leather that made up my sling.

Rotating my arm like a windmill, I let the pellet fly in an arc, heading towards the nearest attacker

To hit [roll0]
Damage (if applicable) [roll1]

You hit the rider in a less protected shoulder joint braking his sword arm, he drops his light lance on the ground and yelps in pain.

The other foe is charging at Emoro

To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Now everyone may roll initiative.

2011-11-03, 11:43 AM
Emoro's initiative roll:

2011-11-03, 12:17 PM
Odd didn't realize it double posted. It didn't show when I refreshed before submitting. Sorry about that. Lets go with that then.

Here is initiative then.


Golden Ladybug
2011-11-04, 12:18 AM
Initiative [roll0]

2011-11-04, 02:00 AM
Ok your foes get [roll0] and Bo will go last automatically because he is just waking up after downing a ton of mead he brought with him.

2011-11-04, 11:11 AM
Understood. For later reference, the turn order is:


2011-11-04, 11:31 AM
The lanceless bandit rides out of distance provoking an AoO from basically everybody then he draws a sword the other backs up and jabs his lance at Keila
to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Golden Ladybug
2011-11-04, 04:07 PM
Bah, nuts to roleplaying, I've got combat to fight in.

Well, I don't threaten any squares, because I'm using a Sling, so no AoO from me. That means they are both in squares that we all threaten? and One of them just tried to melee me, so blah. I will take my 5ft step back (getting off of the Cart, I'd assume) and I'm going to start casting Sleep.

When the round is over, I'm going to use it on the two Riders. Damn casting time, and damn Color Spray not being on the Adept Spell List

2011-11-04, 08:19 PM

What kind of bandit has a lance, anyway?

Emoro's 'action': Move alongside Keila and ready an action to stab any bandit that comes near enough.

2011-11-04, 08:26 PM
Their will saves
sword guy [roll0]
lance guy [roll1]

2011-11-04, 09:12 PM
AoO: Anton takes a wild swing as the rider moves through group barely avoiding hitting the side of the one of the wagons as he over reaches on his swing.

Turn: Seeing the other rider jabbing at the girl, Anton moves to side of the rider and attempts to knock him from the saddle with a sideways swing.

Attack: [roll0]

2011-11-04, 11:29 PM
You needed to make a 2nd attack your AoO does not auto-miss. The one that you did make does knock the rider out of his saddle like you intended, and he appears unconscious.

2011-11-04, 11:38 PM
Sorry you had mentioned saving my earlier attack roll so assumed to use it here.


2011-11-05, 12:52 AM
Wow you took out both in 2 fell swoops. Anyways both are unconscious and one look like they probably won't pull through without medical attention. I believe that you know your options (kill, interrogation, leave, heal them, etc.) so I will leave you to decide.

PS: The sleep spell kinda helped you hit.

2011-11-05, 06:13 AM
Looking down at the rider he felled, Anton looks shocked for a moment at results of the fight.

Stirring he looks up at the girl speaking softly, "Are you ok?" Waiting a moment for her to respond, he then moves to try and calm the horses the raiders came on.

2011-11-05, 12:22 PM
Handle animal checks and you could possibly keep them.

Golden Ladybug
2011-11-05, 05:37 PM
I slumped against the side of the cart after unleashing my spell, feeling drained. I hadn't expected it to be so difficult to use my magic like that, but it had been incredibly effective none the less. After the others had pushed them back a bit, the magic had taken effect and they'd fallen to the ground.

"Are you OK?"

I turned; it was one of the others who'd been hired to guard the merchants, who hadn't even woken from their slumber while we fought, checking up on me. Unexpected, but not unwelcome

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied, shrugging and pushing myself back up to my feet, A bit drained, but I'm okay. I'll sleep it off

He nodded, and went to tend to the animals.

I walked over to our attackers, who were lying unconscious on the ground. Wierd that they had attacked us like that, but that didn't matter so much. I'd felt the blade of one slash the air, doing their best to end my life. Only fair that I returned the favour.

Taking up my Quarterstaff, I slammed it down on the swordwielder's head

Coup de Grace, so it automatic hit that crits.


