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2011-10-30, 05:43 PM
A guard escorts you up the spiral staircase of the guard house in the Noble District and takes you down a long hallway to a chamber that contains a single table with three chairs around it, the two chairs closest to the door are vacant each have a thick leatherbound tome in front of them. Seated in the chair on the other side of the table is an elvish looking woman with what looks like a unicorn horn protruding from her forehead. As you step into the room the guard that was with you closes the door behind you leaving himself in the hallway.

Come in, please sit down, there is much to talk about. I'm sure you're both wondering why you are hear. The guard has talked to many prominent people in the city and you two were both highly recomended.

She opens up a book in front of her and a picture of each of you apears on either side.

Kayha Trale of the Knights of the Golden Cross you were highly recomended by both the head priest of Gain and the leader of your order Kaira Swanwing.

She then peers at the other side of the tome.

And you Charnester of Clan Malethar, I have heard of your work for the watch before and if that wasnt enough my good friend Rastor has garaunteed that you are of the utmost quality of personage and can be trusted with any task set before you.

She closes her book and then looks up at you.

I am Aoska one of the Commisars Twelve Commanders. You have both been summoned here because the city is in need of help. We need people to search after a certain criminal that has been plaguing our great city for the bast few weeks. There have been 4 dozen murders in the last few weeks and no one has any idea who has been doing this. The worst part of it is, each night the numbers wrack up higher and higher. The books in front of you are yours if you choose to help, they are Ptolus's criminal database and will open only to the first handprint that touches them. If you refuse to help, that is fine, please get up and walk outside now. If you are with me, please remain seated and we'll get started.

2011-10-30, 06:01 PM
The Litorian, Charnester, stands tall with his arms crossed. His fur is a grayish white, which is rare, but not unheard of among his kind. His eyes are seperate colors; one blue and the other orange.

He typically didn't have much respect for the the city guard. He had found that hunting his prey down and ending them quickly proved far more efficient than capturing them alive and throwing them into jail. Charnester had, however, cooperated with the city guard in the past. Some would call him a "bounty hunter," but it was not the bounty in which he was hunting, for he was truly a hunter of evil. The less people with malice in their hearts, the better.

As for the murder spree as of late, Charnester had noticed. He tends to notice many things such as this, for if he didn't, he would be doing his job wrong. Solo, he had attempted once or twice to find whomever was behind the murders, but had naught a clue to go on.

He took a step forward, standing behind one of the chairs, but never sitting down. He gave the woman a nod. I am listening.

2011-10-30, 06:50 PM
Kayha sat down lightly despite the heavy breastplate on her. She carefully opened the book and started to flip through, her blue eyes skating across the pages.

"I have heard about the murders but not much of the details. Rumors here and there. I would prefer to hear the complete description from you Ma'am," Kayha spoke softly. She looked at Charnester and gave a faint smile. She was glad to have been highly recommended from both of her charges but slightly concerned upon the matter. If the Knights of the Golden Cross were approached by the guard it must be a great evil indeed. She was determined to do her best and make Stavislav proud.

2011-10-30, 08:01 PM
As the woman stands to begin pacing as she speaks you realize that she actualy was not sitting the the chair, she was kneeling, on all four of her strong legs. She is of a very rare race that is a centaur of sorts, but instead of humans and horses it is a magical breed of Centurean Elves and Unicorns. She unferls her great white wings as she stands. She feigns a small smile as she returns to adressing you.

Well the murders that have been of late have been of a very gruesome sort. Men women and children torn to shreds from what seem like claws or very large jowls.

As she speaks the pages infront of you unferl into horrid imagery of the fallen citizens.

As far as we have figured out there is no connection between any of the victims. Although it seems to have started with people in the guildsman district and has weaved its way out from there, the most concentrated amount of people being around this area.

The book then turns its pages to a map of the guildsman district each murder site adorned with a red X over the house.

We have questioned people in the surrounding area but it seems no one has seen anything. There is one person in particular we would like you to speak to. His name is Naalum Dreng, when we last spoke o him the guard that filed the report seemed to think he was with-holding information. On another note in this area there has also been a stream of break ins occuring very frequently, we have no reason to see a connection as the break ins have all been houses that have not been attacked. I only give this information to you because my superior feels you should know all of the information however unlikely that they are connected. Also to give you an excuse to talk to this Naalum fellow as his house was broken into a few days ago but no one has been sent to speak to him about it as of yet.

She takes two small pouches from her side and slides them across the table to each of you.

We have chosen you because you are not directly related to the guard but in those bags are badges of your temporary status and also contain the propper paperwork to allow you into guard houses and the like. I suggest you study the case files of the murders tonight and on the morrow we would like you to go into the guildsman district and interview who you see fit. Chambers have been provided upstairs and the guard outside the door will see you to them. At first sign of anything I'd like you to contact me through the amulet in your bags. You are dismissed.

The woman then swiftly leavers through a door behind you before you can speak again. The guard then comes into the room and escorts you upstairs without a word. In your chambers there is a manual on how to use the tomes she has given you and explain that you must hold your hand to the book and speak aloud of a person, place, crime, or event and the book will turn to the specific page you need.

2011-10-30, 09:08 PM
Charnester reluctantly follows the guard to his quarters for the night. He is rather uncomfortable not sleeping at the Mane, but work is work. He sets his bag next to the bed, and pulls out the tome.

He first places his large hand on it. Naalum Dreng.

After studying the man, he closes the tome, and places his hand on it again. He spends the next several hours studying anything and everything he can.

Recent murder spree.

Recent break in spree.

And out of curiosity of his new partner, :Kayha Trale.

And out of even more curiosity, : Charnester, of Clan Malethar.

If I need to make any rolls, go ahead and feel free to do them yourself.

2011-10-30, 09:26 PM
Naalum Dreng- Human Man. Born in Ptolus. Fletcher by trade. No outstanding fines or warrants. No Criminal Record.
- Home recently burglarized one week after "The Falling"

"The Falling" is a 3 months span in Ptolus' Lunar cycle where every night at least one of Ptolus' three moons are full.

Recent Murder Spree- Lists all of the individuals murdered along with before and after pictures of each.

You notice when looking at the pictures three of the individuals did not look like they were torn apart by a beast. They look like they were hacked repeatedly with some sort of blade.

Recent Break in Spree- Twenty-Six homes have been broken into recently. Small valuables have been taken from every home. A few people in the homes have been injured. Reports on the person is varied.

Some people say he was tall Man with a scar across his face. Others say it was a hobgoblin. Some say it was a female Halfling. And even more say he was a Gnoll.

Kayha Trale- File Classified

Charnester, of Clan Malethar- Clansman from the plains surrounding Ptolus. Came to Ptolus about twenty years ago after being removed from his clan. *Unlicensed Bounty Hunter* ~Consider Armed and Dangerous~

2011-10-30, 09:39 PM
Hmm... they have it all wrong... I'm only dangerous if you are.

Charnester closes the tome and places it safely in his bag. He undresses, folding his clothes neatly, and places his shortswords within arms reach before going to sleep.

2011-10-30, 10:14 PM
Kayha undressed and prepared for bed as the book sat on the bed of her new quarters. She said her prayers to Gaen to aid her in this task before opening her on book.

Recent Murder Spree

Recent Break Ins

Map of Murders and Break Ins
This one she studied carefully, making sure to note if there were any beginnings of a symbol from the religions she's studied. Many cults love to etch their symbols through murder and violence.

Her curiosity got the best of her.

Kayha Trale



Knights of the Golden Cross

2011-10-31, 01:23 AM
Recent Murder Spree- Lists all of the individuals murdered along with before and after pictures of each.

Recent Break Ins- Twenty-Six homes have been broken into recently. Small valuables have been taken from every home. A few people in the homes have been injured. Reports on the person is varied.

