View Full Version : Good Class for a Tibbit 3.XP

2011-10-30, 09:12 AM
I want to see what the playground thinks of this concept:

I want to play Oliver DeBurrows, a Puss in Boots-type rapier weilding smart-mouthed gentleman.

Here's what I'm looking for:

A class with a full base attack bonus and decent HD
Fights with a rapier (as in he uses only a rapier)
Uses a Pathfinderized Tibbit, who gets a +2 INT as well
Quick, Nimble, and with a talent for hastening the end of social encounters
High AC
Limited (1-2 levels max) spellcasting
Chaotic Good Alignment

Books Available:

All 3.0, 3.5, Pathfinder, Dragon Magazine

Starting Level:


Thank you to all who help build me this build!

2011-10-30, 09:41 AM
Psionic classes and invocation-users are pretty awesome choices for tibbits, though I think what you're looking for is a factotum.

EDIT: Or a bard/arcane duelist.

2011-10-30, 09:53 AM
If you're not averse to Tome of Battle, a "bardblade" (Bard/Warblade mix) can be the suave duelist you're looking for, with a few spells from Bard and maneuvers from Warblade to make use of wielding a rapier and nothing else. Bard songs/musical pieces can be replaced with limerick/poetry/comedy, so I'd assume smart-mouthing people in combat would suffice for Inspire Courage.

Bard 1/Warblade 4 would net you +4 BAB, some spells from Bard, several maneuvers to execute with your rapier (I'd go with Iron Heart and Diamond Mind to emphasize being a duelist, possibly a Tiger Claw maneuver to get Sudden Leap so you can hop around the battlefield quickly), high HP (4 levels of D12 HD), Int to Reflex/Crit confirmation, and uncanny dodge. You could take Bardic Knack (ACF from PHB2) plus Jack of all Trades (Feat from CAdv) to emphasize your skills. Song of the White Raven (Feat from ToB) would let you add your Warblade levels to your Bard levels to determine how good your Inspire Courage is.

2011-10-30, 09:54 AM
The full BaB limits options significantly. How flexible are you on this?

2011-10-30, 10:07 AM
Dex/Int race, fights with a single one-handed weapon. Sounds like a magus, although it's not full BAB.

I gotta second Tyndmyr's suggestion about looking at medium BAB classes. This build needs bonus damage more than it needs attack bonus.

2011-10-30, 12:40 PM
How set are you on fighting in cat form? That really limits your options. Otherwise, your build can be anything that a halfling would use. Here is one build that works REALLY well for fighting in cat form:


You'll have to do something really unusual if you want to use a rapier as a cat. Tibbits don't walk on their hind legs and don't have hands. Try a mouthpick weapon perhaps? It'll look ridiculous no matter what you do. You will be much better off using your claw/claw/bite routine.

I'm currently playing a Tibbit Swordsage/Erudite/Jade Pheonix Psion build. It's working out pretty well. I'm not worried about full BAB because Weapon Finesse makes my attack bonus the highest in the party. Shadow Blade, the Reckless trait, and Burning Blade maneuver make my damage very good too.

For Pathfinder, another option that could work very well is Synthesist Summoner. But then you aren't really a housecat anymore, you're a housecat wearing power armor.

The Glyphstone
2011-10-30, 01:26 PM
Try to get the actual Anthromorphic Cat stats from Savage Species ported forward, instead of Tibbit, if you want to fight in 'cat form' all the time. -4 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis at 1HD+1LA.

2011-10-30, 06:55 PM
I'm kind of flexible. I want to limit spellcasting as much as humanly possible. The idea is that I shift to cat form to act inconspicuous

2011-10-31, 11:32 AM

2011-10-31, 11:38 AM
I second the Bardblade suggestion, as well as Glyphstone's Anthropomorphic Cat > Tibbit.

Really, though, your title is misleading. I came in here to say "DFA" and bolt.

Bardblade gives you a lot of smexy, for the low low price of a point of BAB and picking up a few spells.

2011-10-31, 11:49 AM
I second the Bardblade suggestion, as well as Glyphstone's Anthropomorphic Cat > Tibbit.

Really, though, your title is misleading. I came in here to say "DFA" and bolt.

Bardblade gives you a lot of smexy, for the low low price of a point of BAB and picking up a few spells.

I can dig Bardblade (lets me fight in either form), but Tibbit over Anthro Cat is beause being able to become a cat is "Urban Hide in Plain Sight"

2011-10-31, 01:15 PM
I must respectfully disagree.

In a world where some people can become cats, properly paranoid individuals would then consider every cat a potenial Tibbit.

Do your part in preventing Kitty Genocide.

2011-10-31, 01:20 PM
I must respectfully disagree.

In a world where some people can become cats, properly paranoid individuals would then consider every cat a potenial Tibbit.

Do your part in preventing Kitty Genocide.

I had a Plan B (much less comedy-based) in case the Kitty Genocide was brought up.

Tibbits in his campaign are few and far between (the average person doesn't know Tibbits even exist)

2011-10-31, 02:06 PM
Let me rephrase.

"the second a bad guy/enemy knows you turn into a cat, every cat ever will be killed at random."

2011-10-31, 02:29 PM
Let me rephrase.

"the second a bad guy/enemy knows you turn into a cat, every cat ever will be killed at random."

Oh. So Tibbit=bad race?

2011-10-31, 02:36 PM
Nah. I'm just afraid of the potential genocide.