Now, if hes not just flat out dead from the damage I dealt, he has to make a Fortitude Save of DC 10+Damage or else he dies.

If we want to save the other one to question, I should probably be tackled to the ground or somesuch.

2011-11-05, 05:53 PM
Emoro glanced at the unconcious bandit and stood over him with the spear ready.

"Let's question this one. Unless no one else finds it odd that these two attacked a caravan on their own..."

2011-11-05, 07:34 PM
Handle Animal[roll0]

Anton looks up from tending the animals just in time to see the girl bring her staff down the man's head with a sickening crunch. Flinching he watches as she walks over to the other man.

2011-11-05, 08:15 PM
Handle Animal[roll0]

Anton looks up from tending the animals just in time to see the girl bring her staff down the man's head with a sickening crunch. Flinching he watches as she walks over to the other man.

The horses are now calm despite the battle they were in.

Emoro glanced at the unconcious bandit and stood over him with the spear ready.

"Let's question this one. Unless no one else finds it odd that these two attacked a caravan on their own..."

Unless Keila kills this one he will wake up in one minute.

I slumped against the side of the cart after unleashing my spell, feeling drained. I hadn't expected it to be so difficult to use my magic like that, but it had been incredibly effective none the less. After the others had pushed them back a bit, the magic had taken effect and they'd fallen to the ground.

"Are you OK?"

I turned; it was one of the others who'd been hired to guard the merchants, who hadn't even woken from their slumber while we fought, checking up on me. Unexpected, but not unwelcome

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied, shrugging and pushing myself back up to my feet, A bit drained, but I'm okay. I'll sleep it off

He nodded, and went to tend to the animals.

I walked over to our attackers, who were lying unconscious on the ground. Wierd that they had attacked us like that, but that didn't matter so much. I'd felt the blade of one slash the air, doing their best to end my life. Only fair that I returned the favour.

Taking up my Quarterstaff, I slammed it down on the swordwielder's head

Coup de Grace, so it automatic hit that crits.


Now, if hes not just flat out dead from the damage I dealt, he has to make a Fortitude Save of DC 10+Damage or else he dies.

If we want to save the other one to question, I should probably be tackled to the ground or somesuch.

This guy is defiantly dead no need to worry.

The merchants are awake now and kinda scared.

2011-11-06, 07:21 AM
Question: How much experience has our village had with bandits, raiders, and the like? Or is that something you are leaving up to us?

With the horses in tow, Anton walks over to where the girl and tanner are standing over the limp form of the other raider. "I got the horses settled. Should we wake him up? You said you wanted to talk to him" With the last he pulls out his waterskin.

2011-11-06, 12:32 PM
Question: How much experience has our village had with bandits, raiders, and the like? Or is that something you are leaving up to us?

With the horses in tow, Anton walks over to where the girl and tanner are standing over the limp form of the other raider. "I got the horses settled. Should we wake him up? You said you wanted to talk to him" With the last he pulls out his waterskin.

your town has actually never been attacked by bandits to the best of your knowledge, but other merchants that have stopped by are always attacked. The exotic carpet salesman is with you now and they recognize both the attackers as ones that had killed there last guards. Meanwhile, mad he did not get any action is releasing his anger by leaving dents in a tree with his fists. The bandit is not stirring and and the merchant some spare rope and tells you to tie him up.

2011-11-06, 05:34 PM
"Yeah, okay."

Taking the rope, Emoro sat to tie the unconcious man up, taking care to tie it as well and securely as possible.

"So these two have done this before? How did they manage it alone? Or are there more somewhere?"

(Taking 20 plus DEX modifier of plus one, result 21. Time taken: ~2 minutes.)

2011-11-06, 07:06 PM
"There are more I just recognize the brestplate they wear." Your captive begins stirring, it seems on top of the sleep spell he was tiered anyway.

2011-11-07, 06:12 PM
Hearing there were more then just these two, Anton stops where he is and looks around trying to see if there are any more out beyond the campfires.


2011-11-07, 06:39 PM
You see nobody else. The captive is now awake.

I'm sorry, but I think this game has ground to a halt. So if you want to continue please PM me.