Some people say he was tall Man with a scar across his face. Others say it was a hobgoblin. Some say it was a female Halfling. And even more say he was a Gnoll.

Map of Murders and Break Ins- You study the map and you see no pattern to the killings just random caches of red dots with a few outliers.

Kayha Trale- File Classified

Charnester- Clansman from the plains surrounding Ptolus. Came to Ptolus about twenty years ago after being removed from his clan. *Unlicensed Bounty Hunter* ~Consider Armed and Dangerous~

Stavislav- File Classified

Knights of the Golden Cross- Generic Description of Knights of the Cross along with important people in the organization.

The next day as the sun rises a guard comes and knocks on your door and escorts you to the mess hall where a few guards exchange akward glances and hushed whispers after seeing you both there.

2011-10-31, 01:41 AM
Charnester had already dressed and equipped himself by the time the guard had reached his door. He remained relatively quiet, giving nothing more than a nod. Morning.

He recognized a couple of these men. In the past, he had noticed one or two of these men were on the same trail he was of a culprit, only forty steps in the process behind him.

He remembered that quite a few of these men might recall Charnester as being "armed and dangerous." Armed? You bet. Dangerous? Not to these fellas. He had wondered if any of these men feared him.

Charnester strides to where he could get some food, and takes a seat by himself.

At least... I think a mess hall is where you eat haha.

Also, Listen check, just to see if I can hear what anyone around me is saying (whether it be about me or really anything, just good, old fashioned dropping of eaves.)

2011-10-31, 12:15 PM
Kayha answered her door with a big smile before turning around. "Good morning! Would you be a dear and secure this strap for me? I was having quite a bit of trouble trying to get it on this morning." Her mace and rapier hung from either hip as she pulled her short blonde hair back with a golden headband.

"Thank you so much," Kayha thanked the guard and followed them to the mess hall, ignoring the whispers around her. She didn't need rumors, she needed facts. And a partner she could trust.

"So Charnester," Kayha sat down across from the Litorian, "What do you think about this whole situation? Any gut feelings? Any tingling sensations? Perhaps a sign from a deity?"

2011-10-31, 04:23 PM
Well, until we actually speak with Mr. Dreng, I'd like to not jump to any conclusions.

Charnester takes out his tome, having it open to the list of murder victims he had been looking at last night.

However, look at these pictures. They are mostly torn to shreds by what appears to be some very... animalistic means. But, look here, here and here. Charnester points to the three victims that appeared to be 'hacked,' rather than 'torn.' These three poor fellas were sliced and hacked. Granted, it is little to go on now, but something worth keeping in mind.

He flips through a couple pages of the tome while he eats, looking at the murder victims in more detail as individuals, rather than as a whole.

Still not sure if I should be rolling, but I'd like to start going over the bios of each individual murder vicitm.

2011-10-31, 04:55 PM
Kayha- Seeing it pointed out to you, you can see a bit of difference between the victems

Charnester- You strain your ears but can not tell what the men around you are saying.

I refuse to come up with a name and backstory on each of these 30-40 some odd people, but I'll give you 10. Including the three hacked not torn since i assume youd look at them in more detail.
1. Polas Orrel (Hobbit Beggar)
2. Qwern Soutting ( Centaur Potter)
3. Bowen Fairtree (Human Suspected Crimelord)
4. Tonacho Hottin (Elf Weaponsmith)
5. Tianolde Uscredde (Gnome Alchemist)
6. Vesade Poleche (Half Elf Master Gardener)*
7. Steffon Balkazar (Human Member of Balkazar crime Family)*
8. Nurn Perist (Human Sister of Silence)*
9. Lotai Essrano (Ogre Profesional Linguist)
10. Slorith Wolfastan (Half Orc Bartender)

* Indicates Hacked not Torn

As you two eat and discuss your case a few of the men give you odd glares then get up and swiftly walk out of the room slamming the door behind them.

2011-10-31, 06:29 PM
The hunter finishes his meal and closes the tome. He found absolutely nothing about the victims that could relate to another. The only thing they did seem to have in common was that they had nothing in common at all.

Shall we be off?

Charnester stands and, assuming Kayha follows him, exits the building, leaving to where his tome told him Dreng could be found.

2011-10-31, 09:37 PM
Kayha looked at the slammed door in confusion. Have I done something wrong?

"Very well," Kayha mentally separated the different crimes, hacked, torn, and break ins. They may be related but in her experience sometimes what you assume is one is many. "I'll let you take the lead on this one. You'll get more respect than I will no doubt."

2011-11-01, 12:51 PM
Charnester led the way to the fletcher's house. Respect? And what evidence has given you that impression? Afterall, I am just a freelance bounty hunter. He said the last two words with a mocking tone, as they weren't the words he would choose, but what he has been labeled as.

His knowledge of the city proved efficient on the way to Dreng's home. He was able to lead his partner through a couple shortcuts, cutting their travel time into a fraction.

As the duo arrives at the man's house, Charnester loudly knocks on the door.

Err...We're here on behalf of the City Guard.

Charnester wasn't one to announce his entry beforehand. It seemed so... unprofessional. At least for his line of work.

2011-11-01, 01:30 PM
"Power is given respect. We else would the city guard hire out a 'bounty hunter'. Also, if you hadn't noticed, I am a woman," Kayha responded on their trip through the city. She admired his knowledge of the city being one to still get lost despite living here all her life.

"We would like to ask you a few questions about the incident a couple days ago," Kayha added with a smile to Charnester.

2011-11-01, 10:09 PM
The door swings open and Naalum stands before you.

Let me see some identification?

After you show him your badges he ushers you inside and gestures for you to sit down in a small den. A fire is roaring underneath the mantle with a pot of odd smelling stew over it.

Well have you come about the break-in then? Its about bloody time. The wretch that broke in here stole half of my fletching supplies, How is a man supposed to make a living if your guard lets people wander into houses and take whatever they want?

As Naalum walks away to check on his stew you can tell the every time he steps there is a slight squishing noise coming from him. As he paces the room back and forth ranting about how bad this is going to be for his business the squishing gets almost infuriating.

2011-11-01, 10:53 PM
Charnester ignores the 'squishing' sound at first, listening to the man complain... and complain... and complain...

Trying to sound as much like a guard as he can, Charnester musters up some annoying cliches that he has learned over time.

We understand how this is an inconvenience for you... sir. Did it appear as though the burglars forced themselves into your home... any broken locks or windows or such?

Without giving the man a chance to answer, the squishing sound couldn't be ignored anymore.

Would you like time to change or something? Are your clothes wet... or something?

2011-11-02, 01:47 AM
Naalum turns to you with an odd look on his face. You see that blood has seeped through his pants on his right thigh. Seeing you staring he looks down in udder horror.

Oh! Um uh, excuse me please. You can see yourself out.

He quickly hobbles to the staircase and goes up the stairs, you hear a door slam as he goes out of sight.

2011-11-02, 12:40 PM
Kayha leapt to her feet as soon as she say the blood and rushed after the man, banging on the door. "Sir! You are injured. Please let me heal you as my duty to Gaen, goddess of light," Kayha begged, "You need not take care of this on your own."

2011-11-02, 01:13 PM
Ma'am I have told you to see yourself out, I see that you have found the wrong door. Downstairs you'll find one that is quite less locked. All you must do is turn the knob and follow the bright light.

2011-11-02, 03:30 PM
"Oh aren't you a quite smart and sharp tongued. I am not blind sir hence the fact that you are bleeding and need healing or at least medical assistance," Kayha was getting quite cross. She had dealt with stubborn people before but the wounded were never this stubborn.

She looked around the floor as she waited for the man's response, trying to see how much blood he could have lost so far.