2011-10-31, 02:38 PM
Nah. I'm just afraid of the potential genocide.

ahh. Well Plan B then... CRAP

(I'll just continue it on this thread.)

Plan B is a:

Diabolus (http://www.pathfinderdb.com/character-options/races/856-diabolus) Crossblood (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer/archetypes/paizo---sorcerer-archetypes/crossblooded) Sorcerer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer)

Dunno what bloodlines to combine (assuming that I need synergy between the bloodlines)

Big Fau
2011-10-31, 02:49 PM
Let me rephrase.

"the second a bad guy/enemy knows you turn into a cat, every cat ever will be killed at random."

You say this like those evil little bastards don't deserve some punishment...

2011-10-31, 03:06 PM
I must respectfully disagree.

In a world where some people can become cats, properly paranoid individuals would then consider every cat a potenial Tibbit.

Do your part in preventing Kitty Genocide.

Well, housecats already kill commoners. The War Against Feline Oppression is a necessary and just one. The fact that Tibbits walk among them is only more cause to eradicate them all.

2011-10-31, 04:34 PM
The druids of the world would like a word with you on that subject. Incidentally, the Spirit Shames and Rangers also want there say.

But no one really cares about the latter two.

Big Fau
2011-10-31, 06:10 PM
The druids of the world would like a word with you on that subject. Incidentally, the Spirit Shames and Rangers also want there say.

But no one really cares about the latter two.

Nitpick: Spirit Shamans rever spirits, with nature itself taking side saddle. They'd be more interested in ghost cats than they would be in normal cats.

2011-10-31, 06:35 PM
Factotum 8/Warblade 12 seems perfect to me. You do lose 2 BAB and IIRC get one third level spell per day, but the spells is hardly the focus. You're Int based, you'd make an excellent Rapier based duelist, you can use Wall of Blades to temporarily have a huge AC (and you do get Int to AC when you want), and your HD is quite solid (d8 and d12). Also, it fits the dashing rogue concept pretty well.

Consider using the feats Confound the Big Folks and Underfoot Combat.


2011-11-03, 06:06 PM

Sure, it's an April Fools article, but it's by an official WotC writer, on the official WotC website. In my book, this is an official Web Enhancement.

This article not only gives a few Feline only feats, but a new Domain, a new playable race, and Feline only equipment.

And I second the Swordsage::Tiger Claw discipline. There's just something awsome about a cat using Attack From Above.

2011-11-03, 08:21 PM
Well, housecats already kill commoners. The War Against Feline Oppression is a necessary and just one. The fact that Tibbits walk among them is only more cause to eradicate them all.

For every cat you kill, a whole litter is born. Once the planet is infested the only solution is orbital nuclear bombardment.

http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/3/28/93510_md-Cadians%2C%20Cat%2C%20Cosmic%2C%20Humor%2C%20Imper ial%20Guard%2C%20Warhammer%2040%2C000.JPG

2011-11-04, 06:32 AM
Oh. So Tibbit=bad race?

Not necessarily. They make fantastic warlocks. For a full BAB class... the Int bonus says "Warblade" to me, particularly Tiger Claw and Diamond Mind (Concentration check = damage? YES!). However, an Unarmed Swordsage might also be interesting (full attack = unarmed strikes + claw + claw + bite).

Have you considered a Hengeyokai Cat (Oriental Adventures)? Not only does it have a housecat form, but it has a catlike humanoid hybrid form (+2 Dex, -2 Wis, +4 bonus to Balance checks). The OA 3.5 Update in Dragon #318 changed Hengeyokai to Humanoid with the Shapechanger subtype, and removed the LA +1.

2011-11-04, 06:49 AM
Paladin 20 using Harmonious Knight.

Smite to Song means you can inspire like a bard.

Initiate of Milil + Devoted Performer + Inspire Awe ACF means that you can scare the heck out vastly bigger creatures than you. Very PiB.

Snowflake Wardance lets you hit foes with the power of cute.

Divine Power = hurt enemies with cute too.

Battle Blessing = swift action pally spells.

Dungeonscape ACF for paladins = buffing spirit companions.

Result: Buffadin who makes all you allies better, has +CHA to attack and damage on top of full BAB, and is totally cute.

2011-11-04, 08:19 AM
How about a Swashbuckler 2/Warblade 18? Two INT-synergy classes, and I just stay in cat-form with a rapier in my teeth? And tiger claw/diamond mind the enemies until they all fall down?

2011-11-04, 10:01 AM
How about a Swashbuckler 2/Warblade 18? Two INT-synergy classes, and I just stay in cat-form with a rapier in my teeth? And tiger claw/diamond mind the enemies until they all fall down?

You need at least Swashbuckler 3 to get Insightful Strike (Int bonus on damage). Since an odd number of non-martial adept levels throws off your IL progression, might as well toss Spirit Totem Barbarian 1 in there for Pounce/Whirling Frenzy.

As far as holding the rapier... Gloves of Man (42000 GP, Savage Species) would work, but talk about horrendously expensive. Girallon's blessing + permanency is a lot cheaper, but you'd have to find a willing spellcaster, and it could be dispelled. Totemist 2 gives you an extra pair of arms... I'm not entirely sure they can wield weapons, though. Grafts can add arms. Mighty Arms graft (Faiths of Eberron) = kitty with robot arms (and presumably robot hands). I have no idea how that scales when you change forms, though.