2011-11-02, 03:40 PM
Charnester walks after the man and approaches the locked door with Kayha. He casually leans against the wall next to the door with his arms crossed.

Sir, let me remind you that we are not actual members of the city guard. We are not limited to the same rules that the guards are. If you do not open this door I will open it for you.

Intimidate Check: [roll0]

2011-11-02, 11:48 PM
Fine come in then, I don't want the guard indirectly responsible for losing my business and destroying my house now do I?

The lock on the door clicks and the door swings open Naalum is sitting up his bed you can see the bandage wrapped around his bare leg is soaked with blood.

The wound is fine to be honest, I just bumped it again and reopened it. It'll heal on its own in a few days time. Its not like I'm going to be on my feet working anyway.

The man cuts the bandage in half and you see the wound that is ailing him. It is a small circular puncture in his upper thigh. It seems to be recent, within the past few days. And you can tell the wound really will be fine, as long as it closes.

Happy now? I don't need some strange woman rubbing up on my leg to make me feel better, that's what my wifes for.

2011-11-02, 11:56 PM
Just because her job is to make you feel better does not mean she's from a brothel. You'd best let her offer her services. No sense in hobbling around for the next couple of days when it could be cured right away.

Charnester examined the wound for a moment. The first thought that came to mind was a rapier, but as a fletcher it could be any number of things.

And may I ask how you recieved such a wound?

I'm gonna sense motive on whatever he says

2011-11-03, 12:38 PM
She can offer them all she'd like that doesn't mean I'm taking them.

Naalum grabs a fresh bandage from the nightstand and begins to wrap his leg.

Hmm how does a fletcher get a puncture wound? I got caught in the leg with an arrow you twit! Thing's like this happen all the time in my business. I sand to arrows down until they're a little too smooth to handle and one slips, end of story.

His story seems believable, but you feel like he's being a little too defensive, that or he's just always this crass.

2011-11-03, 12:56 PM
The man seemed a bit too jumpy. I simply asked. You seem a bit flustered, so I'll try to make this visit as quick as possible, as long as you cooperate.

Charnester reaches into his bag and pulls out a piece of folded parchment and an unsharpened pencil. He pulls a shortsword from its sheath quickly. He sharpens the pencil to a point, and gently pokes his index finger with it, making sure it was the point he wanted.

Now, as I asked earlier, was your home forcibly entered? Broken lock, broken window, etcetera? And also, could you list the items from your home that you believe to be stolen?

I also want to make a subtle intimidate check (sharpening the pencil with the sword)... nothing to scare him senseless, but just to send an indirect message, if that makes sense.
Intimidate: [roll0]

Once again, sense motiving everything he says:

2011-11-03, 01:23 PM
He glares at you as you draw your sword in his house, but it seems he understands it's intent.

No, he didn't force his way in, we don't lock our second story windows, we didn't see any need to do so until now. The only window is directly to this room and faces the street.

He gestures towards the window behind him.

So he climbed in through my bedroom window somehow and then snuck downstairs into my basement and stole every single piece of my fletching equipment and supplies. All of the wood, knives, rasps, molds feathers, clamps, glues and most of my feather dye. All thats left down there is the chair I sat it when I woked and the table I worked on. Well that and the dyes that he didn't take.

He finishes wrapping his wound and then puts a new pair of breeches on and throws the old pair in a wash basin in the corner of te room.

2011-11-03, 03:03 PM
Alright... Charnester jots down what Naalum reports is missing.

And how are you sure the window was the point of entry? I'm sure you have evidence, but I just need to confirm. And may we take a look around then? At the point of entry and in your workstation?

2011-11-03, 04:27 PM
Naalum pushes himself up off of the bed and hobbles towards the door.

Well when I got home the window up here was wide open. The doors were still locked from the inside so the windows the only option.

He walks down the stairs through his den and opens the door leading to the basement.

Workshops down there its not too much to look at though now, just an empty room with a table and stool. I hope you don't mind and just sit down up here while you look around.

He then proceeds to limp over to the couch and falls into the cushions.

2011-11-03, 04:38 PM
Kayha gave up trying to heal the man's wounds and instead focused on what he was saying. She waved Charnester to go look while she stayed with Naalum. "How would he be able to carry all of that equipment? And what dyes did he take that he left some behind?"

2011-11-03, 05:41 PM
Naalum sighs when he realises Kalha did not go into the basement.

All of the Red, White and Black dyes were taken, the rest were left behind. And it was a large ammount of equipment but most of the pices are small enough to fit in your average size bag. So it is possible that he just loaded up four or five saddlebags and rode off.

Charnester Every time you've ever questioned someone about a crime they always use indefinate words to describe a person. such as "they" or "the person". You find it odd that Naalum has used "he" and "him" when talking about the person who broke into his house.

2011-11-03, 07:23 PM
Charnester looks at the window, and then walks into the basement to look around. He makes a mental note of the he/they problem as he searches the basement.

I guess I'm going to do search checks? I'll throw in some survival checks with them just in case.

Search Window: [roll0]
Survival Window: [roll1]

Search Basement: [roll2]
Survival Basement: [roll3]

2011-11-03, 10:13 PM
As you search the basement you find absolutely nothing as you search. You see his dyes sitting on the table and the stool. As you go to walk upstairs you you see a faint footprint in the dust near the steps that is far too small to be Naalum's. It is a very small bare humanoid footprint.

2011-11-03, 10:51 PM
Charnester examines the footprint for a moment, making a note of it on his parchment. He returns to where Kayha and Naalum are waiting.

Does anybody else typically go into your workshop, or just you? Also, how much space would your stolen items take up? This thief... she must be rather skilled to be able to leave with all of it unnoticed.

Charnester made sure that Naalum heard him refer to the thief as a 'she,' to see his reaction.

2011-11-03, 11:55 PM
"Did you see the intruder at all? And when was the last time you saw the items until the time you noticed them gone? A time frame will be most helpful," Kayha sat down gently on a nearby chair. She felt this man was getting very tense and thought a more relaxed demeanor may help him settle.

2011-11-04, 02:12 PM
No one ever goes into my workshop but myself, I don't even let my wife down there. The items don't take up too much space, they mainly all fit in the drawers of the table and the hooks off of the side.

Naalum turns towards Kaylha,

I never saw the intruder. I was working in my shop all day and then I went out to purchase some food, and when I came back it was all gone.

He turns again,

Did you find anything down there at all? And what makes you think this robber was female?

2011-11-04, 03:38 PM
Well yes, I found a foot print actually. It was small... halfling perhaps? There was a report of a female halfing being seen stealing lately. Do you know of anyone that fits that description? A friend, an enemy, perhaps an angry customer?

2011-11-04, 04:01 PM
I've heard nothing about a female halfling filching around the city, but I'm not the guards pup now am I? I have no enemies that I know of only satisfied customers. There's got to be hundreds if not thousands of halflings in the city.

Naalum looks down at his feet for a moment and rubs his eye, a tell if you've ever saw one. There is no doubt in either of your minds that he's been lying.

2011-11-04, 05:26 PM
"Sir, I know you must be tired and just wishing that this whole mess can go away. Be assured that my partner and I will not stop till everything has been taken care of and you can rest peacefully but we need every bit of information you can give us to stop whoever is doing this," Kayha gave him a gentle smile, "It is my sworn duty after all."

2011-11-04, 08:30 PM
I've told you absolutely everything a know, don't you think if I could help you find who did this I would?

Charnester You can tell he's lying once again.

2011-11-04, 09:12 PM
"Honestly sir? Yes. People hide lots of things for lots of reasons. Fear, embarrassment, black mail, bribery, involvement. All of these keep people from doing what they know in their heart is right. I just wish I could give you the power to overcome anything that may be holding you back. Alas, I cannot."

2011-11-04, 10:29 PM
Charnester takes a long moment and looks to his right. Then to his left. It was a technique to show the man that he was alone, save for Charnester and Kayha.

Sir, if you didn't want the guards' help then you shouldn't have contacted them. How are we supposed to help you if you do not help us?

Charnester leans in closely to the man, leaning his large right hand against the wall behind Naalum and bringing his face within inches the man.

I'm no fool, Naalum. End the charade. Must I remind you that I am not bound by the strict rules of the City Guard?

His voice was deep and demanding.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2011-11-05, 01:58 PM
I didn't contact you sots my wife did. I told her we should just leave all this alone.

Naalum slumps further into his chair knowing he's defeated.

There was a man that approached me about making bolts for him about three or so months ago. I don't know his name and he always came at night with a hood up over his head. All I know if that he was a skinny creature. Couldn't be taller than your waist. And every time he came here his only exposed flesh was his hands and his feet.

You can tell that he is being honest, but you still feel he's holding somthing back.

2011-11-05, 02:11 PM
There shouldn't be a reason to hide himself unless there's more to this story. Was there anything special about his order?

Charnester did not budge. In fact, as Naalum sunk lower into his seat, Charnester's face followed him just as much.

2011-11-05, 04:00 PM
His order always consisted of bolts that had three feathers, one red, one black, one white. They always had to be made out of Darkwood and he supplied the heads. They werent stone or steel, the looked to be some sort of bone i think.

Naalum attempted to move out of the way to push himself off of the couch but as soon as he got to his feet his injured leg buckled and he fell to the ground.

That's all there is to tell please leave on old man to wallow in his misery alone!

Naalum bursts into tears and starts sobbing while is pant leg takes on a crimson hew.

2011-11-05, 04:16 PM
"Thank you so much for your help sir. Have a good day and feel better. We will keep you updated on our progress in the investigation," Kayha knelt down and kindly touched the man on the shoulder as it glowed slightly yellow.

Expending Comprehend Languages to cast Cure Light Wounds.

2011-11-05, 06:14 PM
One last question before we head out. Why did you not want to inform the city guard? Was there a reason behind that? Surely you would want the culprit found, no?

2011-11-05, 06:23 PM
Naalum flexes his leg slightly and cries out in agony.

Ah! You twit I still have half a bolt in my leg! Now I have to cut myself open AGAIN to fish the thing out!

Naalum crawls over to the couch and uses it to pull himself up,

Get a knife from the drawer in the kitchen and a blanket from that dresser over there and leave me in peace to fix this all up. If I wanted help I would have asked for it!

Naalum sits back into the cushions and begins to breathe heavily.

2011-11-05, 06:31 PM
Kayha stood up and pulled off her belt. "Bite on this. I'll make this quick," Kayha received the knife and with careful precision removed the bolt in a quick minute, ignoring his shouts of pain and protest. With a quick spell, she seemed the wound back up. "Now I'm nice person but that would've been much easier if you had just explained yourself from the get go. Secrets lead to more pain."

Took a ten on my heal check: 20
Used up read magic for cure minor wounds.

2011-11-05, 06:47 PM
Naalum screams in agony as you wriggle the knife through his leg tryig to find the bolt. His screams die down once the spell is cast.

Seven Hells! That hurt ten times more than getting stabbed with the damn thing!

After a minute or two Naalum finally catches his breath.

I guess I should thank you,

He stands up and stretches his leg,

That bolt was one of his. There was smoke outside my window the night of the robbery so I went and opened it to see what was going on. He jumped through the smoke and pinned me to the ground whispered "You're no longer needed for the uprising" and then drove that thing into my leg. He then knocked me out and when I came to he was gone. The bugger was faster and stronger than anyone I've ever seen before.

He walks over to the door and opens it.

Now my wife will be back soon. Don't speak a word of what I've told you to untrustworthy ears or I fear that man will be back.

He offers his hand to both of you as you leave,

Take care of yourselves.

2011-11-05, 07:02 PM
It's about time you started being honest.

Charnester shook the man's hand and left the house.

He would decide to look for somewhere relaxing to sit. Perhaps a bench out of the way of the main street or under a tree somewhere.

He pulled his tome out and decided to research any significance the three colors of the bolt held, as well as if there were any former entries of similar bolts found as evidence.

2011-11-05, 07:20 PM
You walk into the garden and stumble upon a secluded grove of fruit trees. Just before you enter you could have sworn you heard voices coming from the grove, but as you walk in the only things you find are the bits of fruits strewn about under the trees and you notice a few of the branches smouldering slightly. Once you sit on the bench and begin to research you find out that the colors Red, Black and White are significant when used together. They are significant in over Sixty churches, cults, mercinary groups, pubs, shops, and crime syndicates. As for the bolt, no record of a similar bolt has been in the watches findings of any crime. Seem's like you'll have to look elsewhere for help.

2011-11-05, 07:38 PM
"Thank you Naalum. May Gaen watch over you," Kayla left and followed her companion. She looked at the burnt limb and turned to Charnester. "So what we have is a description of the man, the colors and order he requested and something about an uprising. No leads. Perhaps we should follow up with the other break ins?" Kayla knew several things these colors could mean but none struck her.

Knowledge Religion Check [roll0]

2011-11-05, 08:26 PM
You can hardly consider that a description of the man. Skinny and roughly three and a half feet... and powerful?

Charnester tried one more thing before closing his tome. He took the list of all churches, pubs, etc that used those three particular colors, and mentally (or physically in the book, if possible) got rid of all pubs, shops, and churches. He would then try to add "member about three and a half feet tall" to the description. Whether or not it would narrow anything down, with such a vague parameter, it was still something.

Perhaps we should contact our employer first? I'll let you do the talking.

2011-11-05, 08:51 PM
Kayla- any different churches come to mind both good and evil. Also another holy organization that uses red, black, and white is the conglomeration of the good churches, a group known as the Disciples of Valor. They hold meetings twice a year and the members are the high priests of all of the good temples in Ptolus.

2011-11-06, 11:58 AM
"Yes, might be best to report back our findings. On the way there, I'm gonna catch up on some reading," Kayha pulled out her book and whispered, "Disciples of Valor." She gestured for Charnester to lead the way.

2011-11-06, 12:32 PM

Charnester pulls out his amulet from the pouch given to him by the guards.

This should save us a trip.

2011-11-07, 12:34 PM
Kaylha- Not much is known about the Disciples of Valor. All that is know is that it is an organization devoted to honoring the gods and their powers. The members are the high priest from each of the churches in Ptolus. The Holy Empereor created the Disciples when he came into power, and used to sit as a member. There is no leader, just an evenly matched grouping of god fearing priests.

2011-11-07, 01:00 PM
Kaylha- Not much is known about the Disciples of Valor. All that is know is that it is an organization devoted to honoring the gods and their powers. The members are the high priest from each of the churches in Ptolus. The Holy Empereor created the Disciples when he came into power, and used to sit as a member. There is no leader, just an evenly matched grouping of god fearing priests.

2011-11-07, 07:28 PM
"Oh yes, I forgot about those," Kayha took the offered charm after skimming over the section she just read, "Aoska, this is Kayha. We have a report for you."

2011-11-07, 07:32 PM
Yes I know who it is, I'm very busy so if you could just tell me what you've found so I can get back to work.

2011-11-07, 10:28 PM
"Hastiness is no excuse for rudeness, which Naalum learned when we visited him. We have discovered that the thief attacked Naalum the night he was robbed saying "You're no longer needed for the uprising". Red, Black and White dyes were stolen along with the rest of his bolt making equipment. The theif was also a customer who requested bolts of Darkwood with feathers of the stolen colors and a tip he supplied that appeared to be bone. Also, from the description and Charnester's observations, he or she is short, and very skinny." Kayha looked to Charnester to see if he had anything to add.

2011-11-07, 10:59 PM
Thinking for a brief moment, Charnester shakes his head slowly, closing his different colored eyes.

2011-11-08, 12:10 AM
Small and skinny, well that's only one tenth of Ptolus's entire population, but i guess it's better than nothing. On another note a few of our detectives came up after breakfast this morning and informed me that it seems a few of the murders look to be cover ups. I've highlighted the files in your tomes. Sorry for my short temper but I'm a very busy person and I don't really see why we should have had to go to an outside source to fix this problem.

The womans voice ceases ringing in your head for about a minute before she starts up again.

I have no idea what this Uprising could be. I suggest you look into it. Also keep an eye on Naalum. The theif might have meant to kill him and if he knows that he is still alive and working with the guard he might be back. Send me a message when you find out more.

As she finished speaking your tomes flipped to the pages of the files she was speaking of. They are the files you had discovered earlier in the day. As you peer over the files you see a gnome wheel out a cart that is filled with fresh herbs.

Why hello there you two. May I interest you in some healing herbs.

The man walks up behind your bench and puts a hand on Charnester shoulder.

Or perhaps some lovely flowers for your lovely lady?

2011-11-08, 12:51 AM
Charnester quickly slams his tome shut as the gnome approaches, to keep the wandering eyes of the curious out. He stood from the bench as well, making sure the gnome had not tried to pickpocket him. One can never be too careful, especially with the little ones. However, medicinal herbs was something his inventory was currently lacking.

Now that you mention it, some healing herbs might come in handy. What have you got in stock?

Charnester took a few strides to the cart to view the goods.

By the way, friend, have you heard any gossip lately of the recent rise in crime rates around the city?

Gossip does, after all, travel quicker than a flowing river.

2011-11-08, 11:34 AM
In this garden here we grow every type of medicinal herb you can imagine, and even some you doubt would be possible.

He walks back over to his cart,

Oh yes this "wolf in sheeps clothing" everyone is talking about. It's probably some orc junkie trying to get a fix, or perhaps someone who's escaped from the asylum. The things people say and do when they're scared are completely ludacris.

He chuckles to himself,

My favorite of the tales I've heard is of some small creature sneaking into houses during the night and turning people into werewolves. Teehee! How ridiculous is that. Only another werewolf can turn a person into a werewolf.

He scratches at his chin,

I must admit that those of us who work here do repeat that story quite often, seeing as we're one of the only places people can buy wolfsbane. Grows like a weed that stuff, like a sickness choking out everything around it, we have to get rid of it somehow.

He begins to open up little drawers in the cart,

Now what was it you were looking for sir? If your scared of wolves I have just the thing, Teehee.

2011-11-08, 11:43 AM
Kayha gently closed her book, "While I do enjoy flowers, I am not his lady. We are just partners trying to find a way to start up our own Private Investigation business." She smiled at the Gnome.

When he mention werewolves, Kayha got a feeling that something didn't feel right. "Well how soon is the next full moon?" Kayha joked, "Now, to always be safe and support wonderful herbologists like you, how would I use this wolfsbane to protect me?"

2011-11-08, 12:35 PM
The gnome looks up oddly at the woman,

You're not much of an astrologist are you milady? We're smack dab in the middle of The Falling. The Falling only happens ever hundred years and it's a time that for three full months one of the moons over Ptolus is always full. This is an evil time milady, a time when neighbors fight against neighbors and evil little fae come up an snatch peoples souls.

The gnome pulls out a bundle of herbs.

Well milady this is wolfsbane, you can tell since the leaf resembles a paw. You can't use this to protect you although some people believe if you eat this before a werewolf bites you you won't become infected, but trust me milady thats just an old spinsters tale, Teehee. What you do is after you are bitten by a werewolf but before your first transformation, you mash up a bundle of this plant and put it in the wound and then wrap it with a paultrice. After that you take another bundle and eat it. If you do this then the herb will fight fight off the disease before it takes hold of your soul.

The gnome began to put the herbs away,

But milady doesn't really believe there to be werewolves afoot, so I'll just tuck this away.

2011-11-08, 03:42 PM
"My good man, only a fool wouldn't believe in werewolves especially when you've seen one with your own eyes," Kayha gave the man a serious look, "And as you said, the Falling is a troubling time. I'm not worrywort but I strive to be prepared for any evil. I'll take some." She gave him a fond smile before pulling out her coin purse filled with a small amount of the gold she owned.

2011-11-08, 03:58 PM
Charnester looked over the herbs in the cart. A couple of theories popped into his head, they were wild theories, but a couple pieces of a puzzle seemed to lock together in his head. However, it is impossible to solve a puzzle when you only have two or three jigsaws.

Aye, you can never be too careful. I'll have some as well. Even if it is useless for me, consider it thanks for your kindness. You do not see that much anymore.

Charnester paid for his dose, and walked off with Kayha, assuming she followed. After they were out of hearing distance of the gnome, he turned to her.

The skinny short fellow that robbed Naalum. Forgive me if this sounds a bit farfetched, but you don't think the little one was a were-rat, do you? Mr. Dreng said only his hands were shown, and were-rats would have flesh-colored hands like anyone else, right? Also, the footprint, now that I think of it, definitely could have belong to one. And powerful? Strong enough to knock Naalum down with his stature?

Charnester thought for a moment. This may be a stretch, but I'm afraid the bone-like tip of the bolts might have been fangs from were-creatures. It makes sense, right? Maybe I'm wrong, but if I'm not, Naalum may be in more trouble then he was with a bolt in his leg. Perhaps we should visit him again.

2011-11-08, 04:20 PM
Well for you two I can cut you a deal, you seem to be nice enough folk. Twenty Shields a bundle for the wolfsbane.

He hands you both your herbs and slips his newfound silver into his pocket.

Well have a nice day you two.

As you walk away you feel as though you're being followed. As you turn you hear a slight jingling and see the gnome jogging behind you holding one of your tomes.

Excuse me sir! Your book! You forgot your book!

He struggles holding the book up and by the time he gets to you he nearly drops it. He puts it into your hands and almost collapses against Kaylha's leg.

I'm very sorry, I'm an old man now, the body's not what it used to be. Now if you'll excuse me a must get back to my cart. Be careful where you leave those sir, if I were a different sort of man I'd be taking that home with me.

He continues back to his cart and wheels it off deeper into the garden.

2011-11-08, 06:15 PM
"That seems like it would make sense. We should check up on him soon especially since that wound is sealed up but first lets examine the tip," Kayha finished speaking as the gnome ran up, "Thank you so much kind gnome. Hopefully we shall see you again. Stay safe." She waited till he vanished out of sight to pull out the tip from her pocket.

2011-11-08, 06:34 PM
You reach deep into your pocket and for a moment can't seem to find the bolt then finally your fingers brush against it. You cant seem to get a good grip on the sleek darkwood and the your fingers brush up against something odd. Something soft yet rigidly held in place. You rip whatever it is out of your pocket and stare in disbelief. You have the wrong half of the bolt

2011-11-08, 06:45 PM
"What in Gaen's light?" Kayha stared at the bolt. She tried to remember back to removing the bolt. Had it been the feathered end?

Autohypnosis Check please

2011-11-08, 07:50 PM
You vividly remember pulling the front half of the bolt out of Naalum's leg, not the half you hold in your hand.

2011-11-08, 10:50 PM
"Charnester, find that gnome. I'm going to see Naalum. This is not the end I pulled out of his leg," Kayha ran off to Naalum's door and lightly knocked on the door.

2011-11-08, 11:49 PM
Charnester realizes at once that the gnome must have pulled the old switcheroo when he knocked into Kayha's leg. He begins to to run as quickly as he can in the direction he wheeled his cart, sniffing his nose with fury.

Fool him once, shame on him.
Fool him twice... it's gonna be a bad day.

Rules for tracking by scent are in Monster Manual on page 314, hopefully this should be relatively easy, given he smells like fresh herbs (you're a culinarian Ben, you cannot tell me I wouldn't pick that up haha)

Survival: [roll]d20+11/roll]

2011-11-09, 12:51 AM
You follow the scent for a few minutes. You pass by the cart in the bushes directly behind where it was before. You quickly realized the gnome moved on and continue following. His sent ends at the base of a very old oak tree. Just as you get there a bolt comes whizzing down from the branches above catching you in the lower back, it feels as though your whole back is on fire as the bolt grazes your spine.

Aww did the little kitty get hurt? What a shame.

The Gnome opens his mouth and hear a gutteral roar that sounds like a bear. When the gnome looks back down at you his face has formed to be almost snout like and his ears grew and look like those of a bear. His mouth his filled with large sharp teeth.

Come up and play little kitty, or are you too hurt that your owner has to come get me herself?

Charnester you take 7 Damage

2011-11-09, 03:33 PM
Charnester takes the grappling hook he has hanging from his belt, swings it around to gain momentum, and tosses it at the creature in the tree, hoping to hook onto his shoulder or neck... the neck would be nice. If he succeeded, he will pull down on the rope, attempting to drag the were-bear out of the tree.

Ranged Touch to Grappling Hook his ass: [roll0]
Damage if it sinks in? not sure.
Strength check to yank him down:[roll1]

2011-11-09, 08:21 PM
Charnester- The grappling hook flies through the air and the prongs catch the back of the Gnomes neck but fail to sink into him. As you pull on the rope to try and pull him down he doesnt even budge.

Aww is the kitty scared of getting stuck in a tree, don't worry I'll come down and play.

At that very moment the gnome dives down out of the tree towards you, as he falls he grows larger and covers in hair. By the time he smashes into you he is fully transformed into a bear. As he colides with you he slashes one of his monstrous paws across your face, batting you to the ground. He lands firmly on top of you pinning you down in the tall grass.

Go ahead and scream for help little kitty, no ones here to save you.

You take 28 damage (sorry)
And you're pinned (Rules on page 157 of PHB)

Kaylha- You reach Naalum's house and knock on the door, after a few seconds of waiting the door opens,

Not to be rude, but what are you doing here again?

2011-11-09, 08:28 PM
"Do you still have the tip of the bolt I took out of your leg?" Kayha asked quickly, "Please, I need to know. It's quite urgent. Also, out of your own safety I recommend you go to the Temple of Gaen and tell them Kayha sent you to be treating for a recent were attack. I have reason to believe that wound may be infected."

2011-11-09, 08:30 PM
He looks at you puzzled,

You took that with you miss. And I was struck by a bolt not bitten by a wolf, I think I'll be fine.

2011-11-09, 08:33 PM
"I believe the tips of the bolts to be of a werecreature," Kayha explained before turning and running, "Trust me or not, I shall have your proof soon enough provided my companion can track as well as they say." Kayha rushed to find Charnester.

2011-11-09, 08:36 PM
Why would a werecreatures bone infect me? They transfer the infliction through blood and saliva.

He shouts after you as you run back towards the garden.

2011-11-09, 10:06 PM
Under the full weight of the bear, Charnester saw no point in struggling. There is no dishonor in losing an impossible fight.

Who in the Nine Hells sent you?

2011-11-09, 10:40 PM
Charnester- The bear presses his weight harder onto your limbs as he growls lightly,

Aww did the kitty lose his claws?

You see a hint of a smirk on the bears face,

Sent me? No one sent me, I was passing by the house of a mutual friend when you barged into his house. Me and my friends have just been having some fun in the city, and we don't want any trouble. We're nomads, much like your kind, we move from place to place and hunt, and then we leave. So why don't you just leave us be. Better yet, why don't you join in the fun.

The bear nuturingly brushes his muzzle against your shoulder before gently sinks his teeth into it. He pulls his teeth out and sups blood from the wound before licking the remaining blood from your clothes.

Aww you look hurt, maybe you should get some rest.

He reals back one paw and brings it swiftly across your face knocking you unconcious.

You take 25 damage total.

Kaylha- You sprint all the way back to the garden. You're nearly completely out of breath by the time you find the cart tucked behind the bushes. You keep running further until you feel like you might have been turned around somewhere. You go through a grove and then you see Charnester. He's hog tied hanging from the branch of a large oak tree. A massive puddle of blood is pooled up on the ground beneath him.

2011-11-09, 11:39 PM
"Gaen, grant me strength," Kayha prayed when she came upon Charnester's body. She pulled out her amulet as he drew her weapon and watched the area. "We have trouble milady. Charnester has be assaulted and hung up in a tree beyond my reach and near death. We are in a grove near Naalum's house and I believe werecreatures are involved. Please, send aid."

2011-11-09, 11:49 PM
No response comes from the other side of the amulet. A minute passes, then a few more, still no response. After what seems like an eternity three winged men with talons for feet swoop down out of the sky and into the oak tree. two of the men grab onto the rope while the other cuts it in two. The two men lower Charnester slowly to the ground and unbind him.

We were told you would be able to heal him, none of us are proficient in those arts. but they did give us a potion for him. We must go back to patroling milady, we're sorry we could not help more.

With that one of the three men take hands you a potion and then they take off back into the sky vanishing from sight.

2011-11-10, 12:00 AM
"Thank you! I shall not forget this!" Kayha called as they flew away. Kayha knelt by Charnester and examined his wounds carefully before slowly healing his wounds. She was unsure what did this to him and did not want to heal any wounds that could possibly hold the curse.

Heal Check[roll0]
Expending Comprehend Languages for a careful cure light wounds. [roll1]

2011-11-10, 12:07 AM
You look over his body and can tell that there is an obvious bite mark over his entire left shoulder, and bruises and claw marks across his face. As you cast your spell the wounds over his face slowly begin to stitch themselves up, but most of the scratches are still there. Charnester then slowly begins to stir, and then finaly awakens.

2011-11-10, 01:15 AM
The bright light above momentarily blinds Charnester as he comes to. Was the encounter with the ferocious little midget a dream? He reached his hand to his shoulder, wincing in pain as he felt the bite wound. Not a dream.

Wolfsbane. I need wolfsbane. Charnester stood, feeling a bit wobbly as he did so. That damn gnome!

He pulled his recently purchased wolfsbane from his pouch, throwing it on the ground. Not this, it cannot be trusted. He turned to Kayha. How long do I have?

Making a Knowledge:Local check to think of where I could buy some wolfsbane.

2011-11-10, 11:38 AM
As you stand up you knees buckle and you fall back to the ground onto the rope that bound you. As you stand back up clutching the rope your realize it was your own grappling hook that suspended you from the tree. You think for a moment and remember that there are 3 places that you know of where someone can buy wolfsbane. One is in this garden, the second is at the greenhouse in the noble district and the third is the inverted pyramid. You feel as though your wounds are on as you start to slowly trudge through the garden.

2011-11-10, 01:32 PM
"Charnester, calm down. You almost died. We shall get you some wolfsbane and then get you to my temple unless you insist on rushing on in which case I have a potion for you from the guard," Kayha showed him before picking up the dropped possibly fake herb and pocketing it for evidence, "Now where do you suggest we find real wolfsbane?"

2011-11-10, 03:23 PM
Charnester holds his hand up to the suggestion of the potion. If the gnome had any hair of truth to him, I need these wounds still open in order to prevent a case of lycanthropy.

He thought for a second. He attempted to move his hand to his chin, in a 'thinking gesture', but the pain in his shoulder flared at the movement.

Let us head to the Inverted Pyramid. Perhaps they can be of help.

He carefully knelt down to loop up his grappling hook and attach it to it's home on his belt.

He began marching off towards the Inverted Pyramid.

Did you have any luck with Naalum?

2011-11-10, 04:28 PM
"Once he confirmed that I had the bolt I came to find you as fast as possible. I only pray he listened to my advice but nevertheless, I will send one of my fellow priests to his house as soon as we get you well," Kayha walked close beside Charnester, constantly checking on him and observing the sun high in the sky.

2011-11-11, 12:07 AM
You slowly walk on for about and hour and a half. You finally make it to a large square one story building, The Inverted Pyramid's main headquarters. You knock on the door for a while and then it swings open and a halfling is standing in front of you.

Why hello there, oh, OH sir you're in dire need or medical attention, please come in how can we help you.

He escorts you through the main lobby into a side chamber and motions for you to sit.

2011-11-11, 01:51 AM
However crazy and absurb this may sound to you... I need wolfsbane.

Charnester sits down, and takes a deep breath.

I was bitten by a were-bear.

2011-11-11, 01:00 PM
Ah, well, alright, no offense by why wouldnt you just got to a church and have then remove your curse and disease? Well actually I guess it's none of my business, how much wolfsbane would you like to buy its 200 silver a bundle. You've got quite the nasty wound there, I'd probably suggest getting at least two or three bundles, unless you don't mind roaming around haf man half animal.

He gets an extreamly embarassed look on his face,

Oh well uh, let me just go get what you need. He rushes away heads to a staircase going up and disapears out of site.

A few minutes later an elderly man with a basket of herbs comes down the stairs peers around the room over his glasses, and then finally walks towards you.

You're the ones looking for wolfsbane I assume?

2011-11-12, 06:10 PM
Charnester looks to his bear wounds. That's right... Also, while we are here, could I ask you what you know of The Falling? Apparently, there is a group of lycanthropes that travel from place to place, attacking the inhabitants. Does that mean anything to you?

2011-11-12, 06:18 PM
"Also, you wouldn't happen to know what this herb is do you?" Kayha pulled out the herd from the gnome to show the man.

2011-11-12, 07:09 PM
A group of Lycanthropes that travel from place to place you say? That reminds me of a tale I heard when I was a boy, we should have a book around here somewhere about it, one moment.

The man walks away and comes back a few moments later with a large leatherbound tome. He takes his glasses out of his pocket, licks his fingers and flips through the pages. After a minute or so of flipping thorugh he stops,

Ah here it is.

He spins the book around and you see a grotesque picture of five beastial creatures feeding on flayed corpses. You at once recognize the cub sized were-bear.

This is a tale they used to tell in my homeland about the "True Lycanthropes". It's said that these five made a pact with elder gods for immortality, and they were all forced to take on the visage of the gods that granted it to them. One bear, one boar, one rat, one tiger, and one wolf. It is said that their power was so great that those they fought became infected with their great power, and became mere puppets to the elder gods that flowed through them.

He flipped through the pages a little while longer,

There has been no proof of this tale, but most old legends are somewhat based on fact, however skewed it became over the years no one ever knows. If the ones you're talking about are truely these creatures, then we are all in for a very big problem.

He then looks at Kayha and gawks at the herb in her hand,

Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to either hand that to me right now or leave the premesis. Nightshade is a very deadly poison and illegal in the city of Ptolus. If you wish I can safely dispose of it for you.

2011-11-12, 07:51 PM
"Gladly dear sir," Kayha handed over the herbs, "Would you mind if I read around while you tend to my friend? I would like to find out more on these Elder Gods."

2011-11-12, 09:45 PM
I'm sorry Miss, the library is offlimits to non-initiates.

2011-11-13, 03:30 AM
Charnester makes a slight ahem combined with a fake cough, looking at the wolfsbane, and back to his still open wounds.

2011-11-14, 03:02 AM
The man looks up at you,

Oh, yes, back to the matter at hand.

He waves his hand over the leaves and steam comes out of them as they shrivel up. He puts them in a mortar and crushes them. He then pours in a vial of water and mixes it.

I must warn you sir, Belladona is extreamly toxic. After you drink this you may feel weak for a a few days, but it could also be a few weeks. I also suggest you go to a priest and have him remove all curses and diseases from you as soon as possible. Also, stitching up your wounds wouldnt hurt as well.

He pushes the mortar across the table to you,

I warn you now sir, drink this at your own risk.

2011-11-14, 11:01 AM
It's the lesser of the two evil, however.

Charnester reaches for the concoction and swallows it quickly. The herbal taste was unpleasant for his liking.

I think I've had my fair share of poison and disease for one day...

He looks to the man. There wouldn't be a possibility I could borrow that book by any chance, is there?

2011-11-14, 01:16 PM
You drink down the brew and you feel perfectly fine,

I'm sorry but this is the inverted pyramids private property. No one is allowed to take it off the premesis, to be honest i shouldn't have showed it to your in the first place.

He pulls out a piece of paper and snaps his fingers and a quill appears,

If you go to this address in the nobles district to a store named Dracus Arcana. and ask for the owner, he should have a copy of a book with the same story in it that you can borrow. If he says no tell him,
"Rylis says you owe him one. "

He hands you the paper and says,

Now I'm sorry but I'm a very busy man and I must get back to work, I hope I've been helpful.

2011-11-14, 05:09 PM
"Thank you sir. We shall not forget your kindness. I'm Kayha of Gaen by the way." She went to Charnester.

"Come, I shall take you to my temple first. They are much more prepared for tending to the wounds and removing any lingering disease or curse. Once you are settled, I shall get the book and you'll make a report. Sound good?"

Kayha helped her partner up and led him towards the temple district.

2011-11-14, 07:37 PM
Charnester bowed to the man as he left. He walked with Kayha to the temple, with nothing but two currents hopes. One, to not get ambushed by other lycanthropic creatures. And two, to get this retched disease removed for good.

2011-11-15, 05:08 AM
You reach the temple with no troubles. But as you get to the doors Charnester nearly collapses to the ground. As you walk inside there are a few acolytes cleaning and a dwarf praying at the altar he turns his head to see you as you walk in and gawks at your wounds then returns to praying. The high preist walks up to you out of the corner.

By Gaen's glories light! What happened to you, please sit down, rest!

Charnester, you take 12 Strength Damage.

2011-11-15, 05:51 PM
"High Priest, this is my partner Charnester and during the investigation you recommended me for he was attacked by a werebear," Kayha whispered to not disturb the rest of the temple, "He's been treated with nightshade but I did not want to disturb the healing process without your aid with a fear that I may seal the curse inside him. Will you be able to help him?"

2011-11-15, 09:02 PM
This day just keeps getting better... Werebear attacks, being hung to dry, infliction of lycanthropy disease, infliction of another poison to heal it. Ugh...

Charnester weakly puts his palm to his face.

2011-11-16, 05:59 PM
I'm sure you mean he was treated with Belladona. It has similar traits as nightshade and is also very poisonous.

The man ushers you into a room behind the pulpit,

One moment while I gather some things needed.

He comes back with insence various herbs and a scroll case. He aranges the incense around your chair and lights the herbs underneath your feet. He then prays for a moment and reads from the scroll. His hands glow with power as he touches you. He then reads more from the scroll and touches you again.

Well those spells have broken the curse on your body and ridden it of the disease that riddled your body. Now for the actual healing.

He touches you again and all of your wounds close.

I can tell youre feeling weak so I'll do what I can to help you gain back your strength, but I'm afraid I can only do this once, you've exhausted my useful spells for the day.

He holds up his holy symbol and a light juts out and warms your body.

You get 6 points of strength back

2011-11-16, 10:55 PM
"Thank you High Priest," Kayha bowed to him, "Gaen shines upon us today with your aid. Now Charnester, remain here while I go pick up this book and try to convince Naalum to come to the temple." She turned to the high priest, "I believe he may have been infected recently as well and I want to get him helped as soon as possible."

2011-11-16, 11:44 PM
I give you my thanks, High Priest.

Charnester offered an outstretched hand to the man.

Kayha, please, be careful. Travel swiftly. I will remain here, rest, and research- if that is alright with you, High Priest.

Assuming it is not an issue, and after seeing Kayha off, Charnester removes his tome from his bag. He tries to pinpoint the gnome that attacked him in the tome, specifying as many details about him that he could remember.

2011-11-19, 02:30 AM
Charnest searches through his tome as Kayha runs to find the book. Charnester find absolutely nothing on the gnome that attacked him in the police's records.

Kayha gets to the bookstore fairly quickly. All the lights are off and it seems like no one is there.

2011-11-19, 12:41 PM
"Hello? Is anyone here? I'm here to pick up a book my friend sent me for," Kayha knocks loudly before trying to open the door.

2011-11-19, 01:04 PM
The door slowly opens as you knock, being pushed upen by the force. You see an elderly man sitting in the corner reading by candle light.

And who in the seven hells dio you think you are wandering into my house?!

2011-11-19, 01:09 PM
"Hello, I'm Kayha Trale. I'm so sorry to bother you but is this Dracus Arcana? I'm looking for the owner. Rylis told me he would be able to help me find a book on the True Lycanthrops?"

2011-11-20, 12:17 AM
Assuming the High Priest was a wise man, Charnester approached him, closing his tome. Excuse me, would you happen to know the tale of the True Lycanthropes? If you did, I would be most honored to hear the story.

Perhaps another man's perspective of the tale could shed some enlightenment.

2011-11-20, 02:24 PM
Kayha- True Lycanthropes? No such book here sorry. Tell Rylis he's a lying old coot. You can leave now.

The man Keeps his eyes on the book the entire time he's talking to you. As he finishes speaking he waves you away.

Charnester- I'm sorry sir, but I've never heard of any "True Lycanthropes". You need rest lad, leave your reserch for later, please follow me to my chambers.

The High Priest walks you into another room connected to this one. A small bed is in the corner.

Rest now my child.

With that he leaves you.

2011-11-20, 05:38 PM
"He assured me you would have a book like this and even said that you owe him one. It's an old legend they use to tell in his homeland and it was in this large, leather tome," Kayha insisted, "Please sir, this book would provide most helpful for my investigation with the guard."

2011-11-21, 12:20 PM
The man looks up at you,

That son of a whore! Tell him this is the last time he gets any help from me!

He gets up and pulls a large tome off of the shelf and hands it to you.

You better have that book back here in two days time in perfect, and I do mean PERFECT condition, or you'll be in quite a bit of debt to me, that book is near priceless.

He sits back down in his chair.

Now get out of here before I change my mind.

2011-11-21, 01:40 PM
Charnester sits on the bed, but refuses to rest. He'd hardly put in half of a day's work, how could he rest? Granted, the lingering effects of the remedy did weigh on his shoulders.

He pulled out his amulet to contact his employer. Aoska, there may be more to this than we might have thought...

Charnester begins to explain every detail to her. The bolts, the attack from the lycanthrope, the True Lycanthropes, and his and Kayha's current positions.

2011-11-21, 05:03 PM
"Thank you sir, and I promise I shall return it in the condition you gave it. Good day," Kayha slid the book into her backpack before heading out and making her way back to Naalum's House.

2011-11-22, 01:51 PM
Charnester- Aoska patiently listens to you and then demands that you both go back out and search for these "True Lycanthropes" if they even do exist. She seems to think that they're probably just a group of crazed men trying to seem strong. She alsoo informs you that the bodies of the men who seemed to be carved up had been exhumed and it seemed their bodies were radiating a holy magic, which confirms her suspicion that someone was using these brutal murders to cover up murders of their own. And tells you that once you find and bring these lycanthropes to justice you must report back to her to be briefed on the other men.

Kayha- As you run back to the church it begins to pour rain. You see A human and an elf standing in the rain staring oddly as you run past. They jog up next to you as you run.

Is anything wrong milady?

2011-11-22, 03:17 PM
"Nothing wrong at all except for this dismal rain. I just wish to make haste on my errands before I rust," she flashed a smile before continuing on her way.

2011-11-23, 03:01 AM
Charnester puts his amulet away, unsure of what to do next. He attempts to leave the room and be on his way. Not wanting to make the High Priest worry, he tries to maneuver quietly out of the church.

Regardless of whether he is heard or not, he makes his way in the direction of where Kayha had headed for the book.

Move Silently:[roll0]
Not sure if you need it, but hide just in case?:[roll1]

2011-12-02, 10:11 AM
Charnester and Kayha meet up while the church is still in sight.

Well looks like you're safe now milady, we'll be on our way, have a nice day.

The two men run off into the distance disapearing around a corner your rounded a few moments earlier.

2011-12-02, 10:20 PM
"Charnester, you look as if you have barely recovered at all," Kayha commented as she reached him, "I was just on my way to Naalum's abode. You should really return to the church for rest."

2011-12-04, 06:44 PM
Charnester waves his hand in disagreement.

I will be fine, only time can treat me now, there are better things to do. Did you have any luck obtaining the book?

2011-12-11, 11:08 AM
"Yes, now if you insist on coming with me let us move. The sun is getting closer to setting and I would rather have Naalum safe and be able to rest somewhere safe. The whispers are making me uneasy," Kayha motioned for Charnester to follow.

2011-12-11, 01:55 PM
As you get to Naalum's house you find him outside tending his small garden.

Why hello there. How are you two doing?

2011-12-11, 02:21 PM
We're here to check on you. Could we ask you a favor? I'd like for you to come to the temple with us. Just a preliminary caution.

OOC: Should I be suspicious that his text color changed? haha

2011-12-14, 12:20 AM
Sure that's fine, let me just lock up.

Naalum heads into his house and closes the windows then locks the door and pockets his key.

So where are we going?

2011-12-15, 04:41 PM
"Oh, not to far. Just to the Temple of Gaen. Glad to see you are some much less jumpy as you were before," Kayha smiled as she led, making sure to stick to the main streets.

2011-12-27, 06:46 PM
Charnester followed closely behind, his eyes vigilant on the streets around him.

2011-12-28, 01:02 PM
You return to the church and make it back inside with no interuptions. As you make your way inside the it is just as you left it. The dwarf is still at the altar praying and the acolytes are still clearing things up.

2012-01-02, 10:16 PM
"High Priest, this is the other man I told you about. Would you mind looking at him for us?" Kayha asked.

2012-01-27, 01:53 PM
Of course. Hello my friend.

The priest casts a few spells and turns back to you,

This could be a problem.

He goes to a back office and comes back with a mug of steaming liquid.

Drink this my friend, it should hold back some of the diseases that are laying dormant. If you could come back here tomorrow I'd like to cast some restorative spells on you to make sure they leave your body. Now I must be going, I have a few things to attend to.

With that the priest throws on a jacket and walks out of the temple.

2012-01-30, 02:26 AM
Charnester crossed his arms, and then scratched at his chin for a moment. Diseases? As in more than one? Naalum, please, do get some rest.

The litorian turned to his partner-in-justice, so to speak. Now, since we are apparently in charge of dealing with these malicious shapeshifters, there's one stop I would like to make. Let us go to my friend's shop. He's an arms dealer, if anyone has some silver weapons in this city, it's Rastor.

With that, Charnester lead the way to the weapon shop.